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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jun 1926, p. 2

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J* THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, JUNE 24th., 1926 CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS A TRIP TO RED LAKE car is mun out on the rails under DOMINION DAY Learn Designing THÊROPY the water far enough tealalow the DURWIN E. STECKLEY Mr. Arthur J. Trobilcock sent his canoe te be fastened on and then Heard is today the patriot Ca-I Mr aam says t catsitlngandra honor graduate of Toronto College mother, Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock of this Ooe oteohr iea h ot f those who welcoeie counsel A amal deposit, a ds iren tolarn ailmnda of Chropractic will be in the Bow- town, his journal containing a daily age, where the reverse process is give: Wttngaane agenttaI onygonle trug Two men are sup- It eretyapast l will be returned if you do flot like the avleOfc usaT rdy coitfthtiptRd Lake i posed ta be on duxy froni dawn to Who in this great Doiminion live: work or metliod. If you have rSood and Saturday evenings, phone 141J. May which we are per'mitted ta pub- dark to handie the Drocedure, and It says through guidance frein above taste in dress I can do the rest ta make Residential calls made during fore- Summaer clssu esgnefrxn. Isre lish. Arthur being well and favor- we had been astured that the three "Makte Canada a land ta love". tion is indîvidual (nlot mail order). sev- al known ta very many of The baswudgtars nls hnToewoprev o rcls r en pupills are taught at a tîme. Write bybas ouldgtara nls ta hs h eciv a ncls r tdafo uteInomto.Statesman readers. his narrative iîîanhor The vast resources of this land Day and Evenlng, except Wednesday. DENTAL be read wjth very keen interest.* The Landed at the tramn head, we Will give ta those who cerne from far GRAHAM SCHOOL OF DESIGNINO diary of the first day's journey franioun one of the men a gone away A welcuome wilu say, wh.île ha 274 COLLEGE St.. TORONTO. Trlnlty DR G. C. BONNYCASTLE Sioux Lookout, District of Kenora, for the night, the other just gettîng approve, 21 44Honor gaut in Dentistry Toronto f ollows: out of bed. Everyone thereupon got "Make Canada a land ta love". gnvriy raduate o h Rylto work. Hall and Bradley bar- Unierit. rauae f heRoal First day, Wednesday, May 19th., nessed the team and No. 1 was In haome and school and ohurch and College of Dental Surgeons af On- 1926, we were wakened at 3:30 to ztarted on its way. But numb state tario. Office King St., Bowxnanville. find the sky overcast with clouds, ingers and a biting wind did Let all men seek te brothers be; Office phone 40. House phone 22. and day just breaking. George Wal- net aid niatter;, and a great And let theni cease froni strife and DR. . C DEITTlace, engineer on the night run froni deal of tnelis ot n ge- hte DRoyal C.DentlClgReditt to Sioux Lookout, called while ting over the portage, tehorleg Adlivteyto ake heach othr re Graduate ofRoaDetlClg, we were dressing ta announce the thening into two hours and a haîf Thus wl hy sto padmv Toronto. office, King St. East, Baw- cheerful news that sanie snow had before No. ewas got under way on "Make Canada a land ta love". - ~~manville. Office hours 9 a. ni. ta 6 faUlen and that it was very cold, con- eia arwo h te ieSe hti etfraImnid P. ni. daily except Sunday. Phone sequently we dressed warnly-wool- at 8:30 a. ni. In the nieantime, Seek equity and right for alI: 90a. House phone 90b. len shirts, white woollen soCk.s, benefitting £romi experience, I had In willing service always find DR R. . INIWLL sweater vests, chamois cloth sweat-1 opened my pack sack and donned my What answers hast the patrict call: HonR.gR-.duaeofTnto Un er, duck'sback coat and knickers, niackinaw coat under the -licker, That you your worth may cleanly Honorgradate f ToontoUni-prospecton's boots, gloves and cap,an ddiarethglvsfrwo po, versity and member of Royal College topped by aur' slickers ta ward off anp adod isaded te loves for tw a kpeCnd an elv" af Dental Surgeons. Licenaed tethe spray. Surely that will keepP aidrs f itetsolen ns.sd MkeCnd dT. a tlo . practise in Ontario and the Domin- out any cold one can experience dur- ThPecaRirwchfosn- idtonOn.196 ion. Dentistry in all ite branches. ing the merny nionth af May. ThestLeli (an Rvrtwhe outh en aideonOt.196 oOffice-King St., Bowmanvilllo p- Breakfast across the road fromt the whichlis e udon)thes aouta n- o- paste an aiMotrel. hoe 31.Railway Y.M.C.A.-our headquarters dred yards wide on the average, witb "'COURTESY FIRST" Hulusgrwwt in Sioux Lookout-and in anticipa- jacIcpine, apruce, birch and poplar on ____ Huributs grow with ~tion ai a long tnornnng, we ate each side, and had it nat been for Teds~o lan aa es theego'wing feet LEGAL heartily-ponridge, bacon and eggs, the cold, the trip frein a sjcenic Th f ter of o ing at ei 1.Thy anb rbulta fc- M.G.~ GUL, .A. L. . toast and tea. Then to the lake front, st.andipint would have been wonder- hl h r fdigi 1tory an mae aleb ltarge. a rristeV.rO, B.cit , NotaD. to find the rest ai the panty busily ful. No. 1 led, followed by No. 3. Courtesy, kindness, considera-. t.rebuandShoaea z are wrl ay t banSoniciarm Noad a engaged loading the hoats. We towing the ireighter, and gat a tien, are aIl giits that make the day- 2. Rbuit Soesareworh Mney e lan n Frm nd ownwere eight in number-Ernie Orser couple of hundred yards ahead, pil by-day work of the warld easier. more than the cost of rebuiId- Property. Royal Bank Building, ai Sioux Lookout, the owner ai the ated by RLoy, with Harry at the' en- Courtesy "squffereth long and is i ng. Bowmanville. Phono 351. Orser Red Lake boat line( now niak- gine. kind". S. Our' Rebuilt Service adds W. R. STRIKE ing its initial trip); his brother, Har- A iew miles down main the port- Kindness suggests that the 'green' monha f war o Hribt Sccauos t' la. D B.Simaoa K.. u finthenotho a onth's h tall: age, and a short distance before the band ha taught how ta work properly Shoc. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary day, and engineer ai No. 1 boa:; rierener te ake ter awi e ad n safty woutsy gest thatt HoadHmhl f iu okuturn taethe north, and we ivere Up ahrpol' iha ad rgt Solicitor for Bank ai Montreal Hwr enhl fSoxLoot this a mnile before we missed aur should be respected. Monoy ta Loan phono 91 ngin eer in No. 3; Bill Br~adle.y ai convay. Aiten waiting sanie ie Cunsideration and courtesy de- U R sBowînanville, Ontario Fortoilia,aConstal all on tefor thera ta catch up, we turned and mand that you protec.t your iellow- woay taCPnesRidge wHalh ll te went back, but the other boats were workers by reiusing ta take a W. F. WARD, B. A.stayt ine s Roniag helOfier ilate nowhere ta be seen. There was anly chance that may bring injury ta Barriater, Solicitor, Natary ai the R. N. W. M. P., wha servedonplcthycudaegn-uthni W. flot only sell, but recom- Maney ta boan. Bonds for gale, with them in Ellaniere Land, the into Lest Lake, whic'h bas a long bay If you, without intention, burnp in Ganad; Ro tu ta the nartb. Into this we againat another aon the street or in Moud them. Offices-Bleakley Block, Kng St., fartbest north post i aaa o und n bu afa orlt the shop, a briei "I'a sorry" la bet- BowmnvileOntrio Phoes:Emmrso ofFortWiliam a in-eriound the othen canoes coming ten than "Pool" or an angr glare. re . I jo , Office 102, Bouse 409. in: engineer, son Ui a wealbhy hand- back. They hadniissed the turn, Caurtesy costs little and pays big Fred. Knox, ~~~~~~~ware nierchant, but a rolling atone and thus elsabuanhraddidn& BOWMANVILLE ONT. tary li e ete an w owni t seden- a balf. Our chances ai eahing As a remembered slogan, "Court.- FUNERÂL DIRECTORS into the. bush, an pres o noathe Pi ne Ridge we me now gone that day. ýesy First" will prevent baith tnaffic F. F. MORRIS CO. noth country, and bound witb bis 'Froin now an the fleet kept close accidents and industnial aeidents.- Complote Motor or canoe hie kno'ws not where; Hal Law- together, whicb we should have done "Courtasy First". Harse Equipinont sn the magistrata, chistened ie- frroni the start. The second boat___ da ey "the judge", and 1. picked up a weli on the shore, and - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \~I / Piate Ambulae. not t e Gere, t ad ee nowas rywîtbaut avail. We saw wild duck ily wooded. The whole country la Bowmvanvillophne cl ib, n h tainpai rin in ime ta tume, usually in braces, fomest, bunned over proabably tifty FBoh r ow andS4 wapone coniht adw-th satio.n the mor small groupa. The sun was atill years ago and second gneawth ai de- Branh Sore- bttomof he oat-Emmrso h, beindthe clauda, and lie cold ivas ciduaus trees, and birch and poplar, Orn ecsl lp noeo hmoengti i eee but nat se noticeable as it evonywbore. The lake is dotted for the Hudsan's Baybaktteiecv a been. We saw no other boats with lland ai alIl sizes, and abounds redbookiets cml ered tbe flooring. Ennie wone bis or canoos, and decided the Red in rocks and shoals, se that tha chan- fur coat ta keep warn; and bad on Lake rush was net materializing for nels are hard ta find. On this ac- t cor 0pnd alîsALAN M. WILLIAMS hi eghrbe ot.Ry n te t te being. courit Roy, with the map and cain- «Ud ng m i Embalmer and Funoral Diector. other hand, bad canvas running On and an down the river we pass, bad gono back inta the Clsgiven prompt and porsonal at- shoos and about bahf as rnany clotiies went, making for the Manitou Rap- ireighter, where hae reclined or stood tention. Na extra charge for dis- as thosa ai us ironi the south. ids. At haîf past twelve they were up as the occasion suited, bhal c.ov- tance. Phonos 58 om 159, Bowman- No .2 was the ineight boat, ta be still unneacbed, ànd we 3,opped for ered into the canvas top, which had ville, Ont. 3-tf. tawad behind No. 3. Bath 1 and dinnen, an a small sand beach. Bill been put on ta keep the cargo dry. _________________________3 had outboard matons. the former had a big fire going in the twinkling We noticeçl *amall stakes set every a 6 h. p. Jobnston niotor, the latter of an eye, then everyone thawed little while on variaus points and de- E G E B A DMEDICAL a 4 h. p. Evinrude. The freigbt wa.s out. Soon we sat down ta ehlp~d cided these bad been put up ta mark extensive. Firat a 45 gallon drum beef sandwiches, sainion sandwiches the Red Lake route, but followed Condensed Milk B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. oi gasoline, then 14 five gallon ai and oceans ai green tea, which or- the map nather than these. The Borden Co., Limited Gald Medaliat ai Trinity University, the sanie, and various cans of ail. dinarily few of us would have tauch- Every iew heurs we sto'pped ta ne- Toronto. Four years attending Phy- Twa tenta, aur stave, 45 pounda of ed, but which tasted like nectar ai fill with gasoline, lasing five minutes JIMONTREAIL 21.26 sician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmeol magistrate's books (oh, how we loved the gods. tbereby, and once Nao. 3 and the ______Hospital, Pittsburg, Ka. Office and theni on the portage), a crate ai 30 While we were eatîng, another ireighter went on ta the rocks, the - Rosidence, Wellington Street, Bow- dozen oggs, inesh ironi Mn. Day's canoe with two prospeLtors drew up pin in the propellor qhaft immediate- _______________nanville. Phono 108. poultry fanm, and %dorth their and iýs occupants pnepared thein din- ly anapping. This necessitated a ----- weight in gold away inoni the rail- nen aiea. Aiten dinner, I tur.sed my stop ai tan on fiteen minutes, and C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. way lino, twa bags ai broad, aur mackinaw aven ta Hal, once again everybody shivored except the two Graduate ai Tinity Medical Callege, box ai supplies faon Eaton'a, a bag opened niy pack sack nnd got out who we'-e doing the repain work. We Toronto, iormerly ai Enniakillen. ai grocenies purchased in Sioux my Parka, wbich I bad brougbt un saw numerous sand beaches and oc- Office and Residence, Dm. Bith's Lookout, two pack aacks, aur sîedp- anticipation ai gaing norL*.ý in the casional dueka, but no othen signa L Iformer esidence on Cburch Street, ing bags, blankets, a big tin grub airplane, and which appoaned ta be ai hife, human on othenwise. 0" Bowmanvillo. Phono 259. 44-t. box as buge as an aid iashioned suitable for a north pole expedîtian. Entening the lake praper, we turn- tnunk, cantaining aniong other tbings Alsa, we oach put on a !econd pair ed almost due west, then south. The a--u ~ - - -- -- - -- - a bundred sandwiches, my littie of woollen socka aven the others fer wind bad a dlean sweep naw, and VETERINARY typewritan, and nuimarous other par- Lac Seul with ita open waten and penetratad everytbing, and with the DR F . IGEcela. Moat ai these went in the cold winds were nat far away. sun sinking in the west, wa began te DR. . ". TGHEfraighter seime necessary things in 1 think ai ata-pping fer the night. Lac VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or the passenger oasts. A iew miles funthar on we came Su ot usnsBysoe a Nigt alî pomtly atendd a. Our boats wene canoes, but such sta th aiou, werethriver nsnet fan away, but we cou-Id net make Office: King St. East, Bawmanvile. canoes. Built ai chestnut, 22 feet swritly athrough arroswitba, it befone damkness feîl, se we picked Phn 4. og %fotba-wihwoe whinlpool helow. No. 1i mn this out a good looking sand beach and 'iE. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Se. seatan;d slatted seat backs. Equip- firat as a test for the others, and no ran ion shore. Soon a fine was Orono a ~pdozen Sponson air Chambhers, bal difficulty was xoincd hr blazing, the tont pitched and supper Hono Grduao a niemitza n uamon could change sats at wsfo vnmc iatml.W rea.dy. W. bad chopped beef sand- HnrG AIl aes Uivenrsiyop anc ie, without disturbing the bal- tied up belaw, and waited f or the wceslo adihs<d o It i.alce Toronto. AlcssgvnP- tacgotting in or out, ana siniply other twa boats taeaaine down. Mean- a chamge, black tea. No one had th afland careful attention. Office- steppad an the ide and. walked while, a amal anoie with two pros- enough energy or presence af ind them nide- Dr. McElray's former office. Phonaes: along. They pnoved their ses- pectars making for the Lake SL ta open a box and get out santie ai Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. worthiness later on, wben woa oehae am aaae n ur bacon or seup tablets. We __________________________into the open laes wbere an ondin- pantaged past the rapids. Our two snpyto htwsfrtt ad Vmrth whuamy 18 footer cauld not have vontur- boats followed soon aiter, with Roy tben sat by the fire and tabked for AUCTIONEERS ed, and whene we maved along as tnngu testr a while. THEO M. SLEMON evenby and noarly as dry as along freigbten with an aar, steening dlean Jack Elliott's cruiser, an its niaid- Auctionoer a sbeltered river, ai the niany rocks. on trip ta Pine Ridge frron Hudson, Our Indian guide, Crane Berry by twsntlnutiwe er went by making ior the Hudson's Fana and Hause Sales a Spociabty. naine, did net show up, and hi; ah- I a e ogutlw eei-Byps. Tehl -o hn Phrs ono e9ra. Enniskîllon P. O. sence was sirnply ignored. Ernie had ta the lawer arm ai Lac Seul, and fitifully tbrough the chauds. W. Phone 97r3.been as fan as the Manitou Rapids going nartheast, with the suit1 hid- soon crawled into aur arctic sleep- WILIAMMA four hours' away, and ior the'rest tden and a biting wind blowing front ing bags, theoather febboiws inta thein ev« M I ILLAMMa oftb.etrip we bad compasses and ath north. Despite the extra blanketa, and dnited rapidly ta seLicensed Auctionoe Governniont map an a largoescala. clothes it was very cold, indeed, the sleep. The cap stretched out on M»MO Havluag met with considorablo suc- Thase nortbenn mon can go any- biggest recollections9 of the day are the sand by the fine and offered ta cea inconuctng ale fo th pat wene an th lak a a uid inun-conerned with the inigid tenipera- keep it going througzh thenit.H cin. or utrnirsanlaes oe n'st - No i stnta ou ark nry ni(in lan-y[constuceditatwocoldstndtabe F. H. BOUNSALL W'OOD cradie (an towed by a teani of bar- Proprieor Bowmanvtille CARTING DONE ss Phono 826W Boa~u u A boat is laaded on the car by Box 4 meelyrunfliig it on ta uthe ine, B lake W li nfs which was laid out on the ice during Àgm, ig St. W. Bownaaavlll the winter and when the. break-up mmPhono 340 came, aank ta the bottona fur a short ____________________________distance out iran shore. Thus the~ The loy of Cool CooknW with a Jindlazj lectrFe- Hot Plate 30or Rangettepltwihotae oven, for less, in many Case, than the extra wiring necessary to inatai! an electric range. The Findlay Hot Plate daes the "mie faultcos Cook- ing as aur most expensive electrc range. The element» are each adjustable ta three degrees of beat. The aven, which is sold separately, je very effcent in roasting and baking. The Hot Plates With speedy range ebeanenta require an extra wire ta the meter, but are alsa furnished with smallen elemients ta attach to Wall or base board aockets. Fa- -kI at Eletnica deaWsr and Hardware store.. Writ, for booklet2 FINDLAY BROS. CO. LIMITED 'q CARLETON i MAc. OrÂsso on Pumper, Chemnical and Houe Truck. PAGE TWO 1I a 61

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