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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Aug 1926, p. 5

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Notice to Creditors IN THSE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F ANDREW MePEETERS, late o! the Town o! Bowmanville, in the County of Durhami, Equire, deceased. NOTICE is bereby gven pursuant te tbe Statutes in that behalf tbat ail creditors and otber bavîng dlaime against tbe estate of the above name. Andrew MeFeeters wbo dîed on or about the 15tb day of June, 1926. at the said Town of Bowmanville, are requlred te oend by post prepaid or deliver to tbe undersigned Executor John A. MeFeeters or bis Sohcitor, on or before th, 3rd Sday of August., 1926, tbeir names. ad- drosses and full particulars of their olainis duly vorifled, and the nature of the securities. if any, beid by tbem, and after thé sigid 23rd day of August, 1926, the said Execujar will proceed to dietri- bute the assets of the said doceaseo among the persons entitled thereto, bey- Ing regard only te the dlaims of which ho shall thon bave notice, and the said Exo cutor will nt be Ilable for the as- sets or any part therof te any persons of whose dlaims be shall net th(-n ihave bad notice. TATED this Twefth day of Juiy, 1926. JOHN A. McPEETERS. . Execulor of the Estate of Andrew Me- Feeters, decmeed. by D. G. M. GALBRAITH, his Soicitor, 611 Lumsden Building, Toronto 31-1 Royal Theatre Friday-Satun'day, Aug. 6-7 "'Seven Days" An AI Christie Feature Coxnedy Monday-Tuesday, Aug. 9-10 'SalIy Irene and Mary", Wit-h Sally O'Neill, Constance Bennett sud Joan Crawford Somet-hing Different W.dn.aday.Thu"dy, Aug. 11-12 "Whi.pering Smith" With H. B. Warner, I.ilian Rich and John Bowers A Raifroad staiy eut of the ordinary. Fsiday-Saturday, Aug. 13-14 Patay Ruth Miller in "Hel Bout Fer Hoawea" COMING "Tise Mrry Wadow" Harold Ucyd in "The Freshmaie" Phone 62 O01 Notice to Creditors~ IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE OF CORDELIA A . WILLIAMS, late O! the Township O! Darlington. Widow, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that al pensons having any dlaim against the late Cordelia A. Williams, who died On an about the Ird day a! June, 1926, are requined ta send by past, pnepaid. or d eliven ta tbe undereigned soicitor for Josepb H. Martin, Executor o! tbe es- tate o! Cordelia A. Williams, their names and addresses and full partIculars ln writing o! thein dlaims and the nature o! secuitiee, If any, beid by theni. AND TAXE NOTICE that a! ter the 15th day o! Sept., 1926. the sald Joshp H. Martin wIll distnîbute the asa a!ý the said deceased among tbe persans entitled theneunta baving regard only ta the dlaims o! wiob be shahl then bave had notice and VIII not ho hiable to any person o!. wbose dlaim be shahl not then bave received notice. DA-TED at Bowmanvihle thir Ilet day o! Jttly, 1926. M. G. V. GOULO, Soictor for Jos. H. Martin. Ex.ecittor 31121 I. -- INSURANCE: Fire, Lif e, Accident and Health, Automobile (fire, theft, property dam- age, public hiabilhty, col- lision). CONVEYANCING: Deeds, Mortgages, Dis- charges of Mortgages, Agreements for Sale, Leases, Wills, etc., pre- pared at moderate rates. PRIVATE FUNDS to Loan. - REAL ESTATE Agency: Farm and to-wn proper- ties listed for sale. Edith V. Scobel Bowmanville Represenbmng t-be Sun Lite Ar- surance Ce., snd the Maple Le9af Faraneis' Mutual ire Ins. Ca., amongst-et-hems. Bownianville Stoves $30.00 FOR $23.90 Lorrain High Speed Oil Stoves, 3 burners, al latest improvement, a dandy stove at a bargain price. BROOMS AND DRY DUST MOPS Brooms, regular 60c,...............Satuday 39c Dry Dust Mops, regular 75c ........Saturclay 47c Dry Dust Mops, (triangle), regular $1.50 Saturclay 99c You can't afford to miss these bargains. DUSTAN'S Cash 'Hardware PHONE 74 BOWMANVILLE Holiday visitais at Mi. A. W .1 Pickard's Cottage, "Days Off", Wil-I Atils osSl lia Point, CSsarea: Mi. r and Mrs.I rilsFrSl I N. &. B. James, Stuart, Dero>ty and -Dmnoiiao f& John, Mr. and Mis. Frankt Oke and FOR SALE-Dmno ino i kinda oIti on paymnts uprsad over two family and Mise Edith Morris, Bowv- yes. teinuay, Heintzman and Ger- manville; Mr. and Mms. C. R. Pick- bard Hintaman uasd Piano@ takonau oaa- C ard and son BilI,- Windsor; Mr. and Part IIBTIo.t Oa Dominion Piano.wu' W mn~ Mzu.RayBreknahreLongBracbb. olsard st braz-an pics Ud on «»Wy -Mm ay reknwhre, ongBrachtonma Y 3. MItoheili. Dhtributor. Bow- Ont. . anffle. -ti PAGE TME THE CA.NADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 5th, 1926 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE MINISTERS AND CHURCHES BIRTIHS Ms iinLw svisitiflg rela- St. Andrew's Cuc- SUODARD-In Oshawa, MissLilan oiv isChucb-Unday to Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Suddi tivos at Brighton. services: Mr. H. M. Gilchrist, Oe- PALM ER-At Bowqnvi Dr. and Mra. L. B. Williams, Tor- awa, will preaeh at il a. nm. and 8 July 30th, 1926, 10 Mr. and onto, were in fown Friday. p. M.; Pahler, a daugbter. Mis F.IrvngNewrk N.J.,is he nitdOhurch of Canada. LIGHTERNESS-In Bowî MissF. rvin, Nwark N.J., s Te Unted3lst, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. visiting her sister, Mrs. C. W. Tait. The congregatians of Trinity and St.1 ernées,, a daugbter. Mrs. J. T. Hooper is visiting her Paul's Churches will wo-rship at Trin-1 PATTERSON-In Clarke, son, Mr. Herbert J. Hooper, Lond on. ity Church at il a. m. and in St.' July 27tb. 1926, to Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Nicholis have Paul's Chiirch at 8 p.in Rv W ELAttRKINn aBownv. h been visiting relatives at Niagara J. aSrnyth, M. A., Wellington,i da, JIy 2th.192owM:nil FaLwifloonduct the services.; Timothy Larkin, a son. M.a nd MssohnMlntyire have~ St. John's (Anglican)J Churchi LINGARD-At Port Hope Metr. nd r sJong frien in Rev. R. J. Sbires, Rec: ýr. Tenth Tuesday, Juhy 27th, to Mr. a retunedfren vsitng undy afer rintyA'îustSthC. Lngard, twin daugbters. Toronto. S8 a m.-Hoîy Conimunjîn. il a. ni. oHIRCOCK-in Bownianvi 8 a.m.-olyCo-mun-)n.11 . M onTuesday, August 3, 1926 Mrs. W. Dickinson, Toron-to, is -Momning Prayer. 1..0 p. m.- Mrs. H. T. Hircock, a daul vistin Ms. . . Kysand- 1 Sunday Schooi. 7 p. m.-ein HEWSON-On Tuesday, frienâs here. Prayer. Service at BowNanville Oshawa, to Mr. and Mrs. Lc M.adMs e.B. Ball, Trn- on, tnee Amy B. Gibson, Mr. nd rs.Geo Toon-Beach at 8.30 p. m. liarn George. ta, are visiting with ber sisters, tho Rev. Ernest Harston, Woodville, WERRV-In Oshawa1 Misses Allen. took both service§ at -,le United Tuesday, July 27th, 1920, to Mrs.Sid.Barrtt, orono, -bas Church on Sunday, preaching in t.(Carnc . Werry, EastV Mrs.Sid.BarrttToroto, .j William Andrew). been visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Paul's in tho mhorning and in Trinityl OSBORNE-In Bowmanv HI. B. Creeper. in the evening. Bath sermons were Ion Saturday, July 3sit, 1921 Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Devitt are holi- higbly appreciated by the congrega- Mrs. Russell Osborne, (neE daying at the Highland Inn, Algon-1 tion. Rev. Mr. Harst.o-n las always mraie)tegto!a au quin Park, Ont. been very active in Boys' Work bav- Lran. Mr. Hamr Osborne, Southi Bend,' ing been instructior and lecturer of Mieb., is bolidaying at bis fatber's,j various Boys' Camps and bas beenI EAH Mr. R. E. Osborne. responsible for organizing boys' i DA j work in connection witb church and 1 BELGER-In Darlington, Wcsxnn's Hospital Auxiliary will community life. He took an active August 3rd, 1026, Cat.hemin, meet in Council Room on Friday,~ part in the search for the bodies at loved wife of Mr. Martin 1 Ags hat 8 .30p.m.th yeam. Augut &h, .30 ni.Bal-.am Lake where 14 voung men Funeral from the residenc Miss Nellie Bounsail, New York lost their lives. in-law, Mr. Jacob Bran City, is holidaying with her parents,! Road, on Tbursday, Augusl I at 2 P.,nm. (standardUime)1 Mr. and Mrs. Gu.s. Bounsall. MSIRSUTCete. Mr. Clare Ingrain, Rochester, N. BOND-At Cobourg. July Y., is holîdaying with bis aunt, Missi Pupils of Miss Lepha N. Doncast- Bond, in bis 52nd year. Emiiîne Williamns, Cbirch St. er, A.T.C.M., who, have passed their aPETHICK-Suddenly, on Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cudlip a-id piano exaninations held in Trinity onto, Annie, beloved wife family, Hamilton, are visiting witChrboJuythad7: Pethick. the Misses Allen, Beech-Ave. 1 Junior Piano-Honeurs, Newton MACDONALD-At Brook, Mr. nd rs.T. . Jwel an 1 aickev 6. rimry chol PanoJuly 27th, 1926, James M. Mr. nd rs.T. . J-oi-iland Hakne ,7. Punay Sboa Pinohis 76th year. Interment Miss Frankie M. Je'weîl are enjoyingli -Charltte Mitchell 69, Dorothy C eWSON-y.-tOhaa hohaysaxnng heMuaokaLaks.Piano-Honours, Harold Gibýbs 78, 23, William George, infantB Mr. Jas. Gale of The United. Honours, June ILeughaman 70. In- Mrs. Lorne H. Hewson. Ohui-ch Publishing Co., Toronto,'; troductory Piano-Honours, Aileen Part Hope. thewe.ken wib rlatvesGibs 7, îlle Mtto 74 Pas, THOMSON-Suddenly ai spent teweed Wt eaesibs7,Bli utn4;Ps Tuesday, July 27tb, 1920. j hem. j~~~~~~~ Fernie Smith 69. Ail of these ppl eae ubn !Em Miss Elsie M. Bragg and Miss 1 are frein Bownnanville. aged 75 yoams. Intermeili Irene Bragg, Toronto, spent the 1________Cemetery. weekend at Mr. W. J. Bragg's, M., WEDDING P. P.i Mr. and Mrs. H. Eari and son Ted, Doane-SaWp IN -MEMORIAI Toronto, are occupying Bontnsall'si A chaitming wedding took place on novgmeayo Cotageat artBownavlledurng~Saturday, July 31st, at the haome of Weber, late of Port Bown August. the bride's tinther, Enniskiflen,' paused over Auguat th, Mr. and Mms. Harry Baskerville, when Carélyne, daughter oft Mis. friend of M. Boylaa. Toronto, spent the weekend with Sharp and the late Andrew Sharp, D"Seet buavn band nd ti relatives bere and attended the 1. 0. was United in marriage te Mr. Ruliff die: 0. F. picnic. Webb Doane, son af Mr. a.nd Mis. Tby volce i. on the rolling I boar tho. wheme the wa Mms. K. Kingston and family, Chas. Doane af Newmaarket. Thou standest In the rimmi Pickering, Mrs. R. Ellitt and Jean, Exactly at 6 o'clock, te the strains And In Une settlng tbau ai Toronto, were holiday gueets at Mr. of Lohbengrin's wedding mai-eh, play -__________ John Lyle's. ed by Miss Betty McIntyre, thbe bride Geo. A. Stephens is the firat to re-I ieanîng onl the anaf ber brother, Property ? or port cutting 3 acres of Faîl Wbeat Mr. Adanm Sharp, wai.ked frein the (Golden Chaf), on Saturday, July higus, to the corner t lawn whîch HOUSE FOR SALE-AI Slst, and says it is a splendid crop. bad been most prolusely decorated I eniences. Apply H. B. where the cerernany was perfortned St., Bowininville. Mr. and Mis. W. J. MeLauglilin, by Rev. Mil-ton Sanderson, Birch- FOR SALE, SACRIFICE. Oshawa, Miss Mabel Gardiner, Ports- ciif. ed bouse, framo. In Bown mouth' Naval Hospital, Vrginia, The bride was charmingly geowned orn convenlonces; good were holiday guests of Mr. and Mis. large gardon containingà W. . nnh.in ivory satin trimnzed with pearls fruit, on quiet atreet. Fori W. B. inch.wearilig a loveiy veil and orange ply ta W. P. Ward., Barrie Mr. and Mr. Wnn. J. Challis and blosonis. Her bridesmnid, Miss Eva ville. Ont. daughter Phyllis, Mr. and Mis. Rai- Cluthe, Toronto, wore agawn oil FARM FOR SALE-116% ry Cole and his father have returned powdered bine with silver lace. The laind, 2 dwelling bousses,rt frein a trip thîough Musitoka and groom was supported by bis brother, and al out hauseing, two( Laike ai Boys. Mr. David Donne. througb the farm; 2 acre acro stirawberries and mi Mi. Leonard Tucker, son of Rev. The presents included a Wedge- other fruits. Àpply S. Po A. T. Tuckeî, Rector af St. Peter's wood dinner service, and many fther or 2 Carlisle Ave.,* Bowml Cathedral, St. Geor~ges, Bermnuda, 1 gifts, aise a silver service and si>- FARM FOR SALE-100 spent the -weekend with Mi. and' stantial oheque t rom n irm of charter- Carke Township, Durhan Mis Rge Brd Jed account-ants witb which Miss la the best of grain land, Mis. Elizabeth Cale and daughter Sharp was employed-; ning watem cran. eacb end Miss. Myrtle Cole, R. N., are holiday- Guetta weîe presetnt tram Toron- houese wlth bath, funacej in tWindemmere, where t-bey havel te, Paris, Newniarket, Bo'wmanville barn 40 z B6 on atone wi I 'sbed and garage. Famm aa joined a bouse. party -of young and Lin-dsay. by owners. Gaod mao« friends of the latter. Mi. and Mms. Doane will bc at Town, achool, churches at MT. and Mms. W. C. Weriay, Osh- home te their friends, 89 Duplex1 way 'connoctian. InspecI awa Mis J H.Wery, olia, ndýAve., Toronto, early in September. respondence invted by . awaMis J.H. Wrry Sana, nd ______Ville, R. R. 1, Orono, Ont. Miss May Werry, Enniskillen, are ont a moter trip to Montreal where theyl FOOtBALLI are visitilig relatives. Solina vs. Ebenezer game at SALESMEN-AGJ Messrs. Jabez and Byron Van-i Courtice an Saturday completed the Calendar and AdverthE stane, Brenton Hazlewood, Charles wbene th of the Ebonezer tiem, in salesmen, are yau makii Cawker and Kennetth Mitchell are t-be Darlington League schedule. money as your ability anq attending Taylor Statten's Camp at Naturally it created quite a local et- rants? If not, write ii AheAgnunPark. tan pei for real wide-a AhmkAlgnqintraction, many people being in at-in your vcinlty. Our lin Miss'Elva B. Bragg of the States- tendance with an abundance ai plete advertising speciaItý nman staff and Miss Gladys V. Pal- automobiles. tbre* bundred items; ever, merchie opeato of he Bll Tle-factured and sold eXCIuBIVE merchie oprato ai he ell ele- Ratne teain won the t-osa and kick thtree ?lundred and flty sa] phene Office, are holidaying witb with the sunt in t-heur faveur. Tie ada and the United State frieid.s in Oshawa and Toronto. gaine was brisk at the stait, Solinalgood witb the Dow Une. full particulare ta Sales h Mi. and Mrs. Frank R. Brown in pressing but sean Ebenezer deliver- F'* Dow Ca., Ltd., 376 Donj comnpanv wit.b Mi. and Mrs. Peter ed a counter blow and nearly suc- peg, Canada. Laing, Orano, spent the weekend ceeded in scoring. Upon a brisit with Mr. and Mr-- Wilbert Hancocit attacit by Salins forwaîds, an affaide, U MTIS OUT F0R at their cottage at Chemong Lake. was given which ne &oulbt- saved al birth date and 10e for w Mis. Coleman Elliott- and Mr. goal for the home teain. Play con- scape o! yaur entime Stanley Elliot-t, Peterbaro, Mr. and tinued ta be fast, in fact gisait spo Yr k. 4 rn Cnr Mms. Johin Elliott, Norwood, weîe was seen for at tintes the exctement - gueste af Mi. and Mms. R. T. Steph- wa intense--especially by the lady en&, Beech Ave.. ever t-he holiday.1 spectators-and s0 thbe fiet haItf fn- Dr.andMr. j B.WhtePalflished with ne score. Seqnd liai Dr.andMrs J.B. hit, Prtiopened at a fast pace, wit-h some Hope, announco the engagement ofi rough play t-o be seen. Home tesai S l a Lillian Edith Col e taCharles Wil- sordth nlloavay fn so liam Evans, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- soe -eol olb iesa themanriae rain Burgess, being at a close dis- y liain Evans, Port Hope,thmang tance the Solina goalie, Beckett, Il2Y I n ta take place early in August. noc chance ta save. Players on'bathil " r Pleased ta receive a calân Wed- sides woîked bard ta gain victory. nesday frein Mr. 1). Galbraith of Ebenezer-Goal, Penlaund; bacita, B.a.kstoc-,-the capit-l1city of-Car - Crts.n.icls.hî-bac.s o- Il 90% CARB Wanted HOUSE WANTEO--6 or 8 roc,îîed bouse witb modemn conveniences by September let. Apply ta E. P. Bradt, Boys' Train.ing School. Bowmanville. WANTED TO RENT-On or hi fore lot o! September, a bouse with modern con- veniences by youna couple with no cild- en. Address box 451, Bawmanville. 31-2' Help Wanted GIRL WANTED-For general bouse- work. Apply ta Mrs. G. A. ]Edmond- stone, Bowm-anville. 29-t! CLERi< WANTED-At once for egu- Ian duties at Bawmanville Post Office. Apply to C. B. Keont, Postmaster. 81-tf WANTEO MAN AND WIFE-Cýapable o! succasfully inandll.ng one nnrec acre farm. Slary or ahanes. Stato full particulars first letter. J. F. Taylor. R. R. 2, Newcastle, Ont. 311-1 eh- tty 500 Suits Given Away 50 ber FREE ýon- ver BY leJohn MacKav Co., Limited or- At The Lream of Barley Camp )ard ay, BOWMANVILLE ;ide uhy Saturday, August l4th t at at four o'clock kon Children from 4 to 12 years must register names ben, and age at T. B. Gilchrist's Store on or before mie the above date and be on the grounds to receive - same. Registration can be made by miail or in ade esn Assortment of sizes: Who Oved 40 Suits - 4 year old e;8 Suits - 5 year old not 10 Suts -6 year old 120 Suits -7'year old 80 Suits - 8 year old Mon. 40 Suits - 10 year old 40 Suits -12 year old First cone-First served con- Make this day a pienic for the f amily. -Iwo nod- IVES' ANNUAL SUMMER Footwear Clearance Sale Thursday, Friday -and Saturday 25 Pai White Can- vas oxfords, cushion sole and rubber heel, white kId trimmed with rubber heels.. Regular $3.50 and $4.50, To Clear on Thursday, Friday and Saturday at $2.98 Per Pair 25 pair White Canvas Strap Slippers, low and cuban heels, regular to $3.25 and $4.50 per pair, $268 Per Pair 23 pair Black Patent and Kid Strap Shoes, low and cuban heels, Regular $4.00 and $5.00, at $2.98 Per Pair 25 pair Men's Elk Sole Bootswith good*side leather uppers, a real good light shoe for summer Clearing $298 Per Pair HEADQUARTERS TRAVELLING GOODS of all kinds IVES' SHOE STORE Footwear and Travelling Goods Bowmanville itie Shoppe - gC>WNAA ONTA 1.0"' Specialist in -wOmenir.i1pparel Exdusive but not Exp ensive ,ats -Suits- Dresses-Hosiîery - Gloves - Underwear -Et Customer Profits. Most Since we ado pted the Cash Systeni of selling Groceries and other Pure Foods we have neyer heard a customer remark that our prices are too high. With the saving we make in cutting out cred- it accounts and the expense entailed in collecting bad debts we are naturally able to "selI groceries for less". Our steady increase in business proves con- clusively that we give regular values every day which makes it worth while patronizing this store. Orders of $400 and over delivered W. G. Nelles Co. Pure Food Grocevues c y " ot or Fouamd STRAYED-.On Lot 2, Con. 5, Darling- ton, about mIlddle of June, a year-old steer. Owner may have sanie by prov- ing property and paying expenses. Jas. Nixon, R. R. 4, Bowmanville, phone 56- 17, Orenc. 30-3we To Let SMALL HOUSE TO RENT-ApplY to J. J. Mason & Son, Bowmanville. 31-t FOR RENT-Apartment. cont.silnl;ng 4 roonis, lectric lght and water. AppIy at The Statesman Office. TO LET-Two bousse, one six-roomed and one 8-roomed, both yith modern con- veniences. Central location. W. T. Symons, R. R. 6, Bowrnanville. Phone 160r5. 31-tf. TO RENT--Cowan Block almost ready for occupancy. Stores eaid Apartmnente stoan, hoated. bardwood flonr, fuily modern, electrie stoves ln each apart- ment. For full particulare apply toaJ. J. Mason & Son, phone 50, Bowinanvmle 24-tf m2m a 1 L-

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