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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Aug 1926, p. 3

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PAGE THREI MBE CAZADIAN STATESMAIN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 5tb, 1926 SHEL Be fair Wo your motor and for berst resuits use SHELL GAS We carry a stock of the well known Sheil Coal Oil and Sheil Motor Oils. A trial will convince you, as it I)as others, of their superior quality. Ce A,, BartlettI Phone 110 North Side King St. E. Bowmanville AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE A REAL NECESSITY Auto owners are taking a big risk if they drive a car these days without carrying insurance. IJust look at the accidents that are happening daily. The cost of insurance is small compared with protection given. CONSULTATION FREE regarding insurance-Public Liability, Property Damage, Collision, Fire, Theft. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville Clean, Pure, Fresh GROCERIES Your grocery quality is our standard-for, this is the grocery that aims to satisfy the exacting demands of the most particular housewif e. When everything is choice, fresh and dlean, and besides this most reasonably priced, we can- not help but please your wants perfectly. Test our dlaims and the downright prompt- ness and accuracy of our service by phoning 65 TODAY and have us fill the day's grocery needs. CHINA AND CROCKERY When requiring qny of the above goods bear in mind that we have the largest assortment in town and have marked ail goods at remarkably iIow prices. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville 1 ' MISS GWENDOLYN WILLIAMS, BOWMA.NVILILE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Good Meat IN Summer Heat Summer time is the most important months in the year when more than the usual care should be taken in buying meat. We provide that "Safety First" principle for our customers by personally selecting and buy- ing direct from the best feeders in this district al cattie off èred for sale in our store. We also have the facilities and long experience which saf e guards the interest of our customers in every way. You may always buy your meat with safety Sat this store. Orders Filied Promptly and Delivered. C. M. CAWKER & SON Bowmanvile Young Lady Presented To Royalty*. b: Miss Gwendolyn Williams, Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S Alan M. Williams, Bownianville, Writes Interestlngly nic of the Ceremony.te ____________ti (Concluded from last issue) other officiais here you may imagine the distinguished procession that To The presentation began as soon as they would miake-French, German, Hc the King and Queen had taken their Italian, Swiss, Spani.sh, Sweedisb, places. A corridor runs aiong one Austrian, Be]gian, Brazilian, Aieri- h& side of The Throne Room so that we can and many others from the lesser1 ~ had to go through a door at the end powers and states. The Govern- 1 of the room, along the corridor and ment people camela-rs Bald- go in by a door at the front of the tein, Winston Churchill, the Cham- tu. room, then across in front of the berlains, etc, etc. tin platfcrm, (Awful moment!) and The King and Queen and some then straight through another door other royalties- went at once to the CO and then one bas to be presented. private rootus ta which the corridor ga The diplomats went through first. led. The many thers went around W' We found when we reacbed there the rooms, bad supper and chatted. that Mrs. Snowden would go a little To me they resemb]ed an immense FI in advance of me-being separated fairy at ori a amgi in does not matt er-for every one to be asse'mbly of distinguished person- an presented has a ticket sent with the ages. I can close my eyes and see invitation simply "To be Presented" every detail of it now. p on it and one's name. They are put We passed through se-me rooms mi through very rapidly. To me it was and down the main staircase again to ed very interesting to observe the ttspe ons i h on couteses nd ea th naes n-were mOst onate, the walls beingI52 nounced. The men merely bowed hung with large portraits of kings and the ladies made two courtesies-- and queens and occasionai tapes- one to His Maesty and one to Her tries; also large panels of -nirrors inici Majesty. To introduce the diplo- every fret space and nia.ses of flow- j u mats took over haîf an hour, then ers everywhere. The portraits cf F our set followed. We Young per- King Edward and Quten Alexandria Ei sons were naturally a littît nervotis, were in a room at the end of the cor- ci but 1 was less excited than I expect- ridor which led directly to the pri-it ed I would be, for they seenied so vate quarters and were very massive b much alike that we were only ont of paintings-the very well knowii anes an a company and that eased off some, which have been engraved.a and to the audience wewere just se Buffet supper was served in four much feathers and fiowers and train. rosfo ogtbe cosoee roosIs froin long ablesoncross 'cie- As crsse onthelo~g rd cr-end and along the side.s on whichjhc pet, I found myseif dropping my were spreadfhe most delicious loo0k- ni train which was spread out by two ing edibles including several kinds l e officiais and at tht door 1 handed my of fussy looking chicken dïshes, ices, i ticket to the officiai which was pass- fruit salads and cakes galore and a se the front cof the platforma tilI it fess 1 was too intenzely interested in in reached the Lord Chamberlain, Lord seeing people and things to indulgl th Cromer whQ stood near King much iu tats, but enjoyed a very de- w. George's right. Meanwhile I wasîicious sweet coucoctian---a sort 0f re walking dewn the carpet ýclutching chocolate, lady fingers and creani, la my bouquet as for support. When some cakes and leinonade. Tht re- w. 1 reached the Lord Chamberlain, 1 fre.shmeutis were served by more M stopped until tht lady ahead Of me footimen in red liveries aud pcswder- of p assedcsn er way. The Lord e ar e Chambelain moved bis talwand e ar. a eea mr esn slightly f orward ta signify that we aer ew saw se er mor p es- move an and he in a clear stentorianagsIue-oztBesorfte voice announces our naine. Then German, Lady Moud, Lord and Lady Io 1 was making my courtesy ta the Reading, Mrs. Cloinar and her niece 0 King, aud taking a step f orward an- aud Ray Athertom who is next the other ta the Queen, and 1 have a Ambassador at the American embas- rather vague remembrance of Her sy sud others. It was sa nice ta be si Majesty bowing her head slightly witb Joyce whom 1 had not met since q and smiling just as I was getting up. returning from my visit home inu Oue's own bead is bowed in court- Bcswnanville, and she askedé about e seying gracefully so that we caunot people aud aur expersences on S. S. h4 itare at thein. Then I walked on Oly'mpic. So many people stcspped someone throwing my train over my to speak ta Lady Swaythling that aur i arm as 1 was about ta pass out. Mis. pogress was slow. About il1:30 P. d Snowden was there waiting for me m. people began ieaving and, late S and wt took Our places. Joyce and though it was, we dieliked it ta end d Mrs. Swaythlings and a Japanese but the minutes seemned to fly. t lady whom she was presenting came. It may interest you ta know ho>w next, so we were ail together again, in the great crowd the cars are or- Lord Swaythling passe.d through dered, but it is mansged veryil separately aud joined us sfterwards. smoathly, îudeed. An officiai near 0 the entrance, outaide the cloakroom, We were trough aur part about. telephones the naine ta a yeoman s 10:30-just half way-so we watch- outside the entrance. Ht calîs the C ed those who came after us, and who footinan who is waiting and who stood aloesg the sides of tht corin- hies sway for the motor. It was P dor as they came from the platiarm. raining very beavily when we left S Ytaue o th Gar wre taioedand the yeomen at tht door had don-b slong the corridor ta keep thet unes ued long scarlet ciosks lhat rescbed within proper bounds. These Guards thi'eW sdbdta hr ae look stunning with their peculiar arouud their shoulders. We were gsrb and long gold standards. bon t12ocok When the presentations were overhoea12'cokb the Orchestra played the National Note by the Editor:-Tht temp- Anthemn and ail the royalties, the am- tation is almost iresistible ta give0 bassadors and their wives and mcm- aur eaders the description Missh bers cf parliauteut came out of the Williams gives of ber dress and otherf Throne Roam and passed by us down things, but tve dare not violate our t the corridor aud the ladies Of Our pledge ta that extent. But we wili compan.v caurtesied as they passed. state that the photagrapher remark- Quetu Mary was exceedîngly ed that ber dress and train weme beautiful. She wore a silver dress "quite the loveliest Young person 's with white embroideîed with pearîs be had ever taken." That compli- over it and ber jeweis were too mag- ment froin a ieading Landan artist nificent for words, as were ber cmawn means sametbing superlatively fine. aud necklace and ail the other things Her bouquet was froin Feiton's sparkling with diamonds. She really tht famous Florists and was compos- looked perfect and ont could not ed of paiest pink carnations that just dreain of a mare beautiful and fit showered out, each one being wired, lady ta be Queen of England. She and tied with ribbon tht streamer-s dots not attempt a modern figure being of silver ribbon with one or and ia 50 taîl and graceful aud iner two fiowers on thein. Mrs. Snow- head is so symmetricaily placed on den's was the ioveliest bouquet seen ber shoulders. Then ber white hair there. It was or orchid.s, sprays of and iovely complexion are so attract- those rather reddisb ones and a f ew ive. I could stand and gaze on ber white and matched ber dress so and ber gacious expression for niceiy. She looked quite haudsome bours. lu a white dress with silver embroid-1 Wheu you tbink of the many ery and odd littie shiniug tbings for countries that send ambassadors and triniming wbich dangled and had Bowmanville bas quite a buildingI wom this year. Mr. and Mms. Lawmy Crydeman xe holidaying in Moutreal. Miss Mary Conuors, Hamiton, sent :bte weekend at home. What district bas more famiiy pic- ics than Durhaam and Ontario. Atlantic Coast has had anather errible hurricane with uiany casuali- tas on land and sea. Mr. A. J. Adamis aud family of Coronto now üccupy McArtbur ouse, Concession-st. Mr. Cecil Herman, Detroit, Mich., is been holidayiug at bis father's, 4r. F. B. Herman, Carlislt Ave. Mrs. AIL Nichols, Whitby, bas me- urned after holidaying fýor soute me with frienda- in Bowmanville. Mm. M.. Connors and Miss Anu onnors have gone on a trirp to Cal- ,ay, Vancouver and other parts of WesternCanada. Mr. and Mis. J. H. Wtrmy, Misses lomence and Alice Werry are visit- ng relatives at Currie's Cmossing ind other places in Western Ont-aria. Rev. William Lmmbtrt, Toronto, prtached bis 52nd anniversary ser- mou iu Canada at Quten St. Unit- ýd Chumeh, Lindsay, on Sunday. Ht meached bis first sermon at Exeter 2 years aga. Dr. J. Harold Couch, of Toronto tuneraI Hospital, son of Rev. Isaac Couch, a Dariington boy, wiill -ail July 3Oth on Steamer Ascania for Europe, to fujrthtr bis work in medi- me tht next twa years. Ht will ýtudy in London and Edinburgb, sud efore, returning will visit the iead- isg hospîtals in France, Germnany nd Austria. Tht proposai of the Retail Mer- chauts' Association to tax mail aider bouses for ail business deelu each municipality sud remit tht tax dir- ect ta these municipalities is a move in tht right direction provided the scheme cau be worktd. Talk as we ike of tht few advantages osf deal- ing with tbese mail order bouses, il their =xason is not curbed the day nill cor ene there will be but few etail stores in the tawns aud vil- lages. it necessarily foliows there would eventually b. no towns or villages. Local merchantaetan b.ad off the expansiou of these aictopufs to a great extent by taking the sanie neans of reaching tht buyer-con- sistent aud persistent use csf their local newopaper.-Carleton Place Canadian. smaIl bitascof red in themn that showed quite out acd the ordiuary aud the whole appearauce was rtally very effective sud beautiful aloug with ber very pretty bouquet of orchids. Miss Williams sent a plan of the unteriar of Buckingham Palace, lrawn by herstîf froni memnory, showing the differeut roonis sud iu- dicatiug tht course ehe travelled thruout the whoie ceiemony froin +10... 'V VlJ celJ ý Cive Your 'Wi(e A Holiday The expense of sending your wife away for a holiday is often beyond your means. But every husband in town can and should give his wife a holiday whereby shedoesn't have to bake these hot sweltering days. There's No Excû'se Ail you need to do is phone or advise us at the shop that you want us to do the baking for the f amily. We don't want to endanger mother's reputation for being a good cook-but we know we can supply your needs in Bread, Buns, Cakes, Pastry, etc., which will satisfy the whole family. Just try it today and see. Wedding Cakes a Sp.cialty Willard'a Ice Creain W. P. Corbett' Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville Phone 3 Orono SAVES ONE IN SEVEN * ,. '~-A COOL SUBJECT FOR HOT WEATHER - That's the reputation the Hecla Furnace has -earned. By comparison >.. the Hecla Furnace saves one ton of coal out of every seven. Ask any Hecla user. There's lots of them around town. * We have the Hecla Agency for Bowmanville and supply parts. Solve your heating problem nbw for next L. G. GREENAWAY King St. East Phone 18 Bowmanville ROOF 0FPERMANENCE TORONTO ASPHALT ROOFING is permna- nent-fire-resisting-able to withstand sun and rain time, wind and frost, unaffected by rust or rot. It's a mighty goodroofing. That's why we sell it. ROCBOARD CHEAPER THAN LUMBER ROCBOAD'STRONGER THAN LUMBER ROCBOARD QUICKER THAN LUMBER ROCBOARD WARMER THAN LUMBER It's fireproof, economical permanent COAL AT SUMMER PRICES Fi your bin now with Lehigh Valley Coal at summer prices. It pays. Yes, we seIl Canada Cernent J. A. HOLGATE & SON Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville Albert Coflee Opens a Wide Door to Men Seeking a Higher Education C ONDUCTED by the United C3mrch o Canada and a.ffiliated with Victoria Univer- sity and the University of Toronto, Albert College offers an educational opportunity not afforded by goverument uchools teaching simi- lai courses. A request for a calendar wiIl brng Nw college buildings in a !etting repatte with loyal traditions and associations. Wid courses of sftndy. Fully-quali5ied staff. Jumor PullTee Eelna For fm the. information write: n leun Prhw4,al, Albaet CoUqe, BeUloeUe, Onuuio .ewe dealSrlnows Ask your dealer to show you how easy a Valet AutoStrop v-vRazor is stropped, ad- justed and cleaned, with- out remnoving the blade. X4eAutoeStrpRazr 72 We must add lu conclusion that Miss Williams usut be a vet'y keen observer ta be able to give lu detail such a lengthy narrative and des- cription aof place, ceremcsuy sud people as ber 52 page letter ta ber parents coutaius-all, too, from ob- servation while she must naturally have been under great excittateut before ber piesentation ceremony was over. We must express our thauks for tht privilege of pub- Iisbiug as mucb aof hem letter as we have. But s presentation at tht Court of tht King sud Quten o! tht Britisb Empire is au event that f ew aof aur readers bave setu or nead of, heuce the space we have devoted' ta this ont lu whicb aur citizeus sud th-ousauds osf others are inttiested. We omitttd to state tht husbaud aof Mrs. Snowdeu who preseuted Miss William'.s ta their Majestits is the Right Hou. Philîp Suawden, recentiy British Chancelier of tht Exchequer who receutly coutributed ta tht New York Nation au article entîtled: "Give Germauy Back Ber Colonies". Mr. Suowden predicts another s'rett war "if tht legitimate economie as- "ýpiratio-ns aof a great commercial na- "tion like Germauy are suppresstd "sund if ber trade rivais art permit- "ted ta monopolize tht wide sites "wbich supply esseutial raw mater- ":iassasd piovide an outiet for sur- "Plus Population". Two ather former Bowmauville people had tht distiuguisbtd houai and pleasure osf beiug among tht 13,000 guests of King George and Quetu Mary at tht Royal Garden Party an Thursday, July 22 at Buck- ingham palace-Mm. W. Normnan Tii% ley, K. C., sud Mrs. Tillty cai Tom- onto, who tvert spendiug smine wteks in bondon sud were preseuttd by Hou. P. C. Larkiu, Canadian High Commissioner, tvîth these Canadians: Chief Justice Rt. Hou. F. A. Auglin sud Mrs. Auglin, Ottawa; James iNaikmith Gmeenshields of Mantreal; Col. Dm. H. A. Bruce aud Mms. Bruce, Toronto; Senator Rt. Hou. Sir George sud Lady Foster, Ot- tawa; Senator aud Mrs. George Heu- my Barnard, Victoria, B. C.; Mm. Jus-. tice F. E. Hodgius, Mms.asd Miss Hodgins of Toronto, sud aver 100 cszher Canadians. Tht gathering proved to be tht largest sud most representative o! rayai parties since Corouation it- self. As virtually ail guests invittd came, the six acre gardeus aof thtl Palace, set off by trees, shrubbery aud small lakes, was a scene of ont of thtenîost brilliant functions lu tht bistor.v csof British -royalty. The wvomen gue.ts ore the latest summer cenationsisud men momning coatis. The thm'ýe hour party was most informaI, tac eouiy suggestioni o! formality beiugon tht appearauce of Their Majesties, wbo greeted tht diplomatic corps fîr-t sud then "bejd Court". Their Majestibes shook bauds witii thousauds of their guests aud afterwards strolled through tht gardeus unattended. Royal party in&iiuded the Duke sud Duchess of York, Princeae Mary, Prince Henry, tht Dukt ai Cou- naigbt sud tht Prince sud Princes. Arthur -o! Couuaught. Ruling princts aof India sud Saivation Army lassits weTe amo'ng the guesta. Bowmanville Victoria Building Butchers Phone 64

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