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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 May 1926, p. 5

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TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON Court off Revision and Appeal Notice la hereby given that the firat sittings of tbe Court cf Revion for tic Township a! Darângton will be held at the Town Hall.1M the Village of Hamp- ton, an Mandai, June 7. 1926, at the hour,,cf 2 o'clock p. m., to bear and deterMnte the several complante and omissions la the Assegment Rail for the said municipaliti for the year 1926. Al persoas avlng business at tbe court are requested ta, attend as afore- W. R. ALLIN, Clerit of the Township of Dr1lngton. Dated t Hampton this 25th dai cf May .1926. 21-1 - GEO. PRITCHARD- THE HANDY LITTLE SHOP PARTIC3JLARLY AROUND HOUSECLEANING TIME Lots of people doqIt know just ail we seil in this little shop o? ours. So we're g<>ing to tel you and invite you ta cal: WALL PAPER Best makea on the market. BEST PAINTS Glidden's Painta, Varnishea, Lac q. FLOOR WAX Johnson's, also Castie Wax ALABASTINE It can't 'be beat for waflh and cellinge. FLOOR POLISHER Electric Floor Poliaber to rent by hour or day. SCHOOL SUPPLIES Scribblers, Drawing Books, Writing Books, ExamimnUion Tableta, Pemils, Erasers. PAINTER AND DECORATOR That's my job. G. Pritchard 1Phon 489 B.wmpvllle Bright Bedroom Wall Papers Some of the new pap- ers in our display fairly smile at you, they are of such warm, soft colors. They transform cold, sun- less mooms into bright cheerful places to live. Our showing of exlusivi domestie and imported wall papers is the most extensive in town. We are sure we can please you. W. T. Allen "Big 20" Bookstore Bowmaville ' -ett~ Fui storage at moderate Pric( special at this season for remn elling and îepairing. Take adrex t51ge of oui lait fui stoa rates 00w in effect. Iro #-- à m à ni A-, - . N --:,,TA 'iA'U'MA.N. flWMAY'JVILLE, THURSDAY. MAY 27th., 1926. ________________________________TT____ma-mi"_______v es, an-. .ge QUALiTY PURS and Gu ranteed RpaîrS BoWMANVILLE-,ONT. the Ganadian Pacifie Railivay, died in Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay, Help VW anted on Sunday, having suffeîed a stroke ArE-ingRo ni, açver a year ago. Mrs. Robý:on is a HEI-P WNE-iln ot .r daughter of Mis. R. H. Sylvester, gond, home. The 1lowm:,niotîse tAin- Lintdsay, and niece of Mis. L. A. ____________le. -__1 1 Tole and Mis. John Percy. Bowman- WANTED FOR ROAD WORK-N1.n ville. Among the relatives atten d- ,Lni teames. Amis . T3a rkr, s ing the funerai troni this district Tann col oiavl- 2- wero: Mis. Levi Annis, Mr. and Mrs. A. H., Bicot and Mr. A. W. Cleniens,, Tyrone. One of the exelusi *e CanadianiM r r s Women's Clubs of New York (îýty! M r yn r s the members of which are Irom Dur- bain and Ontario Counties met two 1 weeks ago at the Maple Grove Tlea wilI open in the near future an Roonis an 57th Street near Crei Hall, the hostess being nre rm Knickerbocker Hopital -Mrs. Tay- Ie C e r Parlor Vers Baker and E. Thompson, (Sa- lina section). TfPis tea ioomi s a wheîe tbey will serve jvery iniviting, bomey attîaetive and suitable place and the menu was par excellence. After lunceon the, Light Lunches conipany by invitation went down to Dr. William A. White's, 43rd St. and spent the afternoon socially with it wili be strictly up-ta-date in Mis. White. Last Tbursday Mrs. James A. Philiips and datîghter 'Mai- every wey. ion, entertained the club at their residence, 1520 Parker St., West-f Speciai attention given tourist.s chester, New York City, where. an-1 other aiternoan was very pleasantly spent. Thlia week Mis. McCarty Lad jes' Rest Room <nee Emma Hazzlewood o Raglan), expects ta enteitain the club. This wiil be the final asseînbly this season. Watch for opening announcement The nurses expeet ta spend their vacation at their haminl Canada. OVER BOWLING ALLEY Let Nelles fill your grocery aider for las cash. il ________________ MARRIAGES LOCAL AND OTHERWISE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Susie Bailey who has spent Nelles selsa groceries for less. on U the winter in Toronto is home for a Miss E. E. Haycraft apent the gu'son hoidy.weekend with friends at Wlitby and B.tr Hear Duncan R. Cowan, Canada's Brooklin. and1 Premier Entertiainer, at Eldad on Mr. Fred Hermon, Detroit, cMich., - May 31.st. visited at his father's, Mr. F. B.1 Miss Jean Evans, Toronto, spent Hermo>n, Carlisle Ave.I the weekend with Mr. and Mns. E. C. Don't forget the Birtihday Partyl ROI Evans, Church St. ait St. Andrew's Presbyterian ChurchI May Mr.- Geü. E. Chase is enjoying a on Monday, May 3lst at 8 p. ni. Ife 'week's fishîng trip in the anglers A further honor was conferred on MIL paraiseof Nrtbrn Oitaia. Dr. Devitt by the Ontario Dental May Mr. T. Herb. Mcçîeady and Association at its convention in Mille( daugterMargretof Lethbridge, Toronto last week when he was elect- Alberta, are exPected in town this ed Honorary President for the coMn- week. ing year. St t Mrs., C. L. Ramsay and daugte On bis retirement as President of0.; Miss Queenie, recently visited at the Bownianville Rtotary Club, Dr. B. J.ý ne home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Esn- Hazlewood presented ta the club a erbor er, Coborne. beautiful caUl bell on which is - 'Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Tod, Vancou- mounted the Rotary emblemn. The ver, B. C., spent the weekend witb gif t is greatly prized by the Rotai- Mrs. Thos. Tod and relatives in (Jsh- îians. ST awa and Whitby. Mrs. Samuel Arnold and son, Percylde Durwin E. Steckley wUi be in Arnold, and Mr. and Mis. Tobeit iDear Toronto during the fii-St week in Arnold, Oshawa, Mis. Robert Clever- We Jume taking a short post-graduate don of Danforth, Toronto, Mr. James' The ceurse in drugless therapy. Norton, Belleville, spent the helW~ay Sadl with their brother, Mr. Thomas Nr- Mr. Howard Bottreil, Detroit, Mis, ton, wbo continues very ill. Lionel Winlcworth, Torance, Mus-' koka, arm visiting their father, Mi. Rer quiet self-control, cleaîn.% sof idST John Bottreli, who is seriousîy il. utterance, strength of feeling e.nd IStaii Mi Hian W eeero Teexactness of interpietation of 1923. Regstr, oroo, ad rid gvethought and character, prove that Af RegiterNorwod, nd bide aveshe has caiefully developed bier finet In8 us a cail on Thivsday enroute te abilities ta the highest degree-John. spend their honeymoon in Hamil- Duxbury. Hear lier in Trinity ll ton. Church, Friday evening. Mr'. and Mis. C. M. Cudlip, Ham- Many congratulations weîe rece;v- ilton, and Mim A. D. Rankine, and ed by Mis. E. Briyniacombe, 68 E. son Bobbie, St. John, N. B., are ý24th St., Mt. Hamilton, £ronm her Cat staying with the Misses Allen, Beech friends on May 24tb., it being the ed Ave, occasion of ber 88th bîrthday. Wbile 1 AI-t Mis, W. R. Motherwell and sis- lber childien treim a distanre were e ter Miss Gillespie, Ottawa, and Mis. not able to be 'with her, tbey al ie-1 A 14 Hunt, Abernethy, Sask., were Te- niembered bier with tokens of love.' The cent guests of Mi. and Mis. R. T. Allthough soxnewhat feeble in body1 ý, Stephens, Beech Ave. Mirs. Brimaconibe still retains aIl Mot Martyn Bras. who bave made such ber facUlities and takes quite an i Eve a success of the bowling alleys are terest in the cuitent events. Sheldz now planing to open an ice cream h as been a constant reader of The N parlr an luch ro'm upstaîrs. Statesinan for niany years and while an Wateh for opening date. reading last week's Stateaunan she, tere Mr. and Mis. Win. Gimbltt bnave shle well remtembeied wben Hamipton You sald their residence on Queen st, Lodge No. 63, IndepedntOdr fN to Mr. Lucius Hooper and have Good Tentpleis was organized on 1 Aa bougbt a bouse at 23 Ritson Road April 17,1 1858. And while reading sle S., Osha'wa, wheîe they will reside. dowin through the list of naines she Th, MT.Albrt ottell Toont, M. s well remembers, she came acrosin Mi. lbet Bttrll, orotoMi.that of bier brother's, Edwin Kiveli, Somn Bottreil, Cadillac, Mich., Mi. and alao lber own namne which was Till Fred Botrell, Manistie, Mich., Mi. Miss E. KiveUl at that tue, and it ism Wiil Bottreli, Grand Rapids, Micb., very true tiiere are n.t many left visited theix' brotixer, Mri. Jno. Bot- of those former days. treli. ________ 11Remeniber tfne Birthday Party in, the Sunday School Roani of St. An- BASEBALL SEASON OPENS F drew's Presibyterian Church on Mon-1 wri day, May 3lst at 8 p. mi. Splendid Bowmanvulle Beate Port Hope - prograni atter whîch refîeshmentsc will be served. Admission 25c. The first local gaine in the Dur- bes Mi.ad Mis. William Tburgarland bain & Ontario Basebaîl League was Cer announce the engagement of their played at Agricultural Park, Monday, - daughteî, Hazel Violet, ta Willilam May 24th., befcore a large crowd on Howard Metcalf, Phni.B., son of Mr. when Bowmanville defelated Port set and Mis. John L. Meticaif of Bow- Hope by 6-3. manville, the marriage to take place The gaine was interesting trom- the middle ot June. stait ta finish. The poor condition of the diamond prevented errorless de Come in and prove it that Nelles' bail but ait that there was sanie good et sels roeres oilea.playing on bath ides. The sur- A Miss Frances Nicloewa, thle Cree pîisie of the gaine was the consistent 3, Indien entertiainer, will be in Tif and stellar pitching ot Hairy Os- - ity United Cburch, Friday, May 28 borne who bad the visitais at his 1 runder the auspices of the Ladies' Aid. mercy most of the tume besides be- wa Miss Nir-kawa has just ieturned atter Lng credited with nîne sirike-outs. tai an unhroken series of successes, lac- Part Hope jumped into the inn ho hieved ia Australia and England. coluinn in the first innings witb a 24 Dan't misa bearîng this treat. run and got two mare in the next - Miss Mary Dryden, daughter of five innings while the home team 1 .Mi. and Mis. W. A. Dryden, Brook- had only cîossed the plate once But l lin, receiuied the degree of Bachelar it took the lucky aId seventb te put ha >of Arts tram McMaster University, a different complexion on the score Pu Toronto. During the at y I rwben Bowmanville beavy bitters, hi g e as yar1tel Miss Dryden bas been President of pounded the ball for five runs. AtI, 1the Women's Student Body of the this stage the mound-heaver fram - 1University. hiliside hainlet (The Piettiest Town be 1 Mi. and Mis. Richard Hanilyn are in Canada) was given a much needed h, spending a week with their son-in-law îest and bis substitute was success- ý'm anddagher M. ndMi. . . uI n olin te alnc o teD ciCaimeron, Baby Point Road, Toranta. gamne scoreless. e ,Tbey ail matoîed Vo the Niagara If tihe bîand of basgebaîl provided r District on Victoria Day and enjoy- on Victoria Day is a saniple of what - ed the sight of the blassonis and1 the fans niay expect in the coming other scenic beauties 'of that dis- series the grand stand should be, trict. packed with loyal supporters eachc Openiag gaine in Darlington Foot- ga ut s baIl League will be pîayed at High aeallclpaes vr nor chooi1 grounds, Saturday, Mav 29, aeallclpaes vr nor mt73 .i. (dayiikht saving), be- agement and they wilI in return 1 twenZo 7dBwin le ongive you something to cheor about Meenýip»n ndGowal-otte;Toacks a well as put Bowmanýville in pro- .team ine-u.p Gl-Pot ,I inent letters on the basebal msp. -Cowling, Lobb; Hall Dacks- 1 Next home gaine is Saturday, June Cale, Moore, Williaims; Forwardi- . -Foster, Keele, King, Brown Hall. t ________________ -NICKAWA approached ber task in, a manner whicib at once proclaimed To Let lier a cuîtuîed elocutionist; humour, 1 drama, pathos and puîeiy descriptive I4OUSE WANTED-An unfurnishedi received adequate treatnient in bOluse, 4 or 5 rooms. AI] modern con- voice and gesture, and ail the tinte nine Nofml.AlyDavr, there was dee-p synipathy with thel stery.-Luton News.. Hear ber in HOUSE TO LET-7 rnomned finr'k 2 h. se, hardwaod floors, furnace. IIghts, Trinity Cbuîch, Fîiday, May 28h. -pce baeth, waterworks, amnall fruit Mi. W. T. Robson of Montreai for gard1en. Further partieulars phone 2 or Tnnv arsAvrtising Director f' toVldl2- LLIoAY-BOTTRELI.-At Toronto, jay 15, 1926, by the Rev. J. J. Fer- on, M. A., D. D., Hilda Grace Bat- ,eldest daughter of the late Herbert reh and Mrs. Wmn. H. Glanfield, Walter Halliday, bath of Taronto. DEATHS 8BERTS-At Toronto, on Thursday, 20th, 1926, Annle McCrae, beloved 1 of tbe late Wm. T. Roberts. In- 1 d la Part Hope.à LLSON-la Clarke, on Wednesday. î 9tb, 1926, Henry Ward Beverly an, youngest son of Mrs. B3. Miligon, f 125 years, 5 montha. Interment at ao Cemeteri. LSON--On Monday, May 24th., at he home of bie daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) G. Hudson, 405 Carlton Street, Tor- )Rev. J. C. Wilson. in bis 87th year. rment at Little Lake Cemetery, Pet- )ro. IN MEMORIAM TEVENSý-In loving mreflicry of aur rson and brother. Frank, who was d home an May 25th, 191.5. Laad faim as the Mi1es, ças, bis soul witbin; SSaviour saw he- was far too good. .dwell la tbis world af gin. y missed by Mother, Father, Sîster aad Brother. rAINTON-In loving memory a! my sv if e and aur dear mother. Sarah Anton, wha passed away May 27th, eof the best whom Ceod could send, faithful mother te thé end. silence sbe suffemed, ln patiînce she bore, 1aod called ber home ta suifer no mare. Ever remembered by Husband and Famili. ro ioving memory of our dear mother, bermne C. White Penfound who paso- away. May 23rd., 1925. 'Rys 50 good, unselfish and kind, w an this earth ber equal we tlî,d; iof the best that God could send, aoving mother rigbt ta the end. ýpearly gates were opea, gentle 'vaice salO aaome" d with farewellB unspoken, ihber calmly entered home. er remembered by 1opr sono and Jaughter, Charles, Roa and Maude. WRIGHT-ITI memory of a loviag wif e i mather. Geargina Wright, wbo en- rd into rest on June 5th, 1925. >u are nat fargatten, wife and mother, dear, >r Wifl ycu ever be; long as lite and memory laat we wll .remember thee. ep an, dear one, and take thy reat, ley miss you mast who loved yau best; silence she suif eîed, ia patience she bore, il Ced called ber home ta suifer no or. Husband. Sans and Daughters. Articles For Sale borne. I will apare a f ew settings tram this "Pnivate Stock".' of Canada'.sDent: Isytas strain. $2.00 per settini. Georgeý Jamnieson. Newcastle. 13-tf. --I1 Property P or Sale 1 FRAME BUILDING AND LOT FORI SALE-In Bawnanville. corner Ontario Street and Washington Place. 4,pply on the premises to 1fr.. H. 8. Iree- mnan, Bowmianvifle. 18-tf HOUSE FOR BALE-Bonld Brick8 roomned bouse. 8-piece bathroom. furn- ace, waterworks, garage, good garden.! amall fruits, central location an Queen Street. Apply Leo. G. Greenavay, phone 15w, Bawmanvllle. 9-t BABY CHICKS-I*.t call for baby chiait. if ordered by Saturday, May 29.! Will hatoh a limited number of Leg- borne for June 20. $18 per 100. W. H. Carruthers. Bowmanville, phone 38-2. 21-1w 5.11 Us Your Spare Time for $100 or your full urne for $400 per manth. aelling Nogar Suits. $1495 ta $17. Full prias. Made fromn water. fire and snag reaistant clath. Out- wears three ordînary suite. No cal- lecting or deliverlng. Your maaey palO daili. Saleamen and Counti Managers wanted. Write qulcklî be- fore your district la taken. Nogar Clothîng Co., Toranto Ont. Ail Wool Herringbone and Serges Double and Single breasted, Regular Val- ues tW $32.50, On Sale $2750 These Suite are won- derful values. It wili pay you to see theni. OTHER SPECIALS A lino of good quality Khski Trousers selling et $1.59 Pair Men's Work Shirts A lne et Blue OhasNbiaY aIma Ebaki Work Shirts, also a line of cotton Tweed Shirts in Tan and Grey effecti, velu $150, ON SALE 98e Men's New StraW Hats The seuson's lateat styles, PROM $150 TO $4.50 EÂCH Men's Work Pauts at $1.98 Men's Blue Stripe, J.so Plain Black Overals and Smocks AT $1.98 PAIR men's Heavy Work Sox 4 PAI R FOR $1.00 Men'a Fine Braces Reg. 75c, 2 PAIR FOR 98. Mens Flannel Trousers Sbad«et o Grey and Bm.uit at $8.215 ad $450PAIR Meus Athletic Underwear Combizatlon Suite, ON SALE s9c ]EACH Boys' Flannel Trousers Froni 7 ta il yer of agi AT $225 PAIR T. B. GILCHRIST DlrectIy opposite Bank Every article in the store 0t montreal gnaranteed to give beat Phone el satlmfaetion. First Showing of Summer Frocks For Women, Misses and Children 250 BRAND NEW DRESSES JUST ARRIVED 250 Our Large Stock of Summer Dresses makes the choosing of your New Frocks delightfully easy. Everything that is new in Styles and Materials is represented in our selection. Priced just a shade Iower than the city stores. NEW KNITTED SUITS FOR SUMMER WEAR VERY NEW-VERY SMART-VERY PRACTICAL-VERY REASONABLE COLORS Poudre Blue New Green Rose $1O050 100% wool Mauve Sand Natural *The demand for these suitâ in the cities is tremendous They're New-That's Why W. Have Them BALANCE 0F SPRING COATS AT REAL BARGAIN PRICES Value to $21.00 Now $10.00 Value to $36.50 Now.$2500 Value to, $30.00 Now $15.00 Value to $45.00 Now $3500 Cjfh e L it e Sh opp e -- 'r t I .,!ý AN ILLE ONT IlSpecialist in WVom en'ç.pparel Exclusive but noî' Exp ensive WomenSCs ut-Drse-Hs r -G vs-Udrea Ec Niagara Falls Bus Line Regular Tripe WWdnesdaY and Sund&"s.1 Eveiy peison sbould take in these wonderful Scenic Trips. Drive for t ailes aiong beautiful bighways; in our New Coach, where, out of its spaciaus windows one gea a clear view of intcrcsting points along the vay. Sec the wonders of the Niag- ara Penînsula with its miles ot Fruit Orcibards, knowxi as the Gard- en, of Canada. It's a veritabie fairyland in blassonitime. Book your seats now. Starting May 23rd Leaive Bowmanville 6:30 a.mn. 34.25 Leave Courtice 6:-45 a. m. $4.00 Leave Oshawa 7:00 a.mn. $3.75 Leave W'hitby 7:15 a.m. $3,50 10 minutes stop at Suirnyside. Arrive Niagara Falls at Il a. mi. Leave Niagara Falls at 9 P. nm. For information phone B.owmanville 412, Oshawa 1840. Tickets may be purcbased f rom any Whitby, Osh- awa or Bowmanville Bus Driver. T. A. Garton. Propiiet.'r. Men's and Young Men's Fancy Tweed Suits Any Fancy Tweed or Worsted Suit in the Store. values up to $25.00O...........Clearingat $1975 Any Fancy Tweed or Worsted Suit, values up Wo $-250 ............... Clearing For Only $2695 Navy Blue Suits BOWMANVILLEt <Standard Turne) CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAV WEST EAST 5.28 a. m. D 10.22 a. m D 2.22 p. m. De 8.20 a. m. D* 7.47 p. m. D* 4.31 p. m. D 11.27 p. m. D 6.50 p. m. D D-Dali Except Sunday. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY Gaing West 4.22 a. m.-Flag. Dali. 8.39 a. m.-Daliy except Sundai. 2.02 p. m.-Daliy Except Sunday. 7.11 p. m.-Daliy Except Sunday. 7.06 p. m.-Sunday Only. 8.24 p. . oinlly Esaet udy 5.24 p m.-D iy EasetSud. 9.42 a. m.-Daily Except Suniday. 9.13 r.. m.-Sunday Only. 10.14 x. m-Stops for passengers ta Trenton and East. 1.47 p. m.-Dally Except Sunday. 2.46 p. m.-lag. Dali Slxcept Sunday.. 6.14 p. m.-Daily Except Sunday. 9.58 P. m.-Dally. 11.21 p. m.-Flag. 11.55 a. m-Stops ta pick up passenger. for points east of Trenton only CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY TYRONE STATION W EST 8.25 a. m.-Dally Exçept Sunday. EAST 6.25 p. m.-Dally Except Sunday. 1 i 1 ringer, alynost new. Phone 264J. 21-1 -100K STrOVE FOR SALE--Ligbter ay" high aven caok steve. in very m3t condition. Apply ta C. H-. Maso0n, entre St., Bowmanville. 23-tf FOR SALE.Rubber tired buggy (open), e harse waggan, road cart, and ta i.s single harneas. Apply ta Mrs. A. Elsworth, King St. East, Newcaatle.ý 20-2w rving boise, chestaut, 8 yeaîs aId, landa 15.1 bande, would male gaod irdle bone, reason of sale bought car. ýply ta Alex. Walker, Pantypool, R. IL or phone Orono 57r14. 20-3 FOR SALE-2 single boise sprlng vagans 1 team spring wagon; 1 bath- omr outfit bat waten boller, stave. bath ilet and basIn, tank. Sultable for rural >me, frame square lumben for building 4 30. A. M. Williams, Bowmanvîlle. 20-if FOR SALE-Dominion Piano@ 0f aIàl nds .old on paymente .pnsad over two eans. Steinway, Heintsman and Gen- ard Heintsman used piano@ taken as )t payrnent an Dominion piano@ wil )e cleared at bargain prices and on easyl erme. IF .. Mtchell. DIstributon. Bow- I nanvîlle. 5-t FOR SALE-Baby Chicks and Straw- )rri Plants, a limited number cf chiaka iatched from hena laylag at four months. H-ead of pen front atrain that 'on higheat egg laying content la white Leghorns. Kindli leave orders for May ýhioks. F. W. Battie, R. R. 6, Baw- manville. phone 219r3. 18-t Lost or Found LOST-A Masania Chapter Keystane Charm, gold trimmings. Reward. Appli Statesman. 23-fi W MANY MEN WANTED to leain Garage wark and Barbering. We are offertng special arrangements by which you can earn nmre money hi worki turnished while attending aur school. I-emphill Trade Schools Ltd, 163 Ringi St. W., Toranto. Cafl or write for par- ticulars. Eggs For Hatching PAGE Pm IThis Week's Specials At Gilchrist's Store I b

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