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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Mar 1926, p. 1

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~tate~rnan With Which Is Incorporated Tnt Bowmanville News BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH l8th., 1926 HOSPITAL BIRTHDAY PARTY DOG OWNERS ATTENTION The annual Birtlhday Party cf On accouat of the prevaecec Bowmanville Hospital will be held lu Rabies (Hydrophobia) in Vie pro- Trinity Scicol Rom on Thursday, rince, all unvaccinated dogs within Marci 25th froni :P O 6 P. ni. he corporation of Bowmanvilla are Musical program. Rfresiniemts serv- hereby ordered quarantiued. ed. Donations gratefully -eceived.1 Vaccination particulars may be Everyenp cordially welcome . 11-21 obtained freai Chef Jarvis or meni- bers cf the Board cf Healti. By Order, ROD SPRNEDN Board of Heslth ROAD SUPEINTEDENT Bowmanville, Mrch 16, 1926. "Sealed"l applications for position cf Road Superintendeuts for the Tewnship cf Darlingtoa wlll be re- U. F. O. NOTICE eeived by tie undersigned up te Sat- arday ,March 27, 1926, et tie heur Providence Farmers' Club will of 2 o'clock p.:nm. . nise ton Tuesday, Marci 23rd la Applicants are required Vo state Shaw'î Scihool. wages required per month for bah- o. R. Bragg, H. E. Osborne, ance cf year 1926, or wages required Peiet e'.Tes par day for actual nunîber of days' rsdn.Se'.Tes wvork performed. ApplicanVa in either case. te pro- vide for their own transportation while carrying' eut tiheir duties as AUCTION SALES road superinteudent. Dtuties Vo commence on or about May 1, 1926. Saturday, Mardi 27-Auction sale The lowest or any application naît of registered and grade Hoîsteins, necessariîy accepted. registered Yorksihire hoge, Oxford W. R. Allia, sheep, Vie property cf l'aia Streëmx Township Clark. Ferais, 114 miles nerth cf Whitby. Dated at Hamnpton, Vhis iSth day Sale at one o'cledt sharp. Ses large cf MrcI, 1926.1 1 bills, Wm. Maw, Auctioneer. 11-2 COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN LTD. Store T akes On It's New Spring Attire WONDERFUL ARRA~Y 0F NEW DRESSES, COATS, FABRICS AND -BEAUTIFUL COLORS With a flourish of many new costumes a n'ew season takes the stage. Spring Fashions are makcing their entrance .with mag- ie grace and subtie chai-m. We cordiaHly invite you to inspect the New Spring Apparel and New Fabries. Extra Values In Silk Dresses FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY A very fortunate buy in new Silk Dresses enables us to offer our customers an exceptiona] opportunity to buy at a big saving. The Dresses are offered in two lots: 10 Silk Presses, Regular Value up to $28.00 For $14.50 10 Silk Dresses, Regular Value up to $18.00 For $10.00 -You must see this Dresses to really appreciate the real values being offered Why Not Buy That Rug This Spring? A rug really makes a room-and these oriental desins in famous Barrymore MUWYMORE quality are very beautiful. Every Rug is marked down in price dur-~I . I ing this Sale. Men's New Spring Suits and Coats Correct--Distinguished--Swagger We present to the young men the best look- ing ,most colorful and smartest showing of Spring Clothes that we have ever shown. Men'a Suits Pric ed From $19.50 to $40.00 blven'a Coats Priced From $13.50 to $30.00 Boys' New Suits just received. 'osln Hats and everything to outfit a man for Easter. Vol. LXXII M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. $2.00 a Year In Advance Hampton Dramatic Club will present its popular play "Mother of Mine" in TRINITY SCHOOL ROOM BOWMAN VILLE Tuesday, Mar. 23 at 8 P. M. In Aid of Sioux Taxis Square ADMISSION 26c This is the eight timne this play lias been given and on each occa- sion has been well receive'd. 5c a Copy No. il TRINITY SUNDAY SCHOOL MINISTERS AND CHURCHES ANNIVERSARY ________Rev. J. U. Robins supplied for Trinity Sunday Schonl heîd very Rev. W. P. Fletcher in Oshiawa on. successful anniversary services on Sunday. eSunday when Rev. Dr. W. P. Flet- Trinity United Churci, Rev. J. U. cher, Pastor of the Christian Churcli, Robins, Pastor, will preacli on Sun- Osliawa, and for several years act- day at il a. m. and 7 p. mi. Sunday iveîy associated with the Ontario Re- Schooî at 2:30 p. mi. ligious Edircational Council, was the St. Paul's Churcli, Rev. D. W. Best, preacher for the day. D. D., Minister. il a. m.-Mr. H. W 6 Dr. Fletcher took for his merning Barker cf Toronto; 7 p m.-Mr. Hl. subjet the great work of religions W. Barker; 2:30 p. m.-Sunday education. He.read as a lesson the Sehool. story of Moses and throughout has Reserve Monday, Mardi 29th for address stressed the influence cf the the musical comedy "Receiving the henié on the lives cf the chiîdren Parsen," by Newcastle United Choir and tihe valuable adjuncts suc-h 85 in he Opera House, Bowinanville. the Sunday School, the Public Admission 35c. School, etc., that are needed in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Churcli, rounding eut the lives cf the y oung Corner Temperance and Church Sta., people. His message carried very Rev. Robert MeDerment, M. A., Min- helpful and practical suggestions toiter. MrigWrhp .m the parents and workers. Eistr. MongWorship l a. m. na The choir sang "Love Divine", Scihol at 2:30 p. m. Everybody wel- Mrs. R. Thompson taking the solo in oome. tlhe anthem and Miss Margaret AI- Miss Elsie R. Smith cf Torowvo, lin sang as a solo "I Heard the 'Toice Field Secretary cf Training Scihbol of Jesus Say".1 for Deaconesses, will address Trin- [n the afterneoa the school as- ity W. M. S. on Wednesday, March sembled in the auditorium over 500 24th, Vo whieh all menibers cf Aux- strong. Dr. J. C. Devitt, superin- illiary, Mission Circle and others are tendent, presided and after prayer invited. by Mr. W. J. Miorrison, B. A., Ne. 1 YugPols Sceymeigi Primary Clasa sang "Pretty Little TrinityCuh edMnaevig Snowflakes" led by Mrs. F. A. Had- yCuc edMna vnn 2dy and Mrs. W J. Mainprize. Th was in charge cf Mr. B?"E. Ingliam, Roll was called by Mr. T. C. Jewell MACnee f iiesi oi Secretary, star classes having 100 xnittee. Miss Florenice Werryr gave % attendance, being those cf Misses a very interesting review cf the if e Helen Cryderman, Minnie Webber, cf Jenny Lind. A social time ws Anna Bellinan, Vesta ~spent at Vhe close. President Earl Messrs. Cecil Belîman, B. E. Ingham,Osonwsintecar W. P. Corbett, Margaret Ain, Mrs. St. John's (Anglican) Churcli. G. Gilbert, Mrs. J. E. Elliott, Mrs. Rector, Rev. R. J. Sbires, M. A., B. W. J. Ciallis, Dr. Dinniwell, R. D. Fifth Sunday in Lent. il a. mi. M. Mitchell. Secretary Jewell -Holy Communion and sermon; alsio presented the financial report "The Service-Go Thcu and de". showing total receipts for past year 7 p. m.-Evening Prayer and ser- $1286.70 the total expenditure and mon. "Learning and Doing the Will he need for a generous effering tel cf Gcd". 2:3 0 p. m.-Sunday ,help carry on the work cf the acheol Scicol. Friday, March 19, Lenten for the present year. Over $600 ia service .Ohurch 8 p. m. neècessary to furniali belps and pap- Trinity Mission Circle held its ers for one year. annual meeting in the school-room Little Miss Ruth Ires reci.ted Tuesday evening w«hen tLfe muni- nicely, Miss 'Helen Argue sang the bers enjoyed a social time during the solo "His Eye is on the Sparrew"., tes heur at 6 p. nm. A short pro- iThe school repeated Vie 23rd Psalm1 grami followed with Prexsident Mrs. and little Miss Helen Poster sang a Chas. Bagnell in the chair. A solo sole. was sung by Miss Margaret Allin, While the offering was being col- Study bock was taken by Miss Min- lected by thie young men cf Mr. nie Webber and an Irishi reading by W. J. Morrisons clams the Orchestra Miss Rilda Slemon. During the elec- under leadership cf Mr. H. A. Flet- tien cf officers, Mms. W. C. Ives took cher with Mr. T. W. Stanley at thel. the chair and the following were piano f urnished stt' iselection that Ielected for the new year: Hon arary was much appreciated. The orchestra 1 -President-Mrs. (Rev.> J. U. Rob- members are grateful for the heîp lins; President-Miss Vesta Spargo; cf outaide talent, sucli as Mr. D. lst Vice-Miss Rilda G. ;Slemon; 2nd Morrison, Sr., Mr. Harold Allia Vice Miss Flerence Werry; Re- Newcastle, and Mr. A. Knox, Orono, cording Secretary-Miss Margaret and others. Poll.ock; Corresponding Secretary- Mr. Jewell read a muc aprcit Miss Gertie Oke; Treasurer-Miss ed greeting fromn a aomwsprint- Crace Trewin; Pianist-Miss L. Or- tendent, Mr'. H. L. Quinn cf'V an- dhard; Assistant do-Miss Carnie couver, B. C., who retains pleasant Lathr op; Conveners: Christian Stew- meffmories cf lis nine years' associa- ardsiip-Miss Minnie Weisber; Lit- tien with this schcol. erature-Mrs. W. T. Quinn; Mite Rer Mr Fltohr tsen gav aBoxes-Mrs. Eliner Ccx; Visitin- veyinMr.estgadresn g"Being Mm .Lorne Sanders, Ms. IH. H. Dill- atr yourBeat", ggestin te the.ing; Lookout-Miss F. Werry, Miss atyu ckatt in orer Vo do thes Lena Haddy; Sewing-Miss Webber, thyuneededks dan odes, trad iedMrs. G. Dilling, Mms. H. H. RLichards. mmynddi, o ear fm adiàhe areuMiss Spargo, Mms. W. C. Ives were guidance cf Jeaus Christ.apone deetste rebora [n the evening Dr. Fletcher ad- dressed the congregation fromn the words "Lift up your Eyes", John 4: D ~ 35. He pictured the'fields teeming D o Y u Re with young people needing leaders j with open mmnds and a broad out- look on the werti while things cf ilife directing attention to the fields who littie car,, 1already white unto barieat. Hia wim iittl. do fi address throughout was one' cf spe- cial interest and cf vital importamce DO YOU REMEMBER? urging ail te look at the great work ____ yet Vo ha done stating that as yet WHEN the RoIjer SW~ting craze many were only playiug ait the, struik Bowmanville over forty garne. 6I s go A' junior choir cf girls trained by Miss Helen G. Morris and MIr. T. WHEN the Up'per Canada F'urniture W. Stanley sang a nuniber cf cher- Fadtory had soe 250 employees, uses splendidly during the servi2e. alinost as many as ail the othar Miss Berniece Bellman sang the solo Iceal industries? "Where is Heaven"? The orches- IWfl i cteyFaxlyc h tft furnished several appropriate WHNteMMey iiyo h selections. Offering for the day i tertainars came te Vowri everyi $436. year or two and were warmly wel- ceomed for their clever vocal and - instrumenltal work? WHEN Captain Rowe cf Newton- ville or Port Hope Vrained volun- teers of tlhe 45th battalion weekly Iat the drill shed at 'lhe beginning M O V ED of the R -eil Rebellionin 1884-5? M u v1 WHEN, just after tiat the toboggan TO MORE CENTRAL became popular, and a platform LOCATION/ the fair grounds are now located, and we "toboogged" about quartier -of a mile? WHEN the spring flood burst the I wish to advise my eus- dam at Wm. Burns' (now Van- tomers I am now located stcnes)Millicarryig away t.e Kieg Street bhergeItarnobridge? BOWMANVILLE BOY OPENS LAW OFFICE AT RED LAKE Announcemaent appeared in Tor- onto papers last week that Mr. Ar- thur J. Trebilcock, ,son of Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock, T.own, intends open- ing a law office in the fanious new gold fields of Red Lake. Mr. Trebilcock graduated in Iaw froin Osgoode Hall in 1921 and since then lias been in partnership with John F. Lennex, Torontio. He is now severing this conneiction and fornxing a partnership with J. E. Lawson of Godfrey, Lawson & Cor- coran. They wilI open the flrst Iaw office in Red Lake. Tfhe Ontario Governnient bas also appointed Mr. Lawson magi.Ytrate and Mr. Trebil- cock, deputy magistrate of Vhis new mining district. It wilI be remembered by many citizens tPitat Mr. Trebilcock gave one of the best and miost effective political speeches in Rowmanville on behalf of Mr. F<red W. Bowen, M. P., during the last federal elee- tion cainpaign. Arthur also took a very active part in the campaign in Nort,York: in Col. T. Heifý>ert; Len- nox's behaîf. Mr. Trebiîcock wlio has had min- ing fleld expbrience in the Porcupine country is aîread.y, interested in tihe Red Lake camp, having formed a syndicate of Toronto mnen and sent in three prospectera some weeks ago. They have staked several dlaims and have already "oId a couple of smail intereâts in three claiis. The nuth- orities are looking for -a gold rush to Red Lake that will be the largest since the Klondike. Messrs. Lawson & Trebilcock wifll have the unique experieuce of going te Red Lake by airplane îeaving about April Ist., flying to Sault Ste Marie the first day and tihen Vo the camp the next day. Arthur's snany Bowmanville friends wish him every suiciess in bis new office of administerlng -and pleading for justice and accumulat- ing gold nuggeta. BIG DOLLAR OFFER We want to add 200 new sub- scribers to our al-ready large list and make this liberal offer: To any p*rson who has noV been a subscriber Vo lihis journal for one year, who will send us One Dollar, The States- mnan will be sent froni April 1 to January 1, 1927, Vo any poat office in Canada or Great Britain. To United States 40e extra. 'lhis means fine full xnonths for a dollar. Enclose a ddllar bill with the, address and we will d-o the s'est. M. A. James & Sons, Bowxnanville, Ont. meeting in Cobourg en Tuesday, April 20, lIrs. Eliner Céx, alternate. Next meeting will be the Quarterly tea at homne of Mrs. H. H. Dilling, Queen St., in April. ..mber When ? ýfor bygons ways, fr future days. 'VHEN Bey. Fogg wss the chanipion sprinter cf Vis fxewa? WHEN Vhs spriag freashets brougit Vhs "auckers" ap Vhe creek and we used Vo spear tîsin with pitdi-ý ferka below tIe nill daim and ini thefiats? WHEN Vhs Veachers in Vhs ai*demic grades la Vhs old Union Sciol were Mis$ Eleainor Stuart, Miss Burney, Miss Raines, Miss Hamley, Miss Nora Colemnan, 'Ms Julia lhomas, Mlcoln lITavisi, Misa Saralh MoomTcrft and Mr. Albeurt Barber? WHEN haîf the watches and, silrer- ware (cruets and cakebaskets) owned in West Durhami were se- cured as prsaiiums by getting, new subscs'ibers for Toronto TruVi, The Ladies' World and etl- er Tuoroute, publications tlhrougi The Canadian Stateaman clubbing list? WHEN Egerton Ryeoeson Young was plastor cf Vhe Metlhodist Ohurci, James Little cf the Presbiyterian, W. H. Warriner cf Vie Congrega- ticual and Edward Roberits cf Vie Bible Christian, Can-on Map-Nab cf ths Anglican and Capt. Ada Riad and Pleading Minais cf Vhs Salvation Army? WREN Henry Knigiht first sang "The Holy City"? When 'As- leep in the Deep" and "Tlhe É;hip I Loe" were sung by budding' 'basssnaat timVe, too. The f ormer we sVIl hear oceasionally over Vhs radio, but Vie latter saul witî lier caphxain and was never salmrged. WHEN Professe-,r Reynolds, Pliren- ologist and Mesanerist gave seiveral performances in the Town Hall, denioints'ating with boys and men freai his audience. He wai un-I successful in, memes'islng me, but t wihen he I'read my bumpe" lhe 1 nsid my bunip of Hope ws o ab- 1nes'maily devebope that I would r et a hen on .12 eggs sud neo hateh out thiTteen eldich ,, 1 .1. .-Wbtmg Jim.. 1k 41 Çouch,Jtihnston & Cryderman% H3OWMaDVIII0 Phoneo 14 Llmitea COMING EVENTS Final Euchre et S. O. E. , Hall, Fridey, Mardi, 26th. Admission 25c. Keep Friday erening, lIarch 19t1h free te attend S. W. blason & Son'% Formial Spring Opening. St. Paul's Obssrch will present the cantate "Penitence, Pardon and Peace" by Mauude'r, on Gcod Friday, April 2nd. Millinery Openings oui Friday and Saturday, Marci 19 and 20. See tihe new style haVa it Dingman & Edmondstone's. White Shield Club will niait in St. Paul'a Lecture Boom. on Tuesday, Mardi 23rd at 8 p. mi. Ion't for- geV Vo wear a llttle bit cf green. Tule play "Moiter of Mine" will be presented in Trinity Schl'-rooai, Tuesday, lIard 2Srd at 8 p. mi., in aid cf Sioux Taxis Square. Admission 25c. Do't mise the play "Receiving the Parson", te 'be preseuted in the Opera Hous, Menday, Xtarch 2MU by Vie Young People cf Newcastle, under the auspices cf the Bo'wnxn- ville League. Dowaianville Wonien's Institut. are inrvted Vo visit WhlJly Institut. on Friday aftsrnoon, lIarch 19th. AhI menibers iutending te go please notify lIra. G. H. Bickeli or Miss Editil M. Weekes, Secretary. A birthday party will be given in.- Vhe lecture rooni cf St. Andrew's Pregbyterian Ohsurcli on Wednesday evening, Marci 24th at 8 o'clock. An enjoyable and vas'ied prograin will be given and eaftesbmenlo served. Adission 25 cents; children 2 for 25 cents. The public are cordially invited. THE O0D HOME I. passed hast« igît ths'cuejsthe. old fhome tcwn Wh'sn the shadows seeaied to cresp When ths lîttîs place was in darkaess And everyone fait asleep, Whea our home by hsenmùty meen- beasi Stood silent, ghoat-like -and pale And ne sound wlsa isard as I watched ffieTe But only the shriek cf Vie gale. I steyed abus ais Vhs night wore ou With ne haven froni the storni, Nons at hand Vo admnit. me Te Vie houa. wîere I was bora; Thoug~h ['vs Iota cf caMin i ay pecket There wasîne roifi in the. building te s84Y Wihei Vths folks wlio mado iV home ta aie Rad all cftem paassd away. I slewly wqnt frein ths old home- Why aheuld 1 linger sel 'I's noV hast nighst tfnt I ciierleh, But the. days of long ago- Net the value of brIck or wood Fuhsle'ned by bands at wti, But the Jcys snd sorrows çdithn itV Twhl Are Vthe memoriec tiiat liffg sil. -Florence L. elue.. Wlngbmm, ont THE EITOR TALKS This issue. cf The Stateemau is s'a- markable for the cosmopolitan, char- acter cf its correapondence. Beeidea its (usual iates'esting district uews budgets there are exceedingly inter- esting letters frein British West Af- rica, Australia, South America, Spain, United States (Tassa and Zuarez, Mexico), St. Thomias, Walk- erville and Port Perry-eurl' a wide-spread variety for a country weekly newspaper. WOMEN'S CANADIAN CLUB Thee meeting cf the Womsn's Canadian Club ield last Monday iwas one cf the moat successful cf 'the season. After dealing with some important matters cf business aanong theni a concert te ha given early in April by Madame Dusseau and Miss Gwendolyn Williams, the president introduced tihe speaker, Rsv. R. J. Sbires, the pepular rectos' cf St. John's Church. In speaking on the 'enbjeot cf tihe Royal Northwest Mounted Police and their influentce in developing West- ern Canada Mr. Sbires was perfect- ly at home, baving been a member of the force for soe yeers. He gave in the first place a veny brief history cfthie Corps freni the Vume they were erganized in 1874 and sent eut te take charge cf Vhe North West, iaring an ares cf 375,000 square miles of Vrrites'y te patrol and maintain in law sud ordes'. The speaker told cf the work the Mount- ed Police have doue in suppressing raffic in whiskey, in makiug frieuds with tie Indians, in maiutaîning peace and order ia the constru»tion camps'cf thie C. P. R. whîch was be- ing built at that tume and in estai- lishing peace -and order after the Riel Rebellion lu 1884. A brilliant and shewy retord la neyer sought by the Mounted Palice but faibifulness te duty, courage and endurance are oliaracteristlc cf the corps. The rapid çlevelopment of the West, the safeit#v' cf person and pro- perty is ahuost entirely due te hs quiet and efficient work of the Red coat and Canada may well ha prend of tiese men wio are doing se faith- fully their duty te hs Empire. MIr. Sbires closed hii address by relating a few personal experiences, illtustrafting what was expected cf theni iu way cf discipline and of 1 work. - _mmmj 1 - .

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