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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jul 1926, p. 3

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fRE CM~AD1AN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 22nd., 1926 PAGE TERIE Good Meat Summer Heat Summer time is the most important months in the year when more than the usuq.l care should be taken in buying meat. We provide that "Safety First" principle for our custorners by personally selecting and buy- ing direct from the best feeders in this district al cattle off ered for sale in our store. We also have the facilities and long experience which safe guards the interest of our customers in every way. You may always buy your meat with safety at this store. Orders FilIed Promptly and Delivered. C. M. CAWKER & SON Victoria Building Butchers Phone 64 Bownianville When Yô)u Need WOVEN WIRE FENCE SCREEN DOORS WINDOW SCREENS And hundreds of other seasonable articles found in an up-to-date hardware store rernember that is in your best interests to patronize this store. We have the variety, best quality and our prices make it attractive Wo buy here. MASON & DALE The Popular Hadw»g-Quality and RIght Prie.. PHONE 149 BOWMXANVILLE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE A REAL NECESSITY Auto owners are taking a big risk if they drive a car these days without carrying insurance. Just look at the accidents that are happening daily. The* cost of insurance is small cornpared with protection given. CONSULTATION FREE regarding insurance-Public Liability, Property Damnage, Collision, Fire, Theft. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanvllle Clean, Pure, Fresh GROCERIES Your grocery quality is our standard-for this is the grocery that airns to satisfy the exacting dernands of the most particular housewife. When everything is choice, fresh and elean, and besides this rnost reasonably priced, we can- not help but please your wants perfectly. Test our dlaims and the downright prompt- ness and accuracy of our service by phoning 65 TODAY and have us fil the day's grocery needs. CHINA AND CROCKERY When requiring any of the above goods bear in mind that we have the largest assortment in town and have marked ail goods at remarkably low pri ces. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville , ger- Eaton, Crane & Pike, Toronto. The deceased was a memiber et Rose Lodge, No. 28. I. O. O. F., and was Chaplain cf Thistle Lcdge, No. 34, A. F. & A. ML. under whose auspices the tuneral will be held.-Ambherst- burg Echo. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Womeu's lustitute will hoid a pic- nie at te home of Mrm. E. S. Clark,i Scugog St.. on F'riday pterucono, July Sêth. Every mexn'br come sud have a good tume. A $10,000 fire lu Milbrook early on Buuday, Jiily lltb, destroyed severai business places including the Mirror-Reporter office. T1he Mirror- Reporter wss isstoed as usual last week tihauks Vo bis uearby bretbren of the printing trade. Mrs. S. H. Rice. St. John, N. B., la visiting ber siter, Mrs. J. H. Werry and other relatives here. Mrs. Rice accompanied ber daughter, Miss Helem Rice, as far as Toronto, wbo la returning Vo Lasuont, Aita., where she le superintendent of te Hospitai Rer. asud Mrs. J. J. Mellor, who left asat.week on a trip Vo Eugisnd, were given a kindiy farewell by the congregation ai Picton United Churcb. Mis. Mellor received s beautiful string of pearls ou behaîf of te ladies of the Chut-ch, aud Mr. Mellor a purse of gold from the mien accoxnpanied by an address sund bouquets of fiowers. A social heur followed. Sincere sympathy la feit for Mia. (Rev.> J. W. Wilkinson, wife of the new minister at Victoria Road, wbo received a phone message on Friday. at the close of Vbeèinduction service, iuforming ber of ber mother's (Mrs. Wesley Coucb) deatb lu Bowmau- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson at once motored Vo Bowrnville, Mr. Wilkinson returning here for thej Sunday services aud weut back Vo Bowmanville on Moud.ay for the fuueral.-Liudsay Post. Mrs. E. 0. Hawksett of 1510 West1 Franklin Ave., Minneapolis, Minu. sud her cousin, Mrs. C. WihlmoVV and Polly Hownlen of Bowmanvileeî guesta oi Mrs. J. C. Kelis andoer friends lu MilIbr6ok on Weduesday. Mrs. Hawkset nee Misa Maggie1 Eyers, 18 sister ot Cavpt. Wm. Eyeîs, and it is nearly fiftv yesrs since she left bere. Site stilI bas a warm place lu her heart for Canada sud especialiy Millbrook, te place of ber birtit. The many friends of Capt. Eyers wll be pleased Vu learu that be is hale sud bearty at bis hume lu Long Beach, Caif.-Reporter. Deatit of Heury F. Hun er, bar- rister, lu Toronto un June 26th, wil recali tote minda of many of our citizens that Mr. Hunter practised- law for a Vume lu Bowznanville about 20 years ago, bis office being ln the store uow occupied by Mr. A. L. Darch. Mn. Hunter camete o Bow- ananville trom Coiburue asud Wark- wortb sud bad au office in Orono sud Newcastle certain dsys ot the week. He afterwards became iuterested. lu oil developsent lu the Niagara peu-1 insulà where his fathier's faim was situated. LaVer he was in the gold mine operations in northeru Ontario, made and lest fortunes like mauy othiers but had a valuaible interest thene at te tinte of bis dextb. BIRTHDAY PARTY A pleasaut attennoon sud evening wss spent aV the home of Dr. sud Mrs. W. G. McCulloeh, Orono, wheun te childien aud graudchildren ot Mrs. James Heatle gathered around ber Vo beljo celebrate ber birtbdsy on July 12tb. Neighbors sud frieuds cslled Vo extend congratulations sud best wishes, witile hose tram s distance sent messages of goodwill, eue beiug a telegrain front Dr. sud Mrs. F. W. Heathie, Goodland, Indianua. Mis. Hentle was tbe recipieut of seversi weli chosen presenta and beautiful bouquets. At 6:30 p. mi. the company gath- erer arouud the table Vo enjay a so- cial heur aven te daiutN- birthday dinuer prepsred by Mrs. M~cCulloch. During te eveuing a short pro- gram nwas put ou,, wheu several selections et music were given lu- cludiug sanie cf Mrs. Heatlie's "Old favorites" wbicb abe thorougbly en- joyed. The programn wss brougbt Vo a close by a few remarks front Mi--. Heathie in wbicb she thanked onue sud all for the part they had taken lu briuging about sucit s bappy event. JOHN JAMES SINCLAIR DIES Well Known Amberatburg Business Maui Victaxu of Pneumonia Another promînent Amberstburg business man fell a victini Vo pneu- meula eduesday uight, July l5th., in the person ot John James Sin- clair, preprietor ot the tveli known s cati-onery store aud news depot on Dalhousie Street. He had been ill oniy a week, but the attack wass efa type wbicb iett littIe hope from te first. His deatb caused a profound feeling of sorrow 'titrougitaut te town Nvhere he was held iu very bighl Real il 10 l Satisfaction Cornes only f rom 1 knowing that,1 corne what may, youl. financial njýt1 wants and those of ,your family are hose L'ýtae are ()la ue0me taken care of. Uff, Insurance Company W. J. BRADD Districi Agent Phone 245w Elgin St. Bownan ville THE CROWN AND THE PARTIES IV muet be a cause ot profound re- gret Vo the people cd Canada gen- era.iiy that hia Excelleuicy Vthe Gov- ernor-Genera-the esteexned aud belovsed "Byug ot vimy"-is being made the storm centre of what Vireatens Vo be one ci the bitterest and most acrimonious poiiticai cani- paigns in Vthe history of the Domin- ion. Violent partisans on both ides-pa-rticipants in ungenerous attack and volunteers in unwelcouoe defense-are doing theniseives dis- credit and their country disservice by tbeir noisy clasuoringo-. They know, and the electors know, that their conceru la noV coustitutional reguiaritv or national status, but the petty business of vote-mskiug. Self- governiment is noVtbreatened, nori la Canada in danger of reverting Vo a Crown coiony. Tc speak frankly, The Globe be- lieves iV was unfortunate that the representative of the Crown, even under the unusual and stresstul cir- cunistauces coufromtiug him, essay- ed Vo appoint bis adviser. That right, in British countries, resta with the people. and there is in Canada a traditional tendency Vo resent sny- thing that interferes witb its expres- sion. But the conditions wbicb confronted bis Exceliency were with- out precedent. 1V may reasonably be sssuaned that in declining Vo grant a dissolution until it became evident that neither party leader could comi- mand the couifidenoe of Panliamaent he was actuated by an earnest de- sire Vo prevent jettisoning tbe whole achievement of the session Vo date, Vo save for tbe public uiucb import- ant legisîstion which bas now died in its attacks, Vo secure the pashing of uecessary suppiy, aud Vo avoid the turmoil, the expense and the dislo- cation of business sud industry in- volved in a general eiection. In auy event, there can be no doubt that be acteld, free front ail political conceru or bias, in wbat be believed to be tbe best intereats ot the count- ry. Js there auything Vo be gained, un- der these circumstances, by makiug the Governor-General an issue in a political cauipaign-by staging, in the halls and on the hustingsalal over Vthe land, heated partisan controver- sies between self-styled crusaders for the Constitution and self-sp- pointed defeuders of the Crown? There is much V-o be lest. This sort of Viug can create only dissatisfact- ion aud disturbance', and provide fuel for those agitators and disloy- shists who are constautly plottiug national or Imperial arson. If his Excellenzy erred, his error was tecb- ulcal in character. IV la ridiculous Vo assume that he sought in auy way Vo estaiblish guberuatorial auVocracy, or Vo menace self-governanent. A dignified proteat would bave protect- ed the principle at stake. No right waa deuied the people. Withiu four days the dissolution ssked for by Mr King was granted Vo Mr. Meigben. The electors henuIseves are Vo de- termine wb-o shahl carry on the gov- erument of the country. IV la noV bis Excellency's fguht that we conduct our poiitical çlect- ions. -l sc a way that it pays a pary V hae control of th» election machiuer. This is where the shoe pluches. To be honest about it, it is the political, and noV the con- atitutional, aspect that concerna both parties. There ia no ground for faith in the Conservative psrty A Power of its Own.-Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil bas a subtle power of its owu. Ail wha have used iV kuow this andt keep iV by theni as the most valuable liniment avaihable. Its uses -are innunterable and for many yeasaiV bas been prized as the leading liniment for man sud beast. Asthma No Longer Dreaded. 'Ihe dread of reuewed sttacks tram as- titia bas no itold upen those wbo bave learned te cely upon Dr. J. D. Kellogg'a Astitia Remedy. 5o safe do tbey feel that complete reliance la phaced on titis true specific wiit the certainty titat 1V will always do ail that its makers claim. If you bave net yet ieanned how saste you are witb this prepanation at baud geV it today sud know for yourself. DURHAM COUNTY JUNIOR FARMERS' ASSOCIATION Annual meeting oi Durhamn Coun- ty Junior Farmnera' Association was held at Orono on Wednesday even- ing, July l4th. Plans were mde to hold the annual County Stock- .udging Competition in the Orono district second week in October. Clarkce Junior Farmers" Associa- tion is planning a Home Ploughing Gompetition this Fali. In this cosn- petition boys will plough a certain area of ]and on their o-wn farns and judging wil be done at one time. Officers elected for 1926 and 1927 are: President-Clarence Allun, Newcastle; vice-President-Noeman Hog, Orono; Sec'y.-Treas.-Rose Stevens, Bowmanville. Dirctor- Darlington-Ewart Clemens Bow- manviUle, Harold Pascoe, Hiam.pton. Clarke-Arcber Glenny, Newcastle, James Brown, Orono. Cartwight --Jos. Forder, Biackstock, Harry McI.jugblin, Nestfleton. Manvers -Enery Smith, Bethany, Ernest Cavano, Betbany. Cavan-Williami Swain, Cavan, Harry Seyzuore, Cav- an. South Monogan-Williard Waterman, Fraserville, Harold Bee- be, Bailieboro. CAMPAIGN TO STOP VANDALISM "Be Good to Your Country" is slogan of Ontario Motos- League. Motorists are urged Vo get behind the prograni of the Ontario Motor League Vo stqp vandalisni, for cleaner camps and roadsides and for the preservation of wild plant life lu the 1926 touring season. "It is supe'rfiuous to say that the Onta.rio Motor League ia strongly be- hind the movemeut for the mainten- ance snd enhancemenit of the beauty spots and against ruthlesa destruc- tion of wlld ahruba and flowers", said Geurge Hodgson, past-ipresident and director of the 0. M. L. He déclared that the conservation and beautification campaigu whicii brought sucb good results Isat yeaoe will be extended. While the Motor Leugue is taking a leadiug part in the moveinent, many other organisa- tions including chambers of com- merce, boards of trade, women 's clubs, girl guides, -boy scouts and other bodies iuterested in outdoor re- creation are doing thtir bit as at preaent constituted and led, nor is there any reason fro«u its re- cent conduct Vo believe 1V would have acted, under imilar circumstancea, otberwise than did the Liberal party in its endeavor Vo escape from the shadow of pending defeat by secur- ing dissolution while the advantage reated with it. Consistent oniy iu attachîment Vo and eagerneas for offce, the Vwo parties did much Vo brin g about the intolerujble situation by te frenzled anxiety oit each Vo sesure the tactical advantage of naniing the date and the terans of the election and of controlliug the election macbinery. And heTm_ there la acope for real and radical reforre. That the part- ies are so eagerly and so jealoualy concernied osIer the question as to which of Vhemn shail supervise and direct the election machinery is ln it- self an ugly oomentary ou how elect- ions may be--.and, we fear, too fre.- quently are--conducted in. thia coun- try. No sueh problern exists lu Britain, where the -parties have no- tbing directly to do with the coutrol of the niac.iuery or Vhe officering of the poils, and *,where, in couse- queuce *electo=el improprieties and misdemeanors have been reduced Vo a minimum. If the ballot las sup- posed Vo represent uutrammelled public opinion, it is evident that it should be unhiampered by strings leading Vo either political camup. As The Globe suggested last week, the duty of safeguarding its sacrednes might well be assgined to. some branch of the judiciary, with the as- surance that exerciseý of the fran- chise would attain a new dignity, and would be attended by that mess- ure of respect and confidence gen- erally imposed in our courts of law. If Canada is Vo reap any practical and permanent advautage froinire- cent happenings at the Capital, it wiii be by iegislation along these hunes. IV will net be by a flood of irresponsible political rbetoric be- tween partisans . masqueradiug as protecetors of the Constitution or as defeuders of the Crown. IV la un- thinkable sud absurd that the man wbo engraved bis name on the bearts sud in the homes of Canadians hy his leadership of their sons lu war; the man wbo, as his Majesty's re- presefttative in this Dominion for the past five years, has won the admira- a verynn rpe.nse; -the nan.wbo, in Give Your Wife A Ho"liday The expense of sending your wife away for a holiday is often beyond your means. But every husband in town can and should give his wife a holiday whereby she doesn't have Ito bake these hot sweltering days. There's No Excuse Ail you need to do is phone or advise us at the shop that you want us to do the baking for the farnily. We don't want to endanger mother's reputation for being a good cook-but we know we can supply your needs in Bread, Buns, Cakes, Pastry, etc., which will satisfy the whoIe famiIy. Just try it today and see. Wedding Cakes a Specialty Willard'a Ice Cream W. P. Corbett Baker and Confecioner Bowmanville Phone 3 Orono SAVES ONE IN SEVEN' A COOL SUBJECT FOR HOT WIEATHER That's the reputation *the Hecla Furnace has earned. By comparison *the Hecla Furnace saves % one ton of eoal out of every seven. Ask any Hecla user. There's lots of them around town. We have the Hecla Agency for Bownianville and supply parts. Solve your heating problem now for next L, G. GIREENAWAY King St. East Phone 18 Bowmanville STOP at oui enlarged garage and service station when in Oshawa. We wiil be pleased to show you around. Our new and up-Vo.. date equipmc-nt and repair shiop enable us Vo give auperior service on ail types of niotor cars. IMoffatt-Motor Sales, Ltd, , 88 Simcoe St. Nortth Pon 96 shwa ROOF 0FPERMANENCE TORONTO ASPHALT ROOFING is perma- nent-fire-resisting-able Wo withstand sun and rain, tirne, wind and frost, unaffected by rust or rot. It's a mighty goodroofing. That's why we sell it. ROCBOARD CHEAPER THAN LUMBER ROCBOAD STRONGER THAN LUMBER ROCROARD QUICKER THAN LUMBER ROCBOARD WARMER THAN LUMBER It's fireproof, economical permanent COAL AT SUMMER PRICES When Muât You Have It? No laVer titan omeorrow, because yeu've got a big job et sawing ta be doue? Vei-y wehl, we'll tvehd :bat broken machine for you lu tume. Our trusty oxy-acetyieue torcb tvill "doetVit rick". We'lhweld iV for you as good as uesv, Guar- anteed, yes sir. RATCLIFF MACHINE SHOP *.jnu St. E. Bowmanville Pbone 425W ME CANADIAN STATESMA.N. BOWMA.NVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 22nd., 1926 PAGE TEREZ

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