ALICTION SALE Saturday, Auguet 14-Miss Marg- aret Climie, will sel] on corner of Chur'h and Silver Sts, Bowianville, &Uil c her household furniture, con- sisting of living rooin, dining room, bedrooen and kitchen furniture. Sale at 2 p. mi (daylight saving Terms cash. Ch"s. H. Maton, W. Challie, Clerk. Auctic'neer. COMMUNITY SALE We are planning for anther Coin- munity Sale. So if you have fur- niture, furni-shings or any other articles you don't need and would like to turn into money bring 'ist to us and have it inc]uded i sale. Do it no* whi]e in the moud. J. J. Mason & Son. Phone 50. ENNISKILLEN Our new school is progreszing nic.ely with good prospects of being ready for opening ýon Septeniber lst. INSURANCE: Fire, Lif e, Accident and Health, Automobile (fire, theft, property dam- age, public liability, col- lision). CONVEYANCING: Deeds, Mortgages, Dis- charges of Mortgages, Agreements for Sale, Leases, Wills, etc., pre-. pared at moderate rates. PRIVATE FUNDS to Loan. REAL ESTATE Agency: Farm and town proper- ties listed for sale. Edith V. Scobel Bowmanville Represenbin the Sun Lle As- surance C. and the Maple Leal Fariners' Mutual Pire Ins. Ca., amongst others. TOWN COU-NCIL Expenditures for JuIzI Roade &nd Streets W. H. Dustan, supplies ... .$ 18.34 McClellan & C., luniber . .92 Rice & Ca., supplies ... 6.80 Geo. Wnightia, labor .. 112.00 W. Bunsa, cutting weeds'* 33.00 G. H. Bickell, trucking .... 3.50 Public Property McClellan & Co., luniber 4.84 W. H. Dustan, supplies .. 1.49 Rice & Ca., supplies ... 6.15 Hydre Ca., service......... 248.80 County Roads J. W. Knight, teani, gnading 118-25 G. H. Bickell, teani, grading 176.56 Fire Dept. MeClellen & Cc., lumber.. 1.95 Rice & C o., supplies....... 23.65 Hydro CO., service.......... 3.00 Police Dept. McCiellan & Co., supplies .. 1.70 Rice & Ca., turpentine ... .65 Argus Mfg. Ca., pint .. 18.00 Cemetery Rice & Ca., supplies ......... 2.56 Brookdale Nurseries, plante 37.75 W. H. Dustan, supplies... 2.90 Poor Relief McClellan & Co., wood . ... 4.40 Hospîtal Sick Children (R. Greaham.................57.00 Prmntint M. A. James & Sons, pint.- ing andI advt ............ 24.50 Contingent Bell Phone Ca., service .... 13.62 W. F. Kerr legal services . 62.951 Eaet. Ont. è. of C. dues .. 5.00 Clerk, sundnies............ 3.20 Charge to Lands A. Gives, cutting weeds . ... 6.00 $999.48 Waterworks Cen. Valve & Hydnant Ca. Hoyt Metal Ca., leatI.. Cen. Brass Ca., supplies.. L. J. Stevens, car service W. H. Dustan, supplies .. Rice & Ca., supplies.. Helgate & San, supplies Business Systems, ledger G. H. Bickell, trucking .. Hydro Ce., service........ Rice& Ca., paint ......... 146.58 18.20 143.561 5.50 2.00 19.20 26.90 43.89 4.50 25.00 9:60 $444.931 CARD OF THANKS Mr. andI MNs. red Shortnidge, Westinount, tIesire ta thank ail their fniende for the kcindness shcwn thein antI the beautiful flowers received during the iliness of their daughter Irono, wbo was openated on for ap- pendicitis in Bowmanville Hozpital. Shopping The Nelles' Way Gives You Better Food at Lower Prices We wouldn't keep everlastingly harpingî away each week about our Pure Food Store and service if we didn't believe and know that we give our customers the best quality of groceries at the lowest prices. You can't judge our store by others. You have to actually deal here to appreciate the real honest-to-goodness savings you make in your purchases.1 We don't offer one-day specials but have our goods marked down to the lowest prices every day in the week. Nelles Cash System favors the customer every time. Orders of $400 and over delivered W.G. Nelles Co. Pure Food Groceries Phone 62 Bowmanville Cash System Means Better Values A customer was very frank in telling us last week that he had been "inquiring around" about prices of hardware and by comparison found our prices were certainly lower in every particular. This is flot an exceptional case but just a regular occurrence. For we told you we were going to seil for less and are. PRESERVING KETTLES FOR LESS Saturdav we are featur- ing Granite Ware at special values, particularly Preser- ving Ketties. We have on]y a limited number that we can offer at these low prices. Dustan's Cash Hardware PHONE 74 BOWMANVILLE nunibers. Tewhole pragranwa ,U, splendidly given andI mucb enjoyed. FARM FOR SALE-100O acre farrnl Mn.M' W.H artesvr indly Clarke Township, Durhamn Co., 75 acrs' i ar. Wed . as e tha rs and Mk. . a the beat off grain land, balance pat actedas ehirinn andMr$. . A-uro, with 3 acres besrlng arohard. un Gunn as acconipanist ably penformed, ning water cross each end; 8-roorck her part. At the close rasperriel ouse with bath. furnaco and telephone 1 andI creani, cake and tea wene served bearndx 5 on ne al ympmnt~ouW mnsC as-ut in abundance. The President, Mrs. by awnena. Gaad rossons for selln.W m ns ot-u s W. H. Ada&=,on behaif of the meM- Town,' scool churches and amuleie i ber, tankd il bioha sakinlyway oonnection. inspection andco bere thnkedallwh* ad o kidlyrespandence Invitefi by A. A. l - assisted on the progTaei. Ville, R. R. 1, Orono, Ont. 28-5 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 12th, 1926 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE LOCAL AND) OTHERWISE BIRTHS Bown anville Fari n. ptme r n Mrs. Chas. Bagneli r COCHRANE-In Clarke, on August 3, Faî ison eptmbe~ hMayng t NrthBayrOn 1926, to Mr and Mrs. Wm. Cochrane,a 21-2ý hlidyingat ort Bay On. 1son. Miss Edith Moore, Toronto, visit- Mr. Robert Elliot, Peterboro, ic READ-1n Bowmianville Hospital, on ed her cousin, Miss Bertha M ynard. visiting his brother, Mr. Alex. Elliot.1 Tuesday. August lth. 1926, to Mr. and Mr. and Mys. John Palmà~ revs Mrs. R. T. Slemon has returnedMs.G. aaso.- iting relatives ln Chicago and De from a montih's visit with friends at MRICE trait. Markdale. AR GE Miss Ethel Mollon is visiting her Miss Mary Smith, Orono, spent JOHNSON-WORDEN - At Ogemna, sister, Mre. Laura Prout,, ýn Buffalo, the weekend guest of ber cousin, Sask., u1y 280,, 1926, at tho horne Of N. Y. Miss Edith Smith. iby P.*v. C. GQ. Mc3<enzie, Marian M.. .The Misses Ramsay and Mr. Rer-1 Miss jean Spry, Orono, is visitingI Worden and Alec Johinson, botoff Iro- vey Rice are hafldaying at Colborne~ ber grandmother, Mrs. G. Cook et ! luisFalls, Ont.thrnne Beach. Port. Bowmanviile. Oshawa, August 4th, 1926, by Rev. A. C. Mr.L. . Dmie sentthewee-tMr. and MXs. W. F. Dale recently Reeves. Hilda Hazel, youngest daugliter Mr. . S.Dums spnt he we-off Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Burgess, to Robert end near Brighton, guest of Major spent a weekend with her sister, Mne. Ernest Otto Coathain, eldest son of Mrs. Sauva, W. H. Roenigk, Lindsay. Coathamn and the late Thomas Coathem, Mrs. James Byron, Toronto, wasl Me.~ Alec Johnson and bride, Ira- ail of Orono. guest of Miss Nelle Bounsaîl over the 1 quois Falls, were guests on Tuesday weekend. of her aunts, the Missses Spry. DEATHS Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Keith, Tor- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bragg and ARCHER-ln Clarke, on August Sth, onto, were in town F'riday caling on daughter Betty, London, are holu- 1926, William Edward Archer. in bis relatives. deying with their numerous relatives 52nd yeer. Mrs. W. Willis, Toronto, is -pend- here. HALES-At Port Hope,e Augustn 7h,, 1926 Henry Hales, beloved husband of ing a few weeks with ber daughter, Miss Marian A. Phillips, New York Emmeline Bridges, in bis 74th yeer. Mrs. Wm. Maynard. City, is vîsiting ber cousin, Miss McELWAIN-In Hope township, Aug- Mr. end Mms Geo. Tomnlinson,î Dorothy M. James, and other rela- Ust 1, 1116, Eliza Stinson, w1duw of WiI- Trno pnth ekn ihle tvshere. lilar McElwain off Snowden, in her 9lst Tonnto spnt he eeendwit be tîesyear. interred et Gelert Cemetery, sister, Mrs. Wm. Meynard. Mr. and Mrs. S. Thomas, Otaa Haliburton. Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Veale, Harrow, sand Mr- E. Wood, Toronto, haveI SAUND ERS-On Thursday, August 5, Ont. ar viitin be paents Mr ben viitig M. an Mr. S G.1926, Gretchen Marie Saunders, in her Ont. er vistin be parnts Mr bee viitin Mr an MN.S. . Ith year. daughter off Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. C. Avery Johnston. Chertrail. Lorne Saunders, Pickering. interred et Mr. Gordon Adams is holidaying Mis. David Grigg and Misses Jane Oshawa Union Cemetery. with bis uncle, Rev. J. W. Gordon, and Ruth Grigg, Toronto, are bh-_____________ Bruce Beach, near Kincardine. daying et Maple Leaf Rote], Wind- Mýs nwdnBatyadM.ermerp, Muskoka. Articles For Sale Ceci] 'Livingstlone, Barrie, were re- Msr.Mleil aeadRy cent gueste of Mrs. W. P. Corbett. ,ToOId Cale have been enjoying a PIGS FOR SALE-Yorkshire pigs, 6 I weeks otd. APPly to R. Dean, Burketon. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rhines and son motor trip ta Ottawa, Montreal and Phone 195r5. 32-1 Billie spent the weekend withbhie other pints______ mother, Mrs. J. C. Rhinee,_ Porti Mr. and Mrm Alpha Pinch and Mr. PcBFOaR. R. 2, Bowrlle lp. Hope. A. W. Panch have returned from 5 Phone 124r23.' 32-1w: Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Hart and niotor trip through states of Ohio g~~ daughter Eleanor, Meaford, are vis-I and Pennsylvania. I rOW FORngpLo. ngoo rrin 2 fer- iting ber aunt, MNs. C. M. Cawker, Oliver Mardaîl, one of the unfort- Short, Phone 134rl3. Courtice. 32-2 Centre Street. untPvcie rwed a Bia F 8FOR CSALE-16 ft coder poste Rev. J. N. Johnston and wife, Col-' Lake, was an emplayee et the local 35e; 8 f t. coer posta 15e and 20c; near- umus Oia i Goodyear plant some years ag'o. îy ntew 22 Winchester repeating Rifle, umu.Oihave been spending bscepo trade- for larger one. C. J. vacation witb bis brother, Mr. C. Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Woods and Micel Newcastle. 21 Avery Johnston.1 son Gordon, Weston, and Mr. Robt. . ___3- Mrs.F. C Wahingon nd dugh D. Wo.ods, Taiento, recently visited FOR SALE-Dominion organ, piano ters. F.. C.fWeybhinonand. daugh- e . ams. case, 6 octave; aise saisi]office deak and terDoeenofWeyur, Ssk, wretheir sister, Mr.eoW.J es other Pieces off furniture. Âpply te mrs. recent guests. ci her uncle, Rev. W.' Mr. Bornard Baldwin of the Bank R. D. Davidson. corner Concession and C. Washington, M. A. o cf Montreal staff left this manning Liberty Streets. Bowmiaxville. 32-tf Mr. and Mrs. Sydney T. Hoar and' for Bowmanville, having been trans- BARGAIN-A good Englisb, aUl-wool family, Tyrone, spent a very pleas-1 ferred ta that branch.-Lindsay 1sandý Tweed Missas Coat with detachable ant week camping at Head Lake,Ps. Phone 28r3 or write Box 432, Bowmnan- nortih-west of Coboco.nk Mrs. Walter Taylor, Mrs. Franki ville. 32-1w. jMre. W. J. Brander, Thedford, Taylor, Mankdale, Mn. and Mrn. FOR SALE-DoRln IDODof -a and Miss Mary Otton, Columbus, Avery Hawkins, Flesherton, were re- kinda .ald on payments spread over tva Ohi, hve eenvistin thirsister, cent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. yru. teiw&y, Heintama and Ger- Mrs. Richard Sou'ch, and other Eiliott, Concession St. hart paymnt o i»«n pian.&M fniends here. Mr. O. L. Metcalie of Boiwman- be Cleared st bargain Price and on easy Mr GoreLokigtnand Ms ville is relîeving in the teller's cage ter-s F J. Mitchell. Distributor, Boy- Mr. eore Lcki'ao of the Royal Bank during tihe ab- viue~ Bertha Maynard spent Sunday with aneo .C aknoh~ al i niother, Mr. H. Lochington, Port sneo .C aknohû oà Hope, and on Civic Holiday took the' days.-Picton Gazette. Wanted trip ta, Rochester. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hockin and Mrs C AvryJohstndaughters Leurs and Charlotte, WORI< WANTED-Either as bouse- Mr. and RochsteC.N.AY.ryarevisitn hiekeeper, or by month. Apply to Mrs. Mrs. L. IL Giddy, Port Hope, Dr.Rchser . Y, .r vsiiX.i Gibbs, ojo Mrs.ýourdon Fletcher, Duke and Mrs. veale of Harro'w, Ont., are mother, Mrs. John Hockin , Wellng- st., Bowmnivlle. 32-2w* spending a couple of weeks at Ka-toS.,adthrrins POSITION WANTED>-Aa h ousekeep- wartha Park, Stoney Lake. Miss Laura Andrew, who has been er by lady with girl of 10 years. Good Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hayes and principal of the Enniskillen sehool references. Apply: clu Mrs. Bowell, two cildren, Mre. John James and for several years, bas severed ber Newcastle, R. R. 3. 32-1w- Mrs. E. Thomas, Columabus, cle connection with that school, and bas WNE ORN-nrbfr u on Mr. and Mrs. M. A. James and been appointéd teacher af the Hiwh, off September, a bouse withmodern con- ote eaie hr nSna. land"Creek achool. venienoea by yaung couple with no child- othe reativs bre o Suday ren. Address box 451, Bowmanvtfle. Mrs. . Paler an MissMr. and Mrs. W. Charles Werry3,2 Mrs T.Paler nd issE. E., Oshawa, Miss J. H. Werry, Solina, Haycraft attended the Blight family an isMy erEnik.ln picnic et the home of Mrn r. and M a ery nisiln F'rank Bricgs, "Maple Shade Farm," ret'urned, Saturdey evening fromi e Help Wanted Myrtle, an Satunday afternoan. very pleasant motor trip to relatiives GIRL WANTED-For general hous-: lae-in Napanee, Kingston. andI Montreal. work. ApplY ta Mrs. 0. A. Ed.mond- Mr. andI Mrs. J. Hamiilton ARote- À __________ __atoe,___ nvile.29-tf man and daughter Gladys have ne- Mrunrt Su Elizpeth auBeter toe oinvle turned front holidayxng at Thurs- Mr aoh lzbt Bty GIRL WANTED-For general work. tomia Park, accompanied by Mrspassed Lower Grade Piano in necent Goofi waeso. Apply at onc tat Mrs. Batean' niee, iss Mil M", McGill University musical examina- Geo, Gray, Oriental Hotel, Newcastle. Blackwell. de tiens, une of her mother's pupils.322 Our hearty congratulations, Betty. WANTED-Septeniber let, Cook-Gen- Mr. andI Mrs. W. H. Gay and Miss See Editor's Note page 6. eral and Housetnaid, muet be experienc- Lena Gay, Hampton, andI Missesa Ms d uxa n r eon~d.ssters preferred. Apply Box 553, Edih ad Sirly Gy atI r. ntIDumas have returned front a motor'Ot Mrs. Wm. MeReynolde, Bowmanvile, AN A GENT WANT E[>-n thîs lacality attended the Gay-Gostlin wedding i n ta tNorth Bey accompanied byte list and show Properties For Sale or nber daughter, Mrs. James Milligan Exchange. We bave a great rnany buy- Toronto on Auguit 3rd. See re- and babe. Mrs. Milligan will neside ers and want mare praperties. We vil] part on inside shashryhee r.Ml- do the advertiuing. Cal] St aur office Mn ad rs Ga ausal n-gn bsacpa sposition w r. il"-and arrange for your agency. Mont- MT. nd rsGusBousallan-ganbasaccpteda psiton ithgomery and Williams, 406 Bloor St. West, nounce the engagement of thein only General Motors. Toronto. Trinity 1832. 32-2* daughter, Helen MiltIretI (Nelle), to . Mr. Herbert LeBaran Goddand, eltI- Mothers, take your baye dawn ta est son of Mr. andI MN. F. W. God- Creain of Barley Camp this Saturday Lost or Found dard, Bowmanville, the niarriage te afternoon andI get a free suit. 1 take place the middle of September. Miss Vera Beacock bas returned 1MO.SSTAuto Liconse No. 257-22q- on Mr. nd rs.A. . SmthMil- fot a visit with bier sister, MNs. 'W. pîtao evening, Auguat th. Fînder Mn. ad Mn.A. A.SmitheMil return ta H. Mille, 121 King st., brook, announce the engagement of N. Hobden, Boston, Mass., andTI els- Bowmanville. 32-t!. their eldeet daughter, Gladys Marion, tives in Montrea]. SRVDO u ,Cn ,Drig ta Mr. Havelock Cameron Grabau,l Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Howe and tan, about middle off June, a year-old B.A.Sc.. of St. Catharines, son of daughter Constance, Montreal, spentisteer. Owner may bave saine by prov- Mr.andMrs J.R. rahm, lmvle.the weekend witb Mr. A. H. andI M ing property and paying expenseg. Jal. Mn. nd rs. . R GraaiElmvle.155Nixon, R. R. 4, Bovinanville, phone 56. The inarniage ta take place eanly in Moore, Church St., andI Mn. and Mrs. 17, Oraoa 30-3w» September. A. Beacoek.____________ Bowmnvile Fyin Clu flw 1 Miss Annie Mo.untjaoy, Assistant Bownavile lyig lub flwSuperintendent, 'Victor Home, Tan- To Let their fist y'oung bird race on Satur- onto, spelit the weekend with ber sis- day, Aug. 7th, froî Streetsville, ter, Mrs. J. E. Elliott, andI attended SMALL HOUSE TO RENT-AppIy ta Ont., distancq 56 milesl air line. the Mountjoy family picnic. J. J. Mason & Son, Bovinanville. el-t Fmlingi trsut e in yar5s.per Mr. Hartley Upper, 33Victoria FOR RENT-Apartment. containing mi.:Botrîl111.4, 1146.82, v. igr alOtbda~ 4 mrne,.electrie ligbt and water. Apply 1146.32; Ruttonsbaw 1128.32; Gra- AeNagr al, n.Sad3nr t The Stateainomce. bai 1110.09, 1090.09, 1090.09; row escape froni dnowning at Port Poto &So 16192, Bowmanville on Sunday aftennoon, TO i.ETr-Two houses, one six-roomed Cox 1070.24; Phen aboat oornu10e1be*wenntl one 8-roomed. bath with modern con- 1061.16; Lemon & Woolner 1044.87, whnaba vrundbtentevncse. Central location, W. T. 1032.85; Turner 1026.27, 1006.1 piera. She bcd gone tIown the third Symons, R. R. 6, Bownianville. Phono Cx955.tume wben rescued andI it was sotne lIflrf. 3-f HARRY ALLIN PHONE 186 BO WMANVILLE IVES' ANNUAL SUMMER Fo otwear Clearance Sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday 25 pair White Can- vau Oxfords, cushion sole and rubber heel, white id trimmed with rubber heels. Regular $3.50 and, $4.50, To Clear on Thursday, Friday and Saturday at $2.98 Per Pair. 25 pair White Canvas Strap Slippers, 10w and cuban heels, regular to $3.25 and $4.50 per pair, $268 Per Pair 23 pair Black Patent and Kid Strap Shoes, low and cuban heels, Regular $4.00 and $5.00, at $2.98 Pet Pair 25 pair Men's Elk Sole Boots with good side leather uppers, a real good light shoe for summer Clearing $2.98 Pet Pair HEADQUARTERS for TRAVELLING GOODS of al kinds IVES' SHOE STORE Footwear and Travelling Goode Bowmanville pe le&c S3OWM^NVI "OTASpecialist in "Womenig.ppal Exclusive but not Exp ensive s-Dresses-hosiery -Gloves- Underwear -Etc. .-,-... ~ - Jr Yes Sir! Everybody's Going. To The Dance AT East Side Pavilion Bowmanville Beach And enjoy dancing to the fascinating strains and melodies of the Orchestra. DANCING Every Tuesday, Thuraday and Saturday Evenings from 8.30 to 12 p. m. Daylight Saving time. Ladies admitted without escorts Adtmission to ail 10 cents. F. W. DEPEW, Proprietor. This Is PicnicTirne Every day you see one or more parties motoring or hiking off to the Lake, Morden's Camp or some other attractive place for a picnic. L~et us help you make that picnic à real en- joyable occasion by filling your basket brimming over with plenty of good things to eat. We have a variety of groceries, pure foods, and canned goods which gives you a picnic menu that satisfies the biggest appetite in the party. Just corne in and let us tell you some of the "4picnic eats" we have,