IA±W luziPU'TE A DINSATSA,--MNVLE TUSAY-ACH--,12 DARLINGTON FARMER FOUND ANCIENT HISTORY EXPERT DEAD ON HIGHWAY HAS CHAMPIONSHIP cwTe14e~I ~ e Iiid en eri RoetC. Adam, Courtice (Toronto Star Weekly) cw T e A C 8h,12 On onay MachSt., neof When C. B. Sissons, professer of THURSDAY,MA C lSh,12 On Mnday Marh St., esif ancient history at Victoria College, the well-known and respected ei Toronto, purcbased W. L. Smith's _________________________________ dents of Courtitce was very suddenly Cedar Crescent farn near Oronio, IGPOERCTZNDE called away. Sbortly after noon Durham County, in 1921, his new NEWCASTLE PRETTY CHURCH WEDDIGP NERCTZND S the community was startled to learn neigbbors smiled. _________r Elswrt that Mr. Robert Adams had bee rn epe l e igse r hopnM vesSai, l«-GboS found dead on the Provincial Higb-- Oonopole hiebcoig ac- Mr. T n is, Maves Station, NeIlty ei-g sibo Afrd dwrdElsw way, a littîe east of the village. Mr. customed te city pecple ceming eut wsaweedvstra i ag- Apetywdigwsslm~e Adni ws eurin hmew to t the country and buying farns, bad ter's, Mrs. Howard Ceoke. at St. George's Church, Newcastle, Our comfmunity flag drepped at baîf Adamso wdwbs enn the se ih ha neyer witnessed a man with profes- Mrs. Clarence Mitchell, Newton- on Wednesday, Marcb lOth., at 3 mast on Friday, March 12th., as as pend te slidein the dlich ap-5cr attached te bis namne doing se. ville, visited Miss Rowland's Rest o'clock, bet-ween Hilda Burnia.m, symnbol of Newcastle's sadness forr ing the woed te roll off. Appear- However, Professer Sissons bam Homne last week andi presented te the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David J. the passing of ber longest estab-a ances indicated that Mr. Adamis bad made good. He 'bas turned eut a home a bandsomle pair of bath tcw- Gibson, and Mr. J. Willison ýNelles, lished business man, and as a mark commenced te re-load bis slpigh champion mich ceW. This animal, els. son of rsW.BisNle offe.teemn for the rnemory of a wvor- when heart-failure seized hini. Dr. a Helstein Friesian, which rejoices Miss Lydia A. Haney wbo bas been Grimsby. 'The Rector, the Rev. E. tby cil:izen, the late Alfred Edward Slmno Bwanile isoerdin the title of Walker Segis Maid, visiting Mrs. T. Baskerville N'ort1hb R. James, officiated. Ellsworth, wbo passecl froni an activec Mr. Adamis lying quite dead, beside was purchased frem the fermer ewn- St., left Friday te spend a few days1 The bride, who was giv'en away lOf tb. and xonsednera wa bed the lead, and immediately gave t:ýe er of Cedar Crescent. Walker Segis witb friends at Whitby before leav-1 by bier father, locked smtart in a suit 1on Friady aftenoonea 3 'clock. alanm.- Neighbors seen called Mr. Maid -as then five years old, just ing for ber homme 'n Forest. of navy blue and small French ha tonFda feonat3'lck i Adamis' two sons and son-in-law from getting inte ber prime. Today, at the M.E .Jl of Gidden, Sask., and carrying a bouquet of roses end The bouse on Friday xvas crmydedc the wood lot, but of course, noig1 n fbrnnhya, h a r- M.E . - knwih en Mn. Eîs ort al heir hives1 Mol edn. Ater Dr. T îîn edcinof berninthye of, she. po- dsurpnîsed everybody ny arriving nere lilies cf the alley. kiwitbMf.iEndsw ayof wbo h ve coud e dne Tile dctin f 35 ay cf79.5 oudsin tbe early heurs of Sunday mcmn- Her cnly attendant wvas bier ss1 the coroner, bad been summoned, thé of butter, 18,940 pemnds of milk, ing, baving come as far as Winni- ter, Miss Nora Gibsom, wbe *,ore a and have a joy in the fact. body was taken home. or enougob dairy producta te keep peg in charge cf stock. He is stay- frock of bois-de-rose cepe with i Rev. E. B. Cooke deîivered a Mr. Adamis was in bis 67tb year, five average city families going cn ing a few days at bis father's, Mr. touches of gold and bat te match thougbtful funeral address, ful cf and had resided as he himself liad iuouly.Geo.H. Joîl, Noth-st. and carried roses and pink sweet hope and comfort te the living. remarked, witbin ten miles of Court-i This performance gives Walker The «closing anniversary services pesa. The beautiful littîe cburclh Amcng tbe floral tributes was. ac ice àll bis life. He vias hem Jan- Segis Maid the Canadian twice-a- cf tihe W. M. S. cf the fermer was artisticully deconted witb beautiful crescent -of roses and lil-t uary 22, 1860, in tbe stone bouse1 day milking champiensbip. Methodist Cburcb on Sunday and, painis and daffodils. lies fronI tee Newcastle business just south-west cf the village, now1 Funthermore, there was ne tbougt Monday evening were a decided suc- Tbe best man was Mr. Gilbert mTe,,. owned by Mr. Morley Wilkins, cf breaking records when tbe cow cess inî evemy particular. Sunday's Raynen of Lake Forest, Illinois, ard The paîl-bearers -.sno oficiated at where bis father and mother, Mr. started ber last lactation perliod. offering amounted te nearly $10000 the ushers. MINr. Donald Gibson and tbe bouse and accompanied the cor- and Mrs. Wilson Adams ,tben lived. Professer Sissons thoughlihe lied ne and the proceeds cf the supper and~ Mr. Harold Gibson. tege te Newtonville Cemetery were: He grew up aound Courtice and in chance against the old prcfessitnals, concert on Monday passed the $80.00 A reception f ollowed aet "Hazel Messrs. J. W. Bradley, S. C. Bona-r Marcb, 1885, ivas married te Miss' men wbo make a business of push- mark. . Dell", the home cf the bride's par- than, Geo. Jamieson, J. C. Hanceck,t Margaret Alberta Gay, another ni-1 ing certain cows for bigla productionr Attention! Be sure and ceme te ents. Mn. and Mrs. Gibson received Cecil Carvetb an& H. R. Pearee. S ber cf one of the old faimilies of tbe1 records in onder te adver.tise thei League in the United Cburch S. S. the guests, tbe latter looking charm- The late Alfred Edward Ellsworth neighborbood. A censidenable part' stock for breeding purposes. oomas next Menday evening, Match ing in a frock of brown crepe satin came te Newcastle froni Cleveand,t cf their happy married life was speit' Walkem Segis Maid just got or-I 22, and hear the initial debate cf I and bouquet of tulips andi roses. Obio, at tbe age cf 21, in 18#37, the1 near Maple Greve, wbere their c il- dinary good care-the samne kînd 1tbe inter-league series for this Con-1 The grcom's mother who also re- vear cf Confederation, and bas re- ren weme educated. Mr. and Mrs. , wicih the new owner cf Cedar cre.- i ference. Newcastle vs. Millbrook; 1 ceived ini a gown cf black satin witih mained min tbe business in whicth Ilhe Adams lived for a tume near Hanip-, cent faim gives te every operation subject-Resolved that the .pirt cf touiches of purple and gold and smaîl started, boot and shoe dealer. right ton, before returning te Ceurtice'crideto i ra 0are.C-prte saanttespirt 'f0black bt up until the time cf bis' death. Ha wbere they bave made their home' She xas given aIl the fýodder she, Competition is te the betteritr The bride received many beauti- was born in Lockport, N. Y., and now for many years. 1 would consume, recta, a little cat ests of our Commercial Life New fui presents. The groom's gift te tbe wbile in bis teens came te Canada Mr. Adams was of a very quiet, j chop and some cotten sued meal. eastlc takes the nagative. bridesniaid was a bar pin cf white te live witb an aunt mt Columbus. friendly and likeable disposition,: This is oe proof cf Professer Sis- Mn. Harry Lane of the Standard gold set with an aquamarine, and te He later vient te Lindsay and z:ervedt nnuch îoved in bis home and sincerely esaiiya armn sBnNwovle cpne y the ushers silven and enamel cuf bis appenticeship as a cebbler andt respected in the neighb'onhood. He' an,.h tmgtb etca bt1MngrS .Stole e. links. sheemaker. He then returnd t bas been for nany years, and up te bhe bas been recently appointed sec- Woodbouse and Kennetb Pearce cfAog th -f -on gotIthe US. A. and learned photography ibi deth' amebercfEbeezr rtary cf tbe Toronto Mil.k and the local hranch, and Mr. Chas. 1ae:Mr- eles an h in Clevaland. He also lcarned te Cburh. he astfewyeas bs Nelescf nimhy, Mrs Gergeset type and studied the art cf Churh. Te lst fw yars islCreani Preducers' Association. Moise, motored te Toronto on Sat- Nle fGisy r.Gog faniîly have been somewbat ar.xîousurday afternoen and -,vitnessed the îBUrnbam and the Misses Burnbam pinngadbutsmacesf negarding bis beaîth, and the sud-' big hockey match between the Peter- cf Cobourg, Mr. Gilbert Raynarl type and a geed serviceable jobc den caîl te the betten life, while a bore Senior O. H .A. champions and LkFoetIliis iiinting press wbicb is stilî aIl in great shock was net altogather un-j1 CHILDREN'S KEEN EARS tibe New Hamburg Intermediate Lak aasIlîoserfect order at bis late place cf theught cf. 1 MoreofAn ua' Sage -dic Champions. Mr. Moise resnained i business, King St. He started bus- He leaves te mourn bis lo3s, a fAntSsns vc1 the city. n MISS HILDA GIBSON HONORED mness then about 59 years ago in aE wiotwo sons and twe daugbta1s1 small place upon the site wbame the teidowi Much food for serieus tbiought and Mrs. John Aston, New Westmmr-1 namely: Thomas and Cecil, Ms. Ce. mdtto sfudi utS as tr .Cl iiig wt e Given*Miscellaneous Sbowers CGommunity Hall now stands and it Barber and Mrs. John Walters, al* weekly ltter te bier niece publisbed sîster-in-law and bro'he-in-law, Mr. A number cf young lady and girl ainestgin islftm o cf whom reside in the neigybborboed. 1heewitb. Few, if any pansons cf and Mms. Norman Allin. She accom-n-friends cf Miss Hilda Gibsen, second ea mstla asfutdegon dunngesta One brother also survives, Mn. Jas., average intelligence and moderate panied an eldenly lady frorn B. C. tel daughter cf Mn. and Mrs. David J. Nwatebsudroedrn ia Adams cf Manitobe. discretien, will take issue witb Aunt Providence, R. I., and then caime onl Gibson, met at the home of Mrs. tu. Pe'in n he rcso The funeral held on T.iusday, in the sane advice she offers on ex- te Newcastle. Hem intensely inter- W .T. and Miss Ethel Lcckhart on professions wbîch for many years Marcb llth., was exceptione.liy large I orcising studieus caution when dis-, esting address on Monday evening - Fniday evening week in view of hem ite suedo-eherwa d welleqaip and testified te the eai regard ni cussing their neigbbors or other toucbing on W M. S. wonk in the! eppreaching marniaga and pnes2nted wl oscedh a eleup wbicb Mn. Adamis was beld, and to pensons for that mattar in the pres- Canadian West and othen fields was ber with a miscellaneous sbower cf ped for the struggles cf life, Lnd the sincera sympathy faît for teenecyuncidrmcfbanon nef the isinncfauesc temny valuable and serviceable house- being ,an ambitieus industrie us, ' suddenîy bereaved family. orehrpnon. OhrpremslclW . .cnet old articlesz; and then on Thursday curesyun mabdawc- The service was conducted by the1 besidas parents may well bead Aunt's Miss Tuckem Coudlh, Prasident cf evening last Miss Gibson macaeivedtomd fiedadsn n paston, Rev. C. C. Washington, simd advice, too-scboo) teachers, for in- the H. S. L. S., assisted by ber sis- anether happy surprise at the home for himself a comretence. But while Mrs. Alex. Colville cf Bow-anville, stance. Aunt Susan wites tbusly: ter, Miss Bemnice Couch, entertained cf Mn. and Mrs A. D. Wh'~~eeer wbe te negec wtellsouianespiriual idao gave a beautiful randeing cf "Faceý h ecin tf ndsuet f ber admining friands cf the gantIer nf lie. hsala neirtual bu- te Face", a f avorite hymn cf the cnet1 My Dean Neca-There are mrany the High Scbeci at their home on sex again mat te eff er ber their self wi-1lb t-e Metbodist Churcb and miho bad gene. . Btmial took parents wbo discuas their affairs and Friday evening. Miss Hazel Bar- best wisbes and shewer ber with kit- gv tbsatv upr.Frteî place in Ebenezen Cemetery. those of.tbeir neighbons cpenîy b-nicftaPbc hosfase chenwane. On this occasion, Mn. tg-fve yeisactesha ugt F rmdayi Palî-bearers were Messrs. Sani fore thain chidren; others rnay dnaw assistad bar nieces in making the oc- and Mrs. Whealen's littla daughten Sýhool in the oId cburcb building n Snowden and Johýn Snowden, INIr. the lne at business, cm crtcsms, but casion a most delightfuî oeafer aIl and son, Diana and Alden, grand- tecre fCuc n ml Thos. J. Cole and Mn. Thes. Gimb_ -,a the sainie time they careiassly ai- present. Mn. and Mrs. Coudhexf - children cf Mn. and Mrs. D. J. Ga - Sts. Ha had generally e~ class of lett. ow remarks te drop that the cbild- tended a cordial waicome te aIl the braith ,with pnetty ceurtesy ap- on e n eoe inefcr ren, aven ready te absorb, quickly guasts and won enthusiastic appre- proaced the chanming and gentîy nsy tng me an evcstdansaîefar-. The floral off erings incuded trib-1 take hold cf and kaep in their minds. ciation fer thein genencus bospital- bew'ildnad bride-te-be and on 'be- H-is mother lived ivit:1 iim until lier utas front wife and famly; Mrs. C. i Orrmrsmynb eiju-iy aîf of thosa raseént and others ejhadfrmayyaslemd Welsb and family; Rbeda and Milton 1 . ramanka mayanttbndinjour- ity.b e~ hadfrnayyash al Tller; Mrs. W. Wilcox and famly; ious te our neigbbors; in fact, spok- St. George's Churçým, Rav. Edwardunbecatnd pastd hm at home for a nephew, Herýbert Elîs- Mn.andMm.F. . Rger; 1M. en fmom the parants' stand pitRJms etr ndy ac with a genereus sized enamelled dish wrtb. Mr n r.F .Rgr;M.and pitRJms etr rdi ac 9 pan, bung and coverad witb flowvers wTha lata Alfred Ellsvorth, often Mrs. Bsbop; Mn. and Mrs Thos. Gay;, and witb understanding at the back Thie Litany at 4.30; Evening prayen unden which wene conceaîed the van- afcintl aldi ae er Mn. and Mrs. J. W. Spnung and fani of what thay are saying, there ceuld 7.30. Subject for Friday aveninga ious othen articles. Miss Hilda ac- baegardfly pepled "nler ed"s ily; Mn. and Mrs. Jes. Geaing; Mr.I be ne banni whataven in tbem. -Studies on "The Service cf Public ceptad the gifts, so' nicely selacted, wil aays ha ru eopembed fe bi and Mrs. W. J. Gay; M. Andiy. But the faw sancastic wcrds, the Baptism cf Infants." Sunday, and the many felicitations acconi- vigercuas etimni. dfo bis ihl Burnett and family. sneemng neniark or crtîcism of any March 21., Holy Communion at 8 a. ayntemiafwgraouadvgrus piii.bssrghl Among the relatives attending thai eapemson can bave a very strong n.; Morning .Prayer at il a.ini.; spanyinistheni insalftatgoacious and funra waa:Masms Wonend., appraciativa wonds and cf coursestone ismeeyo luatrin ftor y fuea ee:Msr.Wm n oh.hl nacbild'a mind. Subconscious- Sunday 9Sthoi at 2.30 p. mni Evan- ' ena ha matscf athe pning, aftamnec 1 ly theysense tha whveryonaearasnat tayhe pp.evicusjechOforor evening, and fer a kind af un- Gay, Detroit, brothers-in-law; Mr. byses htwbtte ea igPayr7p i. Sbetfr a at Mrs. Lockbart's spent a niost dafinabla, noble quality cf manner an r.FakRgrW.,itby; iswginsî fat , esndtimaton.-If Sunday mcrning sermons-"'Phe pleagant evening. 'The hest andanaparcelbbatatd d Ms.nMude M. Cao Mur-inontheir etmtin fTemrJtations cf our Lord ln the Wil- andsteas at tibia latter avent wand Mr.MueIrwin, da.Go u- otesa )i atrevent wrebeld one's admiration. One couîdn't lass, Mrs. Normian Green, Mns. Wes-, the person is a teachan, or oe in deneas." Stibjectfo Sunda vn plaasingly asisted by Mns. Wheeler's comtcive cf bis holding a grudge iey Gay, Toronto; Mms. Ina Prout, Iautbonity even thani, the issue is ieg sermons during Lentagainst or being on ad.J.tansbraith Tweed; Mn. and Mms. Thos. Gay, 1 compicatad and painful te botb. the Gospel?" Celebration cf Holy mtaMr.D .Gabat.anboyruc beings wd eris orign Oliver and Cecil Gay, Mr. and Mrs.ý You cannot guida a chiîd if it dis- Communion on fimt and third Sun- H ADRSN IE odyiscture. Ha had a fne san R. Gay, Mr. and Mms. Caude Mc1 trusts you. An unkind sentence days at 1il. m.and n seondLATE H .ADESN R ef humers and ri.H ada inet acn Quade, Mms. A. Burnett, Mn. MaxI canelassiy spokan may faîl froni the fourth and fiftb Sundays at 8 a. ni. o uo n red ilnts Bunntt, Mn. and Mms. Fred Nichos, 1 lips of ithen panent and bca mmc- Mr. W. J. S. Rickard had a suc- Impressive Funeral Service in St. forget the merry twinkla of bis Mrs. Gea. Emniemon, Mn. and Mms. diataiy fengotten. But unknewn te cessf.uI, old tume 109 sawing bea George's Church eyes. and bis pleasant chuckla at the Walter W. Manning, Mns. WM. X'&il- theni a littie seed cf ilîfavor is plant- Wednesday aftennoon and now Nom- psigo nincn oe ccx, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. W. H. cd in the cbildren's minds, and cftcn man Rickard and ibar membars of Just twanty-six days after ils During .is practice cf photognapby Gay, Mn. Fnank Rogers, Jr., Hamip- remnains there. tha Farmars' Club who weme active- lamentable deatb following twe w'ich tha advant of the kodak nearly ton; Mn. and Mm .Everson Prout, It is net often easy te check cur- ly cngagad at the job are puzzled te c para;ticns fer appandicitis in Lon- put eut a business as a profession, M. Ed. Prout, Mn. and Mrs. Janesi salves freni speakîng quickiy in a dacida wbetban it was the spirit cf don, Engian d tha cremated neniains hae made picturas <of neanly aIl the Gibson Mr. Jmes Wlsh, M. Eve- dispragingtone f anoter, athh cooperotfntinthelatg oHeheanpiC. oAndeersonHewareC.pndepso wcfeNeopleof Newm ande for f milese GibWso, M. Janmes.lh nP vr ipaaigtn faeheaîoc-prtoni h ago alaid te rast in Mother EamV'h at Bond around, singly, in pains, or in groups. ettWeshMn an M .Rd. Pooiay, wa niay ha on the hast of tarns (eut- of compatiticut among the six Patrz Mrs. W. H. Yeo, Mrs. A. Colvilia, wardly) with theni, wbicb alona cf crosacut sawers t.at rasulted in Haveeey 'h aylre at- able cftgbupiess ac all a Mr. and Mrs Alex. Prout, M"sars. gives us a bypocnxitical aspect te list- the wbeie pile of maple and beach tendanîce at the impressive f'uneral ueial htgaheatgiey Norman and Cail Welsb, Mns. C. anr;s-ubbta twudb eg en aa no see wo evice in St. George's Çbuncb on Pictmmas ha teck fifty years on noe Walsb. i emd airsi hi aclntsiitesotsaac înaTbursday afternnon gave sincene ago ara tl nvc m <e l -_if___ --eoratay rte we migbt qualify th enheus iii the h st speoftick astoken that during that lapse cf tinfa Newcastle folk make retuîrn trips to daognratecy on qlfyte osawad, n theWal t i dUcke Tomthe sympathy cf the cemmunity for the eld home place, most cf theni deroatoy &n. swedUne Wal * nd UeleTomtle bereaved young widow and son take a delight in scanning theara- MEDICAL Soe chiidren like te nepeat wbat commanded y e beys for their god had net wanesi. ray in the windows and )*n the walls J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. tbay bear their eiders say te thei. work and Waît suggasted f rom tbhe Rv E. R.James uîciver-cd a and indulging in reverias et the past, chuis t shoo. et acasa bc savor:c- odors coming ft'em the bouse Rv The lata Alfred Ellsworth is sur- sity, Faow of Trinity Medicai r-, acuspitfu l may ae usthnd kitban that supper was ready and funeral disceursa cf great consola-vedb bi dwfomryMs siyFllw fTrniyMeiclCo-wbt tbay are rapeating, but bec a l banda had better coma in. Mrs. tien froni the tat"JssWp, Elizabeth Sainsbury cf Hope tcwn- lage, Licentiia c f the State Univer-I it seenis important to say thna iktassc y Ms W .soighwGdtrut is l ci, f Naw York, a oua~ f tete h anermk htmthehe -1-1- Pearce and Mrs. T. H. Clamence, carnatacl Son bcth suffers. Hiiscf sbPaIse eo nn stn Mm. Jhp n- EVE YBO Y'S DOIG -cf ivig.. oX.prke;lsvic-Clrefcaat Hamilton in 1883, moving te Tor- sisten cf Dr. J. A. Butler. IT NOWT. Centradiet sucb things by a quiet Allun; 2nd Vice-Lawrenca Cryder- eneHhna aniibo. Ha reaced IT OW.taik and explanation, theraby an- mmm; 3rd Vice-Irwin Celwll; 4tb bis educatien at HarbordFollegiat abling theni kccp thair pure amd Vice--Bertha Ccwmn; 5th Vie- Instituteanmd entenad the bond bus- CR FTAK chiidish outiook on the world a littie Cerdan Ashton; 6tb Vice-Mn.. Be- iess at an early age with the Do- wbile longer. man, Secretary-Lillian Clemence; minion Bond Ocnspany. Mr. and Mms. Win. Pannaîl take MAT N R S. t e snf charaictar is formed in Con. Secret ary-Liîîian Coiwill;. About tan yaars ago hae entered this opportunity of thanking ailt1iciir M ARTY BROS. the ays -fdbildbood and a vicieus Teajirer-Nora Cowan; Oganis- into pantnarshjp to conduot a broker- many friands who have oc kindîy Phone 36 Bowînanville home atmnosphere at that tender aga Edina Rickard; Assalatant Org'anist aga business dnder the nffle cf An- tenderad them expressions cf yn- destroys the future of manly a main -Maioin Baskerville; Auditors- derson, Roblnéon and (Ompny. pathy im~ the passing of their be- ___________________ aind woman. lH»ýwaind Peance, Wilhur B.alcemwlle. He was- reuîdent of the Collap- ioved aiter, Kezia Alium Brock. OBITLJARY Mr$. WM. Newby, Oriffia Mrs. Will Newbyy, daughter cf Mrs William Gilbert of Toronto, former- ly of Darlington township, died very suddenly in the Orillia Hospital on Tuesday, March 9th., aged 37 years. In spite of the skill ef the best pby- sicians and nurses the ange] of death spoke and she was called home. Mrs. Newby's early years were spent in Darlington to,,Nsbip, living near Enniskillen, where _,be grew up and received bier education. At the age of twenty-one she was united in marriage with Mr. Will Newvby. Tbeyj lived near Sebright for a number I of years and later mooved to Orillia wbere she resided at the time of her decease. Since comiing te Or-1 illia she has formed a large circle of friends by whom she bas been bighly respected and loved. 51k was endowed witb a brigbt and hap- py dispositiown; amiable and kind; loving and unselflsh. The esteen with which she has been fheld bas been amply borne eut by the large number of friends wbo called prior to tbe funeral te pay tbeir best respects te tbe one they loved. Mrs. Newby bas been a inember of the United Church, and bas al- ways taken an active part in aIl phases of cburch work, being a metnber of the choir, a worker in the Ladies' Aid. and active in- the Sunday Scbool work. The funeral which took place at' tbe family residence in Orillia on Thursday was conducted by her Pastor, Rev. Mr. Black, and was vcry largely attended. The flower-bearers were intimate lady friends of tibe deceased. The floral offerings included:1 Wreaths-Mrs. Newby's Mother, Sis- ters and Brothers; Mr. Newby's Sis- ters and Brothers; Employees of Ditchbmrn Boats Limited; Sprays- Mr»and Mrs. A. Boyd; Mrs. Murphy; P. R. Gilbert's Class of Lochiel St. School, Sarnia; Teachers and pupils of Orillia Collegiate, FornII A; Mr. and Mrs. K. Crockford; Mrs. Stephenson and Mrs. Martin; Golden Links Class at St. Paul's United Churcih, Orillia; Teachers of North- ern Division, Sarnia Public Schools; Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Gardiner; Mrs. Dunn; Mr. and Mrs. A. Ramsay; Don Lands Sunday Schooî Class of "Wiîling Workers", Toronto Those who are left to meurn -ber, Ioss include bier sorrowing busband, one daughter Merle, ber aged mother and two sisters, Lillian andi Ethel of Toronto, tbree brothers, George of Columbus; Percy of Sar- nia; and Russell of Enniskilîen. pare] wilI be shown at S. W. Mason' & Son's Spring Style Show, March 1 9th. Hens Wantecj Paying Good Prices Phone: Bowmanville 320- i 15 or Whitby 105-6 Cail after 8 P. m. J. Herman PAPER NOW Before the Spring Rush A new wall paper may work wonders in restoring cheerfuineas and chbarm to your home sur- roundings. From our complete stock of beautiful new Spring designs it wlll be easy for you to 'choose wall papers for your living-room or for your whole house tliat will be livable, attractive and dis-. tinctive; at nioderate cost. See our wall papers and find -out how. dheap we seil good paper. G. Pritchard Pamnter and Decorator BOWMAN VILLE Phone 489 1Iej, Do you know that the longe haxred Furs, such as Foxes are very becoming for Spring wear? 1Ail the new shades are here, in Cinnamon, Axnber, Lucile, Reaà. Scarfs range in price fro-m $24.00 to $45.00 ALso ail th'e newest shades in chockers, sable, fitch, squirrel, opposuni, Nolinsky, coon, Anieri- can grey fox. Prices range froin $6.00 to $ 18.00 Will you sEep in and let us shom our assortniennt? QUALITY FURS anctGuaranteed Repairs B OWM A VI LLE, ONT. VALUEAND SERVICE IN SEASONABLE FOOTWEAR Men's Plain Toe Brown Boot, welt sole and rubber heel ..............................$5.00 per pair Men's Black Box ýCaif, full leather lined, double soles .......................$7.50 per paii Boys' Hikers, black and brown . .. .$5.50 per pair Women's low heel Oxfords, in patent leather and black caif ...........................$450 per pair Women's Patent Leather and Kid Strap Slip- pers ...................................... $3.75 per pair W. Claude Ives Bowmanv ille The Home of Good Shoes When You Need GROCERIES-BREAD-BUNS-CAKES- PASTRY-CHOCOLATES-ICE CREAM -SOFT DRINKS-ETC. Bring or send your order to this store where it will receive prompt attention and you will get good valut, H. S. BRITTON, BakeT & GC««NewcAstl. t THE CAI-èADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 18th., 1926 PAGE RIGHT