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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jul 1926, p. 7

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PAGE SEVM THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILL~E, TKURSDAY, JULY 29th., 1926 REIN RAIN REIGN Ail sounding alike, yet with such vastly different meanings., And so it is with motor cars. They al look more or less alike on the surface, but how vastly different! Don't be satisfied with mere exterior beauty. Lift the hood-demand FACTS of construction and performance. A few of the splendid features of the FLINT are a Red Seal Continental Motor, 4-wheel hy- draulie brakes, pullman body, a separate chassis to carry engine and transmission, thus eiiminating ail road shocks. The FLINT is roomy, easy rid- ing, powerfui and perfectly controilable in traffic. To haif appreciate these facts you mu.st ride in a FLINT. To fully appreciate them you mujst drive a FLINT. Ask for a demonstration. Wm. J. CHALLIS HEAD Hately's Garage, QATR I For Flint and Durant Sales and Service jPhone 44 or 1 14J Bowmanville (Just South of Post Office) ValerAuo toRines $~,uito$2; ochv mo ela at lown p&In i Pdwiches without nutard are baplELOpS -what a differencel l aiib bot h K èhsby mized W umà fW dwater. The Only Boys' CoIlei¶e fin Ontario Controle 1 ê ý by the United Church a nunaber o? the lesser royalties Looki places on the platform in a semi- 'irele about the throne. Some six Eastern royalties were gorgeousiy attired and wore man.y rost price- less jerwels. Prince Chichibu of Japan wa; there also, and a zreat many Court oficials-they aIl have such quaiet, fascinating titles, I a[- ways think. Lord Allenby was the "Gold Stick". The Coidstreain Guards' Orchestra îstruck up the National Anthein, everyone rose and it resemibied a perfect sea of waviig plumes. Ten Guardsmen entered iooking splendid in their scarlet coats and- tal bats with white feathers talling frein the crowns. Then came six gentlemen ot the Heusehold backed le before King George and Queen Mary who took their places on the throne. What a thriil! The Guardsmen looking like giants teck their places facing the plat- torm with the strip et carpet on wich those te be presented walked teuring between thent and the plat- forin. The Prince et Wales did net ap- pear. Ailtexupeted bina but he bas net attended either et the ifirst two Courts. The Du"e et York was there, standing bealde tbe Jaipanese Prince and seemed ta be enjoying hiinseLf very well. H[e hai the moat charming, pleaaant face and la qulte ta-H. Princes a Helena-victoT!a (wom ut luat year )and ber lad-l-watigthe Duke of Con-1 naught and Prince and Princess Ar- thur of Connaught were s&tne of the others there, aise a great number of Iadies-in-waiting, maids of honour, equerries and others. The presenta- tions began as sooti as ail had taken their places. (To be continued) Quick Relief For Rheumatics If you âufer tramn torturing rheu- matic pains, swollen, twisted joints, and sufer intensely because your systom is full of that dangerous pois- on that makes thousands helpleqs and kilt thousands yeara hetore their tinie, then you need Rheuina, and need it now. Start taking it today. RheuTna acts at once on kidneys, liver, stosnach and blood, and you can sincerely ex- dlaim: "Good riddance to bsd rub- bish". Many people. the most skePtic&l Of akeptics right ini this city and in the country hereabo.uta, bleas the day when Jury & Loveli and other drug. giosa ofrered Rheuma to the afflicted at a imai prie. and guarnteed money relunded if flot sti" If you baye rhoumatlsm Cet a bottle of I Iheuaia today. B TAbert Coliege, Belevile, is mucb achooL. It off ers the funl schoïastic courses of "BRERT th.eOntario High Schoois and CoUlegiate COLLEGE Junior, Collegiate, Music and Expressioni courses taugbt by f uly-qualified teachers. New college buildings - beauti fui for situ- aticm. Tennis, Rugby, Hand-ball, Swùm* g~ Hockey-with fully-eqaipped gy micIRe-opensi Calendar with full particulars gLaiy sent on ISept. 21stI request te: lEnroilEariri Tlw PrinciPal, Albert CoUrge, BeUeiUe, Onaro a I J j. - -- - - -- _________ ----- That provides for your every want- provision against death, disability or a penniless old age. That's modern life insurance protect- tion as sold by the ý11f. Insurance Company ~ !11 W. J. BRADD Dltriot Agent Phone 245w Elgin St. Bowmanvtlle FLINT 1 ta PRESENTED AT COURT OBITUARY (Continued frým page 1.) James Smith, Bowmanville is-rvants and bagzage we-e (c'iven . I a wt h epetsro n past u; to St. Jamies' Palace, and ,grwastthth deepfest soandE cam bak wththeyeoie ) - ,:acquaintances in the town of Bow-1 guard (caUed hbefeaters n mu-t manville and surrounding country pcturesque uniforms. They '5pen iearned of the sudden jllness and1 --Ls. and jn:-ail, in t'le Palace deah of James Smith which tookc adso fo-th. place on June lst, 1926.1 Gates were opened at 8:30 zharpl He wa.s t'ne fourth son of the late and I was among the first to enter Neil Smith and Mary MacMillan, who the big inner courtyard, flot visible were natives of Argylîshire, Scot-9 to ou-:siders. A great canopy cov- land, and resided in the township ot ers the entranee and we advanced Darlington. He received his early up steps lined by' gorgeous foonen educational training at Clarke Union who indicate the way te the cieak- School and Bowmanville High room-a very large rooni in front of School. He was a brilliant scholarà the entrance. Carpets are the and being of a poetical nature, coin-1 levely eld red-atmost rose like those posed several poems of note. Hea in Court Garden. Atter leaving my was a man of sterling worth andt cloak I fallowed the lines of foot- haracter. His record was a werthye men again and cimbed a great star- oneth record of a lite nobly iivedr way, liuge and broad with shallow and unse]ifishly spent. The reinen- stepà leading ta a hall with the branc.e of his genial unassuming Throne Room at the end-a really manner and kindly ways, will in most beauti-ful room, very spacious many a hard and difficult situation,t with high ceiling and very ornate.Igive help and courage te others te Watts and arched ceiling are whitej struggîe onward and upward untilE with very decorative gold designis; the time te depart this lite shall and red carpet and great panels ot cerne.c mirrors every tew steps. On the stairs were banks, of pants and fio)w-1 He retired from the fruits of bis eac aie. he igt c th la-Ilabors and for many years lived in les in lovelv gowns and gentlemen ini ethedtownsf Bomean itenwhere h bright uniforins ascending madea'eotdhsurend tetin e mat gergeous pageant. Cburcb work. He was for years an eIder et St. Paul's Presbyterian 1 was a bit nerveus about gettiflg Church and assisted greatly in Sun- my right place but hundreda etf day Scbool work, latterly rendering Court officiaIs and footrnen lined the bis services ta St. Andrew's Contin - way s had simpy t run the .-or- uing Church. The funeral took The Throne Room las speciaily re- 4th, 1926, Rev. R. McDerment, M.A.I served for diplomats and any rooni efficiating.t tnejr do not require is available te The pal-bearers were bis six nepb- ft arrivais Fortunately, I tecik ews: Dr. N. S. MacDonald, Toronto, Imy place in the row with the Dr. D. D. MacDonald, Toronto, J. A. Swaythlings. Wasn't that fine with MacDonald, chiet chemist, Torontot ail the hundreds there whonîi1 didn't 1 know?j General Hospital, Dr. Neil Colville, Orono, Colin Colville and Colin J. B. Miss Joyce loeked pertectly lovely Smith. in white satin and a becoming head1 The interment took place at Bow- d~es fo be tethea. adymanville Ceenetery. The deceased wa:thlin,- was in green and a gor- is survived by two brothers and two geous tiara, loeking quite as amaz- sisters: Mr. Neil Smith, Orono; Mr. ingly young and pretty as ever. Donald Smith, Bowmanville; Mrs. 1 must say, the Threne ROom is Janet Colville, Clarke; and Mrs. Neil perfectly beautiful, presumnably MacDonald, Poneka, Aberta. there is ne roon more beautitul in The floral oferings were numer- the world or more grandIv brilliant, eus and beautiful and were received and with the richly attiredl people it from the tollowing:-St. Andrew's was truly a thrilling sight. The up- Church, Session and Board ef Man- helstering like the car.pet is in redi agers, a basket ot roses; Mr. and At ene end is the throne and in t he jMrs. Fredi J. Mitchell, a spray; Dr. opposite end were seated the diplo- D~onald D. and Mrs. MacDonald, Tor- mats on sightly elevated seats. Haîf- oento, wreath; Junior Missionary Soc- way up the wall above the diplenlatsl iety St. Pauî's United Church, a ta balcony the wldth efthe roi spray; Mr. and Mrs. Neil MacDonald, where an orchestra played softtly ail Poneka, Alberta, a wreath; Mrs. the turne. Colin Smith and son, a spray; Mr. I appreciated being there early for and Mrs. Neil Smith, a spray; Mrs. 1 had an excellent position, se did Janet Colville an& family, a wreath; net miss much that was te be seen. Women's Auxiliary St.' Andre'w's The jewels were marvellous, ot Church, a spray; Dr. N. S. and Mrs. ceurse, and most et the ladies' dress- MacDonald, Toronto, a wreath; es were beatitul. Imagine, if Master Donald MacDonald, a cross; you can, a great, grand roo«n full et Mr. and Mrs. D. Keith and Miss ricbly gowned ladies with feathers Smith, a spray; Mr. and Mrs. Dun- and trains and the efect se regal and can Smith, bouquet; Brother Denald dignifled that everyene seerned tO Smith, a wreatb. look lovely. The -men really gave the greatest Miss Harriett Green brilliance to the scene, thougb, in their very attractive and bright uni- There passed to rest on Tuesday forms-with ail the shining gold braid July 20, a very worthy wosnan in tihe and buttons and rows et mnedats. It person et Miss, Harriett Green, a.ter was impossible for me to distinguish an illness cf about three weeks. Some them. of course, for there were mili- twelve years ago she underwent an tary men with scarlet uniterins, the operatian frein which she neyer fully more quiet naval peuple, seme -.heee recovered and for sonie years she French generals in their pretty light ha.s been in teebie healtb. blue-grey uniferins arnd the officers Miss Gre en was a daughter et the Ifram India were the most spectacu-I late William and Sarah Green and lar of ail and made great spiashes was born in Warwickshire, Engiand. of color with their eleçant costumes She carne te Canada in early lite and and great turbants, turquoise blue ived with hier sister, the late Mrs. and gold and greens. They wore T. H. Vann, then living in Toronto. very -ight white leggings and patentj Many years ago the family removed 3hoes. to this town where she bas ived Most cf the Court officiais whe ever since, the latter years being looked after the guests wore scarlet spent very quietly. ceats, epaulettes and braid and ail The funeral on Thursday toek the other accoutrements and terri.biy place frein St. John's Cburch et tight white breeches and long pat- which she was a mensber and a reeu- ent b jets reaching above their knees lar attendant whén healtb permitted. and wore swo)rds and white gioves, Rev. R. J. Sbires, M. A., Rector can- of coursýe. Tlie crdinary suits et ducted the service. black velvet with silver buttons and' The pali-bearers were Dr. John lact- of jabots iooked exceedingiy Spencer, Harry Rîce, A. Tait, C. A. nice, toc: aise their boat-haped black Johnâton, J. A. McClellan and L. R. bats. The Americans, and un-uni- Woed. fovmed per-sons from some of the Lett te mourn bier decease is her oyhpr emibassies leoked quite sub- nee isFoec an b a due4l in their irdinary evening cloth- ben er cs FonatcenVaniwo ad es. jusv the sanie cnly kneebreeches who baserceorberntrougbnoutthe but a rather nice contrast. wohscrdfrhrtruhu h years, aise Mrs. Harry Vann anîd There w ýr', a great numbe* of daughter et Rochester, N. Y. Japanese, rnest of the men 'in even- The floral offerings whicb were ing dre.-ý, a tew le military earb and beautitul included the followtrng t.ieir laïies iôeked se neat, nice ando Sheaf-Miss Forence 'M. vann; <uite cunning. Wtýreath-Couch, Johnston & Cryder- There were aLso tbe Arch Bishepi man; Sheaves-Dr. and Mr.;. Spen- of York in his robes of )ffice, thei cer. Miss A. Thonîpson, Miss E.1 Lo)rd Mayor and the Mayeress and Painton, Mrs. S. Stanley, Dr. and the Lor~d Chancellor, Lord Kave who Mrs. Hazlewood, Dr. and Mrs. Bon.1 was the only one with a great whitel nycastle and Dorotby, Mr. and Mrs. ring and flowing robes. A greati Thos. McMullen and Miss Lulu, Mr. many ther "highups" in the realm' and Mrs. Wm. MeReynoids and Miss and le society were there in ail theiri AEFdra; Bouquet-Mrs. Jas. Court- glorylice. WEDDING Kilmnater--Willianuoa A very pretty wedding was sol- emnized at St. Martin'a in the Fieid's, Toronto, when Rev. Mr. Melville et' Ailandale. united in miarriage Miss 1 Kate Locke Williamýon, daughterý et the late Mr. and Mrs. Fred.srick Williamson, Oronti, and- Mr. John Miliingfron Kiliniaster et Allandale. The bride was daintily attired ini gray taifeta georgette and silver lace, with bat and shees te match and carried a magnificent sh.jwer bouquet of Ophelia roses and valley lillies. The matron et honor wvas Mrs. Perey Dowel. who looked love- ly in a gown et pheasant georgette and lace, witb picture bat and shees te match, the groom being support- ed by bis brother, Mr. Victor Liil- master. The bride entered the chureh on the arm et bier brother- in-law, Mr. Henry Yonker et Oreno. Atter a brief honeymneon in Detroit the happy couple will reside at AI- landale. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Yonk- er, Mrs. (Dr.) Ross and littie daughter, and Miss Alma Cuttell, Or- one, attended the wedding. A .Y. P. A. PICNIC Under auspices cf' Bswmanville, Oshawva and Newcastle Associations, a most successtul picnic was held at Lake Shore, Bowrnanville; on Satur- day, July 23rd. jb.out 100 partici- patinýg. Events opened with a sottbail game between Oshawa, cap- tained by M. Gibson versus Bow;ýman- ville ,captained by Mr. R. Rates. Gaine was ef a very attractive nat- ure, the participants enjeying it te the full. Many onleekers aIse --aw teats et gymkhana perfermed byý ladies. Score--Oshawa 14, Bowman- ville 7. Next thrill w&-, sapper, wbFch was a spread et ail :be finer- ies et the confectionery world. Te add te its attraction it was served and prepared, by a notable chef and bis many assistants who waited u-pori the crowd in a most efficient manner. Prize winners in varieus events: Tie Race-Miss Bowers and Mr. V. Burr, Miss Pawson and Mr. C. File; Ladies' Hopping Race-Miss Peggy Oliver. Miss Blowers; Gents' Flo-p- ping Race-Mr. Gibson ,Mr. Win- stanley; Ladies' Straîght Race-Miss D, Cibson, Miss Peggy Oliver; Gents' Straigbt Race-M. C. James, M. H. Gibson; Tbree-Legged Race-M. C. James and Miss P. OlWer, M. H. Gibson and Miss D. Gibsen; Ladies' Slow Race-Miss L. Oliver, Miss Rose Rate; Gents' Slow Race-Mr. Weeson, M. Bisrr; Biscuit Eating ýContest-M. H. Gilbson, Miss Oliver;, Peanut Race-M. V. Burr, M. Wil- son; Potato Race-M. H. Gibson, M Wilson; Needie and Thread Race- Miss Jeffery and M. Weeson, Miss Smith and M. Phiiiips. The prize-iving was then under- taken in a most enjoyabe way and manv went away well ladened with goed materiai gitfts. The crowd then adjourned te De- pew's dance hall to enjoy the ex- cellent music supplied man-y partici- pating in the dancipg. SOME HOME PROBLEMS Following are a te-w quetatiens troni a pamphlet sent eut by Mrs. W. C. Hijdmen, c-hairman et the De- partinent of the American Home in Georgia: "Tinne-that it may net be wast- ed, but intelligently planned that a portion may be left fer the seul of the home. "Energy-that there may be le.s, nervous tension and more caint ener- "y;MoneS-tbat it may net be squandered tbrough ignorance, but judiciously spent threugh wise plan- ning. "The Future-that it may not be loeked te with tear et poverty and penury, but with confidence and ser- enity through the protection of le- surance and wisely invested savings. "To my mind perhaýps the one most dangerous detect in the home oft'odav is its increasing iack et simplicity. The airn et a true home is a simple one! Simplicity neyer yet hurt tamily lite. The cbeated children are net the ones who do net have tolderels and mechanical trains and French trecks; they are the cnes who do net have sym'pathy and eut- ýtanding obligations and reai tain- ily love. A littie nickel.4pinching fo, the fine purPese~ of bringinir up a faniily in their own berne will net burt anybody, but ail the dollar- squanderîng in tbe werld will net buy happiness".. Now is the time to have your old brick or frame house done over with an absolutely water- proof stucco. We are also making ail kinds of imitation stone. Cail and see us before deciding.. Builders of concrete. silos, pavements and ail kinds of artistie concrete work. SmaIl jobs given our most careful attention. Place of business, Elgin St. North, Bowmanville Phone 497-w M "WHERE QUALITY COUNTS"9 QUALITY GOODS AT REASONABLE PRICES. FoUlow in fine with the million and more.atisfied custom- ers who visit our stores every week. VISITORS and TOURISTS are cordlally invited to makoe comparisoms of OUIR VALUES. No more a luxury te the average hou.wlf e CALIFORNIA ASPARAGUS M2 i c Try it on toast wtth a plain, mettd buttermuo A wh.Ie assa ina aua. TRY THEM COLD BEANS VaTH PORK HAM*S D..L CORN FT- Sclpq UClark' I C PerDL *Uftc L 2t»fer 23 1 IL 113or 2c DOMINO TEA 7 CLt SMOKERS SPECIAL POCKET MATCHES i 9C«. Fer*s loIt1 kl.dâa b. c Judas. CHRISTIE'S ARIlOWROOT BISCUITS 2 9 cPz Fer ysar heaItL's make, est BRITANNIA SPINACH P«c l'h...Pwi... la t tfer «o ..k fa.daefompeo g A ,good used car of quality is often better than a new light car and can be purchased at a lower price. But be careful where you buy. For seven years we have been selling good used cars. Write or phone for a salesman to cali. He xil have a iist at prices from $ 1.25 to $1400 in open and closed models. Get our prices before buying elsewhere. Moffatt Motor Sales, Ltd., Genarsi Motors Car Dealers 88 Simeoe St. North Phone 915 Oshawa A Manifold Service PETER MVARTIN & SONS Building and General Contracting FLINT Phone 290 FLINT DISTRIBUTOR Bowmanville Plastering and concrete work a Agents for Asphait Roofing, buiît on gravel. specialty. tar and

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