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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1926, p. 5

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PASS riva THE CA.NADIAN ETATE8MAI4, BOWMAN VILLE, THURSDAY. AUGUET 26th., 1926. MILLER'S HAIR DRESSING PARLORS I wish te anneunce that Missi 'Madill, a new expeienced operator,1 bai been placed in charge et Millers Hair Dressing Parlers. Satisfactory wonk guaranteed. Office heurs 8 IL e.. to 6 p. in. and by apecial &p- pointmient atter 6 p. m. Phone 131 for appeintmnent. 34-t Christiaàn Science FntService GbstCurch of Christ, Scientist, Oshawa, Ontarlo,ý will cenduct an evening servie in the parlers of the BOWMAN HOUSE, Bownianville Neit Sunday, August 29 at 8 'cbock Subject: "CHRIST JESUS" A cordial invitation is extended all. INSURANCE: Fire, Life, Accident and Health, Automobile (fire, theft, property dam- age, public liability, col- lision). CONVEYANCING: Deeds, Mortgages, Dis- charges of Mortgages, Agreements for Sale, Leases, Wills, etc., pre- pared at moderate rates. PRIVATE FUNDS to Loan. REAL ESTATE Agency: Farm and town proper- ties listed fer sale. Edith V. Scobeli Bowmanvîlle Eopneenmng the Sun Lite As- surnce Ce., and the. Mple Lent Farier' Mutual Fine InB. CO-, amegt thens. LOCAL A»D OTHERWI8RL Mms. E. C. McMurtry, dauaghtex and son, London; have been viitinge their numeous relatives in tuis dis- district. Mn. and Mrs. J. Abert Colo bave returned alter holidaying with Prin- cipal and Mrs. W. F. Wendt, Nor- wood, at Little Hawk Lake. Mr. Win. Medland, Les Angeles, Calil., alter an absence of aven 20 years, is renewing acquaintances in town and is guest cf Mms. H. Burke, Centre-st. Prof. and Mrs. Chinles T. Paiul, College -of Missions, Indianapolis, Ind., are visiting bis aitera, Mrs. A.t Mingeaud and Mrs. F. C. Pthick and othen relatives.1 R.>'. and Mrs. J. W. Schofield, Me-t meniaI United Church, St. Cathar- ines, called on fnienda bore last week while on a motor trip tbrough Eastern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. McMurtry and daughtor, Kathleen, St. Thomas, were recent guests ot bis brother and sister, Mn. T. J. McMurtry andi Mns. S. J. Honey. English t'armons bave troubles too witb noxiaus weeds. Rag'wort, the Irish naine being Gheo-sit-tbawn, bas1 become a menace, says The Ply- nmouth Western Morning News. Is nagwort known in Canada? . Heavy raina attended by bigb eat winds did considerable damage te rip- ening grain, corn and crchai'ds, se>'- eral trocs being blewn down and ap- pIes covened the ground in exposed sections. The ground was well soaked. Mn. Thos. . Stapleton, Oshawa, called an friends bore lait weok while retnrning tnoim thme centenary celebratien at Ottawa. He very kindly ,brought us a copy of the ape- cial centonany edition et The Ot- tawa Citizen, containng 128 pages which is brin fuI lot -records et bis- tonic>tl evontà. St Josoph's Chunch beld a veny succeful picnic on Menday, August 16tb., at the Cream of Baley Camp for the cildi'en wbo thorouglhly on- joyed themacîves. Ater the races and gaines were aven everycue sat d.own te a table loaded with good thinga which waa finisbed cff with ai watermolon contait. Mns. W. L. Koyes celebrated ber eightieth birtbday on Friday, Ang- ust 20th., when a number et ber friends called te effen congratula- tiens. Aanongr the out-ef-town calI- ers wore M. and Mra. John Dicldn-1 ton, Texa; Mrs. Win. Dickinson an4 daughten ,Mrs. Brunsaîl, Miss Mini. Herm, Toronto; Miss Minnie Grey, Lindsay' and Mn. Win. Medland, Uos Angeles, Cal. CERTIFIED BEAUTrY SPECIALIST Mns. F. J. Colo, Certified Beauty Specialst, Ontario-st., wishes te thank the ladies et Bowsnanvills fer their patronage et the lait feu months. In addition te marcelling, facial and scalp treatinent she la no'w in a position toecut and trim ladies' b, ain, mingline a oecialty. 84-2 i 0 Clearing Sale Due to the inclement weather of last week- end we stili have a f ew Summer Dresses and Fali Coats on our hands which MUST GO this week- end, regardless of cost. Dresses$1.00 UP Fali Coats, Regular Value to $50 From $7.95 to $15.00 Special Showing of Winter Coats $15.00 to $95.00 There are all the latest styles with several American Sainples, featuring the new reversible Fur-Lined Coats, recently adopted by New York from Paris f ashion. E. R. Curtin os. Wo advis, youn having YOUT - eyes exasnlned by oun Regiatered paya» eyearly, maturities Opbonietnldt R. M. Mlitîchell, to- from 1 to, 20 years. A good day. opportunîty for. local in- R. M. Mitchell & CO. vestors. For particulars ap- Dnuggmte & Optemetriato ly to Phone 92 , Bowman-fillpp JOHN LYILE, (Nlghs aa 8uaépw mo> Clor. ___________________________________________________________________________ I - I HIRTHS LOCAL AND OTHERWISE APPROVES EDITOR'S VIEWSMO Harvest is well advanced with light Mr.Hnmo.r-weOrn, n crepe on sonie faims. der date of August 18, writes the daugbi Miss Alice Thinepson is visitingi editor an appreciative letter and jAC frienda in Detroit, Mich. really one of the best specimens of ust 22, Miss Aileen Fabian, Toronto, isi penmanohgp w. ever recexved trom a AN vistig M. ndMrs. Chas. Bagnell. farmer-Henry's old teacher muât Mr. ai vistin Mr an have been a master of his pen and (Jane Misa Viola Roberton, Toronto, 'his pupil an aPt student and lover of visiting Miss Evelyn Bickle, Liberty- the beautif ni in art-a good penrnan- st. 1ja an artist. Fjor sose reason there Dominion Exipress Co. bas cnianged are too few gqod writers and equal- its naine to Canadian Pacifie Express ly. few good readers. Indeed, the N Co. Three R's have fewer devotees today , Ti Dr. Herbert Tyler, Canton, N.y.,1 than a hall century or more agê. Hermi has been renewing aqinncsiniWy bride, acquintaces n W.yof Re, town. But bore is Mr. Bewen'a letter: Kenno Mr.w nd. ,F.A adyad1A., LI Mr.sLeadMs A Haddy at n d -1 Orono, Aug. 18, 1926 Mis Lea Hddyareviatin rea-1 Re Editor Tailks in The Canadian tives in Toronto. Stat«.nin,-LIÀke the majority of Dr. Jamnes Bray, 288 Gerrard St. your readeXs, 1 do not often write E., visited bis sister, Mrs. M. A. ymi xnaking commenta on the con- Db Jamnes on Wednesday. tents of youx publication, altbough cI sa' Mrs. A. 0. Thompson and daugb- may verbally de so to xny more in- KNi ter,' Gulf Port, Miss., are visiting ati tianate cronfes. The reason, I pire- daN Mr. David Morrison's, Sr. sumse, for this laxity is that we are X-nigh Wihitby bas passed a by-law licens-1 more familiar with a hoe or plow ing local bus and jitney operatorsl handle, the rotation of erops, etc., from $50.00- to $6.00O ach. than a pen, ortbography and syntax. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutton and However, 1 cainot let your Editor I friend, Toronto», gave Mr. Thos. Nor- Talba in last issue go by without My I ton a very friendly visit recentiy. endorsment. As oe eof the use- h Mr. and Mrs. Manson Comstock less excuses who disfigure o'ur land- ta0' andMr.andMn.E. . BownareI cape, ycleped, a retired farmer, And aond MandgMas.ontE. L.kerofwnaYa permit me te say that you and the1An Mr. dand g Mrs. thueLfo dandRural New Yorker have the night Has. Mr. nd Ms. AthurEl 1sow by the ear. Ita a classie and son Jack, Buffalo, N. Y. recently' if ita moral and warninga were per- visited bis mother, Mrs. A. Elford, i sonally applied and followed, fewer Elgin-st. linmates would be found in our asy- Miss Gwendolen Jones, a f orierl lums and bouses ot refuge, to say eateemed Librarian of Oshawa Pub-I nothing of the. cemeteries. in some Per lic Library, died August l8tb in hier ol yeur rural ramlbling in search ofn'n 51st year. b ealtb an# baippînesa, drop in M. A. man Mrs. R. J. Luke and Mms. F. H. and you and I will swap yarns and - Werry, Kedron, visited Miss J. H.' opinions. Thanks for the editorial Werry in Bowmanville Hospital on -in itaelf it la wortb a year's sub- Wednesday. acription. Youra trisly, Mr. John HislQp and daugbter H. C. Bowen. MCEq Amny, Wbitby, were dlown lait week 1 saying goodbye to relatives before leaving for China. TO INDEPENDENT VOTERS .Dr. and Mms. G. C. Bonnyceaste and daughter Dorothy have return- (Ottawa Citizen, Independent) ed from a pleasant vacation at Progressives and other independ- Go Huntsville, Muskoka. enta in the late Parlianiont supported abou Mr. and Mrs. E. Y. Jones, son the governinent in everything but Jh 1Dick, and daughter Phyllis, Fort the custce«1s case, in wbich moine ci ^Ç» 1 Wïlliaïm, are. visiting bis aunýt, Miss themin oined ln the vote-of censure. el hm Raynes, Wellington-st. PWrehiaatt~rie~e~ r Mr. and Mms. Chas. Weekes and iren h elctons.atn it àbT Gr,, daughter Miss Edith, Toronto, are IieeHuee omn hy~ rvsiting bis brother, Mr. Ge«. weekes1 e hmrdbyteulmaefoym -and sister, Miss Edith Weekes. a w arp ee ytm Taes mae fr but 'Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Jamies, ran nposed to support or oppose the bee i daughter, A1berta Louise, C}evel cid, verument in everything or nothing. tarz Ohio, were guests oi thie weekend The supported the governaent in mani c f Mr. and Mms. Ge. W. Jamesor- nine cases oueoi ton, but under the eu. ,Bey-st. stift old ruis, the, one adverse vote birti 8 Mr. W. H. Moore, Dunharton, Sas ceunts for more than the nine ox sSipq acceptedl the Liberal nomination for more favorable one&. oril South Ontario and will oppose Dr. T. The Progressives prtest affainat Yr E. Kaiser, Oshaiwa, Conservative tis Ml ý which the, a e ati nosnnee.making. What they would probably y Mr. Byron Hyiand, Neetieton, the prefer would b. te be allowed te ex- 0outline of wh'ose triip in Europe o.p- press general confidence in a govern- Th pears on page 7 bas, at otir request, ment witb certain reservations and W.; , roisd urhr arielasfor modifications. Why net? empa rfuture issues. [n the election independent voters W Dr .and Mrs. Neil McPlierson, are not so hampered. They can eSpringfield, Mass.. spent a few daysi take the general r&ord and policy 2with his muster, Mnc. John Lawie. of the governanent andvote for or Dr. McPherson ia preaching at Knox agiaLttoCht ra i'.A y (urch, Toronto, during August fairminded man or -wbâb taking for Mr. Frank L Magon, Oshawa, that broad view must &Mre that the 0111e. formerly of. Durham Coiuity and a monits of the. King govemment fa c native of Cartwright Townsbip, Lu outweigh its faulta. Stre, the newly elected President of the It bas reduced taxation without er Oshawa Conservative Assoiation., injuring indusftry. It bas brought - Messrs. Ted Mason, Jim Williams, relief te bundreds ot thousanda ef t Winton Bagniell, La.wrence Goddard, tax-payera. It ban reduced debt wed Clarke Rollins, Stanton and Clinten and expenditure. Under its admn n- . Caverly are enjoying the sea breezes istration trade bau grown, an adversevil and camp lite at Port Bowmanville. balance cf trade bf $29,000,000 bas- Mr. Ransom Norton, C. N.- R. Cox3 been convorted into a favorable bal- ducter, Toronto, Mr. Jmaes N*rton auce ot about $400,000,000, and an Belleville, and Mrm. Samuel Arnold% adverse balance cf tra<le witb the and son Percy, (»bawa, were Sun-I United States has been rednced from s day visitera witb Mr. and Mrs. T. $295,000,000 te $124,000,000. -. 1Norton, South Ward. The National Railwaya, under Sir F Mr. Fred Hockin, Bowmanville, Henry Thornton and aysnpatbetic at announces the engagement of 1iadbepu inseTIfriwaa ' only daughter, Gertrude Bernice, and are making operating aurplnses in-Dr Mr. John Hoppa, son cf Mr. and Mm tead of deficita. Last year's surplus bae JE. HoppaBwnil, the mar as$2000,000 and over, and this chel niage te take place August 28th. year so far is much better than last, -v so that even Sir Henry Drayton ex- nac Mr. and Mrs. George Hoar and et ýpomn .b Jack and Mildred troin Ponoka AI- pct mpovmnt. > ta., and Mr..and Mrs. Wm. Wakters, These thinga are toc great te be Ç Dakota, visîted their cousin, Miss oullweighed by criticism cof the a- Nettie Ormisten and Mms. Wm. Hep- ministration 0f the Customs Dopant-fo burn at Mn. Wm. Hsloip's and Mr. ment, even in the minda ot those wbe t John Alun's. lean toward severity in judpnent. rS Mr. nd m. ehut. ornbyNe charge involving the honor eo any J.5 Mr.andMrs Jon '. Hrnsyminister bais been made. The errq Lindsay, Mr. and Mrm. Frank Wrigktj for which the %.evens Milendment and danghter Betty, Mr. John censured Mr. Beivin was net a crime.- Wright, Detroit. Micb., Mrs. Andrew Mr. Boivin teok a serions view et bis Wrighit and Mms. Robt. Dalton, Sea- duties, and se did bis coleagues. Re- forth, were -reoent guesta at Mr.to aaur. Waren inmans.The independent voter wbo looks lan Mr. R. S., McLaugblin, on bebalf at the whole recotd etftthe Ring Gev- anc o!f the General Motors ot Canada, erninent may fairly igive 't bis ap.th Limte, reenedth ctyofOs- proval and vote for its restoration to o] awa wîth a lire puiper at the Gen- po>wer. or oral Motors picnic on August l4tb. - The grift will grreatly increaso the eil- fi Off b School September 1lst RGAN-In Clarke, on Sunda>', Aug. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morgn, a hter. CKMAN-In Bownanville, on Aug- 21926, ta Mr. and Mrs. S. Roy Jack- a daughter. INI8-In Oshawa, on August 19, te and Mrs. Allun F. Annig§, a daughter. eCatherine Allun). MARRIAGES GHAM-MGCONNELL-fl the Un- Church of Canada , Kennedy, Sask., Phuraday, August 19, 1926, b>' Bev. an Meçonnell, B. A., father of the ýDoris' Helen Toku, eIder daughter eV. and Mrm. Herman McConnell of iedy' and Bruce Everett lngham, M. ýL. nl., R.oseneath, Ontario. DEATHS 'MILLE-In Cartwright Township, aturday, August 7, 1926, Anthony De- ýagefi 77 years. 4iGHT-In Bowmianviiie, Wednee- August 18, 1926, William Henry it, In hi. 74th er IN MEMORIAM loving memor>' of Harry Balson, died at Courtice. August 28, 1923. eet te know we'll meet again, ere sorrows are ne more, that the onc we loved se well ton>' gene be-fore. Wife 34-1* Help Wanted 'niaient self-reepecting position for used te meeting public, representing ito hause. Address 0. F. M., States- Bowmanvlle. 34-1 Wanted 'îNTEO-Apples and potatces. J. H. iwen, Bownazîville, phone 133-2. 33-80 Articles For Sale OW FOR BALE--One cow te renew t September lst. Appi>' Mi'. C. se, Hampton. 34-t PPLE BASKET$ FOR SALE-3Bush- aampers and boxes, aise Il and 6 rts. For prices write Ch»s. A. te, Green River Basket Worka, en Rvler, Ont. 34-80 on SALE-DomiMIon Pianor Mau st Sld on parmente in~d ew twe s. Uteaway, EsiatannMmd Ger- d satmm ne"duSa..takenM 1 M t o u D o u t a i . . p l m e s W i n l boreS attbargaa ipo.uma»don -.w a. IF 1. MtobiSI Diewnbuten. Bow- a. S-t UT 7H18 0OUT FOR L.UCKC-Sond i date and 10e for wonderful boe- e Of your entire 1f e prof. )ael1, 94 Grand Central station, New NOTICE TO TH1E PUBLIC Unle teb notif>' the.public tho.t Mr. IL Flairhead, la neot any longer ln our loy. Tblckaon Mdoter sales, Oshaws taxies 8-~ Loet or Foimd .ST-Watcr Meter off car betwsqen, te]> Garage and my bouse. Réwai'd > l.retura te T. W. G&Wker, Boer -AT LOBT-In Bewmanilleoo -et Pir night, blue cloth coat llnd- please return ta Statesman Offie. 88-tf PURBE FOUND.-In Bowmavllle, Ou Dneoda>'nlght at tic Street Pair. Ap- to The Statemmazi Ofic, Bevinsa- é. 88-tf To Let SMALL OUSE TO RENTr-APPI>' te J. )faon & Son. Bowmanvllle. 31-t FOR RENT-Apartment. contamnn cma, electrlc light and watsr. Apply The Stateman Offie. TWO ROOMS FOR- REN7-Behlnd îg Store, for two young mnen te keep chclor's haU. AppI>' te J. B. Mit- Ill or Drug Store. 31-t VANTED>-ROOm ib>' the month, fur- :e heated, fUrnished 'or unfurnishocl, Bowmanville High Seheel girl whc es home weekends. Kindl>' give rate. ite T. F., Statesmnan OtBie.,_ 34-i TO RENT--Cowai Blocki al-eat readY roccupanon. stores and APartinonta san eated. hardwcod floors.fullY odera electnlc stovea In eaoh sart- ont. irrfull partiCul5rs appl>'te 3. Mason & Son, phone 50, BO-miViBs1 24-tf. Propsrty F or Sule rARM FOR 8ALE-i'i5lacrset of a id.1 2 dwelling bouses. two 900d barna ad ail eut houseing, two oreolts ninin irough the farm; 2 acrea orchard, 1 are strawbornles and rapberrles and ter fruits. Apply S. Pollock, lbez 318, r2 Carlisle Ave. , Bownille. 27-tf FARM FOR SALE-Oie hundred and fteen acres. five miles frcm Port Hope, nning water close to station, ani chool cric mile froni Peterboro highway, ASK FOR PONY VOTE COUPONS IVES' SHO0E STORE FoteradTaeln od omnil BOYS AND GIRLS Buy Your, Sehool Supplies FROM FRANK BROWN (First door east Jacobs' Bakery) I have everything needed in supplies. for .Public and High School pupils. Buy here and be satisfied. Announcement "BILL' FAIRHEAD that he is again associated with the Ontario Motor Sales Lhmited OSHAWA in the sale of Chevrolet and Oakland Cars in and around BOWMANVILLE 4..- "s ri in vtie L rge r.m<J'N~~~1~t mi .WANV eAfflAd W2Mmens Coats -Suits-Dresses-hosiery -Gloves- Underwear -Etc. cowan Block I Oshawa WE SELL FOR LESS Bownianville King St. Whiéby Just no'w Ivea' Scbool Shoos should be what you are taliking cf and buying. A splendid assontinent awaits YeOr cboosing and it coats yeu nothing to look thein over. Good Sturdy School Shpes for Boys at $3.00 and 114.50 pair GRQWJING GIRLS' SHOS ford and stnap styles, in low beels and mnediumx round to et at.................... ................. $4.80 Pair Several unes at clearing prices, regular $6.75 and $7.50 value.et..................................*5.00 Pair MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES Black Boots and Brown Boots, in good st.rong call leathor at ....... ............. ......................4.00 Pair Patent Leather Blippors at ........$8.00, $3.80, $3.78 Pair BARc.AINs IN mEN's FOOYWEA4R « 24 paire Mon', Oxfords, in Blaék or Bro'wn Bde Calf Leathor with rcUben heeh ........... ........ SPECIAL 03.98 Peau' 15 pairs Men'. Oxfordb In Black on Brown leathor, mues in tuis lot are broken................... SECIAL "48 Pair 24 pairs Men'. plain tee bno'wn boots, ge<id trong sidý ceat leather, with roomy tees.............. SPECIAL *4.50 Pair CIYL tirie £ittle Shoppe c M'a rým O-AM.Çmeje me À r 1 1

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