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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jun 1926, p. 8

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PA.GE' EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE l7th., 1926. 1 d-at.h n- ha-- - hMs~e1Pear rceEnstew aekndKinn Ton OBITUARY John Jan6e. Bottreli Another wellknown citizen in the 1 person of John Jantes Bottrell pass- ed away on Saturday, June 5, afterj five montha' ilîness front dropsy and gangrene. Deceasesi was born in Bowntanville sixty-five years ago i being a son of the late Mr. andi Mrs. Edward Bottrell. He worked for many years lu the Upper Canada1 Furuiture Factory but Iter was em- ployesi by the Domnion Organ & Piano Cozpiny and later by the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. The funeral took place front the1 family residence, Duke-st., Tue.oday1 June 8, service being conducted by1 Rev. J. U. Robins, Pastor of Trin- ity United Church. He was twice marriesi, first te Miss1 Wight and secondlv te Miss Emnna1 Wilcox who surviyes him aise two1 sons, Howard of Detroit, a.nd Ray-( mond of Pontypeol, and two daugh- ters, Mrs. L. Winkworth, Torrance,1 Muskoka, aud Mrs. C. Jacklin, North( Ray. Surviving are aLso five1 brothers, William of Grand Rapids,z Mich., Albert J. of Toronto, Freder-i ick of Manistee, Michigan, Samuel of1 Cadillac, Michigan, andi Hacry of De-( troit, Mich., aIl of whom visited him1 receutly andi attended the funeral ex- cept the last named. Anibrose W. P. Allim, Courtice The death occurred at Weston Sanitariun on Wednesday, June 9th,2 of Amobrese Wesley Penfound Allin.t Deceased was born in Darlîngton1 Township in 1878. He -«as the second son of the late George and Mary Allin. Besides the widow he leaves te mourn his loss four chilsi- ren, Beatrice, Edith, Sadie andi Her- man. Of his four brothers and two sis- ters three survive,* George Allie, Windsor, Leopolsi Ain, Toronto, andi Mrs. Hedley Oke, Darlington. The paîl-bearers were six friends, Messrs. Frank Allin, Lloyd Snowden, Thos. Penfound, Thos. Gimblett, Milton Jamieson and William Allie. The beautiful floral offerings ex- pressesi love and esteem for the de- parted and sympathy for the ber- eaved ansi were received from Mother andi family, Mr. and Mrs. H. Oke, Gladys and Walter, T. -Maude Penfound, Mr. andi Mrs. Lloyd Snow- den, W. H. Stainton and E. MeILeesi, Mrs. Roy- Nicholîs, Cyril Luke, Mr. and M.%rs. Chas. Aldswocth, Mr. ansi Mrs. Mortimer Murdof, Mr. andi Mrs. Wm. Allin ansi family, Oshawa, Mr. Wm. Allin ansi family, Bowman- ville, Mr. ansi Mrs. T. A. ijustan, Mr. andi Mrs. Arthur Lambert, Mrs. A. F. Runsile and Annie Hol:, Kate Connolly and Nellie Scorgic, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Goulsi, Mr. ansi Mrs. N. James and family, Mr. ansi Mrs. Robt. Nicholson ansi J. T. Allen, Mr. andi Mrs. Thos. Hayes, The Berean Class, Ebenezer, The Busy Worizer3 Class, Maple Greve. Rev. C. C. Washington, B. A., Coutice, conductesi the funeral ser- vice at the late cesidence of the de- ceasesi on the Kingston Roasi, Dar- . ington, on Friday, June llth. Mr. G. H. Holton, nephew rf Sir Mackenzie Bowell, his wife andi lit- Carlyn, wth Mrs. Evs McCarthy, daughter of the late Sir Mackenzie Bowell with her little granddaugher, Miss Evelyn Johnson of Belleville, miotored te "Kilravock" te visit their aunt, Mrs. L E. Bowell, who has been ailing for s;ome time. They were fav- ouresi with goosi roasis and f ne weather. Ladies! Here's' BOB YOUR OWN HAIR We make it possible for you to bob your own hair at a big saving HERE'S THE SECRET Good quality of Hair Clippers and Scissors, ex- tra special value, for both at only $1.50 The supply is limited at this întroductory price. MASON & DALE Thie Popular Hm-dwae.-Quality and Right Prico. P140NE 148 BOWMAN VILLE When You Need GROCRIES-BREAD-BUNS-CAKES- PASTRY-CHOCOLATES-ICE CREAM -SOFT DRINKS-ETC. Bring or send your order to this store where it will receive prompt attention and you will get good valt, H. S. BRITTON, & GrcerN.wcastle en 's Memonial Library Aid was helsi1 on Friday afternoon, June. 11, wben reports were receivesi ef the past year's wock ansi officers electesi foc the ensuing year.4 Ie ber report, the secretacy, Misa McIntosh, statesi chat there ihasi been1 tee meetings helsi during the year. The Libcary Aid bad maintainesi the two-fold purpose foc which it was formesi, baving le the past year con- tnibutesi $200.00 towacds the support of thbe LibcarY, ansi aIse havieg caresi for ansi increasesi the kitchen equip- ment of the Commueity Hall. In addition te a number of lesser arti- cles, the kitchen supplies basi bean increasesi by 6 dozen cups ansi saucers, 6 dezen small plates, 8 sugan bowls ansi 6 crearn pitchers. The Society hasi lest a valuesi andi very efficient Treasurer in the ce- moval from Newcastle of Mcm. Robt. Gibson. The financial report show- ed a balance ie the Equipmeet ac- ceunt ef $70.62 and in thbe Libracy Aid accouet ef $261.35. New officens are- Hoeocary President-Miss Drum- m ones. Pcesident-Mrs. J. AX Butler. lst Vice-Pres.-Mrs. E. B. Cooîk. 2ed Vice-Pres.-Mrs. Wnt. Jamie- son. Secretacy-Miss Metosb. Tceasuer-Mrs. J. R. Fisher. Mcc. B. Moise was ce-appointesi to bave charge of dishes ands ilver, ansi Mcm. pannai of the linen. LAKE SHORE, CLARKE Mr. Roy Weébbec ansi sist.en, Miss Minnie Webben, Bowimaeville, visitesi their aunt, Mc. Wt. Lake, over the weekeed.. Mrs. Hendry andi daugh- ter, Annabelle, visited Witby fnieis on Sunday .... Mca. Clarence Mitchell ansi son John, took ie the circus at Oshawa on Wadnesday. ... Mr. ansi Mrs. W. Jaynes attendesi the funenal ef their aunt, Mrs. PuIsl- worth, Port Hope, on Sunday.. Miss E. M. Holmes was bote fronu Oshawa on Sunday. .The weU drill- ing machine is je operation at our school. JUNE l7th., 1926 B1RTHDAY CELEBRATION HUGH CONNERS FUNERAL IneoMrHgh atlaccident andi The 1N4e s .c e deat ofMr. ughConeers the fol- owing particulars were onittesi: Deceasesi leaves a widow f ormierly THUfRSDAY, Mise Florence Moore of Myrtie, ansi six chilsiren, the eldqek being 15 years ansi youngest 2 yeacs, Rets,NECSL Marion, Gladys, Doris, Harry ansidWCSL Roy, aIse leaving a mother, Mrs. T. M.Gog a a nets na ConneA, four sisters ansi four M.Gog a a nese na lrothers ,Mrs. F. Fieldis, Bella Con- auto. ners, Mrs. H. Forcest, Mrs. C. Mrs. B. Moise spent a few sisys in O'Brien ansi Williami, Gilbert, Ceeu Toconto.v ansi Ernie Conners. Rev. Scott Howard hasi business in Those w-ho attendesi the funeral Toronteonr Tuesday. £ronm a distance ere: Mrs. T. Con- Miss Tamblyn, Toronto, is visiting ners, mother of decea.sed, Mr. andi at Miss Drummond's. Mcs. G. Conners, Mr. ansi Mrs. E. Mesdames Sutton ansi Jamieson l Coneers, Mrs. C. O'Brien, Bella Con- trippesi te Toronto Monday. ners, Mrs. F. Burlansi, Mr. ansi Mrs. Reeve H. S. Britton is in Cobourg L. Martin, Toconto; Mr. ansi Mrs. F. atteeding Counties' Couneil. Fielsis ansi Mc.- ansi Mrs .C. Conners, Mr aig ndfmlTot, Buffalo, N. Y.; Mca. H. Forrest, MrLaig nsfaiyTrto Campbellford; Mr. ansi Mcm. W. Con- spent Sunday at W. R. Laki'ng's. ners, Mr. Ernie Conners, Miss Clara Mrs. Geo. Dowson bs visiting at F. Jcnes, Mr. W. Freeburn, Mcm.. Mr. ansi Mrs. W. C. Blackburn 's. Conners, Miss Ullah Forsythe, Mr. Don't miss hearing the Torontot Macklewain ansi son Melville, Mr. talent at Maple Grove Monday night.S ansi Mca. A. Vass. Mrs. Maynard, Mr. Council met on Friday evening ý ansi Mrs. George Freeburn, Mr. F. wth Reeve Britton pcesiding te cen-1 Panter ansi daughiter Edith, Miss E. sisier certain assessment appeals, ap-1 Cranham ansi Mr. W. Vass, Peter-pasntgned1 bore; Mrs. Trick andsosns Lou and pasntgatd Chales M. asiMrs. Yeo, Mr.as Allan Davisison, Toronto, recently 'Mcm Gallagher, Mr. andi Mcs. J. speat a few heurs in town re-newing Milne, Mr. J. Irelansi, Mr. G. She- elsi acquaintances ansi associÎations milt, Mrs. P. Irelansi, Mr. D. Patter- ie the olsi home town. son, Mr. ansi Mrs. Wenn, Oshawa. Mr. Walter Douglas, Providence, Floral efferings inclusies: Wife R. I., aise Mr. andi Mrs. H. J. RagenE ansi family, Gates Ajar; Mother, Sis- and family, Toronto, were weekend ters andi Brothers, Broken Wheel; visters at Mr. John Douglas,~ Wreaths-Beelive Rebekah Losige; Mr. ansi Mrs. T. W. Jackson ansi Goodyear Tire & Rubber C.; Mr. the Wacden's Excursion on. Wednes- andi Mrs. C. Tyler ansi W. Wright; Mcs. Bertha Bell !took asivantage ofj Public School; Oriental Losige; Mr. day te visit Rochester friends,. Andi Mrs. E. Taylor andi W. Knight;j Unitesi Church, Rev. E. B. Cooke,1 Mc. ansi Mrs. T. MeMulen. Gates Pastec. il a. n.-Mocnîeg wocsip;E Ajar-Mr. ansi Mrs. Milne ansi fam- 2:30 p. m.-Sueday Scbool; 7 p. m.( ily, Mr. A. Carr ansi fainily, Mr. -The Junior Congregation. Special1 Jack Lovelansi ansi family, Mrs. music by the chilsiren. Everyene Mary Lovelansi Mr. Tom Lovelansi, welcoine.1 Mc. R. Patterson, all of Oshawa. St. George's Cburch, Rector, Rev. Sheafs-F. H. Bounsall andi family; E. R. Jantes. 3rd Sunday after Trin- Baskt o FloersBowmnvileiity, June 20th. 10 a. n.-Sunday Foundry; Basket of Roses-EasKoetiSchboln. il a. m.-Mo-rning Prayer Avenue Sunday School ansi Churchi ansi Holv Communion. 7 p. m.- Toronto. Sprays-Durham Textiles; Evenseng. St. Pau's Sunday School; Mr. and Mc. ansi Mca. John Stevens, Maple Mcm. M. W. Tamblyn; Mc. ansi Mcm. Grove, accompaniesi by their daugh- Maynard ansi Tommy, Petecbeoo;Mc er Miss Mabel Stevens ansi Miss ansi Mrs. Geo. Varcoe; Mr. an dMrs daS low we iNwcse W. cRenols ad Mss 'Eda; r 1onSunday evening calling un their H. Bimicmbe Mr.andMrs.W.,aunt, Mrs. Sal one Goard, Newton- Maynacd ansi Mcm. Rayner; S. W'. ville, a patient in Wiîîewsale Rest Masen & Son; Daughters andi Maids Homne. of Englansi; C. G. I. T.; Mr. ansi Ceuncillor J. H. Gibosen was in Mcc. W. Barteck; Mr. andi Mcm. H. Torcrto during the weekend ansi al- Clemens; Mc. ansi Mrs.F. Lyle; 'Mc. ýo motoresi te York te ,isit bis son, ani Mr. ande L.yle; c.and Mrn-. Rev. Harvey J. Gibson, with bis son- Wene Mc ans Mc. Yo ani fîn-in-law, 'Mr. T. R. Taylor. Mc. Gibson ily; 'Mr. ansi Mcc. Gallagbec. ceturned fcom bis trip, the possessor _______--of a coupe, ansi bac now joinesi the CARDS 0F THANKS big company ef car drivers. Frank Gray happenesi wloth a pain- Mcm. Ambcose Allin ansi family, fuI accident on Fcisiay while eperat- Darîington, desire te thank the ing a manure spceader. He was neighbors ansi friands foc thpir making sorne adjustments wben the kindness andsi smpathy during the herses suddeely movesi knocking bim illness ansi death eof Mc. Allie. down ansi the drive wheel passesi Mc. John Bottrell ansi family~ over the lower part of bis body. wish te thank their friensis and!Il 'Nip" remountesi the machine ansi neighbocs for kindness ansi sym- sicove te the barn where hie securesi patby ansi foc the floral tributes sent a.zsstance andi nedical attention andi te therr in their recenro sasi becea';e- was, founsi te bc painfuîly bruisesi. ment in the loss of a belovesi husband Our village receivesi a severe s'bock ansi father. on Sunsiay afternoon ta leace of the Mrs. Hugli Connens ansi fantily deat h in Toronto General Hospital wish te thank alI the friensi ansi of Mc. Geo. Singer who hasi been neighbocs, the Independent Order of taken there for .neatmient "mne ten Oddfellows ansi Beehive Reoekahý days before. About five weeks, ago Losige for their kinsiness, sym pathy blosi circulation ceasesi in bis right andi beautiful floral tributes in their foot ansi then gangrene set in. With susisen sasi bereavement, ansi are the hope of saving the patient's life vecy grateful te those who loanesi plans hasi been made te amputate tbeir cars, aIso, to Mr. Garton for bis the affectesi foot last Monday noon; bus nd crs.but death intervenesi. The deepest bus ans cars.syrnpat'ny of the community is ex- _______ -tendesi to is only daughtec, Miss Janie Singer, who bas so unexpectesi- ly been beceft of one cf the best ansi kindest fathers that ever labocesi in Your Chance and breathesi God's pure countcy air. Oerarely meta more kindler heact or genial mmnd. Deceasesi is 'also survivesi by one son, Mc..Wmn. Sing- er in British Columbia, a veteran of the great Wocld Wac. The funeral service in St. George's Cburcb on Werlnesday aftecneen was very large- ly attendesi. i MEMORIAL LIBRARY AID MEDICAL Honor graduate of Trinity Univer- sity, Fellow of Trlnity Medical Col- lege, Lîcentialte of the State Univer- sity of New York, Matriculaite of the Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital ef New Yok ansi Fellow of the Toconto Academy of Medil- cine. Offce-Mr. McNaughton's Rom- Idence, Newcastle. Heur-S te 10 a. mi. 1 to 3 p. m. and by appoint- 1ment. Mr. John Symons, Port Hope, Honored. A nuimber of relatives from this vicinity ,ineludiniz Mrs. J. G. and 'Miss Florence Rickard, Bowmanville; M4b and Mrs. Geo. P. and Miss Edna Rickard, Mrs. Jo-hn Rickard, Mr. and !drs. W. F. Rickard and Mr. andi M4rs. H. R. Pearce of Newvca.stle; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S. Riekard and son Brenton, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Clem- ence, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Allun of Shaw's; and Mr. and- Mrs. Milton Wight, Providence, motored to Port Hope on Mondav afternoon by invitation of Mr. and Mrs. John Symons and had the pleasure of par- ticipating in the celebration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of Mr. Symüns' birth. The guests in corn- pany with ether relatives of Port Hope andi the Welcome neigbbý'3r- hood were most hospitably received on arrivai by the host and hostess at their fine, comfnrtable home on Princess St., andi about five o'clock the companvý sat doo- to a sumpt- uous and appetizing repast provided and pre¶,ared lby the capable host- ess and servesi with the assistance of tonte of t.he younger ladies. Every item of the menu with its initial course of meats and salad right ýhrough to the final delicacies (if birthday cake and ice cream xva; thoroughly enjoyesi. The chief feature of the table decoration in addition to, the genercus sized bîrth- day cake which adorned tihe centre were two large bouquets of beautiful sweet peas grown bv 4 Port Hope fiorist. An interesting circu'ni- stance of the meal was the fact that Mr. John Symons and bis three sis- ters Mra. Elford, Mrs. J. G. Rickard and Mrs. Geo.P. Rickard sat together on the same bench on which theY sat as children around the family table on the old homestead 60 te 70 years befere. Later in the evening, Mr. W. J. S. Rickard, Chairman by*acclama- tion, injected an element of surprise into the program, for the host and laostess by calling trie conipany te order and inviting the tivo te be com- fortably seated. Mr. Rickard then, after a happy impromptu address in which he extolled -"Incle John's" good qualities of heart and mind and failed flot to praise "Aun.t Chariot- te's" virtues, called on Mr. Symon-.' eldest sister, Mrs. Elford cf Wel- corne: to present him with a gold r.,eaded walking cane, next, Mrs. J. G. Rickard te present Mrs. Symons with a delightful bouquet of deli- cately perfumesi pink roses aiid lastly, Mrs. Geo. P. Riekard to bc- stow upon each of the astenished but happy pair, a box oof chocolates. The recipients graciouslY thankesi theit donors for these entirely unexpcted tokens of regard and ,vere greeted wvith "They are jolly goosi Fellows' followed by thre-e cheers and a tiger Brief congratulatory speeches werE offered by Mr. E. J, Symons-, Mr Wni. Symons, Mr. Robt. Martin, !.%r Will Chestnut and others. Mr. Geo P. Rickard recountesi some interes,ý ing reminiscenCes of youthful day: and Mr. W. F. Rickard made one oI the outstanding speeches of the oc ,.asion, in which he exhorted th( younger generation te follow tht high standard of life set by our fore fathers. Mrs. Harold Toms ani daughter Kathleen of Belleville xver( amnong the guests. It was an inter esting coincidence that the occasiol 1fell on the fifteenth anniversary, thi crystal xvedding, of the marriage o' Mr. and MIrs. E. J. Syntons of Wel come who were aise presenit and re ceivesi their share of congratula tiens. 7S f 2- te te 7e IL el a- Big Celebration At Port HopeJuly lst Port Hope is putting on an un- usually attractive progrant for the 59th celebration of Dontinion Day on July lst. The pecial 'attractions this year include James E. Hardy of Niagara Fals fante, the champion tight wire walker of the wold; the Thorold Fancy Dill Corps consisting f twenty-five girls in costume, ovho delighteci the Toronto Exhibition crowds. Full entries for thcee goasi Herse Races in the 2.18, 2.27 ansi 2.40 classes. League Basebal Game, Daylight Fireworks ansi the usual Midway. Excellent mtusic both afternooti ansi evening by the Peterboro Rangers Band (by permis- sion of Lt.-Col. W. Gordon Hall ansi officers) ansi the Kilties Concert Bandi of Cobourg. Grand display of Fireworks in the evening by Hansi & Ce., who have promisesi te surpass previous yeacs. Go with the crowd te Port Hope on July lst. te the premier celebratien -of Central On- tario. Auction Sale EXECUTOR'S SALE Residential Property and Household Furniture Tiere will be ottered foc sale by public auction, subjeet te a reserve bld, on the premises on SATURDAY, JUNE 9th., 1926 ae 1 o'clock p. m. shacp, by THEO. M. SLEMON, Auctioneer on behaît et The Trusts ad Guarsntee Compay, Linilted, the Executer and Trusteýe under the Wil et ALFRED MANN late et the tewe et Bowmanvllle, de- ceased, te tollowing preperty:- Town lot number 212 and the north ninety-eight feet et towe lot number 213. ie block "G, on the south sie et T-orey Street, je the town et Bowman- ville. On the latter le said te be eret- ed a commodieus modemn brick veeeered bungalow. which is said te be le a firt- class state of repair; aise a trame garage ad weodshed combieed. On the cerner lot 212 are maey beautitul shade trees, shrubs, roses, pereenials ,and a fine piece ot lawn. This is an ideal home le oee ot the cheicest residential sections jeneBwman- ville, Immediately atter sale et ceai estate te contents et the dwelling and eut- building will be offered foc sale, tniud- ieg piano and Overland roadster which is helieved te be n first-class condition. TERMS:-AII ohattels will be' sold fer cash at time et sale; and the ceaI e- tate ter tee per cent down on day of salad the balance n thirty dayjà there- after. For further particulars and conditions et sale apply te MRS. EDITH V. SCOBELL- Bowmanville., agent foc The Trusts & Guaraee Ce. Ltd.. Executer and trustee as aferesaid. Boys' Suits Monday afternoon. John reportd t. his find and soon located the.loer, Mrs. J. S. Walker who bas been Rev. Scott Howard, andi was reward-j visiting her brother, Mr. F'rnk AI- e4*for his trouble. lin, bas returnesi home te Port Hope. Men's -*Suits AWonderful Sale of Clothing Big Bargains Wonderful Values FATHERS' DAY SLJNDAY, JUNE 2Oth., 1926 BUY DAD ATIE ALL NECKWEAR REDUCED UNDERWEAR Combination Atbletic Underwear in Nain- sook and muslins, On Sale at 98c Garment BOYS' STOCKINGS Heavy Ribbed Cotton Stockings, aIl sizes up te 10%, Clearing 49c Pair, 2 Pair 95c MEN'S FINE SHIRTS With collars attached in fanv, pattern, aIseo plain broadcloths, values up te $3.50, On Sale $1.98 Each BY'NAVY BLUE SUITS 2 pair Bloomers, Ail Wool Serge, values up to $11.50 to $13.50, On Sale $8.95 Each WORK'SHIRTS Khaki andi Blume Chaunbray, Regular On Sale 98c Each $L.50, - WORK SOX Heavy Union Make in shades of Dark Grey, 4 Pair $1.00 Every Suit ini the Store Reduce to Clear TH'URSDAY - FRIDAY -,.SATURDAY Any- Necktie, Regular $1.25 and $1.50, Reduced to ..............$1.0 Buy Dad a Tic for Sunday,. June 20, 1926 MEN'S SUITS Any Fancy Tweed or Worsted Suit in the store, values up to $25.00, On Sale $18.50 Each Any Fancy Tweed or Worsqted Suit in the store, values up to$30.OO, On Sale $23.95 Each Any. Fancy Tweed or Worsted Suit in the store, values up to $35.00, On Sale For $27.50 Each NAVY BLUE SUITS Ail Wnol Serges, fancy patterned Serges andi Herrinigbone, values up to $35.00 in double and single breasted modela, Clearing For Only $27.50 Each BRACES Men's Fine Braces, Regular Price 75c, On Sale at 2 Pair For 98c MEN'S FINE QUALITY COTTON Sox In shade. of Tan, ,Grey andi Black, 25e pair 5 Pair For $1.00 BOYS' SUITS Fancy Tweeds andi Worsteds, values up to $11.50 andi $12.50, On Sale and to Clear $7.48 Each GuryArate Directly Opposite T. B. ja t Eev At ie Monrea Bak T B.GiI UrBest Satisfaction m OUT THEY GO Master John Rickard picked up ai _ meurs. rjrice nrmeat, atitu ýcz iàutu 1! "là FINAL CLEARANCE SALE Womnen' s and Misses' Spring Coats Spring Coats Specially Priced .Special Value Friday Morning, Genuine Northway Tweed and Velour Coats, every one fully lined, a genuine bargain, worth up to $25.00, ON SALE $9.75 Special Sale of Better Grade Coats, regularly worth up to $29.50, CLEARANCE PRICE $15.00 Big Values inSpring Dresses Individual Spring Dresses in Fiat Crepe, Canton' Crepe, Georgette and Radium Crepe, Regular Value to $25.00, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY $15.00 S. W. MASON & SON Dry Goods and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Phone 106 Bowmanvllle 1 Mr. ansi Mcs. R. H. Suggitt ce-1 cently visitesi bis bcothec, John Sug-1 gitt, Cameron ... . Mr. ansi Mrs. Rob - ert Philp, Burketon, Mc. John Wright, Blackstock, Mr. andi Mcs. Peter Wright visitesi their aunt, Mcm. Isaac Elford and family near Cain- ,bray cecently... MissRuby Veale of the T. Raton Co., Toronto, is heli - daying with ber parents, Mc. ansd Mcs. A. H. Veale .... .A number of1 the mentbecs of the C.anasiian Ocdec of Focesters wený te Lindisay Sunday eveeing te attend Fervîce ait Queen St. Unitesi Church with bretbcen of, that town..... Rpv. J. 0. Totten, Cavanville. conductesi service ine North Nestleton on Sundny, Rev. J . E. Griffith pneaching annivensary ser-~ vices in thas burg. ... Week eveningý meeting on Thursday .2vening was in charge of Lorne- Thompson. Script- uce reading by Mercll Thompsen; Mr. Peter Wright gave sme thoughts gleanesi from the recent Confecence at Kingston; Mr. J. L. Joblin gave ,i reading; Mes.ss. J. L. Joblin, R. W.I ,trio; Mcm. J. L. Joblin ansi Miss Sara Armstrong were pianista. ..- .Mr. ansi 1Mcs. Esi. Armstrong, Missps Sarah,ý Mabel ansi Norma visited i bs brother. William, at Bowmanville on Sunsiay ....Miss Milsinesi Jebb who rias been t vistting ber aunt, Mrs. R. C. Jackson, has returnesi te ber home in Mt. Vaer- non, Mich. .Our basebail boys play- Sesi a game in Port Ferry on Satur- day evening with Honeydale boys. Score, Nes;leten 8, H-oneydale 6. Rev J. E. Griffith, B. A., bas been a.ssist- )ing in S. S. Convention wok at 1Wakworth, Wooler ansi Carnan. Yeu can save imoney 'by buying that new rugr now ast Coucb, John- ston & Crydermaf'U. 9

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