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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Mar 1926, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAYJ MARL~H 4tIi., 1926 CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Jas. G. Burns, Haimpton, wishes to tbank the doctors, the sup- erintendent and nurses of Bowman- ville Hospital for itheir kindness and attention shown her during her re- cent illness, also the friends for the loveiy flowers, etc., sent to her. Mr. A. W. Aluin and fainily, Car- lise Avenue, desire to thank aRI. heir friends and neighbors, also the Sup- erintendent and nurses of Bowman- ville Hospital for their kindnez and aympathy during the ilness and death of Mrs. Allin, also for the beautiful flozýl off erngs. OUR WELDING MAKES IT SAFE If you ailow.ed that littie crack or break ta continue, you might 'have a seriaus accident ta your car, or, your engine might break down coin- pletely and cost you ten times the price in delays, worry, etc. Let us do that necessarry welding now and save you worse trouble. RATCLIFF MACHINE SHOP King St. E. Bowxnville Phone 425W HARRY WAGNER Teacher of Hawaian Guitar. Complet@ Course in Transposition for Guitar, Ukulele, Uke-Banjo. Studio over Coucb, Johnston & Cryderman's, Bowinanville, every Wednesday. Address: Balmoral Hgotel King Radios Batteries Tubes Loud Speakers and Radio Supplies L. F. Irwin PLome 83 or 276 Bowmanville MONUMENTAL ART WORKS ESTABLISHED 1857 Importer direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES and only the best grades of VERMONT BLUE MARBLE I employ no cemetery caretakers as agents preferring to seli my own goods thus saving the purchaser the agent's commission. A caîl solicited. F. H. BOUNSALL Proprietor Bowmaiiville Phione 326W Box 94 STEAMSHIP TICKETS M. A. JAMES To Etrope-Canadian Pacifie, White Star Dominion, Cunard, American. Ask for information. Phone fi$ Statesman Office, Bowmanville. CHIROPRACTIC DR. DURWIN E. STECKLEY Honar graduate of Toronto Chiro- practie College will be in office on Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoon and evening. Phones: Office 141J; Residence 141W. Residential calîs made at Hampton, Newcastle and District. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Hanor graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King St., Bowmanville. Office phone 40. House phone 22. DR. J. C. DEVITT Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- manville. Office bours 9 a. m. ta 6 P. i. daily except Sunday. Phone 90a. House phone 90b. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- versity an.d member of Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Licensed to practise in Ontario and the Domin- ion. Dentistry in alI ite branches. Office-King St., Bowmnanville, op- posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to loan on Farin and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to boan. Bonds for sale. Offices Bleakley Block, King St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones: Office 102, House 409. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Complete Motor or Horse Equipment AlI calîs promptly attended to. Private Ambulance Bowmanville Phones 10 and 34 Branch Stores-Orono & Newcastle. ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Director. Calîs given prompt and personal at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowman- ville, Ont. 3-tf. MEDI CAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Gold Medalist of Trinity University, Toronto. Four years attending Phy- sician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Residence, Wellington Street, Bow- manville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College,. Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and Residence, Dr. Beith's former residence on Church Street, Bowmanville. Phone 259. 44-t. VETERINARY DR. F. "* TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night calîs promptly attended to. Office: King St. East, Bowmanville. Phone 243. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Se. Orono Honor Graduate of University of Toronto. AIl cases given prompt and careful attention. Office- Dr. McElroy's former office. Phones: Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farm and House Sales a Specialty. Terms moderate. Enniskillen P. O. Phone 197r3. 1-tf. WILLIAM MAW Licensed Auctioneer Having met with consîderable suc- cess in conducting sales for the pa3t 19 years, 1 now offer my services to -he p.pe- owavleA v-1 AUCTIONEER & REAL ESTATE NORMAN MONTGOMERY 18 years' experience, all classes of auction sales, pure l'red stock a specialty. Business address: 406 Bloor St. W., Phone Trinity 1832; Residence: 269 Havelock St., phone Lombard 2933, Toronto. 41-6in STOVE p.:OLISH Our thoughts have been turned to a very interesting subject fromi read- ing an addrese by Dr. Carl H. El- more, pastor of First Presbyterian Cburch of Englewood, New Jersey, anc of the most influentia pulpits in that great denomination in the Unlit- ed States ,and published in Christian Work of Nerw York in its issue cf February 13th., 1926. The sub- jeet is "A Fight for a Home" and natu.rally when we firet caught sight of the heading aur interest vas stir- red. The theme is sjiggested by the words of the Sbunammnite woinan as recorded in Il Kings, 4:10, when she said "Let us niake, I pray thee, a ittle chamber on the wall". She desired ta off er to Elisha be- coming hosptality in their humble home, beieving him ta be a gocd man and worthy of the best accom- modation the could provide for such a worthy guest. Dr. Elmore begins his address thusly: Strange as it may 3eemr, family if e vas threaitened Ln Shun- cm, even as it is in Englewo>od. We are incined te feel that the glamor of questionable amusement, the dlaim of our social obligations, the pressure of aur affairs, create prob- lemis about the hearthstone utterly new anmong men. It îs far f romi true. The lure of the street and the marketplace, shop talk and shal- iow chatter about the happenings of the day, the siimy whisper of scandai the persistent cordiaiity ofI well-meaning but small-mminded ac- quaintances, the courtesies cf feasts and dinneTs, celebrations and asem- bliics-ail this and miore heat upon the doors of that home in Shunoin. Life in a small town is noe ionely, nor is it free from temptation. It niay lack quality of interest; it cer- tainly does not lack quantity. Above cverything it contains a social de- mand which invests privacy with su- spicion. I have spent tbree days cf~ my life in such places in the South, and I know. This huddled commun- ity upon one of the post 'roads of ancient Israei containcd the germ of pretty much everyhing that troubles the modern home. The story of bow one brave-minded faînily strugglcd to escape the bane of its environment in such a place is îloti without significance tcday. That fight began in hospitality ex- tended to the best. There was une personality that visited Shuaein, which brought with it the breath of a Larger world-interests, ideas, vis- ions, whicb lifted Mie above the pet- ty rcund of village affairs. "And eie constrained him to eat bread. And she said, "I poirceive that he passeth l'y us continually, let us make a little chamber on the wallW and it shaîl be when lie cometh that he shall tumn in bither". Let us lay hold on this opportunity ta entertain the beat. Let us make this inspir- î.ing personality a member of our faily circie. That home came ta l'e a different place on the day thati " ced was spread for Elisha and al "chair placed for hi.m at the board. The pin that has touched a mag- net is neyer the sam.e again, lome- thing of the mysterious power of the anc stirs al'idingly through the dead metai of the other. Much of the saine thing happenLs when sinaîl lives are brought into contact with great anes. Napoleon knew it when he commanded that before each battle every officer to l'e engaged should came into bis presence to reccive the clasp of bis hand and look from his eye. "I cannot remember a word that be spyoke", said a coilege student after -contact with Emerson, "but I know that I came away walk- ing on thin air!" It is a long stride toward victury over environinent when a home op- ens its doors to the dynamic influ- ence of a great persgonaiity. Sec Lon.gfeibow's family eagerly awaît- in.g the stop upon the V.,,rshold of Charles Sumner, just back froinlber- culean labors in the nation's. canital. "Ris co'ming always l'rougbt a sun- beam", said Mrs. Alexander Whyte of Henry Drummond. "The children couid not l'e kcpt froin hum and bis presence seemcd to linger in the raoms after hie had gone". Wliat a picture that is of AdmiraI Peary seated at the table in the Wite House with ail the little Rooseveîts, dinner forgotten hanging on is words as bie describes his battles witb the Arctic icepack. It is in such atînosphere that couragenus effortà engendcred and noble pur- pose born. "Truc enougb", you may reply, "but aur bouse enjoys no sueh privilege. The reach of our ae- quaintance precludes such opportun- ity"'. And yet however humble your estab'lishment, a hast of gueste known through the iengtlh and brcadth of the land, find their way THE EDITOR TALKS What a joy and îatisfaction it is ta have tume for reading and also to have plenty and ample variety of go.od books, magazines and other publications. Under such condi- tions one has no turne or desire for trashy literature which we regret to knio.w finds a lucrative demand withi Canadian youth as well as in the ad- joining republic. Every possible effort should be made by parents of young children especialiy, and also by school teachers in our public and high schools and other educational institutions ta create in the mi.nds of the young folk of this Dominion a positilve desire for good reading. We have just read in "Poiiyanna's Jewels"-the Fourth Giad Book-in Chapter IX under Chriatimas Sur- prises where Junior put bis daddy through a severe examination in quest of information he wanted, showing the natural instinct in chiidren for knowledge. He who has Taised a boy or boys, &yc, and girls, too, and failed ta be cornered nsany times hy the questions askcd by the youngsters in their c'uriostY to know the particulars respecting some ab- ject that interests them bas nLot had the usuai parental expeoiencc. Their desire for information must be sait- isfied, or should be. I Dated February lut, lM6 NEW FEDERAL ISSUE IS GOOD INVESTMENT The new Dominion of Canada $45,000,000 issue of 4 % % bonds, due February lst, 1946, is being of- fered a.t once by a strong Canadian gyndicate composed of Bank of Montreal, Royal Bank of Canada, Canadian Bank of Commence, Wood, Gundy & Gompany Limited, Don'in- ion Securities Corporation, Limited, A. E. Aines & Company, laimited, 'and National City Company, Uimited. The new issue is considered to be at- tractive, being offered at 97 and in- terest, yielding an interest return oif 4.73%. In view of the pronounced short- age of Governinent and Municipal bonda, due to the smaUler volume of financing in 1926, it is expected that the present off ering will be quickly taken up by investors. It is under- stood thst the syndicate offering the bonds will again f'oilow the policy of distributing thein as wide.ly as pos- sible by giving smal investors throughout the çounitry a full op- portunity to participate. In order that bonds will be available, it is ex- pected that it wiIl again be necessary to alLot larger buyers a less amount than applied for. The proceeds of the issue are to be used for refunding purposes and will be applieêd toward retiring $70,000,- 000 of short terrn Notes, and $25,- 000,000 of Bonds, maturing April lst. BRoth issues were payable in United States funds and the new is- sue is another step toward meeting the financial requirements of the Governaient by borrowing at home rather than abroad. The bonds run for a longer terra than any other direct Domini.on bond available in the market. Dealers are urging clients to forward appli- cations as quickly as possible, in or- der to ensure fulfilment of orders. into the very center of it. In the ewoi,Ïng days of the Worid'a series, if t.here are lads under your rocf, you can't go te, a meal without finding Bucky Harris and Walter Johnson there as honored table coanpanions on the tip of each eager little tongue. When Professor Pupin landed as a lad upon these shores of ours with only five cents in his pocket, the immigration authorities, seeking some loophole by which they could admit hum, asked if he had any ac- quaintances in this country. To which he replied promptly, "Yes- Benjamin Franklin, Abrahamn Lin- oin ,and Harriet Beecher Stowe". Whereupon, after deliberation, they reported, 'We have decided to ac- cept you as a citizen. A boy with such friends is sure to get on". (To be continued.) COMICS IN COLORS IN THE DETROIT SUNDAY TIMES Get your copy at A. L NICHOLLS, BOOKSTORE loc Per Copy 9-4 WOMEN'S CANADIAN CLUB The Women's Canadian Club, were exceedingl, foitunate in having for their speaeer on Monday asat, Mrs. Wesley Bundy, who for three years was president of the Local Council of W'omen in Toronto and ia now its honorary president. Mrs. Bundy in a very charming way, told of the organization iand work of the Council of Women. It-, was organized to proniole legislation w'ihich would in- prove conditions-especiaUi1y of wom- en and children. In politics they wish te get the highest type of can- didate in either party. They look af- ter new Canadians and are endeavor- to get legislation in regfard t~o mat- ters of public heaith, town planning, taxation, immigration, and many other things. Internationally there are 38,000,000 members of the Qounicil of Women. After speaking brieily of the Was- hington Conference held last suin- mer, Mrs. Bundy went on te speak of the League of Nations, its organisa- tion aims and accomplishiments. A recurrence of a vjar like the last one with alI the discoveries and in- ventions in science and gas that have been made since peace vins signed would mean the ctollapse of aur civili- zation. Therefore everyone should be interested in the promotion of world peace. WHITBY WINS DEBATE PROM OSHAWA The second of the inter-schooi de- bates betxveen Oshawa, Whitby and Bowmanville took place in Whitby High Sehool on Wednesday evening, February 24th., between 0sh*wa and Whitby, on the subject "Resolved that the benefits that would accrue ta Canada froin the deepening of the St. Lawrence Waterway through the Great Lakes for purposes of naviga- tion would justify the eicpense in- volved". Archibald Rare and Miss Mary Mason upheld the affirmative for Oshawa, quoting many figures and statistics to show that the saving ta Canada in shipping grain fram the West would outbalance aIl the ex- pense involved in building the neces- sary canals. Misa Gîae Coulthard and Arthur Annis arguing on the negativc sidc for Whitby showed that it would be spending $17,000,- 000 to save $12,000,000. The jud- ges, who were providcd by the neutral school, Bowmanvillc, gave the deci.sion in favor of the nega- tive. This gives the Jury & Loveil De- bating Shield which hbas been held by Boawmanville since its donation in 1921, into the safe-keeping of Whit- by for the year 1926. MUSIC EXAM kESUJLTS The pupils of Mrs. J. Albert Cole, A.T.C.M., A.O.C.M., were aUl suc- cessful in recent Toro>nto Conserva- tory of Music examinations held at Bîshop Bethune Qollege, Oshawla: Junior Schaol Piana-Marjarie Col- lacott, Enniskillen; Prisiary School Piano-Elsie Allun, Bowmanville; honors; Lilian Jebson, Hampton, h onors; Elementary Piano-Frances Elford, Bowmanville, honors Mq. ! Due Fehiuary l.t, 1946 Principal payable at the Office of~ the Recelver-Genersi at Ottawa, or that of the Assistant Receivers-General at Halifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Montreai, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary or Victoria. Semi-annual interest (February Tht and August Tt) payable at any branch in Canada of any chartered BanL Denomination8l: $100, $500, $1,000. Ail bonds may be registered as to principal only, and bonds in denoninatms of $500, $1,00, $5,000, $10,000 and $100,000 rnay be fully registered. These bonds are authorized under Acts of the Dominion of Canada, and both prineipalé and interest are a charge upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund. They are secured by, the f ull credit and taxing power of the Dominion of Canada. This offering is made subjeet te prior s"l and advance in price, and the right is reserved to allot a less amount of bonds than applied for. These bonds are offered for delivery, ini interùm forma, when, as and if issued and delivered te u&. Price: 97 and interest, yieIding 4.73% Orders may be telephoned or telegraphed (coflect) ta any of the undersigned, or noy be subrnitted through your us"o bond dealer, stock exclsange broker, or' through any bank in Canada. Bank of Montreal Wood, Gundy & Company Lùmted ]Royal Bank of Canada Dominion Securities Corporation, Ilimited Canadian Bank of Commerce A. E. Âmes & Company, Lsiùted The National Clty Company, Mmml Public subscription is invited for 0 ulew issue Of- $45,90009000 Dominion of Canada Refunding Loan 1926 Twenty-Year 4X4% Bonds WHEN NEEDING BATTERIES SEE MASON & DALE We have Batteries for ail requirernents, including Radio Engine Telephone Automobile Flash Lights Volt and Arnpere Meters for sale. Get our prices before buying. MASON & DALE The Popular Hardware ---Quality and Right Prices PHONE 145 BOWMAANVILLE When You're Looking For "Something Diff erent" The good houslekeeper is always trying to give variety to the daily meals served. And it is quite a task to' always be able to serve a tasty and appetizing meal. When it cornes to varieties in meats-sorne- thing different-sornething that will ternpt and please every member of the family'you wiIl find this store well able to supply your needs. Corne to the store and see for yourself or tell us your wants over the phone. G, A. Edmondstone Phone 21 Bowmanville - Internai and External Pains are promptly retieved by DR -THomAS' ECLECTRIC 01 TAT IT MAS BEEN SOLO FOR NEARLY FIFTY YEARS SOSTO-DAY A OREATER SELLER THAN EVER BEFOIlE f A TESTIMIONIP1 THAT SPEAKS FOR InS P . ERU CURATIVE QUAL iTIE& a THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURiSDAY, MARCH 4th., 1926 PAGE TWO

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