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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jun 1926, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV!LLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 24th., 1926 h Ilo e F ýe ah e. n glouden whiea" oue. MU4 « ar k. nd i PM à"m bb , -ws Umoe P>Vioe $1.25 QL. GEO. PRITCHARD Bowma.nville WIL ONS W111 kil many times more files for the money than any other fly kifler. Eaeh pad will kili files 811 day, every day, for three weeks. At ail Groeers, Drug- gists and General Stores - 10e and 25c per package MA SAFE AND SUREU REMEDY FOR AIUNG CHILDREN MILLER S POWDER S I cm1TA gdNNo N*RcOTloe. &"ILvTASCE. OUICCL.V^ND AS BWEET AS BUCAR Give it fair Play WUZhy fot decide N0W to give ZUO ablets, the remedy so genera]- letnn far headache, a fair and square If there la any doubt in yourm mmd as to the woth of these tablets or of their barmîcuanes., tmy them and ICNOW the Don't sacrifiee your coxfort on ac- caut of pro judice or skpticism. Try the tablets and know. 25c as. dealers or b Mai *1 pald. B. N. Robinson&Ca fa dCoatieook, Qu.boc. Zutoo PAINS AL OVER BODY Two More Cases of Feminine IM mess Relieved by Lydia EL Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound Barrington, N. S.-"I had terrible feelings, headaches, back and side aches and pains ail over my body. 1 would have tW go to bed evemy month and nothing would do me good. My husband and my father did my work for me as 1 have two children and we have quite a big place. 1 ead in the paper about Lydia E. Pinkham's Ve etable Cornpound, and then got s h tte bok about it through the mail, and my husband sent ta Eaton's and gat me a bottle, and then we got more from the store. 1 arn feeling fine now and do aal my work and arn able ta go out round-more. 1 tell my friends it is Lydia F. Pink ham's Veg- etable Com pond that makes me feel so well. "--M 9. VIC~NRRc~no< Barrington, Nova Scutia. DuIl Pains in Back St. Thomas, (fnt. --'I twk four bottles oi Lydia E. linkhar's Vege- table Compound and founti great re- lief irons the duil, heavy paîin nte amal oi my baek and the. weaicnexýs froni which 1 auffereti for five years aiter my boy vas born. A item sadking the Ve etable Comnpound andti sing Lydia E. Pinkhaii'i Suative Wa.sh 1 an feeling better than I have. for thse ast seven years, andi atvise my 'ricndato take it."-Mri.F.Jo"NqoN. 40 MJoore Street' BSt.lTbornas, Ont, C ORONO (Prom Tise News cf June 17tb) Mm. Ollie Cooper bas taken over the C. F. Duncan barber business. M. and Mrs. George Stanton mot- ored down froms the city and sepent Sunday with Mrs. T. Stanton. Miss Helen Jean Gaîmsby. daugh- ter cf Mr. Eibert Gsimsby, bad heri ellar bone broken wisile at play* Dr. P. J. Ross ,Sudbury, visited bis wife and littie daughter at berý sister's, Mrs. H. N. Junkcer, ens day .W 1s- JUNE WEDDINGS A quiet wedding took place Tues- day, lune 8, at the home of the bride's parents, 512 Adelaide St., Wu-odstock, when Euphemia Grace, daughter cof Mr. and Mrs. Williamn Rankin, became the bride of Alex- ander Clark Murray, also of Wood- stock, only son of the late Donald 1Mur-ray ,West Zorra, and of Mrs. James E. Darling, Rev. V. T. Moon- ey of Chaliners Ghurcb officiated, in the presence of only the inunediate Mr. and Mrs. John Cowan, Oh- relatives. The bride, wno was given awa, spent Sunday at bier father's, in marriage by ber father, was at- Mr. W. G. Blewett, and ether ficnds tended by Miss Eileen Murray, sister here. of the bridegrooni, and Gilbert Han- Miss Deacon, Toronto, ;isited over km, brother of tise bride, acted as the weekend at ber uncle's, Mr. Johnîý beat man. Percy Pascoc played McRae .pram teber ii ~ the *wedding music, and during thse Mcotan,,Piortohe epaure fori sgning of the register the bride's, Scotlan .sister, Mrs. Fred MacKa57, sang. 1 Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hamswelh, On the retumn frcsm their boney- Toronto, attended the Lions Con- moon, Mr. and Mra. Murray will vention beld at the Chateau Laurier, make their home in W(odstock. Ottawa. The bride's mother, Mrs. Rarikin, Mm. and 3lrs-. Walter Sherwin and wa.s Miss Effie T.od, daughtem of tbe family attended thse funeral of bis late Mr. and Mr-, Chas. Tod of brother, Mr. Anthony Sherwin, at Bowmanvilic, and bier many relatives Harwoeod. and friends jain in hearty congratu- Mr. I. T. Cbapnian, Kirby, was lations. suddenly seizcd witis a severe painý in the back cf bis isead, Thursday, windrim-Stanley and is confined ta bed.1 Mr. G. K. Gastie of Peff erlaw, i, Avery pretty wedding was sol- relieving Mr. Gea. Hacking, lcdg e mnized at Bellefair United Churcis, keeper at the Standard Bank, whis Toronto, Saturday, June 12, we at Aurera on bolidays. Dorothy, only daughter of Mr. andi Mrs. T. W. Stanley, fermnerly of1 Sweet and palat.able Motiser Bown.anville, became the bride af Graves' Worm Exterminator i ac- Mr. Carnian J. Windriin, son of thse ceptable ta children, and ife cc, ' late Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Wind- work surely and proniptly. rins, Midland. The bride entered Mr. Ralpi Stutt, Sr., is in a vcry the church on thse arnai her father wcak condition. Mr. Stutt in anc of ta the strains ai "The Wcdding aur oldcst residents having passcdj March" irain Lohengrin, playcd by bis four score and six years. Mrs. Simeon Joyce. Tise bride wore Rev. and Min. S. T. Tucker motor-1 a French gawn of white georgette ed ta Napance Monday, bringing witis bat ta match, beautifully em- Iback with then tise littie daugiter braidcred with sequin trin,îmings and of Mrs. Thonipson, niece of Mra. carrieti a sisawcr bouquet of Ophelia Tucker. rases and lily of the vallcy. She Gencrai John Hughes andi daugis- wa attendeti by Miss S. Madeline ter, Mrs. A. Henry, accospanied by McKenzie af Lcamington, who wore Miss Greta Davey, motoredti t Tees. a gown cf archid georgette. trimmeti water and spent the weckcnd witb with pansy petals, a white georgette relatives. aan carrieti a bouquet of sweet- beat rsesandorchid sweet peas. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Inchs and son, The groom was supporteti by Mr. af West.on, speut the wcekend with G Allan Sit ber parents, Mr. and Mr&. S. M. Bil- SW't lings, Mrs. Inch remaining for a Duin the signing cf thse register, marc cxtcudcd visit. Mrs. Zinînerman sang "For You It Bids Pain Begone.-When neur- înmediaty eatery theceremy, algia racks the nerves or lumbago meitlafrth crmoy cripples the baek is the time to test a reception wras belti at the home of the virtues ai Dr. Thsomas' Eclectric tise bride's parents, 24 Henlock Ave. Oul. Well rubbed in it wili stili the Mrs. Stanley, mother cf the bride, pain and produce a sensation ai case! recciveti in a kivchy gown cf cinna- and rest. A trial oi it will establisis mon brown georgette andi black piet- faithin te t. ur chat. Min. James Kay, Ne'wmarket, wbo Later, Mr. and Min. Windrhm ieft bas been staying witbh ler daugister, for a notor trip, the bride travelli'ng Mrs. Haisteati Ooathan, sincc the lu a. rosewood coloreti caat withj be- deatis of bier hushanti the latter part cemnîng bat andi warc an aniser fox cf May, bas returneti to ber borne. fur, a gift cf tise groomc. On their return they will reside Mr. George Price, C. N. R. agent,, at 168 M ocre Park Avenue, Toronto. on bis huoIitays is being relieveti by1 Mr. Charles 0. Heford, Toronto. Hurl--He,-bert Mr. aud Mrs. Price will spend a por- tion cf their auting St ber sister's at A very quiet but pretty wedding Iroquois. was salennizeti on Tuestiay, lune Congratulations ta Mr. JImes J. 15, at the home cf tise bride's par- Gilfillan and Miss Marion Dickson in enta, when Mary Isabella, youngest passing their firat year exans in Arts daugister of Mr. and Mrs. Frank at the University of Tarante, thse Herbert, 71 Mississaga-St., Orillia, latter witis second class honora in became the bride of Mm. Josephs Les- English and Histlory. lie HurI, yaungest son of Mr. and Mr. and Min. James Jeffcry, Tees- Mrs. Samuel Hurl, Orillia. water, announce the engagement cf Tise ceremony was performed bie- their yaungest daugiter, Edith neath an arch of white lilaca and Pearl, ta Mr. Frank A. Knox of femtis, the Hev. J. J. Black officiating. Orono. The marriage wiî takei Tise bride was given away by ber place quietly in Tonto. father and looketi charming :n a gown of poudre -blue georgette Exhausteti froni Astbma. Mny trimmed witis silver and carrieti Op- who reati these svords know the ter- islia roses and lilies-oi-the-valley. rible drain upon health andi strengtis, She was attended by Misa Elsie which cames in the train of astisma- Smiths of Toronto, who wore a bie- tic troubles. Many do net realize, coming frack af santi georgette and howevem, that tisere is une true rem- carried a bouquet of pink and edy svhicis will usually stop this wbite carnations and fern. Tise drain. Dr. J. D. Keliogg's Asthrna groom was supporteti by Mr. Jack IRemedy is a wondeîriul check ta tis Herbert, brother of thse bride. Little enevating ailment. It bas a coiînt-1îiesHlnFonaiTrtad les, record of relief ta it., credit..It iEMisssleen ron aooriofiarontoesaof i., sold almost evemy'where. tb e bride ,were tbr tiny ring bearers Mm. and Mi-s. William M. DuStan, an d weme very dainty in their littie of Fresno, Calif., anti Mrs. (Dr.) J.1 dresses ai pink silk tafeta with caps V. Chester and tiaugister, af Deaboro, j of lillies-of-the-vaîhey. Thse groom's are visiting tiseir parents, Mm. andi gifit ta the bride was a bandsome Mrs. T. Smith. It is six yeams sincel ciseque, ta the bridesinaiti, a si!ver Mrs. Dustan's laest visit. inesis lsg aneh ta the groomarnan a Mr. Etison Keat was in tewn Tues- pair of golti cuf links. day an business in c'onnection witbi Following tise cet-enony a numbem tise erectian ai a handsonsc inonu- aif irientis and relatives sat down ta ment ta thse mensory cf bis parents a dainty lunc-heon. The table was and brother who reat in the fniyatstcally decorated witb sweet plot in the cemetery here.1 pesa andti iilies-oi-tbe-valley, and tise Miss Mabel Davey who attendeti1 out-oi-town guests were: Mis.s7 Elsie thse convention at Napance recentîyj Smith, John Herbert, Mr. anti Mrs. as a member of the Cobyourg Dis- R. S. Faloon andi ittle daugister, trict Executive, gave a very inter- Helen, Miss Lilian Howarth, al of csting and instructive report of Toronto; Miss Viola Cooper, Bow- proceedinga at tise ast regular meet- manville; '.mI. anti Mm,. Tisas. lIed- ing i tie W M. . a Par Stges, Gutisie, and Mm. and Mm.,. Fred in oh heW.M S b.ar S.pool of Edigar. Mr. and irsm. HurI leit by niater M.Niller's Wormi Powders will purgel.amnid shaîvers ai confetti andi gooti tise stomacb anti intestines oi wormi, wishes, for a short trip ta Toronto sc, efectively andi so ea.sily and pain- andi Niagara Falls, tise bride travel- iessly that tise most ceicate ..tam- ling in a <ress ai royal bloc silk j ach tvill not feel any incolîvenience canton with touchs of< gold. navy fro>m tiseir action. Tbey recornnend blue coat anti poudre blue bat, witis themselves to motisers as a prepara- blanche kidl shoes ancd base to mat.'is. tie hat will restore strenurti anti On tiseir return tbey will take upI vigor ta tiseir chiltiren andl protect regitience an Andrew Street. Many I them frconthtie debilitating effects 1 very lovelv gifts were rec'eived byl wisicis result from the depredations, tise bride including a kitchen show- ai warms.i er given by a number aoi girl iniencîs Mm. John Armstrong isaving com-i at.tise home of ber sister, Mm,. A. 1 ltd iwestern ..Ur11nÂforl L)w .l Brwn Clotbing Ce., Taranto, retumneti home }st week. Among others ise met on the trip, former Ornoites were Geralti (Pst> McKeen, at Win- nipeg and George Davitison, Wey- burn, Sask. M. and Mm.. H. N. Yonkem, Or- an, announce thse engagement oi tiseir sister, Kate Locke, youngest daugister oi tise late Mr. andi Mm,. F. W. Williamsan, ta Mr. John Milling- tan Kihima-Rter, Allanchale, tise mar- niage ta take place quietly in Toron-~ ta, July lotis. Tht. Maî.-Purposc.Oul-Bath in thse h.ýuýt- .ni stable 'bere are scorezi ai uses for Dr. Thomsas' E Iectrie-- Oil. U i-e it for cuts, bruises, berns. sadthe pisns ocf rheurnaistami sciatica, ýcré tiscoat andh chest. Horn 'es are lhable very largely ta sinilar ailtnûntý ansI nti..iais eaffliet mac- ki. andi are equally arnenable to tnt. haalinçg n;fluence ai this *ine <Id rernedy whiih ha- micle tisousancîs oi firrn fr!c.r tiý dur;ng tise pat fii:y y ( car:, You u.e ixty-five muscles ai yo url face wisen you frown and tiirteen when you smile. Wisy iaste energy? Rev. G. S. Jury, Mrs. Jur a1 tiseir t!iree chiltiren, John, Jan-s ant Mary, svere tise guests oi Miss E. M. Tapscott ast Suntiay. Mr. Jury, a former pastor ai tise Baptist Churcis bere, ancl naw home an fur- lough irom Burma, gave interesting acounts oic his work ini India at bath morning anti evening services in tise Baptist Cisurcis on Sunday.-Co-i bourg Sentinel-Star. Mr. John J. Cunnings, Oakwood, "Victoria <'ounty'-s Grand Old Man" who celebrateti bis lOOtis birthday on lNo(nday, June 14, gave a 20 minute add<res ' in Oakwood United Churcis (r. Suntiav and was presenteti witis a large basket of roses ancd carna- tions by tise paatar's daugister, Miss Jean Morro*w, on behahf ai tise con- gregation. He is the oîtiest post.- master in Canada, bas helti a nuni- bcr of municipal offices in bis caun- ty andl i. quite active yet. Ideal Jnior Schoo1 for Growing Boys Albert College Church resi- dential school boys at Belle- -now includes an ideai Junior School. This is an ail-round pre paratory school for the courses of the Senior Scbool. The full Collegiate Course at Albert College leads to en- trance ta Normai School and the faculties of Arts, Theol- ogy, Medicine, Science, Dent- istry. Pbarmacy and Agricul- ture at the University. Complete Conservatory Courses in Music and Expres- sion. New College buildings. Thoroughiy modern resi- dences. Whoiesome social and physical activities. For calendar and full infor- mation write: The Principal, Albert Coliege, Belleville, Ontario. Fail Termn opens Sept. 2 1st Plan early to enter. Albert College Laval-Quebec Mines, Limited -An Opportunity! Ail eyes arc focussed on the enormous wealth of the Rouyn Camp and present conditions recall the early boom days of Northern Ontario. Laval-Quebc bas .2,700 acres of weil-located claima and vast ore bodies of heavy copper-gold content. It bas a seasoned manage- ment with ample funda for moe than a year's develop- ment. I.aval'a healthy market con- dition means that stock prices will discount the work on the property and wbo dan say what a ycar will bring? Laval is listed bath ini Tor- onto and Montreal and now la the time ta buy in order ta participate in the wcalth of this minerai area. I.aval-Quebec ai crs excep- ionai speculative possibili- tics and w, hiugest that you tsniin the following coupon today-no obliga- tion, of coursel Mowat & MacGillvray UNION BANg BUILJ>IUG 01MAWA Nqeaa. tend me the latest particulama of Laval- Quebec ani s profit posa- bilities. m mh7Cerli 1 - e Suffering Has Corne to an End Merchant Now Enjoys Best of Health "Whcn a perscn bas suffereti with stomacis trouble anti other disorders of tise systen causeti by poisons ac- cunulateti in tise bodyy obrougis pon elinînation af tise bowels, then fintis a medicine tisat gives relief, it is his tiuty te teil evemyone", said Mmr, F. D. Curtis, grecer, of 109 King St. W., Hamilton, who bas earneti the title cf "tes anti cofee king"~ among tise pecople af Hamilton, due te tise tieliciaus taste anti great quantities ai these isevemages that be bandies. Continuing, Mr. Curtis saiti: "I tbink HERB JUICE is tise most wondemiul medicine for sale today for stom.ach trouble anti con-stipation. Before I useti HERB JUICE I coulti iardly est a tbing, would suffer witb gas anti indigestion, feit sluggish anti neyer veny goati. I bave taken two batties «f HERB JUICE anti now icel better tisan 1 bave for ten years. That tireti feeling is gone, bowels are negular, no mare gas. I woulti atvise anyone sufering as I, was ta use HERB JUICE because it will do the work". For sale isy Jury & LovelI. Price $1 .00. Port Ferry will builti a new tbree- story coinbineti iigis anti public scisool at a cos-t oi $85,000, not in- ciuding equipnment ta replace tise scisool wbicb was bumneti anti wil ise erecteti on tise olti site. AUNT SUSAN'S WEEKLY LETTER My Dear Niece :-A mother's love is very often so boundless, sa over- fiowing, that it biinds ber reason, and when that it so she is iaying up a store of trouble for ber cbiidern in after years. Such a mother cannot bear to tlhwart ber children's fancies and whi.ms; is their coinplete slave and bears all burdens thrust upon her with fortitude, ber love iniraculous- ly lightening their weight. So it may seern that she is not very geatly hurt or overjiburdened, and s1he wouid, doubtlessly, rebuke those who uiay pitYher. Extravagantly she uses endearing ternis and carresses, hiding every rough edge or sharp corner that she imagines may cause scratches or pricks to ber loved ones ini the saa- est degree; and her sympatby is so inexhaustible that tihe children grow callously accustouied to exact from bier full measure. Then as they grow aid they be- corne arbitrary and insist upon their own way, when she gives in ta theni to prevent unpleasantness, willingiy taking the blanie for their fauîts, and sparing thein frani mat reproofs from others. Thus these children aceustoin theniselves ta case and comfort, ai- ways knowing that close at hand there is somte one wbo wili assist thern ta enjoy their selfish pleasures. Excuses are ever ready that they may bie left off from irksome duties -rising late, headaches, pains, or anything that may serve te cali for,% the willing help of thse untiring mother. .If they appear sad, niopisis, or miserable she isR beside theni with plans suggested for their furtber pleasure or comfort. StilI this niother does flot see ber inistake and goes still furtber when trouble visits the home when debts are beavy, or when she is privately suffering. Heroicallv sabe bides ail troubles froni ber children wbo must flot be irritated by troublesome circum- 1stances. Sbe loves ta see hier girls with dainty hands wvhilst bers are rugged with toil; and thse boys ta have a good time with their companians, whiisgt ler own back aches with loads of water or wood. These good hearted, wel-'meaning niothers may neyer know their mis- take, yet ta tbe spoilt and coddled cbildren life opens out in a far diff- erent way from what they under- stood. Even if by nature and tempera- ment they escape bcing grossly sel- fish, lazy and ill-tempered men and wamen, tbere cornes ta most of them a dreadful mental burt which takes years of experience ta cure. A'way from houe-ether in their own bornes or battling with others in commerce, or whatever lot befalîs thein-tbey are up against slights, rebuifs, the selfishness of at.hers, in- convenienices and disappoint-rnents,, i vbsch gaîl, hurt and chafe tbem at evemy turn, mentally prepared. They cannot combat debts; -,bey do not under.stand self-denial andl ismail economies, and such rdinr troubles cause them untol(l sufferi .g. and they may become reckls n miserable. To teacb our children self cintrol and self denial in ibheir early days gives them a bealthy hardening and a clearer standpoint and underztand- ing and prepames them for life in a world whicb they ivilI someday have to face witbout tbeir mother. -Your loving Aunt Susan. Cet Sunburned ail you wish Huis Campana's Italiai Ba-nt on yaur face anti arms eacis day. It won't prevent you getting sun- burneti; in fact, it assist-L. tie suni in giving tiese kin a cle-.r. hcalth.y, 'oronzeti texture. insteadci cfa coarse redness but it wiIl prevent tise roughnems anti sarenes., andi ir- ritation tisat cames from sunburn, or excessive perspiration. Be mure to tak a gooti supply ai Carnpana's Italian Balm away with you on your vacation-because you can't buy it conveniently at many summer resorts. CAMPANA'S Italian Balm PETER MVARTIN & SONS Building and General Contracting DIES FOLLOWING OPERÂTION Dr. Frank Cahoon, Bloomfielid For more tisan tbirty years a pby- sician at Bloomfield, in the deatb of Dr. Frank Caboan tbe community suifera a great las,. An opeatian for appendicitis was perforned in Prince Edward County Hospital an Friday and Dr. Caboon passed away Monday"nigbt, June l4tb. Long years of practice had brought Dr. Cahoon into, intimate persanal touch with nearly every family in the cominunity, and bis deatb touches the homes in a very personal way. A son of the late Nelson Caboan, Frank Caboon at- tended the schools of Hallowell and Picton and wben he finished bis cal- lege career be located in Bic omfieldi where he remained and enjoyed the confidence aild esteem of the corn- munity. Hi, wife, Emma Black, and four children, Corey, Dorothy, Errai and Helen, have tbe sincere sym- pathy of a wide -circle. Sisters and brothers surviving are: Mrs. .4rnç)ld Raynor, Haliowell; M.Nrs. John Strik- cm, Wellington; Mrs.. Wilfred Haight, Haliowell; Charles Cahaon and Gùr- don Cahoon, Picton ,and Miss Susie cahoon. The funeral took place Wednesday afterncon, service being held in Bloomnfield United Churcb. The deceased was a member )f the Masonic Order and the brethren per- forxned thse burial rites of thse order in Glenwood Cemetery. Dr. Cahoon was a brotbem-in-law of Mm. and Mrs. W. Claude Ives, Centre Street, and witb bis wife and family visited here a f ew days be- fore bis deatis. specialty. tar and Now is the time to have your oid brick or frame house done over with an absoiutely water- proof stucco. We are aiso making ail kinds of imitation stone. Cail and see us before deciding. Builders of concrete silos, pavements ail kinds of artistic concrete work. and Small jobs given our most careful attention. Place of business, Elgin St. Nortuh, Bowmanville Phone 497-w ECONOMY The best kind of economy is in taking care of what you have. If your buildings are getting outofrepirget after them at once and don't be "Penny Wise and Pound Foolish". We have ail the requisites in Lumber, Shing- les, Cernent, Lime, etc., and at prices that will war- rant your using them . We specialize in Beaver Brand Hardwood Flooring. Ten Test Fibre Board, Beaver Best Wall Board and Gypsum Lath, also Johns Manville Flexstone Asphaît Roofing and Shingles. We are also prepared to fil your bins with Best Quality fresh mined D. L. & W. Scranton Coal. There is no better fuel and summer prices are now in effeet. Best quality Domestie Coke, steam and Smithing coal, Hard and Soft Wood always on hand at right prices. Our motto is "Service and Satisfaction" Call and see our goods and get our prices. McClelIan & Co., Limited King st. Eat Bowmaiwilh Office Phone 15 Hou». Phono. 228, 274, 218W Oook's Rogulating Compound l m Bci.SId in thre de- 2,e$eoIstrengtbh 8 -erNo. 1 Si SSodbýy &U dnuisteor sent p d o recept of price. 'psnphhe. Addreu: Vg%ý THE COOK MEDICINECO. y &I leoImNif. (tFormcrlywmnde$ >WMOQLS PHOSPHoDINE'1 n e Great EnglisJ, P eparauun. * dTones and ,nvgorales the uhole 'U n~'ervous sysîem. rnakes new Blood in old Veins. Used for Ners'aus jDebsiity. Mental and Brain Wory, Desposdency* Lous of Energy, Palpitation -If the Ileart, Fading Mes,">. PTÎcC e $2 boi.3 P for $5.0Sold by al 1druggists, or maied in plant, pkg. on receiptoaSprice. New pamphWf maited , 'r. TmEWOOD MEDMUINECo..O.oo» m a 1* Piastering and concrete work a Agents for Asphaît Roofing, built on gravel. 91 m THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 24th., 1926 PAGE SIX

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