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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jun 1926, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAIS. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 17th., 1926. PG EE Wbea You Have a Sle Y OU fieed flot worry mver your Sales Notes. ThsBank will be glad ta suppiy blank iorms and look aiter the notes for you. W. will notily the buyers of your stock ta psy their notes at aur office, and will deposit the payments ta your account. Te Royal Banik of Canada BowznanvMle Branch K R F. Aitchison, Manager AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE A REAL NECESSITY Auto owners are taking a big risk if they drive a car these days without carrying insurance. Just look at the accidents that are happening daily. The cost of insurance is srnall cornpared with protection given. CONSULTATION FREE regarding insurance-Public Liability, Darnage, Collision, Fire, Theft. Property iCAWKER'S REPUTATION Fôr Over 50 Years Has been built on a foundation for supply- ing customers year in and year où%t with the best and choicest of meats. In making our personal selection of stock we have the advantage of knowing the breeders and just the kind of animais that will make the choie- est of meats. There's no getting away frorn it that quaI- ity meats are essential in the preparation of palat- able tasty meals. Orders FilIed Promptly and Delivered. C. M. CAWKER & SON Victoria Building Butchers Phone 64 Bowmanville JH[ Better Plumbing af AT Less Cost KITCHEN SINKS When we stop ta, consider that a wornan spends 700 houru a year at the ktchen sink we realize that nothing shaulci be Ieft un- done ta make those hours as easy as passible for her. One cf the commanest faults with the old-fashioned aink ia that a greut many cf them were installed too Iaw, necesitating constant stooping that resute ini back-ache. This can be quickly remedied and we know you'il agree that the resuIt is worth wile Agents for McClary Sunshine Furnaces McClary Electric Stovess Easy Electric Wash- ers "Standard" Plurnb- ing. Estirnates Free Len Elliott Ring et. W., Phone 848, Bowmanvillo .t4 AUNT SUSAN'S WEEKLY LETTER My Dean Niece: Stretching avor a multitude of excuses is the littie word "if"'. What wonders we wauld ail do "if" circuinstances, the weathor, xnoney, envirnnînnt, or even oun home folk were difonrent. Many of us drift threngh lufe wait- ing for opportunities ta do better in the belief that we could easily do se, "if" situated diffenent.ly, or if we were other people who have sa many more chances, or means-andj se aoln Yet should we sudde'nly- find aur "ils" come true thore is ne daubt but that we would conjure athers as soon as we becanue accustomod ta the new apportunities opened ouf te US' Te use "if" in an imaginative sense only, is stimulating, bocause it croates dreanis wherein we wander into groat possibilities in a rose- coloned wenld. But thon we neod good common. sense ta corne back ta plain prasaic facts and perhaps the cold drab days, and to rail up aur sleeves and make the best ai it. No doubt even the millionaires sa uuany envy have their impossible cireamis as well as the poarest pauper. You would feel embanraseed and hurt if yen heard youn children say: "If I had a diffenent fathen and mothen how clever 1I night be," but iortunately mest childnen have an instinctive sonse to take their par- ents for granted and te make, the best ai theni! But it is much the sanie sense as the way you write about the chîld- non; thoy are doubtlessly as geod, and as doen as they can be, so why be disc'antented and impatient and say: "If they wene like so-and-so'e childnen how pnoud I shduld h." Penhaps you shouldn't. At any rate you must do the hast you can in your allotted sphene, and hope yaur children wlll do tho sanie. We cannot ah hoe wonderfui; neithen can we ail ho ich, but we can al hi kind, caurteou3 and noble. Kili your vain "ismy dear niece; laugh at thein and buny theifn; do net sit and mourn an the grave of such droama. Rather believe in your own pen- sanality and youn onvironments, and that thoy are as g'aed as many others, possibiy better, and if you had al] y ou wished for you wonld stili want for ore.Your loving Aunt Susan, W. M. S. BRANCH MEETING Entening King Street Church, Trenton. in three streains, 150 dle-1 gat.es repre-senting the Women's Mis-i sionary Sac leties «9 the thnee uniting( churches, met last week at the firste anual meeting ai the Bay of Quinte1 ConereceBranch of the W. M. S.1 o hnied Church in Canada. The1 new body includes five Prosbytenia]s1 -Belleville, Cobourg, Lindsay,1 Kingston and Renfrew.1 Officers electod were :-President1 -Mrs. J. T. J)aly, Port Hope; Vice-j President-Mrs. W. H. Ashton,, Campbelliond; 2nd vice-President-- Mrs. R. Barbaur, F'ranktown; 3rd Vice-President-Mrs. F. A. Iarko, Brockville; 4th vice-President-Mrs W. J. Paul, Kingston; Recarding Secretary-Mrs .C. A. Callery, Can- niftan; Corresponding Secretary-, Mrs. F. R. Edwards, Cannington; Treasurer-Mrs. H. Irvine, Lindsay; Secretary Christian Stewardship and Finance-Mms R. G. Lawlor, Nor- waod; Strangers' Secretary-Mrs. W A. Bremner, Cobourg; Supply Sec- retary-Mns. E. J. Corkill, Napanee; Secretary Associate Helpers-Mrs. W. J. Wagar, Centreville; Secretary Young Women's Work-Mrs. M. C. McKinnon, Perth; Secretary Mission and Baby Bands-Mrs, W .H. Gar-1 land, Cobourg; Secretary Missionary! Monthly Miss N. A. Beatty, Pemi- broke; Press 'Secretary-Mrs. S. E. Revelle, Kingston; Nominating Coni- mittee-Mrs. F. A. Larke, Brock- ville; ;Mrs. G. L. Wagar, Cobourg; Mrs. J. W. White, Bayside; Mrs. A. C. Brown, Carleton Place; Mrs. J. Johns, Peterboro; Finance Commit- tee-Mrs. Morley Day, Belleville; Mrs. W. M. Camnpbell, Kingston; Mlrs J. T. Field, Cobourg; Mrs .H. Irvine, Lindsayý Mrs. R. C. Lawlor, Non- wood. The speakers outlinod the exten- sive home and foroign missionary prograni oi the gociety. The wark of the children'r, Mission Circles and Mission Banda oi the Girls' C. G. I. T. groups, was described by Mrs. M. E. Wilson, (Amneliasburg), Mrs. McCalluni, (Coaburg), and Mrs. M. C. McKnnn, (Perth) reepectively. The iset that protestant children ne- ceive no religions eduication in the day schools was given as a reason for more active inibereet in such mat- tons on the part ai the church. Mrs. R. O. Jolliffe, Kingston, strossed the neod of Christian wonk asnong the inmmigrants,. especially in the West, with its Red Sunday Sehools and whole sections settlod by nan-Brit'lsh and non-Christian elements. Miss Eflie Jamioson, General Secnetary ai the Dominion Board, spoke aptimis- ticaily oi the prognossa wbch Christ- ianity has made the world aven. Miss Allen. (Japan), spoke ai the greater intorest being shown by 'Lhat people in higher oducation for girls. Miss McHarrie (India), describod the work of hor home for iriendless children. The budget's allocation of $92,000 was readily accepted. Support only for dry candidates was pledged in the foilowing resolu- tien, protesting against any back- ward stop being taken in ttie cause of temperance, the neslution road: "Whoneas the law granting 4.4 beer licenses, contrany ta the ballot ai the people, was, we fear, anly a begin- ning, and considering that othor leg- isiatian under simlar false preten- siens la possible, we place oursolves on record that we will net vote for any candidate who wiil favar any kind of logisiation that gives the people intoxicating beveragos unden IGoverninent Contrai" or any other name. "We furthen resolve that we ex- press aur iaith in the Ontario Tom- pexance Act. We believe that the lack ai law enfoncement against il- licit selling could ho remedied, and that instead, the very laxity is being used by these nesponsible for it as an argument against the 0. T. A." BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL NEWS A distinct honor was bestowed up- on the School Friday night when Bowmanville Rotary Club held its regular weekly meeting here. The new dining hall put on its most dig- nified appearance ta date when tbe memibers inufuil nurnbens augmented by the School Staff sat down ta sup- per. Aiter the inner man had been satisfied, the boys put on a short musical prograni following which the menibers made a tour ai inspec- tion thnongh the new buildings. While the visitons were on Iheir sight-seeing tour the boys quicly dannetu their gym. suits and present- ed a short physical culture display. It was quite cincidentai and fit- ting that the Rotanians should visit the School just as the new basebal diamond was nearing cor-npletiin. The boys are exceedingly proud ai this new field and for the past two weeks have honestiy been worrying for fear that their new 'Stadinni', as they caîl it, wauld net be opened as ceresnaniousiy as they f elt it should ho. Work was ruslted along and it was in fine shape when the Rotanians arnived and the cenemonies which followed were perionmed in a inannen that wauld lend dignity and colour ta any Major League Bal Park. The beys were delightod and are now sure that %they have the best bail field in the wonrld. Mayor T. S. Hoigato pitched the first bail with Rotary Club President G. E. C'hase at bat and Dr .G. E. Reaman catch- ing and Dr. È. J. Hazlewood umpir- ing. The boys team defeated the Rotary Club teamn in the game that iallowed by il ta 1. The boys lin- ed up as follows: Flude, catcher; Walters, pitcher; Twinny lb; Finn 2b; Biasak s. s.; Charles 3b; Jackson L. i.; Rawlings c. i.; Bowditch r. i. Two new boys arnived asat week- thirty-one now. Work is napidly pnagrossing an the now ronds aronnd the grounds. Tile drains are being laid and the roads buiit up with gravel. Miss Louden, psychometrist; 4Dr. Curtin ai the Neurological Depant- ment ai the Sick Childron's Hospital and Miss Bingle, assistant lirector ai Nursery School at Tcronto Uni- vensity, wene interested visitons at the School last week. Principal G. H. Dickinson obtained standing in III English and IV His- tory at the recent University af Tar- ante examinâtiens. Tho Educational Department ai the School under Mn. Dickinson has developed cansadenably iately. Each boy spends hall of zchimol day at academic wank and the other haîf in the wonk shop undgr Mn. Cairns and Mn. Hyslep. Physical Education is a part ai each day's orognam niso. A hanking syste-n .imilar ta the penny bank las been înstituted as a means ai teaching thift and as a project in practical aithmetic in the .1095 Times A Year Meal-getters puzzle over the world's oldest problem: What will we have for the next meal? Every day in the year we have been helping scores of people in solving this problern. Our large and attractive assortment of Cooked, Cu>- ed and Fresh Meats makes it cornparatively easy to choose sornething appetizing and different for almost every meal. Corne in and see the sanitary way we dis- play our meats. We Deliver The Goods G, A. Edmondstone Phone 21 Bowmanville ECONOMY GETTING NEW BUSINESS The progressive business firm finds that it needs ta be constantly making new friends and creating a new cir- dle of customers. If it just depends on satisfying those who have pre- viously bought its goods, it is likely ta see its trade diminished. Popula- tion changes more rapidly now than formnerly, and if a firm has a certain list of customers this year, it can ex- pect, as the resuit ai ail the changes that naturally occur, that a consider- able proportion of those customers will flot be on the list in a year or two. Also people are changeable in their habits, and unless a very ener- getic eff ort la made to hold aid cus- tomers by advretising, a lot of them will go elsewhere, attracted by the variaus inducements that are affered theni. People are flot much niclined, as they were aiten formerly, just ta trade at one place or a iew places right alang year alter year. They are quick to get the Idea, if sanie fin seenis to be hustling a littie harder than its competitors ta please the people, and no feeling of habit or sentiment of iayalty is apt to hold theni, if they think thiey can do bet- ter by going 'elsewhere for something they want. By an active campaign ai adver- tiseing, a ýmerchant can keep niaking new business friends, to make up for those wha drift elsewhere. It does nat take elaborate persuasion ta win such new custaniers in these tiues. People are ready ta go ta any place ai business -wbere the spirit of enterprise and huAte. seenis to pre- vail. A merchant who makes it a regular practîce ta advertise, even if he dces nat take any great amaunt ai space, will have a constant streani ai inquirers entering his daors, who will more than make tip for old eue- tomers who go elsewhere. THE EXALTED SAVIOUR PhilippLmns 2:5-11 Praise ta Thee we render, saviaur, evermore: Ail the holy angels Thy greait naine adore. In Thy glaoos presence, They rejaxce ta be: Here an earth Thy people Praise and worship Tbee. Equal with the Highest On the throne supreine, Thou Thyself didst empty, Mortals ta redeezn. Thon didst <lame revealing Love's eternal plan: Thou wast faund irn fashi. 'i Even as a man. Then Thyseli Thou gavest On the cross ta die, That thraugh Thee Thy peeple Might ta God draw nigh. Over deatb trinniphant, Thou didst rise again: Thou art now exalted Over ail to reign. Radiant glanies centre, I Thy nasue divine, For in earth and heaven Ail the paower is Thine. May Thy mind, Lord Jeans,à Ever in us ho: Honour, praise and blessing We ascribe to Thee. T. Watuom. Ridgetown, Ont., 1926. Niagara Fala Bus Line Reglular Trips W.dnesdayà ana- Sjindays ÉIvery persan should take in these wandenful Scenic Trips. Drive for miles along beautiful highways ini our New Coach, where, out. ai its spacious windows one gete a clear view ai interesting points along the way. See the wonders ai the Niag- ara Peninsul;) with its miles of Fruit Orchards, known as the Garden ai Canada. It is a veritable fairyland in blossomtiune. Book your seat.. niow. Startinz May 23rd Leo.ve Bowmanville 6:30 a. mi. $4.25 Leave Courtice 6-45 a. m. $4.00% Leave Oshawa '7:00 a. m. $8 7A Leave Whitby 7:15 a. mi. $8:50 10 minutes atop at Sunnyside. Ar- rive Niagara Falls at 11 a. mi. Leave Niagara Falls at 9 p. mi. For infor- mation phone Buwimanville 412 ,Osl- awa 1840. Tickets may be pur- chased froin any Whitby, Oshawa or Bowmanville Bus Driver. T. A. Garton, Proprletor. HORSE ROUTES Pure-Bred Ixaportea Clydeedale Stallion KING'S COURTSHIP [141151 (14722) le dark brown, stripe, spot on under jaw. legs white, foaled May 7, 1906. Bned by W. M. Menzies. Wigtonshire, Scot- land. Imponted Octaber 1912 by 1. L. Merton, B3lnbrock, Ont. ROUTE WillInmake the zessan of 1926 au follawn: Monday, May 24, wlll leave hie owfl stable, lot 17, con. 6, Darlington, a.nd proceed to Arthur Welch's, lot 8, con. 4, for noon, thence ta W. E. Glbank's, Kingston Road, B., lot 2, con. 1, for night. Tuesday, proceed ta FPred Hacken'a, lot 22, con. 2, Darlington. for noon; thence ta John Shont's, lot 27, con 3, for night. Wednesday proceed ta John UcOregors lot 4, con. 4. asat Whltby, noo.; thence ta Walter Oroat'a, lot 17. con. 5, East Whltby. Thursday, pnaceed to E. Parker's, lot 1. con. 6, East Wbitby. noon; thence tdi Ruaisell Orndstanls, lot 27, con. 8, Dar. ltngton, nlght. Then ta hie cwn sta'ble until Monday tmrorning. Enrouent No. 319. Registered in Cao- adiam Cîrdeadale Stud Book su No. 14115. Approved Farm 1. Inspected on tNov&mben 1, 1924. .TERMS-S16.00 payable Feb. 1, 1927, HORATIUS HII-LS, Propri.tor. 20-50 yrne. SELECT MALE.RISKS Ages là to 45 AM. Rate Policy Guarmate« e .... 3.00 (1) $2,500 ion death froua natural 20...3.6 causes.25..4.1 (2) $5,000 for accidental death. 30...4925 (3) $25 per month for total and 35..3725 permanent dlabffity and 40..67.75 *2,500 at death. No premmus payable during di&*ility 5...SZ0 EXOELSIlýOýR1.,ý INSRACELUFEOMANY EEIAD yczFIC-O[rOEuPEDG.TSwOBO MAIL THIIS TO-DATe W. BLAMCU cURTRY, Pltrlct'Agume aowmamvilh, ont. sSulme fta bMoematio &bout INa "Do" l 1amim w . M(y am a......................... 1 Nsw............................................... j Addrm ........................4 Fiant Camadia New 25 0 Rowutr«'s COCOA lb. Tin22 1LaRK's 2 n230 w FANCY QUALITY SHRIMPS 19ma BACON Ea<himoSfileo 45r_ QUAKER CORN FLAKES 3 %t29 ARaoNI ad SPAGHETI31kb25'c SHELLED WALNUTSA&"IL -23a WicOR PICKLES Larg Boul CHOW ONION F~H.ad W.ndoeful Valu. lu 3"»s..29«' chrudsti ARROVWROOT mICUITS M. BAYSIDE or AYLMER Choice.pE.ASQ 16-o 190, 220 RiCHMEIJo*79;. SELECT 73Z.O DA.L.MiL63 MATCHES Pocket Si..21&9. w0 9 c,&« 25 TheePuiam la @&*et ferave. usé fus da. teie papt 129-c DONATIONS TO NATIONAL SANITARIUM ASSOCATION Treasuner ai Muskoka Hospital fan consunrptives dosires gratefùliy to acknowledge the ioliawini contribu- tions neceived in Bowsnanville by the Field Secretary ai the National Sani- taxium Association: $5.00-Bowmanville Foundry; $2.00 each-Rev. W. C. Washington, F. F. Morris, Canch, Johnston & Crydermnan, T. C. Jewell, T. S. Hol- gate; $1.00 each-Miss E. Jewell, Miss Montgoerey, Miss F. Morris, Miss I. K. Sritih, A. R. Scott, B. E. Ingham, Miss A. Brown, A. L. Nich- ails, H. O. Clemens, Miss L. Haddy, H. Allun W. F. Ward, Canadian Scale & Slicer, W. F. Dale, J. Infant- ine, Miss H. Morris, Miss M!.is-1 sons $1.50; Sundry subscriptiona $2.50; Tatal $35.00.1 .u. Without Medical Examination The best kind of econorny is in taking care of what you have. If your buildings are getting out of repair get after them at once and don't be "Penny Wise and Pound Foolish". We have ail the requisites in Lumber, Shing- les, Cernent, Lime, etc., and at prices that will war- rant your using them . We specialize ini Beaver Brand Hardwood Flooring. Ten Test Fibre Board(Beaver Best Wall Board and Gypsum Lath, also Johns Manville Flexstone Asphalt Roofing and, Shingles. .We are also prepared to fil your bins with Best Quality fresh mined D. L. & W. Scranton Coal. There is no better fuel and summer prices are now in effect. Best quality Domestie Coke, stearn and Smithing coal, Hard and Soft Wood always on hand at right prices. Our, motto is "Service and Satisfaction" Caîl and see our goods and get our prices. MClellan & Co., Limited King a B ut ]EOWwavle' Orne. ph«Onlà, BouiePhonos 228, 2M4,,218W 01 -/l 'q Cille.1111*111 a . - - -- A - - - - -AKNW r e 1 t PAGE TIMIM

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