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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1926, p. 3

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PAGE THRE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. AUGUST 26tb., 1926. jrt .~ t v4 s '4 .45 <4 '4. t s .4 ~ i r I Ce A. Bartlett Phone 110 North Side King St. E. Bowmanville AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE A REAL NECESSITY Auto owners are taking a big risk if they drive a car these days without carrying insurance. Just look at the accidents that are happening daily. The cost of insurance is small compared with protection given.#1 CONSULTATION FREE regarding insurance-Public Liability, Damage, Collision, Fire, Theft. sProperty J. J. MASON & SON Real Eatate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville.J Clean, Pure, Fresh GROCERIES Your grocery quality is our standard-for this is the grocery that aims to satisfy the exacting demanda of the niost particular housewife. When everything is choice, fresh and dlean, and besides this most reasonably priced, we can- flot help but please your wants perfectly. Test our dlaims and the downright prompt- ness and accuracy of our service by phoning 65 TODAY and have us fil the day's grocery needs. CHINA AND CROCKERY When requiring any of the above goods bear. in mmnd that we have the largest assortment in town and have marked ail goods at remarkably low prices. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville MAKE YOUR HOME BEAUTIFUL -wlth a Brantford Roof of Asphalt Slates. You ca have A uoft toned roof of any colon or combination of colora that pleases your taste. They add permanent beauty and value te any kind of home and gie yearu of weather protection- an eustance. 1 . Drmifor I6fngC~Li.i.iBrantford, Ontario Stock Crrl.d Information Furnlshed and Service on Brintford Roofine rend.red by Rico & Co., M- M - Bowmanville I SHEL Be fair to your motor and for best resuits use SHELL GAS- We carry a stock of the well known Sheil Coal Oul and Sheil Motor Oils. A trial will convince you, as it has others, of their superior quality., Murray-Werr Tbe home of Mr. and Mis. Milton J. Werry. 117 Coîborne Street, E., Oshaw'a, n'as the scene of a very pretty wedding on Wednesday, Aug- uft 18tb., when their eldest daugbter, Edna Irene. became the bride of Mr.1 Waltcr Canipbell Murray, son of Mr. and Mis. Geo. W. Muhray, Toronto, The cereniony was perf ormned by Rev. C. W. Demille in the presence of about tbirty-five guests. The bou.e was tastefully decorated witb palms, feins and cut flon'ers. Tbe bride n'ho n'as given an'ay by ber father, looked charming in a gonn c f white georgette trinimed n'ith pearîs n'ith long tulle veil and wreatb of orange blossonis, and carried a bouquet. cf sweetbeart roses and lily cf the valley. She n'as attended by ber sîster, Miss Marie Wevry, n'bo was becomingly attired in blusb georgette witb' silver lace trimmings and carried a bouquet cf pink roses, wbile the groom n'as assisted by bis brother, Mr. R. H. Murray, Toronto. Mendelssobn's wedding marcb w7asi played by Miss Hgzel Werry, sister cf tbe bride. 1 Éollowing the reception, a buffeti luncheon was served by girl friendsi ci the bride. The toast to the bride was proposed by Rev. John H. Gard-I en, Pincher Creek, Alberta, te wich' the groom fittingly replied. Later, the happy couple left for a trip te Philadelphia and Atlantic City, the bride travelling in a sand twill cent with fui triunmings and hat te match. On their retuin Mr. and Mrs. Murray 'will rezide at 236 Manor Road, East, Toronto. BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL NEWS (Crowded out last week.) Last week n'as another big week et basébaîl. Three tenture games weîe acbeduled but the Land Tax Collectons frem the Parliament Buldings in Tor.onto were unadble te corne and their game bas been post- poned until a inter date. Wednesday night the Pirates oif Oshawa Ladies' Leagne again oppos.. ed the boys. This time the Scbool stars n'on. Ladies led until last two innings; neyerby more than two mixas but alwnys just a step -abead of their adniring fnd revengeful oppon- enta. Final score: Scbool Stars 25, Oshawa Pirates 21. Thurdsay night the staff team, bnd thxe boys trimrned bndly until they bIen' in the eigbtb inning and the beys almost put over a win. Higb spots on the game n'ere the snappy werk cf Dr. Reaman bebind the bat slugging cf all members cf staff teain and particulaîly Mr. Richards, excellent nfielding by Fred Allen who played second base for the staff, the ability < Mr. Cairns to work tbe opposing pitcher fer successive wnlks, and pincb-itting cf Fred Nesbitt and Wm. Hamley wbo ined eut dlean bits in the nintb inning wben sent in te bat for two pronouneed hosne-rün bitters. Fer the boys Walter Flude, Bert Askey and Les- lie Finn n'ere stand-outs. Final score--staà 25, beys 18. Line-up- Staff-Dr. Reanian, c;, Mark Lam- bo.urne, p; Enîle Ciînningham, lb; Fred Allen, 2b; W. E. Hill, 3b; Wm. Richards, ss; E., P. Bradt, l.f; Jim Carns, c.f; E. Underiil, r.f; Wm. Hn.nley, spare; Fred Neslitt, %pare. Boys Walter Plude, c; Harold Jack- son, p; Bert Askey, lb; Lie 1 Ra- lings, 2b; Ben Blasak, 3b; ilie Ho:baon, u; Leslie Finn, 1f o Bowditch, c.f; Eddie McCurdrf Agricult'ural work is proeres.sing, remarka.bly well; axnong other vgt- ables a aplendid yield of fine large peotatores la being hàivested regular- ly for dailv use In the dining-îocm.1 An alr.compresser bas been in- stalled at the main n'ell te force n'at- er into the reservoir, thus ielieving the water sbortage te a certain ex- tent. Recent visitons wbo are interested in the Scheol weîe Editor J. A. Mac- Laren cf the Barrie Examiner, and on Sdnday afternoon, Mis. Patter- son, Matron cf tbe British Welconxe and Welfare Leag'ue. Saturday afternoen tbe boys tramnped te the Inke for a swini. Tbey found the water a bit cold but there n'as plenty of it and they splasbed to their beats' content. Dr. Reaman would like to make it known that visitera te the School are welcome at anv, time, and n'ill be sbown tbîougb the buildings if tbey so desire. A PRIZE JOKE "Homer, I have terrible toothache. It's se bad that my bend feels like the engine cf a motorcycle, going fast."l "Wby don't. you doen'bat 1 do wben I bave a toothathbe?"' "Whatle that ? "11 go borne te my w.ite.. She pute ber arma around xuy PRETTY HOLJSE WEDDINGS POPULAR TEACHER MARRIED Fitzsimmons-Brooka Diltz-Brown A qu iet but pretty wedding took A ;vedding was solemnized at place at the home of Mr. and Mr. Knox Presbyterian Church, Spadina S. S. Brooks, Courtice, August 17, Avenue, Toronto, on Saturday after- when their third daugbter, Dorothea noon, August 7th, when Miss Agnes Mae, became the bride of Mr. Hugh Brown, -B.A., eldest daughter of Mr. Fitzsimmons, only son of Mr. H. Fitz- C. P. Brown, 62 Gloucester Street, simmons of Detroit, Mich. The became the bride of Mr. Bert Case ceremony was performned by Rev. C. Diltz, B.A., of Lindsay. eldest son of C. Wasington, B. A. Mr. and Mis. C. E. Dýltz, Bronte, The bride wbo was given awvay by Ont. Rev. J. G. Inkster perforrned ber father n'as becomingly dressed the ceremony. Thbe bride, who was in a frock Champagne georgette with given away by her father, looked yellow crepe de chene underslip, charming in a frock of blonde flat blonde shoes-and stockings. Her crepe with a suede bat to match. Sbe bouquet was of yellow tea roses and oarried a bouquet of Butterfly roses lilyof be vlle. Ater he ereand crcbids. Later thc happy'couple lilyof te Valey. Afte theèer- left for a mlrti oMnra n mony, a wedding supper n'as served imto n oMnra n at wbicb only the immediate relativesI Quebec. The bride's going-away of the bride and groom were present I suit was of navy blue witb black bat The bride was the recipient of man'y' and sbe wore the bridegroom's gift beautiful and useful gifts from ber1 of a brown fox fui. many friends. The bride was onthe staff of Bon'- The happy couple left latér for a manville Higb Sabool during the boat trip around the Great Lakes,I past two yeare and ber many friends and on their return Mr. and Ms. in Bowmanville off er hearty congrat- Fitzsimimons ill reside inDerotulations. Mich.Deri, In. the New Rapid Element S9PEOIROMN McClary's Speediron is the only protected, removable, repair- able eleinent made. -It operates on' contact heat. This gives it marVel- lous speed and eliminates waste by. radiation which is one of the great- est defects of open elements. And, the Speediron is durable. It caenot be injured by liquids boiling over, spilling-or contact with pots and pans. The cast iran surface protects the ,coils year in and year out-and if the coils by any chance burn out you can have them replaced easily, inexpensively and quickly-while you wait. The.element proper lasts as-long as the range itself. Speediron Elernents Now on ail MCI»zytps Electric Ranges ThiB great, new electrt cooking feature is now on all McClary's Electric Ranges-making it the most efficient, satisfactory range on the market. And you also get the ýxclusive advantages of McClary's famous porcelain enamel- -d "fireless cooker" oven .the oven which keeps on cooking even after the currept is turned off. The heavily-in sulated oven walls retain heat in-' defnlel -giving splen- did baking resuits an& insuring great econooey. Ask your dealer about a McClary's Electrie Range. After -you've seen him demonstrate the Speediron you'l agree that McClary's is f ar ahead of any other for economy, speed, strength and general satisfaction. See the Speediron Element in Action! Ele ctri"c Rne.1 - Sold i Bowmanville by w. LEN. ELLIOTT SREED 5AFETY 1 A A&T last!-af ter years of ex- £--periment and research a perfect rapid iron. coçking element has been developed. An element which brings ,speed, lasting durabiity and absolute safety to electric cooking-McClary's Speed- iront This wonderful, rapid element is as far ahead of ail others as electric light is ahead of candie light. 1 1 1 . 1 . 1 RECEPTION AT BLOOMFIELD On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. T. C. D. Bedeli n'as at home for the fiîst time since coming to Bloomfield from Bo,,wmanville and many guests call*- ed to greet Mrs. Bedell and te wel- opened the door, and Mis. H. W. Be- deli, Picton, assisibed in receiving. The.îooms were done throughout %vith gladioli in lovely rose and crim- son shades, and in tbe tearoom the lace covered table was centred with a crystal vase of pink fringed asters, stocks and baby'a breath. Tea n'as dispensed by Miss fledell of Hillier, and Misses Neli Miller and Marjorie Purtell assisted n'ith the serving. Mis. Bedell la flot a stranger here, baving visited in Picton at many former times,. and Dr. Bedell is an old Prince Edward boy, who obtained bis eaîly education at Picton High School. Dr. and Mis. Bedell and their young daugbter n'ill add materially te tbe social lite of the community in n'bicb they bave settled.-Picton Times. . 1

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