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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jul 1926, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 22nd., 1926 PRESERVED APPLES Peel, quarter and core six pounc of apples. Boil the skins in enoug' water to cover. Sprink]e the apple dry with sugar, using three pounc to six pounds of fruit. Strain tih apple skins from the water in whiel they have been boiled, and pour tkh: liquid over the apples. Let then stand until cold. Repeat severa turnes to harden the fruit, then cool ail over the fire with the grate4 rind and juice of one lernon. Corna are painful growtbs. Ho) loway's Corn Remover wiil removg thein. No More Piles Mile sufferers can only get quicl< tafe and lasting relief by removing the cause-bad blond circulation ir the lower bowel. Cutting and salveE can't do this-an interna] remedy mnust be used. Dr. Leonhardt's Hem. Roid, a harmless tablet, succeeds be- cause it relieves this blood congest- ion and strengthens the affectcc parts. Hem-Roid bas a wonderful recomi for quick, safe and Iasting re- lief to Pile sufferers. It will do the saine for you or money back. J1ury & Loveli and druggists anywhere sel: Hern-Roid with this guarantee. Getting Skinnier Every Day Something Must Be Done and Donc Right Now- Quick Hollows in Cheeks and Necl Grow- ing Deeper Every W.ek Tens of thousands of thin, run- down men-yes, and women too- are getting discouraged-are givins Up ail hope of ever being able to take on fiesh and look healthy and strong. Ail Buch people can stop worryins and start to smile and enjoy life rieht iiow for McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets which any druggizt will tel yen ail about are putting fiesh on hosts cf skinny f olks every day. One woman, tired, weak and dia ceuraged, gained 15 pounds in five weeka and now feels fine. We all know that the livers cf Ccd Fish are full cf vitalizing flash producing vitamines and these Eame vitamines of the highest cas are found in McCoy'is Cod Liver Extract Tabeta-sugar coated and as easy to take as candy. And this shows what faith the makers have in McCoy's for they say; if any thin person don't gain at least 5 pounds in 30 day. your druggist i. authorized te give yon yeur money back-and only 60 cents for 60 tabieta. Ask anv Iiie pharinacist anywhere in North or South America. But be sure te get MeCoy', the original and genuine. 5 EVERY MONTH MANY WOMEN Tae ZUTOO Tableta and are fro of the Griping Pain and Sick Headaches. R.ed what Mrs. Wright say s «I recotved your sample of Zutoo Tab- lot% and teck thein for mvere pain (monthly) and headache. At the end of je Minutes. I vas cntirciy free cf pain and experlenc.d no more througheut the pedocLi, sufer à great dWa at these timet. and fbel grateful that I have à reniedy which affords qulck relief. B" rwoman ~t h lacd ahcald know about Zutoa Tbeta and what th"y w1Id.11 bis. ALLEN WIUG 1T, Fulford, Que. TAKE ZUTOO THIS WOMAN NOW WELL Her Suffering Relieved and Health Restored by Lydia E. Pinkhani's Vegetable Compound Toron te, Ontario. -"-I arn certainly very grateful for thebenefit 1 have re- ceived from Lydia E. Pink hain's Veg- etable Corrnpound, aIso the Sanative Wash and the Liver Pifl. In the early spring I was suffering so much from loss of blood that 1 thought 1 would neyer be any better as doctor 's medicine relieved me only for the tirne being. I saw the Vegetable Compo>und advertised in the Toronto Star,' and I find the Vegetable Cern- ro und Tablets the best for me. 1 ave been taking them since Spring, and I intend keeping them by me al the tirne. After reading your Pri- vate Text-Book 1 saw it was neces- Bary te use Lydia E. Pinkhar's San- ative Wash, and 1 can safeIy Say 1 feel a different wernan. My friends rernark how well 1 look. I arn a ver y busy woman, but I arn ready at ail tîrnes to boolst yeur mediines."- MrS. CuIARihES GI1FFN, 9-19 ,Lands- downe Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. You may be havingan (»xçcrlence sirnilar te Mrs. Giffin'a and will be interested te know. what she cid. Every sick womnan can feel confidlent that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetalile Compound will help ber, since wc- are told that it does help 98 out of every 100 wonen Who take, it SoId by druggis everywhere. c PUIJRL HILL DARLJNGTON COUNCIL N tc oCeios BLACKBURN-HARDY PICNIC Is High School Entrance-Thomas Regular meeting of counicil wasl iB]ackburn-Hardy; picnic was held eh Mahaffy, Mary Henry, Alice John- held at Hampton, on July 7, mcrn- IN TTISE MATTER OF TIHE ESTATE July lst.. at "Glendale Farin", Fene- s ston. bers ail present, Reeve T. Baker pre-i 0r ANDREW McFEETERtS, laie of Ion Township, the borne of Mr. a-id Is Jr. IV te Sr. IV-Viola Mahaffy, siding. 1 the Town of Bowmanvile. in the Mrs. John T. Webster. .e Tony Sobanski, Evelyn Cowling, Jas. Curtis, S. A. 0., reported fori County of Durhamn, Esquire, deceas- At 11 a. rn. cars began -,e assemble h MaeGrahm, abent.April ,May and June, which was ap- d until a large number of relatives had s Sr II1 te Jr. III-Robert Ma- proved. NOTICE in bereby given puresuant te gathered. They were rnet by the mhaffy, Melville Henry. Cucldcdd t etEs the Stzatutes in thRt behalf that ail gna atadhseswogv Cuncildecide to met Eastcreditors and other having dlaimns against gna otad1seswogv al Sr. I ta Jr. II-Ruby Wotten, Whitby Council, July l5th., to take the eState of the above naineti Andrew, themn a warm wo]corne te their >k Bruce Mahaffy, Harvey Mahaffy. care of supervision of boundary line Mcreeters who died on or about thel beautiful borne, ,prettily decorated ýd Sr. Pr. te Jr. I-Ruby Tomns, for next 10 years. Agreement be- fIth da o! Juneare26. airte d towsn witb flowers and flags for the ecca- Jr. Pr.emlt e . .nrman Ma. tiween Darlington and Cartwright for o.t Prepald or deliver to the undersig- sien. Jr. r. o S. P.-Nirma Ma suervsionof ounary 1 nd Execu tor John A. MeFeeters or bis At noon a sumptueus dinner vNas ,Ibaffy. nup 0 erviion af onryli o liîcitor, on or before the tIrd day ofu served of chicken pies, salads, pick- re E. M. Bruce, teacher. nx 0yaswscnimd adAuigust, 1926, îheir nannes. addresses and signed. Clarke Township return- full particulara of their claims duiy yeni- lès, -sandwiches, cake, etc,. ta wbich ed areenen bewee tht îwnsiplfied, and thec nature f ' he «Pcuritl"a if everyone did full justice. The tables HAYDON a~~d agringen, awen aked . . any. held b thir, andI afttr tihe satd wibwr e n h euiu HAYDON and Darligton, and askedreiisionj lird day et August 1926. the said Exe- l' ihwr e ntebatf' of one clause. Clerk will prepare 1 cutor rvlll proceed te lt-tribttt- te as- 1 spacious lawn, were prottily de- Report of S S. No. 21,,Dalington: new agreernent and forward te snets of the aa.d deceaned &mong thel corated with bouquets of roses, Jr. IV ta Sr. Iv-Kenneth Gra-ý Clarke for approval. 1i'trsons enttled tl:,1to laving regard, peonies anr. only to the dlaims of wbieh he @halliis harn, Louis Ashton. Council will rnake inspection ofi then have notice. and the mald Ex.ecuter At 1 p. m. an interesting football Sr. 111 te Jr. 1v-Fred Beech,,1 Long Sault read and decide as ta w il net be liabih ,r tii-, as',ts (or any Igarne, married rnen vs. single men part tnerof te ar.y pcrsens of whosei Rerna Bradley, Bert Ashton, My- building two new cernent culverts. dlaims ire shahl not ti.. have had notice. i was played in which the single men ;rtle Cowling, Lloyd Th'ompson, Dol- Engineer Fellows reported on DATED this Tweiftir dny ef Juiy, 1926.1 were victorieus. The ladies then g bert Martin. ditch between lots 32 and 33, Con. JOHN A. MeFEETERtS, plyed a very exciting garne of soft- n Jr. II Ito Sr. III-Muriel Thernp- 7, ttating that moutb of culvert Executc'r of the osat f Andrew me- baIl, marriedc vs. single. The form- ýs so n, Roland Thompson, Arthur Tre- about 1500 feet frei nonrth end of y . eeters,. deeeaed, er winning. Following this the 1' winD. M. GALBRAITH, hiesSolleltor, -men's softball garne wa.s camried on, y Srn. Ht r.llFed r ideroad was about 1i % feet bigher 611 Lurriden B*u.ýdIng, Toronto. the captains being Mr. J. Lowes and JacSr.Hall, Gr.laUys rMar dley, than level of water in pend at north -3M .A M.Hrytelaer in JackHal, Glcry MarinRubylend of the sideroad, and that ta MrA._M._Hardy,_thelatter_____ -Greer, Hamold Tabb. dri the water it would equire a --nîng. I Sm I a J. ilVioa Badle, dainSports contmittee very canably il Lamna Thompsen, Evelyn Greer, ~8t eta ot fclet conducted a prograrn of 12 numbers. wiha width on topof2O ta 27 feet.j Chile's balloon rcftlde -Silas Trewin. Council decided ta make further in- iA uct ion racr osd ai race,f ladies' al t Sr. Pr. te Jr. I-Ada Beech, David spection of ditch July l3th. Sale acbbedhi acldes al r Hall, Percy Greer. 1-driving contes4 and others. Ail the i V. N. Helnan, teacher. Cerk was instructed te notify 1,o raes bhad soveral cernpetitors and __________Mark Blackburn te re'move a fencei Executors Sale of uitable prizos were awarcled. 1acroIss highway at lot- 22 and 23 B.- Reiefa opry nd M.AM.HdthHn Ps- ENNISKILLEN F. Con. on or bffore July 21, 1926,! eietilPoprya dentMr A. M. theady, theH oPrei Iin order te give access te lake shore Houehold EAfcI.8 Ia nd asked Miss Lela Knight, Sec'y.- I Promotion Exarninations iat that point.1 Treas., to give the financial state- RprofSS.N.1,Darîngton:jTenisers i .S c-, ,e. nqcf r aace h fior u ot r Sr. IV-Myrtle Bradley, Elma' tlt 21n 7,ct.7.ada; tsc e e:'. c-'. on the 1 ment which showed a satisfactory Reotaft. lN.16 ounci 2 i6 a id ,cenent.bridges, Thr uderise e e.oc ofred inst blne. Teue-espu o Dickinson. lots 26 and 27, con. 2. ý dW ~..oni every effort te mnkae the picnic a real To r. V-ori Grffn, on Treasurer acknew~leclged receipt USAV LY2t.12 success. Much eredit is due Mr. D Harold Stevenson, Annis Oke, roc.I of $116.50 frein Counties Treasurer, sA. e"nt'.-s "-c1r 1rCe. and Mrs. J. T. Webster and family To Sm. HI-N'aorni virtue, hon,, calciun-chloride, Hampton; Bank of i :"e~ for the generosity and courtesy ex- Grace Werry, hon, Josephi Steven-; Montreal, intere.st $29.90; Tp. Wf ANDREW McFEETERS itotded. son, Aic AhtnWibu D mkn-IClre e.N. n opn . .:x-eof he own.7de- Speeches were given by Pres. F. S son, Howard Oke, May Strong, Os-i S. Ne. 23 Tp. Clarke $347.82; Mn 1 oe.huee~ ~~n~s.n fi Blackburn, Vice-Pres. Harvey Har- Iwald PJetickE. Simpson, debentumes S. S. No. 16 :'t:P*cr - - and B.'d- i dy. Messrs. J. H. Earie, W. C. To Jr. II-elenBrunttFloyd. *;"ý', -fa and ToJr 11HeenBrn. lod$8500.00; Theo. Siemon. calcium-I of.c. oawerf-e - t e*.k'.chenl Blackburn, Jas. Hardy, W. C. Allin, Petbick, Mena Dickitnson, Gordon choid.Eniklen 429..*ý:.1re and u'tz-n'.* ee cai-péea.Frank Blackburn, Mms. O. Cole and Stevens, Earl Trewin, Lloyd Brunt, core, nikiln$23. IP.'.t-es dishee. , ert. :- Mm. Richard Webster. Mm. Webstem Audrey BTunt. Orders were drawn on Treasumrer: 1 ga~. arder ,ý 1c.eanen.' eferred briefiy te the olden tirnes. To Sr. II-Marie Oko, hon, Ruby J J. Brown, work onread. .S 2.50 awheeb&rrew _ ý He and bis wife recontly celebrated 1Virtue, hon, Bruce Ashton. S. G. Bat., axe and handles 3.40' p zd *ýk cucE ~ ~ tO their Golden. Weddfng. Ho said 1 To Jr. Il-Ruth Stevenson, bon Bowmnanville Foundry Co.., 1 ý . b - =1r'cen- bat he used te drive a yoke of oxen, Bemnice Stainton, bon, Fred Trewin rader blade............. .., 8 _enz_-snd ~e* -7n and.ione-' Clifford Pethick, ec, Marion Griffin, W .G. Ormiston, shoveiling i ýtof a= acre ec ±n77 C fe.patn c'w we have the automobile. and, ne mec. snow .....................600 f L-e*. i -c oncriIoubt, the future generation will be Q'-*f :re-m--tcf o i using the aeroplano as we use the To Jr. I-Verna Pethick, Eamî F. L. Smith, shovoiling 5110w, atmbls ieswr eeet Bmde.drgging ...................7.00; 2se Rfa: Esta e - r i To Sr. Pr..-Lorne Bradley. N. Scott, shovelling s-now. 7.00 ti.cW t« a re To Jr. Pr.-Harold Ashton, John 1 E. White, gmavel and wok. . 16.501 TERMS:-AZ, h :e s ý.: be Aharyvtofhnkwsted Oke, Roy Tewin. Ontario Bridge Co., slush 1Cd -er : : I- 1i~ciee m n Ms oa eset x-.a Etae tt ;~ -'~~-';.yabte w the former madle a suitable me- 1. Amdrew, CL Smîth, teachers. I scrapers ...................83 ~cr ts: c* a 27. pl7Y.Tessbydeieteo _____T. H. Richards, bridge womk 102.36 davPpy.Te sebydcie oh I Ont. Bridge Ce., Boss Road Pr~'t~r~ :cs a p:cr.ic next year. An invitation BI.ACKSTOCK grader ...........140.00! c'f! a2e :r.e ,ead à-.: - n . g:y as exter.oed by Mr. Frank Black- T. H. Richards salr an ':.ctd-te burrt: t Sioux City, Iowa. A candy 1-f. 0.m é.ASO , '%..s.M A. rmamble then madle ruch excitnent A very successful and enjoyable expense--June........... 145.94f A for bo:h od and young. piano recital by the puipihs of Miss T. H. Richards, grave]. dy- jDr'a O-.v. hs:: ' A :0p .alproko Vera McGill, A. T. C. M., was given nZmt-ue.......24.00 e t.:: or~Ilnho f~as ad in the Town Hall here on Frida- T. H. Richards, wc-rk road. .2857.561 'ýbtiuIlcakes, f adsn and- evening, July 9, when the following Pedlar People Ltd, .cul tubes.i336.461 Cz nad;cret .:Sle' arc cfcescrun Aeitadan faure excellent prograrn was rendered: Toronto Hospital, came Win. Duets, Ruth McQuade and Muriel1 Sinale ..............1.50 eelàGroeeei for 'es. .fhe good **eats" was a portion of MeGill. Gilbert and Alvin Marlow, Toronto Hospital, came Arnb. L.&:e hc.ud ::: !&;-, a.a rs R.C.etbtems ld and ara Armtrog; rios Grce unicpalWcmd blnk orma 46.0 ~~-z~undet--c.a fc ~: En.:~ Wedding Cake. Margaret and Olive Beacocki, Mabel Allun .......... 6.0 aeY : cE.ý &câ1 Ge.:er rsnefenB and Frances Mountjoy and Viola S. R. Hart &C-o., colloctor's drLtS...a i! Oshrawa. Ne'wcastle. Lind- Bradurn quatet Laua Biley rol 16.5 isay. Peierborc, Fenelon Falls, Or- Olive Beacock, Mabel Armstrong and Brown Bras. Lîd.,' cazsh«*bcok 19.76;-kcc. ride xCt adSs Flamenco Faim; solos, Edgam Em- W. R. Alliri, stamps, sta- otr c ertwee rcie merson, Bobbie Willan, Marie Tre- tionery, etc ............... 22-91 f rom -sEveral who were unable te at- win, Viola Bradburn, Mrs. F. Stin- Haroldl Skinnom. sheep 4n.. 4.20e t oted:cdigD.EntAiLs son, Merle Thornpson, Grace Mount- W. R. Allin, offce mn:. and for ndgees 3fr. ar.Ernst Cas. E.Lo joy, Glenn Gîbson, Muriel McGtll,1 phono................. 24.1141 geez3ran Ms.C s.E FanceF Meuntjoy, Ruth McQuade.1 W. R. Allun, sal. 2nd quarer 150.00' h pm o tu;t h Flamenco Faim, Bessio Howe, WilfridcL H.Skinner, sbeep camages. 20.00 aP.-ti as Mr. .l HaStreyn Richamdson, Mabel Armnstrong, Laumal A. H. Brent. shoep damages 3.5.00 ' onh : ndP's . ale,--rgo Ble, eme bopsn. Betweenl A W Clemens, shoep dam- I A S rc&ock :he friends dispemsed, numbers Miss Daisy Murray, Peter-I ages....................1.i5 1/0-the car Ofl i - , ' ar t2 oirg te me bore Consevatory of Music, sang W .R. Allin, reg. fees, !and ~I-e&:Dar several solos whkch were vemy rnuch frpk..........03 e U1D oe (J ___ appreciated. McClellan & Ca., comret . . 26 e d Mothor Graves' Worm Extermina- Sid Kesey, building fence, -WDIG tom will drive woTms froin the sys- fomest plot............... 20 0O,< IDNG tern witbout injumy ta the child, be- N. F. MacNachtan, calcium- Ma -Hg cause its action, while fully effective chioride.................. 42.93 O i~ 4- la miid. ~~~~R. Avery, cabciurn-chiordie. 116.50 '. .h--o nStraJl H. F Osbmne adv T. .' ê(~T Ir). l a a: wedil-ng was salemnized fS. S. N o. 4 ........ 10û0 00 EAGLE .~AK.~L.~. ' a~- b. .J. G. McKee, COURTICE A. Milîson, S. S. No. 14. . l O(-W . 100C 00P i v r oug L. C. Pas-coe, S. S. No. 15. .100 001 Cp3de -sed N w'k (ral-.1 ver . ougewst (Receied toolate fr lastweei N 1. MfcaMn. G.S.M.. 6.g.12-was (Roeiedtealae orlas we*)H. I etcalfn, S. SB o6.12ec.- T/te Bcrden Co., Limited jr. n -rmariage to Roland Manm, H.rFergusn, M. B., Sec.--.f Mr. arnd Mrz. George Mann Mm.5. . CurtceB. A., and Treas., S .S. No. 16, de- M2TEA1-Y If(-oig wifo, Learing:on, and Miss Iva, Tom- bentures................ 8500.00'_______________I onto University, wome guests of Mm. Council adjourned to Saturday. Bond-Bedd1nci and Mms. G. F. Annis and Mrs. L Au_______7,__1926,______1 p.__m. Annis over the weekend .... Mm. andi uW.t7 126 tR . inT. C-. et-. quiet but pretty wedding Mms. R. E. Osborne and Master Nel-II~fo ic en.a:atmona son spont Sunday with friend.s at I ," e-: d tc- iStretnit Ebenezer. Miss Louise taking the or-i FOOTBALL m. S ..I tfSarr a*e Khng Doris tdnaiMay gan in the absence cf the organist. .i- i j, __i r.', oage wcf n.DrianMrs yeo A number frein here attended the Solina 3-Bowmaniville fo1 ___Be ag1- WhtofMbecarnd te ri e temperance meeting in Orono on Frî1 As the weatbemrrnmained in foot- 1f Wî1.n,'. Blake Bond, son of Mm. day ovening. . .. Our W. M. S. beld ball's favor Saîumday evening for_ ard Mrs. Samuel Bond, Brookl. an At Homeoan Thursday afterno(on' Bowranville-Solina gaine at High rPie- bride looked charming in a at the home of Mrs. Muir. The Schorl grounds many spoctators bl, nd(i zwn cf canton crepe witb fprogram consirteod f report- .f were prosont, including somo veny -Iht O n oetco match. She IBranch meeting by Miss Olive Gale live voung ladies from Solina. hazrcà c hs cf Oshawa; a piano solo by Mis Sd- Tht homne team had several newam-I a bouquet of American ie Muir an<l a vocal #,Io by Iss dapayens and changes wome te ho seen -jMn. an-I MIr..- Bond will reside inI Annis, after which refreshments 1 n the pîayer' positions which in- were erevd in abundance and a venyl ludied I,,,b jr- thp forvamd lino. Ona. sociable heur was spent. Mis- Muin' liome îeam pressr.d the opponents 6'I and Miss Sache oxtendod te aIl pro.-1 oal bardI during eanîy stage cf the ~I Woolner-Morris th jdniti .thanpd oucs-twatse ei Bwmavlo r;tl-cGah ill kil! many times more luschildron cap their vitalitv and mtard th jin. nImucestbît.-'h Pîký;R Cole, J. Bi-own-, J.Wi-frtem eyha an ohr physical developinont. They kùep -eti-t f hema -uces. :î- 1' -wnu----I-in. .h. the child in a constant state of un- But w 'lon't ask you te takc- oui- îIlI, Moore. fly killer. Each pad wilI kil! lMes rest and , if net attendedtl t, cndang- wr-rd~ ~ fo ot uy&Li-l or1 tîina-6o-nege'~fak- ail day, every day, for three e-I-]if. Tt hl ~ i.-n"< an', druggi-t antI get a bottît 0cf 1 Pîvoolds, Blanchand; Haîf Back-ý weeks. At ail Grocers, Drug- 1rnuch suffi ring and the rnot<er much Rheut-oa oday; ifi tîey bt<Iîa k.1 onldWîbr crad gists and General Stores - anxiety by usingareibo or we pi-oni-e et your neeybc-k. c, Dew-eIIBRush,. Tink, Vc.n-eeyrc î eMl' V iabl P or-- I- wiII b4e th(ri-ewaiting for you. Rc-feroc---Dick Pattenson. Vie' s1Ceand 25e per pakador1s, bch ae ur eah w(>.1 oms. Cook's Regulating Compound A sole, ieliablse eauwaind neiine. Sold intiance de. g riù.iof sni-agtlî-No. 1, Il No,. 2, $3; Ni,. 3, 35 per box. 4 Sut'] h yail dnuggiots, or se-nt ï!petaii on r,-ceipt of prie. r-e pArphiet. Addresat THE COOK< MEDICINE CO eGî OeN.(iunury ;udî WODIS PHOSPHOD1NEý1 e~ Tones arnd invigarates the whole- Pe'-s Ysiem,. makes ne-w Blond in olit Veins. tise-I for Neri-nrus D lebility, Mental and Bran , H, poenr?. 1L0-U of ne Palpitation et ÉeerailingOMe-mon>'.rPriee 2per bex.î for $5,ISoîei by alidnggi-sts, or mauled in plain pkg. crireuepî tprce. Ne-wpamphW imailec ý- THE WOOD MEDICINE COJoTORN-rO'e.r, E q Gran4tpa 1?oaeWhr itoDr E ND the roach nuisance notv. Fit will do it. Fuit spray destroys roaches, bed bugs and ants. It searches out the cracks and crevices where they hide and breed, and destreys insects and their eggs. KMs Ail Household Inmets Flit spray alse clears your homo in a few minutes of disease- bearing fies and mnosquitoos. It is dlean, safe and easy ta use. Spray Flit on youm garments. Flit kilîs maths and their larvae which est hdles. Extensive testa showed that Flit spray did net stain the most dol icate fabrica. Flit is tiie result of exhaustive esearch by expert entomel ogists and chemists. It la harbWess te, mankind. Flit has replaced theolad rmethods because it kills all the inset--and doma it quickýv. Get a Flit can and sprayor tociay. STANDARD OIIL CO. (NEW JERSEY) Distributed in Canada by Fred J. Whitlow & Co., Tarante. b, j ECONOMY The best kind of economy is in taking care of what you have. If your buildings are getting out of repair get after them at once and don't be ["Penny Wise and Pound Foolish". We have all the requisites in Lumber, Shing- les, Cernent, Lime, etc., and at prices that will war- rant your using them . We specialize in Beaver Brand Hardwood Flooring. Ten Test Fibre Board, Beaver Best Wall Board and Gypsum Lath, also Johns -Manvifle Flexstone Asphait Roofing and Shingles. We are also prepared to fill your bins w-ith Best Quality fresh mined D. L. & W. Scranton Coal. There is no better fuel and summer prices are now in eff ect. Best quality Domestic Coke, steam and Smithing coal, Hard and Soft Wood always on hand at right prices. Our motto is "Service and Satisfaction"~ Cali and see our goods and get our prices. McCleIIlan& Co., Lùnited King St. East Bowmaniiile OffIce Phono 16 Hous. Phonos 228, 274, 218W PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLF, THURSDAY, JULY 22nd., 1926 -.1

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