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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jul 1926, p. 2

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PAGE IWO Worm- ;Sap the srength and under- mine t,c e Vitalivy of chjldren- Strengthen :hem by using 3lotherl Graves' Worm Externina- r to drive ou- teparasite.z.1 It WiM, Preven- Ulcera:ed Thrîat. -At the firs- svnaptonis if 'ore throaz. which presages ulceration andý infanm!niatiox, take a zzponful of1 Dr. Thb ima,ý' Eclcctric 011. Adi a. ltt-I' uzar :o i~niniake jr palatahie.1 It w:Ii aHay the irriýa-îorianil îre- vent the ulceratimn and swelling that are '-i naînful. Tboze who were peri-.iiiaiiy subject to quinsy have, thu;m-l themselves immune to at- ta-LI - GEO. PRITCHARD- THE HANDY LITTLE SHOP PARTICULARLY AROUND HOUSECLEANING TIMIE aîLots of oeoPie da't kn-îw just al We s,31" :- this ittle snop of o *urs. S,3 we going rý'î tcUl yau anil invrs zyiti t-,raIl: WALL PAPER Bes-: akee on -h.? markee. BEST PAINTS Gljddcni3 Paints. a, sis Lacq. FLOOR WAX Jo*.hnsin'., almo Cast:e Wax ALABASTINE Il can't be beat for walUs and ceilings. FLOOR POLISHER Eleýtric Floor Pohiaber to rent by heuror day. SCHOOL SUPPLIES 3cribbersî, Drawng Baoks. Writing Bookse, Exami-n6tion Tabte-ta, Penstilî, Erasers. PAINTER AND DECORATOR T-a-3 My job. G. Pritchard Phoe 489 Bo'wmnvilIe ESTABLISHED 1857' Importer dire-ct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRAN ITES aaciOd ntii. lebest traies. tf VERMONT BLUE MARBLE Iemploy 3)> :Cma-tery laretik2r% as agents pr.-ferring ta ieil mgawn goods thug aaving the prlrchsme-r the fflnt's :ammiin. A, cal'!ited F. H. BOUNSALL Pri>pretor 30w7mo ile Phone 36WBox 94 L ,-J CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLIEY honor graduate of Toronto College of Chiropractie will be in the Bow- manville Office Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evening-s, phône 141J. Residential caîls made during fore- noons. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. GramIuate- of the Royal colege of Dental Surgeons of On- taino. Office King St., Bovw'manville. Office phone 40. Hou'e phone 22. DR. J. C. DEVITT Graduate of l&yal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow-1 rnanville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m daiîy except Sunday. Phone 9I)a. House phone 90b. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and member of Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Licensed to practise in Ontario and the Domin- ion. Dentistry in ail ils8 branches. Office-King St., Bownanville, op- posite Bank of Montreal. Prione 301. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A.. LL D. Barriste-r, Solicirtor, Notary Money to loan on Farm and Town Property. Royal Bank Building,l Bowmanville. Phorne 351. W. R. STRIKE Succeaaor to late D. B. Simpeau, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan Pbone I1 Bowmanville, Ontari o W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Norary Mone-y to0 an. Bond3 for sale. I Offices-Bleakley Blozk, King St,.,l lb'wmanville, Ontaria. Phones: 1 Office 102, House *>9. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Comple-te- Moror or Horse Equipment Ail cati. promptly attended to. Pri'vate Ambulance j, Howmanville prione 10 and 34 Branch Store- OronD & Newca.stle ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Drector. Calîs given prompt and personal at- ,ention. No extra charge- for dis- tance. Phones 58 )r 159, Bowman- ville, Ont. 3-tf. MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Gold Medalist of Trinity University, Toronto. Four year3 attending Phy- sician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Residence-, Wellington Street, Bow- nianville-. Phone 103. C. W. SLEMON. M. D.., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and Residence, Dr. Beith's former residence on Church Street, Bow.manviIle. Phone 2,-3. 44-t. VETERINARY DR. F. -. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night calîs promptly attended to. Office: King St. Eait, Boiwma îe Phone 243. E. G. KERSLAKE. V. S., B. V. Se. Orono Honor Gr9duate of University of Toronto. Ail cises given prompt and careful attentin. Office- Dr. McElroy'.3 former affce.Phn: Clarke 3921; Or-an:) 1-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farrn and Hou.se Sales a Speccialty. Ternis moderate-. EnailnP. O. ilune 197r3.1-. WILLIAM MAW LUcensed Auctioneer Havi îg met with :oni irable suc- cess in conducting sale-s fa)r the past 19 years, I now offer tny services to the people of Bowmaa'îlIle and vie- ilnjty. For termes and dates see F. O. Ma.son, Bowmanvil',. o-r phone 288, Vlhitby. Ont. 12-t. STEAMSl-fP TICKETS M. A. JAMES To Europe-Canaiîan Panýiflo. White Star Dominion, Cunand, American, Ask for information~. Phone 51> Stateaman Office. Bow-manvilîe. j SCHOOL TRUSTEES G et my estimate on int,,rir ie- c orating or outsidc painting as f can give- it prompt tt -ntio)n. Distance- no objectibmn. J. H. ABERNETHY Concession St B'îwyanville NOTICE I a.m prepared ta iunppy ysîur needs for almost aIl kinda of fuel. No. 1 CHESTNUT COAL HARD AND SOFT WOOD CARTING fDONE Blake Wilkins King St. W. B.wabaauide Phone 340 I i i vWkat Ha* Happened at Ottawa Any doc-'ît if eup'tienca a-nn lr Englb popl-an w- ar bvn We-uMr. Kiiig v-ited the gover- mean th ony iner aihi'it May oitgeneral and advi-ed a dsou beannato nlyhratnî-ric--1tnntautf ii. e ad been premnier of Canada ienoiationl slfpos munrI-' n ' fîur and a naf vears. and bad the vast mnajority -if -ases lue t0 i')-c-- heen defeateI in the House. eatiig to nimuch .f,) ). -e-i l !y j-argued. ho'.vv"r. hat bie was1 flesh meat, and ;atinz -i-i freauently. abu ,- e i ,uý idbe Le'ý food, mîrt-'exetct.-' -'-. r,ýw-k -scu--:ga ou:eerpr. m b are, therefore. thie'curt' for t-; if rmi .smuggling enquiry, andi be prelirn-1 if~~~~ tiene'nary cre- had :i'iate lao', of But exces-' ive n:,nta! -trin oUtirZt's-ic suppo)r-n cause over-fatigue. c..peciall.'tt iri ' ý But, .vemtif 'Mr. King txas aboutl ca.-e 'ff men andi w-mnn W*-'. obm vi- -o'uffe'- an adver-c vote, to-o facrs .,ality t' rarer bel' w par. M m- -1a- -re 1e-tu ipXet tt nous work and t'mo few- boliiay, ;çi!1 -:îar t, tWa' not rite function of -beit produce a chranic senscif mc-i-g)veàrnrr-gene-raI -o a.-l u po rn a, e-mess o-hich spoil; 'h.' j)ymn -if hf; gues-.a- to oha- was aiî'ut to haP_1 for o-eek.-; at a -im-'ý. Ir, ujjh 'as--. peur *t sec-i-tii that evt'n if the 'l'-feati onie prmcess of readjustm"u' n i' ium.'i alrcaiiy beeii ;u-taned (as ap- better irganization ; clle i f ir. W.' l p'are.i probable 't would bel. itI must introducenmeth- I n- mnt. 'I -oul'i -tili have beî-en iuty of tiei work. we must ma" Cm' fîttlest Igîvernor-genreral "i take the advice anii recri-ation iof the premier. Mt. RKing, a.- 'o the1 f I C-urspe then to bic f ll-iws'ii. That I t %ould ha'..' been hi- iuty in We fancy )ur r-z ra- ' ' rant a di--'îlutiqnî if MIr. King. aiter i.- already pret'y o--'l ' onvin-,-I 'v11.11an aiverse vote, had asked for it the correctness of thi3 reas'nng but He iij, a-ý a matt'r 'if fact. grant our teaching day' 'augb' asi a nrtn Pi.4-olution ta a defeateii premier (a ciple that i': a zubj-'ct wor'b 'a f prenîi.'r if hi- -iwn making) cnlv a ing l; wortb repeatin4 and stre-'sLî'g1 f'w days ater. and rublbing in long and ':-îro)uZhl;. so o-e will au ti m-'t in.' faminarî Oit hen, refused a dis-olution- argument again't -akinir h-il r bIî 1Seng pacoci in a pmiition of -ub- that recueation j' t: v nec-'s-arii n eviny neg neuor-gie il5 pensive. jr neemi înlv cn'ail walki'îg1personal îiiisM.Kinig reitzn-' ao'ay froni ton ji t" r1c i - " ài. Hic excelency Maie 'Mn. side. a little ligbt rcadinr att ic. -, Metghen premiier in MIr. King';- 'te-id.i sinlvi'it to cbeap --ia' a'- im'iMr. Meigben f-înmed a su adiw ,,cabiýn- enter!ainmient. et which attenipted a cryin,bu Regulation if 'îeep and ;atýv:) 1- as - dfeatei after -hree 'las: lot time for several rights a w'.',-'k w i il '.' 1feate'i. but cen.ure'I by the -ften %vork like magio ;n rI- u'" H for a'tempting to govern ilie- 1 depression and, fatigu-. Ma ývi ga llv The defeateii premier o f' o-rn-novrtrete'lvez x;r hC, h" - bree-iJay -abinet then went ta stant social gatberir.g. wbi cbh .,tic n ih. o.en1 -gnrl n a not really enjoy An boýut'.h"ia 'zrantu'i -.-dissolution wbicb hadi conge-niai frieni ;z wmrth ýýylb en refu-e'i ni a four and aha- "party'ý-f acquairtarce'ý. uni wtb i-L1 y irenl:et rw-ho han yet 10 -uffer rnost of u- ne-ci f wt--' '.1,ia o a imfeat. [rii iealing witb Mlr. is a little leisur-' bsNIe' ar"th~;n e prunciple that a gmvern- Peace and quiet arcepIi-i'! --j;eca 'a-uort- iie' cine'. Silence wi1ll oîr' i ni t 's mîîti.-tr-.-.'acknomwleiged andi wjtb tire-d anmî îv-'r.vr ' a'(1ýi. t -p [r li dl-ing wîtb Mfr.1 ir a quiet 'unnv - --' inîg. j: w s.. -guored. Nothîîîg in the physicians rtrai:-ing' gavce hini any inkling of -h e vl"of statistics in relation to hi- own iç-rki at.,d il was not surpri.-ing that b-' waîj ,.mîewhat skeptical concerning theý possibility of such methodes throwinzi light upon the, methods lbe should1 use in the .reatnent of the patient. His in'ere.-t '.as ini the particulari patient rather than in the ';tatieries I -)f c.omparative methods. Coder -uch circumstance s thea- titu<le taken by the insurance coin-, panv represented a new element ini the situation. It was to tbeir inter- est ta decrease death rates and tbey wre therefore interested in the health of the conhmunity as a wm'île rather -,han in the welfare of the parti'.ular indivudual. Sucb irterest, quickly centred attention upon coin-i munities and occupations xWhere c,,On-i ditior-s ocre unsati;factory. Cm mnunity bealth hecaime a real pnî,blemi when it became a malter of finiancial montent -o prolonz life. Tt was only a ste-p further in the sanie direction to no-e tuýe 'uces> or failure of partjcular niethodý -if treating disease. Naturally those) methods which secured most gener- aI success were brought into greazer prominence &w-,ing to thie sanie vîew- point. Rigorous statistical ceimpar- son of thle death rates under 'cari- ous trealments bas done mucb to im- prove medical standards. Perhaps the most sati ' facor fc in the w-role situation is that, nil treaimen mf, disea.se but rather pre- vention, of diSeas-e bas niade thel greatest progres5 in recen', years.1 The problem of days lo-t Lo indus- try was, brought to prontinence with the introduc.ticn -if enîplo'.ee healthi irsurarre plan. As soon a.- inter- es; began to centre on, the fart 'bat there tva' a ' ubstantial annual -'con-ý companies bezan to experiment wîth furni.-hing medical amvic" and nurs-1, îng. In niany cases, the resuIt.. ob-1 tain' d o-etc s-, -ncouraiiýg tha- the conipany concluied that sucb worki paid for Itef. Only a s,.ep eoij I lb:- in'-p-'bat the croion jth-wa' ne- sary -fo)r -w hoie -eom- Yeethi tal isf" th he - inili h' guî-'lby- the -aivîce of n e nunitie.- to realize that the bIneý y u n zpe opl1e, t,)'>, f )r u'n g ~ ni inri tt:.---h-- iidg'î"i n Eîijla iuia'-d seath of individuale s a cap i:aly-g:r- t 'att - ).V. -".~ r i n ri--as The kit g. :' je pensive o aste mof life t) th,- conmnmun- îhen"4elves oitb .tani--j a sila':' z mtîail hbî, ti.imitted. w m(uli d ' tv Al<f Il-e" ty-pe:z ofwmrk w hc bnrvii hiltt: idI . r ' - :r . if r.t'îutîg is--olutut " '- avebdcumnulative re-uts up 'ni exe(h rc no..ietqatIr. B-tiiiVîil i-I î- L'td Byiiz tefu-ed 1North Arnirican dca-b rat(s- and te- ce-' thev defeat -e iv - -'- Mr. 1 wzo-ile -pî'îîîe miii tî'rtent st'ti. niae ta ren' rea n'i"-îe'n- 'f'--' 4 taia. Andiffmr gol r; r. -n. .Americanepsitmno fs-;bng toxin- of fatigue ..i"pr- - -- - i fTo- 'n kin ot standi aimmf frîni ail -t,'adilY in,.rease']. exilaaîig .- -l1t" - arry tîLri,'. -:f hi- iani,- i.. tu b'1 will do. Ilt'4ail aia rf-'" '. 'f paty diSputt,.'-.le n uýt iA h r.et it br' t'he .'ît)o.rt -)f ail liait--.h-- average of $450. per capita of Life f co-inin ii'e Eac oe o i. oi ; ,r- ~ H - -I... p ;m; i' 'frno-c. In.-r ancc in force in Caniada, as' Fachone f u ij , r, i' 1 2r iý ' h..-r.')r hf ', and wltciihs- ccmpared witb $200 per capita in the poî, ai i mipe i-'. ' 1'-anather -Àf hi- bu'; succ-'-d' sUnited Kingdom or witl 3600 per ur ances;tri bmow i- i t'. m' îîa'enI -tbhe- hroie. Hi' ;.:'i tapita ini the United States. For play we ci i pnin'vi 1 - -iui.plre-.. Tii,- king ;i-Canaia thesze figures nîcan t1iat on craSh'.' ai..---,,bl%' hi;, jvie-of,'îm the average, ineurance cimpanics anO eteotie' s'-r .-u;' niiay 'have an ir.surabie ri-k aniounting 10 gin wbere her vj'aluty -'i ' 2.000 for evs-ry family in the Over-tireiness' wul1 pi ! Il- .01'i, Th-i~- -j "f t'b- king n;nEtg-cesun: ry%. It is quite usual for nîost, health, ciniental i s" r'a -- 1' -b >i: i al.so h-'truc if busi ue ple'-,ru n nrd Insuratice a- ini 'unie. Il 51' i ' n! h '--re 'at i lCanadla. l'le utatbniat cir, es f i n-e-a n lai ý, e iýub-n,1 i,;ýv - zrprt dîtit oai- -î rernotelv conne--ted with ther but 'hiert- ij-alw'ays I i i '-ry iv-:.a r-. Ibuut" ,ýr' -o vilinlivudual Ii'J5e that rbey have,,r iunm. o-bis-bi - wort'h w 'i - r t pr--nt. s:in - -uring Cthoie; hb. ' 1i feî'linz that the-re nay lhe active fini 'as', Dr. -s,' aala .-rowî:. Tie fi-t I intpest mn the part of tie Insurance i. ~ n~i~'i-- or :ly.î- b p i. -onipanie' 4 n -be inproved healhhf, Ev;- J .: , i:!- 1 the iît-r.- ns'ce.'-ary jthe onînîurity. The anînuit 'if thet her ýnnte woro1 ik w.ay; f-r- h_.- aithfuîIy rp-uis'it the ;ndiviiual p, 'cezeni -niail in pm-rn i th w'tl- ~ '~hi- ' ~r ile;f -- nonarihy whi-b n e ispauison with the inîniensQe totals; anid nonotonnu-yiybl s Zaidtoth omatesi-pen -m ioliday if .onesort - v"ye ir. 'If -' . adtitecmai- npeuum sîagn I. n ' -- îi'e hai, ' Ior witb the large amounits paid out thinge wetc anranz-- Iis .h"ýv lzt I.)iý-, ),,e ad i stsi to be he, and e -peci mly 'ji'. wouid ,.îiC .î ' * iiada a prî'r'g.itive bh-yvthe lomipanies easth -ear. have 'uvh a haliiaY', v:îh"Ili -'n lwbucb it.' i- i - mes il-t -xer-u.e in Th.e developnmient of property In-, hii-'Sing that t. m mv"iunih;.5.- Entrian i - f *-e ii; t) f'Ihow hi' on surance did rnucb t'm nitrant attoni >olute igh. u.îguus-'a- -'i : anadian pl)itme and lion bo fire-proof buildings and ta But, apparenly t'itjngr; ar, 0 t lýt , r'on i:- e-w rip r-ýf er ene- the elimination 'if fine bazansis. t1 quite arrangeý]a.t :.migi i h"'s'm'ase angr- bis beý-ouincr quite evident tbat h There ,ire- stili a gr --ni numni'iptiPMia1,1t '. >.i 0ail Fosr if ilincneasing pet capita ri.-k canrieii bv wob f tue-y are tni have, a noliI-sy a' hei i" tto "--3cope if -i Causuîiîmsn the Insurance companies is c retingl ail, aie ti have ;it. y favor. Numbs'ns gi'ceri---f,-ialtai favîr one lit-m. organized efforts and ieaiiershi ip of appeals are- beung uîti tI"..s'ays ier at the KIetie- of another, t wiIb wbicb are- bing much to imprave fot a-.istance- ini ivinar p --me'i o f nual b;irutural if nîînî'ters 'bus conîmnunity sanitation. lt is bard varlimu, 3orts a hîhi'iay, w' i,--i) t favorei - b-ul'i in turno -'nsder the to estimnate how much of the credit havei iluniess tey are-' i eIto 't. pref'rnessf -be gove-tui>r-general frIbs suces due0o te- efect 0f ail the- appeais tltat co-m thart, i in f-rm.ng -bs-un mini.itenues. The ive means used by the- Insurancel onc that should bave a r(cadY ne-- fnai recuit w-mId be that a govennon companies in fostening conmunity ..ponse and up to the me L..urt of our nîght have a1 wbobe ninistny of biS health movements and how mucb nf ahility. To give a hnand-working iwn chsissine. mn at any rate Io his il i, due to their new statistical at- mothen, or cblîdren, whoî.e circum- îwnî iing, suu'i subse-rvie-nt t>,) hs titude- toward.9 dîsease-, but in any îtance.s for the nest if -b; yean are wL;ih"s As si4on as that happens, case the contribution of Insurance n'mne too comfontable-, a real holiJay sceIf-gmîv--nnienu. is lost, andi Canada and thc Insurance vie-w point to an m ,hasuits ilîcin condittoin rcverts la gmivsmnient by gsve-n¶or. health in North America bas be-en and ne-ed, is 10 do ance of tbe most 0f .such gover-nzet Canada 1Oflg one of the most po'werful feitors in helpful and Chni-tlike things that il ince had cnsu±gb. and fronmit il - the recertt rapid decrease In mortai- iî given 10 me-n te de. ada by ber own exertions escaped. ity rates. THE CANADIA-N STATESMAN, BOW.MANVILLE THURSDAY, JULY 291h.. 19:26 THE EDITOR TALKS THOUGHTS FOR ELECTORS INSURANCE AND HEALTH A r-'al genuine. -izzlin,-, h -t speil We arc well aware î'Iat our own""Our at-tention has been calleà toi such as July of thiý prophesieýî 'arn- pl-ical icanings and prejudices, are ,the following article by Mr. R. F. nierles ear wa- to be bu, a.-us apt icoi ir our op;i i msn. and -way Aitchison, local manager Roya1 giv'ern us wjth temperature Dr Up inl the 90's in Canada an-iiup n vour Judgment bu,:.weal sh'uld en- Bank, which is well worth readin: the 1 00', in the repubhi:'.-,, the -outh d-'a' ort) be h-iiez- %:tn ourselvý,s For some years statisticians ha"e of;vl u' w:ll Canvine P f iea iii}e( uaiate f re :prace been telling us that the average: cijvey ha pg fraOl~ 'a oino e :~n frtrl -)ent f the huma:: life %vas doubled in Cold type that they neu-d a h. 1i(y ;a v rv 'rol'a--ei htj e Iý -More -han a ,-lla-.a 1real a- - uring the nîneteenth century. 1 to n. n tz -ubmiitted t,,) o.- ele tirs for solu- ;z<lîfficult to reaitte ttiat onlv a cen- Dr. Elizabeth Si ,an 'heý- "r inYeýz, it i--a ver-: zrea, prnb- an artie e e have rea i te11 'x y ieni a. as :-c o f ury ago -he average life was le- holidays are irealýv:y perative.1m. Cndae e ' r fran-tnan thirty years. Now conies the Most Ipeople will ad.mit tha- 3a C) - - bo'-. jth inen and women. ýv( further news t ,at -he average spaný siderable nunther of rneir m:;:ake- s ,Uiud ake a ;.E-ry ser:ous matter of life in the United States and Can-1 in life have ccurrP-i w h e n 1ey of o-ar vote. Wo .huld strive tO -da has' been lengthened by five wure o' ertire. 1 It dfflicui- tjrî'e above mner-' party p litics and judge w isel'y, t.) make the riglt de- yearsncini silifr ht ~ Àce 1900. S)) quietiv an il ciston. 'o .-av the rizh t thnin nbuý-- 'elle0ve t') he j- theb--' nteresseffectivelyhaetefre fp- nP-; " or -w nm da- -d f ~rcuntry, wht,'h zýves us our ver.ti)n been carrying on their suc-I ar e l'r e d'. To li vi' 1and Mvng. -ur liber'-'t-, andi -îard; ',he - eea-ful warfare agains- disease and 1 prAmitably we need e.very hi' 4L nerve 'anicity of our hî)m- 's and niake; sthis i eath, that it is only after statistica il enegy e psses. n-iýonc Iepic counry safe for .umnîuty-a 'afejianalvsis; that w prýit h fa-I n 't from lack ýf capic:zy o)ut am go;d countr-- t: which t') v-'-" s'cope of their campaign and the ex-i because they have n- 'eal:z ihe ' tent of their victory. Lt miav .be: tnîp-rtanc-' ýf avo:dinz ve-atOu. ne phase of hre pre-ýent politcal weltexaithtaare ror- 1ap: ~bvte-ton of the more recent increases in, ,)%-n Dominion. buý 'n the world au due to decreases in infant rnortality1. Lt -holdflo rqur mî' rgUilarge. e:peially in .t-e British Emi- mnent'than 'bat, par-azr-a p ht con-ipirt of which Ci nad 's the bright- The sprea f vacntin d1 vinLe any 'ea-oiahle ne o47 u; if es-t gemi A w'ie diiflererce of Dp-laway wih small-pox. 4terilization 1 the fact -4ated for wc bavea k n in eil o1r, r~ecig h: made possible modern surgery, purel guiltv and we a1l kn, w to-i well that action of the (,w ernmor-(,eneral inlmilk and water prevented typhoid.i en 0. Wen ar e tci, w are at-rf.'n ra e rM-land fresh air bas done much to con-- erc'. henwe re lr". w ar ap1i-r. Hon. W 'Mack e Rt'Kig. d;-,l1u- quer tuberculosis. Such have boeni t') feel 4cîf-pi:y. to give way w-ier.1I non if Parliamie-- w1--'n lbe advj -cd nan'.s most out;tanding achieve- - we sbould stand firmi. to le' tntt-z that cour'e in 'er t.) make an- mentt in dealing with the invisible: lire and slip away. ecann i) re appeal to -b-' '.Iect,)rz to Say enemies first discovered by Pasteur.' justice -0 Dur work or ju- fr: nds w -'at political pary tre'. want toiRecent achievements have been due if we allow aur'elv-. t-i b; rni r-' :Iz *,rn, a.s neiý;-er C onserxatives, t-i better organization; the effective le s; cor;tantly tired. WV'at are the, L:hcral; nor P î:r -'ive. ha I ai work of the public health nurse. the causes of .ver-fatjgue? N i nhar'i w '-i ajori'y :r the House Of ';tablishment of clinic.- ani the ioi-- work ;o nmuch a-s eW-îUId ,,,,ze. îmin' As -he qui -tion i)f 'he proved standards of t!'.e miedical pr-o-' Over-eating will ýause "tha't '1-Ii Gîvernor Genera" - refu;al is *nelfessi<mn have aIl had their par- iný feelitng" -r:-ough -luggj-h îi ze-4: o i-f the great j'-e;rinthe pen ing Imki gthe treatnient of diseasei and the ievelopment Df f-iln.v- cî"-.w- are -u'mntjn to ,îUr mo reingtellienad cetfc -r toxin-. The-e jrclae in . ,-aiJr.- fît the.r c 'n-îdera ,ioi 7k' blood and lepre'; -:"rvou' tj--u-'. iw'oif a wrî-er 'n The Toroto In the past the physician had to - brain cli;. antd the fe'eling if eli3- D- Bai Star wbich w-%- onsidier a very dsspend to a great extent upon his tion and br:gbtne.s', of -'nergY. -whîIch fatr and clear pre-entatimn of thelown experience. If a patient te-i every healhy peLron ougý-t -) x-1qus ion under d;_sîus;tr,. We asýk1covered under a parti, ular ~a- perientce 15 epia"ýeý1.i b llne--ý an-I Our readers to con.4:dIr care-fullv aund nient. bie w-as apt to give credit f6rý depressimn. hoIcz- the argumientadace b h e recovery to the treatmient and the dt f TI -3D ay a.ce fo rzot the -number w-ho failed to re-1 HARRXT PHONE 186 BO 'PJMAC4'VILLE- Canada's acquaistanoe for 2la rm f worL-manshlp, eti4c in m u la reaponalble for te. that wl Canada ame by Sam»a Kmt, W'e wili giadlyshn re~o n kind of hardwood fiooring. McCLELLAN & Co., Bo wranxrille Wb B o m md a Sa * ~ M m sol@ EVERY WOMAN XVi1I be interested in the very attractiv e window display we are now featuriflg. EVERY MAN Who bas the inteîest of his' wife at heart should also consider what a McClary Electric Range wouid mear, in convenience and economy in their kitchen these lbot sulrmier days. Cali and learn the many advantages a Mc- Clary Electric Range lias over others. W. LEN. ELLIOTT Sanitary Plumbing. Heating and Tinsmithing King St. W.. Phone 348 Bowmanville BIG RUSH FOR Chieken Feed PoultrYmen tell us almost dailv pf the splen- did resuits they are getting from using our brands of Chick Feeds and Poultry Regulators. You take no chances in bu-ying feed ai, this store for every brand we seli h'as been tried out and given a most thorough trial before being re- commended to our customners. You may buy with confidence here-besides our prices are right. WE STAKE OUR CLAIM To vour custonm onei n i1oL' niatswe supply. îTr '"-0!' eo i -t' ,:iste a k-s a t,,d c -11u s i f -ou have e'-er tasted juicietteer, or fir.ýr fiavor- ed meats. EVEN THE CHEAPEST CUIS 0F MEATS From our choice cattle are better chan the - best cuts from poor2r cattie. It ik easy enough to prove it by a trja!. G> A. Edmondstone Pone ZI owoeanville P Photie 15

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