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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jun 1926, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE l7th., 1926. lîes 9house oainted AD ou coubuab oe Jhe. de kWhite Mbd sw* Uà le tbde 1 pnof eint ma mou So. Prioe$1.25 QT. g1 $4.50 GL GEO. PRITCHARD Bowmainville aean te handhe. S.ld by al Druggis, -Grocers and General Stores For Your Aching Head Take one ZUTOO TABLET end in 20 minutes, the. pain il joue s"d you leel tao.. ZUTOO wiII stop amy Henduche, Slck, Nervous, Dyspptie or Monthly-in 20 minutes by the. dock. 25e et dealers. A Tonic of Rare Val;; SCOT'S EMULSION OF PURE COD-LIVKR OIL 1e1laViamneReuidsStr.umgt STRAIFORO _W014AN Restored to Health byLydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Stratiord, Ontarjo. -*"After m7y first baby was born 1 started ta work on the tenth day and did a big wash- ing on the twelfth day. Be ingo yaung (I wamaziaredat 19)I1didnflot know what was the néatter, sa let it go until 1 wu &ai run-down, weak and nervous, andd bal a bad diaplace- ment. For nearly two years 1 could flot sleep arnd I would a -ay cmlain of having 'not a headchut a brain-ache.' My mother is taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound during the Change of Li4e and sheu recommended it to me. After taking two bottles 1 began to get a little Bleep and to feel better and 1 have neyer left off since then, except for about three months. I can safely say 1 have taken thirt bottles since my second baby was born. 1 think it makes child-birtb easier as I had terrible pains with my first three children and very few wth my fourth as I was so much .stronger. 1 arn now able to, do my work ajonc, but I am still taklng the Vegetable Cern- potund as 1 arn riuring baby. "-Mrs. MxER PAIU, 49 Cherry Street, Strat- ford, On tario. if you are sufferng from any weak- neas whicb causes such Symptoms aM pains in the aide and ba and nervous feeings gi. Lydia E. Pink- ham' Vegtabe Compound a trial now. c ORONO (From The News ai June 1Oth) Miss Margaret Walsh is spending a rnonth at Lake Sirncoe. Mrs. P. C, Lawrie ai Windsor, la, visiting bier father, Mr. H. Hooper. Rev. Wm. Limbert, Taronto, spent a f ew days at his daughter's, Mrs. R. H. Brawn Miss Fielding, Taranto, is visiting bier cousin, Mrs. C. A. Chapenan, and ather frienda. Mrs. Harry Reid and Mrs .Reid ai Lindsay, visited the former's sister, Mrs. R. H. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Barshead, Tar- onto, visited over the weekend at bier fatbcr's, Mr. H. Hoaper. Mrs. Graham bias returned ta, Winnipeg, Man., gaing by way afil Chicago, Ill., wbere she will visit bier son Frank. Mr. R. R. Waddell, barrister, bas been rnaking steady impravernent since his return home irom the Gen- eral Haspital, Toronta. Mrs. G .H. and Mipýs Iva Lintan bave gene on an extended trip ta California and Western Canada. Mrs Linton expecits ta be away until car- ly faîl wbile Iva returns ta Toronto in early July.1 Mn. Arthur Allun, Trenton, )ne tirne manager ai the Canning Fact- amy here, on June lst was united in marniage witb Mari orie Alelthe, daughten ai Mr. and Mrs. H. Clous- tan ai Brighton. Mr. Norman Winter has accepted a position in the Howard Avenue Trust and Savings 'Bank, Chicago, 111. Mr. Frank Grahamn wba recent- iy paid a visit ta his homie tawn bere, one af the staff ai the Trust Co., re-1 turned withi him. Mr. Edsan Keat ai Winnipeg, Man., made anather aof bis. pleasant visits here this week cailing an zald frienda. Ntbing delights Eda. mare than a trip back ta the aId borne town. He was occompanied inrm Toranto by is nephew, Mn. Le- land Keat. Miller's Worm Powders will ena- dicate the warmi evil that bears so heavily on cbiidnen and la believed ta cause many fatalities. Tbey are an acceptable medicine ta chfidren and can bie fully relied upon to, clear the food channeis thorougbly ai these destructive parasites and ne- store the inflammed and painfuli sur- faces ta healthiulness. They are an excellent reimedy fon these evils. Mn. and Mrs. Thos. J. Sharpe, Tor- onto, spent a couple ai days with bis aId iriend, Mr. John Rickaby. Thein two sons, we are pleased ta learn,' hald gaod positions; Orwell being Supeintendent oi Insurance for the Quebec Government and living in Quebec City, and Franklin is Super- intendent ai the Forestny Depart- ment in Nothenn Manitdba. Clarke Orange District Lodge wili celebrate the annual "Walk" wïtlb their brethren in Lindsay. Mr. Oscar Scott attended the fun- enal ai his daakghten-in-law, Mrs. WiI- bert Scott, at Maple Lake, Ont. De- ceased was tgken crltically ill short- ly aiter leaving Orona and was far some tirne in the hospital at Lit.W- say. She is survived by hier bus- band and farpily ai five children, thrce girls and two boys. Motbers Value This Oil.-Mothers who knaw how suddenlv. croup Mnay, seize their children and baw neces- sary prompt action is in applying re- j lief, aiways keep at hand a supply1 ai Dr. Tbomas' Eclcctric Oi, lbe- cause experience lias taught tbern that this is an excellent preparation fan the treatrnent oi this ailment. And tbey are wise, for its various uses render it a valuable medicine.. Help for Astbrna. Neglect gives astbma a great advantage. The j trouble, once it bas secumed a foot-j bald, fastens its grip an the bro n-I chiai passages tenaciously. Dr. J.~ D. Kelogg's Asthrna Rernedy is dailyl benefitting cases oi asthma ai l ong standing. Years ai suffering, how- ever, might bave been prevented bad the remedy been used wben the trouble was in its fimat. stages. Do not neglect astbma, but use this pre-I paratian at once. Mr. and Mm. George Kelley, Tor- onto, accompnaied by their son, Mr. C. A. Kelley, wiie and son, Orville, and Mr. and Mrs, Brooks, Toronto, spent a few heurs in town Sunday, picnicking at the Park and calling an Mr. S. Cuttell and other oId iriends here. George Kelley was an Orano boy in the early 60's when bie mnade bis home witb bis grand- father, aid Mr. Darling, who at that time resided whene Mr. Lorrirnan now lives on Cobb Hill, and attend- ed sehool here. He is robu.t ap- pearing and still actively engaged as yard boss with the Dunlop Tire Co., Tarante. OBITUARY W. Hickson, Bobcaygeon Bobcaygeon lost anc afitiL-prorni- nent citizens on Wednesday, June 9, in the deýe:h of Wrn. Hickson. He was born on the Hickson bonestead, Lot 15, on the 14tb ('ances5zion ail Manvers. Leaving the farm he en-1 tered the teaching pmcfe:sien. Hei first taugbt at Dunsird, then at Mount Pleasant. and f,r a number af years at Bobaygen. vFailing health force<l him to, relinquisb teaching, Ite then as..ociatedl himseii witlî Government waork ani beca-ne anc ai the ntrst expert "eed judgeï- in Ontario, oganizirg and judging innurnerable filid (rap competitions. He tvas for \'Cam, one of the key- atones in the Vemulant Agricultumaî Society, ni which he was ;ecretary. In religion bu was a Pre.sbyterian, andl in politiesi a Contzemvativc. The Latest From Ottawa Wherever The New Herbai Remedy HERB JUICE Ha& Been Introduced Messages of Appreciation Quickly FoIlow. HERB JUICE was placed an the market in Ottawa only a few weeks aga and Miss Jeannie Laibelle a well known young laldy nesiding at 202 Queen St., Ottawa, was one of the first in that city ta take it. She derived Sa much benefit that she gladly volunteered tue follawing statement: "I was badly run dawn, had stoinach trouble, indigestian and gas pains. Evenything I ate up- set my stoiach. I could riat reat well, was nervous and wannied about my bealth. Nothing gave me any relief but seeiug HERB JUICE was a new pnaduct I was willing ta try it. You cannat imagine my bappinesa wben rny condition began ta improve. Now, I eat thnee good meals a day, slcep well, the nervausness bas dis- appeaned, al ai my troubles have cleaned up and 1 neyer fet betten in my lufe. There ie no reason ian anyone suffeing like I did, naw that HERB JUICE la obtainable". For sale by Jury§& Lovell. Price $1.00. ONE THIN WOMAN GAINED 10 POUNDS IN 20 DAYS Skinny Men Can Do The Samte AIl weak men and women. All nervous men and women. Ahl skinny men and women. Can grow vtronger, healthier and more vigorons and take on zolid needed flesb in 30 day just by tek- ing McCoy's Liven Extract Tebleta four times a day-sugar coated and easy ta take as candy. And wbat a it these fleab pro- ducing tablets have made. One drug- gist tripled is sales in ane week. Everybody knows that frin tIse livers ai tIse humble codfiah cornes a first clase vitamine tihat la a won- derfni vitalizer, flash producer and health creator. Millions of McCoy's Cod Livar Ex- tract Tablata are eold avery week and thousanda of frail rundown nun- darweigbt people are being helpad. A box of 60 tablets for 60 cents and if any skinny man or woman doeun't gain at lesat 5 pounda in 80 days--money back. Aok any dnuggist anywbere in Amerlea. Be sure and get McCoy's, tIse or- iginal and ganuane and don't fonget there i. nothing on earth so geod to make backward, lisileas, undar- wight ebldren grow strong and re- buzt. Recognized as a Ieading ripecific ion the destruction ai warms, Moth- en Graves' Worm Extei'minator bas pnoved a boon ta suffering ebildren evenywhene. It seldam fails. Phone 153 or 202 SCIENCE AND THE DEMIURGE By Chas. M. Bice, B. A., LL. B., Denver Colorado, A Durhamn County Boy. People with a false background f e.a that discoveries in the scientific world may turn the present ago and coming ages inta godiesa one. Thcy do nat understand; tbey are ai littlei faitb, and Iack breadth ad vision, we fear. They fail taeneimember that without inherent religiaus belici, theme coul'd nat be science as we un- derstand science. The latter lsaa religion in itseli, paying bomage, cýnsciausly or unconsciouslY. ta the Creator ai the Universe. Scientifie investigation mnust go1 iorward searcbing for the Infinite, but. as it gets nearer ta the goa- the Final Cause--it will beconie mare relielous, perhaps nat mar 'e thea- logical, *baweven. There -can be no neal religions feeling witbaut un- dcrstanding. There may be erno- tianalism and fear, but this is nat religion in its truc sense. Furthermore, it is the religions1 urge or desine in ran-Plata's Demi- urge-that brings ta the. iront that scientific quest which causes man ta sacrifice e'verything, even lii e itseli, ta advance science; and the urge be- hind tbe great scientist is more tban niere egatisin, it is tliat be rnay work te the glony ai bis Creator and the goad ai bis fellowmzen. This is the religion ai qervice. Materialists have no way ai explain- ing this anysteriaus urge behind Science. Julian Huxley, grandsan ai the valant Thoenai Huxley, defender ai Darwin fifty years ago, witing in Harpera, an the queny, "Will Science Destray Religion"? answera one di- vision ai the question in this iarm: "Even the camplete mechanist cannat escape the facta ai lii e-be muat acknowledge tbat the ecstasy af the emotion of beauty, the overpow- ering awe that sometianes seizes upon reflection, and the napture ai lovei are facts, and have utmost value for men; and the mare mecbaniat he be, the more will he wanden and glory in the iact, that sncb phenoinena are the praperties of buinan nature.... Why should men be willing ta die for thein countrny, ta slave an a pit- tance in pursuit ai knowledge, ta live in a garre in order ta be fre ta write or paint as they desine, ta go throug'b fire and water ta gain the abjects of their lave, ta suffer ostra- cism ar martyrdani for their con- victions? ........ The beauty ai a inountain view, ai a tree against the aunset, or ai a buinan face is a joint praductoth Ie eternal abject, and the mnd whicb finds it beautiful. The mind ai a ahee~p or caw appar- entiy doca flt co-operate with sncb objecta ta produce beauty--at any rate, these animaIs are net observed ta waste time in ]oaking at thean. And niost moral prilasophens agree that moral values are anly passible because ai freedaîn ta go wrong. 'It is better for a man ta go wnong in ireedoni than to ga ight in chains'. In any case, Science, in taldng stock' ai the worMd, la broughit up against the existence ai values, and mus-t then acknowledge that certain at- tributea ai man'possesthe bigbest values known. And it is in this way that science is brought back ta be- came the basîs ai a new hurnanism". "Scientific Humanisas!" Science, declares the noted zoole- giat, upon which departinent ai science the nmatenialiara ai Darwini Bowmanville PETER MVARTIN & SONS Building and General Contracting Plastering and concrete work a specialty. Agents for Asphait Roofing, built on tar an(d gravel. Now is the time to have your old brick or frame house done over with an absolutely water- proof stucco. We are also making ail kinds of imitation stone. Cail and see us before deciding. Builders of concrete silos, pavements and ail kinds of artistic concrete work. Small jobs given our most careful attention. Place of business, Elgin St. North, Bowmanville Phone 497-w is faunded, calls for this new cuit. Advances in physics in our time have braught about a striking revalu- tian in science, orientating it clear around in some cases; and Sa there must a revolutian in religion, if it b as not corne already. 2 If science can change its base ta 1suit new discoveries in its doinain, s0 jmust religion revolve unti] it has ?found itse]f at one with Science. ? Beyond question, science bas had tat have forwvard and so has the dog- mýas of religion witb it. Western reli- gions were propounded ta the world an the basis of a stationary geo- centric eartb, witb ail the u:îiverse paying barnage ta it. It was a flat~ earth not very diff- erent frorn. the Roman ideas af it, whicb bad the termini goda watch'ng ta see that the citizen did not faîll >over the edge ai it. Then fallowed astronimical dis- coveries which conmpietely changed rnan't notions of things, and caused birn ta feel humble in the presence af the New Universe. But these dis- co'veries ai exact science, did not destray rman's religion any more than 5it deatroyed Science But it has been found harder for the human mind ta advance on the religious road bhan it is. for it ta ad- vance scientificaily, for the plain reasan, that religion is Revelation joined with faith. Laoked at in the >proper light sa is science, which is the religion oi Nature. The Newton- lana find it very hard ta take, wlth- out a grain of sait, same ai the theories of Einstein. Lard Morley wrote a generatien ago, tbat the next great task ai science is ta create a new religion for husnanity. > Profeasor Huxley beiie-ved that the task waa rather ta eanstruct a new fraanework for the fleah of the re- ligiaus spirit ta clothe, a new me- chaniam for the pawer af the relig- loua emotian ta aperate, and he wauid teru it hiis Scientific Human- Lism-tbe ethics af service, bult on acientific spirit. Humanisxn, acrding ta the dic- tionary, is applied ta any systeni of thaught or action, which. assignz a predomrinant interest in the affaira af man as compared with the super- natural, or the abstract. Under this definition a religion whch is wlthout huxnanisan la na religion at aIl. And a science that waa without human- isni, would be a danger ta civiliza- tion. This la the kind af science that would unloose the hdden farces of Nature before man la advanced far enaug> religiausly or ethically ta properly make use of them. But present day religion cannet dwell forever in the past. As a maodern philomsopher puts it, "RaIl- giana principles are eternal, but the expression of those principies re- quires continuaI development. Wben I have been disp:osed _o judge sev- ereiy great religious teachers, like Moses or Paul, I have tried ta ian- agine myseli living in their sur- raundings, with their lack ai scien- tiflc knawledge, interpreting lii e from the limited paint ai view wbich they had iormulating rides ai con- duct and matters ai hygiene, sucb as Lhose deait with in Deuteronomy, trying ta interpret mysteriaus phen- a mena ai nature like eclip6es, the possession ai evil spirits, and so forth; and when I do this rny won- der aiways is that these men saw as elearly as tbey did and succeed- ed as well as they did in separating i the fundamental frosn the incident. This is frarn Dr. Robert A. Milii- kan, wvorshipful scientist and believer in God, discoverer ai the "Cosic rays", and insolatar ai the electro'n atnong other accompiisbments. He might not bie accepted as a funda- mentalist by the strictly fundarnent- aliat, howcvcr, because ai bis belief that there is evolution în religion and in rnan's concept ai the Uni-! vers e. Ail the divisions of science have contributed ta that change iný thought. Gealogy and "radio" com- bined, have lengthened the age of the earth and man's tirne therean by millennia. Physics tells us that niat- ter is made up ai "cvcnt-s', and the drviding line be)tnveen spirit and matter ÙR 50 extremely narrow, that it cannot be deîtected bv the micro- Sco0pe. For allaif vhich the worsbipper before Narure's sbnine, and the one who bows low befare the Creator af ail things are thankini! In bis werk "Science ad the Modern World", Dr. Alir'ed N. Whiteihead, Proiessar ai phîlasopby ai Harvard, clarifies the evolutian ai religion, aided by modern science, He says: "Religion bas ernerged into human experience rnixed with the crudest fancies ai barbarie imnagina- tien. GraduaI], slowly, stead:iy thel ,vision recurs in history under nobler' foirn and with clearer expressi 0ni It is the anc clernent ln hurnaný Nelles sella graceries ion lais. .%I. andl Mrs. Fred NichuDls, Tor- ento, are visiting their daugbter, Mm. and Mrs. Henry Smith, Bowman- ville. OnIy the uninformed endure the agony ai coins. The knowing anes appiy Halîoway's Corn Rernover and get relief. 4.- N -Pl- pp etite/ When yoti set an elderly mnaii at- ing his dinner with the relish and enjoyrnent of a school boy, watch himn help hirnself to Mustard. If ir is flot on the table, he wilI very quickly ask for it. Those who acquire the habit of eating Mustard-of keeping their digestion keen and their appetite young-s-how a decided preference im hcsbly nmized Mustard. Ccbnan-Keen (Canada) Iàmlted I000 Amherst Street MONTREAL aida Hosiery presents at every price fromn 75c to $2.00, take Monarch Green Stripe at $1. Made of pue silic, for the sheen ancrZsoothness wo- men love -remnforced with fibre silk, for long serloime Every newcst color. And "iruns' that start neyer show --the Green Stipe, or the second 'stop run" a few inches below, stops them. Double safety. ~~GREENAffRtE LYIVNflft.' HOI ER Offd ice ufle U FOR YOUR BARN ROOF Use Brantford Arro-Lock Siates. Neither gales, rain, snow nor frost can budge them and they last for years. The 10w price and srnall laying cost make them the most econarnical roof of exceptionai value. You can iay them over the aid shingies.U E.'raniford UoofIlgËCOIiAW Brantford, Ontauio I Stock Carried, Information Furnished and Service j on Brantford Roofing reridered by Rice & Co., - -. - Bownanville Cook'& R.gulating Compound ggiijmA #off, ,.lsabl. aaieu lamdiene. Sold intred. fefflof strength-No. i, 1 2,8; N. 8 85per box. S Sold bail druggista, or ueni àps*d reeSlpi of pries. pa phlet. Addreas: THE COOK MEDICINE CO. bSIQMTO,ONI. (FormerlyWiàndomt n Te Great English Pranf. ,»s Tones anîd nvgora e i h e oi Ut1$ nervous *sIstem. makes new Blood in old Veins. Uscd tar Nervous DbhyMentai and Brai n Wrr Dripondency. Lous cf En .Palpitation of thiHeart.Fii eua.Pi.Sprbxj for $5.5 SoId by aildruggisti, or mai led in plain, pkg. on receipt of prncç. New pan.phWt maited ,r'e.TU W MEDICINI E ORTmu .onr. FilThe Bi Now' We would advise you to fil your coal bins now with fresh mined anthracite from Lehi-hC Valley Coal Sales Co. Quality is good and Le- high is best coal mined. We sell Toronto Asphalt Roofing-best in the market. Caîl and see us for Builders' Supplies-Lime, Paris Stone, Gyproc and the new Roc Board. CANADA CEMENT ALWAYS ON HAND J. A. HOLGATE & SON THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 17th., 1926. PAGE SIX

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