PAGE SIX THE CANADiAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 29th., 1926 ONE THIN WOMAN GAINED 10 POUND. IN 20 DAY. Skinny Men Can Do The Sam, All weak men and women. AI! nervous men and women. Ail skinny mnen and women. Can grow stronger, healthier ai more vigorous and take on soli needed flesh in 30 days just by ta' ing McCoy's Liver Extract Tablet four tinies a day-suga.r coated ari easy to take azý candy. And what a bit these flesh pro ducing tablets have made. One drug gist tripled his eales in one week. Everybody knows that fron ti livers of the humble codfish cornesà first clase vitamine that is a won. derful vitalizer, flesh producer ait bealth creator. Millions of McCoy's Cod Liver Ex. trct Tablets are s-old every weel and thousands of frai! rundown un derweight people are being helped A box of 60 tablets for 60 ceni and if any skinny man or won doesn't gain at least 5 pounds in 30 days-maney back. Aek any druggist anywhere in Amen-ca. Be sure and get McCoy's, the or. iginal and genuine and don't forget there is notbing on eartb 90 good to make backward, listless, under- weigbt children grow strong and ro. bust.6 EN US ING W 1 LSONS FLY PADS PEAD DIPECTIONS rÎ'.'Lrv4 THEM Beut of ail Fly Kiflers-lOce and 25e per pa&cet at aUl Druggist, Grieers and General Stores. M A SAPE AND SUREU REMEDY FOR AIUN5CHILDREN MILLER'S POWIDERS £ a '.L TCENOICK. AD lST m OCDLSCATE VtTEM. a m 1WEET As SUGAR &boil's EiuuImim rrends TeJI friends Z UTO O Stops ileadache 1fr..dM >0na~O wua practlcaly Te-day, thouamaan tOýn of men womedq>nd othee lttie harm- 5rtwbqUié=00=effroni Heaîd- Tbelf fume hm toon fri bend s fiend-fi4r oto 0 own-<rooe coat totour" h a.ndmuae. P a= b.-.derier oeby~~~ & 1. EM a YOUNG WOMEN SUFFERMOST These Two Found Relief by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Ayei-s 'ý: Qh-e 1 have bttm teaching for thri-e vearb. ac at the- tni: of the -year I1a!w.%ys feel tir, oiave ne 1 teîe. Iwaâs. a w1lîî aîck -ach n.orth.toü. having -p ainr lun iy liar-k wastllgea îtt; - ~ ' wiirkig. A frivjt-n bains Vegetât-le Compoundti tame and Iht-ard ma-ny worne-n telling hoùw gîrd il wa.,-o Ithttughtit woulud belj met- Ant it did Ntîw 1 take six u tt-.every year and recc-mmarenic. it tii othe-rs.* e - IONALDA FANTEUX, Ayeri's (luiT, Quebec. "Unable to Work" Ci.nning. Nova Seoia. J ac r- iguisi pc-rmitsan(' gi-tatstmffurtng nt tht se tn-,tht- pain, raubing vomlting and fainting. I waf- teac. ing school and often for corne buIjn I wiîuld be unable tc, attendt tc. i-ny wtîrk. Through an adve-rtis.enrj-eni in tht- Japer-4 1 knew cf Lycia E. Pii- ham's Vegetahie C-rnpouno. ar-a Ji haî- b-en of great lient-fit t-o me, tbe trou les heing complete-ly nelie-t .'- --LAURA J. EAToN, Caing, Kîziýg'e, counity, Nova Scotia. i t Crdiors ____ S .S. No. 8, ANTIOCH, CLARKE~ AUNT SUSAN'S WEEKLY LrE NoticeFroni The News of July 22rid Jr. IV te Sr. IV-Raymnond Bat-I My Dear Niee:-In aur owr busy' )SIN TH-E ESTATE 0F Robert Fieldng, Mrs. Jennie Stanton ia visitingl raball 56. 1 ]ives we eften have the bopeleEs feel- deceased. Mrs. Diekey. Lindsay. Jr. Ill te Sr. II-Hazel Woaod 70,1 ing that we are doing things of l- -, N OTIC'E s hereby giv en, pursuant teth Sttutes in that trh.lf, chat ed- Misses Edit.h and Sadie Allen are! Margaret Waddell 68, Gordon Whit- tle value, was-ting time and einergy. !tors andt ethtrp iay-îng any claims guesta for a few days of Mrs. W. R.Itkr5.1"h-i, n s? esy against the er*tate or Robert Fieldlng. Allen. Si-. II te Jr. I-Alfred Waddellj When this feeling 'akes possession laie of the- Town ef ttcwmanvitte, Gen- 6,BueHnok6,Ae.Bog t--rman. who died on the- lth day ct Jan-, Mr. and Mrs. Ripley of Mtoncton, 7 rc aoc 6,Ae.Bog f our minds aur work will go wnrong iCI ur19.arreîreteforward,ame; N. B., visited Mis.s Laura Alun re II-aai-yWood 1 Nel r i h.rot in it; :t i te tht- uf(.rsigned]. te eecutor ftecn . r IMr Wo 1 el O toeba n u h at rhould be esýate, luîIy verideed. w4th t'articiulars of cnl.i 90, Sidney Barraball 89, Jini Wood I done 1i lif, undone. th, securities, if ar.y. hedct t'y them n n Miss Helen McClung, New Ton-ý 83, Ross Brough 80. We are quite aware that this bas (In tactrerthe 2sî te amef daugte 19- nto, h. visiting lher cou.sin, Mr. R. H. Jr. I-R-osWood 87.a eeirin afctoau en- îxe(,:tcr w* î, rocted te distr:bute the B rown Pr. ta Jr. I-Olive Lycett 88, Jean' nd esta-, arýcong lht- part-setîiu thre- Mr. and Mrs. Len Dancaster mot-i Cowan 8,Enc adel 4 .Ii gies, and kilîs a]l the zest wbich w-e id t I vin reardenlyto he lamus f 8, EuîceWadil 4, ar-hould feel towards aur work. k-d w.)ic-'I the iinît-rsigneut shatt the-n have cred int, otw-n Tuesday evening for' low Hancock 73, Gordlon Barrabal' <rOcn.Onre ti 11 a shoa tvisit. i56. Therefare, we cught t-o docu ts su'% iss Eva Lewis, Toronto, lis spend-i iPr.-Ross Morgan, Rosaline Har-! best to prevent sucht an urprofiabe HEERJ SUCExcuo ing ber vacatian with hier cousin,1 ness, Patricia Yeo, Edna Lycett. feigt aepa-sln o b 1 BR . SUC, xecto E. Dean.i M. Luxon, teachen. minds of the childi-en. 10-R.-R. ... Mr and re.Barstead, Tan-1This may be the carae of voun 0r, Ont M.'ndMr . arther aToer-s . N.2,CAREUIN boy becoming sa forgetfuý and cane- g- D n-,o, spent a few days lthrfte .S N.2,CAK NO with the animaIs "ne bas -in bis be M. H.Hoop* ,cane. He thinks it of little us-e. te ~~~~~~~Mrs. Chas. Baxter, Tanonto, spent Names in order of metit: sntalh autfa- a Auction Sale of Lands a couple of weeks a guest at Mr. Hg cua ntac-oohlThcis b etha hd pet g ore, mi n-John H. Morris. Souch, Vivian Butler. bskeigf-r u atre ic Inte o nsi o Ds r. D. W. Best, Bowmanville, ac- Jr. IV ta Sr. IV-Kenneth Nill. r he was a small cbiîd, -bey haTe'reveri cupied the pulpit of Centre St. Si-. Il ta Jr .Il-Ralph Butler, bten <'f any value. c- Whitby. CbrbSndb on..Gardon Butlen, bon,, Trewîn ?k Mhrhs. B. J. BSecrtredhm ott, bon., Henry Francis, nec. From bis point otf vit-wlie sees ne n- There wIll be offered for sale at publie roni. JSBtner Dae, wne hoe iJ.Il te Sr. Il-Ruth Fogg o. use in caring for theni. duction t'y William Maw.Bevrlectog. eing-. ecns Friday is i eprces- a lne-'(spent two weeks with fniends. Bvne o.Big vlees cls si ts SATURDAY THE 3lst DAY 0 Sr. I ta Jr. II-Kennerzh Cain, were, frjom the farnni-creatunes thlati OFJULV,, Mn. and Mrs. Harold Awde, T or- hon., Eldred Butler. are begrudged their keep anrd are nid 196. a theher f tea aon . Sad na r oiaigwt i a- Sr. Pr. ta Jr. I-Helen Scott, destrûyed eventuaîîy f-ar ro gain i anTdmte a fdlpeneen th-eltew-nta, Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Awde. . hlon, Mary Brown, Viola Fr-ancis. whatever-you cannot expect hîi ta Y The north 60 acresscf lot number five Rev. and Mrs. A. K. Edumison, Miss Jr. Pr.-Anchie Wats'on, Roy take a pride or a intenest jr. tht-m. In tht- seventh concessien of tht- Te.wn- Donothy and Master R.alpb of Little Seot-t, Everett Cain. Pride of possmession gees a oeng Ei hP et East Whltby and the euth half 1 Britain, spent a few days in town.MM.eahr! wtal fu. naialf 'the norch hait ot lot number four Ini .M Archer, tahr way ihavû s. A nmlo bthe ad Concession and Township con-: Mn. Henry Junker of Tavsois goc' breeâ costs no more ta keep. ýd taini ng in ail 110 acres, mare or iees. l so r- On the art-mises are said te be a frame pendin a fe week with.iS.sasO. 7, itg ofcusuiicuac'ien- >dwellirg bouge and woedehed framnelMessrs. Louie and Henry Junker. COOED CLR E w.NO n iven ofncoure bay'ios asolehrge. h1 aro and shed Ont- acre of archard' (ongregation of Centre St. CAK i gai-ding its management. fflIs hum 6(hearing) and smaIt fruit. Theee landuj Chunch said fanewell ta Rev. J.W. N f1 i itb intereat. are well watered. A running streani aieIi rero mit passes through each parce]. Waten lai and Mr. Rae on Tuesday evenîng. E11neCas-v uheb- fyou aIse made a proper business - s. nped tncd ellsngbouseHugyesndmlll pumeRMtS AN lCONDITos- ywnml. Mr. and Mrs. A. Townley and Westol Stringer, Lila Payne, Helen dea1 rgarding its upkeep, and ai its wîl be affered for sale Lbt fml fFnlnFis pn tone, Hazleid1 dsposaI alléw~ the boy t-o reap a just serve hie. 10%, of purchase prie teoe weekend witb bier cousin, Mrs. A. A. Jr. IV ta Sr. IV-Charlotte Hugh-1 profit be would naturally understand paid mn day of sale and balance on lotRolph. es, bon., Dunwreath Farrow, bon., what bie gains and aIse a of Mac,1927, when possession will be 1 . ui-ibaeewr lhve.own1 hs Mi-. S. Halliday is recovening fi-rn Garrdon Clysdale. Bill Reid. i values te aetji cf 1926e wit stabtec af-1 bis recent illness, although stili con- Si-. HI te Jr. IV-Elizabeth Lund- To give a child. na rnatter a',w-bat t,ý havet c 126 ithstbeoman-d lfined ta his room with a nurse in at- gren, hon. and John Lundgren, bon. age, animaIs or birds t-bat you .knowl bedroam. -endance. equal. wvill not gain in value and neyer psy For fui-tht-n particulars and conditions 1 cf sale appty te the Auctiûneer and thel Mr. and Mrs. Almeord Blewett, -Sr. Il to Jr. 11I-Lloyd Clysdale, for the trouble or expense best.awed undersigned. ' e ootae iiighras bon., Clinton Farrow-, ban., George upon thesn-such creatures that you E. E. VANSTONE, and JOH-N G. HOBSS ter, Mrs. R. Rainey and other rela- Stone, Raymond Hughes, Carl Far- intetîd ta get nid of a-t the first op- Whitby, Ont. Burketan, R.On. tives bere. row, Jack Reid. nec., (absent froni poiturity-is an unnecessary un- Ezecutoff .On. .AthurAln Mrs exaiminations.) kindness ta the child. ARTHUR E. CHRISTIAN, M.adsAle, Jn. II-Lily Hughes, hon., l3obbiel Ta them, aIl animais have an Whitby, Ont., W. R. Allen and Mrs. Jane HDoeyHuhs hon.. rly Beat-I qj lt as pets, and if valuelees it Soticitorn for the Executora. spent Sunday at Mn. G. W. Allen's, nie-Tbompaon and Tommy Turner,l encourages in -,le child's mind a feel- Peterbono. eul n f-slsns n aeeses Misses Edna Stutt and Velmaeua. B. HalloweIl, teacher. ngAf p e sanesaga nds pres anshos Ntc f xriig Neal after a visit at Buffalo, N. Y., ______ _a pet haghans priss a nt shors setaweekend at Gnafton with Mnrn shgl audas o a Po erofSae alh tut.S.5. No. 19, CLARKE whicb the boy knows 'be will neceive _______1 proper payment ait its disposaI, en- Te- CHARLES YOUNG. ELSXE ELIZA' of Mrs. Perey Coper's satisfaietory INmsinc-e ei:coraes ;the boy enin trift.ndo WAD THMSHECKLET and. OH covery froni ber recent operation Jr. IV ta Sr-. IV-Oren Mallenreaenhmakenitra npo SE LEO.for appendicitis. 1 Leslie Hopper, Muniel Fis~ke. - fitable undentakings. 1, CORNELI17S RUSE h-reby gîve yat] Miss Agath a Staples of Morris- Si-. 111 te Jr. IV-Harold Hardy, No cbild sbould be robbed, bow- notice that 1 dt-ma.nd payment of tht- suremay rSeeSeosy oilvrsal hr ssmtigma et POUR THOUSAND. THREE HUtND- town, N. J., and Mn. and Mns. Elmo Gay rSeeSeasy oi vnaal hn ssmtigma IRD andt THIRT4V-THREEFt DOLLARS S ls ootai-e sed their Moffatt, Jean Ransberry. lin se doing. sodit SI-XTY-SEVEN CENTS ($433.67)>aao a r m Staples, oono seigSi-. I Vo Jr. lI-Kennetb Ransber-1 AIl humans wht-o gain; it is_ the- mand $1a4l 71 $40.0 fror rttger vctontMn- . tpes.iy, Verdun Fiske. 1natura] instinct, and the cîpat n 147 o itrs oehr Mn. Jas. Ardon was successfuliy Jr.. I teSi-. 1-Isabel Ransberry. 1child loves bis possessions. with uint-rt-sta-t tht- rate of 7%7 per an openated an Friday at Rowmianville Pie-ly alr ntigta sawseo u num mon tht- principal antd intereet here- - sudden ilînesa fnom of-tim mut-fore mentioned franu tht- IStb day of! Hospital, after a sd atoilnes iont Jr. Primen-Jack Fuake, Mac1 and enei-gy is a pity, and yau cannot .tuly. 1926. ta tht- date af payment, duel tht- formation of gai! joes Ransberry.beitoeal ta acacidte te me the sait Cornelius Ruse upan a bgntoer. e e- hl h ertain Intî,ntW-e cf %ortgage datedth ie Miîs Theima Martyn, nurse in Gertrude Holman, teacher. sense of values and wîi-tb. Youn 4th day cf Octaher. 1920, frornuEisiel training at Peterbono Hospital, spent lovirg, Aunt Suan.. Etîza Ward and Thomas Ward ta Catit-Ila couple of weeks belidays witb bier - rnel Stanluy whîch mortrage was re-g.ç i-nt, steret in tht- Regstry Office far the paretsht-ne, Mi-. and Mns. W.J. LESKARD, S. S. No. 15, CLARKE Regitry Division cf tht- West Ridîng Martyn.I c>f tht 'ounty et Durham ou tht- 7th Dr. Floyd Cutteil wa in ehrel Si-. IV-Elva Gi-a-y P, Lenora1 îav of Octoher. 142n, as No. 12652 antd n i-g1 W-s1uyasî-n-ct tarum, ty iontîre of Dr. Bannycastle's practice ai aJr V R. riýh P 'vITE"LASFATFLF (If ast-e-uuenct fat-t une lu0th. 1926. andi Bowmanviile during the latter's ab- i-.1-Ia Cn ish P ldt H "LAY AIHULFW ,,n erd u ttsat eg.atry Omfie-jence at Grand Lodge in session an ak ,Ev ak , ide (B'- a member of The White Shield "nJuu-ith.- 1926. as No. 1 ffl C which DvI P -sait morteare was ruade by Isis Etîzai lPart Artbur.Dv .. Club) Wrdarinit Thomas, W'aril to Cacherinej Ms hrs eNi ~trof Sr. II-Ralph Thompetmn P, Alice: W 'i:. ri- frscuring ftt- repca yment cf Ms hreaM i, augter0'Baii-stow P, Lloyd Bal P, Jack S Wben - Stapor-rjWenthe- meeîing's caliEd ta arder, T oTh un(itart PFour Doll' tc]arsi Mn. Thomas MeNei, bas been engag- leton P. Ad\UIa n-n h-roi t'<1<iar.,t ut-r,t s t h-rejniu mn-led ta teacb tht- Lake 5hýore Sebool, IJr. III-Edith Trul P, Editb Dent AndII 4el-ok rne famdlthr aces ~<i tir:: irpi -ut succeeding Mr. Allant Marin w-ho p, Chai-lie Stapietan P, Gertrude Tra I-arn sme aut tesadofacs an elj !6fo r.< rF to trii nt"'2 goes te Toronto. Dew-elI P, Mort-en Hawke P, Teddy The,- are- alwaye h- meehng t .- r.-bî of 7% r -u niru eo tht-e Miss Ruby Mlndoo was taken toI Wain R, Donotby McDonaîd R, Bt-s-I Ard ta, t;Ii it h. thnough, r- nciniter#-i-stbut'-ini--tfcrt ruen- iBo-wmranvilîe Hospital Saturday and1 ie Maunden, retainetl. Tht- ones tiat I woaîd mention. .h, frûom île e lSt cf Jul". 1926, ~îi, lIti of tîsvmre c.t tMru- tht raid~ openated on for appendicitis. Wel Sr. Il-Robert Chater P, Bertram Alre "Tht- alwav, faithful few". !-,s Rî<'-e «peu a certain Indntuire- are pleased ta, report ,,lbe la makingl Syer P, Elmer Pattenson P, Geraîd- -zrttC-t- iint,'b ht- Rd cf r-ritNý tef - iyi-c-tiy.iShackleton P, Gladys PoIla-rd, Mur- There are lots of w-crthy members. '-i Onur--stin ? 1h'-a:Rtofc<ry omet-jDncanStation StreIet.I il Pollard. Weo wiII came N-her.n'I -,lenod t- -,26--. tr t--(ti io -e matIeý bas bought fi-rn Mns. W. R. Allen. 1-Leonora BaIl, Annie Bair,«t-w. Wher, everî-thing's cor.ventent f r.F.~>tîcWuît <-I ho'a Wrtlthe lac adjoining bier nesldence, and Everet Stapleton, Majae Tn Anlt-yui-ltI.--mgod ,-, -~~-- tht ir-i-urît <'tPolt eunesand wilI shortlv coin- nant, Loui-s DewelI, Kenneth a, Tht-y helli tht- CluI îtn smt J ý,nîî( <u rtîýr-Si - - tr. r nI mence the- erectian of a dwelling.I Roy Tennant.Anar esaytc <x~~~- ~ ~<- -~i-- i~ Amairnificent specimen of brok rimer-Gardon Shackîtto But tht- ont-s that îvt- eîy' ru -tl'sr . w!t. t"-J '-:- i) r i. . .i cruseauini3 nhs nIegh Pupils marked P have bt-en pr-'- Ai-e "Tht- alwvays faithfu few'. -'-.u il ru-rtgactîsijwae caugut tn tht- narrù- trouti - - Thsewitb R. are irK --r-fa fi ttsefîbu Th e-t iui n 'tssti r rt-iettarn by ont- of tht- guett. Mn. i mended on trial.1Ifi e ntfrhs a*fl -- <r: -n-iltatd-t--Di nwùodie. at Charley's papular suin- V. Stewart, te-achei-.1 t-tp e 'heîperra-,tre wheel, *;- i - ,'I t- ,,ýI- yoLInd i mer rt-sort, near Kirby, on We<Inee-_____ -1 Withu ut a hit.-b or rt-el, ofh T-vr-i '[ru-ti.Onth- idayeeon.IjWhat woultl happe-r, ta cun t.lub tht-n :rtv a r-nr.-and M'nu.-N.îD-. Ou- MKeuzie a-id S. S. NO. 17, CLARKE tAnd 't daim.- Fo m-rh ibu(Io <T"r' I- r,' cihr --ri - C-rr i-se. daughti- Enid, -pettSunrlav at brht-niwol g ndr rriti~ - c sî<e'oc- t- i-itt <tffather's, Mn. T. Smith. Mi-. and1 To Sny IV-Carman Bel'*TRb * ; -rlywcud u n e 5 h i-. -r. r(. b-.- Trr.1, r tr,- rMrs. W. H. Duttan accompanit- trt Winn 70. ~ w-eui o tt tjhu e' n-~.-... ~'ii tht-m bai-k tri Toronto on Mondav To, Jr. IV-Harold Thet-tt-l 72,j Do rte~cfc'r t-nrt-:g, SNîIITA.KE NOTIC'fttiriec.- j.,, erning, Mi-. Dustan taking train for iWiIIit- Hanrls 82*. BIrt4 party. aqeae ~i -<~i>i it-- trai-r. v li bomne cii" Fret-no, Calif. iTo Sr.It -hn Cark69.Inih o ci-anadîs". 'a ' t ' ai- tr- c: -tire f rih NlMi W. G. MeMannis. whn uças j Te Jr. lîl-Maguet-ite B"ell 2. Vlnie rbnutli - ~ ~ ~ ~ poe with .- Witn. "a-i l'r---as-"Jr. I-L-ana Tht-rt-Il, Rot , Cuin(- irnt-a-rhantie-very rreelttgZ, -i.:î-i -i . 'r<'iwh nott., 1 plye wtnMn tonHayasThuîugh '-je nut a 'busirlt-i-S'ont-. v -<ncî-lr - u i-t hu va-s a. ht-rt- soe fayth tvife Sr. Pr. A-Clarence Bt-Il. S-'tht- nmcbers. I.k- tE 1'ejpersý. i <. ~ -~<I'- 't-ia hu r w'ark aot Si-. Pi-. B-iEarI Boyd. May pi-cve fai thful ' .t rr.- - r r.s -.--t-r-St- ""' the rId town anýd enquiring after nId Jr. Pi-. A-Helen Bîiyd. îw h.1 h- l r . t - :i(f.fc (, t , j I-'-s f.'e re-Ienti-, nîsny of whoin ha< pa-sütd Jr. Pr. B-Canonce Therteîl. ITtntt WîeS~ dC:b -i i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~âý-% Nl '- <- . c -sc i ~ .ay's bai-oes5 shop stood ten Hnor.i Pt-i-- - ~u ~ir~:'- r- a ' th- itewh-ie tt-Fi- Hll1'-ncw.Irma 1. Power, tatn t 'it-standard hig! i- atI mj!' the het:e al i"wLoveaini frît nfilsit<' c î.ýun ît jAI t-t-t.ANDr TSiUItY atrbeing destrujyt-ciby fine. Ht- tsi 1___________1_.41 tE ig, Lt- <i i- i .':- ii' l «- i%,s :j\ing at South Bt-nil, Inciana. î--tt cu rrterlc i. n i. i-ls E-it e tT 1 tt nu-misv i rPîe R elief:r-t htli r ' t '-. i ' Jio t-f - .-r - !y alid sit y cr c (t-e r ut - a & Lu t ' 1 IIt-Uganar - ti.r , - Business College 18 SIMCOE STREET, NORTII Classes Re-Open Sept. lst COURSES IN S uîtna Dutî - I , "výi-Stnv.-e C;<rtra ( mr.e-'a:werk. New and Modern Equipment SPECIAL-Ct,urse-F'Ir.te ùNEW F-ittr-e0!'-cf Opi ir> WA\TED) SUCCESS ASSURED WRITE T for Ii-ir:fu na-Stainr J. O. DERMOTT., B. A.. ence cumer. T(, Se -ond Clas.--Rav-monii Far- rctw, hon., Laverne Farro-w. Kathln M eK ay. To Firzt Class-GwendolIenec- l.1 me r. n i Hlena Hallowell anhd My- rtle Farrow equal, hon, Marguerite 1MeKay. To Senior Prý-iner-Edina Farrom,. Junior 1rimer-Httzel Fa)k.-. Mal-e eo!rn M,-Kay, Wanda MeKay, Put hi Saver;.1 E. A. Dickinson, teacher.1 ('.tu.e (f Asthma. N<c-":le c-ar .ith !cr rain-.yv xactliv wha-t eau-- (.> th(- ce.-t:îlîshing of <±sthratir rer - ditionF. IDust froni the <treet, tram fi , tr>. f ngrain andi v:rcus tht-r irrtants iity set up a trouble in- passible t, irradicate ex-ep*, through a sure preparation suich as Dr. J. D). Ktllogg- A-t.hma RK-me(iv. IUI:cer- tair<ty mi. < xist as t(, ra useù, but t.-.ere car. 1,(-fnouncertitltyre.gard- in r rrL-Kiy wbich htus fr-ed a gen- eratior. c-f astlhmxatic victims froin thiîs s(c.urgt- of the bro'rchial tubez. C-M E s o t svrvwh ert. After Every Meal It doesn't take much te keep you ini trhm, Nature only aski a lltde help. Wrigley's, afrer every FOR YOUR BARN ROOF Use Brantford Arro-Lock Slates. Neither gales, rain, snow nor f rost can budge them and they last for years. Thse low price and smalil lying economical roof of exceptional value. old obingles. cost make them the most You can lay then o-ver the ua EBrantfOrd Eo0fIugCoLImihJ Brantford, Ontario Stock Carried, Information Furnished and Service on Brantford Roofing rendered by Rice & Co., - - - Bowmnarville I EC-ONOMY The best kind of economy is in taking care of what you have. If your buildings are getting out of- repair get after t hem at once and don't be "Penny Wise and1 Pound Foolish". We have ail the requisites in Lumber, Shing- les, Cernent, Lime, etc., and at prices that wiil war- rant youî' using thern. We specialize in Bewýàî-r Brand Hardwoo)d Flooring. Ten Test Fibre Board, BeaVer Best Wall Board Pnd Gypsuni Lath, -àlso Johns Manville Flexstone Asphah Býcooiing and Shingles. We are aiso prepare-d to fill your bins w-ith Best Q-ûa]ity fresh mined D. L. & W. Scranton Coal. There is no 1et1ter fuel and summer prices ar-e now in eff eet. Best quality Doimestic Coke, steam and Smizfning a, Hard and Soft Wood always on hand at rnght prices. Quýr motto -à-,'«Servic-e and Satisfaction" ;--P!an( see oiýr gcood,ý and get our prieces. licCIelIaîi & Co., Limited K<r4 St.Easit omfiePhone 16 Bewmaniij, flpusc Phonet 228, 274, 21FIW t . breath, appetite and 'Cook's Regulating Compound A dujt, geial.e 1t-iaaWSOa digestion ,s.metsci Sadit itcte de.- or sastrteIac-Na . 1 i A Flat'v foW Evoe, Taste k4 a y Il druagimte.,now, st tii id un te<'eipttofprice. P81tt-bltWtt. Atdr*.t THE COOKMEDICINitCO. WDG*S PHOP DE. STones anid t i~t..otitwwoe hi d-IVo î Mt, tus e t w ,-i-cu M Debîtrty. Mlenlal asluei Wtr Lom of! erfl' alpitation ni htC Hfart, a n~Mm~ nt11vo.p M fiWD MEDICINE C5.Ohifl2,MW. E I ,lie f1y Smïl kats the - ýEýS-6,00,000 ma nie fly< I Fut 8pryces your home i a few mixts c disease-bearflies and mosquitome It in ee sale and easy to use. - Kils AUl Househod lnBects Flitpayae destroys bed buga, osehes and ants. It muI flt thracks and revices where tht-y bide and breed, amd de- stnos necteam tbir egm SpraFt on yartamn-a tes howed that Flit smay did ne nsain the m«4 ddlcte fahrmm Fht is the remult ni exhaustive rflearehbyeer entemoi- ogits and chernists. It is harmlom Vo mZn= .Ffit hma replaced the oId methods bt-cause it killeail thse iwoçu.ed daes it quickly. Cet a Flit can and spTayen today.t9 STAMIARD 011 COM.(NEW JERSEY) DWLMate in Canada by Fred J. WhiUlow & Co., TSuo. il PAGE SIX ME CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 29th., 1926 1 4