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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1926, p. 4

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qTE fANADIAM. 5IATILA1L EOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY. AIGUST 26tb., 1926. BUS DIRECT TO EXHIBITION Travel the mgtor way ,cheapest and 'fastest transportation, no need to worry about crowdin.g for tickets or treet cars. August 3Oth TO September i1i th ' (Daylight Saving Time) Bus laavea RturaFar. Bowmanville 7:20 a. m..$1.90 Courtice 7.356 a.. n. $1 Oshawa 5&00 a. M. 15 Arriving on Exhibition Grounds 9.30 a. m. Bus leaves each night at 10.30 For information phone 412, Bvw- maaxvile, or 1840, Osbawa,. T. A Garton. Proprietor.1 S34-3w School Supplies We ' have a complete stock of High and Publie School Text Books Seribblers, Exercise andi Loose Leaf Note Books. Buy your wants early. W, T. Allen "Big 20 Bookstore" Bownanvfille1 J. f t THAT BLINDING OXY LIGHT doee the trick! Oxyacetylene is se powerful that it can cut througb amnor steel as a knife cuta cheese; can weld anything in steel, iron, bras, or ternpered metal. We spe- tamuse in oxyaeetylezie welding on Motor cars. Look us up. RATCLIFF MACHINE SHOP King St. L D.wmaavill. Pbone 425W Good Prices FOR POULTRY Don't seli your poultry until you have first con- sulted me. I amn prepared to buy any quantity of poultryv at good prices, a..d if you have fat hens will give ex- tra good price. Phone 81, Whitby, and reverse charges, or drop a card and I will call. 1. STEIN Whitby Ont. ENFIELD ENNISKILLEN HMTNSOE LS Visitom: Miss L. Annis, Mrn. Mr. Clarence Fergus<rn, Bowmnan- W.da..day amd Fniday Eveminge Janett Gilbç#t and Miss Ethel Gil- ville, will take the appointments on - bert, Torontp, Mrs. Russell Gilbert, this circuit next Sunday. Thle stores of S. G. Bate and W. Eniskillen, Mns. E. Annis, Whitby, Mr. Harold Macklin, Ty'rone, is W. Horn will close every Wednesday I at Mr. Frank Gilbert's; Mr. and Mrs expected to lead the Aduit Bible and Friday evening tbroughout thse R. Knox and Miss Edna Knox, Osh- Class Sunday morning next. A ful pear at the hour of six o'cloeoni awa, and Mms. Conlifi, Kentucky, at attendance is requested... Mr. and mencing Wedne.sday, Augusit 5h Mr. J. Hepburn's; Mr. and Mms. Mrs. Rcbt. Philp, Burketon, visited Cut this out for future :eference. Frank Page and Mr. and Mrs. Ar- at Mr. Frank Orchamd's. .. .Miss M. thur Page, Toronto. Mrs. C. lBant- M. Laverne Orcluard bas resumed her on, Oshawa, at Mr. S. Page's; Mrs. duties in Bowmanville alter 3 weeks' I HAYDON L. Ramrn, Raglan. at Mr. N. Pres- holidays.1 cott's; Miss Helen Pascoe at Brook- Dollar Day Sale at Couc's Saturday.I Recent visitons: Mr. snd Mrs. Ev- lin; Miss Ida McCullochbhas returned________ erett Beech, Port Hope, at Mr. A. fonMntb.. lieclover is Beech's; Mrs. Collins, Toronto, at being threshed and is yiel#ing frons TYROI4E Mr. T. Greer's; Mr. and Mrs. 4%A to 7 bus. to acre. Bu'ers- have ____ Welsh and son, Toronto at Mr. C. been offering $950 te $10.25 a bu.s. Miss Nellie Scorgie who bas been: Aveyy's; Mr. and Mms. Frank Cross- from machine. About 90 per cent visiting hem sister, Mrs. W .P. Word- 'nan and sons, Misses Thompson, of the grain crop was uncut when en has returned to Oshawa... Miss Oshawa, at Mr. J. Crossman's; Mr. Saturdaý's storin struck it. Helen Worden bas returned home and Mrs. J. E. Elliott, Mr. Norinan Ladies' Aid ,wiUl meet at the home after spending holidays at Atherley,1 Elliott, Bowmnville. Mrs. Richard of)isMyrtll Ormistan, on Wed- Lake Coucicing. .Mrs. Geo. Drew, Siemon at Mr. M. Clemon's; Mms. C. 0fsay Set>1158 OICl Ms orinMae osOhw Cooper, Miss Rilda and Mr. Edgar, ne eaSweptember astavo iCl i orineMsaererssesw, Toronto, visited friends 'here; Miss o oe asre.Aidi sfaordite veine at hem sister's, Mrs. W. P. Worden.i Mabel Beech wjth relatives at Port of petr. Ahlades ordillyin- Viitors: Mr. Sbortt, Oshawa, Hope; Mq~. Thor. Slemon and daugh- vited. wit.h bis nieces, Misses Rose and ter Miss Rilda, witb ber daughter, Dollar Day Sale at Couch's Saturday. Viola Shortt; Miss FIorence Stewart Mrs. C. Briggs, Toronto; Mrs. C. in Cobourg witb bier sister, Mrs. Mc- Woolings and fansily have eturned MAPLE G.ROVE Donald; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Find- home alter a pleasant visit at Mr. andMms L.C. nowen c-ley, Unionville. with hem parents, Mr Henry Ashton's,. A ver7 enjoyable Mr. and Mrs. L .Sodna-adMsThsomas Richards; Miss time was spent at our League picniç conipanied by Reeve and Mrs. This. Hazel Hodgson bas returned from, held at Creamr of Baîley Camp at Baker, Solina, motomed te Bantford Noi-wood.Bwravle...Gdo Gerbs opndn S theday and vsterelat. is, Tyrone Women's Institute and undergone an operation for appen- spa erd.tise w eeken te e. is Ladies' Aid met ai the home of Miss dicitis at Bowsmanville Hospital. We end with ber sister, Mrs. L. C ea Davey on Wednesday, August wisls him speedy recovery. . .. Mr. A. Sn.owden........ Mr. and Mms. John 18, wben the f ollowing pogram was Beech is erecting a new addition toi Sanders, Westmount, at hiem brot- gven: Piano duet, Lorna Hooper and bis barn ... . Our Pastor being away~ herMr.C. . Sowde ... Ms.1Laurs Davey; paper by Mrs. R. Me- on bis holidays, the League took the' SaleMmCH Snowden . . ier rns. Cullough on "How Rural Life can'service Sunday a.fternoon. Miss Sainel nowen ithberparntsbe made more Attractive to Young Phoebe Beech took the chair in the at Cobourg. .Miss Marjorie Stevensi Peeple",; piano solo by Misa Mae absence of our Vice-President, Miss ba s accepted a position at Uxbridge 'adner; eading, Miss Myrtle Far- Mabel Beech. Bible lesson was read ..Misses Lillian and Dorothy ' rd, SefRset.Cnet r.bMs owigtpcbyM. e So enentertained thei rcousins eI,"efRpet. onetMnb7M.CwigVpcbyMsThr aSnowde n Tes a ter n o Luther Hooper. Alter thse program' on Mountjoy; readings by Mns. Read, ahi pateoe uedy roo. a social half-4sour was enjoyed by ail Miss Mets Ashton and Miss Vera tis tne rl week.) present.j Slemon; solos were rendered by Mrs (Intnde fo las wek.) Reserve September 51ih and 6th for C. Woollings and Miss Dorothy, aise Visitors: Miss Gladys Allun, Mr. Tyrone Harvest Home Annivesary.; a duet by Mrs. Grant and Mns. Ash- Cyril Luke, Mr,. and Mms. WiUl Cor-1 See advt ..On August 17th., the' ton. League next week in charge ey, Oshawa. at Mr. N. I. MetcaUf's Dramatic Club spent a pleasant ai-! of thse Juniors. on Sunday; Mis. E. Rincl, daugh- ternon at St. Christ>pher...* Young! Dollar Day Sale at Couch's Saturday. ter Marion, Newcastle. at Mr. J. D. Peoples' League on Thursday was in' Buy grocerlez for leus*'the caââh Stevens'; Miss Dorotliy Cahoon, charge oi 3rd Vice, Mr. Tom Barr. adcrywa"aNee'Pueod Bloomifeld, witih Mis-s Mabel Stevens, Mr. Harold Mackiin gave a aplendid ant arrylatNle' ueFo who returned home with Doothy for topic and Mr. Arthur W. Annis gave _________ a short visit; Miss Helen and Mr- a good talk on citizenuigp. Mr. Fred. Lloyd Metesîf entertained a f ew Of Goodman favored writà a piano Gozo. HAMPTON their cousins on Tue8<iay ...Miss Mr. Floyd Dudley wiil give the topici Glays Alun la spending lier licli- neyt week on "The Athust's Mass".J W. M. S. ÂAxiliary again enjoyed days with bier cousin, Mns. N. 1. Met- . ... Chumch seçvice lin Sunday even- going to, one of our country homnes, caif and other friends. ing was in charge of thie Leeguers. Mrs. J. -Shackleton%., for their regu- Dollar Day Sale at Couch's Saturday. The League choir rendered good lar nsonthly meeting. Mrs. W. W. music. Miss Hazel HO.dgson very Rorn conducted the opening exer- NESTETONably deaît with the Bible study, tak-j cises and business. Mrs. A. Tren- NESTETONing for hem subject "The Good Sami- outh read thbe seripture lesson Pmov. anitan"; Mr. A. W. Annis gave a 23:29-32, after which several l--d in J.netville branefi of the Women's splendid talk on "The .AJundant; sentence prayers. Mrs. Lewis Allim Institute beld it5 regular meeting Lufe". If we would take bis advice took charge of the pmogam, whicb Thursday et the home of Mrs. W. we would bie like the five wi«se viÎ- was an "Temperance". Mis. E. L. Camupbell and was very larlly at- gins always veady ta do aur best for Willismson read a very interesting tended. Mr&. Gea. Bradburn, God with our lampe trinsired and leafiet be.ring on the suibject. A President ,presided. Flower collec- burning bright. duet was aung by Mis. Peters and tion amounted ta $3.70. Tlsree meniers thanked the Institute for Dollar Day Sale at Couci's Saturday. Miss Mary Peters. Miss Katerson flown snt drin reent llnss.gave some notes on the proposed floesent durieng eent illnes.___________-campaign to averthrow lise liquor Prsen t o the aN weteo Brandtraffie and urged the ca-operation cf thgen tookthe chgair instructive pro every metaber. Kt tise close efresh- ing etertinîn andI nients were served on tise lawn by gram was qiven: Chorus "Way Its uiirsdM.Sskeo down uon Intisue e an River .Itreated te houne-made candy. Next Nesteto Intitue; eadng b Mm. Imeeting wiîî lie held at the home of Ted Msmiow, "It takes a man te beý Ask about our Mrs. E, L. -W.IaOn brave"; piano solo, Miss PF':*Fai; Ms .Cs mh n isRb reading by Miss Erisel Tbampson on "UPMrGs. J.wortw istd Mis. W.sB. un- the "Joy of tise Garden"; recittionl 'U L XCawrh iie r.W .Cn by Mms. Watson "The Old Maid's ninghamn, Fenelon Fals ... . Messrs. Prayer"; duet by Miss Myrtes- POLICIES"9 C. Stonhouse, C. Hastings and F. strong and MrU. Hulbert, "There'l, Mason have gone on a flshing tipi ne one in thbe world like you"; resd- You will be inter- in Norlsern Ontario.a..Mr. and ing by Mrs. T. Richardson, "No Mns. W. B .Wilbur, Mm. and Mns. A. strike for hier"; reading by Mrs. Mal- ested in the m y B. Crydernan, Mm. and Mrs. J. colm Enimerson "The Deacon iiny owling and son Jack, Mmes. S. D. Wife". Mrs. Geo. Nesbitt conduct- Sykes spent Sunday witb friends in ed a contest in wbich Mrs. T. Rich- Special Features Lindsay .... Mrs. H. Hoidge, Lind- ardson won first prize, Mrs. O. Mc- cnan say, visited bier sister, Mms. B. Fer- Gill second, whiie the qonselation they cnan guson wbo returned te Lindsay with went to Mme. Will Hanna. A heaty ler... .Misses Dorothy and Evelyn vote of thanks was tendemed tise lad- Smytlie, Tomonto,.are bolidaying witb ies by Mrs. Jas. Marshall and sec- Miss Ruthb Fergusoi ... . Mm. and Mrs onded by Mrs. Hanna. Aftem 'inging R. Avery, Mm. and Mr&. W. W. Horn the National Antbem, dainty efresis- and Mm. Wallace Hoin visited with ments were served on the lawn by I Whitby fiends on Sunday ... . Mr. Mrs.R. rgu, Me. . Mcill Mr. Isýuranc ",-ompon W.Redman, Miss E. Westaway, Mms. Mmr. Areas, Miss. O. MoGili m.Isrnc opn W. Fayne, Mme. Ford and daughtem Bn ruce W.Heamlpb isEvlaelip.'andmiMme. Aluin, Toonto, visiteai sudMm. W Cmpehl -frends in the village Sunday.. ISunday evening service was well at- SOLIA ~7 ~ DDA~I~ teuided. Mm. Clarence Ferguson, Bow- ______ V* J* DK~~I~I'J IMiss Mildred Souno* sang tise solo Recent vistors: Mr. and Mne. Will District Agent "Besutiful Isle et Somewheme" Waiters, South Dakota, are visiting plione 245w Elgin St. which was much appreciated.. hts uncle. Mr. John Pascoe, bis aunt, Bowmanville Hampton softball team was succees- Mms. J. T. Rundle andi other frier.ds, fuI in defeating Blackstock on Fi- alter an absence of 42 years; M._______________ day ..... .... Tise young people are and Mms. H. E. Tink visited Mr. E. holding their picnic at Stedvenon's Webber's, Columabus; Mr. aud Mmes' Point September lst. Bd. Rodman, anci son Rosm, (O3kw.oilIvV I Nllisa sella groceries for luta. ~ ~ ,,.iiiTI,~...I L XIDollar Day Sale at Couch's Saturday. Misses Helen sud Muriel Baker; Mrs. Normuan Yellowlees andi Mise Grace, visited hem niother and sister at Brampton; Mr. and Mrs. Edigar Pa'- coe, Thonton's Corners, Mr. and Mm. Bill Pearson, Oshawa. M. El- mer Walters, Toronto, at Mm. J. Pas- coe's; Miss L. Penfound, Torontü, Mmrs. Sam Rundie, Maple Grove, St M. J. T. Rundle's; Mme. Charler Mackey. Brooklin. spent a few days with Miss Mary Hogarth and Mme. R. Pasce; Mr. and Mm. Donald Var-1 demioof and Miss Margaret, Detroit, with Mm. and Mme. W. T. Taylor and othem friencis; M. sud Mm.i. Newton Stacey. M. sud Mms. Gordon White and son Donald. Oshawa' witb Miss Mary Hogarths and Mme. R. Pa- coe; Reeve and Mme. Thos. Baker vîsited at Brantford; M. andiMe Harold Yelowlee6, Miss Jpan ard baby Helen, at Mm. Walter Vices;I Mr. A. Fosyth, Tctont, is visiting at Mm. A. E. Jenninge;- Miss Vers Baker witis ber siltem, Mus. L. C. Snowden, Maple Grave: We weme pleased to bave Miks Marguerite Wright, Ridgeville, with us fcr a few days. Pleased to hear thai Mise Noms Wermy is slowly impmaving in Bowmanville Hospital. Congratula- tons to Mm. andi Mme. Roy L.sngnaid, on the arrivai of a baby girl.. Glad tù report Mr. A. J. Reynols who lias been under the doctor' camû for, the past week is impmoving rlow- ly. .... Wome's Inetitute meeting at the home of Mrs. A. J. Reynolds, Thursday, September 2, at 2:30 p. m. A good prograrp is being pepamed. Roll Cal-ways of us<ng <ddé and ends of food, cloirhing and 5 cap. Don't forge- tise date ùf meesing.... rMisses Evelvn, Jean andi Mary k1iii- son entertained as numnber of their girl snd boy friends on Tuesday ai- temnoon, whe uail had a delightful tinse. Dollar Day Sale ai Cowc.'e Satirdiy. The Tenic and Veg'etable Laxative Sure Relief for Constipation 25 and 50 Cents At Druggists After -Every Meai It doesnt talc. much to keep vouin trim Nature only aka litti. help. WrlgleY',N aftcr evet me4' benefits teetb, breath, aPPetite and digesdon4 A FlWov for Ewmy TaMt CARD 0F THANKS The family of the late Anthony Dernille wisb to tank all the friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympat.by during the illneas and deatb of their father, also for theý beautiful floral offerings. McCoy's Cod Liv., Extract Tablets Fine For Thin Under develoDed Kids Chld.. Love TIseus ecause Thor Are Sugai Cooted and as Easy to Take. as Candy. It's your dMother to see that the frail, peked, sickly youngster growE Up to be etrong in blody, keen in mind and ro.bust in healtlh. Extracted f rom the livers of the lowly codfish are the health, weigbt sudl strengtb prod*dcng vitamines that are iound in McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets, which are sold by pharmnacists ail over North sand South Ainerica. Doctors know about thons and so do ail drugists and if your children need building up ask for these tab- lets today if ypou want to give your loved ones a good appetite and put pounds of good .bealthy flesh on their boues. But be sure and get McCoy's. They are net expensive-60 tab.. Iets-60 cents and if you are not pleased with the improveunent after 30 days-your nioney back. A very sickly ckild, age 9, gained 12 pounds in seven monhs and ia strong and heaithy. One skinny w'oman gain.d 9 pounda in 24 deys. School ReOpening Sale 100 Boys' Suits Go On Sale Thursday Every Boy's Suit i the Store on Sale for One Week Get Your New School Suit at Sale Price Cet Pony Votes With Every Purchase Boys' Suits, AUI WooI At $450 Splendid values for little boys from 4 to 7 years ,in Brown snd Grey shades, Big Special Value At Only $450 Suit Boys' Suits At $2-98 Little Boys' Fancy Tweed Suite, 4 ta 8 years. in shades ol Grey and Brown, Tweed effects, On Sale at $2.98 Boys' Navy Blue Wool Suitb 2 Pair of Bloomers S Boys' Navy Blue' Irish Serge Al Weool Suite with 2 pair bloomer pants, value up ta $12.50, On Sale $850 Each Suit Boys' Grey Worsted Ail Wool Suits With etraieit trou&ers, fine quaI- <'ity ail wool, buttoned up high at neck, worth $9.50 a suit, On Sale At Only $5.98 Each Boys' Fancy Tweed and Worsted Suit& Amy Fancy Tweed or Worsted Suit in the store, in iades of Gre7, Br.own, Taupe and Lovatt, aU have beits and bloomner trousers, sizes 24 ta 36, values $10-00, $11-50, $.12.50, On Sale, Any Suit $7.95 Ea -Boys' Navy Blue Suits AUl WIvo Irish Serge with 1 paim Blo.osne Pante, extra qu.ality, -made in the new models, values up ta $10, On Sale $7.48 Each DirecB. Opposit oitekT. B. Gichrist Every Article Guaranteed to give Best Satisfaction Foot Comfort Expert< from Toronto wS be nt " stoe Pn CCanto5loum Thursday, Sept. 2nd sa ré fro«to give sa efwth am. Free Demonstrations ~~ For die benefit of foot suflerers, dmhistore will conduct a Special Foot Comfort Demonstration. In charge of dùs im- portant work is a foot conifort expert froen the vwmnal saffl Tire& d, cdng Feet broàca-down archei. wemk mâlsij.- stc. Usthc md comiortble. Wam la y hom. nso pet uOIL Sort, Tender Bmiomsi Dr. Sceon' Bunlca Rdum sivu lwtant rea. PrevSubuSfrtinmd vremmr. Reducus powth md m sve shso. ci shoe. 73C m«Ch. Dr. SchoUrs Wal-Stnte Huai preveat huirumimeoveby= a' 1 Sève @ho@&. of Dr. Wm M. Scholl, the recoginized foo authrity. As lie bas been specially trained in the Dr. Scholl Metbod of Foot Correction, this oflers an exceptional opportunity for you go secure a f ull measure of real genuine foot comifort What -is your foot trouble? be the resuit of weak and brokeui-down arches, or some other fora cf foot trouble, k cas you nothing ta leamu the truec cgjditlon of your feet and why they ache, pain and cause so much silern& Free Pedo-graph prits made of yOUr feet In a few seconds' time, without removing the hase, he can malce a perfect print of yaur foot that pasitively shows if you do bave . oot troubles and ta what stage the trouble bas progressed. This service i@ absel"y free and places you under no obligation whatue. Don'e miss this oppoveunity to get foot cemi ort It'i simp>le, eaSy, inexf>asusW FRED.'iKNOX, Phone 120 Boots and Shoes Bo,% aaVille 1A 1 , je- PAGE POUR Aýý MAýw IPAVTM 1

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