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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Mar 1926, p. 6

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PAG si Most IRemarkabIe Di scoveryÏ Miller's Canadian Herbi Juice Wins Popular Appro- val in Surprisingly Short Time. The tremendous demand now be- ing made for the popular rcinedy, MILLER'S HERB JUICE, creating a widc-sprcad sensation whcrever it1 bas been introduced surlxmsses any- tbing of ita kind ever scen in behaif of any new medicine. The almost incredible manner in whicb stomach troubles and like ailments am e bing overcome by HERB JUICE provesi' beyond a doubt that it is one of the most effective medicines ever formu- latcd for such ailments as constipa- tion. indigestion, nervousness, gassy stomach and liver and kidney dis- orders. MILLER'S HERB JUCE acta freely on the boweta rellcving ail of the troubles referred ta, streng'tbcn- ing and invigrating the digestive or- gans and assisting nature in the per- fect assimilation af food, thei-eby aid- ing in the manufacture of pure, rich blood and eliminating ahl impuiies fi-cm tbe general system. MILLER'S HERB JUICE bhas miade a marvelous record in relieving and restoring bealth to thousanda of people. If you are suffering witb siomach trouble in any wuayphor.el your druggist ta send you a lmoittl of MILLER'S HERB JUICE. Onel bottle will convince you of its bcalth restoring powers. For sale by Jury & LoreiL Pnice1 $1.00.-1 SICK ABED EIOHIMONIRS After Taking Lydi a E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Could Do AU Her Work and Gained ,inWeight Melfort, Saskatchewati. - "I had inward troubles. heatiachesantisevere pains nin my buck anad ides. I was AOMqMà6 se sck gcnerlliy r ~ that I coulti not ~ it up and I was inbed mostoi the - ~ time for eight months. An ount S came ta visit anti - .'~\heip me as Iwas un lc ta attend ,'to my baby anti Scoulti net do my work. She told me ta try Lydia E. Pinkhar's Vegc- table Compoundi, anti af tei- tuking twe botties 1 coulti gct up anti tii-cs my- self. 1 aise teck Lydia E. Pinkhams Bioti Mediaýine. When 1 fi-st took the medicine I only weighcti aeventy- eight pountis. Now I weigh twice as mucb. If I get eut ai soita or weai-y anti can't slecp I always take another boule ef the Vegetable Compound. I finti it wontierfully gcod foi- fe- maie troubles, anti have iecom- menieti it ta my neighhors. I wiII be oniy tee glati te answcr any letters I receive asking about it. - - Mrs. WTILIAu RaITCHE, Box 486, Melfort, Saskatchewan. C Achiig Ha Take ancZUTOO TABLET anti in 20 minutes, the pain is prne and yau feel fine. ZUTOO wilI stop any Heatiache, Sick, Nervoîîs, l)yspeptic or Monthlý -n 20 minutes by the clock. 25e et dealers. KNOWLEDGE that 'the young and old Ialike need vitamins to as-. sure growth and health emphasizes the usefulness and need of 1 Scott's Emulsion of invigorating cod-Iiver oil. It is a rich, vitamin. activated food-tonic that Sromotes growth and ui lds strength to re- «-à fresh the rundown À systemn. Ask for .Scott's Emuls ion! Sct& BowneTonoon THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 11rtL, 1926 SEEING EL PASO, TEXAS-NO. 3 OBITUARY In a stroJ.l tbrough this country William Henry Cobbiedick, Orono anc secs in evcry direction rigna giving the distance and directing the On Tuesday, Marci 2nd., there en- touriat te the camping ground cali- tered into iest at Orono, Wilirsm cd Camp Grande on Alemeda and El Henry Cobbledick, agcd 83 years. Pasue. So on my strolI stiarted in He was bai-n in Clar-ke township the direction of this mucb advcr- and has Iived there ahi bis if e, bing tised camp and found a miniature a son ai the late John and Catfiherine cit-v with ail modern impi-ovemnents Coucb Cobbledick. and pricca for accommodation te He wus married in 1872 te Mary suit purses of ail grades of teurists. Ann Bragg, eldeat daughtcr of the It Wsasta a post office-pitling sta- late TPhomas and Ann Bragg of Dur- tion-repair garage, store, barber lington. For many years they liv- shop, and almost evei-y need and ed on a fai-m in the eastei-n part ai convenience and article for the comn- Clar-ke township, but during the past fort of the tourist. There are a large yeas bave resided at Orono. shed in whîch te store cars, places The funcral took place on Friday outside for thse who live in their f rom the family residence, service cars, abotl witb coiortable reama, being conductcd by Rev. W. B. Tuck- witb iest inviting rooma, batha, etc.,, er, B. A., B. D., pastor oi the United for mter teurists wliosc homne s a Church. metor car of wbich there are 7,000 Ilhc bearers were Messrs. Tii a. in the United States-three classes Smtb, William Armstirong, C. Hugh- of thcm-lst, those in luxuriant eut- son and R. Z. Hall. fits wbe travel wïth chauffeur and He leaves three daugbiters, Mrs. mids; 2nd, those wbio puy their way Willliam A. Wright, Tyrene; bie they 'homeseekers or sunabhine M rs John-i A. Barrie, Clar-ke; and faddists and 3rd the flivver bobo, Ms an obeika oe l looking for fi-cc camps a'nd shelter ,,~o w brothers, Messrs. Isaac and and stays until asked te move on. Jacob Cobbledick, Orono, and thr-e These are peculiar c'eatures, , ai- sisters, Mrs. W. H. Eiiiott, London; tbough in many ways like their fore- Mrs. Wm. Sandercock, Huntington runner-4the trami--wiho bits the Beach, Califai-nia; and Mrs. Thos. ties or rides the brake beam ofl aCouch, Newca.4t]e. freigbt car. He dees net want Since the above ar'îicle was put in work and is profuse in thanks for type Mrs. Cobbledick passed t. ehr, smaîl fuvors. He neyer ha money reward on 'Monday, Moi-ch th. Tbel and depends on a kind-bearted pub- funeral takes place on Wednesday lic for assistance. He bas one as- afternoain. set and that is his cor and unl;ke the old time trarmp be o£ten bas a___ fumily-a wife and 2 te 6 children,Iciny Tiwadoc itu- net counting the dog and canai-y. ciicd labhor, ado te fi-t fnw As for bis habita hie just packs bis swleks as in theana ortre aia train- bedding, the iamily frying-pan, ek weil tentueo.atan hammiock and steve and goca on 'hi ing acheol *way and nobody, bimacif ieast of The progress m2de by thia factory all, knows where or wby and if the is described by experienced milimen eve setl don re ikey s S~fYIas ama zing. There was gi-own in less as *the y arc on the road. the volley lat year 80,000 bales of cotton of 500 each, anti there is a Hcaiing a lot about smelters, we1 fumigating and compression plant un stand before a gate -on whicb is a connection there witb. asigu: "Enter Here At Yaur Own Well now I think wc had better Peril". This rqeans, of ciourse, tbe stop and write clown the things seen person assumes aIl risks of injui-y today or cisc we sali forget themn. or accidenta. The gateman said: This is a city of 80,000 people wbcre Appiy ut office whcre we stand ni 45 years age when the railro'ad en- the presence of tihe manager wbo tereti, in 1881, aIl the buildings cx- says " We have a i-ui thun ne one cept one was adobe and net a glass is aliowed te go tbtlough, but we window in an3cI. There arc over 60 break it sometimes ut oui- diacre- factories. The city bas doubleti in tieon". Se witb the guidance of A. size every ten ycars the last four A. Paul of the engineering depart- decades. Putting watches together ment we start eut after we had is saidti t be anc of the -most in- thanked the manager. tricate jobs lu the worid but tbcre is The fsst things seen are heaps of a depaitmental stoi-e here that bas roklike tones, useti for making 28,000 different articles for sale. El ouds. 0f course, we are inter- Pao boasts of the 2nd tailest person ested in gold and silver, copper and in the Unitedi States, 22 yeai-a aId, lead and these dirz-y rocks did net 8 foot, 21t/ inches taîl. 0f course, interest us ut al. Eadh of those be looks down on evei-ybody and the heaps is svorth tbousands of dollars, people look up te bim. Paul saiti, and oui- respect for and Tihe weatheri- ladligbtful, like intereat ia the rocks began te risc June in the day time but chilly aiter and then wben we sa-w how cai-efuily sunset. For 14 days there bas been they are treateti aur respect anti in- ne fi-est. Grass in some places an tereat again increased conistierabiy. inch higb; early fiosycra, taffýndiIs A buge grindi'ng mili like the moi-- ant i rocus are in byloom. Peach blos- bai- and pestaI seen in tirug stores, E;-ms showing, the pink anti rose but a tbouaand times bigger, of bushesý bursting open, anti I say with course, is first used te crusii the ore. Solomnon, For ho the winter is post, It is driven by eleditricity but tics- tihe rain is over anti gone, tlhe fiowers pite itas ize anti power the ore is fed appear on the earth anti the time in slowly because it is se bard. After of the singing of birds is Corne, andi tie ni-e ia crusheti it is reastedti t the voice of the turtlc la heur.! ir get the suhphur eut. One cant sec the lanti. The fig ti-ce puttetlh any suiphur in -the rock, but it la forth ber grecen figs, anti the vines there in quartity anti is biuaneti out wieh the tender grape give a good -that is what is meant by raasting. amieli. The ore then goca inte a furnace, Alpha Pinch. wieh bas several chambers ai- 1230 Myrtie Ave., Fl Paso, Feb. 16, hearths and comes eut pcrfectlyl 1926. dry. Sulpihur fumes are usualyl quiLe imeiiy, but withi the facilities RtcifMhnehprpaaan ut this plant, the odor is hartihy net- tif-ach pir So scirs ate iced unhess one is close t.o the roat-thing . îom aro csost e rs. Wben the sulhur is burnedti c*in engine. off the ai-c is cai-riedt te nother on Mothers can cusihy know wben witic endht'ss heits anti aiter paissng 1tý,cLr childi-en are tijoubIcti with tbrougb the ast fui-noce is bot bu 1tý %orrns, and tbey lose ne tume in up- net meteti. It then la 'handleti by plying o i-chable rcmedy. Motber a tiny railroad xith a miniature lo- Graves' Worm Erterminator. conmotive whîcb goca puffing orounti-d_____ witb ahi the importance of a big onee, pulling the cars w'itin ai-e cahot! I McCovs Cod Liver loi-iy cars. Jix-t who lorriy wus o r is EtatTbesFn o the guide didn't suy, se we diiln't EtatTbesFn o finti eut. Thin Under develoued Kids We fairiy gasped whcn toiti thatt -2,000 tons of oi-e goes thi-ougb Children Love Them Because They every day. Tbcy rcfined 25 million Are Sugar Coated and as Easy dollars wortibat ycar, mo.sty leati ta Take as Candy. and copper. Tbey empioy 1,000 nmen, In this furnace the rocks are Its vour duty, Mother te sec thai tborougbly netcd, oiii bcbg wu(rd the fi-ail, peaked, sieckly youngstei anti hen the belpci-s take the copper grows up to be strang in body, keci eut. What takes pace in this fui-- in mimd anti robust in heaIth. noce is nmucbh ike what bappens wben Extracted from the livera ef th( one puts a bottie of mik on tlie iewly codfish are thec beaith, weighi qhelf cr winîiox tili the creani riseCS and strength protitcing vitamine: on top of the beavy waer anti skîm that are feunti in McCoy's Cati Livei miik goes to the blott.om. But in tiii s 1Extruet Tahiets, which are aoid b: furnace the metal being bea 't, phai-mucists ail over North anc goca te the bottom, wbiic the siag South Anierica. uni1 meiteti tones rise to the top, se Doctors know about theni and s( that in this case the crcam is uniier. de al rugist ' anti if your chiidrer Then after this opeiation there'1 neeti building up ask for these tab ai-e impurities left and it gpoes thru lets teciay if you want to give youi le. A miii was buiit conino 2 secret of Rbeuma's success. lom itb "5,01"8 aqpi ndlé5,-is. Eacb 10cm., But we don't ask yau ta take ou matie 8,600 yards a day anti laid in word for t; go ta Jury & LovelI o a struigbt piece would be a yardj any druggist and get a bottle o wide anti reacb fi-rn bei-e te <bicage I Rheumna today; if it d'oesn't do a 1,350 miles. F.acb weaver attendes tel we promise get your money back 5 te, 16 iooma according ta priofi- 1 it wil be there waitiing for you. 1 $200.00 in Cash Given Away IitTPPRIZE $0-00ss 1111SD PRIZE $. 30.00 FIFTH CRIZE . LIe T,3tN t'RIZfS OF ..... -- $5-.0ach Can you rutd ten or more objecta in the picture ielow tlat commence witt, the letter 'HIf so. write a liât of the- and seeid it to us at once. you may win a cash prize provided you com piy with a simple condition THAT DOES NOT INVOLVE THE Si'ENDING o1: ANY MONEY. Write the list oi the objecte yoet find neatly and pWanly, na in the evet of tics neatisesa and writing wiil b. considered lactoms Send your answe et once and w. wiII vs. ply by retursi mail saying wb.ther you arm correct or flot. Addresa plainly- HOME MANUFACTtJRING COMPANY 1i8 Roncesvaâm sAvoum Torost. 1 The city is on the island otf Oahu. l-t was on the southernoet anti lai-g- est isianti, that of Hawaii. that Cook xvas kilieti. A memoriai marks the sptot. Tbough Brn' isb mule -,as bni, the mcmnoty ai Britain is cher- isheti by the natives. Beretania streot in Honolulu is the neareat they coulti get te Britunnin. A Brit- ish admiraI's statue is bard by . The Union Jaek is incorporateti in the flag ai tiie aid n4onarcby which is nase the fia-g cf tbe Territoi-y of Ha- waii. You ma-y sec it, witb the Stars anti Stripes, behinti th at thi-ane where a Speaker now aits. Like aur Canatilan shipping flag it bas the Union Jack in the corner, whiie the fiy is ai alternate bars ai white, i-ci, and blue, symbtilizing the eight is- lands of the greup. Occupying prominent posLtions in the lufe ai Honolulu are many Brit- ish subjecta wiia'have beceme Ameni- con citizens. Among -oui- caurteaus hasts waa an Edinburgii man anti his channing Austrarian wife. Another lady was a Boer by birth whilc ber hushanti was British. OUR KINSFOLK "*DOWN UNDER" ORONO By Mr. Hugh Savage of Duncan, (From The News of Mai-ch 4th) B. C., The Canadian Statesinan Mr. F'rank Walker of Winnipeg, Repre»entative at The Imperial is visiting bis aunt, Mrs. A. A. Press Couference at Meibourne, Rolph. Australia. . .Mrs. A. O. Keeler, Pnrt Hopel Article No. 3 spent Wednesday with Mrs. James Honolulu! The very naine conjures Mfat Up vions of sunshine and flowers,.. Mr. and Mrs. Ijantz, Toronto, vis- volcanoes and long rollers bearing ited ber grandmotber, Mrs. H. Hall, to sandy shores the brown riders of over the weekend. surfboards. Ail this is true, but i-, Mr.. H. Y'onker visited bis par- is but a fraction of the dclights of enta at Tavistock, last week, bis this "Crossroads of the Pacifie". motber bei'ng in poor bealth. Six and a baif days from Victoria Mr. Stafford of Piditon, wlbo suc- found us slipping through a sea that ,eeds Mr. Wm. RiddeUl as Manager recalled the seemingly unreal blue of of tlhe Canning Factory bere ha-s ar- certain biliboards. Across the flecks rived. of white foamn rose land of evident Miss Kathleen Staples accompan-, volcanic orîgin. Had it proved as ied by Mise Foyeir and the Misses bai-e as it looked, the cbanging lights Dl of Port HpsetStra and colours in the his would haveDayHp petSudy left a lasting memory of delight. at home. Closer acquaintance was to reveal The Centre St. Churcb is ex- verdure abundant to the ridges, a tremeiy fortunate in baving secured paradise of semi-tropical beauty. Rev. Dr. Cbown for tlhir anniver- It is the people wbo make the sariY May 9th. places. The Chamber of Coni- Miss Sadie McKay bas returned merce of Honolulu perpetuates the to Luseland, Sask., after spending a spirit of the brown-skinned Hawai- couple of weeks at ber sister',, Mrs. iana who, since the far days of 1778, Jas. R. Cooper. when our own Captain Cook-whose Mr. Jolm- Henry was reappoi:îted naine cleaves to St. Lawrence and Township Road Superintende'nt et Nootka as to Australia and Hawaii last meeting of Council. Mr. Hen- -was welcomed and worshipped in i-y, witb his year's experience, will these "Sandwich Isles". Nowadays be' better qualified for this work. Honolulu does the welcoming. Her Mr. Orm. Garnsby attended the Ivisitors do the worshipping.fiasnth Juor nd Sir And wbat a welcome! Scarcely bad Hockey at theJuno rnteorhi thepor dotorpasedalog oi-Thursday. Junior, Kingsvillc and ranks than the greeting of Governor Oe Sound; Senior, Peterboro and Farrington was presented by lus mil-Oronto itary aide, and about our necks was Trno placed a glorious "lei" or chain of The accident of Miss Margaret flowers. As tbe great liner moved Brown, granddaugbter of Mr. and tQ hier bertb smiling natives lived Mrs. William Brown, while sleigbrid- from hei.gbts or swam beneath the ing o n'"cob"' hili was more serious water in pursuit of coins tbrown thon fi-at tbougbt, tbe ligaments of from ber decks. the leg being so badly strained that Soon we wcre speeding to an offi- it bad to be pût in a plaster pa.ris cial reception by the Governor ut the cast. Capitol, an old palace of Hawaiian Crown Attorney W. F. Kerr- and kings. At the Aquarium one passes License Inspector Goodrich were in fromn wonder to wonder at new com- town Monday for the purpose of binations of glorious bandinga and poeuigabec fth .T . blendinga of colour upon fish which pos teutpgarechfof.tbe . TA.,n bave an air of uncanny intelligence, onftbe0adrotsofR. Lunn. A fn te Here sboul.d come those who seekof$0adcsswsinpednth new vividness of rainbow bhues to endtbyNiCovlP.M brighten our stores and homes. Seme On Sunday, March l4th., at the fish recalled coloured rubber bathing evening service tbe W. M. S. of caps pulsating with if e. If the Park Street Obhurch will hold their octopuses did neot cause revulsion annual cburcb service. Special music one might watch their chamelcon by a women's choir. Pastor Tucker faculty of suiting their colour to will give a special missionary mes- their environnment. sage. Tbank-off ering of the W. M. S. Wakiki Beach is laved by water se will be taken. warm that there is no wondex that Congratulations to Mr. Robesit Hawaiians seems to live in it. Its Fowler wbo in February last passed "sillvy" feel recalls sumnnier lakes in bis 93rd birtbday. Mr. Fowler was Northern Ontario. Here Diamond bon' rd ea lnsiin Head looks on long lines of surf and Con t Frmadntea n, an a its ride. It l a nd hingt eernenstirring saenes in his younger days and wen bronnd boaite, oeretwben tbe blacktborn was the chief n hevy round,-poind bo rsmeresort in an argument. Mr. F.ow- onnehecetlonfth agngsho:ewards 1her came to tbis country when about on he res o th waes.itis uch33 years of age coming direct to more thrilling to ride oneself, but Newtonville and bas since been a - that takes praotice. There is coin- pensatory exciternent in the surf resident of Clarke Townihip. He is 1 bot-alongcanL wth otrigedstill hale and bearty, enjoys long l oa-n long fcanor sit outrig'ed walks, con read without glasses and Sog-in which fixeaoresas may ;pasd.i bi On the beach is the Moana botel, facuteg reaolara.it . a palace of white and gold and fiow- y I~ao i ers, with wide verandah and baobab il tree, beneatb wbicb the Royal Hawa.i- à ian band plays and sings native airs, about twelve per cent American, ,sweet in cadence and plaintive ap- British and German. The rest are i peal. 'Phere, when a colour-.scatter- Hawaiians, Chinese, Filipinos, and ing moon rode higb, we watclied Portugese. We tbreaded the Japan. -moving pictures of other beauties ese quarter to peep at a plant wvicli *and wonders of tbe isles we had to~ daily turns out tins of pineapple oy leave so soon.dc the 'hundred tbousand. Tben, fronm From the dc you step into, a %var and trade. we climbed to ro- modern American thoroughfare, wî.,hi mance, to tbe Nuuanu Pali, a preci. open street cars an.d bustling auto pitous escarpmcnt over wbich a con. atraffic. Huge buildings of ýtone, quering chief drove bis enemies tc whose lines follow the simplicity and1 death. From it one gains a viie i beauty of the Greeks, bespeak stzb-1 of the eastern aide of the islan-3, il h ility and faith in the future. Past the strong trade wind will allow yoî -handsome stores with %indow dress-1 te stand. The force of this winc r ings recalling Paris iyou corne upon, is perbapa beat seen in- waterfall old palaces now used by the govern-I blown back to the cliffs througl ment, then mile upon mile of hand-' whicb we swung down to tbe Countr3 seine or less pretentious dwellings. Club, set amid golf links and lookin. Ahl are set about witb tracs and fiow- over city and barbour. crs whose very novelty delights Nor-' Under a verandah roof whicb blos thern eyes. Here are the talroyal somed with vines, we ate native dis1h 8 palm, the lesser algaroba, cocoanuts, os. "Fifteen kinds of foo.d printcd ii thei golden shower, but the chief two languages on anc tea leaf"' des glory is in the long hedges of hibià- cribes the menu card. Tbe "tee" lca: yeus, a fiower whicb, like oui- aweet was seime sîxteen inches long. Majo pea, bas been crosscd and recros;ed Astor and Lord Burnbam chose Brut until noxv the tale of varieties bas ish connection with Hawaii ang reached four thousand. These cohur friendsbip xitb America as tbei Lt combinatiens vie with those of the themies. ýr fishes and the bilLsidfcs. By day the 1 One word brings back a whol n red glory of poinsettia; then thc country Hawaiia's word is "Aloiia" wondrous loveliness of the night- Word of grceting ,of love, oi frien' 'e blooming cereus, one flower of wbich ship, but neyer so vibrant witb mear it we~ were lucky cnough to see. It ing as when used as word of farE r3 lches great creamy caie oesxwl h great sbip muvet3. Man ýriihshigb. voices join the Royal Hawaiian ban 'Y Out in the country the hibizcus in "Aloba Oc". Fromn the boat <iec ,d hedges pcrsist amid fields of bananas sixty feet above the sea, browvn bo' oand pineapple, of rice and sugar ie.;ý dart like arrows or curve in gloi Ocane. Li"tle trucks of cane are ious diving. Like modemr Doge. Sunloaded by machinery, the juice is, we cast overboord ýour rings c cxtracted in the mili, boiled, and the! bloom-for it is ill-luck to kee Every Home Now is the time to have them laid. Cali and get our estimates. We have a price for every purse. We also expeet a supply of Alberta Coal in a few days and shall be glad to take care of your order. McClellan & Co., Limited King St. East Office Phone 15 Bowmanvlli Soute P?&on&t !28, 274, %14 RED ROS! "is good tea"" TEkI Special Cereal and Fruit Sale WllEATLETS 4i%-. 25C ]ROLLED3I.li WHITE CORN BEANS MEAL 41s-25c.41b.22c, Roman Meal 3 1 c Puffed Rice 2 for 35c Pot Barley 6c lb. Shredded Wheat 2 for25c Aunt Jemilma r 23 Buckwbeat Flour 3 PRUNES ýo-, 2 ' 29c GOLDEN IlALLO WI 2 Iba. DATES 19e RAISINS 29C 15 oz. pochet S MYRN A COOKING FIGS 2 îs-21c, EVAPORATEL PEACIIES 125clb. Singapore Pineapple 20c Bayside Cherries 25c Silver Bar Apricots 20c Valencia Raisins 2Ibs. 25c Messina Lemons doz. 23c AYLMER SellCniiain DOMINO CELERY se a oFFER io TOMATO REJSH OFRCATSUP Ilb. D.S.L. Bulk Tea19 NESTLE'S SicdBaonALME EVPORATED :U MILK97 Reg. Pnice SOUP tins 25ec 9 7$1.02__ 2 ins;2le Christies Arrowroot Biscuits 0C -ni plpr Iu -.1 - ng DaI [t !os 0, ti- 0 a -9 DAr-V CYT You Need Mdore Than A Policy We don't simply "Write insurance". A clerk can write a policy, but real service is given only by some one thoroughly acquainted with ail of the details of insurance contracts and with the man- ner in which policies fit various types of property. Make sure about your insurance before it is too late. Consuit us today. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville IL .... Good Hardwood Floors ADD TO IBoth Beauty and Comfort Those Prices in effect for one week f rom date of this

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