TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILt~JE, THURSDAY, JUNE 24th., 1926 PAGE SEVEIi -I _____________________________ Banking Service and Prosperity PROSPERITY on the farm is largely dependent on factors beyond the realrn çf the farniers' control. There mu.t be a good market de- niand for farm products and the pro- duction costs miust be kept in proper BAHING relation with market returna9. Our Branc1h Manager is thoroughly fam- FIFTYihar wth the business of farming E] and is ready to assist in carrying your farn prograni to a successful conclusion. STAN DARD BAN K OF C .A A BOWMANVILLE BRANCH-H. W. Lapp, Manager Branches alffo at Newcaste, NewtonviII., Orono, Ohawa CREAM that Mi butter fat nets you .40c. a pouni. nia>, bc .r arf Mttathe pic trougir orc .~e DoUlars that couid be extra profits you're wasting away-because yau bavent tak-u the tira. ta finti ot about the. Melotte Separator. A Melotte wil takre ail the. mid cream fron the miàlk anti mve you dollars every week froru your bord. Surel>,it'a worth tihe is letire andi trouble it takes to f611 ont tltiu coupon anti learu bow y. Cmn effet suchi ig savingu. No othér eparato onstructcd hâte. the.original Melotte. It a-s bas the suspentict bowh that iu alwayu in balancS.Farmeru n every uctjî of Canadia tell us i t's the cst ta tumn andi that it never wears out. Many MYa tiicy have usai the Men.Meotte fortwet-fve yemzsor nmore, md the ain etthat sti oem whîcii thé>, woul bave hat if tii.y uueti mn bdioir oecie youe a hs i tywok is that you $Mni n the. coupon 30 that we can tell you in further dieuil bow the. Melotte will atid ta rour butter profits. Save enough m a yeaz te Pa for ituef. l'his ver>, minute611 out the cosupon yaur mu= ati. wt6out mny Ob- ligaton ta 7041, we WeitM 3! hai informatio about the origia- ah Melotte oi aratar. M-1£à ïà ' FAk 1I 0 ONT. Plea Sn d t.ccIa u.n «- ON£ O5 f TL UtSOR-54WMa, MOND'- I SA"1NG FAM IMPtLP4LNIbS ROMON k0 Nanm......... CA'4A.». ..... . .. . . ....................... ..................... .............. Local Representative: THERON S. MOUNTJOY Phone 32OR23 R. R. 6, Bowmanville, Ont. *i cst ta sec frieuda. Lt us hope it i clesoon? ? Tqhethird day froin Jenshov brought ne ta Cbengtu. The Cbengtu plains iesnch s contrait Vo tihe mountains of the. country south, one acaricely teshou' It aU corne. LETTER FROM CHINA Misa eu&r E. Taylor of Solin, Writes a Very lnteresting Narrative (Conthnued froint last issue> Frcmn Chungking ta Tzeliutsing (pnanounced Dzil-u-gin) in a six days' journoy, and when wo arrive-d St the home of Dr. Allen and Mrs. Allen said t -o me, "Would yau like your bath before or after your sup- per?" I shahl just lot you guesvitat I did first-I nover enjoyed a bath se much before in ruy lifo. Met thc other wonkers that night and the -text rnornîng vent thraugb' the splendid hospital plant and thon had te bid faeveil tealal and bit the trail for Jungbsien <U-iui-shan.) Just outside, aud lu fact ail around the city of Tzlihutsing, vere the buge derricks of the fanions sait wolls, I vas se iutenested in thent that Dr. Crawford and I made a visit ta anc aud watched the procoss of hauling brine. The anc vo chose happened ta ho ai'und 2,400 foot deep. If you look on page eighvy of that largo green book 'Our West China Mission", you viii have sote ides of boy those ivelis are dug. Hovweven, in thîs day they have boring machines that dig the veils in a fev menthe, instead of yoars, as vas far'merly donc. The vator buf- a sud the lange vindiass are tuch the saine sud it surprised me howl quickiy those buffala can move vhen thcy are forced ta. Thoneands of coolies ane empioyod ta carry the sait te the other cit- hes, and thousands of cowe and hanses are burdenod vith sait packs ou thoir backs, and must trudge up and dowu the mountain steps lu or- don ta get sale for that great noces- sity fa lifo "sait". At Jungbsien I staycd at the homo of Rev. W. E. Sibley. Front Tzeiiut- siug te Junghsien is a very long day's journcy and wben vo arrived et Jnnghsien, vo noslized they veno having a celebration of lanterns. Go- ing through the crowds at Toonto Exhibition is tante ta going ténrough a crovded treet in China. Hovever, after mnch deiay and pnshing sud crovding througb, vo arived et Mm., Sibley's comspound. Thore vo fonnd n crovd of Chin- ee students sercnading Rev. and Mrs. Sibley. Wo just missed beingi in tinte ta meet thein in the houso.I It is their custoin vhen vishiug a paper dragons, drunts, synibols, et c.,i sud make a terrifie noise. Chinesel New Year corntes in F'ebruary and they celebrate for tvoansd thxeo veeke. Edibor's Note-Iu this couzioction vo have clipped the follo'wing des- patch front a Tomanto papor of June 10 snnonncing the nntintely deatit of Mrs. Sible>,. It wiii also be e- membored by came of aur citizeus that Rev. and Mme. Sibley vhiie on thoir laet funlougi t o Canada were guosts in this town for a fev days of Rev. sud Mrs. W. C. Washington. Shanghai, June 9th.-Mrs. W. E. Sibley, wife of the Canadian Uited' Churchi Missionsry at Junglision, ln Szecbvan Province, vas ntndered ou Mouday in Chengitu, according taoi a message front the latter place. The mundemer, vho used a kuife, vas cap- tnred after achase. The mDtive for -,he crime has net been estnb- iished. It vas wite missionanios of the United Church in Toronto on fur-I iaugh ween u conference with Rev. Dr. Jantes Endicott the cable message1 vas received announcing Mrs Sb ley's death. Although t V ny came ta them as n grent shock, they expreeeed the beIief that it vas an isoiar.ed act of violence, vit-houti palîtical siguificance -on sny panticu- lam partent for foreignens in China. Mms. Shbley, vho before bon man- niage vas Edith Harrison, B. A., daughter of Rev. J. M. Harrison, n aipucer missionsry in the Canadian Northvest and firet preeldont of the Abberta Couference, vont with her huaband te China in 1906. Tbey vore stati'oued at Junghsien tihieugit et the tinte of the reported triagedy Mme. Sîblcy vas in the city of Chengtu. Missionanies nov in Ton- onto declaro the munder is a rnystery ta them ase vhite vamen in ibat city are aocustoaned ta go about doing their shopping as freely as in Tor- auto. Mrs. Sibley vas born et Nel- sou, Man., in 1878. She aud ber busbaud lied been stationed at Jung- hsen for 20 yoars. The anc child of Rev. and Mrs. Sibley, Mis Mary McLaghlan, is at present a studont et Aima Colege, St. Thomas. Graduate at Victoria The busband of the mnrdered vo- man misionarv .ýis Rev. W. E. Sibioy, B. A., a graduate of Victi iaCoi- loge, Toronto, lu ants and theoiogy.1 He is et present a missioany front the Manitioba Confereuce of thel United Churcb p)f Canada. BoVh bho through the ontot temple courts and ows". up the steps ta, the inner shriue. Don'% tty ta f olow abadove There vas env a dozen slaugbter- Just find a star o'or head cd enimais on vooden frames, with And pick a pnth wheme it reflects faces sud videly opened eyes tutn- A golden ligiht instead; cd toward the images. A very aId Thete's iota of fun in lokling Up, man vont arouud with us and told And somehav viten ite done, us ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o aitbu h srf~c o he The Star wiil vanish it vti the nlghtt g'ants and bull>cks'avere selected sud1 And ive plaue te the sun. shaughtered and the biood buried and My thoughts have vsndered snd thn the procesa of carrying the car- my letter my sewg very poorly co- Il Be Sure To Say &bout. casses and placing thein and ail ta As vo neared Chengtu I heard the jthe *"tumn turn" of the big barre I niost nerve racking s9ounds and, of i drumis. course, aaked what it vas. To mly After the vieving of the inner surprise I faund out it was the whcel- shrine, we were ail invited ta an- barrows. Yes, 1 tood stili and' other roomi and vere served tea. No, Iaughed aloud when I noticed a Uine II did flot drink mine, but 1 was cur- up of wheelbarrows on a nearby io.s cneugh ta put my tangue into road, ail occupied of course. The the bowl and taste it. passengers sit on a littieEat it While we were yet scated, we not- one foot on eaich side of the- ce iced two fiarnes of fire leap heaven- and look quite comfortabie, too. ward and iooking toward the outer But, oh! how they can bear ta court, we saw thec lanterns eorning, listen to the squeal of the whcel un- and we realized the performance was derncatih,' is more than I can im- about ta begin. The fiames of fire agine. ft is sorne forn of locorno- were from two huge bambo torches, tion I assure yau, and I hope neyer that had been soaked in oil, ani the to try it, unless it is just to have a blaze cast a wonderful glow over the snapshot taken. crowds of people and the quaint cas- The University Campus Ls a won- turnes. derful spot. How I wish yau could The choir of boys came first and see it as I sec it each day. Just at took their position beside the drums present it is a bowcrof roses. Never, and other instruments 1 would not have I seen snch -roses. Roses grow- atternpt Vo naine. Then the "noise"~ ing and bluoming over the wails, began. I wouldn't dare eaUl it music up in the trees, over arches, ever the even though there vas an even stables, yes, just everywhere, and rhythm ta it, if you concentnated long the beautiful wisteria hanging cnough to notice it above the other gracefully over thé gate-houses and clatter and din. I juat know there tbrough the fonces and covcring flow- is flot a word in any language that er arbors. could describe that particular corn- Truly China is well named the binati-on of noises. Flowcry Kingdorn The ovcrland trip They kept it np frein 4:30 a. m. to me. was truly a wondcrful eper- unîtil daybreak, and their littie ience. The flowers ail over the tihroats were sa husky, I just feit fields and thie violets and wayside sorr.y for thcm. Ail the turfne this foyers tboo numerous ta mention, din of sounde v as going on the offi- sort of made up for the dirty cities cials vere passing into the inner and other disagreeahie things, that shrine ta worship and the Govern- do flot fit in with'fiowers at aUl. ment Sehool boys vere doing sanie One morning very early, just as 1 very ancient formns of dancing. vas walking out of the city gatez, It vas ail veny epectaculan and to whilc on any overland trip, I vas me there was nat rnuch worship ta startled for I alrnost stopped on,' the it, but I think it was wcll worth charned, naked b'ody of a little dcad while getting up st 3:30 a. m. They beggar. Poor littie chap, he had have this cel0bration twice a yoar crawied as fat as the gate and there and be.foTe I go again I want to read bad dicd and his littie fire basket had more about it, so that it wiul mean burned his lothing and charned his more to me. flesh. lI one of the temples callcd the I just couldn't forget the sight for "Green Goat Temple" I saw one of a while, and as I walked on into the the binas goats had been rubbed sa beautif ni country, I couldn't but help !nuch that it had to be mended. It thinking who was reeponsiblo for al je part of the worship, to rab the the suffcnring. God has made this goat wherever you vant to be made land so £air, so beautiful and sa full wholo or veli. I noticed one of the of promise, and yot se many millions old womnen started at its head ani go of His childien die in povorty and agi over it, evidently she wanted a filth, in darknee and despair! new lease of life. It is an inspiration ta me to see Thousands of people miuet have the school boys as they go to school rubbed this bit of brass Vu be made oach day, and as ttrey play their whole, whon holes had been made gaines, just as wboleheartodl.y as the and fresh 'bits of brase had ta be fit- boys at home play and ta hear thein ted in. Irt nialces my heart sick to, sing in church. se 50 much heathon worship and Afew weeks agio it vas my privi- apparénitly te people cane nmore for loge ta sing for -thc University stu- the dead than for the living, if anc dents. I sang "What viii you do can judge by the ancestral worship vith Jesus"? and I vas t'hrilied as anc sees se mucb of daily. 1 nover vas thrilied at home, as 1 1 In very grateful for ail the stood before an audience. There ltters I have roceived snd I hope ta, was sornthing about those faces that ansvor every oue in the near fut-e grippcd me and I alimoet stoppod ture. Juet at present, Language singing vhen 1 noticed a chap wipo School is pressing nie very bard and a teer froni hi& oyos. 1 must make good use of titis year Sunday night last I sang for the for next year I have ta mun a bouse boys of the middle achool and again viti al Chineso servants and miust 1 vas overwhehnod. Saine onc told be able ta talk their language, or I me not ta be surprisod if they did fear thene viii ho many faults in my not keep quiet, as tltcy vere snch housekecping accounits. Truly, it is nestless chape. 0.1 course, I vas ail a crooko.d languago, but I love it, propared for consîloWrable disturb- and oh! vbat a day it viii be to me ance, but such a surprise awaited vben I waken up sorne monnitng and me; you could have heard a pin drap.lfind myscîf thinking in Chinese. The Those boys vaut to bear, they biggest mouit.hul I con say at pros- vant ta sec, they vant ta lea, and ent le the "Lond's Prayer." if only there were more monoy and It is most dîsconraging. the way more workors, what a help it wonld wo fongot fi;om ane day ta another. be. I say "wo" for in Language School, Last Christmas the foreigu choir it doesu't scean ta matten vhat do- sang the "Hnilliah Chorus" for the grec a man may have froin coilego, University studeuts and after the ail are juet littie cbildrcn vhen it service, several chape vent ta the cornes ta studying Chinose, and al leader of the chair and askcd hlm seiru to find their brame iute sieves if he vould toach then sanie really througb which sa much just draps. good music. The jobs ont here are Howveo, a fev vords do ne- very many and the labourers are main ecd day and 1 hope by next few. The Chinese boys and girls yeur, 1 shah hlave nememhered are just as clever as other boys and enough taV do the work 1 have been girls, if onîly they have a chance. assigned ta de. Nov I mnust tell you a truc story Somneone vrate me, that sumely I about a coolie vho worked for anec could not be happy in this land. of aur missianaries. ye, it hap- Well, it niay seuni strange ta relate, penod this year. but I arn very happy, oven tbough I The mistress of the bouse vas affn vcmy lonely at tumes. It has trying ta impress upon tlie cocdIio moant much ta me, in these few the neccssity of using marc vater short mantits, juet ta corne in can- on the floor, while mopping np the tact whth differont surroundinge, dint. What do you suppose the cbap different peuple and different ways did? Well, he borcd hales ail over of living. the kitchen floor ta let the water mun I have seesa the vonten gleaning avay. Thon whcn the mistress in the fields, I have accu the blind cailed hirn stupid for doing such a lcading the blind, I have feit the trick, she overheard hum say ta the gaze and press of te multitude, and cook, "Theo mistres thinks l'm stup- over and over in my mind I bave id, but what dce she expect? I'm thought of boy much there is in thi.e oniy a coolie, if 1 vere not stupid, land ta remind one «! Bible times. I'd be an offiiaI". I feel 1 ean realize just a littie cf The military element in China hi boy Jesus muet have feit, ae He sucih n curso. China figbts today mnch travellod froin place to place among. the sanie as she dhd hundreds of people vbo did not vant Hlm. No, y cars ago, only the soldiers are such the masses did not vant Jesub, viien loy grade men. It is too big s Hc vas bore on eartih and today it le probient for me Vo discuas bers, e0 the saine, the masses reject Him stili, I shaîl not attempt ta say mucli. Meni and persecute Hie foilovers. This arc executed on the leagt provocation le truc of aur ovn land asn vcU ns snd the reai robela go free. China, and if the folk in the home- One day vbile on my overland trip land could only realize that. the kind I valked through a emali tovn of lives they live either helipa or itind- vhene te soldiers vote lined up ith ers the missionary cause, 1 vonder fixed bayoneta. No, I canneit ay 1i f they vould be a littie more carefu. felt contfortable, for 1 could have Il Christianity veto underneathl put out sny hand and touchcd tite every business transaction and evemy -that after a single ride you wil pronounce the Impro'ved Chevrolet a revelation in low-prlc.d-car performance. --that t. a*,lity *0 conquer hillu sMd pieu' through mud or ud Wil literaly amaze you. -that the passing months wilU prove t. you, as they have to millions, the lastlng .conomy of buylng this low-prlced CaU of modern dnlg[n and quality construc- * tion. Lot us gve you one ride la the Improv.d Chevrolet! ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD., 99 Simcoe South, Oshawa. -Wl~. E. Davo>,, phne 34 Ring 1 Oromo 3.8896 NEW LOW PRICES i.'hs «Wahboardf wil wear for Vars IT'S so strong ycu could stand on it without doing it any harmn. The rubbirsg surface is heavy SMP Pearl Enaniel, positively srnooth a4 lass, but unlike glass, it cannot brak! And it won't wear out, like zinc. The back is heavily re-inforced wxth wood. It's a washboard that will last for many years, and remember, Lt inS8MP mnade. SMPv WASH A FilThe Bm Now 1 ~We would advise you to fill your coal bine now with fresh mined anthracite from Lehigh Valley Coal Sales Co. QuaIity is good and Le- high is best coal mined. We seil Toronto Asphait Roofing-best in the market. Cali and see us for Builders' Supplies--Lime, Paris Stone, Gyproc and the new Roc Board. CANADA CEMENT ALWAYS ON HAND J. A. HOLGATE & SON Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville structed, but in the future if you May God bissa You, one and al write me and teil me Vou vant an- and make you a b1eeang to others. other. 1 wHI try to do better. Letter Youts from far Cw' hs wrltlng vas neyer my "hobby", but I1LnB . 'y,, must write now for 1 want letters, chengtm, Sseochvan, oh!I hou' I wa,4t luttas. from hgme. W.at China. GREEN TEA Ilies and imoiquitoes' love canMpm W Yallow these aggravating, flthy pesta to mruin your outings? In camp or at home Flit will free you from the nuisance. Fit spray clears your home in a feu' minutes of disease-bearing flies and mosquitoes. It is dean, saf e and easy to use. KilsAU Household Insects Flit spry cadestto bc= uge, ranches and enta. It mrches ot thc rcks and crvcsvers they hidc and breed and dostroyB insects and thoîr eggs. SpryFit on yout rnent3. Fuit killa maths sud their larves whiîch est hals.Etesve testa ahoved thiat FUit spray did nat staiu the mait delicate fabrics. Fuit is thie resuit of exhaustive researchi by expert entamai- agist ansd chernists. It is bannleas ta meuklud. Flît hua noplsced the aid methode because it kills aUl the insect-and dae it quickly. Get a Fuit can sud eprayer today. STANDARD OIL CO. (NEW JERSEY) Distribnted in Canada by Fred J. Whitlow & Ca., Tomnto. As%% med mme, /& 1 «1 It in by far the mont deliclous. A&uR forI' t. brEomoicai TraMspoeui THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 24th., 1926 PAG.Z SIVM