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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jul 1926, p. 8

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PAGE IGHTTE CA.NADIAN STATESMA.N, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 22nd., 1926 Phone 110 Nelles' selL groceries for less. Mr. and Mrs. Stratton. Oshawa, were guests of Mrs. Wm. Ja.miesov. Rev. S. H. and Mrs. Pickup. Tor- ente, were recent guests of Mrs. W. N. Buckley. The Clenience family held its an- nual pienic at the Creain of Barley Camp on Wednesday afterr.on, July 21st. Newcastle extends heartiest con- g.atulations te a former esteenied and highly successful publie chool principal Mr. C. F. Cannon, B. A.. w.ho has been engaged by the Board of Education of the City of Oshawa as superviser of the city's public schools te succeed Mr. Athur E. Garbutt resigned. Newcastle pre- dicted and is certainlv elated over Mr. Cannon's rapid rise in the profes- sion for which he is se eminently fitted. Newcastle is aIse praiîd of the fact that Mr. Cannon's wife is a Newcastle girl. SHEL Be fair to your motor and for best resuits use SHELL GAS We carry a stock of the weIl known Sheli Coal 011 and Sheli Motor Oils. A trial will convinee you, as it has other's, of their superior quality. ry ýnd ýhe te of orl ;ed he tdi North Side King St. E. Bowmanville Give the Babies Plenty of Fresh Air We have a complete line of Carniages, Carriers and Go- Carts, newest styles and prices are very low. Children's Cribs with drop sides and rnattress complete, several grades. We are selling a Simmons Bed, Mattress and Spring for $18.00, any size. We have Steel Beds, Walnut finish, ail sizes and frorn $10,00 Up. SEE OUR HAMMO COUCHES We have everything in Furniture and prices are very low. We seli the Victor line of Orthophonie Viet- rolas and Victor Records. Corne in and hear thern. F. F. Morris Co.i Phone 10 Bowmanville MEN'S STRAW HATS HALF PRICE Men'a Mns Men's Mci' s Mcii' Straw Straw Straw Straw Straw for ...$2.00 f or.... $1.75 for ...$1.50 for ...$1.00 for...... 50C Owing to backward weather conditions we are forced to do this to clear our hats out. S. G. CHARTRAN 1 door west of Bell Telephone Phone 26 Bowmanville 1< Spectators of the bowling mat4h whicb are in progress neaîrly eve evening during this fine July weal er appreciate the convenience ai comfort of the several ru-tic bencli which have been placed beside green. The benche, are a gift the community of the niembers the cast of The Miller's Daughter Bound in Henor, and wer epurchasý from part of the proceeds of tl play as presented in Orono ar Bowmanville. r d, il ir vi fil ni eti je sc af iM Bi Bi laý At an sei pe if la. tei tiî ne of Fr fGr cf eni fa] ni ho To un( Su J. ho Pie get par bui Ami Yei (Ri Ca0 Git B&a Cic w Alti mnu( ie at Thz, Tue NI M is Mc( Jaw wee of f Win Mne M rs Mn. al ing sých( hav Tor Fac prz shiLr ed nun fair the- an c siol Cor past years she has been a f ne- Electnical Bookkeeping Machines, Honor graduate of Trinit>' Univer- itt visiter te Newcastle whene she Hundrede of Operators WANTED aity,. Fellow of Trinit>' Medical Col- ýoften stayed f* caitsidorable lege, Licentialte of the State Univer- .ths cf time and made n.a ~AVWVV it>'of New York, Matrieulate af the ends wiio now eymnpathize wit SUCJiS AS UftED 'Poat Graduate Medical Sehool and bereaved relatives. Deceased Hoapital of New York and Follow been making ber home with ber WRITE TO-DAY for informtaion of the Toronto Academny of Medi- maried son and daugbter, Mn. cine. Offic-Mra. McNaughton'a Rou- tes Broad and Misa Hattie Bnoad, J. O. DERMOTTr,, B. A., Idence, Noeastle. Houri-S to 10 mmore. M.rs.. A. Co'wait, North Principal. a. m. 1 te 3 p. m..and b>' appoint- ,is a niece, ____il__________ ut. JULY SALE CONTINUES WITH NEW BARGAIN SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY The Newvvcatft1e Indepgendient THURSDAY ,JULY 22nd., 1926 NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE MISSION BAND PICNIC M Olive Therne, Toronto. is Principal and Mrs. Rogers are vis- Owing ta the inclexnency of the vi ýiing with Miss Ethel Loýk-hart. iting friends in Oshawa. weather, the United Church 'Mission Miss Verna O'Neill and Miss Ruth Mrs. P. O'Neil visited he sis- Band picnic, on Saturday, July 17, Pillsworth are visiting i n Campbell- ter in Madoc last week. was held in the basement of the ford. Miss Catherine MiýcEachern, Osh- Com-munity Hall instead of at the J. AresnSihmde a bus;- awa, is holidaying in town. lake. The afternoon. opened %vith Ar.drsonSmît maea short program consisting of read- nie ss trip te Niagara Fal:s on Mon- Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britton spent ings by Marion Rickard and Bernice lay. Sunday with friends in Toronto. Coucb and a short explanatory talk Miss Doris Willows. Montreal, is Mrs T. R. Taylor and daughter, on the "God-shelf" by Miss Camp- .isiting ber aunt, Mr.s. John Cun- Yvonn*e, are visiting at her parents, bell. After the 'program and a ningham. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gibson. business meeting, ail partok of a Mliss Laura McQueen, Toronto, is Miss Lillian Smiale. teacher at Hindu lunch, consisting of rice, cor- pending vacation with Miss Dun- (reighton Mine, is viLiting with ry sauce and cearse wheat cakes, ratit Dudley. Misses Catherine and Stella Black- boys eating first, as is the custom Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Wheeler 'lave burn. in India. The members were -erved eturned frem a visit with Wo-)l- Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and daogh_ by waiters dressed in Indian fashion, tock friends. ter of Toronto, are holidaying for a and Adair flancock, likewise a teni- Miss Doroth'.- Wright, Toronto, is fortnigbt in Mr. W. N. Buckley's poar Hindu and representing lhe olidaying with her grandmother, sommer cottage, Newcastle-on-cýhe- edo the large family, lit the cand- Mr.Wrn.Bonathan. Lake. les opon the improvised Godshelf and Vli5.placed an offering of food before the Mrs. Balfour ,Sault Ste Marie, The evening service at the Unit- God, with fitting seemnity. This )nt., is spending the summer with ed Chtxrch on Sunday evening was was followed by regular Canadian Urs. P. F. Le Gresley. greatly enriched hy the vocal duets Mrs.E. . Smpso an -rnd-by Msse Via ad Syil angnaieata, rather more pleasing ta a Can- Mrs E.A. intsonandgrad- y Msse via ad SbilLanmad adian palate, in whicb everyone faughter vivian, Torento, are visit- of Oshawa, who on tis as on former joined Ileartily, including the moth- ,ig the Misses Drumniond. occasions brought spiritual joy inta ers of the children, wbo had been Mrs. Asa Otton, Toranto, is isit- the heart.s of their eager listeners. invîted. After everything was ig Mrs. W .G. Hay at the lake and Mr. W. N. Buckley left on Meniday cleared away, the, races began. ber friends in the village, for Trenton ,having been once more, There was a race for everyene, for John Finley is over from Michigan engaged ta superintend the cravel the yeunger girls and boys, under isiting his mother, This is John's pit for the Win. Harvey Co., Cen-leight and under ten, for memibers irs; trip home in eighteen years. tractors, who are building the con- fourteen years and under ,and a lad- Hai-crete road along the governmont ies' race; tbree-legged races for boys Mr. and Mrs. Rex Wynn, Hml higbway between Brigbton and Tren- and girls and a thread-and-needle on, are holidayin.g with Mr. and tn aefral nzswr îe n Irs.D.J. aibait, "hesayn~'. Mr. Allait Martin has resigned as after a game of sly wink, tbe Darty Miss Sadie Bennett entertained a teacher of the Lake Shore School and went ta their vanlous homes, -tired [umber of ber yeung friends at a accepted a position on the Toronto but contented with the afterneon's Veiner Roast at the lake last Thurs- Public School teaching staff where fuit. ay evening. where bis many friends here wish Miss Irene Baskerville and gentle- him succeas. Mn. and Mrs. Martin ian friend, Toronto. spent the week- and cbildren will be mucb mi.ssed LAKE SHORE UNION nt at ber parent's, Mr. and MrS. in the neigbborheod. Miss Theresa S. S. FESTIVAL essie Baskerville. McNeil bas been engaged ta succeed TeLaeSre Uin uda Mr. and Mrs. Perey Ranson and Mr. Martin.ThLaeSoeUin udy n and Mr. and Mrs. Ranson, Sr., Newcastle United Church, Rev. E. School's annual garden party, genen- fBelleville, were necent visitons at B. Cooke, Pastor. Sunda>', July 25- ally, as it was this year, held on Mn. rs. Wm.. Hunter's. 10 a. m.--Sunday School. il a. m.s . . tereuaie cf -be s*ong f hed Miss Hàwthorne, Midbroek, a -Monning Worship, Young People ' mth euanjoyab eistimme ofthe laseniate at Normal of Miss Beatrice Choir. 7 p. m.-Evening Servic e; otejybe sme ud ýragg's, ie visiting at Mr. W. D. The Kendal United Ghurch Choi funictions on the north shtore of Lake ýragg's, and assisted the United under the leadership of Mr. Jameir Ontario, and this yean's event was hurech Choir un the evening service Swarbrick will have full charge of well up te, the standard set b>' its st Sunday. g th.e service of song. Everycite weî- predecessors. The popularity of Mr. Rebt. Gîbson has retumned ta cerne. this suimen festival neyer seenis ',a St.Geoge' ChrchGaren ar-wane and this for several reasons. tlantic City, having spent a pleas- S. ergsCurh dnPr- The location is a beautiful one and it vacation with relatives bere and t>' and Strawberry Festival on the fo h anoeloigNwat ýcured the necessar>' papers for bis Rectory lawn on Wednesday even- lon-the-Lakne ith ispemaet ermanent residency in the U. S. A. ing, July 14, was a splendid succe l-nssLk it t emnn he se desines. the proceeds amounting te $116.00.rsdnesme otgs ad Mn.W. . Hy nd r. picnThe ice cream bootb and ýandy stal ens and lawns nestling among the Mr. . G Ha andDr.Spierthe former presided over by Miss man>' trees which everywhere seeni oonta. came down in full Higb- Mary James and Miss Winnie Lake te partly conceal alI beneatb tbem, md dress of tunic and kilts and at- and the latter by Miss Salome How- ' ponoramic view rnay be had of the ýnded St. George's strawbenry fes- ard and Miss Nora Gibson provided lake and landscape as far ta the val on the Rectery lawn last Wed- attractive outlets for many a nickle soutb and west and around ta the sday evening. and dime aud helped considerably ta north as eye can reach ;and many Copper Beech boys played a gante swell the receipts. Besîdes the on these occasions give deligbted ex- bastsball agaiust a local team on plates of delicieus strawberries the pression te their admiration of the iday evening on the Comniunity tables were laden witb many gea d scene. Then there is the congenial een, winning by 4 te 3. Mr. Hale tbings ta eat and were served b>'at- homey social atmosphere which ema- Toronto. wha Le assisting to sup- tentive waiters whose only aim seem nte mtih e gop th te y sc-o 7intend the amp boys, umpired. cd te please every guet.. Rewman- inwoke h udySho Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allun and vile Band played a number of choice gigadprae h hl en Lmily attended the Brooks-Lang- selections during the evening. pan>', of guests from country, vil-i aid picnic at Lakeview Park, Osb- The annual picniceof the New- lage and summer homes. va, an Satunday afternoon, bring- castle United Church S. S., beld on And then there is the abondance g Misses Vida and Sybil Langmaid Wednesday afternoon, July 14 ,at of viands served at the tables on the >ite with tbem ta spend Sunda>'. the Cream cf Barley Tourist Camp, lawn witîh unstinted hand. It is said Mrs Ams MMulen nd r. nd owmnvilewas pranounced by the that one doesn't get much in this rs. Leslie Harris and son Ray of big crowd present as one of the bcst te be the coingthutght oteLe rente, motened te Kendal on Sat- in the histon>' cf the school. Offi tbehesnltoutofheLk -day and on their retrn home on cers, pupils, parents and church Shone people frein Supeirietendent Robt. Martin down ta give much for .nday called on Mr. and Mrs. W. mernbecs generally attended in large ittle. The lusciaus stnawbernies S. Rickard, taking Miss Mariait numbers and spent a long, glarlous ihcemadsgranteohr mne with theîq for a week's visit. afternaeitenjaying the fneedomi, wtmpingeatsan hich a pran te îht Mr. Frank Blackiburn, Sioux City, conifonts, ceveniences and amuse- partkeofaears ticha bersaimidcn wa, and sister, Mns. Omer L. Cale, ment facilities of the camp gnounds,. 1>' by ofes apacit> ta hanle teci- erson, Iowa, who motoned- bere to- Even the gnawn-tups of aIl a.-es gave And aos t a benit years paset e ýther and bave been visiting their theniselveà unrestricted fun an dAnasi sbe nyerpsts nents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Black- hilanity as the>' slid down the high was it last Frida>' evening. irnand therrelaivesof te lides, teeter tottered or voyaged on After supper is the prograim fnam tnheand ather relatives of the ithe verandah and un this respect at neLand left on Tbursday for theirteecawv. Tercntdi- least the event even outclassed those nerican homes. 'ions of a parrot and a menke>' ta ffrerias Thoseatteding he By of the animal life of the camp wcee of fM yar Cus.n seeofca ritoe ateningbbcBaycf uinte lively inteneat ta the children. TheIM.Js olo, seeofcae wgPeople's Summer School at young men engaged in a gamneof as chairman in bis own inimitable uncageo rmhr ae m way. Then thene were iitterestie.g cagotfeibr ar Mrs. basebaîl on the level stretch ofcnrtloyspehsb v.E Pv.) E. B. Cooke, Mrs. Howard ground at the rean during the after-cnrtltr'spehsb1e.E ýoke and daugitter, Reta, Misses noon, while many of the beys dived 1 B. Cooke, Dr. Farnconb and Mr. A. ace Bragg, Tucken C-uch, Maniiit and swam and cooldofiith A. Calwill. Mr. and Mns, Gea. skerville, Ruth Hancock, Eileen ming pool. Towards evening a good lapeladsnCakdCek )ke and Darothy Rickand. programi of competitive sot was provided abondance of good instru- Newcstl mal qurte-Mesrs.put n uderthe a sporet of mental music tbrougbout the pro- .ewcS.tle aIe qu . aet-Masrk.Mn. J. W. Bradley' and Mn. Clarence grami. Miss Mary Davey of Onono, lp and Harold Allin, has been in Alliit, pnizes being given ta the win- captivated the audience on the lawn ner. Sppe wa patakn e atthewith ber cbarming courtsbips necita- [ch demand at recent garden pairt- nr-Spe a atkno ttetiens. Aise there was the Bragg and lawn sociale, having sung tables under the apple trees where Quartet running with fine effective- Welcome Manda>' evenine, july everyone feasted ta full sati-3fa,'-tien ness on three cylinders, fan it was a- Wesleyville on the followiitg on the good things pnovid2d fan the noted witb regret that the icciion ursday and at Zion, H.ope, an occasion. miember cf the four, Mn. W. S. sday evening, Jul>' l3th. The oldest Onangeman on panade Bragg, was absent thraugb ilînees. Ire Wm Hute an daghtnwas Mr. Robert Fowler of Orono. However, Mr. Otto Bragg, Mn. Wai- Us. Am an'dMn and Mn,.Frd wbo is un bis 94tb >'ean. He joincd lace Bragg and Mn. Sain Glanville 3sAmyar and so. ndLaMMooe Shankel badge, Derrygonnell', Ire- with Miss Leta Bragg at the piaro ra Sa., sn aorinMof aetland. wben a youtîh, aitd bas been a nendered some pleasing selectio)ns uý n Belleville enjoyirng a serieslylOagmnee ic.Fny and Mn. Wallace Bragg aIse favored esnine years ago he carne ta Canada, tecmaywt n fhssin family reuniens with Mn. and Mns and bas beeit identified with New- thd cmpit'wsolnecobssp.n i. Hunter and family, Mr. and tonville badge, 311, ever since. Jas. ddsls i. JoTu- nadfml',M.adFwewo akd wt aeu- COL. A. E. GOODERF Pre.Id.it HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO Wu Write AUl forma of Casualty Inaurance, Also Fire and Life Itranchea: Halifax, St. John, Montreal, Ottawa, London. Winnipeg. C&igary, Vancouver. HAM C. A. WITHERS Vtce-r& & Man. Direotor AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS ARE NUMEROUS SECURE PROTECTION THROUGH CANADA'S OLDEST AND STRONGEST CASUALTY COMPAN'Y. SEE OUR AGENT FOR SPECIAL LOW RATES ON YOUR CAR ALSO PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE. NO OBLIGATION. Agent C. M. CHANDLER Newcastlc When You Need GROCERIES-BREA-BUNSCES- PASTRY-CHOCOLATES-ICE CREAM -SOFT DRINKS-ETC. Bring or send your order to this store where it will receive prompt attention and you will get good valut. H. S. BRITTON, & M& Gre wNewcasU. Scores of satisfied custorners have taken advantage of our July Sale of Dresses. Scores of custorners have sav- ed real rnoney, secured the utrnost in style and materials in dresses that are individual, dis-. tinctive and reason- able. Ce A, Bartlett SILK DRESSES $11.50 Wonderfui new group of clever seasonabie Si1k and Cotton Crepe, Rayon, Fugi Siik and Itai- ian Siik Dresses just out of their boxes, ail fresh crisp and new, presenting ail the newer littie touches that have recently been added by the best designers, beautiful, reasonabiy priced, no two dresses alike. BARGAIN PRICE $11.50 TAFFETA DRESSES $14.95 New shipment of Taffeta Dresses, guaranteed flot to eut or fade. These dresses have just ar- rived in the department and every dress is a picture. BARGAIN PRICE $14.95 ENGLISH BROADCLOTH DRESSES $1.98 More Engiish Broadcloth Dresses in Striped and Figured designs, worth regularly up to $3.00 BARGAIN PRICE $1.98 FUGI SILK DRESSES $6.75 Fugi Silk Dresses, including white in a host of clever designs and colors, beautifuily made and every dress different, BARGAIN PRICE $6.75 SUMMER DRESS MATERIALS 98c YD. Special Sale of Summer Dress Materials in- cluding Si1k and Cotton Crepes, Figured Rayons, Plain Rayons, Fugi Silks grouped into one trem- endous special for Group Selling Friday Morning prornptly at 8:30 o'clock. Watch the windows. 98c yd. Phone Your Dry Goods Requirernents to 106 We Deliver Promptly S. W. MASO N & SON Dry Goods and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Phone 106 Bowmanville Side Talks on Bread No. 14 Holidays are here, consequently aur thou.ghts are xuainly occupied in arrangements of picnic parties, etc. Making up the plonic basket involves ranch time and con- sideration, because success cf picnic depends uipon goodness and variety of its contents. What could be nicer than sandwiches of Lactomalt Bread and lettuce, Uto-pia Bread and meat or Fi.,h Pattes and Sweet Breada such affig and Date. Rieh Fruity Raisin Walnut Breads, lota of riuts in or a spiced Fruit Losif? They are ail real fie and will çflakeUp a basket fit for the most fastidjous. We are Food SpecIalists. CaIl 97, The Big Variety Bakery. The Bowmanville Bakery Successors ta Christie'à Bakery Bowmanville 6 GuaauiEum AmAccn>uwr Hats, Regular $4.00 Hats, Regular $3.50 Hata, Regular $3.00 Hats, Regular $2.00 Hat&, Regular $1.00 -- - 1 PAGE EIGIIT 4 55ýý

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