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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jun 1926, p. 5

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PAGE 1FmV THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 24th., 1926 1I 1 1 RESTORED EFFICIENCY Your lawn will "oon need zim- ming. How about your lawn mow- er? It is ready to do the job -lean- ly and quickly? It n ot, have us shax'pen it f or you and restore it to efficiency. W. have the facilitie. and the ikili. We are ready, cap- able and anxions to serve you-at a PAIR charge! MACHINE SI-OP King St. E. BowmanviII. Phone 425W D, F. HENRY Carpenter and Contractor Phone 303 Bownmnville What are yen doing about thon atertions? Let me know as 1 aman axicils te serve you. GENERAL REPMRS AND ALTERATIONS Estimalisu iv.. HARDWOOD FLOORS A Speciai phono 207 Beauty Parlor Miss Wilson of I"SMART SET BEAUTY PARLORS", TORONTO bas opened a high-class Beauty Parlor t CREAM 0F BARLEY CAMP BOWMAN VILLE Marcelling, Manicuring, etc. Ring 111-22 for appointments. Hours 9 a.mn. te10 p.n. If bu any chance any et oui reud- ers taifed to jead Miss Lena E. Tay- lor's letter trini Chi_a in ouilest week's issue they should do so if pos- sible betore peiusing the second in- stalment wli'h we publish tbis week. It is ah tee interesting t< be missed. Atbough Sping was very late many gardens in Bowmanviibe are thrifty already. The editor inspected twe on Lowe Street this week that are worthy et mention-Mu. and Mu. M. A. Nea's very fine display of fiow*is and Mu. and Mus. Joseph Pattinson'a fruit and vegetible gar- den. Both are dlean und neat and shew that they are welb cured for. Mi. A. R. Scott, B. A-, B. Paed., teucher et Methernaties in Bowen ville Higb Sebool for seveiab years bas accepted the position ocd Prin- cipal et Arnpiiou High Sebeel. An- other teacee, Mu. B. E. Ingham, M. A., LL. B., teacher ot Modems, En.- lish and Ait, bas uccepted a positiilu on tbe staff et Owen Sound Collee- iute Institute. Wbibe we conguatulate both on their proimtien we are sor. ry te lese then train the Higt School staff and as; citizens cf oui town. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Oshawa Cordially invites you and yeuî trîends to attend a Fiee Lecture on "Christian Science"~ BY WILLIAM D. KILPATRICK, C. S. B. of Detroit, Mich. Meuiber ot the Board cf Lectureship of the Mother Church, The Fîrkt Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, 'Mass. In Regent Theatre, Sunday, June 27th., 1926 at 4 p. nm. daylight saving tiine. A special Sunday evening service will be held in the church oji Coîborne St., t 7--30 o'elock. BUY NOW AND SAVE Every article in the store marked down from 25 to 50 per cent below regular prices. Many people are buying now for future use at these bargain prices. Everything must be sold including Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Fiat- ware, China, Store MFixtures, etc. 0, Store and resi- dence for sale. Bowmanvilbe King St. E. broken glass. Peeple passing in cars That blosscmed but te die, dence et -Mr. H. D. Hockley on Wel- kindiy gave first aid and went te Tuanspbanted by the Savieur, lington St., about a bleck east et the Manilia for a docter whe took Mis. To bloomi for Hini 0l high. Organ Factouy, al et bis vubuable Bskerviiie te Oakwoed and duessed heusceld tuinishings and turnituue.0 heu wounds. She Is now in ;ed ut CARD OF THAIiKS This is a sale et reul sensible, up-te- heu ceusin's, Mu. George Lune, Oak- date gceds. Ses bills toi 'furtherN wood, under the decter's cure.ker Mu. and Mis. Oscar Daniels wishi particubars. Sale ut 1 P. ni. many fuienda n o'm rv'lTte thank their ianv triends feu the (tnad u)1eri ah repesd le beau Mus. Bashervilli kindneau and sympaiby and fer the,1 acpedfrom ftal i i.jury and aise beautitul flouai tributes sent te thein F. O.Mas.,W. .Maw, te know she iu impueving ninoly. 1 in their recent sad bereavement. Clerk. . Auctioneor. LOCAL AN4D OTHERWISE Miss Nell Clarke motoired with friends to Muskoka on a vacation. Miss Edith Peardon ttended an- niveîsary services at L~edron over the weekend. Miss Marguerite Stornis, Wapoose, Prince Edward County is guest of Miss Leola Miller. Dr. BedelI ot this town has open- ed an office at Bloomfield and will remove there shortly. Mrs. H. T. Hurnby anid son, Port Credit, spent Sunday at ber f ath- er's, Mr. Jule Roenigk. Mis. Wellstîop and family aIse Mr. and Mus. Marshall and son spent the weekend wit.h Mis F. Clarke. Miss Wilkes, Mount Dennis, and Mr. E. J. Keat, Toronto, were week- end guests of Mr. and Mus. H. W. Hammn. Mis. D. Buike Simpson and daughter Molly, spent the weekered with ber brother-in-law, Dr. J. Simp- son, Lindsay. White Shield Club will hold its annual picnic en Tuesday, July 6, at Creane of Barley Camp. AI meuni- bers requested o be present. Mi. Leland Keat, Mrs. B. C. Keat and grandsone, Toronto, and Mr. Ed- son Keat, Wjnnipeg, weoee guests of Mr. and Mia. H. W. Hammi lat week. Mi. and Mis. Thos. Jackson, Mi. Roy Jackson, Mi. and Mis, W. J. Èiagg attended the tunenal of the late Ralph Stutt ut Orono on Sun- day. .We gave over oui editorial col- unin this week te the veîy interest-i ing tuavel letter of Mu. Athur J. T-rébilcock on bis jouiney to the gold fields aîeund Red Lake. Two others are te f ollo'w. Mis. M. J. Redanan, Miss Frances Redenan and Mu. Albert James, De- troit, Mich., Mi. Herry T. and Mr. Archie James, Columibus, Ont., cal ed t Loune Villa on Sunday and spent an heur writh Mi. and Mus. M. A. James. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE BIRTHS C.G.1.T.vI am a Suog Mr. oro Mitchell, Tononso, is SOUT-In Orono, June 13, to .,%r. and Wl Scuog is Godo Mrs. David South, a daughten. Wrigl Lake, July 6-13. riiin elatives here. JOHNSTON-In Orono, June 16, to Mn. Wrigt Miss Geitie Purcell, Port Perny, Mi. and Mis. Water R. Hill, Chi- and Mrs. Robent Jobnston, a daugbter. Jn vistedhercouinMi. W J.~Vî- cge,11., are visting hie niotheT, TEBBLE-In Clarke, June 14, 1926. te 0f lat.MsS.F. Hill. Mr. and Mn.. Thomas Tebble, a daughter Who lias.Mis ~EDGERTON-At Wbtby, June 14, to By Mma F. G. Byam bas retuined Mi. and Mus. W. Bant and child- Mn. and Mn@. J. H. Edgerten, (nee Elena Sadly front a pleusant visit with friendsi ren Orublia, weîe Sunday guests cf Gillespie), a son. (John George Hierbent.) iToot.Mis. R. Du;nas. ALGER-At Oshawa General Hospital, in Tuonto.June 20, te Mn. and Mn@. Ewart S. Ai- Ladies should net fail te see the Mis. B. M. Wurnica is visiting ber ger, nee Greta Gray,) a son, (ln I lovely silk underweai toi 89e each daughteî, Mis. J. Franklin George ut Ewat). ouini garment et Couch, Johnstcr. & Cîy- Smithfield, Ont. _________________ nt. derman'.s. Miss Jennie Taylor, Oshawa, spent Tenr@ Miss H. O. Burk bas retuîned the weekend with Mr. and Mis. W. F. MARIGE f rom a deligitiful tnip te Bermuda Quick, Queen St. OL-IGNNNA etn Your and a visit with ber sister, Lady Miss Edna Hobson is bolidaying ville, June 2, 1926, by Rev. Thomas Wal- Stîîî Hughes, ut Lindsay. with ber parents, Mi. and Mus. Geo. lace. Misa E. Kîlgannon te lMn. Charles Cone Remember the sale ot honie-niadel Hcbson, near Piction. A. Cowle. PANGMAN-MeLAUGI4LIN-At "Park- cooking at St. Andiew's Chuîch oni Don't tell youî troubles te others; Wood", Oshawa, on Wednesday, June Tuesday, June 29th. Afterncon tes they are leokîng for an epportunity 16, 1926. by Rev. P. J. Maxwell, mînisten ut 330 .m-15c tetei thers e yu.of St. Andrews Cleunch, assisted by Rev. at 330 pm.-5c. e tll teir te en.J. P. Wilson, D. D., Belleville, John Bowmanville Wnen'ý Institute Mi. Wm. Routley, Windsor, Was Burnett, Pangînan, son of Mn. and Mn.. willmee onFriay ateroonut he uestet is.5. oodgî ad JMss J. ~McTier Parignean, Montreal. anSd B willmee onFriay fteroonat he ues ofMrs.S. ooder ný isSHilda Frances, fourtb daugbter of Mn. brick ihome ot Mis. G. H. Bickell, King St. A .V. Cole over Sunday. and Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin, Oshawa. town Eveny member attend und bring a Miss Jessie Bell and Miss Kath- lotsi fîiend. leen Gîegg, Toronto, weie recent --en,Ç Mi. and Mis. Fred Beacock, Toi- guests of Mis. J. N. Lawule. anO ente, Mnr.and Mis. Austin Beacock DEATHSan and daugher, Mi. and Mis. Fred .Mus. (Bey.) W .S. Blyth and tam- Chur Hyland and son, NestletiJo, ut Mr. 11y, Detroit, Mich., are visiting ber STiyrr-in Orno, on Fniday, June 18, ence Abrhai eaceks.parents, Mi. and Mis. C. Rehder. Ralph Stutt, in bis 54th year. Bowi . Thre my beothe cDr remvm, CAHOON-In Pîcton Hospital, on 3une H Miss Bonathan uetuined Fiai Teemyb te onnmvu,14 ,1926, Dr. Frank Caboon, Bloondield, room night fronm a six months' trip to New i but you will net be coinpletely s8t- in bie 64th year. ae Wetninister B akt n isfled until you have used Helloway's O'NEILL-At Pont Hope, June l7th., asis B., C., DktadConRmvr Sarah Bertha Gice, beleved wife of Strei other places. 5h. met many friende onRenvr William O'Neill, in ber 31st year. 18w, and had a nvost enjoyable tume. Mi. and Mis. W. M. Dustan, Fies- MEADOWS-At Pont Hope, June 15, Mi. J. CQ Elliot.t, Concession Stjn o, Cul., are visiting his parents, Sarah Bean, I;eloved wlfe of the late- Mi. and Mis. Bert Reid and two Mr. and Mis. W. H. Dustan and other Francia Meadows, ln ber 8th year. relatives berahouts. HIGGS-In Pont Penny. June 19, 1926, sons, Billy and Jack, Newtonville, AllceThomen, beloved wif e of Rev. W. motoied te Midland and spent thel Mi. Arthur Battle while painting H. Itiggs, aged 37 yeans. Interned at weekend with the McClungs. aet Mi. C. M. Cawkei's residence on Madoc. Mi. and Mis. William Carsweil, Tuesduay telI front the laddee' and TUCKER-In Rosi Memoial Hospital, broke biis colaer bone. Lindsay, Jutie 16, Mrs. Sarah Jane, wid- Palmerston, Mi. Charles H. Fletcher, fwe the late Samuel Tucken, In ber J Toronto, Mis. Wm. Caawell and Mi. Misses Margaret Phiîlpott and 69thoyear. oMIe sHarold Casweil, Clarke, spent Sun-I Marion Mott, Mu. Harvey Mott, Ter- BRIGGS-On Tbursday, June 17. 1926, lna dar t.Green-! onto, spent the weekend witb Mr. Totoi lveter dE. Bn3Migs n AbisSienfo daywith Mu. and Mus.Robt.Toruto ylv estder Ee, 133 lnîe Ale., tfor field. and Mis. F. F. Morris. year, beloved hueband of Anty Rogers For Dr. James IlutcIiinson, Winnipeg, Mis. Chas. Heiuing was delegate Brigge. Supe Mnwas in town Friday calling on frolnt here te the Grand Ledge et MAONAB-On Priday, June 18, 1926. pital Man., t hie borne, 120 Wells St.. Toronto, [_ la number of eld friends. He also the Daugbteis and Mids ut Eng- Canon Alexander Wellesley MacNsb,- visited bis old home ut Enniskillen land held ut St. Thomas last week. Prient, U. E. L., Canon Missiloner St. adei ousn v. Cete owr Editer and Mis. Samuel Feumer, lbaz'a Cathedrs.l. Tononto. 'MpeGoe oit Peiuy, were At Home te their ---____________ Mis. Sydney Smith, Mus. F. Hard- frieilds -on Tiiesday, Jutie 22, it be- RC acre, Misses May and Nacîni Smith, ing the 25th anniversauy et their ApV Fr al Mi. James Smith, Touonto, Mr. Har- marriage.ArilsFrS e o old Thorley New Toronto, weîe here Mis. Ramsay and tihe Misses Ram-I1 _F PORCS FOR SALE-Apply to G. SH. 4 ro -attending the funeral et baby Dan- suy ot Bowmlallville, and Mr. andIfBickell, King et., Bowinanvllle. 25-tf at1 il els ut Mi. William Sewell's. Mm,. B. J. Brown oft Oshawa, spent Mr.R. . eLaghin' mgnii-Sunayet icori Bach Clbone STOVE FOR SALE-Royal Oxford TC Mu .S cagli' anf-Sndyu itraBecCl'on.Range, wlth watenfnont, in good condi- for cent Class "R" yacht, "Eleanor", was -Enteiprise. tion. Apply to Chai. Bagnell, King et., @tes launehed Thuiuday aiternoon ut the Ex-Alderman Chas. A. Lander was Bowmanville. _ 22-tf mcd Oakville yards. Miss Eeanor Me- elected 'hy acclamation teo 511 the FOR SALE-3-piece bedrone suite, ln J. l eLaughlin, youngest duughteu, christ- vacancy in Oshawa City Council good condition. Cheap fer qic sale. dl ened the new craft "Eleanor". caused by the deatb et the at. Apply to John Heuiyar, Division St., SIThe ladies ot St. Anduerw's Pues- James L. Whattani.Bonnvle hne242-t Sbyterian Chuich, corner Temperance Dr. J. F. Thompson, Principal cf COOK STOVE FOR SALE-IlLightei . and Chur'ch Sta., will hold a sale Port Hope Higb Sehool, will preside Day high oven co>kfstovek in very of home-made cooking and alter- ut the.- Departanentul exailationIs Centre St.. Bowmanville. 21-tf dnon tea on Tuesday, June 29th, tes te be hebd in Bowxnanville, begiin- A OFRSLEeOvladT-I 15e sevedtio 3:0 ocbck ingMonayJun 2lt.lng car in geod shape, 6 tires, one new.ý Mayor Van Zant ot Rochester, N. Chiet Juris bas îeturned homne Apply W. R. Williams, I.aib's tane. off: Y., 72 yeais ut age, died suddenly alter aitending the Dominion Police Elgin St. North, BowmanviUle. 213-tf 1on June l7tb in a sanali bout while Chiefs' Convention et Londen. Chiet BUCKWHEAT FOR SALE--Good seed 1 fiahing on Portage Lake, eight miles, Jarvis Iwso attended severa! sessions buckwheat, 85e per bushel. J. L. Met- 1west of Bancroft. Heait tailure of the Woodinen et the Would Con- calf, lot 20, B. F., on Base Line, Dan- wa ie uth as tdet. vnin tLne.llngton. Phone 183-nS, P. O. R. R. 2, 1.wa ivn sth aue fdeth enin t odo.Bowmanville. 22-tf 9- Mis. Stephen H. Seipture, Col- Mi. and Mis. F. A. Poster, daugb- FOR SALE-Bec supplies and founda- borne, Ontario, anaounces the en- ter Miisa Doris,, Norwood Place, tien. Se par sheet standard Langatnotb 9gagement of ber onby daughteu, Evva Miss Giace Tienieeu, TTonte, and fraie. Apply R. J. Smith, King St. te Adelaide, Vo M. John Blackhalot Dr. Maibel V. Bray, Hamilton, vis- East, first boume weet of Bewmianville Toronto, the marriage te take place ited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Foster and Dainy, Bowmanvllle. 2 5-t bJune 26tb, tamily, Maripesa, on Tuesday. DEMOCRATS FOR SALE-2 Rut;;er r Mu. and Mis. D. Daueh, Miss Mr. J. W. Higginbthwi, P. M., Tire Demociats,,one light and one hea Beuta Mu an Mus.A. . ad Mu. Hîginotha ut îrd ne single set of Sivlng harne.s al»o BetaDrch, M.adMs-.L n r.Bgibta fVreplougb ponti. Apply Rich. Greenis, King Darch and family, Mis. W. F. Dale Man., are visiting her sister, Mis. A. St., Bowmanville. 24-3 and Mr. B. Bounsal ttended the Mitchell and old tuiends heue..Mu. CAR FOR SALE-Chevrolet P'. B. tour- tunerul ot the bte Esten Dauch ut Higginbotham buas been attending ,ng, first cam. condition. good tires, stop Port Hope last week. the Generul Council ut Montueul. llgbt, wind biakes, nepainted, wil oeell Mr .A. Kent announces that MM Na o~~-chal. Phonie 63 Bowmnville, and Mi. . AF.alpreictîo wmanmalte arrangements te see it. 24-t "Beecbrcft" gardens ut Port Perry ville wlll be more beautitul than - weîe open te the public June 20, but ever judging froan quantity et eiders1 PRIVATE RUMMAGE SALE-TweIty the rose gaiden will net be epen te be bas boeked for Creuim ut Helband ladies' ceats, ail first-clase style frm $2 te $3 each aIso about twenty first-cîas visiteus until July lst, owing te the bulbs. 10% bebew catalogue dresses tramt $2 ta $3 ea'2h; and othen lutenesefthfie season. prices geod tilI Juby lst. Phone 233.1 useful articles ln cletbing. New la youn ha fner hanthe ays ev.J. U RobnsPaatoi t te ta clothe the famllI' fer winter. What can bei e hnte as Rv .U RbnPgo 1Mn.. Taylon, Duke St., C. N. R. station, ot June in Canada tor motpring Trinity Cburch, and Bey. Du. Best,l Bownmnville.- - 25-1w* threugh the country? Altho Spîing Pustor et St. Paul's Church, re- FURNITURE FOR SALE-Iron Bed- was very late rural lundscupe and turned Saturday night tron the stead, eprings and nmattres, wooden bed- à~ber scenery seldom ooked more General Council in Montreal and stead and springs. re rocker, twe white beautitul this early in the season. took the work in their uespective dressera, kichen table, dining-noî tab- le, odd chaine, quantity ot seaiers, owner Mi. and Mism Geo. W. West, Ash- churches on Sunday. leaving town. May be sean ut home of L bumn, announce the engagement if Oshawa Mission and Cburch Ex- Mrs. W. J. Richands, Cbunch St., ýBew- their ebdest daughter, Elsie Alberta, tension Board bas aîranged toi a nvie.3-w te Mu. Thoinas Boy Hall, yeungest camp toi beys and girls ef the City FOR SALE-Dark oak library table; son et Mn. and Mis. Thomas Hall et te be located ut Darlîngton Beach. ,ainut dinintg-oom extension table with sxcane sauteS chairs; drop-leat table;j Broekbin, the wedding te take Place The girls camp wilb be freon June two kitchen chairs; oak carS-table; funi- early in July. 28 te Julv 5, while the beys camp eS oak dresser with large bevelled min- Mi.andMus Ths. . Knneywibl he treni July 5 te 12. non; double brns bed with springs; high chair with aluminune tray; large gnama-1 Oshawa, announce t.he engagementl Rev. and Mis. W. P. Weodgeiijphone with 70 records. Cheap ton quick et their only daugtei Phyllis Buthiweue pleasantly sunprised by the sale. M rs. H. W. Lapp, Centre St.. Mary, te Mi. Oliver Bowse Stalter,l Johnston Young Peuples' Progres- Bowmanvllle. Phone 346. 5t B. AX, suertfMu. and Mus. A. J.tsive Club ,en Trenton Circuit, wbo FOR PRIVATE SALE-9 "Globe" Sec- Stalter, Oshawa, the marriage te presented them witb a taiewebb ad- tional Book Case, solid oak; 1 Burg- take place July lst. dress and an ebectrie floor lump pie- lar Proot Safe, ha. splendid lock, con- I venient size, worth $300. seil for $75 Mr. F. W. Galbraith, Port Hope, vious te eaving ton their new ap- quick sale; 1 beautîtul souSd oak Library and Mi. Aithur Van Camp et Burke- pointanent t. Napanee. Table, hanS-maSe; Illustrated London theMot- IM S td etM1 Naws 1914,te 1920. The greatest picter- ton, weîe re-appointed te th oh r. Sanfou ymons, son ofM. l vieWB of the Great War aven print- ers' Alewance Board toi Durhamn. and Mus. Frank Symens, bus been al none can equal it; ceunty Club Mot- Its other niembers are Mrs. A. L. ueceiving congratulations during1 or, wondertul angine. verI' speedy, worth Nicholls, Bowmanville; Miss Peaul the ps week on bis remaîkable suc- $500. seli fon qulcIt sala $250; splendid past lbrary, many books te cheese tronm. In Buinhani, Milbroek; Mu. Haîny cese. Stantord in addition te eh- every avgnngo u ppoîntment. A. Bland, Ida; Mr. C. J. rhointon, Or- taining finst-class honors wvas given N. Memillan. Liberty st., Bowmanvllle. one, Mn. T. B. Chalk. Port Hope. bighest standing in bis course in1 25-1 2 Gardeming is a healthtul nd pisa commerce and finance, whicb le the, ORSLE-Dominion Piano. Off al antocuptin erwoenand girls argest honon course ut the Univer- kînda soiS on paymentsa pread over two theocuaio frboenfitdotrsli. fTrot.years. Steinway, Heintzman and Ger- F. nd .ive.1 -hen 1 hanS Hi1tsmtv ofeToronto. 1a-en-au IN MEMORIAM ýRlG#T-In loving memory of Lucy *ht, daughter of Mr. and 1fr.Fred ght, who died June 24, 1925. ebrInga back nad niemories ta loved one gone to reat, Dalways will be reinembered ythose wbo loved ber best. ly muused by Mother, Father and Sisters loving memory of Fte. Arthur Il. og, who gave hie lfe for hie try on June 13, 1916. third son of iW. Jordan. Syears have paased dean Arthur, Le you gave your Elfe for ours, imother wbo fondly loved you ln lifte love. you now ln death. tbut not forgotten. Mothen. Property For Sale ARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE--SoiS k 6-roûmed bouse, electric lights. en water, good cellar, large ganden, of fruit, garage. Âpply C. L. Hloop- Queen St., BowmanviUe. 25-tf Bowmanville Beach every Tuesday Thursday "ND Saturday Evenings Dancing from 8 P. M. to 12 p. m. Standard Time. F. DEPEW,* Proprietor. 1Office, corner Temperance and nrcb St.. Bowmanville. Ail conven.. ces. Apply W. T .Symeons, R. R. 6, rynanville, phone 160-5. 24-tf IOUSE FOR SALPB-Solid Brick 8- nnefi bouse, 3-piece batbroom, f urn- waterworke, garage, good garden, ait fruits, central location on Qusen ,set. Âpply Leo. G. Greenaway, phone vBowmanville. 9-t ALBANY HOSPITAL t.gintd.sd Training Sehool For Nurses llated with .Abany Medical College. ns a thnee yean course of lnstuiction ail departments of nursing. AUulica- in should be ma.de as soon as possible 7admission to the Sept. 1926 C1sf. ,further Information apply to the ,erintendent of Nurns, Albany Ho.. tlE, Albany, N. 'Y. 24-4 To Let :OOM AND BOARD-For yeung lady. )ly Mrs. ]E. Eveî:ist Smith, Queen St., mmanville. 24-1w* FOR RENT-Âpartment, containing room.. electric light and water. Apply The. Stateaman Offie. TO RENT-.Cowan Block almost ready roccupancy. Stores and Apartrnents mm -heated. hardwood floor., fully isin -eleotrc stoves ln eacb apsit- a. 9'r fji particulare apply to .1. Maaon & Son, phone 50, Bowxnanville 24-tf A Good Seection of Furnaces In order to, give our customers a suitable var- iety from which to choose a furnace which may best suit your home we have secured the agencies for three of the best and most reliable furnaces mnade. They are: FINDLAY BROS. FURNACE NEW IDEA FURNACE HECLA FURNACE Your closest inspection is invited. You wilI find niany desirable features about these furnaces flot contained in others. BARGMINS IN USED FURNACES We have 2 second-hand McClary Sunshine Furnaces, only used 3 years, which we are enabled to, offer at great bargains. L. G. GREENAWAY King St. East Phone 1'8 Bowmanville Side Talks on Bread No. 13 We make the Breadi that sait.isfies every desire, its color, ita flavour, its beautiful nut brcewn cruat, ail satisfies. We are Proud of our manufacture and we have a large variety of breads which enables us to supply the moat, fastidioua. Our M. B. (Medicated Broiwn) Loaf is especially miade for those suffering with con- stipation we want you to try a loat. It is suiperior to Patent Nostrunis because it contains tihe natural wbeat salt.e o«nbined bwith Malt Barley. We have Lactomalt Bread a fine quality loaf. Fig and date bread. Uteopia Bread for invalida, Wilnut Bread with lots of walnuts, it is a treat, alto poppy seed bread so much used by the Hebrewa. Ring 97, cgr aalesman will caUl on yeu, no order too umall. W. are specializing orange and Mocha Cakes, they are fine. Ask for M. B. Loal 12 cents We are Food Specialista. Cail 97, The BMg Varxety Bakery. The Bowmanville Bakery Successors to Christie'. Bakery Bowmanville Only Three More Sunday Trips To Niagara Falls Be suie Vo take in one ot these wonderfuî scenie trips wbich close July 15th. Drive fou miles along heautitul highwuys in oui comfort- able ne'w Coach, wheîe eut et its spacicus windcws one geta a clear view cf inteiesting points along tbe wuy. See the wondeus oet he Niag- ara Peninsula, known as the Gnuden cf Canada. Book your seats now. Tiin. Table And Rates Wednesdays and Suadays Leve, Bowniunville 6:30 a. ni. $425 Louve Courtice 6:45 a. ni. $4.00 Louve Oshawa 7:00 a. m. $3.75 Louve Wbitby 7:15 a. ni. $8.50 10 minutes stop ut Sunnyside. Ar- rive Niagara Fabls ut il a. ni. Leaure Niagra Fais at 9 p. mi. Fer Inter- mation phe Bowunanvllbe 412 ,Oh- uwa, 1840. Tickets may be pur- chased tue.. any Wihitly, Oshawa or- Bowmanvllle Bus Driver. T. A. Carto., Propnletor. Bowininvil)o AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY The members of West Durhamn Ag- ricultural Socîet.y are requested to meet in the Couneil B'oom., Bowman-, ville ,on Friday, Jurie 25, at 8 I.xim. (standard tisue), for re'vmson of prize lit and other general businus. Alan Campbell, C. H. Ma"92, President. Secretary. You can gave mou.ey by buylflg that new rug now at Couch, Johni- ston & Cryderinan'.. A 0UIES F YOUR W Bar money-and get it every week. Bel fruit trees, fiowering ehruhm, shd trees, bedging, roses and ever- gren. Outfli furnhshed. Old, es- tbihed fin bha, an attractive pro- osn for man or womibn of good sadng and energetic. E mith & Sons, Ltd., Winone, Ont 25-31 ALEX. ELLIOT, JEWELER i Ajar, DANCE at the flew East Side Pavil ionl goum 1 1 j

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