PAGE SIX 'rHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUG'UST l2th, 1926 - - Piles Go Qujick l'île.s are caused by congestion of blo.od in the lower bowel. Orly an internai rexnedy can remove the cause. Tbat's why salves and cut- ting £ail. Dr. Leonhardt's Hem- Roid, a harmless iablet, succeeds, be- cause it relieves this congestion and szrengthens the affected parte. Hem- Roid has given quick, safe and last- ing relief to thousands of Pile Suf- erers. It will do the same for you or nioney back. Jury & Loveli and druggists everywhere seli Bei-Rold with this guarantee. Great Rejoicing by Rheumatic C ripples If Sa Crppled You Can't Use Arma or Legs, Rheuma Wili Help You or Nothing to Pay. Get a bottie cf Rheuma today and wear a saiisficd smile on your face tomarrow. It's a -rcmcdy that is astanishing the whole conntry, and it's just asý good for gant, sciatica and lumbago as for rheamatism. It drives the poisonous waste froni the joints and muscles-that's ihe secret of Rbeumm's succesa. But we don't ask yon ta take aur word for it; go bo Jury & Lovell or ny druggist and get a bottie af Rhenma today; if it doesn't do as w, promise get your nioney back. It will be there waiting for you. SKINNY MEN Run Down Men Nervous Men DON'T MISS THIS You're behind the timnes if you don't know tbat Cod Liver Extreet in one of tbe greatest flesh producers in the world. Because it contains more Vitaliz- ing vitamines thac auy food yen eau nt' You'IlIb. glad ta know that Nc- Coy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets eorne in augar eoated foras now, no if you really want to put 10 or 20 pounda of solid, healthy fleah on your bouéesand fbel w.fl nd sUtone and bave a complexion that people wll admire-ask aiy druggist for a box of McCoy's Cod Liver Ex- tract Tablets. OnIy 60 cents for 60 tablets and if you don't gain five pounds In 80 days 71our drugglst will band you bock the money you puld for tbem. It lsu't anything unusual for a pruon to Igslulpoundsuin80 days, and for o d People wlth feeblenesa overtaklng tbem they work wond- or.. 21 kpedy RliefIT TA ,8~~O IV UCU.CODO M UN ! CTSWE? IETOD WIIII 7MA WC OW LL F C VE P US N L Any Ileadache Ielived by Zut» TO WOMEN 0F MIDDLE AGE Mrs. Wilson's Experience a Guide to Women Pauing through the Change of Life Hamilton, Ontario. - -1 have taken several botties of LydiaE. Pinkbam 'a ~ -r Vegtable Ca0 m- pound and 1 can- nat"'sp e ak ta ighlyaof ias 1 wssat the Change of Life and was ail run-down and *had no appetite. 1 was very weak and sick, and the pains in mY back were so mad 1 couldhardlymove. Igot very Bad at time.q and thougbt 1 had nat a friend an earth. I1dd.nt cire if 1I hved or died. 1 waâ very nervaus, too and did flot go out very rnuc.' A friend advised me to try abttie of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, sa 1 did. 1 arn a farmer's wife, and ai- ways worked hard until lately, and was in bed for two mon ths. I began ta feel like a new womnan after the first bttle and I recommend it with great success, sal Lydia F. Pink- hama Laver Pilla. I amn wiling ta an.qwer letters frorn wamen asking about your medicines, as I cannt ;Cak tac higtily of them. "-Mrs. MAWn.s054, 4M1 Wilson Street, Hamilton, Ontario. ,Sold by dreggiat.ev"eryhee c LIBERALS WILL NOT PLACE CANDIDATE IN CONTEST (Continued from page 1) is worse he was eue(ted in a Man;- toba constituency with campaign funds contributed to b'y a railway ocmpany whicb anted certain con- cessionsQ. Within three years hel engincered and supported a bill pro- viding for a $30.000,000 advance and a $45,000,000 boan ta t hat saine railway. Sir Robert Borden a: the, time said a certain paragrapb had! been capably drawn up by Mr. Mýeigh-en wbicb gave the Govemament exc2elle.nt steurity for the boan, but we ail know wbat happened." "Mr. M.%eigben bas already beard these things wbkeh I bave said. andý if tbey tvere not true I would be ini tne penitentiary. I *** LH- u-ib.--.. -.'li(,--- -.bvie particalar object or state will give Untrue Statements tbem their idea of bappiness they ab- "Th-e untrue staternents cf the solutely refuse ta be happy without Goservatives about the Liberal it. leaders cail for emphatic denial frein These people are easily recognized evcrv true Liberal. Their charges -tbcy are pessimistic, glu.m, miser- are as baseless as the fabric cf a able and surly, begrudging that oth- dream," stated Mr. Preston amid Sp- ers sbould be happy. Happiness cousists cf enjayment; ta enjoy la ta be happy even for a f ew moments. I eat~ is why little children are e- urly happy because tbey find e- joyment in niany little things, and we migbt well envy them. As tbcy become aider littie things fail ta deight theni. B'lessed in- deed are those ta whom small things *give pleasure, for every tme wc are happy we belp ourselves ta fully live. This brings me ta the point of the letter, my dear miccc. You feel burti and miserable because se many weeks, perhaps months, must. par-1 force elapse bctween tbe enjoyable outings te the city. Yet at the samne time you admit that gaing s0 aeldomi, every mile cf the journey teems with pleasurcable interest, and there is not anc dulI moment the whole day. During these are days a£ pleasure if you allaw yoursclf ta dwci n h fmct of self-pity because "ou cannot take these excursions aft.ener, you deprive yourself of the benefit of these ciiioymcnts. If you made these trips oftcner W. T. R. PRESTON wbat you now enjoy would be dulled Who was the chief speaker at the and sucb peasures would disappear. Liberal Convention. This is why s0 many pepole are bor- cd. - -- Thcy become so satiafed with the plause. "There neyer bas been a innuinerable picasurcsamnd excite- cleaner Governmcnt than that head- mcnt.a that cTowd their daily livea cd by Mackenzie King, and it -so that still more nevelties bave to lbe ta elpreumntbm t powe a~O'y1 discovcrcd ta bring theni even a caver the wmng-dings of athersj saal amount of hajpineas. that 1 take any interest in the pli- Lttlc things that make you amile, ical situation at my time of lie, filling yon with a pleastirable thrill said Mr. Preston with eniphasis. ancusnyntafreyomw- ries and troubles, would 1fil these The speaker asserted that the peopue witb infinite, intolerabue bore- Grain Bill incident wms the worst at- dom. tempt ta purchase the vote of an M. It is the sanie witb childrcen. How P. that bad ever occurred in Canada. good it makes us feed and ho-w it Hc stated that M. King's knowledge warms ur bearta ta see the country of the intriguing that was going on 1cbild full of excitement and keen led bim toasak the Govenr-General cnjoyent over uttuc unimportmnt for dissolution. It was said that not hins since the time of William IV bas the Compare tbia with the city child, Crown refused ta act an the advice bIase and bored, who fretfully tags of its Ministers as in this case. at ber niother and wbines for mure "Let the people af Canada go ta and stili more expensive pleasures, the polis on Sept. 14 and say that and who stare with wondemment at Lard Byng was right in refusing ta your contented cheerful littie onca. Premier King wbat had not been e- Be tbmnkful yau have the power fused at home for 100 years and the stili ta enjoy little tbîngs. Youm loy- Dominion wilI be faced witb the most ing, Aunt Susan seriaus situation it bas met in a cen-1 Note by the Editor-Tbc wonder tury." ta us as it must be ta aour many mad- Mm.Prsto satd bs elef ha~ers who enjoy so mach the weekly Mm. Staples wa-s an excellent marietr An ua wic o and one who would serve the riding among ber very busy life on the wcll. "Support im againat the cf- farm she finds necessoiyt-l tme ta ficial representative of the Tory think out ber subiects-always sei party," adviscd the speaker wbo add- practical and s0 logically composcd cd in« conclusion that Mr. Staples wa and in sucb an interesting wayV hem a candidate wbom Liberals shouid be tboughts are presented. prou tosupprt.We asked hem once how she did prou tOsuport it? 0f course, we kncw she ivcd A motion expressing unswervingj on a fruit farm, helps hem husband iaoyaity te Mackenzie King was unan-1 eut of doors, keeps no servant, bas imously reccived, and support ta W. one little daugbter seven yeams aid, E. N. Sinclair, Lîberal leader, was keeps many fowl, bas a dairy, is aise endorsed. active in cburch work and teaches A icttcm was received fromt Hon. music, is alsa active in conmmanity Vincent Massev expressing bis regret activities, member af the womcn's se- an being unable ta attend the meet- cicties and interested in the public ing. Athougb Mr. Staples is net'libramy and especiauu in the welfare standing as a Liberai, Mr. Masseyl and education af the yoang people believcd bis views ta be such as ta rof the section-helps themx in the justify the Liberais in giving theiri pimys thcy put on occasionally and fullcst support. Mm. Massey statedj witb other progrmns in their associa- tha-, the task in the present cai-1 tians. Besidesalal these activitiesi paign was ta attack witb undividedj she finda time ta write special ar- forces against the common encmy,' ticles for the relîgiaus and agricult- M.eighenism. It can oniy be over- urau papema. Last wintcr she wrote tbrcswn by presenting a unîted front a series of articues cf "Taîka with against it. Although Mr. Staples is Girls" which 'are ta, appear ln a not a Liberal, he is figting for wbat Tomnto publication. Hem answer the Libemals stand for and he sbould te aur question was: "I think theni be supported. He referrcd ta tbe out whilc doing my daily routine of high character of Mr. Staples and bouse work and whcn I bave the aub- dcclared that be would make a good ject in shape in m.y mid, I it down candidate. at tbe typewriter and run it off ". Aunt Susan was born, educated andi Officers Elected mamried in Dorsetshire, England, and Election cf efficers for the Libemal came te Canada the Groat, Association for Durham for the cern-iWorid Wam. Memrb7îsband is a ing yeam arc: miitary mnan wbo went through th e President-W. J. B. Davson, Port South African Wam, the Egyptian. Hope. Campaign anji the Wenld War and Sec'v-Treas.-E. S. Senkier, Bow- lives ta serve his couritryr as an bar- manville. ticultumist, agriculturiat and a busy Vice-Presidents - Bowmanviile, citizen of this Dominion. M..H. Burke and Clifford Cavemly; Dariington. John Baker, Mfrs. W.R. Courtice; Cartwrigbt, Mms. E. Mont- gomery andi Fred philp; Clarke, Mrs.. O. Roiphe and Geo. Cooper; Hope. Mrs. Ben Dickinson and John Bes neil; Newcastle. Miss EtbelI teck- hart and W. F. Rickard; ('avan, Mrs W-ni. Kennedy an<d Wm. Nil; Mari vers. MmIs. Bert McGili and John Burns; Millbrook, Miss E. Els11on an I SP Robt. Edmunds~; Port Hope, M H,(nwoedi and J. A. R Eiliott. Buy groccnies for ucas "the cashi and carry way" at Neuica' Pure Foad i Store.i Worms in chiudren, if tbey ho noti attended ta, cause convulsions andýý olten deatb. Mother Graves' Wormi Extemminator wiil proteot thte ciid-1 ren frein these distrc.ssing affictian.s.j There is notbing repulsive in Mul-1 ler'.s Worm Po.wders, as they are as pleasqant ta take as sugar, sa that few oidren wili refuse them. ln some cases they cause vomiting thmough their action in an ansound stoamach, but this la oniy a manifesta- tion of their pleansing power, no in-~ dication that tfiey are hurtfuL. Tbeyl can be thorùughly depended upon ta clear worms front the systegn. 1 AUNT SUSAN'S WEEKLY LETTERI My Dear Niece :-Human naturel craves for happiness, yet very fewl of us really know what bappinessi depends upon, or bow ta define this1 delectable condition peculiar ta aur individual selves. That is because mnany of us o o know wbat we need ta make us really and truly happy. Sa if Wei are suddenly aesked we rush ta 'ex- tremes and decide it must be s-me- thing large-scsmething wonderfuli and big.1 Wbether or net this great ideai that we deem necessary ta aur awnI happiness ever cames aur way, we could not live in an unhappy statel and be miserable until we are iucky enougb ta get it.1 Although there are people wbol Steel Welding By Expert is wbat we promise you if you place your welding arders with this firm. Long experience, igh technical skill, and complete mechanical equ;pment enable us ta bandie any weldîng job successfully and at leat cû.t. RATCLIFF MACHINE SHOP King St. E. Bowmanvil.e Phono 425W WILSON $ Will kili many times more files for the money than any other fiy killer. Each pad will kili files ail day, every day, for three weeks. At anl Grocers, Drug- glsts and General Stores - lOc and 25c per package.- Chidre AlwaYs Thrive SCOTT'S EMULSION « PUFRECOS-LVR 011L UT A30UNDS IN VITAMINS pCENTRE ST. CHURCH, ORONO,j tBID FAREWELL TO PASTOR Ve REV. J. W. RAE AND FAMILY The congregation of Centre St. rUnited Church met Iguesday even- ing, July 27th, ta say farewell to ,t heir minister, Rev. J. W. Rae, and shis family Who are leaving on ac- e caunt of Mr. Rae's retiremnent froni the active work of the ministry. Many friends also were present. Rev. D. W. Best, D.D., Bowmanville, presided. Mr. Adolph Hpnry gave, a short sketch of each of the five iministers whir- have occupied the pul-1 pit since the opening of the church l in 1835: Revs. George Lawvrence, John A. G. Calder, Alexander Fras- yer, J. A. McKeen, and J. W. Rae, D1throwing splendid portraits of each el on the screen as he pro-ceeded. Mr and Mrs. Rae and 'Miss; Agnes were then invited to the platform. Mr. J.1 tJ. Gilfillan read the address, and lit-i tie Miss, Helen Gamsby and Masteri John Keene presented bouquets of roses ta Mrs. Rae and Miss Agnes. and Miss Agnes Waddell a purse cf gold ta Mr. Rae who in bis charact- eristic manner made a suitable rep]y. Dr. Best, as representative of r- bourg Presbytery, spoke very nicely -of the relations cf Mr. Rae with that body. Sangs followed bty M-r-. Best, M essrs. 0. A. Gamsby and Wyvan IReid, inters:persed with numerous i short speeches of appreciation hy re- presentative citizens, that "of Mr. Frank L. Squair, a boyhood friend of Mr. Rae, being especiai]y inter- e sting. Light refreshments brought ta a close a very interesting and de- lightful evening. Mr. Rae and bis fami1ý during their residence here have. endeared ihemseives ta thel church and comniunity and wiii bei ve.ry much missed. They left Sat-! urday for their sunimer home at Kawartha Park, returning in Sep- tember ta make their home in Tor- on to.-News. Ideal Junor Schoolfo GrowNvmg Boys Albere College thbe United Church reai- dential uchool for men and boys at Belle- v ill1e, Ontario --now inclades an ideal junior School. This in an ail-round * preparatory Senior forooh. The faiX Colegiateus tracetaNoMicland the acuties oursesofthel ogy, Medicine, Science, Dent- istry, Pharmacy and Agricul- ture at the University. Complete Conservatory Courses in Music and Expres- sion. New College buildings. Thoroughly modern resi- dences. Wholesome social and physical activitica. For calendar and full infor- mation write: The Principal, Albert College, Belleville, Ontario. Fail Term opens Sept. 2 1st Plan early to enter. Albert College of the trouble and immed i atly -aff ord- ing relief. Administered internai- ly, it will stiii the irritation in the throat which induces coughing and will relieve affections of the bran- chial tubes and respiratory organs. Try it and be convinccd. ORONO (Prom The News of August 5) Pueased ta see Mr. S. Hallida.y en- jaying the out-of-doors. Mr. O. W. Rolpb spent a few days witb a tlshing party at Bobcaygeon. Misses Elma and Vida Tourie spent the holiday at the aid home here. Dr. and Mrs. McElroy and Master Keith are holidaying with ber par- ents here. Mrs. (Prof.) John Squair and daugbter of Toronto attended the, Rae fareweli. 'Miss Cbisbolm, Toronto, spent the week xitb ber cousins, Misses Laura and Bell Allin. Miss Vivian Butler spent a wecki ini Newca.stle with Missee Dorotby and Evelyn Rickard. '.Nizs Mary Hope, Peterboro, is spending 7wo weeks' vacation witb ber aunt, Mrs. Butler. Congratulations -o Keith McElroy on passing bis primary nmusic at Pet- erboro Conservatory ivitb honors. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cooper and family, Osbawa, spent the weekend at ber motber's, Mrs. James Wood. Mrs. D. T. Mllin attended a fainilv gathering in Somertille Township, Victoria County, the aid Cookman bonicstead. Miss Florella Cbapman retumned home after a -visit witih friends at Buffalo, N. Y., and -points in West- ern Ontario. Many have been relievcd of corns by Holloway's Corn Reinover. It bas a power cf its own that will be found effective. Rev. H. C. Wolfrain, Consecon, urill occupy the pulpît of Centre St. United Chureh Sunday inorning, and at Kirby in the afternoon. Messrs. J. R. Cooper and Harry Cooper recently drove out ta Ciesar- cm for a few heurs' fishing and braught home a nice lunge. Mrs. W. L. Cobbledick is spending a few weeks witb bier nic.ce, Mrs. Lantz, Taranto. Miss Margaret Brown spent a week with theni. Jack Cooper, 6tb line, wha was taken ta the hospital recently for tansillar trcatment, found it neces- sary ta have a diseased banc remov- ed freinibis nase. Miss Jeanne Downing, Toranto, la cnjoying a couple of weeks' vacation at Mr. Len. Gamab.y's, alter wbicb she enters Wellesley Haspital, Tor- onto, in training fer a nurse. Mr. James Ardran, wbo Trccntly underwent an aperation at Bowman- ville Hlospital, bas returned ta bis home near Kendal and is reportcd niaking satisfactory recovery. Prof. J. H. Billings, af Drexel In- stitute, Philadeuphia, and family are visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Billings and bis brother Carl. They were accompanied froaan West- on by Mr. W. J. Inch and faimily. The Hoar Transportation Truck took a party bf about twenty froni bore ta Niagara Falls Monday wcck for an outing and ta view the illum- inations. The trip was much en- joyed. Mr. James Patton bas soldl his foeur and fecd store and business at Lansdawne Ave., Toronto, and has bougb't the fine cosy resîdence, 14 Bartlet Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Patton spent the weekend here at hem sis- ter's, Miss Watson. Ta Asthma Sufferers. Dr. J. D. Kcllogg's Astbma Reniedy cames like a helping hand ta asinking swimmer. It gives new life and hope--sanie- tbing he bas came ta, believe impos- sible. Its benefit is too evident ta be questiond-it is its own best argument-its own best adverti-se- ment. if you sufer fromn asthma get this time-tried reniedy and find help like tbousands of others. Mr. and Mrs. Wiuliam Underwood, Toronto, are spending a few days with relatives and friends bgre. Mr. Underwood recentlv severed bis con- nection witb the Hàrris-Abattoir Co., after 22 years' service, and is now living retimed in the city. T- Canning Factor7; bas Fad a busy lime theè past few weeks, work- ing overtime with two or three shifts in an effort ta keep up witb the de- livery cf peas, and on Wednesday .cvening sent ashsift over ta Bowman- ville ta belrp relieve the congestion at that bra-ncb. Municipal Council bave awarded the contract ta W. G. Gibson, Port Hope, ta bud a new reinforced con- crete and steel bridge on Concession 3 (known as Bawen's) for the sumn of $2745.00 Mr. Gibson will asa construct two concrete culverts op- posite lot 35 in the sanie concession for the sain of $9015.100 It bas Many Quaities.-The man who possesses a battle of Dr. Thomi- as' Eciectric Oit is armed against niany ills. It will relieve a cough, DESTROYS Pies Mosquitoea Maths Anti B.d Bugs Roaches ..Tu çthe ECONOMY The best kind of economy is in taking care of what you have. If your buildings are getting out of repair get after themn at once and don't be "Penny Wise and Pound Foolish". We have ail the requisites in Lumber, Shing- les, Cernent, Lime, etc., and at prices that will war- rant your using them.1 We specialize in Beaver Brand Hardwood Flooning. Ten Test Fibre Board, Beaver Best Wal Board and Gypsum Lath, also Johns Manville F1éxstone Asphaît Roofing and Shingles. We are also prepared to fil your bins with Best Quality fresh mined D. L. & W. Scranton Coal. There is no better fuel and summer prices are now in effect. Best quality Domestic Coke, steam and Smithing coal, Hard and Soft Wood always on hand at right prices. Our motto is "Service and Satisfaction" Cali and see otir goods and get our prices. McCleIIanl & Co., Limited King St EtBowmawmame OMfce Phone 15 Bouse Phono. 228, 274, 218W ,W 0D'S PHOSPMoDINI£!> 0 77e CGreat English Prepaaiaom. -M Tounes and invigorates t he wIile nervous systcmt. matiez new Blond in aid Veine. l)sed for Nerieus tlepec,., Deil-y Mntl «1141aa Worry Demdn.Lois cf En7qrv, Palpitation o!t t» elart , ?iting Mess.. ricre $perbox.p for $5.9 SoId by ait dnuaisle, or mailed in pint pI.g. an recipaoffpic.Neu.peuplss un t - lm WOD MEWCIPE COJefomî.OwT. Cook'& R.gulating Compound m gedin.. SoId in three de. .. e No ,811 jýr cbai. Sl y&ldruggists, or seni m~yr~Zs noId.r~oipt af pries. Fiepmphlet. Addru.. THE COOK MEDICINECO. That delicioua ,fiavor of fresh mint gives a new thrill to every bite. Wrigiey's la good' n godfor yu Filthy f ly, vrnwelcome nrei-t1 N 0 need to tolerate a single fly ln your hous. klit cls Ifies. Flit spray clears your home in a few minuts ofd1 ease-bearing flies and mosquitoes. It is demn, ae and easy to use. Kilis Ml Household Insects Puit spray also destroya bed bugs, roachea and anti. h aMarck~ out the cracks and crevicea where theybide and breed, »Mi destroya insecta and their eggs. Spray F1 o ur garrnenýta. Fit kilts maths and their larvae whieh eat Iioes. Extensiyo tests showed that Fit spray djd not stain thbe niait delicate fabrics. Flit is the resuit of exhaustive research by expert entamai- ogists and chemniate. It ia barmilesa to xnankind. Fit h~ replaced the oid methode because it kilîs all the inset-and dloms t quickly. Get a Flit can and eprayer today. STANDARD OIIL CO. (NEW JERSEY) Dintributed in Canada by Fred J. Whitlow & CO., Toronto. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 12th, 1926 PAGE SIX e 0