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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Mar 1926, p. 1

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With Which Is Incorporated Tne Bowmanville News Vol. LXXI M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 25th., 1926 $2.00 a Year Inx Advance 5c a Copy No. 12 DO O NES TTNTON LOCAL MERCHANT ADOPTS ROMANCE 0F PRINTING INK C. G. 1. T. ENTERTAINMENT MINISTERSAN HR DO O NRSATETINMODERN SELLING POLICY 1___IADCUCE On account of the prevalence of Some one has likened a Canalin The entertainment given In Trinity' St. Andrew's United Churcb,Oha , Rabies (Hlydrophobia) in the pro- in many lines of business inerchants Club ta the Peoples University. This Schooi-room on Wednesday evening by la preparing for an addition t hi BO M NILE*ne aluvc 'tddq ih have found. It necessary toeadopt new comparison niight Weil apply to the the C. G. I. T. girls had a caPaclty church building, costing $56,000. M r. Arthur Lism er BWLNAL EYAND vnealnacntdos inf methoda td cape wlth mod rm condi- Men'a Canad Ian Club of Bowrnanville bouse. Rev. J. U. Robi performed TniryoUnte Church, Rev. J.UR- well known Canadian artist and RECREATION CLUB hereby ordered quarantined. this week in Mr. W. Claude Ives' advt dellvered atlits banquets from time te The prograrn partoak of an Irish a. mi. auid 7 p. mi. Sunday 8coia Vaccination particulars may be when he announces a -Lower Selllng time by outstanding professors.Poili- character. opening with a chorus by the 2:30 p. ni. PrograniIn chargef e member of thbe Group of Seven ___________________ Price Poicy- In foatwear. He pute ticlans. clergymen, cabinet minhsters, girls entltled "Ireland". Miss Hlelen Mizslonary Dept. obtained froni Chief Jarvis or mlem- the proposition falrly and s<uarely up ta chanceliers. economnists. diplom~ate, mer- Argue sang "My Irish Coleen In lier Easter services wili be held i rn w)ll give an * bers of the Board of Health. the citizens. It rests with theebuylng chant princes,, manufacturera and old pland shawi' and Misses Florence lty Church on Sunday. April 4th.~ n LfOVipublic if they are really in earn et and prorinent men of other vocations. Marris and Dorothy Plummer sang ta the change i the Yser of the nid Illustrated Lecture n y By Order, want ta spend their mofley at home. By At the Club banquet at the Balmoral -When Irish Eyes Are Smlling". Mr. Church Satcramental services ,liai 1 Board of Health so daing they make It possile to biiy fotel last week Mr. W. C. Kettl-3well, T. W. Stanley, acting as accompanist be held an this first Sunday In Arl H el th xlcseBiim vil, ach1, D6 atoa cansiderable savlng. Read Ives' who In advance natioes was annaunced for ail musical numbers. Treeeigsrie od on ie i y XeCS BwnnvU, ach1,î2.Sh e Store Special announcement and as the Hoiiorary Treasurer of Taranto ~ he vnn evcscnutdb act an the suggestion. Rotary Club, but na mention made ofAir ereGavle!h a.al Pastor Robins, wili be held bTIn lt _________________________ hs beng anagng iretar ! Cas.entertained here on a prevkous Occa- Church during Passion week-on ues Bsh Ca. Lmi d, thelref an s.we ,tobn received a spbendid receptionan s day, Wednesday and Thursayt The Developm ent BY TAKING YOUR knh own lmanuft actrgefiamd was he reclted, As Red Men Die; Love taik whlch members of the cangregatoad ATTACTVE ASHON ISPAYthe speaker of the evening, hîs subject h Diagubse, Mary had a little Lamb. others are cordially invited. _________being "The Romance of Pintlng lnk.'i eight different renderings; This St. Paul's Church1 Rev. . .Bet of Canadian A rt .DAILY "Receiving The veras ushered in a formai and coany, o daa ndered whata Pian Moge yoBusilnesera Inthe Nerinistur. 11a.ts".-.1he Hoy Cmmuion in aas n t the store af Messrs. S. W. 'Magon & any about such a common article of Brdeîyulng pvîr ogs, dhasî u-7p -n d So b Words". ~OP Toke Z NP ro "Son when the Spring Openbngs of New univemeal use as printbng laik which is number. His clear enunciation ac'o nde - Sunm-Pay abary Sehrvice . o fi ybowl. ilbepeene yDress Gooa, Ready-niade Dresses and seen in vaiaus forma nearly every mom- cellen-c8apce of electians mSkevhlm. St. Pau's Lecture Room Tok OU wlfitprsetbyb Spring Coats were on display In amS n oe akin boms Ye elvoet h ifl B. . U Roinswhie nt pracin MILL ST. UNITED CHURCH attractive and informbng degree. seakofe weanineborsig. romte anc ewt aLRv . .Rbn wient The wlndaw decorations and the in- around this dlrty, glutenous, adhpsive A humorous sketch entltled "Patay" W.Sermon a h mmbrs a tE rnt T e d y M a ..0CHOIR, NEWCASTLE terlor of the store were neyer prettier substance called 'prlnting lnk' wblch was presented by the C. G. 1 T. girls.lencauraging message In thir bea. Tuesclay, M a . 30 E HOUS thanson this occasion, everything be- proved tbe onieofhe most ent,-rtain- The part of "Patay" was cleverly taken 1 IîissuMildred Cole sang a solo an Ms loV0ERyBODY'a5ieth DOINGn nlghein ddese i heb Miss Hester Caverly. the Irish Mald. M. Allun teck the solo in the atîm a8P.mOPERA O S effeot t tebandsomne displayofsl history o! the Bowmanvilie Club. h got liet several tangles but ber T h vnn.Rv m oisgv andotdr ades'wer.Mm. Kettleweli deived back into the Irish wit served ta explain away the a very fine practical sermon o h Ago muial8p. rn i sIT NOW BOWTMAN VILLE The pretty lattice work armanged-.in day bel.-e the brtb o! Christ when awkward situations and everythiog end- words "FHow shall we escape I A good musical prograln is also sec~~~~tions alang the wslis was made mare.IY.k as lse discovered in China about. ed happily. missBarc rdrangeis ra av.bneihszn provided. on attractive by daisies, nasturtiums, 2700 B. C., and traced bts development' the bride-to-be. Miss Mabel Dowson. hem h od"eîct. Ms aoh Usweet Ipeas and wisteria decoratians to the lSth century wben In Gemmanvi girl friend, Miss Ida Payne. the aunt, Plummer sang a solo and Mrs. .J ADULTS 25c; CHILDREN 15c r d'M 1Arwdrm', Mvar. 9 wlth pienty of good ligbt arranged at the tiret prîntîng waa done wîîh move_ and Miss Catherine Pinch, the business Morrison sang the solo In theanie M ART'VN bI IJ~ AYA~aAa~J~ s 29 the right angle ta give best resuits. able type and ink was made o! îamp girl, ail did their parts moat satistact- MsioBtdOfcr St. Paul'a Junior Miionaz'y M R Y R at 8 P. M. The ready-m-ade dresses and coats il) black and oil. orily. Others girl friends Who aasisted "0WQrship the King". o rnt Society. Phone 36BofinII Udeaupes f Bowmavles tewda dipyha ugstgy About this same periad printing 1e.- Lillian Sultan, Eleanor Millsbnan Ada Cburch are: President-Daris Jaesn UdrasieofBwailes presented witb them stackbngs. shoes, came established ail aver Europe. obe. Vice President-Bernice Belîmn; ec Youn Peaple's Leagule gloves, and other _accessolrlee ta match America ink was tirst made from car- retary-Aeinle Buttery; Aisten o A ison3ethat are required ta give a lady a bon black.obtabned In Louisiana, and At the close Miss Dorothy James. on Beatrice Mlien; Treasumer-MonaCv sdisinm5 rat. dressy and up-to-date ap.uear- later in Texas. Up tilI about 75 years behaif o! the girls pesented Mrs. (Dr.>) ry sitn o-IaMri;Cr O__ _ _ _ _ .~ ne. og onesweedae ago the colors came from the eatb but C. W Slenion, the Leader, Whobo as spnng SreayR Oe nd bat ul esr draped îaî latemîy they came frora basil metals. spent considerable tume In preparatian Piaziits-Gladys Jaznieson and Mro tenw weavesan cooa Sbku- n the roses which sbe gracefully acknowledg- Liha Hamm. Qeorgina Caverly.Doi -derwear. girls' and ladies' dresses and name of Pemkins made the flrst dye ed. Bennett. Helen Pritchard, Fôeo oasi n great varlety of styles wsre on from aniline. As a result o! this dis- _________Pry exhibition covery over 1000 colars have been made iudy Prices were reasonable according ta and as a further esult o! Perklns' dis- Nýewly elected afficers o! the, om the garment desired and the style ai covery over 150,000 dfferent and dis- WOMEN'S INSTITUTE AT en's lassbonai'y Saciety of rnt *each was 'especlally fitted tram the inot commodities are made tram bar WHITBY Churcli are: Prestdent-Mrs. (e.J COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERI4AN LTD. youngest ta the oldeat. for the fat pooket wbicb bas made an Important chaPter UneRon; 2d Vice-Mrs. . .ru;Scy book ta the lean Here you could make In the bbstory a! chemistry. AVr lsatSoilTm a n r . J. iE-M. Ebt H o. retry you chiceaodbe ead fo th co- The speaker went on ta explain the joyed Wlth Whitby. Brooklin and -Misa' F.oEcelRichar; Corasurr rs Mn rgtSrn wahrmdm paessra!. nuaagunigann Pickering Institutes. A. E. McCready; Strangers' Sec tay lers. Mason and rs. staff o! lady and lsted the several kinda o! lanc !om Ms ees iso ad Sp. clrs nldn r.S. M. Scott de- the camman news ink used In printing BwavleWmnsIsiusmn-lsePtr; MsinBn serve much credit for their enterprise newspapers ta the hbgber grade inka for brstmahnmb erWofen 0,Instituedmem-Mrs. jElH.iott w t MiasdFlrnsWry N o w fo r a ste r C o th e s sock go tat all ay enjo Beeing hn thgrppeeandanttoautbngreonrFr!nday a!ternaanu g artiettaftAssistants;ttMitestBoxs;MiteyBo attactvenss f te ood thy oil llstrtedsecion o th Sudaypaprawhen on invitation of the Whitby In- M.rs. H. Babcock; Supt. LittieLlh atrcleesa01 odste elilsrtdsctoso h udyppr stitute niembers they joined wth the Bearers-Mrs. R.. Holmes. adbeholding ta the best advantage pas- Mr. Kettîewell claimed-' that lnk was. members of Wbbtby, Brookîbo ànd Pick- StAnrws rehtia Cur, sile satl new and fashianable. No one of the greatest forces in the wold et.lng Institutes.ria OA SA DD E S S0 U QU S ON LEC A Mgoods were sld that evening but we un- to-day. A drqp o! lanc makes thous- rn nttts onrTmeac n h CO T N D E S SO U Q E TO AB EC A Mderstand many ladies made their choie ands tibnk.-I The three greateat c- The visitors were welcomed by Mrs.Cre eprneadCuc t. USTOP NE U T ISVIEKand have placed arders for sene.- currenoes hé piaced I this order: Bith Fcrank Roberts ,President, and Miss i. ReV. Robert Mcflerment, M.A. JUSTOPE ED P T IS EEKof Christ, invention o the alphabet and Mcclîlan. Secretary. Atter ail were Minister. Sunday services: 10 Invention of printing 10k. To substant- cOmtotably seated in the Town Hall a .IoyCmuin IAD1MINISTR.ATOR'S ale this statement, be remamked that wbîcb was approprbatey decorated in St.. m.- oS Cmunio; aenn . , t SALE 0F REA.Llast year over 30 millian bibles werej Patricks colors. meeting opened witb worship 7 p. n.SudySKhol! SA E FRE LESTATE pmînted ini 770 ditterent languages. the President in the chair. Atter open- 2:30 p. mi. Everiy4body aeloe Booa, bsary bigrphis, rauct ig exercises the program was given Preparatory service on Frdy oats with the cape-the flared skirt--the cluster pleats- There wlll be affered for sale by Ions o! masterpieces, newspapers, ad- Miss Prbest rendered a couple of piano March 26th at 8 p. mi., condtd Public Auctionon Frldayth 9th (l ' riig in its many farms. stampa, saas Mro. W. B. Powell, Pickering, by Rev. T. W. Goodwill, B.AC- and the touch of fur at thé collar-ail are outstanding features Y!A,12.t20 .n. ati bonds, andk, h muuh hme mail1 strreotso;ntroCony bug ofcofM. . V. GOULD,Soitr order cataloguean many other Ipr- brlefiy sabd she was giad ta meet workers of he ew prng oat. L vey m teralssuh a ChnnenRoyal Bank Building. at the Town a! ant things were ail made possible bY, autaide o! ber county at Whitby v:bch Bît. John's (Angitcan) Chrh ofB i eBowxnanville, Ontario, by Thea. M. prbotbng ink. 1t okduo stemte fteRcoRv .J brs P ie - ofeV lra adequally ivly haeo B sde Siemo, Auctianeer, on bebaît ,of the eHe aredbted 10k with protecting for- 1Instoaked u tspa r steoftherco!uneetry,,Re.. '. J. hre, M . A, B Toronto General Trusts Corporation, Ad- I sts more than fire rangers; savîng hainitue i gn is par2o! teanry g, D Pl udy aib 8 Rose, Walnut, Caramel, Gendarme Blue, Chevrette, Wild Honey, mOeittorceoef the e allawlng J a nda, door edexprom e v ice nd hreu-and spoke a! the splendid work belng la. m.-H-oljr ommunion. lia net, Dcesed te flloln lads dotor cred epo--d ic an Ireg-:done and what might yet b. accompllsh- Morning Prayer "The Motie-o Goovn ndGren Ppuarpics o ee eer p~s.namely: laritisi govemoments and even in - ed »y women o! the aine orovbnces as My ke . p.Pray..n GorvanandGren. opuar rics t met eerypure.PARCEL 1-Lot 22. Block -K" ai the Jectaebacikbooe In municipal councilors they worked together in the Felernted ySk" North East corner o! King and Scugog and members o! parlament. Institute. On behaîf et Mrs. W. 0. er "Workers together with ob Streets. Bowmaoville. havbng a frantage Our bebng ushered bto this wamîd Duncan, Westan. wba la their repre- 2:30 p. m.--Sundaiy Sehool.Fray o! about Sixty Feet (60') on King St. by was announced by printing ink, our joysnatiet h eeae Bad h rc ~5 a .m-etnmr T he N ew D resses a deth of One Hndred and Five Feet and sormows as we joumney tbraugh lif~ eniinded the Branches ta e etath (10')on cuogSi. o wichlaerete l reoredby printing bnk. Verîîy Federated fae were paid ait annual vice in Church. Molnday, 1~c atwa-story brick building wth a trame thewoe ol mvsonpitbgb kmeetingfrand that a good way was ta, 29th at 8 p. m.-Le*ture inris Mlares and godets-with here and there the smartest pleated ban thReL rear f o 6 lOk therwKeettîeweîî lis ne o , tan i k e ta h r~r aea n HlPae okdvtos t '1 "t. ARCL 2Par a!Lot6, locki Iealattr dnne~ oherdonation. She stated that the. frok iagnabe, ndin hevared ins o th rinb w.Prospect Street, Bowmanvllle. about speaker, for besides cramming bis ad- money was being used te extend the by Rev. T. G. A. Wright., M . Forty-Elgbt by Seventy-Fbve Feet (48x dresa with interestlng information he, work Into unsettîed parts o! 'be pro- B. D., Rector of Wbllty 1~'L... 5'), on bicb is rected a t-ty interspersed bis remarks witb numerous vbnce, that onby a small proportion o!f________ WVe have arranged a continuous series of snxpmenws cover- brick, dnwila humorous atoes and incidents it wss used for travelling expenses and ing he ntir Eaterseasn, o tht yu ae asure of he astPARCE4..3-Lot 7, Block 5, Prospect A vote Of appreclation was vated the added for thoir «Information that the Street, Bo-.mtanvllle, vacant lot con- speaker by Mayor T. S. Holgate and Federated Presîdent. who ls a busy COMING EVENTS wor instye t tis toe. hes drsss wll e eatredattalning about One Acre. Oea. W. James. woman, bail given freeîy three months ____ wrd iasna le at tis st. Teedesswl efaue tKng Street, Bowmanville,' BlockM" of hr finedurbng te, wa ea a-FFinal Euchre at S. 0. E. al very easonble pees.frontage on King St. of about Thirty-1 ARTHUR LISMER COMING cmanied by Ms JonA Gn sang rdaiach 6h.Aiison2. Seven (3V') bya depfb o! about One ____ the solo "'Mother MachreeadO St. Paul's Church will presnth Hundred and Sixty-Five Feet (1651>).n ecledsng "The Daghter o!f att Pntec, Pro n See O ur A ttractive Display of Ladies' EAtCH1PARCEL wfll be soldspar- People of owiavileare fortunate MaengrMache", ath sona blgwelP a" y M ne,onGod rlday exlstbng tenancbes and Parceis 1 ana 2 pute, give an account o! the develop- Mrs. Norman White, Braoklin, gave A.pril 2nd. Spring Suits will be oold subject to the existlng mort- ment o! Canadienl Art bn St. Paulsa a bumorous reading "My Next I)oor Miss Nichol. Expert Corsetlere fL- gages thereon the particulars ot wnich School-room an Tuesday. Marcb 3th. Neighbors'" whieb everyone enjayed. er's Forni Corsets, wIllI be atl .W 'may be obtained froni the Vendrs The art lite o! Canada centres In two Mrs. R. H. Cronk, Pickeriàg, a former Magon & SonsB Store (taday) Thmdy solicitor. groupa o! artiaseo! different ideals and District President, gave a short address., Nez' Cash Shoe Store atarte f1 "Ow TERMS OF SALE-TEN PER CENT aspirations, living In Montreal and Tor- speaklng o! the need for more caon- er Selling Price Palbcy", sale, Irdy -h o u h tR g T i p i g (10%) In cash an the day o! sale and the onto, respectively. The Toronto group structive thought and aggressive work Marcb 26th. See advt. page 4 W hy Not Buy That Rùg This SpringJ balance wlthin Thirty Days (30) theme- Iead by the tamous Croup of Seven have un the part a! ail members and remind- Me'Caaan lu Uhodbset attr. Fortuthe prtculrsaodco- ttracted world wide attention tram art lng them nent ta thrnw toc mucb ne- ban quet at Balmoral Hetei. Mody ru raly aksditions of sale apply te M. G. V. GOULD, studenfa and cribles by their efforts ta sponsublity uapon the shouldera o! their March 29 at 7:15 p. ni. Bey. J. R rs A rug really makes Ra~~~Ilwmanvitle, Ont., Solicitor for Tam- express the dlam skies, sharp oullines, oblicers.erM.ACubswlbetepak, onto General Trusts Corporation, Ad- sfartliog perspective and rugged scen- orW Ma.aPrsien oA.,-su Colemanswol ed rh£ rs aroom-and these ministrator o! 'the Estate a! James Ben- ery o! aur Narth land as an Interpre- inanv W.leBms. redentwOf humrau Polt "iThoe mn wh sov nett, deceased. tatian o! the vigorous aamewhat crude mse le ion "A Busybod o uVash "'ny' Thei te SPbleldClb r ptto oina ein inDATED at Bownmanvllle thia 22nd day, and yet clear cut spirit o! Canada. and "Tit for Tat'. onha phitenthifld "Club Sart pe' rina dein ino! Marcb. 1926. 12-Z. There la no trace o! imitation a! theona py tild -hf achoala o! paintip gs af. the British tales Miss Bal. teacher of Art In Ontario Troubles" bn St. Paul's Lecturitni fam us Bary or ARNNIREIor o! Europe wlth their sott, 1e3 o Ladies' College, Whitby. gave a ver'y on Tueaday, April th. Wab o fa ou ary or .ARVMR03mîlturelde atmosphere. and careful: Interesting recifai o! the Lifesrnt St !urther particulars next week.A is quality are very [y trimmed and cultivated landscapes Patrick, closiog with a practical sug- sien 25c; cbildren 2-25r. Com n nterpreting similarly the convention gestion thaf aur work as wamen V/55 have a good laigh. bound life o! the aid world. ta drive evil In ail bts varbed formaeout Dntme h ly"eevn h beautiful. Every Mr Lismer lisa aIeading member a! Of aur Land. Dntms h ly"ee beatitheEer auop o! Seven. He bas studied In A duet was nicely rendered by Mrs. Parson", ta be presented i h England. France and Belgium, le vice- Colville and Mra. R. T)I..impscn whicb Opera House, Mo&gay, Mari 2th Ru i m rkdprincipal ot the Ontario Callege o! Art, by request was followed by aitother solo by the Young People of Newaq e R g i makdla a bold draughtsman, a starthlng by Ms ovle do n n rcedu-colourlat, a dnencIn addition excel- A vote of thanka Inoived by Mrs J. under the. auspices of the 1omn lent work In black and white. The B. Wlllia and seconded by Miss Annes ville League. iDominion Gaveroment bas purchased waa accorded the visitera for their ing tis Sle.several of bis pictures for the National splendid program. - Gaîed ny bo tMr. Sterntreardhohmave A sumptuoua supper was served froni BOWLING ÂLLEY, NEW anworked under . iser hreghardanbu -long tables prettiîy decoratod là white-_____ an amoa grate teahertho anor-and-green wltb fiowering plants en MisHlnO ore as inr liaI, stimulatlng and inspiring te the cnîs Jellies and apples, and a very ýgetdegree, one neyer tired o! ex - tempting menu of presaed meat, sal- ai lady's highest single gaiedrn Memn's New Sp';ring Sits hbghestý1.ý- df_ . 1-ý .1 ow m an ville P hone 104 L i m i e B ~ ~ ~Tiu l B rf d y P r y C anada or G reat ritaan. 10 IJLUn1edie 10 15 66 1 ________________________________________nctGuaranteed RepaIrs Bowunanville Hospital will be held in flli onths for a dollar. Enclose 7 Nichols 6 12 134 8 BOWMANOVILLE,ONT. Trlnlty School Rocin on Thuraday, a dollar bill with the addreas and Ma*ih 26th froen 8:80to6 P. M. w will dethr. 6Edger 6 12 129 LJ - Malealprogram. Refreohmentsi serv- ;à7 Donations gratefufly -eeeived. M. A. James & Som., Final Emihr at S. 0. E al ___________________________________________________________________________I»eryone___________ Uveyonecordllly11-2e 11-2Daiwanivtle, nt.tFldai, Mey ch 2th. idisnaalo 25.

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