PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, bOW'MANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL ftm4L, 1926 __________________________ r I I PIONEER PASSES UT. mnd Mue. C. A. Jobuston, Mr. David McCulough, Bowmnnvile, Una. R. K.teraon, Mies M. Katerson, lin. C. J. Kersiake, Hampton, and Mr. and Mis. Richard Hallo- wel of Starkville, attended the funera.l ofthtei. ate Mrm.Rich- ard Baulcb, at Port Hope on Monday. Mrs. Baulch pased a.way on Saturday in her 9th yeiar. Ber inaiden name vas Harriett Braund, danghter oi the late Capt. William Braund ef Port Hope, wjiere shé was bei-n. After ber mariage te Riohard Baulch they lived for sévéral years Mt Hampton on thé farm now occu- pied by Levi Robblns. M. Bau)ch vas a tailor by trade and in addi- tion te farming worked et his trade for several yeers for the liste Henry Elli'ott, who caxried on a général store li Hampton. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. U: Hi ansman and Mm, Colin yof Port Hope, and thi-eesosns, M«mJ. H. Baulch and S. F. BauflIj ef Port Hope and W. A. Baulèb\of Rochester. NEWCASTLE CHURCHES United Church, Rev. E. B. Cooke, Pastor. il a. m.--Morning Worshlp. 12:30 p m.--Sunday Sehool; 7 p. M.- -Evening service .Aattheaiu by the choir. Duet, Mrs. Geo. A. Honey and Mr. W. H. Cooke. Address by Mis. E.lsie R Smith, Fleld Secretary for the Deaeonesa National Training rSehool. Violdn solos by Mr. H. G. Skov, Hampton. St. Georgesa Church, Rector, Rev. 8Edward R. James. Friday, April 23rd -being St. George's Day there will be Divine service at 8 p. m. with mad- dresa <>n St. George. Sens of England and their families cordially invited te attend. Sunday, April 25th., Holy Communion Ba. m. The A. Y. P. A. will attend this Communion as a cor- poralte body Sunday Scho'ol at 2:30 p. M. Evening prayer st 8 p. m. This service iwill b. for the A.Y.P.A.- and will be largely conducted by its members. The NecacýLt1e IridiepDendlerit THURSDAY, APRIL 22nd., 1926 NEWCASTLE, T. C. Moise is visiting Toronto friends. Misa Ada Bai-ker, Toronto, visitéd Mra. J. R. Fisher. Miss C. A. Rose visited Port Hepe friends this week. W. E. Bemnan made a business trip te Toronto Seturday. Mr. C. H. Smith, Tarante, apent Sunday with J. E. Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. Perey Haie spent the weekend with Toroento frienda. A. W. McLeod, Toronto, Inspectai- ot Fisheries, was in town Frlday. Mrs. George Gray and Mr. Léw Parnell are sporting new autos. Mss. A. E. Garner, Oshawa, spent the weekend with Miss Rowland. Frank Lo'veday has moved into Mrs. Lumsden's bouse on Ehnily St, Miss Pearl Cobblédick, Oshawa, spent thei week with triends in town. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stratton, Osh- awa, spent Sunday et Mr. Wim. Jam- ieson 's. Mr. C. A. Cowan is busy putting material on the greund for bis new bouse. Mr. Wellington Farrow and Mr-. Fred Graham werè in Toi-ente on business Wednésday. Miss Myrtie -Hancock, Antiîch, was a weekend visiter with ber cous- in, Miss Ruth Hancoiok. Master NéL'ion Keech, Trenton, is staying for a while with bis grand-9 parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. O'Neill. Dr. W. H. Waltion Bail and son Erie, Toronto, spent the weekend at Harris Lodgé, thé firat tifme fer this seasoil. Keep in mind Tbursday, April 29 la date of Daniel Gabraith a aiction sale, on lot 4, B. F., Darlingtcn.t See bis fer particulars. Mr. H .B. Feter loade.d a car et mixed stock, cattle andi hogs, pur-f ehaséd freSm local tai-mess, et thé C. N. R. Station on Saturday. Mr. andi Mss. T. R. Taylor and1 dauglhter Yvonne, Tor-onte, vere wéekend visitors witlh ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gibéon. Frienis bei-e and ini Newtonvllle are pleased ta know that Miss Hattié Jones, a patient fer soe weeics past2 et Wiilowdale Rest Hame, la mucht iaupraved in healtb.t We are pléased ta heuar that an attractive teas,-rn mwil b. openeti thé ifi-t week in May "Trhe Betty B. Tea Reom", andi wiil be on King itreet opposite tihe Community Park. Mr. andi Mss. Clifford Brown an- ne,.unetihe engagement et their eld- est daugbter, Hattie Fern, andi Wel- lington T.- Brunt, youngest son ef Mr. William Brunt, botb et Clarke.. The mariage will take place thé latter part et April. Messrs. Norman, Russell and Cari Pickard together with theur brother, Alber't Pickard ef Bo'wmavvilIe, at whose beome they ewere visiting, came dewn ta NeçWe"ste on Sunday évening te renew arid acquaintdncé- ships, andi atténdeti service in. thé Unitedi Church where their tather, thé late Wsn. Pirbkard wusafor many years cho>ir leader. Mi-. EHany Jose'@ car vas discev- ered te b. on fire in thé garage an Saturday evening week just ater hé bad put it ln for thé night and was pi-eparing ta retiré. Mi-. and Mrs. Jasé hati been ta Bowrnanville and tbey hadn't béen in thé bous» long bef ors tlhey were appriseti that somelihing 'taus wrong by the smoke penetrating thé bouse. On in- vetigaâtion it was toundt t be ca)m- ing ti-om the garlage and prompt action saved thé car and garage fi-r destruction. Considérable dam- age vus dons. Rev. E. fl. James, Réctar ot St.i George's, having extendeti an invita-1 tion ta thé mémbership of Newcastle Lodge, S.O.E.B..S. ta attend a Fi- day evening service in St. George'. Ohurch an thé 2Srd ofkipril-St. George's Day-et whiclh service Rev. James wil give a specialiy prepareti lecture on St. George, Thé Patront Saint of England, thé lodge membess at their last meeting voteti unan- imously ta accépt thé invitation. AI- thougb thé lecture will undoubtedly prove extremely interesting te Eng- lishnién andi their de-4Sndants, many others will enjoy thé lecture, tea. Everybody velcoine. In thé absence -f thée rganist ot the United Ohut-ch, Mss. Laura Fish- et-, who is ill with flu, Mia. Beatrice Bragg playeti very acceptably at both services last Sunday. Mi-. W. J. S. Rickard, choit- leader, aise lias thé epidentic and Mr. W. D. Bragg acteti in bis stéad. While thé choir wuas singing thé anthein at thé éveninge service thé power went off, thé liglits went out, andi thére vas no wind fer thé oi'gan, but Miss Bragg's v'ice could bé heard clear anti strong in thé leati, andtthe choir sang thé an- them through witbout a 'hitch. Rev. Mr. Cooke also matie thé announce- ments in théetiark. About fifteen girl trientis oft Miss Vêt-na O'Neil spent a, moat enI-j joyable evéning last Tburstiay, April1 15, at thé home of Mr. andi Mrs.g H. F. Pillsworth, when they wéré present .y invitation to clebrate' Vena's lêyénth birthday. Missj Vêt-na assisteti by ber niothet- and4 hem hall sistess, Misses Ruth andi Elda Pillsworth, matie a charming1 littie hastes and notbing was avér- lookéti that could have matie thé évent a more pleasurabié one. Therei wau héaps ef fun, andi evéry guesti was presénteti with a little cap, a, candié, a cantiy candle stick and aq cute lîttie box of candies. Verna bei--1 self, vas shavereti with gift, be- ing thé récipient of a little présent tram éach atixiring guest, a pair et i-ller skates anti a raincepe trami relatives, and a ukelele fram ber1 parents. HEAR NEWCASTLE GIRL ON RADIO Newcastle Audience Hersi Church Servie ini Rochester, N. Y, Form- er Clarke Lady and Gentleman Heard Ove.' Radio. Mr. anti Mis. T. W. Jackson, Béavér St., occasionaliy take a fév days off in thé aumnier tume to visit théir daugbtér Viola, wife of Mr. Percy R. Brao, Rochester, N. Y., and occasionally théy are fayot-éd with a return viit; but wbén circum- stances will not permit of thèse pet-- sonal enjoyments, thé parents heré may still expériencé thé jay of béat-- ing their daughter's voice in sang, thaugb in person she le m-any miles away in a foreign landi. Such was their grateful pléasure an a récent Sunday aftemnoon whén with a tew othér tnientis at thé home of Mi-. anti Mrs. Wm. Jainieson théy heard their daughten in sacréti duet and quurtet at a Radio Chapel service bt-oadcast by station WHA.M. Mr-. Wxn. Jamiéson picketi thé service up hère and thé little group héard it clearly andtisitinctly. Thé sermon was préachéti by Rév. C. R. Carnie, Paston of St. Mark's and St. John'z Church, of whicha Mrs. Brown is thé soprano solalat an.d Mi-. W. H. Cbap- man ftormerly of Orono, is musical directot- andti tnor solcist, men and wamen of Durham In thé leati wher- ever they go. Whlle in Orono Mn. Chapinan took a leading part in St. Saviaur's Churcb choir and fi-e- quýntly assisteti St. Georg's chair of u village .1t wsus ei-e hé met and marriled Mess Edith Brown, ai- ter- ot Mn. Perecy Browa. At the. Sunday service lust men- JAMES PARKER, NEWCASTLE Eat.eaied Lif. Long Citlu.m Entera luto R.,t. A long and useful life vas brougbt te a close on Wednesday,, April 14, when déath aalléd Mr. James Parkcer on hi. 8Otit birthday, and released hlm from this boumé of timé and placé that hé 3might loin on thé éternal shore thée'la- mented partner of hi.enmarriedlfé wha pas.ed on livé menthe before. Thé laté James Parker ha. been vrac- tically a lifs-long citizen and résident of Newcastle, and aithough for thé lest féw wéeks hé has béén residing witb hi. son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mms. Géo. Lumsdén, on thé farm 2%, miles saut of thé village, hé carne up ta his shop évérY day ta piy hi. tradé and attend his businéss. Hé suffered a sévère stroke an Saturday, April lOtît and gradually weakenéd until thé end camé on thé following Wednesday. 'Hie record as an Industrious ani public spiritéd citizen ia uniqjue. Hé was bot-n. educatéd, learnéd bis trade of shae- making ,and for 55 years or mare work- éd at hi. ohosén trade and managed his boot and shoé store until the day of hie fatal llnèss vithIn thé confiné, cf this municipality. Next te thé laté Alfred Ellsworth, his !riendiy and long timé competitar ln business, hé was thé longest established business man ln thé viliagé but wherean Alfred Ellsworth came ta Newcastle as a young man of 21 and cpened lup business in 1867, James Parker vfas a native son. No others nov living can in any way compare witb éither of them ln respect of iength of time in business heré. Tet thé crowo muet faîl upon somé one and it wiii probabiy bé found upon thé head o! aur esteemed mllk producer and dealer, Mr.ý John Douglas. Thé late James Parkcer vas born at Bond Head or Port Newcastle and at- tended échool ln thé littie framée chool- house which stood on thé north side o! thé stréet ieading from Miii Street te thé Cémetery. A fév years later héo va. working for an aged couple In thél Srd Concession o! Clarkce for hie huard en thé fat-m naw owned by Mr.,=nr Adams, and attendéd Brevn'a col bouse. Léaving there ln thé spring hé apprenticed himseif ta a Mr. Cham-1 bers, a shoemaker, and ln ttme mastered his tradé. He eventuftily succeeded Chambers ln bis trade and business upon thé vêt-y site, south aide o! King St., betweén Miii and Church. vhicbhehobas occupied ail the rés! a! bie hifé. Thé gesnt uilingLa nev, as thé vholé bok soce totaily destroyed by fit-e, but thé site la thé sme. Diligent ln business migbt vell havé béen James Parker's motta. Year ln and year out lie applied biroséilf industrlaus- ly ta bis business and tradé and took but very féw holidays. Hé was kindiy djaposed towé,rd éverylcné and abso-' lutely honorable in aillbis deaiings and i commandéd thé respect of ail denomina- tions classes and parties in thé cam- munity. Hé vas a if e long conserva- tive in politics and for many years took a leadlng part in thé local arganiza- tiens; and altbougbhéh appiied himaelf with such industry ta bis vork hé found timé te serve the Intérésta o! the vil- lage as a wbolé vben called upon ta do se Hé vas a counclior for sévéral years and réevé for eleven yéars. F'or sme years hé hé.. héid thé distinction o! béing thé aides! member o! Durham Ladgé A.F.&A.M., of vhich hé vas thé W.M. for mors years than any other mémber of thé lodgé. Thé funèral service on Friday aftèt- noon at St. George's Chut-ch vas vêt-y largély attended, and as Bey. B. R. James rèmarked At thé béginnIng of bis funèrai addrés., spoké volumes for thé eat.èm ln whicb decéased vas lieid bi- bis fèiiov citizéns. vbo, though thé day vas reugb and storeny, camne out Ii such numbere ta par their las! trtbuté, te thé chat-acter a! a vot-thy féliow bé- ing. Bey. Mr. James' address front thé téit "Roll Ys Away Thé Stone" made a deep Impression an thé béat-ta o! ail présent. Somé of thé présent stonea whIch at-e biockIng thé way o! Jésus and préventing Him fram giving l! e ta thé practioaily dead mèmbersbIps o! many churchès, and which ought te bé rolled away are thé atones o! Impurlty, sel- flsbnesa and satiofiéd camfortabiesnéss. Thé chut-ch choit- vith Mes. F'arncomb a! thé organ, aaaisted In thé service. Mémbérs ef Durham Lodge, A.F.&A.M., wearing théir regalia, oocupied thé front péva o! thé centre section and vhen thé service vas ovér farmed tva line. bétween thé vestibule and thé béat-e, whilé four a! thé aider brethren, Mr. W. H. Gibson, Mr. Fred Filigg. M. oé. Joli and Mr. J. E. W. Philp, bore awai- thé floyer colvered caskit oontklinlng, thé romains o! their départéd brother.' Bmo. T. W. Jackson acted as marahal. Among thé many floral tributés !rom relative. and friends vére large and beautlful. wréatbs from Durham Lodgèl and from thé business men o! thé vil- lage. Thé Impressive funerai service of thé Maaonic Ordér, foliowing thé but- lai rites at Bond Head Cèmétery by ltév. E. R. James vas oonductéd by Bt-o. W. lf. Rickard. P.W.M., P.D.D.G.M. Déceased ls survivéd by three sans and three daugbtérs: Hanion o! Provi- dence, R. I., vito spent a mon4.h here with hie fathér after hie mothér'a death lent fali; Melrose, and Stewart o! Osh- awa, vho vers préent at thé funeral; Mrs. H. P. Trot! o! Millin;ocicet, Mèx.; Mmr. Floyd Butler- and Mms. Gao, Lums- den who vith ber husband vras among the mourners. Othèr relative@ présent vêt-e deceas- ed.a Botter, Mrs. Mary McLeod, who has of late been nuraing ln Millhrook and her son ,Mr. Alex. McLeod o! Tarante, SuperIntendent o! Dominion Governmient P'ishéries. Mr. Luther Argail and other .riends froro Oshawa vêt-e ais in at. ten dan ce. tioneti, Mrs. Viola Brown and Mr. Chapyman sang in duet, and aloo to.ok part in a quartet. t may alse hé mentionéd hère that thé Easter monning anthem sung by thé chir ot St. George's ChurIic an April 4th., vas en offering tram Mr-. Chapman kîndly sent ta Mme. (Dr.) Farncomb, chureh organist. We note troni a récent copy ot a Rochester Daily, in a double column tievoted ta Eastern Star news, that Mn. Brown is also taking a leading part in social anti club circles. At thé top of thé coluino la a splendid photo of Mss. Brown, anti thé léati- ing item states that Mis. Viola Blrown of Gai-net St., la chairman ot thé bridge committeéetofthé fitst annual hall and caet party whieh is ta hé givén Jby Ninér Chapter, Order ot Eastern Star, li Masonic Temple Auditorium on Saturday evéning, April 24-(next Seturtiay evéning). Ainong those namédti t assist Mrs. Brown are Miss Emily Chapman and Mrs. Edith Chspman. Anther item mentions that at a meeting ot thé Evélyn Thon Club on May 4, Mss. 'Viola Brovn v il assist thé MEDICAL J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Honor graduate et Trinity Univer- sity, Fellow of Trinity Médical Col- lege, Licentiats of thé State Univer- sity of New York, Matriculaîte et the Po st Graduate Medical School andi Hospital af New York anti Fsllow et thé Taronte kcademy et Medi- cine. Office-Mrs. MeNaughton's Rea- Idence, Newcastle, Hours--g te 10 a. m. 1 te 3 p. m. and by appoint- ment. Mma Richard Ridsarda, Osbawa, and Mr .AnMrm Aloi. esnh, Tor- onto, Ment Sunday wlth Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Jackson Mr. C. A. Cowan bsd a be. on Wednesday when a large number <f Cbarlie'a frienda with taistred out to draw gravel for b=s new=buse to b.e ece on the south eat cor- ner of Mill and Emily Streets. J. C. Audcaea, moager oef tàa Bank or mont"oe, Oghsv., v« found deed lu the bauement of the bank on Thur.daY atternoon witk a bullet vound li b esd. Mr. Ander»on b.d been vhth he Bauk of Montreel for 85 yeara, sud bad act. ed as manager at Osha m ince 192IL Deteeed wus 51 yer8 of age, wus borninl Quebec aud la auuived by & wýdow and -three cbildren. King St. East Bowmanv'ille Own A Cleveland Bicycle You'll be proud to own a Cleveland Bicycle. There is something about a C. C. M. "Cleveland" which makes it different. Its pleasing appear- ance is backed up by real quality which ensures unusual ease. of riding and many years of good service. CLEVEI.AND BICYCLES PRICED AT $40 AND $45 SoIdi Bowmanville by MASON & DALE The Popular Hazdwaa'.-Quality and Rlght Prie« PHONE 148 BoWM4AIIVILLE for' Eoenomioel Tvpr*atloMU.. C HEVROLET bas atited another beautiful model te its in-the Landau-a handsome five-passenger car, vith Fisher Body finishét inl Aizona Grey Duco. Thé Landau tesches a new pinnacle of small car luxut-- iousness, having a seal grain leathet- top, vith distinctive Landau lt-ans anti smart D- sbapeti windows in théetest-. It is uphoîstemeti in rich velour, which hammonizes with thé éxtemiot- finish, and is provitiéti itb a faltiing foot-mes! anti a robe tail. Pockets at-e bull! into thé méat- doors anti thé méat-com- partment is supplieti with a smoking set. Possessing thé ecenamy, casé of apeation, quick acceler- ation anti abuntiant power for vhich ail Chevrolet motiels at-e f amous, the new Landau reprcsents a cambination of value and quaity neyer hé- fore presentet ini a car i its pricé cascs. 9.1516 Asic us to Demonstratc this Newest Chevrolet Ontario Motor Sales Limited 99 Simcoe South, Oshawa W. E. DAVEY Phone 34 Ring 1, Orono Greater Quality at Low Cost LEAGUE ANNIVERSARY SERVICES "A prophet la not wlthout honor ex- cept ln hie own oountry"-The latter tpart of this assertion may have beén 1Justifiable ln another land and agé, but it 'ha. neyer seemed te have a true ln- Bference as regarde Newaastle's native prophets; nor dos this latter phrase appiy ta one of our -younger prophets, Bey. Roy H. Rickard, B. A., who was treared and nourished In the church in twhich hé préached twice on Sunday, Ap- rfi 11, and delivered an address on thé foliowing Monday evening. A prophet la net without honor, éspeciaiiy 'i his own country, would seem ta bé thé way ta put It in of the Young Péap- je's Léagué annIvernary preacher, judg- 1Ing by the crawdo that fl>ack ta hear bim every timé hé bas a oeil Ita préach or taik or sing ln thé aid home church of b is 'youth. 3 Large congregations, many persoa of which wéré résidents of Bowmanvilié, Providence and Newtonville, wére prés- ent ta greét Mr. Rickard and listen ta hi. messages. Mr. Rickard's morning thème was, Thé Two Doors. ln which with aIl éaa-nestnéss hé directed thé at- tention of thé young people présent ta thé open door of opportunity, 0pened by 1God HI-moélf-Bév. 3:8. Thé League choir cf néariy thirty voices, sopranos, altos, ténors and basses sang two ap- propris.te anthems, March On, and Hé Shahl Be KCing. Thé Two Waya or Roads--Matt. 7:13-14, and the misty diate betwéen, were vlvly pictured ln thé évening discoursé. Thé Jérusaiémn rond, thé Jericho road; thé high read, thé low rond; thé narrow rond, thé broad road, thé sermon ieft no doubt ln thé mind and heart of everyone ln the con- grégation which was thé right and trué road ta také thé misty flats of aimléss- néés aiso brought one in time ta thé 10w, broad road ta destruction. Thé Léaguers' mixéd choir again atrorded thé preachér strong support by thé evén- Ing sélections which Inciudéd. thé anthém "Sali On"; a quarte!.,' 'Let thé tovér- lights be burning" by Mr. Lawrence Cryderenan, Mr~. Ewart Clémence, Miss Béatrice Bragg and Miss Marion Basik- et-ville: and a duét, "My Only Hope" by Mr. Wilbur Basicervilié and Miss Bdna Ricicard. P'our young ladies o! thé Léagué, Misses Férn Brown, Minnie Séiby, Aiba Colwill and Eva CoIwill, gracéfuliy pér- forméd thé duties of ushérs and colleet- éd thé offerings at bath services. Thé church. as befltted this springtime an- nivérsary service of thé 'Young Péople's League, 'was nicéiy adornéd with planta and flowers--e labor o! love by Mrs. Wm. Parnaîl and Mrs. J. M. Cobbledick. Rev. E. B. Coaké, thé panter, was prés- ent ta conduct thé services and assist Bey. Mr. Ricicard. Thé concluding évent of this annivér- sary occasion was 'thé concert ln thé church auditorium on Monday evening, with Miss Lillian Colwili, Léagué Prési- dent, fuIfllling thé dutiés of thé chair. Rév. E. B. Coaké conducted dévotions of sang and prayer precéding the program. Thé fit-st numbér which proved a pléas- ant surprise ta many in thé audience was a violin séléctton by thé six yaung men who have béén occasionally ao- companyng thé hymne ln thé Leagué services. Thèse budding violinlsts are Emerson Fisher, Gordon Ashton, Howard Cryderman, Will>ur Basicérville. Howard Pearce and Wilbert Graham They are stèadily Improving. Miss Beatrice Bragg accompaniéd on thé piano and Miss Edna Biakard on thé cello. Thé éiocutianary numabérs by Mise Normen French, six years of agé. daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Carl French, Toronto. and nièce of Air. and Mrs. Herb. Toms, North St., afford- éd thé mont délightful èntértainmént. The whoié audience wéntntita oetases of énjoyment avér every numbèr by tis charming, goldèn-haired, dimplé cheék- éd littié prodigy, To say thst ber work va. excéptianally good for such a little girlié would be ta give a wrong Impre.- sien. It was of thé very béat quality. In pronunciation, delivéry, genturé and Initiative ability shé'. a mar-vél. AI- though aniy six. she couid be board dis- tinctly over thé wholé of thé big audi- torium. Norma's leading numbèr was "When Angèlina. Johnoton goeas wlngin' down thé Ulne" which braugbt such ciamaroua appiausé that shé réturned with "In thé usual way." anather laugb producer. Other numbèrs of ohoice@ humer weré, "Thé Soldier and thé Teachér," and "I'vè beén and got a girl." Tiorma's little bruther Jimmy, tbréè yéars hér junior 'and diminutive ln proportion, aisa sent thé audience Into raptures of délight with hi. sélection., "Whe nmy pa vas a boy"*and "M.c, Othér fine numbérs on tii program which compléted and réundéd It out te thé f ull enjoymént of ail present wer. thé baritoné solos "Kéép On" by Rev. Boy iticicard, encore, "Mothér Machree" a.nd "Tommy Lad"; thé piano sélections. Dancing Wavés and Padérwski's Minuet which vas givén a mont syrnpathetic réndering, by Miss Margaret Âbérnéthy, South Dariiton; the number hy thé young ladies quartette, Misses Beatricé and Grace Bragg, Miss Marion. Baskêr. ville and Miss Edna Rickard-Lullaby Sang ; andi thé solid addres by ttév. Mr. Ricicard ln vhich hé urged thé young peeple ta have a high idéal and a noble Purpoèe ln life and ta cherish thé gaod aid virtués o! truth, bonésty and moral Courage. Thé speaker sandwicbed a good deai of pleasing humer between th. mare solid parts of hi. address and illuminated it with a number of effective Illustrations drawn f rom personai ex- périence. The Home Of Czood Shoes ALUIN BOWMAN VILLE North Side 0f King St., Est, Bowmanville Are You llaving Trouble ? We are not looking for trouble. But if YOU are having trouble with your heating system, plumbing or tinsmithing that needs fixing or re- pairing then is when we can be of assistance to you. You take no chances in having us do your work for we only employ men who are expert mechanics of wide and practical experience. We use modern methods with old-fashioned reliabil- ity. Caîl at once. L. G. GREENAWAY YOU CET THE BEST IN MEATS AT EDMONDSTONE'S G, A. Edmondstone Phono 21 Bowmanville RaisingPoultry? Each year more people are finding that pouit- try raising is both an enjoyable and profitable occupation. We have assisted many local citizens in get- tingstarted right in this line of business. Expert advice on ail branches of poultry rais- ing is available at this store in bool1et form writ- ten by men of authority. We have almost every conceivable line of poultry foods and supplies to fil your needs. Get our prices and realize the saving we make you. Better Footwear. For Less Money Makes a bigger busine&s-and a greater ag- gregate profit-than much amaller sales on a high- er profit basis. That's the secret of Woolworth's, Ford's and Wrigiey's success. And that is why through our new Profit Sharing Policy we are giv- ing our customers 50 much in footwear for so littie. Stormy weather and bad roads have kept a lot of people away from our store the past week. But you can stili share in the big values by shop- ping here this week. PROFIT SHARING PRICES MEAN A BIG SAVING TO YOU IN FOOTWEAR Ives Shoe Store When You Need .GROCERIES-BREAD-BUNS-CAKES-~ PASTRY-CHOCOLATES-ICE CREAM -SOFT DRINKS-ETC. Bring or send your order to this store where it will receive prompt attention and you wiil get good valut, H. S. BRITTON, BakoT & Groce Newc«de. TEE CANADIAN &TATUM", BOWKANVILLIC, TUUUDAT, APRIL Md., 1926 PAGE EIGHT HARRY PHONE 186