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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 May 1926, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANA.DIAN STATESMAIN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 6tb., 1926. ewstepeopleflearnwt erto FAREWELL TO MR. AND the.erCBl .o oJn Rai, a former . j Ctizen of thia town, and snoerely hope MS.DANIEL GALBRAITH The le *c for his complets recovery.- I~ EI Ladies' Pumps in satin and patent or, Friday evening, April 30, a $5.75 to $7.60 per pair at Ives' Shoe large numbetr of relati'ves and T U S A ,M Y 6h,12 Store. friends gathered a the home of Mr. H M A , AY 6h 12 A. man who cesses to advertise land Mrs. W. H. Bennett, to tender _____ when business is bad is like a motor- a farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel ist who puts on the brakes when hie Galbraith and fami.ly, who are leav- NEWCASTLEI NEWCASTL.E SCHOOLS MR. AND MRS. JOSE BEREAVED is cimbng a hili and thus cornes ing the community for Toronto. ____ toa dead stop.---StirliTlg News-Ar- When the company had assensbled, Mr. Thoei. McNeil was a weekend ,Standing of pupils of th- Senior Room Ail unsuspected came the Angel of tOr oadGb geto i itr.'r.Jh tp ;evcastle Publie School for April: ljeath to the home of Mr. and Mirs. J. gu-and corne to order, M.Hwr i-ges fhssseSMr.Jh tp fr. IV-Roy Jones 74. Helen Lycett î3, H. Jose on Saturday evening, May lot, Mens prng oas nd ewSutsson read the following address. leon. Charlie Parnell 69, George Gaines 68, a.nd took away their brigbt littie son, ar picd a reudc yu n her u.ad Mr. Daniel Galbraith, Ms lzbt oeswo asb ury tulr61, Ros- Cowafl 58, nt been unwell n a ae i favor.Sce thm thisweek a Çouch Darlingtonspending the wNe %t ersn Ilfre(l-Garrol 5.3. ltaWr.lC,-Gaines breakfast as usual iitemril:te favr.Sesthm hiswek t Cuc, arln«onBritish Goluimbia returned on Priday 51. Atdrey eGir S7, -Douglas in the forenoon he was unexpectedly Johnston & ryderman's. Wright 71. RIluby ('owan 70. seized with convulsions. These soon Dear Friends :-As you are Icav- evefling. Jr. IV--Aîb)ert Pearce 58' Marion subsided and the anxious moments for ing our vicinity, we, your friends Miss Aura Rundle and Misý Annie iltnch 48, Ruiby :,ivkoiS 48. Fred Tomn- 1 the parents and grandmother passed. i and neighbors are taking this oppor- Atkinson of BorN=anVille. vere Sun-las 40, -George WaltoO 33. But in the evenlng just arter dusk the t tunty o xprsS Urreget t ourda ~ f M. nd rs.w..i.s. Sr. 11iVern, ONeill 7. Olga rs- convulsions recurred in a more alarming tuiyt xpesorrerta ou a usts fMr n M . .S karyk 75, Rubv Shaw 65. .lessie Van- form. Dr. Butler wa.s again hastily -GEO. PRITCHARD- departure. Rickard. Du sen 64, Violet l-erntg 61 . John Rick-1 summoned, and arrlved with aIl speed tha MssJen ai M. ndMr. . . ayor and l 59, Don M.%ciEaclirn 58. Ruth Pills- but only in time te have the darling lit- W e a e gl d t at M J a a' r nd M s T . T a l r a n o t 57, V elm a B row n 55, G arnet C as- tie l)oy die in bis arm . 0 braith. is here, and sorry that yu daugher, Yvonne, Toronto, spent the well 5.3. 'Fred Coucb 51, David Gray 51,1 The shock té bis parents and grand- THE H N Yohrduhesaen'Mran Willi, eEcaehen 49, Frel Co-an 9l mother, Mrs. S. Jose. was naturally very, I othr auhtes renotwih S. weekend with her parents, Mr n 4ii Sn r:i 'oI Lk bent, great, n h edrst sympathy of the We believe that in May, 1879, you:l Mrs. J. H. Gibson.1 Victor loIv1,%,oO abs-,nt.. whoie community goes out te tbem and LITTLE SFIOP Mr. Galbraith, came ta Yarrnkal" ljnited Church, Rev. E. B. Cooke, -Indicates absenice for obisrmo e der theapreDnal i m oth aind M and in Januarv 1888, brought yorPcor la .%Morning ,,orslip , xamlnations. their'gad affliction. On the Sundayb- PARTICULARLY AROUND biet hr orhm.Mother's Day Service. 2:.30 p. m.- intermediate Room hsgdrand other oale Uske Shr nd HOUSECLEANING TIME Me pnigs 3n er SunaSholspca ters ay 5bi ects -,(;,o grap y, \Vriting, Spelling School anniversary and was as good as amongst us, we deem it fitting that' rgr'1 7 p. n.-Evening zervice. Jr. 111-Ptnr,,nce S1encer 84, Jaînie could be tbrough the whole srie h program. eth o te right 83, Tom Spiencer 83. Gordlon Gar-1 lttie soi wt t ervlaie Tpe we houd mettogthe ODr. A. Farnconib has rte LIrod 82, Irene Brereton 76. Aida P1115- part of the day witlî the- tili(is great b eve cdf your departure, to bid You brick bungalow to Mrs. Beatty of worth 76, Adair Hancock 72. BIIIY Toms grandiparents, Mr. andl Mrr.John Lord. Lots of people don't knOw just "God speed", and to present to you Toronto who intend-e to run an ice 72. Milton Brown 67. eI Clark 6_5, The I-itel sînîlay School. teach,ý.'e h all we seli in this littie shop of Ithese small gifts whlich we hope you creamn parlor and serv~e other re- Î'dwinlitancocký 65. George Buckley 56 al officers and scbolars. rost- in unison at ours. Sa we're gi t e] wl ormn er, and that freshm.ents at the lake during the l litlena llaty,-s1. Marv Bn. reton 3a lis Sunday afternoon session ln response g o eil enjoy frIln eas 1 lass-Jean iikr 7 Marie lien- (o a few words from Superintendelît yuand invite you ta il: under thse soft light of the lasnp nay 1 8urmer months. nn'l. Gwen 1iams 79 Marret oms lereade amlly bthyfo teM W A L"SE he a cs oappea r fterings offra - h e deontng at7..C Ha - 6 ai Wîl,,l . ims -.1 . M ar t Toms 1te boued fa s llyatn e y r a WAL PPE te acs f ou fieds frm'Te Saturday atternoon sales c.f 70. Lyle Moore 64 ai. George Graam, The funeral on Monday atternoon a Best makes on -lhe market. rant sunoke as they float in te ar o thehe yellow group of J. C.1an- 62 l H u er An der o nl ant 6 tervice was conduely aliv ev e la BE T P I T i n d n b h i f t e asse . led k's store b ý-t e el vi g o p f P sn 60, 59 01, e~ ~tives ami fiends o! the fam lly. T hte BESTPAITS ompny-dith Benett HoardtheMission Band are provîng qu*de il McGuir. l; al.'Jack Toms 36, Cooke wbo spoke witb soothlng assîîr- Gibsonis nife ikrdPtyKina 2a2 ain lra noe -of the littlie chili's îwell be n g aînd Glidden's Paints, Varnishes, ,isnLawrence Cryderman. poula. Ms infe ReadBtyKna 2 SMro na I c .D tu and Miss Marion Rickard are ' ethey Ch pinen-a2,A « q .D t d A n SOi 0e , 192 6 . h e e - 'ia2 Tehe e ers e re t n e u c e , L terprising leaders of the group.Th prswe te ucsL - At he oer ornnt issEdih1H. A. Mason, t,.acher rence. Howard,(l-arry ('ryderman ndi FLOOR WAX At the ~ppermn, Mss ¼it Invitation dance will be held in Flrst Claýss-Evelyn Aluin 81, David Mr. Chas. A. 7oNvai, who fotlowedl ly FLOOR AX Benett ad Mr.Lawrece Cryer- Nîden0. Louise ltancock i8. Marjony the mournens anî 4nl n otcre1 Johso'saia aste ax Ii anpreeneda Geseriel rmpNewcastle Comnrunity Hall on F- iÎ.cett 77. ol, Duck 71. Kat. lirk 75 ithe lîtie tiowen 'r.îlciskt f rm hej an res nte a Cheteried L mpda , -' 1 26 Clff. aek Hires 5on 7. ar ti 68, Hrolil ALABASTINE and Smoking Stand, bath of soî d May 21s ., 96 lfodT. Jean G l 5 hriIre etçi 69,1 bouse toii.'c,»mt,,ry wa Ochsta. Tckte$1.0 Ieline 62. Tall-nt Alîlread 51. Ralpb It can't bie beat for walls iant each. Danteing frorn 9 p. rn. ta 2 Gýison l.la ' ak G 31,eS I. sihîel1eGl-- and elns Mr. and Mrs. Galbraith replied in i a. ln. Initation cardse not required de's 10, Jin Gellîs 26,'Ililiard Brown 19 LAKE SHORE, CLARKE a few well chosen words, thanking. o Newcastle and vicinity. Invita- H aretahr FLO IHRalfo eebrn hm iti tion cards must bie preseîîted at door School Report For Apnil. ElcreFloor Palisher ta way, and expressing their regret on lys non-residents. 18-3NmeinoerfmetS. V - letric To dy evn tecmuit. Ter-NEWCASTLE KNaneth ison, Erfrnest:WeSc. IV b- retbm»ro a.laing rofthe ounitYsTe re- Mr. Daniel Galbraith's auction entWisErst elhBo maideroftih SUPrPLInsiEe sale on Thursday afternoon turned Miss MI. M. Wilinot is tîisitinL friends Hendry. Jr. IV-Bella Wilson, John SCHOO SUPLIESof instrumentais and vocal solos and lU eyscesul.Freso n Toronto. S ribblers, D raw ing B ooks, speeches by M essrs. W . H . B en nett, o th e rsu n i c u nry Far r s ofe W .l' icb se an.rutis H l e Oly o ln de Ja yc es. Jr. I WriingBoolSE=mnision F. . Cydeman T.C. rag, C .tonhe rondonu natry fosaewaon te r r ian sMs J A.itiz werd inm r I-nael edy r l Tablets, Peniils, Erasers. Lovekin and W. S. Bragg. tn il.o te e st(baw)nzh . 1r nd MMyJrtSm t e n Ru h H lmes Alin. Jr. Il (aJrAlIl PAITERAN DEORAOR Aftr ejoinggams nd unc- est and Solina on the north, as well Toronto on Sunil:iy. . Hen r e k ln. Pr. Il Ba-Alect eon al1 joined in singing "Auid Lang. castle were present in large num- weeks wltb Mrs. <Dr.) Allen. Toron te. Mitchell, Allan Clark. Pr. A-Floyd _____________job._____________1 bers. Bidding was keen and live Mr. Roy Jeffery andl fiend. Trenton, Powell. Allan A. Martin, teacher. Mr. D. J. Gibson extended a leartyl stock, implements and small articles vere recent visitons at Mir. . . B layes'. Lake Shore Union Sunday Sehool voeoI ihnst Mr.an lsBe-raieoth he gdpic.wM John Bonathan con(lttct><l the will l.old Mother's Day Sunday, May ~ ~ . 1 ot f ihn.s aMr ad rs en nalzeonth wolgod nies hole servie and1 pretîcil dn St. 9ha :0p .M.Jh rde z 'ic a a nett for opening their home for the, Miss Eva .Colwill svho bas been in Georges Clireih ast Sîînday niiid;. .t23 .m.M.Jh rde evenig. triningfor anurseat thconne.',ion1raleth its Motes Dayheo- Phne49 @wnif. Thse company broke up wishingý Chi1dren's and General Hospitals, Lake Shore SîîndlîY Selool next StîndaY speak. Mr. and Mrs. Gabraith health and Torcnto, completed hier course i rm _________________________ hppnea i tsecomfl yar. March and was aadd e'ipom .%Mn. Harry Bnantoti and1'Mn. anîl r Miss Mabel Garner was weekend After a few weeks' re.ýt at hani- s hcPRi-e, Oshaîwa. visite(Ilth,,~ formers ujiele visitor with bier mother and frieîsds Mi aunt. Mirtiandrs \t'.Il. l. ire.'Ia Ohw went back 7o Toronto to take :,orneon Tuesday.1liOsa . special cases in nurz-ing pior to bier 'Mn Geord' l ot'r. aiX'ei. isi Councillor J. H. Gibson, his son ________________________official graduation xith athec mem- vsitng friendisin thei ouuihome towniLonnie and his son-in-law, Mr. T. R. bes I erclss On May 31st next. ai.udin b i ghertlCu'ontllfl Taylr mtored out Tyrone way on -Ms Colwill's numerous friends aî an r itli .aigti nb sth c nclde al be acqaintnces Mrs. Geo. Lums, en is in0IillbrookMaDy thterfsigtke k ' U Ih ch icer he t.ost uainaber wating on i' n aîînt .Mrs. -Mary Nc- and return ed witih a full score of whoiîislî,e0elgiit.l iî,re10speckled beauties. *th u t (o u i n g 1 w oen calling and are already as- nuirsing, but is 10w iii witli îineutii)niaii ________ ltf O U Ls ured o hsbth ine ilaItest reports indicate that ber condition of hisby isenîay xcellent ls imîmoveîî. reports already to hailîdconcLrýiniz W~e notice tjat oe tiig atieiist is SHAWS lir ptroftic iptincy sand liergol. at in footeof lthi ld i îcn udytihMs oa -aNw present prfcec.weattlni' andl tiat is the village (lump Miss Winnifred Rickard spent We wold lie totell ou tht ou larg andNewcastle Tennis Club which car-Ilouis,. cleaniitg and gailien andl iack uda it 'Wewoud iketotei yu tatourlage nd ried on with such enthusiasmi last 1 yard cîeaning is going on as ustial. castle.. . .Miss Donothy Plummer, b o saisfed rear, met at Mr. J. C. Hancock's last Mr J. W. Bradley ltas ini Peterboro Town, visit.ed Miss Florence Ashton ever inra ing st o aife customnersar de- wueuylaîst Tbursiax anti Friday' xeek atte'nd- . . . .MsFe Rvesu faiy forre iflis enig n d r . e-or azd .g district conventionlifagents of Newcastle, visited at Mr. W. FE. Gil- D r. Clnen e tionlif cheten ani %*.s t ' ligtedw:th he pptizngassortment of Fresh, fr a s tdesldetMr. .aW. nLeaytue n ifch e pctronillws de bank's. .Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Powers Allin Vice President and Miss Hattie wenre met by the Headl Otlice o! the and family, Killby, visited at Mr. _ lighted l'~ompany. Mn. BrauIievalso bailte .H.C.mne .. .Miss Aura - Cookedand Cued Mets we lwayshave for sale. A. Masan, Secretary-Treasurer. Miss opportunity o! looklng 'in on the se- .Cemnes Ruths Hancock, Miss Muriel Bradleyl son" o!1jhe IJnderwriters' AssociatIons Rundle and Miss Annie Atldnsofl of o ad Mr. Kenneth Pearce constitute wich asmeting at the same tîme. Bowmaisville, were recent guests of If you are not a customner of our store it w'îll tSoil Arcie atn 7yaofae on Ms. W. J. S. Rickard .... Mn. and Comtte.TePesident of Mn. and Mrs. Parnaby Martin, had Mrs. Albert Crgo, Darliugton, vis- and Vice President are to be respon- bis ight knee pan fractured anud the be well Worth your while to give us a few orders stble for thse care of the court and muscles and ligaments of the knee jint ited st Mr. W. D . Bragg's. Mr. Fred Lake and Mn. Ewant C'em badly injured on Saturday wbeî, bis leg Report of S. S. No. 1, Darlington, 1e-got twisteil in the buggy %wbeel o! Mn. and you will be convinced that it is Worth your ence were appointed a cusmmittee ta P. Li.Gneley'e buggy wbicb, boy tikei cfrArl remove a portion ci thse terrace west was attemptlng to jump on for a ride Sr. IV--Johii Ashton. ~11 s~nilrlvsie a Uite Chnc S.S.buid-The accident. bappened nean M. Matt. Jr. IV-Chanlie Clemenice, Os- heeing and thus extend thse length Of brougb thtebo back ta the boeuse and wald Anderson, ,Sadie AJlin, Garnett court. D)rs. Farnconab and Butler set the badly Richard, Newton Ashton, Stanley lnjured limb. Allin, Leslie Reid. Neyer in the recollection of thse Citizens o! Newcastle bave naturally Jr. HI---Sidney Reid. G , A E d ond ton olestinhaitats as he ingtonfollowed wlth a kindiy interest tbe pro- Sr. IL-A.nnie AMi, Mary Clemr- Phn(i' A.. I dixio d stone od etwnitNewastie ngNw-on s.'Isr. ohn oliee 5 an, o en~ce, Thornton Anderson, Om Phoo 1.B ntonville in suris a bad condition as Mr. and Mn.. S. C. Bonathan, King St. Anderson. it asbee fr isepat wo ees.it was. therefore. witb feeings of com- J lRts Cobbledick, Jean it bs ben fr te pat to weks.munal pide that tbey learned that Mn J.11Rt Heavy cars and trucks traveling aven Bonathan had completed bis course rt Clemence (ill.) it during tise mid.A.pril nains when Trninty Colege, Toronto, and recelved Sr. I-BiU5r.Allin, Helen Wkr, thefrot ws omig otgraualybis degree in Dlvifllty. The degree was oyAhton. tisefrot ws cmin ou. gadullyconferred upon Mr. Bonath5ri by Chan toare it up and chunned it into a celor Wornell at the convocation cere- Jr. 1-Murray Wight. WE TRAVELquagmaire .While ah heavy traffi.c on monies at Trnity College on Tbursday Sr. Pr.-Elf<ord Cob.ledick I1eyening, Apil 22nd. On Thui-sday o!f.tw.Bag e.hr V R V Ltise road bas necessanily had ta, cesse thîs week be wiii meet the bisbop ln eti Bg eahr North., South, Eas and W /est j-to the profit of the railroads-a Rowmanvulie in regard te is future vr number of cars have essayed tise lob and is ordination wili take place psaeeacis day, struggled asgo Sunday, May 30th. On Tuesday and MEDICAL passage ~~~~~W.dnesilay o! this we tvERJms J .BTEM . .M an tl iduntil tisey sunk ta tise runining boards and Mr. Bonathan were in Peterboro J .BTEM . .M JACOBS BREAD THE BE.ST ansd then, of course, 1usd ta be drawn attendlng a mneeting of the Archdeacon- Honor gnaduate of Trinity Univer- Ithnoughntol one , but a num- rY. sity, Fellow of Tinity Medica1 Col- TRY NEILON'S ICECREAM be of badotreceso hinat-aly Mr. Delage wio last sprnig pur- lege, iàcetiate of the State Univer- TR ELon 's E CRAI1er o aild cstdraeh. T sis n eal chased Windsor Lodge, the faim and sity cf New 'York, MatriculWte cf the eonsiled c,s inan ecee, oakne home of the late Hugis Gibson on the Post Graduate Medical Scisool and AUKnd f a « n Prso ale here00 y nungarer oistnceaierTiird Line, bought bis finat two Jior- Hospital of New York aud Fellauw AilKans f Cke a.d astr n Slesaid it coât him $50.00 ta go from ses for bis new farmn at Mr. Dan of the Tarante kcademy of Medi- We Handie Nothing But Pure Food bere ta Newtonville, and then lest Galbraitb's sale. Mr. Delmage alsa1i cine. Office-Mrm. McNaugbton'S Re.- tbLs expensive rate of traveling made several other purchases in-l-Idence, Newcastle. Hours--S ta 10 s6oudcotnu e uTeInin cluding tise faim wagon. Hie is a a. m. 1 to 3 p. m. and by appoint- lestock commission man ofTo-met i;îrogram, Mis. Paw,ýoti givitig a! cu)tînî. wiýis black bat and blonde iiîirti 1,912). Elinor 1:3726); on qweetly rendered ootU. i Doriuîhy1 ch es aril stockings anti cannietl a ii Sire-Teinitlon Cet,-w1yo-401- 15c C A N IBonnycastle a piano seleition, NMiss buqeq.'craton6nd swo s ,)t inat n,7 likphIou -LucY Oliver a r(-,itati'on and Mli.s pea. Týlise bride 'vas attended hy i r '7i mCharles (769); Wilfire (866). Ric, RpeWhoesme orntoe Narjo()ry Bounsaîl, MIiss B. Freenianuhpr '.ister, Mn.. Cecil Malley, wbile h.iuiîdlas provîýt ia goodi stock and Miss Audrey Nokes a IHawaiian 1 the briuegrootfl was stnpported by Sm' b. is colts lîaving uvon numnerolis j-> AINE Guitar trio. T e untn ecM.Cecil Malley. After the cere- Eionit t ol 61faiRs and exhIblin excelent.A beants' lunch was -erv i, i%,tise happy couple îeft 'y lnnotantfleiNo iySS. 1BookiiNoi2.l n R R Y A L L N -'di tsnaemu bi' hiabe sotor for Hamilton, Niagara asud 1isîected and psed October 30, 3924. wene prettily decorated. Buffalo. TERtMS-8$12.OO payable Feb. 1.,:1927. à PHONE 186 BOWMANVILLE MAen's Oxfords $.98 to$3M0 per On tisein neturnutisey will reside OSCAR J. LUXTON, Proprietor. ipair at Ives' Sboe Store. on tiseir farm nantis of Newcastle.1 Phone 142r4, R. R. 4, BoWmranvllle. Life's Greatest Joy 15 TO HAVE GOOD HEALTH EAT MORE 0F CORBETT'S VIHOLESOME BREAD AND KEEP IT GOOD Good w-heat bî'ead contains ail the essentials o nurture the body and keep you in good health -as you prize good health be careful of the quality of the bread x-ou eat-to eat Corbett's Bread rneans to eat the best of bread-the quality is al- wvays unif orm. The taste is the test-try a loaf and you'll want more. Accept no substitutes-ilsist on having Cor- bett's Bread. Lt is the quality of oui' loaf which has buit up our Bread business to one of the best in the country-. Wedding Cakes a Specialty Willard's Ice Creani W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner A re Y o u laving Trouble? We are not looking for trouble. But if YOU are having trouble with your heating system, plumbing or tinsmithing that needs fixing or re- pairing then is when we can be of assistane b you- You take no chances in having us do your work for we only employ men who are expert mechanies of wide and practical experience. We use modern methods with old-fashio'ned reliabil- ity. Cail at once. L. G. GREENAWAY 'jMr.. Poultry Man WE SELL EVERYTHING NECESSARY TO START YOU IN THE POULTRY BUSINESS Hatcing Eggs Incubators Broodors lit.- aby Chicks Blatchfords's Milk Mmsl Blatchford'a Chick Scratch These goods are ail given a fair trial on our own place before advising you to buy. Don't be. a! raid to a.sk for prices or corne and look our stock over. Lt may intereat you. We can save you money on brooders. Be sure to see our brooders working and be convinced they are what you want. Phone 304 L. H. PEARN Liberty St. B ,wmanville When You Need PASTRY-CHOCOLATES-ICE CREAM -SOFT DRINKS-ETC. Bring or send your order to this store where it will receive prompt attention and you w-ill get good valut H. S. BRITTON, Baker & Grocer Newcaatle 'p Orono Bowmanville King St. East 1 iý Bowmanville

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