PAGE FOUR HAYDON Dra.matic Club will present their play "Nothing to Do" on Friday evening, March lZth., in Haydon Church. Special music between act. Admission 25e and 15c. 9-2 Miss Annie Martin and Mr. Thos. Siemnon have been under the doctor'a care but are both imprcving. HAMPTON1 Hear Tyrone Young People in "Bar H1aven" at- Hangton, on Wad- nesday, March l7th. Mrs.1'. Salter and Mrs. H. Pet.ers' recent1by visited Mrs. Gs'o. R. Davey, Port Pèrry ..No 'Magne meeting this weék orr acountm'of our Leagual visitingýTyrona Leagife on Thirsday1 evening..Our Young People ere, giving their popular draina again en-1 titIpI "Mother Mine" on Tue.;dayl MA4PLE GROVE night at Blackstock. Miss Winifrad Rickard, Newcast- le, spent the weekend witn Miss Nel- BLACKSTOCK lie Snowden... .Miss Nellie Kirkton, Bowmnanville, spent Sunday with Miss The Orange Lodge heid ite Qyster Reta Munday .... Misses Alice High- Supper and dance on Friday, Feb- field, Ella Collacott, Oshawa, spent ruary 26th., in the TowNn Hall here. the weakend with Misses Viola and A goodly number were presant for Marjory Stevens. .Misa Rata Power the supper and speaking, but a large spent t.he weekend with hier sistar, crowd eome for the dance. Lunch Vera, at Paterboro Normal. .Misses was served and evervone reported a Gertrude and Betty Morris, Town, most enjoyabie time ...Dancing, Miss G]adiys Wease, Toronto, were skating and hockey seem to he the weekend visitors with the former's order of the day here, but now when sister, Mrs. Ross Stevens ...Miss March has arrived this will soon be Eva Lana, Shaws, attended the play given up, and we wilba waiting for on Friday a'vaning and spent Satur- basebail, baskeýball, tennis. etc... day with Miss Hilda Foley ... . About Church Sundav evening was veryl 65 mamzers of the U. F. O. at Eb- wvell attended and our pastor, ReV. enazar and Maple Grove joui-ne yedlJ. E. Griffith preached a most halp- to Shaws on Tuesday avaning, Feb.~ fui and instructive sermon........ 23, and spent a very anjoyable time Sorry to hear of the siight iilness of ---deighing -,xas ideal... .The sevc Mrs. J. E. Griffith. Hlope sha will on Sunday was in charge of the W.. soon be well. M. S.. Rav. J. U. Robins, Pastor _______ of Trinity United Churcb, Bowinan- ville, praachad a splendid sermon to ENNISKILLEN a ful bouse. Two well-chosen selec- tions wera well sung by the ladies' League Wednesday evening was! choir ... . Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Snow- opened with President Frank Dor- dan, son Bob, visited their cousin's, land in the chair. After opening Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Sccst, Town, on exercises Ernest Werry took charge. Suiday. A very good programn was given and a social balf-bour enjoyed. .Sun day - evaning Rev. E. M. Cooke preachad COURTICE a very good sermon to a good con- _________ gregiation. The choir sang weli. Good! Mrs. A. E. Rundie bas been spend- 1 attendance at Sunday School.... Mrs' ing a weak in Toronto wtb Mr. andi William Potter is in Bowmanville' Mrs. Elmer Rundie; Mr. Rundie also Hospital whera she underwent an op- went up ovar the weekend. .Friday erati.on for appendiciti-s. Glad to re- evaning the community hare gave port sha is doing nicely... Vcry a sbowar to Mrs. Walter Snidartne ,plaasad to welcoma Mrs. William Oka Addia Nic-hols) at hier father's. A and famiiy to the village to reside large number attanded and the on the property sha purchased fromn prasants wara beautiful sbowing the Mr. James Bradley ...Mr. James esteam in wbich Addia is heid. i',rs.' Bradley has moved to the north end Nichols was the recipient of a dozan1 of tbe village where hae will resida on silver teaspoons fromn the Ladies' the property hae puronhased from Mrs, Berean lass, jtgst alittie reminder Samuel Hoskin.. Mr. Wilfred Sand- of the ganarosity of Mrs. Nichols erson had a very good sala. Pricas when anything is doing at the 'good. Mr. T. M. Siemon, our popular church sha has always bean m"st auctioneer, was in charge........ * obliging and bier home bas bean an Trustees of Our school are very busy open bouse to, the ladies and thse men preparing for the new school. . Leaguers when anytbing is needed . . .Mr. and Mns. Mtcalf, Basa Lina, Refreshmeants in the way of fruit Mr. Neil Camphell, Oshawa, Mr. and were served and the crowd had a Mrs. Will Trewin, Haydon, Sunday- pleasant evaning. Mr. and Mrs. ed et Mr. Charles Stewart's. Sorry Snider iaft on Monday for their to report Mrs. Stewart is no better home in Brantford. Mrs. Snider .. Mrs. George Preslon, Osbawa,1 will be greatly missed et Flbanpzer spent Sunday with Mrs. Frank Rob- but we wish them both bappiness and bina and other friands .... Sick of prosperity. Sunday services werea the village are improving. Our doctor good aithough the attendanca was* is a very busy man. Mr. William Her- not up to the usuel mark on ac- ring is driving him around... .Miss count of sickness,etc. Pso Muriel Moore assisted in the piano Washington preached two exclln recitai b>y pupils of Mrs. J. Albert sermons. In tia evening haietZrte4 Coleaet Hampton on Friday evening. a series of fiva sermnons on Jesus, the Kid Gloves, small sizes, were $2, first bing "The Field"..Missiflow 25e pair. Couch, Johnston & Dorotby Brooks and friend Miss AI-1 Cryderman. freda Cltarke of Toronto, spent Sun- ...Glad to know Mr. Geo. F. An- SLN nia is steadily improving after the eeùvitosMseVd La anxious time ha bias passed througb Ranit visia, tr H.MisaV iL We wish bim a speedy recovery. Mrai, OHaCa, abtt rov.dGencse, Our sympatby goas out to Mr. \~.Mrs. . kG',abutMroviEnceT E. Courtice and his famiiy in the MorJ ar' and Mr. . R uTi sudden ilîneswith whicihha was anor's Mr a rs. W. R. coria stricken, and trust that ise may re- aMas er laraCourtcand M ,cove hisusua hetlth.Louise, Ebenezer, et Mr. R. J.Y (Too lete for last week.) Kessock's; Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Pasc( On Thursday last Misa Annie Holti Brooklin, at Mr. W. N. Pasco's;M gave an afternoon tee to about Th.ols Obormne, Wh it Mss J twenty-five ladies on behalf of the Cals omnilwt i Mission Cirtie. As soon as aIl the Lizzie and Rulde Hockaday; Mr. Joi ladies arrived each one was given Baker at Castle1ton, addrassing a block to patch for a quît and the meeting on Alfalfa; Mrs. W. one who made ber block first and iPollard, Salem at Mr. Roy Lan made it well, was given a priza of a1 maid'n. ... Misses Margaret McI< beautiful littie handkerchief. Mrs sock and Helen and Muriel Bak Jas. Shortt won the priza. Then took part in the piano recitai giv, Mrs. Rundie and Miss Holt sarved a by Mrs. J. Albert Cole and pul very dainty luncheon to the ladies, on Friday evening. ... Pleased to and efter baving e social tima te- port M r. W. N. Pascoe is much.i gether and having made anougb proved in halth... . Mr. A. L. Pe blocksa for a quilt whicis is to go asI coe and son Harold; Mr. and Ni a missionary quilt, the ladies ad- H. E. Tink end famîly; Mr. and Mi journed after enjoying a very pleas- R. J. McKesock and famiiy; Mr. ai aint aftarnoon. Among the guestse Mrs H. G. Pascoe and family, anjo ware Mrn. A. E. Clemens and 'Miss ed an oyster supper wiih gran Margaret Pollock of Bowmanvll'e, mothar Pascoe et Hamptoon on Se who were visiting at Mr. Blake urday evening ...Remamberf Courtice's. Miss Hoit reaiizad Women's Institute meeting et t about $10 for the Mission Circle. home of Mrs. John Baker on Thui 1 day afternoon, March lltb. A Report of S. S. No. 8, Darlington,! Patrick's program in charge of Mi for February. Naines in order of1 A. Milîson. Coma prepared to ensw menit:j the ml ...l.... .Pieased to rapo Sr. IV Clss-Harry Gay, Beatrice Mrs. John Kiveli much improved Allin, Gordon Brown, Myrtia Mont- bealt .... League meeting Monci gonery, Willie Bickle, William Ever-' ovening Nvas in charge of lst Vie son President, Mrs. R. J. M>tKes>oc Jr. IV-Gladys Biekle, Annie Wil- Mrs. E. R. Taylor teok the Bi' kins, Willie Rizneck, Arcbie Muir,' study; piano solo, Miss Haien Bahe Douglas Courtica, Giadys Brock, -,opic, Mr B. G. Stevens; vocal sol Norman Walter. Mrs. Isaac Hardy; reading, Miss E S. III-Jac< Gay, Walter Shortt, ne Reýynolds; At meeting ne Hazel Walter, Eva Courice, Robert Monday evening, Rev. J. S. Herrin Courtice, Helen Wilkins, Marion ton will gve an illustrated lectur Trevail, Nom Adams, Kannetb Es- shoing lantern Alides of Jepan. sery. admission fea. Everybedy weicoî Jr. III-George Shortt, Wilfred The concert on Wednesday eve Brown, ,Bernice Gey, Lorno Barber, ing under the auspices of tihe Wci Dora Rizneck, Robert Barber, Mary I n's Institute, wes oeaof the be Kons.pachi, Elsie Courtice, Hector beld here. Our home talent su Barrett. I tained thair usuel good reputatio Clara E. Wiliiam-on, teaciser. 1 Mrs. John Baker in solo, Miss Ma garet Scott in ree<ings, and Ni Junior Division Marguerite Thompson, Mr. and Mi Jr. II to Sr. I1-Talbart Geering, Evereti' Cryderman in guitar tri. Curtis Gearing, Claude Grahami, Sed- The piano solos by Mrs. H. C. Ga ie Allun, Florence Wil.kns, Eldon butt and the violin selections1 Essery, Mabel WaL:er, Rosa; BaU-tn, Messrs. Wallace and Sko deiigbt Henry Howard, Bruce Muir. the audience. The readings by Mi Sr. I to Jr II-Elsie Oka, Flor- Louise Courtice and solos by Mast ence Courtice, ,Marion Courtice, Joy Claire Courtice captivated ail. V Washington, Rhymond Barber, Elsie predict for thesa young artists Brock. brigis' future. Tha play "AuntS Sr. I-Hattie Snudden, Leslie san Jones' ' was vcry funny and w~ Kinsman, Rosena Edgar, June Walt- well given. Cast of charectars: er, John Walter, Ruth Nichols, Edith Aunt Susan Jones-Mise Ednta Re Easery. nolds; Arabella-Miss Kate ('rydt Jr. I-Iv-an Cochrane, Bernice man; Mrs. Markley.--Mrs. E. R. Ta Cochrane, William Cochrane, Max lor; Anna Wilson-Miss Marger Nichois, Irene Nichols, Elier Hug- McKessocký. Mrn '.iderfrac-M! gins. Everett Çrydermein. -Mr. R. J. M Int. Primer-Gorde7L Balson, Glad- Kessork eacted as chairman. ys Reynolds, Margaret Gay, Jean Big reductions in Mfen'a and Boý Gay, Doris Wilkins, Pearl Konopacki, Heavy Rubbers, elso special prices( Raymond Balson, Ronald Grahain, othar Unes. A. L?. Jennings,S Hermsan Affin, Sandy Muir, Alec. ina's Big Departmei$tJ. Store. Konopaieki. Beriwr counter offiodds and asi Jr. Primer-Margaret Âdmu, Tied in 4.09M"1, underveer, corset Axidm, Dorothy Snudden. Scarfagtirtain snateriMb, etc. Coue Leuta J. Pl.rsep, teacher. Johnston & Cryderman. at ray- 7tice and Miss THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, IBOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, MARGE 4th., 1926 Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 4, 5 & 6 - - Men's Silk and Wool Socks 3 An Early Spring Quality &t a Ml E Bargain Prie MOTHER SAYS: "Theise 3 BIG DAYS mean a lot to the head of every household". THE WOMAN WHO BUYS The womian w)so buys manages the famiiy pursa. Sha is the counsellor and consulting agent for the antira faxnily and bar rasponsibility is heavy. To har and bers advertising news means dollars and cants-it touches the family fortunes. The woman who doas bar family's buying in a thrifty manner bas a strong elly in tbi)s store. Wa bave unusual buying opportunitias, and aw' able to sacure thea absolute utmost in valua at ail timas for our customers. What doas rthis niean to you? Sales resuits laad us to believe that our customers ara fully ewara of the value of thasa montbly fiyers as a source of the best ber- gain news availabia! WATCH FOR THE "'THR.EE BIG DAYS" FLYER TH-fE FIRST THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 0F EACH MONTH. Mrs ohn "BtefyTaumPdr mes j .Btefy acmPwe ohni Two Tins For Less Than .1j The Price of Qne e v R XB IS50-"Babcook's sup- erfine Talcuni cf val- vety softness. daintily perfumed, put up in tali Blue Butterfly con- tainer. Usuaily sold et 35e par tin. During Three Big Days, two tins for ......... 25c Suede Fabric Gloves The. Price is Lo* for se High a Quality. See Them XB147-mede of an extra heavy cloth, two dome sýiyle, with con- tresting piping around cuif and -w)rist opening. Also contrasting colored points on back, in a gond taasortment of colora, including Sand, Mode, Gray and Brown. All gond selling sizes. This giove us- ually selis et 85c. During Three Big LDays par pair............. 49c Pearl Buttons For Early Spring Sewing Every Litie Saving Heips Keep Down Expense. XB154-A splendid fresis Water Pearli Button in botis 2 and 4 hole stylas. Very ssnooth finish in sizes 18 to 24. Reg. 5c par card. Be sure to get some of thase et tii low prie. During Thrae Big Days, TIree Carde For ............ 10e Solid Leather Under-Arm Baga Very Attractive at Less Than Haif The. Regular Price BE SURE TO GET ONE XB145-A splendid assortinent of up,to-date Under Arm Bags of soiid lealiher with insida compart- ments. Each purse bas sinail mir- ror and coin purse. An asort- ment of tans ,grays, browns and blacks. Must be seen to be ap- preciated. Reguliarly worith from $2.75 to $3.50. During Three Big Days................... $1.49 Fancy Jacquard Bath Tow- els of Good Heavy Weight A Reali Surprise in Quaiity as WeiI As Prie. XB144-Havy napped Towei, aize 20 inches by 40 inchas. Ail over faney âshite design with colored ends of blue, pink, gold and laven- der. A regular 75c Towel. During Threa Big Days, par T......... 49c Beauty Bath Soap You Cet Twice As Much As You PAY FOR XB157..A big round, full fou.r-ounca cake celled "Baauty Bath", deint- ily perfumed. The besft soap val- ua ever offered. Get your supply aarly. A reguler 10c cdake. Dur- ing Three Big Days, par cake 5c Not More Than Fi,. Cakes to Each Cus tomer Double Mesh Hair Nets Real Hunian Hair Nets at Haif Prie REAL HIJMAN XB156-Queen Basa Qualîty Hair Nets. Full size doubla mars cap net, in colors, light, mid and dark brown, blonde, black, gray and white, eacb in seperete envelope. This quality soid ail over for 10c. During Threa Big Days, each. .5e Handy Linen Tea Towels 0f Dependable Quality Big Buying Here; Means a Big Sav'ing For You XB146-A good quialiby lànen Tee Towel, 20 inchas by 30 inches, with red or blue border aIl round, and tise word "Tee Çloth"' woven in, witb tape hangar on end. Do not judge tbhis by t-he price we quota. Sea tisem first. Big Value et 30c. During Three Big Days, eaah.....................19c A Real Krinkled Bedspread Bargain First-CIait Quality at a Third-Clas Prie. XB3155--An excellent bedspread. Size 72 incises by 90 incises. Full Double Bed size. Ivory ground with fancy stripas cf Blue, Rose, Gold and Lavender. Pai-fectly fast colora. A regeler $6.00 to $6.50 vialue. D>uring Tbree Big Days each $3.59 THE FIRST ELEVEN CUSTOMERS WILL BUY THESE DRESSES il only, made of finest grade Canton Crepa, Fiat Crape, Tricotine, Plain and Cisecked Flannel materials, in e smart as- sortîment of stylas, sizes 14 to 44, Lion Value at 8:30 Friday Morning $3.98 (Please note positiveiy no approbations or aiteretions on this number. New Spring Morning and Street Dresses, made of Printed Broadclotih in tise new bordered patterns and striped affects, smart, claver designs, niateriels guaranteed washable, Lion Value Thursd&y, Friday and Saturday, Eacii $298 14 only, Smart Siik Dresses of Crepe Ro- maine, Satin Faed Canton and Fiat Crepe, ail sizes and ieading ghadas, Lion Value Friday Morning 8:30 Special $6.98 4 oniy, Children's Winter Coata, were .$4.50, the balance of our wnter stock Lion Value Friday Morning $1.98 Tise new Ging'hams and Dress Materiels are here. They are drassy and distinctive. See thans earty as tisey present the ut- inost value for the thrifty buyer becausa of our unusual buying opportunities. - -- - S.W.Mason & Son Dry Goods and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Phone 106 Bowmanville XB152-Good quality Silk and Wool in fanoy checks severai col- orings, also twisted silk and wool in plain colors, in ail sizes, 9 % to 11. A regular 85c number. During Three Big Days, ,per pair 49c * Ho use Aprons lu noBungalow A Real Housekeeper's Need 0f Very Unusual Value NOTE THE PRICE XB148-Made of good quality Ging- hia in raised checks and patterns, aIl the good colors, sixas 36 to 42. Severai different attractive styles in tisis essortmant. Good value et $1.00. You'Il be surprised et the lowness of this prica when you sea the quality of these. During Tbrea Big Days............ 79e Mothers! Your Boys' Opportuuity Here Shirt Waists at About Haif Their Usual Price It Wiil Pay You to Buy Several at This Opportuinity XBISI-Fine quality English Zep- hyr Shirt Waist, wovan stripes of blue, helio and black on whsite grounds. The colora guerantead. Coller attached. A specieal ad- justable waiat band in sizes il to 13 ',. A reguier $1.35 value. During Tbree Big Days aach 79c Women's House Dresses EveyHome- niaker Should Read This and Note the Opportun ity 0f Extra Value XB149.-A real big Bouse Dreas, znade of excellent quality Ging- hamn, in a large aasortmnent of pat- iters and colora. Four diff erant styles. Faney trining, aiao with pockets and heit, short aleevas. Mada full and roomsy, in al sizes 36 to 44. A regular $1.25 "ne. I>Uxlng Three BiC Daye each............. 1~ 1