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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Mar 1926, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH lltb., 1926 PAGE FIVE t Reserve Mardi 23rd for Boys' Concert. Tuxis1 BARGAINS IN CEILING PAPERS TO CLEAR 20c for 14r- per roll 25e for 18e per roll J. H. ABERNETHY Plbou. 431 Bowmanvlle Opportunity A District Âgency la now available in Durbamn dounty for Canada's only net oont Life Insurance Company. Write stating age and qualification ta Gorge Gibbons District Manager MUTUAL LIFE 0F CANADA Barrie Bidg., Peterboro, Ont. Special Radio Bargains We have a number of sets slightly used, but in go-od workc- ing condition, which we have tak- en in exchange for larger sets. 1 Deforeat. Crossley 3 tube 1 Radiola No. 63 3 tube 1 Radiola 111 2 tube 1 Northern Electric-Victor 6 tube Super-Heterodyne alto Valley "B" Battery Eliminators $45.00 Radioteon Tubes 201 A Now $2.75 New Style Crosoley 5 tube set $78.00 Stromberg-Carlson ..390.00 Dayfan................*$161.00 A futi lin. of supplie.* Empire Sales Co. G. L. HALL, E. C. REHDER Lowe and Division Ste., Eowmanville PAPER NOW Before the Spring Rush A new wul pper may work wonders in restoring cheerfunea and charm ta your home sur- roundings. From aur complete stock of beautiful new Spring designs i. will be easy for you ta choose wall papers for your living-'room or f-or your whole hanse that wil be livable, attractive and dis- tinctive; at moderate cost. Seo aur wall papers and find out hlw dhea.p we sell goad pa.per. G. Pritchard Painter and Decorator BOWMAN VILLE Phone 489 Thurstan lias become an etab- lished fixture in the industry; a barometer of Style, Quality and Value. Our purpose is not only t. make sales but ta, make per- manent friends and custoffmers of the hundreds who regularly visit aur store. Wc do rcpairing and remodeling. QUALITV FURS anc Guaranteed Repaira BOWMANVI LLEO014T. LOCAL AND OTHERWESE Mfr. Ted Humphrey qpent the weekend at home. Miss Agnes K. Haddy, Taronto, spemit Sunday at home. Mr. Cecil Herman, Detroit, spent Sunday at bis father's, Mr. H. B. Herman, Carlisle Ave. Mrs. Arthur Wrigh.t, HÈmlton, and Miss Olga Tod, Toronto, spent the weekend with their inother, Mis. Thos. Tod. Prinýipal J. G. Adamis and A. E. Morraw, Classical Specialiat, of Osh- awa High Schaol have resipied ta take effect et Easter. Ladies, you are invited ta the Spring MiUlinery Opcnings at Ding- mani & Edmondstome's an Friday and Saturday, Marci 19 and 20. Attend C. G. I. T. concert on Wednesday, Mardi l7th., consisting of special music, an Irish comedy "Patsy" and readings by Master George Granville. Mfr. and Mrs. John Wonnacott, Enniskillen, announces the engage- nient of their daughter, Hilda May, t» Mr. Wilfrid W. Wonnacott of Lamnbeth, Ont., the marriage ta take place in Marci. Mrs. James Gourtice, Scugog-st., celebrated tie 78tli smnivorsary of lier birtbday an Wednesday, March 1lOth. She received ta nurnber of cangratulatory messages frani rela- tives and friends. A number of the employee of the local telephone office went ta Tor- onto Friday night, ta jain in the celebration of the fiftieth anniver- sary of the Bell Telepbone's exist- once, whicb was campleted on Marcfh lOth. All report a good time. Mr. John Standen, Pentict.n, B. C.,. who bas been visiting his father in Barrie, lits son in Valencia, Pa., and lis fatlier-in-law, Rev. W. C.- Washingtmon, M. A., <bre, left on Saturday. His nioce, Miss Doris MicConnell, accampanied lim and wiil visit lier parects, Rev. and Mis. H. Meconnell, at Kennedy, Saat. Murney Marris, former manager of the lacal branci af the Imperial Biank at Woodstock, passed auny on March 8th., following an illness of eighteen months, aged 62 years. He was hemn in BowmanvilUe, being a son of the late Dr. E. Marris who- built and lived in the brick roisi- dence recently occupied by the late Thomas Cooper, norti of Bownxan- ville, antic Midde Road. Master Douglas Beacock, son of Bert and Editli Beacock, and grand- son of Mr. and Mia. J. E. Beacock, Myitie Station, pessed bis primary exani in music in Toronto Qonser- vat.ry of Music, first-tlass honora, at the age of 5%1/ years-the youngest pupil wiho ever tried there. He wga presented witli a Gold Pin, engraved T. C. M. His teacher is ins Cook, Myrtle. The new styles, niaterials and ap-1 parel wilI be shown at S. W. Magan & Son's Spring Style Show, March 1 9th. A disastrous fire oeurred about 2:30 a. m. on Wednesday, March 3, ion the farnm cf Mr. Boy Truli , South Darlington, whidh destroyed bis barna and otables bosides 28 head of cattle, 5 biornes, a qnantity of ponltry and some impléments. The trainnién on the Canadian National train saw the blaze and swakened the neigbors by tIe continuons Mlowing of the train vhistle. Tkere uns no insurance on the stock. Orn- gin cf fire nnknown. The third birthday of Bo.wman- ville Rotary Club was celebmated at the regular Fmiday luncheon at the Bawman Hanse. It vas a reaI biriday party witli an artistically decorated birtlday cake at the head table contiaining rings, buttons, thrft candles, 'n everytlhing. Past Presi- dent Tom Halgate ini genuine boy- lIs expectant glee lad tic honoor of blowing out the candles befare President Brent Harlewaod perforni- ed the coremany of cutting thc cake and passing it around ta the mem- bers. Secretary Biob Aitechison read some interesting statistic's pertain- ing ta the club's membtership and et- tendance since its organisation. Rev. J. U. Robins, Pastor of Trinity United Churcli, who uns thc speaker for the day, gave a vcry fine ad- dress appropriate tate occasion whidi was higily apprcciated by every niember present. It vas a 100% meeting in e'very uny. See the ýnew skyles in,. Spring Mil- liiiery at Dingian & Edsnondstone's on Friday and Saturday, March l9ti and 2t. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cox were pleasantlly surprised Thursday even- ing, March 4th., on tic occasion of their fifth wedding anniver3ary vhen about 30 of tiieir relatives greater. N-t onrly does Dr. J. D. Kcllogg's Astbmna Remedy bring prompt relief, but it Eitroduces a nt-w era cf life for t.e afflicted. System,- atic inialing of emake or fumes from tie remedy prevénts ra-attackS and often effects a permanent cure,. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Reserve Mardi 23rd for Tuais Boys' Concert. Mr. -and Mrs, E. S. Senkler are visitîng friends in South Carolina. Special Sae of Rugatis yack at Coucli, Johnston & Cryderiman's. Miss Irene Stewart, Toronto, vis- ited her aunt, Mis. A. Colvoîl, over Sunday. Messis. Leonard and Norman and Mis Edna H. Botrell, Tostant., spent Sunday ait home. Came and soc "Patsy" the Irish co-medy which tic C. G. I. T. are pie- paring for St. Patrick's nighu. Mr. and Mrm. S. H. French, Tor- onto, spent the weekentd witih ler motier. Mis. James Bennetit. It vas a hiappy %crowd of gboppers who attended S. W. Maso-n'a & Son's Sale. Sec wiat's doing this wcek. Mia. Jas. A. Mountjoy, daugliter Alice and son Stuart cf Chauvin, Alta., are visiting hler sister-in-law, Mms. J. E. Ellioei, Concession-st. Mr. and Mms. J. B. French, Tor- onto, spent the weekend witi ris parents, Mr. andi Mr. M. Frendch. Spring Millinery Openings at Ding- man & Edmoendtone's on Friday and Satuîrdny, March loti und 20th. Mms. Jas. G. Richard atteinded the funeral of ber sistcr-in-]aw, Mrs. Jas. Sy'mons, et Welcoine, on Satur- day. Mis. Howard Couch and daugîters, Marjorie and Ileen, Betihesda, are visiting lier mather, Mms. W. J. Bragg, and otler relatives hore. Cangratulations to Misa Lenore Quick on passing her Primary Theary of Music examination with firat-1 class lionors, obtaining over 90%, pupil of Mis. Rets Cale D>udlny. Mia. Chas. Manning left last week with a party fra'm Toronto to apend a holiday in Florida. She vill visit Mis. A. B. Stephens, Toronto, vIa is alao spending the winter tRiere. Mr. Fred Wilson and daughter, Alberta, Regina, Sask., have been visiting bis brother, Mr. EU Wilson, Liberty Place, via bas b.d a long illness but vo are pleased ta say is recovering nicely. Deligîtful Spring merchandise isi daily being opened out an the count- cms for you to see and enjoy-and buy. We're nover weary of get- ting nov things for yau. Qouch, Johnston & Crydemman. Don't miss hearing George Gran- ville, boy eloccutionist, at the C. G. I. T. Concert in Trinity Sunday School-room an Wednesday, Mardi 17th. Tlie merchant via advertises is a reporter. Ho reports ta thc news- papema vhat lie bas tao-off or, andi it is real ncvs. It affectste pocket- book of every family. If soma mouchant is making a great run on shoes and selling theni chesp, tliat isl neya that every persan vio needs abaca ought ta kno-v. If another is affering special bargains in -over- coats, underwear, corsets, hata, fur- niture, tires gmtds, carpets, grocor- ies, çaal ar vood, stoves or any- thing a faniily needs, it is levsa ts means money t. evezy famfly and (thec people onglit t. knov it. Tiat's vhy the Bovinanville mouchants ad- vertige in The Stateansan. BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL NEWS Dr. G. E. Reanian addressed Osh- awa Botary Club last veek. Ail tbe boys had their eyez tested Wednesday aPternoon by Mr. J. H. H. Jury. Work is progs!essing on the nov fire hall and pump bouse. oing ta unfavorable veatter the bricklayers bave been held up. Rev. Jas. Findlay, Boys' Wark Board, 'flronto, vIa addreaed the Fatier and Son Banquet, vas an in- terested visitor at the Sciiool last veek. Mr. J. E. Cunninghami, Physical Direcibor, attended ticesnonthily meet- ing of tic Toronto F<iysical Educa- tien Association in Toronto laet veek. Dr. Schrader af Boston, Mass., wgs in, charge cf tic three sessions at thc King Edwe.rd Hotel, The Margaret Eaton Sehool anti Central Y. M. C. A. hast veek vas a veek for not- able visitoma ta tic Scibool. On Wednesday a party co-nsistlng of Hon. Lincoln Goldie, Prbovincial Sec- retary; Hon. Gea. H. Henry, Ministor ai Public Works and Mi. Geo. Wil- liam., Arcihitect at Parliament Buildings, Toronto, spent te after- naan laoking over theplant. 1fr. W. L. McJanet, îead of Elec- trical Departnient, Parliamment Buildings, inspected tic electrical equipinent andi lights ini thc nov buildings Wednesday. His insipec- the Explorer; Sir John MacDon~ald; Public Scbaiol Speller-Western, Canadian Series; Loerer Draving, Matie Easy; Pinter Intelligence Test- ing; Farrington Public Prilnar Scibool Systemn. Douglas D. Bal-ton, Sec'y.-Treaa. Northumberland and Durham% No. 1, Teachers' Inatitute. DEATHS ADAMS-In Darlington. on March 8, 1926, Robert C. Adarn, aged 66 years. F'uneral fromt the family renidance, haif mile west of Courtice, on Thursday, March 11tb at 2 p. m. ta Ebenezer Cerne- tery. ANDERSON-In London. Engiand. on February 13, 1926, Herman C. Anderson of Newcastle, Ont., aged 43 years Funerai today (Thursday) at 2:30 p. m. from St. George'. Church, New- castle, to Bond Head Cemetery. ELSWORTH-In Newcastle. on Wed- nesday, March 10, Alfred Edward Els- wortb, aged 80 years. Funerai front bis laie residence, New- castin, on Frriday, Mardi l2th., at 3 p. m. ta Newtonviile Cemetery. RANDALL-In Wenton Hospital, on Monday, March 8, 1926, William Henry Randaîl, aged 26 years. Funeral fronm bis father's residence, Newtonviile. on Wednesday, Marcb 10tb at 2:30 p. m. ta Newtonvllle Cem-tery. ARTHURS-TIn Janetville, March 6tb., William Arthurs, aged 65 years. SYMONS-At Welcome, March 3. 1926. Annie Austin, widow of the late Joseph Symons. BONE-In Oshawa, March 7, 1926, Cora, beloved daugbter of Mr. and Ms.. John Bone. ANDERSON-In Oshawa, March 9tb., Mary Elizabeth Owens, beloved wlfe of William Anderson, aged 73 years. GRIGG>-At Port Hope, Marcb 2, Thos. J. Grlgg, belaved husband of Hannah M. Robison, aged 75 years, 4 months. COBBLEDICK-In Orono, March Stb., 1926, Mary Ann Bragg, widow of the late William Henry Cobbledlck, aged 81 years. COAD-Tn Rose Memorial Hiospital, Lindsay, Marcb 2, Margreta S. Moore, beloved wlfe of Harry E. CosA, Oakwood. aged 28 years. RORKE-In Brantford, March 3, 1926, Rev. Samuel G Rorke of the Bay of Quinte Conference. United Church of Canada, In his 74th year. BROWN-In Rochester, N Y., March 2, Sarah Brown, relict of the late Alfred Brown, aged 88 years. Interred In St. George's Cemetery. Newca.stle. IN MEMOREAM In loving memory of Mrs. W. T. Pointen, dearly beloved wlf e of Mr. W. T. Pointen, BoWmanville, who departed this if e February 29, 1924. Two years bas passed since that sad day Gad called the one we loved away, Forget ber, no, we neyer wIii As years roll on we love ber etifl. More and more eacb day we mise ber friends may tbink the wound la bealed. But tbey little know tbe sorrow Tbat lies withln aur bearta concealed. The happy bourg we once enjoyed How sweet her memamy stili, But naw it leaves a vacancy, The world can neyer 1111. 10-10 FailUY. In loving memiory of Lena Luxton Sey- mour, who pasaed away Marcb 12, 1925, We are tbinking of you today dear Lena Tbinking of the pat, Picturlng yau ini memories, îJust as we saw you last. You left tbeind nome aching bearta, That loved you mont sincere, That did not, for neyer will forget you, Lena dear. Lovingly remembered by, Denelda and Sidney. in loving memary of Lena Luxton Seymour, wba paased away Marcb 12. O Lena, bow ve misa yau. In aur memory yoil are near, Loved, remembered, longed for always Brlnglng many a slient tear Always so gaod, unselfiali and kind, Few on this eartb ber equal ta find, one of the best that God cauld send. A loving daugbter rig4t to the end. She bad a nature yo0.oeuIdn't help lovlng, A beart that vas purer than gold, And ta those wba knew ber and iaved ber Her memory will neyer grow cold. Sadly missed by Mother, Father, Sisters and Brother. DARLINGTON COUNCEL Special meeting of council ws held Mardi 9th to further consider abolition cf itat4xte lsbor in the township. Menibers ail present ex- cept Oon.ncillor Gea. F. Annis, Reeve Thas. Baker preaided. H. Jardine, District Fngineer of ,Municipal Roada, Tarant., was pres- ent and explained working of "ystem where statute labor had been abal- ished. Many questions were 'aked by ratepayers and a general discussion foliowedr after whieh by a vote of about 3 ta 1 the meeting i-ecam- mended council t. aballlihsats labor. Gounicil authorized tihe clerk ta ask for applications for position of Rboad Superintendent. W. R. Allia, Township Clerk. EN THE EDITOR'S RAIL Mrs. J. Bellamy, 444 Langdon Crescent, Moose Jaw, Sask., siiter of Mr. J. H. Cryderinan, Vlown , under date of March 4 writes: Dear Editor-The Staten &n ar- rives kiere regularly on Monday morn- ing and I have in recent issues read xnany things in it from diffement leading dry goodus store in town. There were three or four blacksnilth shop" on the main atreest. I aaw very many changea wihen. I waa there last, We were pleas& ta I have Mr. W. B. Candh i&t us ror a f ew bours laat September. Wanted WANTEO AT ONCE-Plat top offce table. Appiy Statesman Office, Bowman- ville. 10-tf Lost or Found FOUND>-Workrnan's lunch satchel in Bowmianville. Apply C. S. Halîman, Bowmianville. lot WRIST WATCH- LOST--Gold, Octogon shape, black and silver band, lost ini Bowmanvile. Reward for return ta .J. J. Mason & Son'. Office, Bowmanville. Seed Grain For Sale FOR SALE-Quantlty of good Tirnotby Seefi. $3.00 per bushel. Apply ta Wrn. H. Bennett, phone ilîrili, Bowmanville, Ont. 10-2w* SEED GRAIN FOR SALE-Banner Qats, government certified seed, ger- mination 95%. Limlited rjuantity at 80e bushel. Russel Osborne, R. R. 2, Newcastle. 8-3we GRAIN FOR SALE-English 2-rowed bariey, llmited quantity, grown froma yleld of 50 bushel to the acre crop. Alao American Banner Oats. Chas. Blancbard, R. R. 1, Hampton, phone 360-6. 10-29 Articles lor Sale HAV FOR SALE-S tons of Claver and 5 tons of Timothy Hay. Firet clasa ay Russell Osborne, R. R. 2, Newcastle. 83 COW FOR SALE-Holstein, due ta freshen this week. Apply ta Wesley G. Werry, l60r3, R. R. 6, Bowmanville. 10-1 MOTO__R BO AT FO-RSA LE-2-5 ,feet long 5 ft. 6 In. beam Engine and boat In first clas condition. C. E. Rehder, phone 265, BowmanvlUe. 9-t McCARTNEY HAND MILKING MA- CHI-NE FOR SALE-At a great bargain, baîf prie for quick salle, ,in good con- dition. Apply ta S. E. Werry, R. A. 1. Hampton. 10-3 FOR SALE OR RENT--Office and furniture to let or for sale, lately oc- cupied by the late J. S. Moarcraft. Ap- ply ta John A. Cor, Standard Bank Building, Bowmanvllle. 9-tf FOR SALE--Strawberrie4B, Baspberries, Asparagus. Hligbest quallty guaranteed plants. Best varieties; beat prices. De- livery free. Write for free literature. C. R. Leavens, R. No. 4, Belleville, Ont. 10-1 FOR SALE-Dominion Pianos of al kinde sold on paymenta spread aver two years. Steinway, Heint1znan and Ger- liard Heintzman used pinos taken as part payment on Dominion pianos wili be cleared at bargain prices and on easy termo. IF J. Mitchell, Distributor. Bow- manville. 6-t MUSHROOMS FOR SALE-Fresh from the grower. EnJay a reai treat af steak smothered In niusbrooms. There'. no- thing quite so good. If yau've never eaten musbroomse a dellgbtful dish ls In store for you. Ordera promptly filied by R. M. Jamieson, Westmount, phone 319, Bowmanville. 10-t Poultry For Sale WHITE LEGHORN PULLETS FOR SALE-8$1.35 each, aIl laying, need the room, also twa good breeding pens after Mardi 2th. $20 for pen of 11. Ted Frlaxmnan. Station Road, Bowmianville. phone 318. 9-tf BABV CH-ICKS-S. C. White Leghorns and White Wyandottes-mrales at head of pens from trap-nested stock. Order your chickens early. Get nome of Dur White Leghorn Cblcks that lay In five months. Good winter layera. Satlsfied customers. Eggs aIma for sale. Phone 39-2 for prIces. W. H. Carruthers, Bow- manville. 10-tf Egge For Hatching I X L Poultry Farm-Now la the time ta place your orders for Baby Chicka and Hatchlng Hgs, from aur bred-to- lay strains of Single Comb White Leg- borne and White Wyandottes. We ao specialize In custam hatching. Book or- der nov and avoid disappointment. 1 X L Poultry F'arm, R. R. 1, Oshawa, Ont. Fraser & Dunn, phone 1864 R. 4 or 21. 7-4 To Let TO RENT-Large flat, unfurnished, over Standard Bank, suitable for businesa or dwellilng. About Marcb Ztb. Apply ta, John Cox, BowmanviUle. 9-tf Property For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE-Solid Brick 6- roomed hause, 3-piece batbroom, furn- ace, watervorks, garage, goad garden. small fruits, central location on Queen Stieet. Apply Leo. G. Greenaway, phone 13w. Bowxnanvile. 9-t HOUSE FOR SALE-A Two-storey brick house, 6 rooma and batbraom. bardwood floora: also hard and soft water In bouse, with McClary Sunshine fur- nace There are 2 lots wlth fruit and fruit trees. large garage, poultry bouse, toal bouse. Appiy to W. J. Baker, Duke Street, near Brookdale Nursery, or P. O. Box 517, Bowmanvilie. 8-sw5 FOR SALE-The home Of the la0F B. Whlting. situated at the Forke of the Scugog ltoad. This property ia in oIe- gant condition: consstae f good house and four acres of land with abundance of fruit. For particulars apply at rosi- 'tance ta Mma.lF. B. Whiting, Bowxnan- vine. 28-ti COMFORTABLE RES ÇDENCE IN SOLE NA VILLAGE Prame boume In good condition, welI equipped barn. utable for Blacksmith Shap; large loft: stabling for 2 cown. 2- WALL PAPER BARGAINS For a lirnited period we are offering our eus- tomers exceptignal values in very desirable and attractive wallpaper which you cannot afford to overlook. These prices rnay be hard to believe, but corne in andesee the papers and be convinced that it will pay you topaper every room in your house at these low prices. 5 CENTS ROLL 10 CENTS ROLL 15 CENTS ROLL Corne in early and get your share of these un,. heard of bargains before they are ail gone. W. T. ALLEN BOWMAN VILLE. BIG 20 BOOKSTORE FI1N AL CLEARING SALE 0 F ALL WINTER GOODS Only Three More Days Thursday Friday Saturday MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S OVERCOATS, JUST HALE PRICE Men's Work Pants and Separate Trousers Ail 0n Sale Reg. $2.25 for $1.79 ea Reg. $2.50 for $1.98 ea Reg. $3.00 for $239 ea Reg. $4.00 for, $3.19 ea Khaki Combination Overal A lin. of Khaki Conibinations, very heavy, clearing foar $2.95 Each Men's Overalse A Uine of good qnality Blue &tipe Bib Overalse On Sale $1.69 Each Men's Winter Caps Heary with e ar lape, 10 only, Regalar $1.50, On Sale 9&c Each Men's Gloves Men's Moce Lined Gloves Men's Wool Gloves Men's Suede Lined Glovies Ail at Cost Price to Clear Boys' Ail Wool Stockings Sizes 8% ~t. 10%, 18 pr. ail Waol Worat.ed Reg. 75c for 49c 18 pr. ail Wool War*ed, Reg. 90c for 69c Men's AIl WooI Heavy Mackina'w Sox 8 pair anly, Penmaa's Reg $1.25 for 89c pair Men's Ail Wool Com- bination Underwear Reg. $2.00 for $1.58 Ea Reg. $2.25 for $1.78 Ea Reg. $250 for $1.98 Ea Reg. $3.00 for $2-38 Ea Men's Work Shirts Plain Blne Ohambray, Navy Blue and Khaki, about 3 dozen, Reg. $1.50, On Sale M8 Men's Work Shirts About 8 dozen heaq Work Shirte, Fiannelette, saes of Mry and tan, ReVular $1.50 On Sale Mec acà Men's Veloup Caps A line of fine qualitiy Velour Caps, extra fine quiality, shades fawn, Regular $2.M5, ail ais% For $1.69 Men's English Brodd- cloth Shirts W. purehased a large quantlity af above in ahades of white and fawn, very heavy, Reg. $8.00, For_$2.19 AUl winter goods not meuti<>ned ins md learing at Bargain Prices to clear quickly. Men's Unclerwear Shirts and Drawera, ail wool, helavy quality, Baguier $1.50 On Sale $1.19 Fleece Lined Underwear Shirts and Drswers, Reg. $1,00, On Sale 79c Each Te B- GILCHRIST Dir.cly opposite Bank of montreal Phone 61 Every article ia theo stan guaranteed te give but satiafactien. - I C. S. MASON'S LITTLE SI-OPPE WITI-iTH1E BIG STOC1< THE NEW SPRJNG DRESSES, There's a Delightfully Youthful Air About the New Spring Dresses We Are Showing STYLES-High or low neek fastenings, long sleeves, cornbiria- tion materials and gold ernbroidery, fancy pleatings, two-piece effects, mediumn high waist and circular skirts. M'ATERIALS-Flat Crepe, Canton Crepe, Georgette, Crepe Romain, Taffeta. SHADES-Lavallier, Carrot, Italian Blue, Mandarin, Lipstick, Apple Green. WE CORDIALLif INVITE YOUR INSPECTION C. S. MASON NEXT DOOR TO F. F. MORRIS CO. Phone 161 Bownianville THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUUDAY, MARCH litlh., 1926 PAGE Fivx

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