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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jun 1926, p. 4

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BLACKSTOCK Miss Frances Elford, Bowirnan- ville, bas returned to her home for a month to assist ber mother who has been ill for the past six months. Delight Your Guests Give Them A Real Treat Corbett's Pastry, Cakes, Biscuits, Buns and Bread -will give your table the real wholesome appear- ance that your guests admire and after they have partaken of your hospitality they will marvel at fthe delicious flavor and freshness of the baking yuhave set before them. Its uniformiy fine texture-its ,lightness-its tastiness-makes it the logical bread for the whole family. Wedding Cakes a Specialty Willard'a Ice Creamx W.P. Corbett Baker and Bowmanville Phone 3 Confectioner Orono The Old Reliable Gro cery Store Is stili going strong and able to fil your market basket right Up te the brim with'the best quality of groceries that money can buy. There is no limit to the large variety and assortment of groceries and canned goods we have in stock. Then we have ail kinds of seasonable fruits and fresh vegetables. We are not in for big profits pn our goods- but small returns and quick turnover we find makes for good business and satisfied customers. Don't forget we have the largest assortment of Chinaware, glassware and crockery in town. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville It's af-.teel--thot's why fk imisa a lfetimne. LSe, kt out on the bock pordi all winter - fi the. spring W«= watr and boap wMllmake it look 1k. nov. It e't warp; kca't shrink. Summer Season is here again and you will be requiring a New Refrigerator. We have them, can supply several different makes and prices are very reasonable. Sec our Veranda Chairs and Hammo Couch- es, Camp Chairs, Veranda Screens, etc. We carry a comp]ete stock of Window Shacles an(1 Brass Curtain Rods, Eareka Vacuum Sweep- ers, Bisseil Sweepers, Furniture Polishes, etc. F. F. Morris Co. Furnaiture and Home Furnishings Phone 10 Bowmanville GUNN'S LIMITED Announce the opening aifLive Stock Market at C. N. R. Station, Scarboro Junction Stock Yards, on Saturday, May 29th., market price wilI be paid for ail kinds af stock. F. Symons, Representative for Bow- manville and District. 22-8w* HAYDON Rev. J. E. Beckel, Castleon, will preach anniversary sermons at 2.30 and 7.30 p. mn. here on Sunda.y, June 27th. Music by sehool. Collect- ions in aid of scho&l funds. On Thursday, July lst, et 4 p. mn. a base- baIl gaine will be played between Enniskillen and Maple Grave girls. At 5 p. m. a football gaine will be played. At 8 p. nm. a grand concert will be given by the follawing art- ists: Mr. Duncan Cowan, Canada's Premier entertainèr; Miss Fanny Rogers, contralto saloist; Miss Neya Eastwood, senior gold medalist of elocution; Miss Louise Courtice, jun- ior gold medalist, reader; Mrs. E. Grahamn, accompanist. Admission:- Tee and concert-Adults 60c; cbild- ren 40c. Tea or concert-Adults 40c; children 25c. Visitors-: Mr. and Mrs. Wither-1 idge, Mrs. Laura Trick, Oshawa, et Mr. John Wright's; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Beech and daughter Blanche,I Enniskillen, Mrs. George Stevens,I Hamapton, at Mr. Arthur Beech's; Mr Lorenzo Mountjoy, Nestieton, et Mri Thos. Slemon's; Mr. and Mrs. C. Mal- ley, Bethesda, with friends bere; Mrs Henry Ashton bas returned home front being witb her sister in Toron- ta; Mr. and Mrs. Les. Graham and son Roy and Mr. David Grahamt at Mr. Cyrus Asbton's, Cartwright; Mrs Frank Glitbro with friends ini Tor- onto. . .. Several froin here attended anniversary services at Enfield .... Mrs. Wm. Trewin is under the doct- or's care. We hope for a speedy recavry .... Glad ta bear that Mrs. Richard McNeil who bas been quite iii is improving..The final meet- ing was held Monday evening in connection with aur anni'versary for June 27 and July 1s1t.. Mr. Eugene Beech took charge ai the service here an Sunday.,aiternoan taking fer bis text "Honour aIl Mn".... League Sunday evening was in charge ai aur Missionary Vice- Presîdent, Miss Meta Ashton. Bible reading was given by Mr. Ceci] SIeni- on; topic by Mr. John Wright; read- ing by Mrs. Theron Mountjov and instrumental solo by Miss Mabel Beech. No League this Sunday on account af Long Sanî' t Anniversary. Corne in and prove it that Nelles' sella Groceries for bass. MAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Foley and son David, St. Catharines, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice MeMillan, Mr. and Mrs. George St. John, Beaverton, were Sundey visitorsa t Mr. J. D. Stev- ens' .... Miss Alice Werry, Bawman- ville, formerly teachar at ProvIdence, bas been engaged ta teach Maple Grave Scbool for the coming year. Maple Grave Sunday Schooî will hold anniversery -services as falluws: On Sunday, June 20, at 2 and 7 p. m. (Standard Time), -ermons will be preached by Rev. A. Mansell Ir- win, B. A., B. D., Whitby. Collace- tions in aid ai school fonds. Sing- ing by the scbool, assisted by Mr. Wý E. Dewland, Whitby, and Miss Grae Bragg, Newcastle. On Mon- day, June 21, cammencing at 3 p. mn. a prograin ai sports will be engaged in by the school; aIso two softball gaines will be played one by the girls and one by the boys. At 4:30 tee will be served. At 8 p. m., a first-class concert will be given by Toronto talent as follow.s: Gus Ken- nedy, versatile comedien; Fred Alex- ander, Canada's Premier Concert- inist; Mr. Sutton, Comedian and Cornetist; Miss Dorotby Milîs, So- prano Soloist. Admission: Tea and concert, adults 70c; children 40c; tea adults 40c; concert 35c; chiîd- ren 25c. Ah services in enclo5ed shed. 23-2w SOLINA V"sitors: Miss Louia Tremeer, Mariposa, with Mrs. J. T. Rutidle and other frien<ls; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jennings, Miss Vera Baker, Mr. John Baker motored ta St. Cathar- ines and Niagara Fells; Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hockaday were weekend gue.-ts of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Osborne, IWhit:by; Mr. and Mr.-. James Mac- kenzie, Colunmbus, at Mr. J. T. Ru' <- le's; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wc'rrv, Osha-wa, and Mr. and Mr. S. E. IWerry visite(l tn-ir aunt. Mrs. Isaac Elford. near Fenellon Falls an Sun- day; Mis., Mary Hogarth, Mrs. R. Pascoe with Mr. andiNirs. Lauren Hogarth, Ilarmony; Mr,-. S. Shorý- ridgc. aid Mr. Chas. Shortridgc vi - ited Brookîja fricnrds; Mc.-. Thos. Turner, Oakmoodl, Mrs. <l)r.) Lec Honey and daughter Barbare, Tint- mins, Dr. Go ,,rge Hardy, Edmonton, et Mr. Isaac Herdys; Mr. A. J. Rey- nolds attended the funeraiofai bi brother-in-law', the late Jamtes Per- kins et Moorefield, (in Monday; Mrs. E. J. Black with her sister at Lind- say; Mrs. J E. Hinkson, Oshawa, Mr. Harry Brerton, Oshawa, Mr. Harold Hainer, North Cerolina, a-, Mr. Thos. Baker',...About forty ladies ai Soluna Wûinen'.' Institute held a picnie at Hampton Park on Wednesday aiterroon. A lively gante of ,.oft.ball wa's indulged ia and e good tinte enjayed by al .. EIlad Centetery Commnttee bave heen busy during the past wveekio ev- ellin.g the ce-ntet -r round., ready for seeding. Thi.- ha> already made a great improvurnent and we hope that in the near future ove will have a oveil kept cernetery. ..Sveral froni here attended the OL-itrict nmeeting of the coen's Institutsent Blackstock on Tltursday. Maple Grave invites you to their anniversary tea and concert. A ,spe- cially goad progrant on Monday evening. We have thent and <on't want thein but we need the maney, Men)s1 and Boys' OveraII.s andi Smocks, Kheki Pants, Shirts, Socks, Workt Booùts at reduced priceý for the next p we ek. A. E. Jenningsý. 24-2 c ______________________ I _________________ LONG SAULT Anniversary services of the Tyniled Churuh will be held es follows: On Sunday, June 20, sermons will be preacbed by Rev. J. W. Rae, Orono, at 2:30 and 7:30 p. m.Tyrone choir will furnish music at bath strvices. On Wednesday, June 23, tea will be served fromn 5 p mx. In the evening~ at 8 o'clock, Blackstock Anglican Youing People will present their pop- ular play entit]ed "Charleys Aunt". Mr J&hn Smnith, Blackstock, Mr.1 and Mrs. Maunder, Leskard, will furnisb solos. Tyrone Orchestra will furnish music bcet-ween Lects. Ad- AUCTION SALE Saturday, Jume 26th-The under- signed bas received instructijons. ta selI by public auction at the resi- dence of Mr. H. D. Hoèkley on Wel- lington St., about a block east of the Organ Factory, al af his valuable household furnishings and furnîture. This is a sale of real sensible, up-to- date goods. See bills for further particulars. Sale at 1 p. m. (standard time). Termns cash. F. 0. Mason, Wm. Maw, Clerk. Auctioneer. miso:AluM*15 ea nd IucolAcerIX Ue*ENFIELD tea or concert 40c; children ,tea and _____ concert 35c; tea or ecncert 20c. Miss Myrtle 1Hobbs, Toronto, bias been viýiting at Mr. John Hobbs'. .. . Mr. and Mrs. Crossoline, California, HAMPTON are guests of Mr. Arthur Hubbard. . -Anniversary serviees wvere well at- League meeting Friday evening1 tended bere on Sunday. Tbe singing was in charge of Miss Nora Kers-I in the aiternoon was good, as usual. lake. The devotional part was tak- Rev. E. M. Cooke addressed the en by Miss Lottie Horn. The 1 yiounger folk in a splendid manner young ladies sang a chorus. TopicJ but none pr.esent were too aid to was presented by Rev. J. R. Bickl grasp soane helpful tboughts from bis who gave an interesting talk on'discourse. In the evening Rev. J. "India". Miss Marjorie Martini R. Bick, Hampton, preached t-o a gave a piano solo. No League mneet-! well filled chnrch of people. If the ing until the tbird 'week in July. congregation would respond ta the W. M. S. met in the basement of, good advice and suggestion imparted the cburcbh on Tuesday, June Stb. in his sermion Enfield anniversary 1After opening exercises, conducted will hie kindly remembered for saine j by the President, the meeting wasl turne ta camie. Enniskillen choir pro- given in charge of the Enni-qkjlleni vded excellent music in their select- Auxiliary, who were our gues's, lions rendered. Enfield people ap- President Mrs. H. J. W erry ini preciated very highly the kindness ai charge. A good progrant wvas pre-1 Rev. Mr. Bick and Enniskillen choir fsented, papers by Mrs. Uaeyd Ashton 1 in belpirig at aur annivers*iry.Th and !4rs. (Dr.) Ferguson, elso a ý visitors were tao numerous ta give reeding by Mrs. D. Burginester; i special mention but aIl homes were chorus; piano duets by the Misses mention. As all the homes were Orchard; vocal duets by Mrs. Ashton prepared ta, welcome visitors and and Mrs. R. Ormiston. Supper was! were disappointed if Vbey failed ta served and a social time enjoyed.1 have saine ta share their hospitality. July meeting to be held at tbe haone, On accaunt cd incleïment weather the ai Mrs. A. Peters. concert is postponed until Friday Visitars: * Mr. and M~rs. W. W. 1 evening, June 18th. Horn, Mr. Wallace Horn, Mrs. Nid- New Dresa materiais of wondrous dery, Miss Marjorie and Master Jacki beeauty await your inspection at Nidderv spent Sunday at Little Brit- Couch, Johnston & Cryderznan 's. ain; Miss Lena Niddery, Toronto, -____-___----- ____ spent the weekend at homne; Mr. C.-___ Burraws, Oshawa, at haine; Mrs. Me-!I EXECUTOR'S SALE Cartney and Miss McCartney, Tor-____ onto, visiti.ng at the Parsonage, Mr. cfteetecfhele and Mrs. A. Barron with bis brother, oftesaeofhele Mr. G. Barron; Mr. C .Stonhouse ANN MARTYN and Mr. C. Hastings attended the wedding ai their nepbew et Friend- of land and household effects on ship, N. Y., on Saturday. Rev. J. R. Bick bad charge ai the anniver- Lot 14, Con. 9, Darlington sary service at Enfield on Sunday eouth east corner,on evening. Rev. Mr. Cook af Ennis- killen, occupied the pulpit bere quite 'WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23rd acceptably.. Preparations are being at 1:30 p. mn. (Standard Tinte.) made for aur caming anniversary on Farn oonslsting of 25 acres more or le". June 27th and July Ist ........ Th e on whlch are erected a trame house 26 x Dramatic Club are giving their play 18, kitchen and woodshed 30 x 14. Barn 36x24, Binaîl henhouse and plgpen. "Mother Mine" at Balsain on Friday There le sald ta be about 6 acres more evening .... Mrs. (Rev.) W .E. Sib-or lesof choice standing mixed timber. ley, the missionary who was murder- Real Estate l offered subJect ta a re- ed in West China last week, is a serve bld. cousin ai Mrs. C. Jaons and Mrs. A. Hausehold effect--1 kitchen stove, 1 B. Cryderman. .. The Women's Ini- large box etove. tables, stands, kitchen stiuteof oliabeld their pcnic in cairs, couches. cuantlty of dishes, sots stitte a Salneantique dîshes. mirrors. bedateads, dress- the park here lest week. er, writlng desk, home-made mats, ab-out Heer the Toronto talent at Maple 30, quarts of pickles and fruit, garden GraveMondaynigbta aand ather utensils Grove Monay nght.TERtMS:-On farm 10% cash on day Nelles selîs groceries for le.3s. of sale, balance in 15 days. On hanse- Why ot uy tat ew Brryorehold affects cash. Whynotbuytha ne BarymreTheron Mountjoy. T. M. Siemon, Rug this week while they are be- Clark. utoar ing offered at such ternpting valueil______2.1-2w______ by Couch, Johnston & Cryderman. 1 COURTICE Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rundle witb' Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Osborne and Master Nelson spent the weekend with friends in Lindsay .... .Misses, Ethel and Dorotby Brooks and Miss - Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Saules and family, Toronto, were %%ith Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Brooks overi Sunday... . Mrs. A. F. Rundle, Mis 1 Annie HaIt and Mrs. W. R. Courtice! and Master Clare spent Sunday with \ ~ 5 J ~ y Rev. and Mr-. Delve Brook]in and &2.j'W>..- attended the anniversery tbere. Mes- - ter Clere Courtice sang et the niorn- ing service.... .Mrs. (Rev.) C. C. RESTORED EFFICIENCY Washington, Misses Joy and Anna Clare Weshing:on and Mrs. (Rev.)l Your lawn will soon need rim- C. O. Johnson have gone ta Muskokaj ming. How about your Iawn mow- where thâey intend spending the er? It is ready to do the job -lean- ýumnermonhý; Mr Wahiiton yand quickl y? It not, have us ntotored ont with thern but, -wilfrl ben lytre1 o honte for the Sundey service. Sun- sharpentfoyaan reoe ta day School and the evening servicel efficiency. We bave the facilities next Sunday will be withdrawn on and the skill. We are ready, cap- account ai Maple Grave enniver.sary able and anxious ta serve you-at ...W. M. S.' meeting this Thursday and the Littlh Light.Bearers and a FAIR charge! iheir mothers are ta be entertaîned RATCLIFF et this meeting. Everybod e-- cm...Our postponed anniîversery I M C IES O will b eld Sunday, July 25th. 1 King St. E. BowmanviII. Don't miss Maple Grave cnetPoe45 Mrndey nigbt.cocr1Pne 25 Nelles selis groceries for less. TYRONEr - - r ]3awmanville. .- oisiting ber mtor Mrs. Viola Smi',h and brother Ivan. . .%iss-es R- .;eand Viola Shor:t spent the ovt'ehk,'id et Mr. Prese- tt'j- Enfield. Miss V:ola renîaining for a visiý. WNr. a:il NMrs. Mercer and fantils, Oronc.,.nd Nfr. Wm. Virtue, Bowiavile.- sited et 'Mr. Wnî. Vitu's..... r'ý.R. Hodgsýn nl give the Tûpice t League next Tnur..day nigbt on Alco.hol and Ph.',s.. ledl Fitness. Older ones corne and enj(,y ibis papt r-. ...AIl were very niueh pleased \%>;th the sermon on Sunday niorning preache<l by Mr. Eugène Beecb,. Sý-ugog Island. un "Freely ye have received, freely give," Mat. 10:8< ...... Mr. Williamn Jewell, Mr. Robert Jewell, Oubawa, and Miss Minnie Jewell, Oshawa, Mr'. ami Mrs. J. Sou h, Bowi-nanville, vis- lied et Albert Hawke'y ........ Mr. and Mrs. G. W. McLaughlin and Mr. and Ms R. NlebLaughlin, Oshawa, vis-itû<1 witilthe Hlodgson familic-. Young People's Leegue on Thurs- day evening va- in charge, 'f Miss- Lola Richards, Mjýsonary Vice. Mr. Frank Hath cly acte<l a. cbairmian. .A -plt'ndlid t(.pic on M%.iijnary Forces of the United C.hurch as Or- ganized for Se-v e vs preparvd by Miss Dorotbv W.ill:r; Miss Florence Gardiner gave a readin-T on the "Tran.sforming lPower ofaiChrist"; Mr. Fred Goodnaù fevored with e piano solo; Mi.- Laverne Blurgess gave a reeding (,n "He changed bis tune." Meeting clc'sed with a geography math.. . . earue Picnic an Saturdey, Jur.e 26th, at Oshawa. Wanted WANTED-Ten acres land in tawn or village wth modern hanse ln good re- pair end outbuildings. suitable for chiokens. Price about $3500. M. J. Drawer B., Bowmanville. 23-tf IBackward Weather Condition THE REASON FOR SLASH IN PRICES Men's $35.00 Men's $30.00 Men's $25.0 Men's $20.00 Boys '$15.00 2 Boys' $10.00 2 Suits go on sale Suits go on sale Suits go on. sale Suits go on sale Bloomer Suits go Bloomer Suits go, at ........ $27.50 at ........ $22-50 at ........ $17.50 at ........ $14.50 on sale at $ 9.50 -n sale--- -- 7% F l9.. Men's $2.00 Fine Shirts go on-sale at ..... $ 1.50 Men'm $2.50 Silk Broadcloth Shirts on sale $ 2.00 Men's $2,50 work pants go on sale at ....$ 2.00 Men's $1.50 and $1.75 B.V.D. Underwear, on sale $ 1.25 Men's $2.00 Caps go on sale at ..........$ 1-00 Other lines on Sale to give ail the prices. always gives you betteri but space will flot allow Corne to the store that values than elsewhere. S. G. CHARTRAN Phone 26 1 door west of Bell Telephone Bowmanville RAGE FOUi TEE CANADIA>. ~1Arh~MM4. EOWMJ~NVILLE. TRURSDAY, JUNE l7th., 1926. THE CANADIA?é SIA'17"MAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, JUNE 17tk., 1926. BIG RUSH FOR Chicken Feed Poultrymen tell us almost daily of the splen- did resuits they are getting from using our brands of Chick Feeds and Poultry Regulators. You take no chances in buying feed at this store for every brand we seil has been .tried out and given a most thorough trial before being re- commended to our customers. You may buy with confidence here-besides our prices are right. IiARRY ALLIN PHONE 186 BOWMAN VILL A Lucky Buy In Wallpaper SAVES YOU 10c TO 20c ON EACH ROLL YOU BUY A special purchase secured for us a lot of fine papers. The price we obtained was so far under regular, that we are able to offer you sav- ings of from 10e to 20e per roll. See Window Display W. T. ALLEN Big 20 Bookstore What A Pleasure To Know and Realize' That when you patronize our store you are enabled to BUY GROCERIES AND PURE FOODS FOR LESS than this store has ever been able te, sell them be- fore. Many penple are finding that it pays handsomely to "Buy the Cash and Carry Way at Nelles."l Fresh vegetables and fruits of ail kinds in stock. Orders of $4.0O and over delivered W.G. Nelles Co, Phone 62 PueFo rcis Bowmanville 1 9 PAGE FOUIR

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