PAGE lOUE TEE CANADIA~, MAT~MAN. EOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY. JTJNE 24t1i.~ 192e .~ g, BLACKSTOCK Our ball teain played the fast Yelverton nine on Wednesday even- ing -and won a close &aine; score of 9-6 .... Mr. Austin Willan of Tor- onto, visited at home recently.. Congratulations to Mr. Byron Hy- land on winning a free trip to Eur- oue and British lales conducted by the Orange Sentinel. We wish bu a safe, voyage on his 42-day tour cc.m- snencing froni Montreal, June 26th.. .Annual Dominion Day celebration of Anglican Church will be held on July Ist. BaIl games, tes and con- cert, are the attractions .... Di strict M I meeting of Cartwright Orange Lodge was held in Orange Hall at Black- stock, June 19 and was well attend- .. ... . Many froin here will attend Orange celebration at Lindsay on July lZth.... .Mi. and Mrs. F. A. Hyland and Clifford, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Beacock and Miss Marion, visited Bowmanville friends Sunday. JERUSALEM LODGE NO. 31 A. F. & A. M., BOWMANVILLE The annual picnic will be held at Bowinanville Beach, on Wednesday, July 7th. Particulars later. Keep this date open. Farmers' Attention! Having recently enlarged our plant we in- tend installing cheese-making equipment in con- nection with our creamery. We will continue our plant as a combination factory-manufact- uring both cheese and butter. Parties who would be interested in an advan- tageous sale of their milk to a cheese factory, please address the Creamery or phone 350-r5, Bowmanville. Hampton Creamery, Hainpton, Ont. Delight Your Guests Give Them A Real Treat Corbett's Pastry, Cakes, Biscuits, Buns and Bread -wilI give your table the real wholesome appear- ance that your guests admire and after they have partaken of your hospitality they will marve] at the delicious flavor and freshness of the baking you have set before theni. EAT CORBETT'S WHOLESOME BREAD Its uniformly fine texture-its lightness-its tastines&-inakes it the logical bread for the whole family. Wedding Cakes a Specialty Willard'à Ice Cream W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville Phone 3 Orono SOL IN A Annual reunion picnic of the young married members and ex- membens of the Solina community was beld at Lakeview Park, Oshawa, on Thursday, June l7th. Abou, 30 people assem'bled for dir.ner sbortly aften one o'clock. Games ni softiball and football were enjoyed by aIl during the afternoon. Over 50 partook of a bountiful suppen. A short business meeting was helci and tbe following officers ivere elected: President-Mîs. G. Leask; Vice Piesident-Mis. E. Wilbur; Sec.. Trea-g.-Mrs. E .R. Taylor; Sports Committee-Mrs. D. Yellowiees, Messrs. H. Annis, J. Brooks, C. Wil- bur, F. Crome. It was decided that the picnic be held again next year at Lakeview Park, on June 16th. Recent visitons: Misses Emily IHardy and Anne Greenwood, Toron-1 to, Mr. and Mis. W. Glaspell and family, Uxbridge, at Mr. Isaac Han- dy's; Mr. and Mn. A. J. Reynolds' and Miss Edna are visiting Dr. El- lis- and Mis. Reynolds at Hillsbung; Mr. and i.. Douglas MeLaughlin andi family, Oshawa, at Mr. A. L. Pascce's; '.I. Joe Reynolds of the Branch of Montreai Bank, Peterhono, is holidaying nt home; Reeve Baker atýended Counties Council at Co- bourg last week; Mr. and Mmi.. A.L. Pas(-oe at Kedro" : Mr. James Rcýy- nolds and Miss Waurbeîton, Toironto, at Mis. John Reynolds'; Mr. n.1 Mis Ernest Lainier and famniiy, Black- stock, at Mn. AlUnrt Balson's; Mn. and is. John Sleightholm. Whîtby. Mir.andl Mis. Morley Cook and fam- iiy, Columbus, Mi. Parir, Ashbuîn, at Mr. (Chas. Blanehail'.ý ... Mr. Chas. Blanchard had a >,ery success- fui bain îaising on Thursday.. Young Ladies' Clasz vas entertained at the home of Mss Margaret and Ruth McKessock on Wednesday af- ternoon, when an enjoyable time was spent by the girs... .The many friendi. of Mi. G-orge H. Hogarth, B. A., Regina, Sask., deeply syni- pathize w:th him in the loss of bis eldest .-on Claie, w'bý passed away after a few days' »lhicsi; at his home in Veteran, Alberta. He is surviv- ed by his wife. (nee Miss Jean Campbell of Mitchell, Ont., ar.d thîce small sons. A first-class concert at Hamapton on July lst. Don't miss it. We have theni and don't want tUent but we need the money, Men's and Boys' Overaîls and Smocks, Khaki Pants, Shirts, Socks, Work Boots at reduced prices for the next Iweek. A. E. Jennings. 24-2 HAMPTON Mr. and Mys. W. Lander, Toron. to, spent Sunday at Mr. Thos. El. Sot t 's. Hear Rev. Manson Doyle at Hamp ton on Sunday. He bias a fund ni infor'mation on Sunday Sehoaol work, Why flot buy that new Barrysnore Rug this week while they are be. ing offered at sucli tempting valuad by Coucli, Jolinston & Cryderman. HAYDON Visitors: Mr. Ferguson and fam. ily, Enfield, at Mr. EMiner Bradley's Mr .Harold Stainton at Mr. Wn Trewin's; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cross. man, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cross. man at Mr. J. Mountjoy's, Kedron Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Mountjoy an4 son Donald, with ber mother; Mr, and Mrs. Richard McNeil at Mr, FTed Cowling's, Cart.wright; Mrs, Glithro home f rom visiting friendk jin Toronto- Quite a nur-nber fronl bere attencfed the anniversary ser- vices at Long Sault. .. . Glad to heai that Mrs. Wm. Trewin is improving. Anniversary services will be held bere as follows: On Sunday, June 27, services will be conducted by Rev. J. E. Beckel, Castleton, at 2:3( p. mi. and 7:30 p. mi. Music fur- nished by school. Collection in sic of school funds. On Thursday, July 1, tea will be served frosn 4 p. M. A basebaII gaine will be played between Enniskillen and Maple Grove girls at 4 p. mi. At. 5 p. mi. a football game will be played by Pontypool vs. Leskard. Ai 8 p. mi. a grand concert will be given by the following artists: Mr. Duncan Cowan, Canada's Premier entertain- ex; Miss Fanny Rogers, Contralto Soloist; Miss Neva Eastwood, Senior Gold Medalist of Elocution; Miss Louise Courtice, Junior Gold Med- alist, Reader; Mrs. E. Grahami, ac- coipanist. Admission: tea and con- cert, Adults 60c; Chilîdren 40c; tea or concert, Aduits 40c; Children 25c. ENNISKILLEN Mrs. (Dr.) H. Ferguson was the hostess at an afterno-on tea and sbower on Tuesday in honor of Miss Ret.a Ashton whose niarriage to Mr. Stewart Rodman took place on Sat- urday. The guests included the inost intiniate friends of the bride- to-be who was the recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts...Our boys journey#d over to Hamnpton one night last week to try their luck with the basebaîl nine of that vil- lage. Sad to say the score was 10- 9 in favor of Hampton ... . Also our girls bad a visit froni Blackstock girls on Saturday evening and played a game which resulted ini defeat tc the home team . ... Mr. Stan ley May and Mr. Ira Trevail spent Sunday at Mr. Elias Aston's... .Pleased 'tc report that Mr. Theo. SIeqnon who was severely burned about the jands and face two weeks ago is recover- ing.... .On account of Sunday, June 27, being anniversary at Haydon, services here will be altered. Joint service bere in the morning at ter o'clock. Enfield in the afternoon anc Burketon in the evening at 7 o'clocl ..Mr. James Stainton of Ennis- killen, seventy years a member ol our Sunday Sehool, and a regular attendant bere, recently celebratec lis Sth birtbday. Untîl this year Mr. Stainton bas occupied bis place on the platform to belp in the anni- versary singing onlv missing tbree ti.mes in, seventy years. How znany of our young people of today will bave such a record wben they reach the good old age of eighty years? Hampton invites you for Domin- ion Day. See tbe sports, enjoy the supper and concert. amused aýn(i*beld the -attention--of-th.e! audience. Total proceeds amounted s Officiais are endeavoring to make Hampton anniveiary on June 27 and July 1, betten tbn ever. Don't Phone 26 miss it. Nelles sella groceries for less. 1 COURTICE NORTH CARTWRtIGHT 1- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Penberthy at- Mn. and Mrm Malcolmn Emerson, 1- tended Decoration at Oshawa on two chiîdren and Miss Sarah Am- Sunday ...Large numbers froni strong motored to Gravenburst and -here were at Maiple Grove aî,niver- spent the weekend with Mr. and ýf sary on Sunday and Monday anid re- Mrs. Wilten Cread of tbat town. . £port a good tume especially was the A number of the Women's Institute ,a splendid menu whicb Maple Grove with neighbors and friend.s met at ladies put up enjoyed by tbe visit- the home of Mr. and Mrs. James 5ors .. .. Our Pastor, Rev. C. C. Wash- Gordon on Frida y evening to wisb ingiton returned froin Muskoka and their son and daughter-în-law, Mr. was in pulpit Sunday morning and Mrs. Harold Gordoi, a bon voy- where hae delivened a splendid ser- age tbroubg life when a very pleas- mion ... . A number of the farners of ant time was spent in social chit Fibenezer with men of other places chat, music, cominunity sqinging, started out on a inotor trip Tuesday readings, recitations, speeches, etc. morning. They intend going east May tbey live long and enjoy li...... to Brockville, then across to L. S. . . Week evening meeting in Nestle- and up around Lake Ontario, stop-, ton Cburch last week in charge of ping at several places to view or-. Mrs. J. L. Joblin and Mr. George cliards, etc., and thein expedition willi Black. A good prograin was given d last at least four days. Collacutt'sl including a good talk by Mr. R. H. rBus is conveying the party........S eg *tt..Nestleton S. S. Anniver- rOn Thursday at 2:30 p. m. our Lad- sy next Sunday. No tea this sies' Berean will bold its, yeaî. A union picnic is being ar- ýs mo.ný1y meeting at the home of 1 ranged for on July 9tb.... Caesarea n Mrsm A. J. Gay. Oui study bocki S. S. Anniversary services were heid -'Bible types of modern Women" on Sunday at Il a. ni. Rev. J. E. r 'will bie taken by Mrs. K. E. Curticel Griffith, B. A., gave a good address and her group. After 'he program: to the cbildren on maps. Music by drefreshments will be served. Ladies: cbîldren of the seho-ol. At 7 p. mi. eare welcome. Rev. Dr. Bowles preacbed a good y Come in and prove it that Nelles' sermon on "Show us the Father and 0sella Groceries for less. it suffi&ih us". Dr. Bowles is ai- ENFIELDways a welcoxne speaker to a Cait- r, ENIELDchoir furnished go-od music for the 4 ~evening service. e Mn. Harvey Abrahamis, Detroit,!_______ à bas been visiting relatives liere 5 Mr. and Mrs. F. Denseni and Miss TYON d Greta, Mr. Everett Ormiston, Bow-I YRN t manville, visited at Mr. W. J. Ormis-1 Tyrone Women's Institute and aton's .... Mr. and Mrs. Cecil I-unniey,i Ladies' Aid met at tbe home of Mis. n Scarioro, visited at Mr. H.'s, Byron Farrell on Wednesday, June .M. and Mrs. Elmo Davenport, 16 oKemble, are guests at Mr. Geo. Or-' hwe h oloigporn r miston's ... .Mrs. Frank Gilbert at-, Dasgvn aebyMsVra atended the closing exercises at On- avey, "Fan youir own Diamonds"; quartet, "I bet you a dollar you troLadies' College, Whitby .. don 't" b four girls; reading by Mis. U.adMns. John Hepburn %isited aHarold âklinnen; report of the Dis. -at Black'water ,accompanied by Mn. trict meeting was given by Mis. Nor- aD. and Mns. J. Barton ... . Mr. Geo. ma ly Atrwh.. sca Orimiston bas his bouse painted hour Woodley.t.eîwihasca which is a great improvement.......r a set The concert on F'riday evening was. Visitors: Mrs. Johnson, Toronto, one of best ever renderd bere.. Thel at Mr. Robert McCullcug's; Mrs, young people of Leskard acted their' James -Dudley with friends in Bow- epairta exceedlngly well in the play "Ai manville; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cole- à W<>man.'s Honor". Tbe solos by Mr. man, Billie and Lois, Osha'wa, Mrs. O . Gamnsby, Orono, and Rev. E. M. Stanley Fletcher and lititle son, Jack- *Cooke and Mrs Jeffery, Enniskillen , e, Woodstock, recently at Mr. L. J. were much enjoyed. Dr. E.'s; Mrs. Burgess and Mrs. eKerslake, Orono, was in excellent Wooley received word that their fonni and rendered some very clas- sister, Mr. G. Martindale, Lindsay, Ysical music on the violin.... Mr. and received a bad accident in Toronto>, rMrs. H. Stinson recently visited near June 14tb., when the car skidded on ePontypool. slippery street and bit a telephone k erY le Tm ilg pole. Mrs. Mertindale was pitched - Q ar le m ton uy Vitagethrough tbe wind sbield and is in _________Hmptn,_____st Grace Hospita .... Mr. and Mrs. Sid- r ney Hoar and Mr. and Mrs. Albert k blPLE ROVEHuis, Mr. and Mrs. John Hilîs at- à AL RV tended the funeral of Mr. R. Stutt at Mis.J. . Cohrae an MisesOrone on Sunday, Mr. Stutt being a Hilda and Edna, Cobourg, attendedbnte--lwoM.H.ils the anniversary and visited old The annual se'wing bee of the 0friends .... .Mns. Macklin, Cobourg, Women's Missionary Society was 1visited lier daughter, Mrs. S. Snow. held in the church vestry on Tuesday dan.... .Miss Evelyn Lancaster, Port afternoon, June 15tb. A goodly *Granrby, spent the weekend witb nuinber of willing workers helped to eMiss Greta Mijnday.... Miss Evelyn quilt 5 quilts, others eut out and 1Gay, Oshaiwa, visited bier autnt, Mis. made childnen's garments and pillowi t W. J. Snewden... .Mr. G,,. Swal- covers. Other donations of clotb- nlow, Rowley, Alta., visited bis nep- ing and stockings, mnittens and dhew, Mr. F. Swallo'w, on bis neturn scarfs for childien and many other! kfrom, General Council at Montreal. .1articles are being prepared for ou- -.. Mr .Gordon rovwn, Toronto, is bale. Lunch was served and a soc- fvisiting Mr. Clifford- Swallow....... ltue spent. Tbe ladies of the r Miss Grace Bragg, Shaw'--, spent thel1 . M. S. wish to tbank ail who so Cweekend with Miss Edna Swall.îw.. kindly assîsted them ni their work. r Mr. and Mrs. Swar.brîck, Mr. and . Young People's Leegue Thurs- ,Mrs. Lowery, Kendal, Mr. and Mrs.1da-was in charge of Srd Vice, Mr. -Dearborn and farnily, Columbus, Mr: Tom Barr. Mr. Clarence Woodley eand Mrs. Len. Richards, Salem, were gave the topic on "Alcohol and fguests of Mr. Tru Powers.. Miss Physical Fitness"; Mr. Frank Hathen-, eCarrne Heal, Toronto, visiteâ M i]y read "Jimmie's Mistake" and 'Mr. eEthel Axford .... Miss Vera Baker, Floyd Dudley gave a neading on New orkCit, vsitd br ~ste "Partners in tbe Glory of the Gar- -Mrs. L. C. Snowden.... Mi. and Mis den." Meeting closed with contests. eJohn Metcalf, Mr. and Mrs. N. I.1 *-. Our pastor bas returned from Metcalf and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Met-,'h General Council whicb closed in caif, Mr. and Mis. Bruce Metcalf, Montreal on June 19th. He reports Mr. and Mis. Norman Metcalf were sessions were of intense intereýt and in Toronto on Saturday attending lasted 10 days. . . Service next Sun- the Metcalf-Thurgailand wedding. day, will be as follows: Pastonr will e ..Messrs. J. D. and R. R. Stevensj .av farewell to the congnegaions at :are taking in the Fanmers' four-day Tyrone in the moining and Salenm in y motor trip around the lake..... the afternoon. Rev. J. E. Beckel, Anniversary services on Sunday Castleton, will preach at Haydon af- were a splendid success. Ful ne- ternoon and evening. Rev. John R. rport next wçýek. ... Mr. and Mrs. Trumpour, oui new pastor, will take fFoster and son, Oshawa, spent Sun- charge on Sunday. July 4th. Sun- I day with Mr. and Mis. D. E. Rut- day School is witbdrawn ne'ct Sab- ri.l.y .. Mn. and Mrs. Wesley Kerr bath.M .Ir. and Mis. L. J. Good- *Iand son Lawrence, Toronto, spent man and boys recently visited iSunday with her brother, Mi. Rich- friends in Toron*to and Lanibton.. aid Trimble. Mia. James Bail and family, Orono, * Th fie wathi Snda rfer-Sundayed witb M.%I. and 'Mis. Wm. The ineweater unda efer-Virtue.... The community is pleased *noon and evening diew large crowd.Q to leain of the successful operati on to the anniversary services -%vhen of Mis. David Hooper in Bowman- Rev. A. M. Iiwir, B. A., B. D., pastor ville Hospital. .Tyrone Junior team of The Tabernacle Church, Whklby,arreyfoasftalaeay tgave splendid addresses, speaking toi tue.rayfrasfbl aeay rthe Sunday School in the afteînoon jie and to the older friends in theee- ing. Music bv the school, urider- »leadership of Mr. A. Laird, wvith! 1Miss Edna Swalloyw, oigaist, was1 much enjoe.Mi. W. A. Dewldand: of W hitby, deligbted ah w,.ith bis! Grce Brgg1f Shs f"')d he Other lines on Sale to give ail the prices. always gives you better but space will not alloxv Corne to the store that values than elsewhere. G. CHARTRAN 1 door west of Bell Telephone Bownianville BIG RUSH FOR Chicken Feed Poultrynien tell us almost daily of the splen- did resuits they are getting froni using our brands of Chick Feeds and Poultry Regulators. You take no chances in buying feed at this store for every brand we seli has, been tried out and given a most thorough trial before being re- commended to our custoniers. Ypou may buy with confidence here-besides our prices are right. IARRY ALLINbe]d PHONE 186 BOWMAN VILLE A Lucky Buy -In Wallpape r SAVES YOU 10c TO 20c ON EACH ROLL YOU BUY A special purchase secured for us a lot of fine papers. The price we obtained was so, far under regular, that we are able to, offer you szav- ings of from 10e to 20e per roll. Se. Window Display W. T. ALLEN Big 20 Bookstore What A Pleasure To Know and Realize That when you patronize Our store you are enabled to BUY GROCERIES AND PURE FOODS FOR 1 1 LESS tha 'n this store bas ever been able to sell them be- fore. Many people are finding that it pays handsomely to "Buy the Cash and Carry Way at Nelles."1 Fresh vegetables and fruits of all kinds -in stock. Orders of $4.00 and over delivered W. Go Nelles Cc),- Phone 62 PueFo'rcis Bowmanville Give the Babies Plenty of Fresh Air We have a complete line of Carrnages, Carriers and 'Go- N~S~ Carts, newest styles * and prices are very V Chilclren's Cribs with drop sides and mattress complete, several grades. We are selling a Simmons Bed, M.%attr-ess and Spring for $18.00, any size. We have Steel Beds, Walnut finish, ahl sizes and froni $10.00 Up. SEE OUR HAMMO COUCHES We have everything in Furniture and prices art.very low. We sell the Victor line of Orthophonie Vict- rolas and Victor Records. Corne in and hear them. F. F. Morris Co. Furniture and Home Furnishinge Phone 10 Bowmanville 1*4 ME CANADIAN 6IK17"MAN. BOWMANVILLE. TEURSDAY, JUNE 24th.. 1926 PAGE POUR a 4,ý P -ý