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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jun 1926, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATE8MAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, lUNE l7th., 1926. PAGE DIVE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY The membors of West Durha.m Ag- ricultural Societ~y are requcsted to meet in the Çouncil Rooin, Bowman- ville ,on Friday, June 25, at 8 p. m. (standard tme), 'for revisian .1 prize list and other general business. Alan Campbell, , C. H. Matou, President. Secretary. ENGAGEMENTS Mr'. and Mra. John Naylor, Solina, announce the. engagement of their second daughter, Lauretta Mae, to Mr'. Harvey Franklin Crossnian, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crossman, Taunton, Ont., marriage ta talc. place latter part of June. The engagement la announced af Mariant M. Van Nest, daughter of the late Mr. and Mns. John Van- Nest, Jr., ta Leslie M. Keith, son af Mr'. C. F. M. Keith and the late Mrs, Keith of Swindon, Eng- land, marriage ta tako place in Bow- manville ealy in July. GOODYEAR PICNIC. The annual piCfliC of the. local p3lant of the Goodyear Tire and Rub- ber Company will be held in Cobourg on Saturday, June l9th. The ape- cal train leaves the C. N. R. Fneight Sheds at 9 a. nm. (Daylight Saving Tme), and leaves Cobourg at 9 p. ni. (Dayliglht Saving Tme). Fares for the return trip are: Adults $100; children 5 ta 12 years 50c; childen under 5 years free. Theme will ho tthe usual races and soitball games that are always faund in a picnic af this kind and in addi- tion there will b. a scheduied D. & 0. Interniediate bail gaane betweén B mn'ville and Cobourg. ai o the public wishing ta go to Cobourg on Saturday can obtain tickets from John A. Gunn at the. Canadian Natoinal Express Office. D.'F. 'HENRYj Carpenter and Contractor Phone 303 Bowxnanville What are you doing about tutoe elteratione? LUt me know as I am enxious ta serve you. CENERAL REPAIRS ANlD ALTERATIONS EstimaS.. Giveu HARDWOOD FLOORS A Specaty LOCAL ADO OTHERWIISE Mn.. N. E. Gauld is viiting rela- tives in Toronto. Miss Enimia Ruth Frid, Hamilton. was ecent gueat of Mrs. John Grigg.11 Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Armstrongl spent a few days recently nt theiri cottage at Lake Scugog. 1 Mm P. . Conneli, Toronto, vsted1 Mr'. and Mrs. W. H. Pearn, Queen Street, aven the weekend. Mrs. William Werry, Dundalk, isi visiting her sidbers, Mrs. W. C. Fer-4 gusan and Mrs. A. W. Pickard. M. and Mrs. T. Shampe, Toronto,j have been visiting her brother, Mr.'i W. H. Barrie, and othen relatives. Ladies should flot fail ta see the lovely silk underwear for 89e eae'h gai-ment at Couch, Johnitor. & Cry- dernian's. IRev. and Mrs. F. Farnswort.h and son, Dr. Franklin Farnsworth, Can- nifton, recentlv visited hem sister, Mrs. (Rev.) W. A. Bunnen, Liber- ty Place. Mn. and Mrs. F. R. Foley, St. Catherines, who weme visiting hua sister, Mrs. J. D. Stevens, attende.d Triniuty Church on Sunday morning and met a numben of aid friendg. Rev. and Ms-s. W. A. Bunner at- tended the funenal in Tarante on Thursday lest af her 8-year-old .ep- hew, Normnan Kenneth Leavens, who was eccidently killed by an auto on Tuesday. Congratulations ta Miss Olga L. Tod, daughter of Mrs. Thos. Tod, ani pa.sing hem eXais in the Departmnent I of Public HealtIs Nursing as an- nounced by the. University af Toron- to. Miss Jane Mason, daughter af M. and Mrs. Clarence S. Masan, is re- ceiving congratulations froni hem many friends on obteining first class honore in Intermedielte Singing and pass in sight singing et the Toronto Conservatory af Music. She aiea wan fisst prize at Bishop Strachan School for highest marks in music. Mr'. and Mrs. Fred Muselwhite and daughter, Blanche af Akron, O0 la, accaimpaned by her sister, Mme. Dr. A. R. Fletcher and son Paul of Newtan F'alls, have returned ta their. home aiter spending a two weeks'i vacation withi their parents, Mr'. and Mns. W. S .Oke and other relatives în Toronte and Bawinanvîlle and vcinity.-Oshawa Reformer. The. girls of Fan I1 of Bownîan- ville High Sciiooi, with the lady teachers, Misses Brown, Sisson and Smith, aasembled by invitation on Monday evening at the home af Miss Evelyn Bickle, Liberty St. N., ta spend a social time and ta give Miss Brown, the -bride-to>be, a kindly farewell previous ta leavng. The good wishea ai the. girls were ex- pressed in a kindly worded addmess rend by Mise Evelyn Rickard and Miss Marie Valleau miade the. presen- tatiaon of a framed pictume. Miss Brown modle a suitable reply aiter which the evening was happily spent in contests, miusic and refreshments. Miss Brown bas been teacher i History and Lowen School gubjecte, and is leaving the staff at the end af this temm. She cannies with hem the. good wiaiiez of ail thse staff and pupils for future haippiness. Mr. Home Owner Re-Value Your Property One oi thse greatest draw- backs about an aid houae is out of date unsanitany pumubing. People demand modern plueubi.ng in homes thybuy.put in new bath- -ofeyor and you will add immsensely ta its desirability and value. Perhaps its a new kitchen Sink or Lau.ndry Tubs that are needed. The illustration above la îy- pucal ai the. work we do. Let us show you what fixturea we would suggest for your needs. L. G. GREENAWAY King St. East Phone 18 BownlanUile BUY NOW AND SAVE Every article in the store marked down from 25 to 50 per cent below regular prices. ..'dC2'1"Many people are buying now for future use at these bargaàin prces. j7ý ~~Everythingmutb sold including JewèlT, Watches, Clocks, Fiat- ware, China, Store Fixtures, etc. Store and resi- dence for sale. ALEX. ELLIOT, JEWELER Phione 207 King St. E. Bowmanvxlle LOCAL AND OTHERWISE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mrs. M. H. Minore recently visited Boys' Grey Flannel Pants at $2.25 M4s. Squire at Norwood. at Couch, Jahnston & Crydennian's. Miss Mildred M. Lawmle, Toronto, Maple Grave tea and concert Mon-! apenl the weekend at home. daý next. Vemy special progrmn. Mr'. Richard Hodge, Toronto, vis-1 Miss Dorothy Tiiamnton, Chicago, ited iiends here on Sunday. j1 l., hes been visiting iier aunt, Mra. *Mrs. W. H. Williamsis l visitingi R, H. Warder. hem niece, Mrs. J. H. Cavanagh, Tor- Mr* and Mme. Lewis Han. and son onto.1 Jack, Markhani, were guerts of Mrs. Miss Hattie McCutcheon, Toronto, Fuank Rundle. is visiting her cousin, Misa Aura Rev. and Mns. A. H. Foster, Mad- CaldweL 1oc, were recent guests of Mm. and Dr. Helst, Osteopath of Oshawa, la Mrs. H. W. Foster. at the Balmnoral Hotel, Bewmanville,I Rev. R. J. Sbires, Rector cf St. every Thursday. 24-1w John's Anglican Ohurch, pneaehed in A lot of lovely sumnien dressesj St. Mas-k's Church, Port Hope, on just opened out ek Couch, Jobniston Sunday evening. & Cydersan's. Mn. and Mrs. Gea.. W. James leit Rev. Chas. Barltrop, Toronto,1 Tuesday fan Quebec City to attend spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs John the annual meeting ai the Canadian Lane, Liberty St. Press Association. Mn. and 4ira .H. 'Edgeet.n weme .M. and Mrs. F. Preece, Tononto, recent guestâ ai Mr'. and Mr-, J. H. visited Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clem- Edgerton, Whitby. ens, Hampton, an Sunday, previaus Mr. and Mrs. Samn Milligan, Wool- ta their departure for England.' or, spent the weekend with Mi'. John Mr. and Mme. R. J. MçLaughln, and Miss Eva Hellyam. Toronto, Mr&. Chas. A. McDonald Mn. err Badgly ad Mss dnaand Mms. Childs, Montreel, s-pent Bedgley Bbile were Miss Eai Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. W. W. Mr. and Mme. C. F. Rice. 1DM. nd. r.W . vsaea Mms. Bemett has gono ta Rachet..I Mman Ms.W.C esret ,Bloomfield attending the funenal ai or, N. Y., ta epend a mentIs with her them bother-iss-law, Dr. Cahoon, wh o daughtem, Mrs. (Rev.) Zavitz. died fallowing an operation for ap-j Mrs. E. I. Osborne, Tarante, spont pendicitia. the. 'weekend with Mrs. W. H. Os-. Miss Amande E. Bond leit for borne and ather relatives here. Winnipeg on Sunday evening after a Miss Shirley Richmo.nd, Batavia, fortnight's visit with relatives in N. Y., visited hem gnandparents, Mi'. Bawinanville, Oshawa and vicinity and Mms. John Grigg, this week. and Toronto. Miss Eve K. Burk attended the Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ledgen and funenal ai hem aunt, thse late Mm. son Ted, Pontiac, MicIs., and Ms-. A. W. Burk, in Tarante, lest week. and Mms. L. M. SoucIs, Oshawa, have .Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Clenience, been visiting their parents, Mr. an ý tayner, were recent guests of theiri Mm. A. E. Manning. ýcousins, Mi'. and Mrs. A. W. Pickand. Mme. Narman S. B. James attended Miss Viola Brown is visiting her a shower givon for Miss Marlon M. uncle, Majon Brown et Kincardine Van Nest by hem cousin, Mme. Char- and attending the wedding ai hem les W. Snsyth, Redpatii Ave., Tom- cousin. onto, on Thursday evoning. Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Rundle andi Mn. and Mrs. Fred J. Van Nest son Leightan, Brighlton, recently vis- and baby Joan, Miss Flamenco L. ited hie brother, Mn. W. J. S. Van Nest, Mr. and Mrs. A R. Wick- Rundle. ett, Toronto, were gueata ai Mm. and Mr. and Mme. Howard Bradley, Mrs. Gea. W. James on Sunday. Oshawa, were Sunday guests ai hem Mi'. and Mms. Cal. A. Bonieteel [parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Galay, and son Gerald, Belleville, spont thel "Greencourt." weekend wlth hem brotuhen, Mm. H. J. Mrs. Ide Davidson and Miss W. Kniglit, Lake Shore Fan. .Miss Emi- Peters attended the funenal ai their me Knight accompenied theni home. aunt, Mrs. L. G. Young et Camipbell- Miss Margaret Aluin sang a solo in fard who died an Satumday, June 5. Part Hope United Church an Sunday in hen 89th year. evening it being the. first anniversary SQ. E. D.-Beedaker ta whch re- ai the cansuiuation of Churcii Unfon feence wa made in a kmrvel para- ta which thse pestai', Rev. F. W. gnaph in oui' lait issue is the name Andemson, iâdo fitting refemence. ai a tourist guide bock wiich cavera Young Women's Auxiliary ai most ai the touriat routes ai the. Trinity Church met et the homeofa world. Miss Grace V. Treiwin )n Tuesday Miss E. E. Heycra.ft, Representa- evening. Miss Spargo, President, tive ai sub-divîsian Na. 5 oi Fedes-at- peided. The. etudy book on India cd Board, attended the. District meet- was taken by Mts. Elimner Cax, Miss ing cf East Peterbora Woenen's In- Marlon Allun sang a solo and Mrs. stitute et Norwood an Wednesday, (Rev.) J. U. Robins gave a most in- June 9th. teresting and helipiul repart ai thse Mn. and Mme. Clarke Taylor, W. M. S. Brench meeting et Trent.on. daughters Gwen and Dootliy, ýand July meeting will b. iield et home Mr'. and Mrs. S. J. Hnghaon and £.on of Miss Spango in the form ai e pic- Glen, Toranto, matored down and nic. spent Sunday wth their inathen, Mrs. Ae.Taylor. eacoe, Ms-.1 Mr. and Mm. J. E. Bok,_________ and Mme. Ber't Beacock, Myrtle Sta- Brighton Nosed out je Exclting tion, Mi'. and Mme. Gea. Houston andFish sans Ediuun'd and Kenngth, Toronto,Fish wome Sundey guosts oai Mme. A. W. Bownsanvllle defeated Brighiton Pickand and Mm. W. C. Ferguson. here an Seturday by a score ai 7-6, Mn. ad Mm. Ed Armtron andin tIse nost oxciting game ai tIse sea- d.aughtMe S.e %r n oradson. George -Woadhouse started in Nesgter aa, M. e and ANr Cros the box for Bownsenville but wes e- Nesle1,on Mr an Mr. Athu Crs-lieved by "Shinny" Moise in the fith j îr and daughter Mldred, Port Pei'- marne. Tii. Brighiton pitcher tumn- ry. Mr .and Mrs. Lorme McGibiion ed the local batters; back quite reg- and son Gardon, Toronto, were Sun- uîamîy until tue final inning.s when day guestsofaiMr. and Mme. W. E. the~y went on e scoring raimpage. Armstrong, Angyle St. With the ssore 6-3 against them In Pleesed ta recelve e caîl froni Rev. the lest hall cf thse ninth, things look- R. A. DoIve and son William ai cd atiier gloomy for Bawunanviile Bmoklin, an Fi'iday. Ms-. Delve but several hite consbined with a wec hem. conducting the funeral Walk and an eron gave victory te qervce ai the late Fi'ederick John tei. ome teeni in one ai the fateet ,Bennett, Taunton, who died sud- and niost exciting gaines ai the yeer. jdenly in E. L. Vickery's barber shop,ý Bowmenville have now -won five IOshawa, an Tueaday, June StIs. i traight ganses and are going ta Ca- Mi'. R. H Piekerd, Kingsville, caîl- ed on hie brother, Albert, Wednes- day evening going by way ai matai' ta attend thse General Council ai the United Chus-ch being held in Montreal bing elected as a commis- sioner for the. Presbytery ai Essex. Other former Newcastle boys et-j tending anc Revs. C. W. Barrett and! A. K. Edmison. Mi'. and Mme. W. J. Mille leaveon Fiday on e trip ta Denver, Coloado,l wheme Mr. Mille will epresent thel St. Merys Rotary Club at the Rotary International Convention. They wi]l aIea visit Chicago and points in Colorado and Kansas, wheme Mm. Mille spent corne ai his carlien yeams. They expect ta be away beu wcen [two and three weeks.-St. Mamy's Journal. Miss Audr-ey Werny, daught r ai Mr. and Mme. W. Charles Wery, 109 1Agnes St., Oshawa, strate o h musical exeamination et Onao Ladies' College on June 7, for the' 1A.T.C.M. degmee and won honors in piano playing, taklýng second placel in the clase and was only two marks behind the girl tvho won fimt arize. Miss Wemi'y has been a pupil ai Miss Emsley, Oshewa, and will tudy Or-ý gan unden M. Atkinson et O. L. C. next yeam. Rev. and Mme. W. A. Bunner, Lib- erty Place, are happy tuis week in having as thein guets, their thmee daughters, Mrs. R. C. Synsons andý sons Paul and Kelvin, Welco'me, Missl Vivian H. Bunner, teacher ai Gen-1 cmal Mathematic in Hampton In- titute, Hampton, Va., and Miss Gledys L. Bunnei', Diector of. Relig- ious Education, Bird Menioriel Chui'ch, South Chicago, I1. Miss Vivien Bunèner motored aIl tIse .ýay froni Virginia lest week niaking the trip i a little aven four days. She was accompanied heme by Miss Bet-I ty Hodges, teachen ai Home Econ- oniics ai William and Mary College, Williamsbung, Va., who waseonnoute for holideys et Oklahaina, and Mise Ruths Allen, teacher ai Typewriting in thse Business ScIsool aifHHampton Institute, HamW~ton, Va., who will epend hem holideys in Boston, Mess. Thtis was the finst tme these yaung ladies iiad viqitued Canada and were, as many atiier Anierlcans have been, favor- ably împmsed with tue tthe beat Icauntry in thie w«Imd. bourg on Seturday ta try and -ake1 it six. Any fane wishing ta go ta Cchoung miay obtein tickets f r'm John A. Guu'n. Learn Designing Mr. Graham aya: t cotsancthing to try A srmali deposit. a desire to learn, and a I written guaantee la given thai ail money Iwill be eturned If you do nat like the work, or method. Il you have ood taste in dresI can do the reet t. iae 5'ou a successful designer. Summer classes naw formning. Instruc- tion is individual <not mail order), sev- en pupuls are tauglît at a time. Write to-day for further Information. Day and Evening, excépt Wednesday. GRAHAM SCHOOL 0F DESIGNING 274 COLLEGE St., TORONTO. Trlnlty 9215 24-4 DANCE at the new iEast Side Pavilion Bowmanville Beach every Monday Wednesday AND Saturday Evenings Dancing from 8 p. 12 p. m. Standard m. to Time.1 F. DEPEW, 1 Proprietor.ý __________________________ .1 '5' SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS Hearty congratulations ta thse fol-1 lowing femer etudents ai Bownsan- ville High School, viho have paased their firet year exas'ninatiane in the Faculty ai Arts et Toronto Uni- versity: Maitland G. Gould, lst clasa honors in Clessie; Stan- faord H. H. Symons, let class hon- ors in Commerce and Finance; Al- bert E. Allin, 2nd cless honora ini Science; Stanley L. Osbomne, 3rd class hanors in Matheinetic and Physie; Miss Marion E. Dickson,ý 2nd clase honore in English end Hist'ory. BIRTHS JONES-In Bowmanvilie Hospital. on Thursday, June 10, 1926. ta Mr. and Mrs Gilbert Jones, (nee Neli Bottreli), a son. (Stiiiborn.) -I MARRIAGES STINSON-PHILP-At the home Of the bride, 59 Victoria Ave. , Lindsay, on Wednesday. June 9, 1926, by ltev. T. E. Hoiiing, Lulu May Phiip, daugbter of the late Rev. Dr. Wm. Philp and Mrs. Philp, and Mr. Willoughby Stinson, Jan- etville. DEATHS MeFEETERS-In Bowmanville. on Tuesday. June 15, 1926, Andrew McFeet- ers ln hie 85th year. Funerai from his late residence, Queen St. on Thursday, June l7th, at 3 p. m. dayight saving time) ta tbe Cemetery. DOUGLAS-In Clarke, on Wednesday. June 16, 1926, Mar-garet Douglas, aged 87 yeare. Funeraj frorp the residence of bier brother, Mr John Douglas, Newcastle, on Friday, June lSth at 2 p. m., ta Bow- inanville Cemetery. DANIELS-In Bowmanvilie, June 14, 1926, William Frederick. beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Daniels, aged 7 monthe, 14 daye. Funeral from the residence of hie grandfatbcr, Mr. William Seweli, Brown St.. on Thursday, June 17tb., at 2 p. m. ta the Cemetery. DARCH-Accidentally killed et Port Hope on June 15, 1926. Alex Esten (Pete) Darch. heloved husband of Loisa E. Brown, ln bis Sust year. Funemai from the residence of bis father-in-law. Edwin Brown Dorset St., Port Hope, on Tbursday. Junc 17th at 2:30 o'clack. Interinent at UJnion Cerne- tery. SINGER-At Toronto, on June 19, 1926. George Singer, Newcastle, aged 75 ycaris. JPN ES-At Toronto on June 13, 1926, Jobn Jones ]3owmanville, ln hie 67tb year. STAPLETON-In Clarke, on June 12, 1926, Jobn Milton Stapleton, aged 36 years. 00100E-At Brooklin. on Mondai', June 14, 1926, Eliza Field, widow of the late W. G. Doidge. BYAM-At Port Hope on June 12, Sar- ah Gearne, belôved wife of the late Ccc. W. Byamn, ln ber 78th year. SCOTT-At Maple Lake, Juife 5, Amel- la Fetcher, béloved wif e of Wilhbert Scott, aged 89 yeare and il manthe. FILL.SWORTH-At Port Hope, June 10, Miriam Melussa Holdaway, belovcd wife eof the late Charles Pillswortb, aged 62 yeams. ALLIN-In Bowmanvilie, on Tueaday, June 15, 1926, Elizabeth Ann Gimbict. heioved wife of Samuel Aluin, West- maunt, aged 65 yeare. LAING-At Newtonville, on June 12tb, 1926. Francis lRobert Laing, late mana- ger cf tbe Canadien Credit Mon'a Asso- ciation, Ottawa, aged 42 yeame. Interred at Orono. MAINPRIZE-In West Niseoumi, near St. Mary's, on Mondai'. June 7, 1926, Neesfield Mainvrizo, ln his 72nd yeam. Father of Mr. W. J. Mainprize, Baw- nanville. WASHINGTON-In the Hospital at Sioux City, Iowa, on June 6, May Boyle, beloved wifeo f Rev. Alonzo 0. Wasb- Ingtan of Osawa. Iowa. Sister-in-iaw of Rev. W. C. Washlpgton, Bowmanville. IN MEMORIAM In iovIng memory of Emmna Louise Joint, wbo pe.ssed away June 16, 1922. Day. of eadness stili corne o'er un, Toare of sorrow often flow, Memoty keepa the loved one nearer Wbom God called four years ago. Sadly niissed hi' Husband and Children. 1 Articles For Sale STOVE FOR SALE-Royal Oxford Range, with waterfront, ln good condi- tion. Appiy ta Chas. Bagnell, King St., Bowmanvilie. 22-tf PUPS FOR SALE-Caille pups, 4 weeks aId. Appiy ta D. Burgmaster. Enniskillen. 24-iw- BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE--Cream Reed Baby Carniage for sale, gpod con- dition. H. Everist Smith, ,Queen St., Bowmanvilie. 24-1w' COOK STOVE FOR SALE-"Lighter Day" high aven coak stove. ln very beet condition. Apply ta C. H. Mason, Centre St., Bowrnanviiic. 21-tf AUTO FOR SALE-86 Overland Tour- ing car in good shape, 6 tires, ane new. Apply W. R. Willianms, Lamb's Lane, off Elgin St. North, Bownanville. 2'l-tf BUCKWHEAT FOR SALE--GoOd seed buckwheat. 85c per busbel. J. L. Met- caif, lot 20, B. P., on Base Line, Dar- lington. Phone 183-r5, P. 0. R. R. 2, Bowmanviiie. 22-tf DEMOORATS FOR SALE-2 Rubber Tire Demnocrats. ane light and one heavy. one single set of driving harness also 100 piough pointe. Appiy Rich. Greonis, King St., Bownianviile. 24-3 FOR SALE-i1 -Burner 0O1 Stove $3.60, O11 Heater $2.00; High Bedstead, imita- tion WaInut $5.00; set 56" Bed Springs $3.50; Peit Mattres$3.00. Appui' at the "Big 20", Bowmanvilie.. 23-tf WATER TANK< FOR SALE-Galvan- ized steel, suitablt for 20-H-. P. engine, aiea pump and hose, complets outfit for cobbler; Singer eewing machine. Apply ta Rcbt. Rahm, Burketon. 23-2w* CAR FOR SALE-Chevroiet F. B. tour- Ing, firet ciass condition. good tires, stop iight, wind brakes, repainted, wili seli cbeap. Phone 63 Bowynanvilie. and make arrangements to se It. 24-t FURNITURE FOR SALE-Iron Bed- stead, epringe and mattrese, wooden bed- stead and springs, reed rocker, two white drossera, kitchen table, dining-room tab- le. odd chaire, quantity of sealers, owncm leaving town. May be seen at borne of Mre. W. J. Richards, Church St.,* Bow- manviUe. 23-3w' FOR SALE-Dominion Planas etaf 1 kinds sald an paymentz .pread over two yeamu. Steinway, Heintsman and Gem- bard Heintzman uaed pianos taken as part payment an Dominion piansWin b. cloarod et bergain pricesa nd on eazy ternis. F J. Mitchell, Distributor, Baw- manylUe. 8-t FOR SALE-2 horse one row corn Cultivator; scuffler suitable for party witb emali garden; good single riding plough; seccnd-hand Msseey-Harris Binder, 6 ft. truck and carrier, ail ln good condition. Appui' S. J. Henry, lm- piement Agent, phone 232 or 13, Bow- manv¶lie. 23-2* To Let ROOM AND BOARD-For yaung lady. Apply Mrs. H.L Everist Smitb, Queen St., Bowmanville. 24-1w' TO RENT-Cowan Block almast readày fof occupanci'. Stores and Apartments seam beated. bardwood fono fuliy modern, electric staves ln egkeb' apart- ment. Far full particulars appui' ta J. J. Mason & Son, phone 50, Bowxnanville 24-tf Agents Wanted AGENTS $500 MONTHL.V cas y ne]]- Ing MAGIC GAS. SI 'box equais 33 gal- ions gasaiine. Proven merite. TYour naine on cana. 300% profit. Write quick. P. A. LEFEBVRE & CO., Alexandria, Ont. 24-1 Property l or Sale HOUSE FOR SALE~-Bond Brick f- roomcd bouse, 3-piece bathroom, furn- ace, waterworks, garage, good gardefl, sinaîl fruits, centrai location on Quoen Street. Apply Leo. G. Greenaway, phono 15w, Bowmanvifle. 9-t Lost or Found WATCH LOST-Solid gold watch wth Engiish gold link chain an Gavcrnmnent Highway, east of town on Sunday. June 6, the property of the late Hugh Can- nera. Valued as a keepeake. Reward for rcturn to Mms. Cannera, Scugog-et. 24-tf ALBANY HOSPITAL Registered Training School For Nurses Affiliated with Albany Medicai College, offere a three year course of Instruction ln ail departmcents of nureing. Applica- tion shouid be made as soon as possible for admission ta tic Sept. 1926 Clama. For further Information apply ta the Superintendent of Nurses, Albany Hos- pital, Albany, N. Y. 24-4 TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up tUn 12 a'clack noon, 'Mon- day, June 219t., 1926, (daylight saving time), for the construction of concret. abutments for a bridge. Plans and specifloations can be seen ln the office of the Town Engineer. FRED C. PALMER, Town Engineer. 24-1w TENDERS Tenders will be receivcd up ta Friday. June 1Sth at 6 p. m. for an addition to Boan*nville Public Scbool. Lowest or any tender nat necessarily accepted. Plans and specifications may b. seen at the office of D. B. Kcrtland, Archlteot, 2 Bloor St. West, ,Toranto, or J. H. JOHNS-TO?17 Secretary, Public School Board, 24-1 Bownu.nvIllo. TENDERS Bulk tenders for brick and tii. addi- tion te, Orano *School sddre.oed ta, A. J. Stapies, Oono, Ont., wUll b. accepted up ta noan June lset. A depouit off10.0 wifl be required on every net of plan@ and a marked choque for 10% of the. contract price.must accoampany ail tend- ers. Plans andiepecifications rmay b. seen at the aBave addree or at the office of the arcbitect. C. C. STENHOUSE, Osbawâ4 Ont, 24-1w. IL - .-Ir -- Side Talks en Bread No. 13 W. niake the. Bread that* satisfies every desire, its cali'r, ite flavour, its beautiiul nit f rown crust, ail satiafiea. We are proud ai oui' manufacture and we have a lange vaniety cf breads which eneibles us ta sýupply thesenat fatidiaus. Our M. B. (Mediceted Browr) Loaf is especially made -for those suffering with con- stipation we want you ta try e aIca. It is supenior ta Patent N.atrums beceuse it conteins the. naturel wheat sate combined with Malt Barley. We have I*ctoenalt Bread a fine quality boau. Fig ald date beed. Utopie Bread for invalida, Wulnut Bread witi lots ai walnuts, it isae treet, alea pioppy seed bread so much used i>y the. Hebrews. Ring 97, aur salesman wiil cel on yau, no order toamaIl. W. are apecializing Orange anld Mocha Cakes, tiiey are fine. Ask for M. B. Loal 12 cents We are Food Specl2ista. Caîl 97, Thii Re Vuiety Bakery. The Bowmanville Bakery SuccellSOrs to Chitie', Bakry Bowmanvmel Frocks With Individuality New frocks and gowns are coming in almost every day. They ail have style, of course, but they aiso have their in- dividuaiity which accentuates one 's ow~n personality. Many of them are one-of-a-kind models, offering the addition- ai distinction of exclusiveness. Our entire main floor is de- voted -to dresses-charming afternoon, dinner and evening frocks; and simple street and sport dresses. Corne in and see them, even if you are "'just iooking". Where individuality enhances style. P. ' DYh e L ittie SAhopp e --i9/ £7e Larde Stock 1SOWNIANVILLE. ONTA 1Specialist in "Women'.Appard Exclus ive but n otf xpen Sive Women's Coats -Suits- Dresses - H1osiery - Gloves -Underwear]-Etc. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 17th., 1926. PAGE ?MI -r-l ý 1 -1

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