TEE CA~ADIA1~I STATE8MAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 22nrd., 1926 PAGE FIVE Solvay Hard Coke 90% CARBON The finest fuel on the market No other coke can compare with it. We aiso have sonie high grade Anthracite Nut Goal You can save real money by get- ting your fuel froni Empire Sales Co. BOWMANVJLLE G. L Hall, Phon 372 C. E. Rehder, Phone 265 27-tf -i E. R. Curtin ANNOUNCES OPENINC High Class Ready-to-Wear For Ladies and Men a Cowan Block, Bowmanvile We are in a position to supply the people of Bowmanville with the largest and most up-to- date assortmnent of wearing apparel. We are connected with three of the largest wholesales and our quantity buying aflows us to place ready-to-wears of the highest class at your disposai at ordinary prices. Store WIl Be Opened Friday at 1 o'clock A Look Will Be AppreciateýI We Have Stores in Oshawa and Whitby Cowan Block Four Corners Bowmanville gCustomer Profits Most Since we adopted the Cash System of selling Groceries and other Pure Foods we have neyer heard a customer remark that our prices are too high. With the saving we make in cutting out cred- it accounts and the expense entailed in colleeting bad debts we are naturally able to "seil groceries f or less'5. Our' steady increase in business proves con- clusively that wve give regular values every day wvhich makes it wvorth xvhile patronizîng this store. Orders of $4.00 and over delivered W. G. Nelles Co. Pure Food Groceries Phone 62 Bowmanville LOCAL AND OTHERWISE 1 Mi's Ezella Mark, Toronto, is vis-I itîng ber aunt, Mrs. W. J. Found. Mies Doratby R. Belhnan is taking i a summer course at Queen's Univer-j sî,y ,Kngston.1 Miss Ethel Webber 's taking alj course in Agriculture at McDonaldl Intsitute, Guelph. Mr. Frank Grig and -son Ted, Oshawa, spen-, Sunday Nwltb bis par-1 ent's, '.%r. and Mrs. John Grigg. Misses Jean and Ruth Tb7mipson Port Hope, are balideying with their gandparentsQ, Mr. and Mms. H. B. Creeper. Miss Muriel Dech and Miss Jean Caates of the Sick Children's Hos- pital, Toronto, are holidaying et M.1 John Gigg's. M. Wm. Hislip and Mrs. J. E. AI-1 lin and Miss Nettie Ormiston visit-, ed the forme's brother, Mr. John Hislip et Wh.itby on Sunday. M. and Mrs. W. W. Stauffer and daugter Bernice, Holland, Man,, were visiting Mr. and Mms. R. Green- es.a, baving made the trip in seven days by ma:ar, a distance of 1700 miles. They report good roads and wonderful scenery. Neîles' .ells groceries for less. CARD 0F THANKS business whicb 1 did or: Julie 30h., J the business ýhaving bQen taken overl Mmr. and Mrs. Roy TrulI, Darling- by nîy son, T. A. Dustan. 1 I Women s Co a ts ui ts ton, wisb te tbank aIl the friends I themefore take pleasure in than k-~ wbo se kindly contibuted towarda I ing aIl those wba bave extended their. ~ the tek-en of sympathy whîcb was e-j patronage ta, ame while 4n business. I cently presented te theni. 29-1 W H. Duian.i 4* i LOCAL AND OTHERWISE MARRIAGESAtilsFrSe 1rga sar 03'WILLIAMSON-ROBINSON-At IGS FOrtSAle FongSpie,7ni 1 Chautauqua prgat tr 03ibroa July llth, by Rev- F IFI. Ilow - ISFRAL-0yinpgs7ad a. m., 3.30 and 8.30 p. m. (daylightj a .Mr- E. L. Williamsan, Ilatmlpton, 8wks oid. Aî'îrly 'Mark Blackburn.hi saving tine). and Miss Jennie flahinson, NewtonN-ilic.' phone 183r24, lot '222, B. F., Darlinglon. SE .Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Nichais and. KILLMASTER - WILLIAMSON - AI,________9__1___Bi_ 'St.MmnenthToils. lronta. ou HORSES FOR SALE-6 zood womk Ferne, Whitby, visi:,ed ber sister, StmaJly11.12. r l- -oy os .txonitmdc d esal mt s Mrs. W. E. Crago. Meclville, Kate Locke. younk st daugh-;several rdllir.g caws. Bargan. Jn. Mm ndMs.Wi.Ega 'ii! ter of the late -Mr. and Mms, FW'%V. Tatylor R. R 2, Newcaste, 2v the former'2. sister, NMrs. Fox, 'lr 1Kl îr i!iniae n.IFOR SAL-B esupeFe andi founça- onto. ________________________ jtian,,8c ter sh e-t standard Langstroth Mis Grce . Tewn ad Mss raM -I nL y R. J. Smith, King St. MissGrac V. rewn an Misý Est. flrst houe.- west oif Bownianv'E-ý Rilda Siemon spent the weekend in DEATHS Dary. Bownianville. WW- Toronta. GPtEEN-At Scîtgog St.,1 nni', FURNITURE FOR SALE-Single iran .Nrs. James Courtice is visiting l-er'lan July 20, 1926, Miss Hai*i,-tt urecen.ljwhite ea f'Ibcd and ettrngs: aiso :1 sister, Mrs. Fowler and other rela-l Fun.rai an Thursdlay. Jtly 22, frata St. size lrass b* i and spmings; sma:l cold -1 h.Johns 'ltrci, at 2:30 1. ni. rayilit!Wanut wam..ro,e. Apply '.%I-,J. It-ý tjves in Detroit, Mc.isa'ving), to the Cemetery. hI.lisne Bowmanv'iile. 119t f Miss Yvonne and Master Franki JACKMAN-In Bowmanvi!e, en Tues- FO SA -Dmno Piosa al Tighe are nolidaying ,vith their! day. Iuly 20. Selena wid0w cf the lat i d odo amnoarn vrtol lrnprnsa a .B1mtoOnt. I tillUTU Jackman, aged 87 yearl,. kndsldo aretspadvrtw granparets er Brniptn, 1Funerai irom her late resil, ne,,, 3Jack- years. Steinway, Heintzman and Ger- Miss Betty Morris ha.s returned 1 ma St., 'cay lThursday), . t 4 p. ni 1bard Heintzman uaed pianos taken as fron111a pesn vstwth her t h (veer.'Part payment on Dominion pianos wIlt brother, Mr. Gardon Morris, Toronto.1 WAKELIN-In Hamilton, Juiy 151h., 1 bescieared at bargain prices and on easy i 'Martha A. Wakelirt. termes.PFJ.* Mitchell, Distributor, Bow- a Misses Stella and Maude Reynoldsj Funerni fromt the residence af heri manville. 5-t l ar H. E.yin with their brother, mc."ther, Mme. William Wakelin, Sor.Sal areholdaingRoxonGeorge St., Bowmanville, Thursday, JîttyU Mr. . E.Reynolds, South Rxo. 22nid.. at 2:30 p. m. ta the Cemetery. PropertyFo Saet Qu.MAYNARD-At Oshawa, en July 15. t Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Walsh and1 James Maynard. Toronto, agd 43 years. HOUSE FOR SALE-Ail modern con--o Laevew Bech AIG-At 20 Farnham Av.. Toronta, veniences. Apply H. E. Smith, Queen- & daughter, Audrey, Laett Bech July 17, Thomas R. Haig, in bis 771h et., Bowmanville. 27-3w e spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. year. e-- Brock. SINCLAIR-ln Amherstburg. Wednes- FOR SALE OR FOR RENT-lause t Mr ad rs WllrdC teen îay, July 15th, 1926, Jahn J. Sinclair, in and Office, corner Temperance and v br n r.WladC tvn is 70th year. Cburch St.. Bowmanville. Anl conven-n iand daughter Alma, Toronto, spenti EL -lCurceonSnauy iences. Apply W. T Symons, R. R. 6, ISunday with bis father, Mr. F. N.1 îSHb,192, Toas We. Sh, agv 2years. Bowmanville, phone 160-5. 24-tf iStevens. Interred ait Eberiezer. HOUSE FOR SALE-Five romed cot- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brock and BROWN-In Clarke, on Sunday, July tage, at the east end af the City of Osh- daugter ay, oroto, eceni ý181h. 1926, Dwight Pilmer Brown, aged awa. Price $2000. Apply an premnIses 2 dauhtr ay, Toono, eentYi 60 years. Interred at Orano. te W. M. Kelly. second house south ai spent a weekend with his uncle, Mr.1 CREWS-In Siciîy, Heber C. Crews, King St., on Wilson Road, Oshawa. 29-1* H. Brock. i son of Rev. A. C. Crews, editar af Unit The ourtce-Eerso pici l d S. S. Publications, Toronto, ln bis FOR SALE, SACRIFICE-Eigbt r.oor- TeGutc-vro inc 39th year. ed bouse, frame. In Bowmanvilie; mod- be beld at Creaim of Barley Camp,I MORRIS-In Toronto, on Saturday ern conveniences; good stable; very Bowaavlle onFriayAugst ,' îuî 17 Elzabth aîîttwdw a tb large garden containlng aIl kinds af 2 p .xle n iay nt6,Jlt17, Abrab th Mris. aged St yefsthla-fruit, on quiet stre-et. For particotiars sp- at 2 .lte rahmMrired la1BowmaaviIne ply ta W. F. Ward, Barrister, Bowinan- Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Rice, Mr.and tHU nTER-At arotai eerl riaiville, Ont. 26-tf Mrs. Harry Gilbert, Toronto, were~ Pavillon, June 26, 1926, Henry F. Hunt-! FARM FOR SALE-115%, acres of Icai Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. er. (barrlster), formerly ai Bowmaa- ] and, 2 dwelling bouses, two good baras A.'« Mitchell. ville, beloVed liuabaad of Minnie FowlIer aad al out houseiag, twa creeks runalng and son of tbe late Alexander G. and ihrough the farra; 2 acres orcbard, % Mr. Will M. Dustan left Monday' Jennie Honter. acre slrawberrles and raspberries and for is home at Fresno, Calif., Mrs. _________________- ther fruits. Apply S. Pollock, box 313, Dustan remaining here for a more or 2 Carlisle Ave., Bowmaanville. - 27-tf extended visit. T e FARM FOR SAL.E-100 acre ferra ln Misse Heln Baer, olinLan Clarke Towniship, Durhama Ca., 75 acres Misss Reen BkerSolia, adis the best ai grain land, balance past- Marjary Couch, Bethesda, are holi-, FOR RENT-Apartsnent, contalalng ure, witb 3 acres bearing orchard. rua- daying wîth their grand-iparents, Mr.' 4 rooms, electric light and water. Appis aiag water crosis eacb ead; 8-roara brick andMrs W.J. rag. t The Stateam&n Office, bouse witb bath. furnace aad telephone; and rs. . J.Brag. - barn 40 x 85 on atone wall; Implement Mrs. Geo. J. Bray, Toronto, re- TO RENT-Cowan Block aimont ready shed and garage. Fer a aways occupied v.sied br ucle nd antfor occupancy. Stores and Apertaientsb wea odreosfrslig cently siie e nceadanteani heated, bardwaad floorsý, fll own, school, churchesanad amoifle tell- Mr. and Mrs. M. A. James, and ber modemn, electric stoves In each aat-wycannection. Inspection and cor- aunt, Mrs. Jianes Courtice. ment. For full particularse pply ta J resalpondence Invlted by A. A. Somer- Mrs. L. V. Redman and twa child- J. Masan & Son, phone 50, Bowmanil ville, R.R. 1, Orana, Ont. 28-6w ren, Caldwell, New Jersey, have Lost or Founid been visiting their cousina, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Campbèll, Ralby Head. CURTAIN LOST-Left front ide cur- Notice of Exerciaing Mr. and Mrs. Wk. Edgar and Mrs. tain ai D. 3517cLaugb]in auowanvSet- Powe of Sale A. M. Niahols and danghter Ferne, and Tyrone. Reward fer retura tae____ WhiItby, vimted relatives at Mea- A. H.. Breat, R. R. 5, Bowtaanville, andoterWeter pins. phone 146-22. 29-3w* To: CHARLES YOUNG, ELSIE 'ELIZA Mr. and Mrs Nelson T. Bragg, CLOTNING LOST-On Saturday nlght, SHECICLETON. Tornto en Mr. Fed ilt, Wk-July 17, on the raad frora Esli Okes ta 1. CORNELIUS RUSE herehy give you Toota. nt udwt Mrs. Fe itWk Ebenezer Church arti soutb te Base notice thet 1 demand payaient af the suai aw, Ss. pn udywt r Line Sobool, a box coataining childrenas o! FOUR THOUSt.ND. TIiREE HtTND- S. S. Bragg and other relatives here clotblag. Pin«Éder please notify Roy RED and THIRTY-THREEE DOLLARS Mr.Jon ake, . ., r.G.Tr 11, R. R. 2,- Bowmeýnvillle, phone 183- and SIXTY-SEVEN CENTS $433367) M.Jh BaeW M.DrG.12.U 29-1w made up as follaws: $2400.00 for Pria- C. Bonnycastie and Mr. Thos. An-- cipal and $134.71 for Interest togetber nison are re*iesenting Jerusaleai ENFIELD wlth Interet ai the rate of 7% Per an- Lodge at Grand Lodge at Fort Wil- nomn on the principal and Interest here- liami. Mrs. James G;rieves and Mr. Jas. Inhefare mcntioned frora the l9th day of Mrs. M. D. Phelp, San Jase, Cal., Ta.pp Charlotte, N. Y., Mrs. E. Cole, toe me the said Carnelius Ruse upan a vistig- erbrohes, esrs.j.Orangeville, Mr. and Mrs. Russell certan Ind;an> c af Martgege dated the isvstn- e 5terMsr 4th da fOtbr 920, frar aiE B. and A. Mitchell and other rdla- Jordan, Mrs. Wm. Jordan, <>bja<>' Eliza Ward and Thoma Ward ta Cath- tives here after an absence of f orty El., Mr. W. J. Ormiat.On, Broo0klîn, erIne Stanley whiclt martgage was reg- yer.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Avery, Raglan, istered la the Registry Office for th; years.Mr. W. J. E. Orniqton a.nd Miss Regiatry Division ai the Wcs.t RIdin Bagisin Hats--AJ.l summer Gotfesm owiavîe eea the County oi Durbamn on tbe Ithi BargainsBwianile WT day oi October, 1920, as Na. 12652 and millinery reduced in price .DingmanSunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. wee duly assigned to me by Indenture & Edmondstone. o. ~ f assignient dated Jonc 3th, 1926, and Mr. an Mrs.Gardo War.n cf istrs . a n r. H. Fa,- reglstered Ia the salit Regstry Office Mr. nd rs. ordn Wrmanof isiors:Mr.andon Jonc lti.. 1926, as No. 13940 wbich Moncton, New Brunswick, who are coner and Miss Lena Niddery, Tor- seid mortgage was made hy Elule Eliza motoring te the Western States, onto, have been visiting Mr. G. Or- Ward and Tidmnas Ward ta Catherine epen th wekendwxt Mr andMrs miton;Mr.andMrs.Joh Oris-Stanley for securiag the repayraeat af spen th weken wih M. ad Ms. istn; r. nd r&.Joh Oris-Two Tbousaad Four Hundred Dollars F. W. Goddard. ton, Oshawa, with friends here; Miss ($2400.00) and Interest as therein inca- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Burgess, Mrs. Irene Bray, Toronto, et Mr. S. tloaed. Paul Camlibell, Miss Campbell, 'r- BraY's; Mr. Oliver McCulloch re- ALSO $1600,00 for principal and $148.96 for interest t.agether witb inter- enta, Miss Winnifred Black, Hamnil- cently visited at Taranto; Mms. J est at thc rate of 7% per anaura on the ton, spent the weekend with Mr. and Stinson has been visiting et Bally- principal and Interest bereinbeiare mca- Mrs. Alan Campbell, Raby Head. duf; Miss Meggie Stinson ils visiting tioned frora thc 19tb day of July. 1926, ta the date of payment te me the sald Mms. F. L .Livingstone and Mr. near Pontypool; Miss Fitzslisnmons,, Cornelios Rose upon a certain Indenture and Mme. Archie Pearce and three Tarante, sang a solo in churcb bere ofa Mortgagc dated the Ird day cf April, cbildren. etOagNwJreo una n a ue prca- 1920, and reogistered in the Reglstry Office Wr iiigtet Orane, Nsse Jer'e, on ssnday and was musuh appreit-aforesaid on thc 23rd day af October. are isiingtheformm'ssisers Mm ed.Mis Fizsimonswil sig aaiR1920. as No. 12665, expressed ta he made S. Woodger and Miss A. V. Cale. next Sunday .... Mr. W. Alexander, by EMie Eliza Ward and Thomas Ward .Oshawa, recently tisited at Mr. L. ta me for secoring the repayaient of the Claence S. Mason's ShOPPe 's C Pascoe's. sura af One Tbousand Six Hundrcd 'Dol- ailngof balance of Warm Weatb- Sc* ebren l umnrMl lars ($1600,00) and Interest as therein seUieng in n uinrMi-mentloned. er Dresses et Clearing Prîces. linery at Dinginan & Edmond- ALSO the suai ai $50.00 for cents la The beapital auxiliemy afternoon. stone's. A bat for evemy face. connection witb the sale proceedings un- tee and sale of hame-mnade cooking der tbe sald niortgags. an the lewn of St. Peul's Church on NESTLETON The Nnds iacluded in the said mort- Frdyafternoon was a very suc-_____ gages are the follewing: -AIl and FrîdaySiagular that certain parcel or tract af cessful and pleasant social event. Miss Mabel Jaiks4n, Wilndlrr land and premises situate. lylng and be- Proceeds about $50. Public School staff, and Miss Beat- Iag la thc Township af Darlingtan, la the Cotoaty af Durham and Province ai On- Mrs. Kate Willianis and Mrs. W. rice Jobb af Moun t Clemons, Mich.,,ltara, containing hy admeasuremnent anc V. McDonald. St. Thonmas, Mrs. in holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. R. h undred acres hethe samne more or les. Grace Davis, Woodstock, Mrs. E. C. Jackson... Mr. and Mrs. Wilt_ andi being composed ai the Soutb 'haîf af Lot Number Twenty (20) in thc Roblin, Mr. and Mma. Chas. Rcblin, oni Cread and son, Emiersoni, Graven- Sixth Concesion o! the Townsbip'o! Dar- Hamiilton, were recent guests of Mr. hurst, are spending bolidays witb Mr iagian aferesaid". and Mrs. T. H. Knight, Westmount, and Mrs. M. F. Emerson. .. Mr. and AND TAXE NOTICE that unless pay- A1Mn. E. O. Veale, St. Catharines, and ment of thc iaid martga-se money be A ru fteW mn s ocie- isDnvste i ahr r madetie me, the salid Cornelius Rtuse tien of St. Paul's Chumch held a suc- MisDnvstdbi ahr m tîhîn anc manth frora the lime pf yaur ce-ssful aiternoon tee and sale af 1John Veale, and fiends lest week. . beiag séeveti berewith, 1 lie said Cor- home«lae cokig i th Scool-à.Mss arv Lam of Duramnelius Ruse will proceeti with or wltbott hooni.neFdcaking in thenScael-j 1. n., Miss M tary Lamb ofCDur ani ny consent or concurrence onyor part roo onFmiayJul 9,whe a oedi n ermem eahe e Cesrea, antei wtbouttaay furth er notice ta yau. pmogram was enjoyed in addition ta e .rewn friendsbips with ber tae nter In 0Possession a! the saiti the other inteesting itemis includiîîg many friends around Nestleton and mrortgaged premises, and recelve artd t ake the rente and profits thereof nnd the "Aniniated Clock". These con- Ciesarea .. Mt. A. Roy Wright ci îhetber la or out oi possession of thc tributing ta the progrem ivere read- The Windsor Herne Furnitume CO., samne te make aay lease ar leases ai thc îng byMm. W Adni, slosbyWindsor, and Mrs. W. Leslie Wright salime. or aay part ar parts thýeof,,as I. ingsby rs.W. dam, slosby he aidCornelius Rose shah see1fi1 Mrs. Chas. F. Rice, Miss Lenare and Mis% Muriel were visitors with; AND TO BELL AND ABSOLUTELYI Quick, Mrs. Chas. Herring, Misses bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter DISPOSE cf the saed landis and rEra- Belle Tait and Marion Leggtt. Pro-l Wright and other friends... Mms. ises, either at public auction or private1 PHONE 74 DOWMAVILLE Good Used Cars Sold Under Ouir Satisfaction Policy- Prices Right-Cars Right We want every customer-whether a new or used car buyer-to be completely satisfied. Therefore, every used car that leaves our premise bas been put in first-class condition. It has to go out and maintain our reputation for fair deahing. When you buy a used car here you bIzy in ful knowledge of its quality and value._____ COME IN AND SEE THEM Chevrolet Touring McLaughlin Touring Durant Touring Durant.Sedan Overland Se dan Maxwell Touring PREST-O-LITE SERVICE STATION Recharge and Repair Ail Makes of Batteries Corbett Motor Sales Co. Dealers in McLaughlin Buick-Oldsmobile-Pontiac King St. Bownianville pe re Stockt 9COwMANVîILLE. NTA 1Speciaffst inIi VomenppAel Exclusive but not Expensive s-Dresses-1osierg - Gloves- UnderweaJr-Etc. Wanted HOUSE WANTED-6 or 8 roorned house with modern convenienoc(. by September Ist. Appiy ta E. P. Bradt, Boys' Training Sehool, Bowmanville. Help Wanted GIRL WANTED-For general housc- work. Appiy tb Mrs. G. A. Edmond- stone, Bowmanville. 29-tf HELP WANTED--Good reliable irl ta work at <'ream of Barley Camp, must be wi1ling; aiso pantry girl. Inquire Mrs. Browýn 2 Notice to Creditors N THlE ESTATE 0F Robert Fielding, deceased. NOlTICE ie hereby given, pursuant to the Statutes ia that behaif, that cred- tors and others havIng any cdaImis against the estate of IRobert Fielding, aie of the Town of Bowmanviiie, Gean- tleman. who died on the 5th day of Jan- .rary 1926, are required ta forward same to the undersigned. the executor of the estate, duly verifled, wlth particulars of the securitiee, If any, held by thera on or befare the 21et day of Auguet 1926, and ai 1er the sald last named date the executor will proceed ta distribute the estate among the parties entitled there- to, having regard oniy ta the dlaime of whlch the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Orono, Ontario, thls lBth day of July, 1926. Dr. NEIL COLVILLE, Executor. R. R. Waddell & Co., Solicitors, 29-31-32 Orono, Ont. m Auction Sale of Lands In the Township of East Whitby. Theme will be offereti for sale at public auctian by William Maw, Auctioneer, on the premîses on SATURDAY THE 3let DAY OF JULV, 1926, at the i:our of two o'caock, Stand- ard Time-, in the aiternoon the fothow- lng landis anti premises, namnely: The north 60 acres of lot numnber five ln the seventh concessian of the Town- ahip of East Whitby anti the soutb balf ai the north balf of lot number four ln tic sati Concession antiTowrnship con- taining la ail 110 acres, more or le-a. On the premises are eaid ta be a f rame dweflilng bouse- antiwoodehed; fmarne barn andi shed One acre af orchs.rd (be-ring) anti amenl fruit. These lands are well watered. A running strearn passes tbrougb cach percel. Water la pumped to dwelling bouse- by windmMl. TERMS AND CONDITIONS-The lande will be offered for sale subject to re- serve bid. 10% o! purchase prica ta b. paiti on day of sale and balance an lot Marcb, 1927, when possession wIll b. givea. Purchaser will bave plowng righteafa- ter harvest of 1926 wlth steble-rocai andi bedroara. For furthem particulars and canditions ai sale apply ta the Auctioneer andtheii untieraigneti. E. E. VANSTONE, and JOHN G. HOBS WhItby, Ont. Burketaa, R. R. Ont. Executoms ARTHUR E. CHRISTIAN, Whltby, Ont., "oIcitor for the Elxecutoru. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 22nd., 1926 ,PAGE PIVI Hardware Prices Down Having gone into the Re-Sale price of g'oods to a thorough extent we bave decided esht a Cash Business le the direct con- clusion. Tbis resuIt gives full benefit to beth cuetomer and marchant. In doing a cradit business sncb expexises as bookkeaper's salary, postage, stationery, ledger, bad debta, etc., muet ileces- semily be added ta cost price cf mardiandise. By doxig a cash business we entirely aliminate these costa and are accordingly enalbled to sl aur goads at a mauch claser piea. 'his also places us in e position to compete favombly with mail order and depertniental stores. Therefore, on August 1, we will initiate the Caah System in the hardware business and we will be glad te show you the differexce li the old and new pricas. AU .p icas will b. reduced te the lowest e-bb with the hitb qtkality tlurmaining. From this data forward compare our prices and we wMl prova to you tiiet it pays to deal with thé aId ralialble and de- pendable hardware shop. WATCH FO R SALE NEXT WEEIC Dostan's Cash Hardware'