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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Mar 1926, p. 8

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PAGE EIGET TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MÂRC~R 111h., 1926 GOOD HEALTH THOUGHTS AN 0W ÂAGE RECIPE By Mrs. Alice Burreil Irvine in Methusaleni ate wbat hie found on bis Succ.u plate, And neyer, as people do now, Tie. business of eating in its re- Did hie note the amount of the cal- lation to, health and success. In arie cout- the course of ber study of dietetics He ate it because it was chow. over a long period of years Mrs. Ha wasn't disturbed as at dinner lie Irvine bas advised thousands of sat, persans in matters relating ta healtb- Destroying a raast or a pie, fi eating. Most of us are uncon- To think it was lacking in granular scious diet sinners and bring untold fat, discoifort and tragedy upon oursel- Or a couple of vitamines shy. ves and families througb aur lack of He cheerfully chewed evary species knowladge of tbis supreme factor in -o ffood, living. In a series of articles in Untroubled by worries or fears, SUCCESS-The Magazine for eIl the Lest is health might bie hurt by Family-Mrs. Irvine wiil tell readers some fancy dessert, the simplest ways of keeping well And bie lived over nina hundrad ithrough food, and just what certain yae food accomplighas in the body in ____ tbe building and maintenance of - haaltb. Editors of Succest consid- er thasa articles to be the most nlot- AUNT'S VIEW OF BOY PROBLEM able and helpful that have appeared in recent years. We are great ad- One of the greatest probleims ofl mnirera of Succeua and command the this age is The Young Man. Thous- magazine ta avary family. Publishedj nso at 251 Fourth Avenue, New Yorki nso people are interested and; City, subscription $2.50 a year or 25 engaged in some activity ta hlÏp, cents a copy at booksores.-The. young men ta make the best pas- Edit inne. sible use of their opportunîties. Par- DietSuiersents, Sundey Schoai, public and high Some sentences f rom Mrs. Irvine's school teachers, ministers and others first article i Success for March: interested in young people'a socle-1 Most af us commit dietary sins. ties-Christian Endeavors, Leagues,, It is passible ta overeat and bie Y. M .C. A. and various other or- undernourished. ganizations are aIl working for thel The mind is the directing and, one chi ef objective-ta help the, guiding force in aur lives. growing boy to prepare himsalf in his younger days ta make a suc- Food bears sanie relation ta body, cess in life. To assiat the young that fuel does ta a locomotive,. os n grsofCnaatabv Food is building material and: worth.y aims, aspirations and desires, fuel for the body and that's aIl it is.1 to flot only make a cOmpetence butl Pleasure from satisfying appetite in achieving the highest and best la only a by-product-nottrhe end. work and in f orming a noble char- A man's mentality, disposition and ater is wortby of the bet efforts character are affected by what le of aIl persans who are engaged on eats. the boy and girl problenis. An Apptit isa porguie, allngauthor bas said that when a boy is into bad habits oftan about proper br i oki onwt u i food. head being ftted up wiilb a perfect set -of unused tools and his body After middle life if digestive or- mnade splandidly for oarrying themn gans are Over-worked they break about with hlm, and Canada teenis down.1 with opportunities for using thein Rigbit food in correct amaunts for individual advancement and for keep aur body functioning ta a good doing good work. Teach a boy to aid aga. have faith in hiniself, tae, courage Health is requisite ta ambition's -d'aring if Vou lika--and persevar- fulfillxnent and healtlh la regulated ance in that to» which he aspirs- upon food. posse9sing a determination ta find Millions of meals are served daily the way ta success or ta make one deficient in body.building, strangth- and bhis career will be crowned with giving qualities. 1I ees adtheworld will be the Wht a wonderful thing la this livced in it. Aunt's advica ta par- slf-repairing, slf-starting and self- et ndeigwt hi osi runnng ngia ofour. jreally splendid and we heartily coam- Right food makes strang ener- mend hier article this week t» al gatic, vigoraus bodies; wrong food parents and teachers of boys.-The tears. downm the struature. Editor. High blaod pressure, bardening of axteries, diabetes and gout are of- My Dear Niece-Now thàt your tan caused by overeating. boy bas arrived at the adolescent We can keep wl yapidstage hz increasingly needs youxr knowledge offood-add steghunderstanding and sympai'hy. His er- vor adeanf skin--god os. nghratic moods, bad temper and idle- vigo an clan kingoo loks. ness are flot really faulta; he will By neglecting ta find out bow and outgrow thein if there are antidotes what ta est we reacb the end Of ready to counteract the poison of haalth long bafore we raach the end these moods before thay become of life. habitual. Wrong food bas made strang men weak ,able men fail, courageous men Such antidatas can» be found in fearful and even-temepered men ir- plenty of outdoor exercise and in- ,itable.j terestq- such as tany sports, football, There la a food ration ta addhiking or swimming. Tbat is one waigt ad on taredue wigh reason why the Boy Scaut movement and a ration to maintain normallasgodfrby;ikep ten weight. 1busy. Many chidren sufer froni mal- Cleanliness, bath bodiiy and men- nutrition in a land of good food-1 tally, is anot3her poWerful antidote one child out of tbree it bas been at this age. Keep his mind cean found by tests. with gaod books, good conipanions Wrong food is the basis of many and away fromn unwholesome pictura iIls. Our vigor, joy of living, and shows, speciali zing in questilonabla power ta work depend on the kinds draina but encourage him to seea of food we eat. comedies, keep bis body dlean wth «Dath rate beitween 40 and 60 W ~plenty Of water. incaeng. Overwoork, wory, toa Young folks rairely pay suffiint ittle axarcisa, tao little sleep and1 attention ta these greiat natural rein- wrong f ood are contributing factors.i edies for ail ailmaxnts--sun, air andi Energy is obtained tbraugh fuel-I watr-they cannat bave taa mach food. Certain foods are burned in of either. the bodyk thus releasing the energy Asrgdaisfteanbsvo whicb gives power ta work andcAiran rdpstpn hsure a n ilvoe think.cain otoetesbetutlh Our body requires diffarent kinds is of reasoning age. If he is forced and varying quantity of food at var- ta do sarine particular work which he ioua periods of life. Must not eat ai- dislikes depend upon it he will neyer ter 40 as much as you did at 20 make a success of ik. Yerso aga. . s tatbuld Each of us is born with some spa- ou an slen, d that buîlic rd cmal talent w)ich, if we coul.d only blond e amuscer, gat makaicanrd perfect., wa abould do something food, crate nry ieha n worth while; but it ja nat always foo tatpromates grawth-all possible ta do this, environiments or should bie combined in daily diet. circuinstances prevent. The human body la a wonderful working machine comprising bone, Yet in these days the opplortuni- muscle, fat, blood, brain and nerve- ies are far more in number for a tissue ail of which we are -constant- child ta do samething in the lina it ly expending, and unleas repair is likes bast. regularly made, death will result. We see pale, nei-vous, rundown, There is in aIl healthy children a persons, not sick but unable ta do asj liking for some special study, a pa- they would like-wrong food eaten.1 culiar case with whicln they can INADEQUATE Oh, but 1 road youn giance, Wori.s-witt a-e te>'? Your eyes cry out ta me That you wouid say. Vorls stunîbie aiptiLy> Symnols aud signa, Your ,r)ul is best for speaking Your hb rVta omine. Wards are too crude at beast, But let nue bold Your baud and see your face And ail is tald. Reliaves Astitma at Little Expanse. Thous.auds of dollars have pean vaini>' spent upon remedies for as- titia and seldai, if aven, witb any relief. Dr. J. D. KeUlogg's Ast.hna Remedy, despite its assurance of benefit, costasa littie that it is witb- in neacit of ail It is the national remedy for ssthana, fan refnsoved fra it4he clasa of doubtfui and ex- peiinental pieparations. Your deel- oan Casuppl>' it. ha wiil niot mind te urudgery at the bottai of te laddar, aven>' part of it will be of deepest interest. As reg&nds te farin-tite oidest of vacations yet renewed every year -iV can bave an unfailing interest ta te boy wito deliglits in nat'ure, lu the stud.y of solis, on a sympa- tetic liking fur animals. The scientific branches of faim life eis wltb interast for auy studious boy and almost an>' alent can ha developed and "made good" if oni>' ha stants right with the proper course of study, and enjoys te work. Professionsa are naw ver>' bard Vo obtain and over-ciawdad ut te bot- toi, aisa, it takes man>' years af uceasîng atudy and toil ta reacti the raamy top, the oni>' place wortb whiie ln that clasa of wark. 1 Go slow and d»a noV worny hüm; quiet, unobstrusive gui.dlng ta te best method; nagglng and p'umbling are fatal. Mi .H. Jase had Messrs. Matt. Aldread and Bil!,»offe±t engaged with their circulai saw aouttit last waek cutting up tiwanty-fiva corda of 1hardwoad, beach and atm,, fr<in bis own wo.od lot. Anthriacite ooaa strIkes, gmoky substitutes and other fuel problens give no worriis ta Hart>'. Mr. H. J. Ragen, Toronto, bas pur- chased te garagatthe C. N. R. station frait Mr. J. E. W. Phlp and bas employed Mi. W. N. Buckle>' ta n*'ve it up ta Mr. John Douglas', King St. East, where it wili always ha neady to receiva Mr. and Mrs. Rtagan'a car on thair future visita to Newcastle. Board of Education at its Marcb meeitingi appointad Major H. W. Dud- ley and Mn. Gea. Gaines, delagates Vo the annual <lonvention of the On- taria Sdolo Trustees' and Ratepay- ais' Association wbicb ineetn in Tor- onto on April 6, 7 and 8--Easter weak. Rev. E. R. Jaffes and chair- ian Clark are aiternates. Board st te asie meeting re-appointed Mn. J. W. Bradley a menther of tihe Pub- lic Library Board of whiclth hela now tbe chiairman. Mn. E. J. Garland, M. P., of Bow Rivai, Alberta, in th-- midat of bis addrass in Crntmunity Hall on Fni- day avening, took occasion ta con- gratulate Reeva H. S. Britton andi the people of Newcastle on te vary fine village in which ha found (hlm- self on titis occasion. He was simp- 1' astonisited at what ha had sean ou bis arrivaI as ha bad ex.pactcd ta sea just an ordinan>' village. A coi- Imunity like titis with its many flue brick buildings Mould at leasat ha caiied a TOWN in Alberta, ;and fi had a bal aqual in ize and hieauty of architecture ta thea ana in whicbi iie was speaking it would likaly ha caliad a CITY.1 Thte sincere -sympathy> of the whoie 'm,)i-munity anti of te United Citurd'i ln particular is exteudedt t Mrs. Win. 'arnail tite loss sha bas sustain- ed throuZ',1thte pas-iug of ber si.ter, Kezia Allunu, beioved wife of 'Mn. Chbas. Brock, Toonuto. Mn,. Parnail, > ear riluand year out, devotes much of ber Vume and thougitt in îaking but Huuse af God beautiful. Flow- ers wit ber is ant obsession ta be proud of, and wban funeral services are itelinl the United Churcit as iu te fornmer Methoîllat Ciurchit i bas beau hon special cane ta adoin te altar and precincts with those silent and lavely expressions of sym- patit>. in emembrance of Mrs. Paruails neyer failing sympathies for otheis who sornow, te sympathies of the United Cburch c»ngregation go out ta bier in a pecuiiariy inten- sive way now that a dean sister bas been laid awlay, taken in te ful beauty of companattvely eanly wam- anbood. eàýt1e Inidepernidenit MARCH llth., 1926 Mz~. J. E. Matchett has been cou- 1 The Ngewvcd THURSDAY, NEWCASTLE Miss Naomi Harrocka la visiting friands in town. Mr. Fred Anderson la horne froin 3Sauit Ste Marie. Miss Ada Barker, Torionto, recent- ly visitad Mrs. J. R. Fianer. Mrs. Thos. Liddle, Grimsby, is at- tanding the Gibson-Nelles nuptials. Mr. and UTs. A. D. Wbeeier were in Toronto on business on Monday. Miss Miabai Garner, Osnawa, spent a f ew days with friends bere thia week. Principal T. A. and Mis. Rodgers spent the waakend witla friands in Oshawa. Miss Rata Nichais, Hamption, bas rasuined ber old posûtion at the Oriental Hotel. Mr. Joseph Heaird bas returned from spending the winter with friands in Western Ontario. Miss Clara Sainsbury, Buffalo, is visiting at the home of Mr. A. Els- worth wbo passed away on Wednes- day. Mr. Wellington Vandusen bas rented Bentiy Cottage on the Orono road and wili maya his family there shortly. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Gibson hava returnad home after a pleasant montbs' visit with Mx. and Mis. Can- non at Picton. Mr. H. S. Britton is remodeiing bis store in order ta take care of the summer tourist, trada in ic.e cream and confectionery. Miss Hattie Mason is ill and as a resuit the pupils of the second divi-1 sion -of the Public Sclhooi are auj oy-f ing an enforced boiiay. The romains of tihe lbalte Herman Anderson wbo dîed in Ijondon, Eng- land, were bilouget hare and the funeral service is being heid in St. George's Church today. Mis. Thas. Couch was called ta Oromno last week owing ba the critecal illnass of bar eldest briother, William H. Gobbladick, now decaased. Urn. Coudh remainad until affter the fun- aral on Th.ursday. Drover H. B. Flo6-ter ahippad a mixed car of cattie and hogs from the C. N. R. station on Saturday and Mr. D. J. Gîbson and Mr. Henry Bowen ioaded a car of appies for the Old C.ountry market. It la rumbred that Mi. Harry Coucb has decided ta go farming and bas rented the Middieton farmn on the third line. His son Harold wili continue to carry on the Bus and Express service as formerly. Mrs. Robt. Gibsan loft on Monday ta join ber husband in Atlantic City where ha bas a very lucrative posi- tion in one of the palatial batela aiong tihe famous Board Walk. Sha' will be muchb missad by ber many friainds hera. Mr. F. W. Dowan, M. P., cama up from Ottawa via C. P. R. on Friday evenîng in time ta take in the Provi- dence Farmars" Club supper and hear the excellent a.ddress delivar .ed in the interests of the farniing in- dustry by Mr. E. J. Garliand, M. P., of Rnw River. Alberta. NEWCASTLE hOBITUARIES Mrs. Win. Moore wha bas been il1 M-a A. H. Simmons, Indien. Head. in Willowdale Rest Home is con- Sa*IL val escing. Mis. Geo. A. B)oney was called ta The news o£ the sudden passing Toronto owing ta the illness of her of Mrs. Minnia Simmons, beloved siater. Sh. returned haome on Fr1- wife of Arthur H. Sions, of In- day. dian Head, Sask., was received with Rev. E. B. Coaoe -of tie United Church was in Toronto on Tuesday feelings of deepeat synpathy for and Wednasday attanding the great the bereaved anes. Mrs. Sinunans convention of the World's Religiaus was barn in Clarke Township near Education Council. Orono, on September 28th, 1870, ha- Mrs. T. A. Liddle and daughtar, ing the y'oungest daughter of the iste Mary of Grimsby, were here last Joh1n and Ann Mason. . Her girl- weekand calling upon Mrm. Liddle's haod days were spent at home on tae brothars, Coujcillors J. H. and fanm and after ber marriage ahe P'rank Gibson. 'I¶bey aso visited cama ta reside in Newcastle, and Dr. and Mrs. Farncaaub at Ebýor saine twenty-five years ago îoved House. The,.v were on their way te Saskatchewan settiing in Indian home froin Brighton were they bave Haad wbere ahe continued ta, reside been spending a few weeks with until the tiineof ber deatb. Mrs. Liddle's daughters, Mis. (Dr.) E. C. McKee anad Mrs. (Dr.) Olarka Eariy in life she identified hersaif and saizad this opportunity of caîîing with the Methodist Ch.urclh of wbich upon Newcastle relatives. Inhsis la he was a davout and faithflimain- Mis. Liddia's first viit ta Newcastle ber, for many years being a member since she fractuirad ber anlcle iast o f the Newcastle Church chair unden Fail. thbe leadership of the late William Pickard, and wAs ana of the leaders Finul Itbaik-offering services of in young peope's nvovements in the the W. M. S. of the former Methiod- comunity. Alter going west sha ist Ohurcrh wil le hald on Sunday continued ber interests in Church and Monday, Marcb l4th and 15th work and was a vaiued aind efficient in te United Ghurch. Rev. F. W. officar in many of the Women's or- Anderson, M. A., farmner pestoriof ganizationa iconnactad with the the Presbytierian Churcb and now cburch, and for the pat twenty-five associate pastor of the United years was Treasurar of the Mission- turch, Port }aope, will preach on1 ary Society. Being ef a kindly dis- Sunday evening, and a ladies' choir position she andearad hersaif ta 'al of W. M. S. members will sing. Mon- with whom she came in contact and lay a hot miat pie suppar will bie was deariy beiovad and highly ne- sarvted in the S. S. Rooms from 5 ta spactad by al ber numeraus ac- 9 p. m. o'ciock, alter which a vary quaintaincea. This devout wifa, hoice prograni of vocal and in- ioving motiber and kindiy naighhar strumental music with other speciai- will be deaply nmourned and graatly ly attractive features will hae rend-. missad in te homne and comniunity. ared in the churcit auditorium by Mis. T. W. Cawker, Bowm.anville, Besides her husband she la îaurn- Mrs. O. W. Rolfe, Orono. F. J . Hor- ed by twa daughtars, Mrs. Jas. waod, Bac Mus., Marmoria, will con- Stainger and Miss Marial Simmons; tribute severai nu.mbers on the pipe two sisters, Mis. J. W. Jackson, orgian. Admission ta Monday aven- Newcastle and Mrs. W. A. Gibson, ing's supper and program: Adults Clarke township; and two bre.hers, 40c; chiidran under 15-25c. Mr. Win. Mason, Climnax, Sask., __________fonîeriy proprietar of Newcastle PROVIDE~NCE Bakary, and Mr. John Masan, Carke _______township. Her oniy son, Clarence, The Providence Farmers' Club bas dîed on Nov. lOth, 1918. every teason ta ha gratifiad with the Mr. and Mrs. Jac4kson spent savar- splendid succeas of its second an- ai waeks with Mir. and MMs. Simmons nual supper and entertainninent in in lindian Head Iast summar and it Qommunity Hall on Friday evening. is a source of great consolation ta From beginniung ta end and al the theni now that Vey undertook the way through it -was an excelent oh- trip and 'had this visit wlth their now ject lesson of wbat a purely farming departed ister. contmunity can do in a social and Aotegtyasaotalt culturali way when praperly orgaliz- AMr ut Simumons, accotedby er ed with efficieht leadership as given Mdaughtarsameand Muiel, vhisie by sucb a presiding genius as Mr. daesami te oasMinlof he iii Otto Bragg of Shaws, a capable staff Neastle nd ethe o ersijo tarfthe l of officars and an enthusiastic mem-nfor mr ie af r e. iesonth hership.fomrwfofM.Go aisn The super i the basaient prav- Friands and acquaintances in the ed a most satisfying and deliglttful aid home land extend sincera sym- matai ta the crowds of people frai pathy ta the bereaved fantily. aIl parts of West Durhami who avail- Oh for the toucb of a vanisbad band, ed tiheniseives of the privilage Of And th, sound of a voice that la atili. feasting off boet acailopad potatoas and cbaicest of b.am, ralishes, cake, and apple pie and Devonshire cream with liquid refreslrnentis of ither Mns. Sarah Brown tea or coffea, or bath if prefenred. Tha funaral service for the laVe The whele service of conducting the Sarah Biawin, a former esteaaned supper devolveil this year upon Mrs. ld fti omntwscn Wrigbtson Wight and Mis. Frsnk dlad af ths oEmnit.,Jams on-St Cryderman and with ttiteir large Geurte'sby rav E. FR Jaesinlt. staff of assistants bath in thle kitchen Geonrge's Ch., on eFlrigy er- and waiting on tables, eeYhn ber of aid friands and acquaintances naturaliy pnoceeded witb the, sioott- o ii ilg n ftaVwsi est banîony. Many ara the praises of tiClaagansebd oftaetowshipas that bhave Sean 'heard since regard-ofCak sebdtpy"rlt ing the excellent aupper. L a respec'ts ta daceased and to show goo tath eys aenta ea ut wa them fsympatlbyfor thte bareaved fine looking conpany of young mensosad aute. and women frc>m Sbjaws and Provi- SamaitBrown, relice of the late dance waiting on tables in Pairs Alfred Brown enteîed intjo rest at with the most apparent pleasura ta the home of ber daugbter, Mrs. Othan- tihemnelves and satisfaction ta those les De Groot of 105 Ellison Street, baing servad. Rochbester, N. Y., on Tuesday after- Newcastle Orcieta, whicb played noan, Marcit 2nd., at the advanced a number of fi ne selactions wbile the age of 88 years. The remains were peopla were assembling in the upper braugblt haie foar burial by rail via hall, came in for many favorable Niagara Falis undai the persanal es- commenta frai persans froni auch cort of bler son, Mr. Perey Brawn, musical centres as Blowmanvilie, son-in-.law of Mr. and Mis. T. W. Haumpton, Sauina, Fbenazen and Jackson, ,Beaver St. Mr. a.nd Mns. othen points. Newcastle always ap- Charies De Groot, Mr. and Mrm. W. preciates its own, and the Providence H. Chapuman, Missa O.p«nn and Farinera 'Club showad its apprecia- Miss Nellie Ruby also came avei tion in a nost pradtical vigy. fnici Rocheaster to, be present gt thie Miss Agnas McPhail, wiio was obsequies. biiled ta speak, wss unable ta hae prasant awing te illness aggravated The <ehurch choir with Mis. (Dr.> by attanding te necessary sacrýai Parncaib eat the pipe argan assisted funictions at the Capital, but. she the nectar, Rev. E. R. James, in the sen.ý a good substitute aw a public service on F'riday and sang "Abide speaker of the Progressive Party in With Me", and "Now The Laborer's the persan of Mr. E. J. Garland, M. Task is O'eî". course no mare ntan cau really Lake Many beautiful and c'ostly floral the piace of a woman and especiaily trityutas la>' on and around te a waman of Miss McPhail's caliore caskat as it rested hafore the churcit and personalit>'. Howarver, the dis- altiar and ware afterwards placad appointtieut of the audience neltýdj aven te grave in St. George's Came- awylike dew belore tha mas nîîig tc'ry. i%4here the ramains wara interr- suni as Mr. Garland proceedcd ,vilhi d Amnthnubrwsalv - jatddeý. ly spray of chrysantheinis, wi th Mr. Garland gave evideuce tof be-l the sympathies of the Uinited States iug a clear thinker, a keen stud'nit Rubben Company', Rochesl,,er, N. Y. It Is A Question of Life or Death Bringing bat safely through t periQds of the rnonths. You can't <> experiment. )y chicks the danger first thîec aff ord to A butterrnilk, starting, growing and develop- ing food. Raises every livable chick. Prevents white diarrhoea, bowel trouble and leg weakness. Let your grain f eed be Blatchford's "Bar-Nun Chick Scratch Sold and Recommended by L. H. PEARN Phone 304 Liberty St., Bowmanville [VALUE AND SERVICEi IN SEASONABLE FOOTWEAR i Men's Plain Toe Brown Boot, welt sole and rubber heel .............................$5.00 per pair Men's Black Box Caîf, full leather lined, double soles ............................$7.50 per pail Boys' Hikers, black and brown .. . .$5.50 per pair Women's low heel Oxfords, in patent leather and black caîf .....................$4.50 per pair Women's Patent Leather and Kid Strap Slip- pers ..................................... $3.75 per pair W. Claude Ives Bowmanville The Home of Good Shoes --- When You Need jGROCERIES-BREAD-BUNS-CAKES- PASTRY-CHOCOLATES-ICE CREAM -SOFT DRINKS-ETC. Bring or send your order to this store where it will receive prompt attention and you wifl get good valut. H. S. BRITTON, IBaker & Grocer Nwad LAKE SHORE, CLARKCE Mrs. J. F. Bon. la visiti.ng Tor- onto friend .... Miss E. M. Halmes sperit lie weekend at home .... Mise Marjorie Clarke is lbome from Tor- onto where she hes been visiting the Msat two months ...Mr. Dwight Brown is spending a few days in Toronto .... Sorry to rellort our popular mail-man, Mr. Arthur Law, is in poor health, and Mr. Fred Fligg is on His Majesty's Service. An O011 that la Fafos.-Tough Canada was noît the bi.rtbplace of Dr. Thomas' Eclettrie Oil, it la the home of that faimous comnpoand. F'rom here its good naine was spreaid to Central and S'outh America, the West Indies, Australia and New Zea- land. That is far afield enough Ita attest its excellence, for in ail these countries it la on sale and in de- mand. An 011 for Ail Men.-The sailor, the soldier, the fisherman, the lum- berman, the oujt-'oor laborer and al who are exposed ta injury and the elements will find in Dr. Tboïmas' Eclectric Oil a true and faithfui friend. Ta ease pain, relieve colda, dress waunds, subdue lumbago and overcome rfheuinatisin, it is excellent. Therefare, it âhould bave a place in ail home niedicines and be amongst those taken on a journey. fined to the houa. for the. pet twe weeloe with a very fflere cold. MEDICAL J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Hanor graduate of Trinity Univer- sity, Fellow of Trinity Medical Col- lege, Licentiaite of the State Univer- sit.y of New York, Matriculaite of the. Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital of New York and Fel o7 of the Toronto Academy of Medi-. cine. Office-Mrs. McNaughton's Re.- idence, Newcastle. Hours-8 ta 10 a. m. 1 ta 3 p. m. and by appoint- ment. Hens Wanted Paying Good Prices Phone: Bowmanville 320. 15 or Whitby 105-6 Cali after 8 p. m. J. Herman EARLY CHICKS PAY .Hatch them with our Hot Water Incubators. Prices from $10.00 up according to size. Corne and see chicks being hatched every week. We can save you money on any size incubator you want. TIRE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TEURSDAY, MARR llth., 1926 PAGE EIGHT

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