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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1926, p. 5

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Conservative Ladies' Meeting xiii be held in the Conservative Committee Rooms Division St., Bowmanville, on Friday, Sept. 3rd at 3:30 p. m. Addresses xiii be given by Mrs. Arthur Merrian Wife of Premier Meighen's Private Secretary, and Mr. Fred. W. Bowen Conservative Candidate Ail ladies interested in the election of Mr. Bowen are cordially invited to attend. Mrs. E. R. Bounsall, Miss Carrne Martyn, President. Secretary. Bownmanville Conservative Association I Besides Lowest Prices You Get Dependable Quality Because oui' prices for groceries are lowest some may thoughtlessly think the goods are not Up to standard. We can assure you and guar- antee that we seil nothnig but the highest quai- ity and best grades of merchandise in every de- partment of oui' store. Corne in any tinie and inspect oui' store and display of Pure Foods. Compare prices, too, and like many others you will become a regular customer at oui' store. Orders of $400 and over Delivered W. G. Nelles Co. Pure Food Groceries Phone 62 Bowmanville Men's & Boys' Suitb 3 Big Specials for This Week Men's Suits at $14-95 A lino o! Fancy Tweeds and Wor stedg. odd sizes, beautiful shades ai- guai-anteed cloths, suita that were u] te. $25,00 ,at one Big Bai-gain, Spe cial Tbursdsy, Fiiday and Saturday % $14.95 Each I Men's Plain Grey Worstec I ~ > OSuit& >~ At A Special Price of $19.9! A splendid Wool Suit in a good datl gi-ey ahade worsted Very bai ~ finish. Going on Sale Thursday a. r $19.95 Each Boys' School Suits Pancy Tweeds and Wi-rstods, val- ues up o $11,50 and $12.00, On Sale For Only $7.69 Young Men's Navy Blue Suits at $22.50 This is a splendid lino fer young mei witb the popular make and doubl breastod style, in Herringbaa effects, aIse diamond patterns. Don' miss this oppoitunity to get aries euit. AlI sizes at anly $22.50 Each Men's Lîght Weight Top Coats fo FaIl wear. Any coat in the storea a discount o! 20% off regular prices Výo cean. Boys' Navy Blue Suits WiCh 2 Pair Bloomer Pants, valuE up o $12,50, On Sale $8.50 Each Pony Votes Given With Every Purchase T. B. Gilchrist Every Article Guaranteed to giv Best Satisfactio rHE CANADIAN ETATESMAN, BOWMAN VILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1926 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE BigTHS Hear M. H. Staples Friday night. Mr. and 'Mrs. ae Gat Rîh- PRESCC>T-Iii Bowrnanville Hospital, Wath orpariclas ! fel, ermnt M.Jame Grant T er August 23, 1926. to Mr. and Mr%. Edgar Wac o atclr fBowýman-lled emot r a - nTr .Preseott. Ennlskillen. a daughter. ville Fair, Sept. 21-22. i on*o, recently visited friends here. (Margaret Mae). Mrs. Wxn. F. Quick, is visitingNirsl Bownianville's new fire truck is on - iE. R. Thurston, Toronto. display at the Canadian National E. Prize lists of West Durham Fait hibition at Godfredson's exhibit in DEATHS are being mailed--Sept. 21-22. th1 Che1 Bidig COLWILL-At Toronto, ta MoUnd.iy, Mrs. . E.Fortir, Mný 1 Mrs. Win. Woodley. Lindsay, '.%r. August 3Û. 1926, Wnnitred Evangeline. Mr. .E.Frte, otreal, l5 land Mrs. James Francis 'and Y"s'9ou8e da ughtér of Mr. and Mrt. A. hiiigler sister, Mrs. Thos. Lymer. A. A. CoiwIý, Newcostle. aged 22 years. visiingGrace Francis, Mariposa Station, rt- Funerai private from the farnîly resi- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spencer, Tor- cently visited at Mr. W. S. Bragg's, dence. N.-wcastle. on Thursday. Sept. onto, have been vi.iting rel.atives Shaw's. 2nd.. at 2:3Q tP. m. to Býowtnanviiie cerne- here. :tery. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevenz, Misses PERRIN-In C'larke. on Wednesday. Mr. Normian and Miss Edna Bot-' Lizzie and Jennie Spry. Mliss Jean g sept. 1, 126. Elizabeth Bell. beioved wife trlToronto, spent Sunday at Spry, (Orono), spent the weekend ()f Mr. Fernandla Perrin, aged 54 years. hoe trelrId r. aryRsSouth! (Funera' from the family residence, lot home wit Mr.and rs. arryRose . Con. 1, Carke, on Friday. September Miss Bertha Doncaster, Toronto, Bay, Ont. i3rdat 2:0 . . Interment in st. bas been visiting hier sister, Mrs. El-, Mr. and Mrs. Mcark Osborne, Mess- : Mcg'sCGe-trt oe.o Ag gin Wight rs. Alan and David Kei*t-. Newark, 25, 1926, Thomas George MeCagu.-, in his Misses Lila and Agnes Melville, N. J.. have been visiting thei.r sister, i 4th year. jToronto, recently visjted Mrs. Rb. Mr. and Mre. M. J. Elliot and rela-' WI LLIAMSON-.On August 28. 1926, ai IGreenfield. tives in town. 1203 Sherbourne St., Toronto. Eliza, wid- MisEmma Alcumbrack, New Tor) M. Cemes Prcybafretrne ~late WiIliam Wiiiiamnon, ontû, spent the weekend with Missý from a holiday trip Vo Dayton, Ohio._______________ IGladys Palmer. ;eund Dr. and Mrs. H. Cauffeld accompan-i Miss Mry Hue bas~etur ed imb home and enjc'yed a isit f ren a pleasan-, holiday with Mis-- with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. JohnH lpW n d Scarife, Cobourg. Percy.1 WANTED-Good plain cook to assist Miss Marjorie Martin. Hampton,' Sain Mitchell, who many thoughtiwith cooking. Bowman House. 35-1* bas been visiting at Mr. Eliast had pass-ed out of exiA:ence, is. liv-, Strutt's, Haydon. jing with relatives in Owçen Sound:.1Wanted Miss Carnie Cherry, of the staff of Sain. is an old BowmanvIlle boy anal Westminster Hospital, Londen, spent! carried on the business of tailorngl WANTED-Apples and potatoes. J. H. the weekend here.i in this town for many years. He was McEwen, Bowmanviiie, phone 133-2. Bos'Seoo Sit. gea vr-anadept ifisherman and still whiles WAT32Wanedt Boys' away time his aldrhobby. H1t iety,frein $695 up at Couchi, John- 8O-2yth i t hmis le stoeband He î FARM I ares, plastedsecelease a ý ls pstthe80ý mle toe ad til arm, 59 or 75acepas@ti the la- ston & Cryderman's. i oing fair to midlin'. His <Id cation- Âddress Mr. F. W. No .10 Mr. James Prouse, Pickering, is: friends were pleased te hear front Crocker Ave., Toronto. 35-8w* visiting bis daughter, Mrs. William: him again. Crossey, Carlsle Ave.1 Boarders Wanted Misg Loi-ena Fursey, Leamsingtonj and Miss Rets Bennett are 'iitng SOFTBALL LEAGUE ROOM ANOD OARD-Suit.able for * Mr. S.Frenb, Nw Toonto Finncescf &wtmaviiî So tîhigh school boys or oth'-rs Mrs. H. Ev- Mrs.S. renh. ew oroto. Finacesof owmnvile oftallereet Smth, Queen Si., Bowmanville. Mr-. and Mrs. Thos. Heighton sçPent' League f or season just closed are asi3-w *a week in Ottawa with friends and:foUlows: visited the centenary and ehibî-, RoceiptsArticles For Sale Wad ad astr al Bal, on band May 30, 1926. .$ 863 S FOR SALE--One cow to ew Mrs. R. SCol. duanngMseaso Wa1926k.. 6 . outSepternber lst. Apply Mris.C lace Wade, Miss Lily Penfound, Tor-;Cl uigson12-6_____Johns,___Hampton. _______ auto, were recent guests of Mise~ $146.861 PIGS FOR SALE-4 weeks' oId, York- Emmerson. I hires and Tàmwortbs, oodbcon type. Mrs. W; G. Yule and son Fred ci! Ezp.mditur>s Apply Boys' Training School. Bowman- Chicago, III., are visiting ber broth-1 Grant to Hockey Club.. 25.00 ville. 35-2 or, Mr-. William Quick and many old 25 Rule Books............ 2.501 FOR SàALE-A large 'Brunswick gran- friends bei-e. Schedules................. 3.00 aphone, like new, wlth 70 recrd&-bar- Two hirs cst i bcksoip22.7, gin- 80id ak.jibarytable, oak card MissEdît Pordon Lo-ne illa'~"~ tîrd cos o! atable2.71 rasa bcd. Mr.Lapp, Bowznan- sp ent th weken wthor ilao12 silver medals ............12.00, ville, phone 346. 35-tf frienda, Nurse Everest taking care 1 roz 1dl....... ~APPLE -BASKETS FOR SALE-Bush- of lier patient in ber absence. 1 Plate for cup ....... 20 l apr and boxes, also Il and 6 E.Hr1u, 14 bals.................. 25.201 quarts. For prices write Ch"s. A- Mr. and Mrs.E.Hrbt Master I17 bats................... 7.90'whlee, Green River Basket Works, Teddy and Miss Madeline Huribut,, Green Ryler, Ont. 34-30 Willowdale, were weekend guests eof0.1 O AEDoiinPsao. I thoîr cousin, Mrs. Geo. Weekes. Bal. on hand Sept. 1, 1926 40.55 kinde .old on paynment sprsad oves- two Mys. J. F. Dean, Toronto, andi B. tgnway, Heintzmaa and Ger- Miss Marlon Marshall, Coldwater,I W. F. Soucia, Treasurer. bad att- »d la«taken as I1____________pa___________ rt pa7m.mt on Dominion piano. yUl were recent guests of their sister, lie clesr at bargain price. and on sas, Mrs. Geo. Weekes, Kalmar Villa. terni&.]F 3. Mitchell. Distributor, Bow- Mra. C. Wickett and Miss Greta CRIJDBAT PCAIT ,* Wickett have roturned froni a very Mi-,. F. J. Colo, Certified Beauty bfrTh THIS OUT FOR LUCK-Send visitwiththe frmers Speials, Ontrîo-t., wshes t scdeate antd 10c for wonderful horo- pteasant ii ihte fre' pcasOtroswse ta e of your entîre llte Prof. daughter, Mrs. R. T. Heskin, Simcoe. ftbank the ladies o! Bowmanville fer Raphael, 94 Grand Central Station, New Miss Minnie Mitchell, Boston, tbeir patronage of the last few Yrork- 31-90 Mass., and Mrs. C. Prentice, Ràcest-I months. In addition to marcelhIng,i - or, N". Y., were guests o! Miss Eva, facial and scalp treatinent she is now Wakelin and other friends here lasti in a position to cut and ti-in ladies' To Let week. hai-, shingling a specialty. Phone Mr-. W. Len Elli'ott is building a 339. 34-2 FOR RENT-Apartrnent. contalning fine redene o Cenre trer, d-14 roomms. electrlc ligbt and water. Appui- finr radece n Cntr Steetad-________________________ at TheStateman Office. joining Mr. Neil Yeilow1ieet' pro-T perty on the south ,formaerly ownedl FARNIFOR REN -1%i miles east of y1 AUCTION SALE Boyananvitue. on Kingston Road, cernent by the late W. F .Allen._____ highway contalnlng 175 acres; at pres- Mn. nd Ms. Lwis . Wery' nt occupied by Mr. Glbank. For terme Mr. nd Ms. ewisA. Wrry't Saturday, Sept. 4--Mrs. J. C. Pal- appîy to Ed. Millson, R. R. 1, Enfla- Grad apiaMih.,onoyîg he mer, Bowmanville, will seU by pub- killen. 35-2w St. Lawrence boat trip Toronto to lie_______lier______ _______tur Montreal and rturn and later v ics- to e osecl untr TO RENT-Cowan Block almoat ready ited -relatives in Cartiwright. and effects at the residonce of Mr. forocuacy Strsnd prmnt Mrs.G? . BayNewTorntoW. J. Richards, first. bouse *est o!seani heateti, hardwood floors. fui]- spnt th. Beeyndwrornto, Fire Hall. Win. J. Challis, Anc- modern. electnice toven in eca part- Mpn aewknd WBincklier Misns,i tioneer, C. H. Mason, Clerk. ment. For full particulars apply to J. Catherine Pinch returned with bier Wedneeday, September 8-Mm.i ZMso on hne5. oianil and will take s business course in. Agnes Bone, Enniskillen, will sell al Toronto. o! ber household furniture and Property FIor Sale Miss M. R. Heeley, St. Catharine ,ý effects, including s coal oU stove andi stopped over with Mrs. Fred Pattin j aven, coal or wood heater, sideboard,j FARM FOR SALE-.Small tarin about tables, bods ,kitchen utensils, and 135 acres. good house and barn andi silo, qb son, 13,wnian,.ille-on-tihe-Lake, Onj ther useful articles. Sale at 2:runing stream through pasture, Lot 15, hier return frein attending the pi-e-! Con. 5, Darflngton. Apply J. Cowllng, sentation at Ottawa of the Nurses' P. nM. Ternis cash. Theo. M. Bowmanville R. R. 6, phone 237-4. 35-30 Memoial. Slenion, Auctioneer. FAMFRSL-n ude n Mr. and Mn. Elias Ashton, Enni- Saturda>., Sept. iStia-Th bouse- ive miles from Port Hope, r& beln nouc h nagmn f ld furniture and f urnîshings of the 1 fle,1nnng at~r close tae station, andi L~~~~~~~~~~ klononcteenaeetfJaes Bennett Estate, B.owxanville lscliool one mile troni Peterboro highway, their eldest daugbter, Winnifre.d, a em odbyacio. Prtc "Rs.trm. mail and telephone, reasonable -Mae,t'o Mr. Stanley H. May, Toro n-.1 lt or. W.J. Caltis, Atineer C.eni. Must be sold immedlately. For tamaria Vot take Ilc the niddlc 1ltr .J hliAeoer . particulars write or apply to Dr. S. S. tanii-ag pceH. Mason, Clork. Dickinson ,Port Hope. 34-3 of September. I ________________________ ARMTO RENT-100 acres, north r- Mr. and Mrs. John Lawre, 05h halt of lot 1, con. 4, Township of Clarke, iawa, Mrs. AI!. Van Dyke, Kedren,! situated on case boundary of Clar-ke, MisMni MthlBotn a IN MEMORIAM known as the laste Henry Gordon fam. and Mrs. C. Prenitice, Rocheste, i on ndlvigtnmryo m ear This la a gond tarm. wlll grow any klnd 1 Infondandlovig mmoryof ny d 1eo grain, good wheat land, convenient to Y., called on the fornier's aunit, Miss i son, Louis Roy Spry, 204 laCer 7th'church, school and railway station. YE. E. Haycraft, on Monday evening.1 Batt., killed at l3rucourt, Quent In i Piowlng Possession liais fait. For par- Mn.andMrs J Huter EaryDrury. September 2, 1418. Sa! e where: ticulars apply t0 Mrs. I. J. Hallowell, Mr n n .Hne al,ýne clodsd hie glory ide. Mother, Starkville. 33-t. l Iand daughters -Marion and Joy.oe,ý Saskatoon. Sask., and Mr. nnd Mre. GIMBLETT-In lovlng memory of our' FOR SALE OR RENT-Lot 32-33, Con. Roger Fishlleigh, Taonto, wvho havel dear son. Pte. Perey William GimblettI 8' Darlington, 140 acres ,120 tillable, bal- killed in action. August 27, 1918. ance woode andi Pasture. sprlng creek, been holidaying at Bowsnanville This încblnabc ~mmr ay and boai in high state of cultiva- i-da-iur oethbanc l a to mst tion, brick bouse, bank barn, silo, drive Beach and visiting fiiends and ea ulodonlidtrs, shed,,, hen hous., drilleti weU Sti bouse. tives in this localîty ha-ve retui-ned Rct ini peace your cares Sarc ended, idulat akStbr.sho nlt ta their homes. leti ec orsfeig oc station 5 miles, rural mail. church 100 ~k n ateroonteawasgivn b ~Totu are gone where those wbo love you, rode, grocerieis delivereti. telephone past rk n ftrnonte ws ivn ylSon llitfallow anc by one. gate, well fenced 12 acres altafla 5 acreea d Mrs. Wm. May St lber residence onj In aur hearts your reîory lingera, alsike, (neit year), 12 acres sweet clover. n. Friday last in honor cf Miss Winni- j Swectly, tender fond and truc 10 acres mnixeti boy, 10 acres plowed. fre Asto, wo as .ee . .e , There is not a day dear Percy, (îood nelghbors, fine locality. plowing frdAstnwo a be ",:§tng' That we do not think of you. possession atter harvest off. For prie or -1wth ber nd lwho ba-.ves for hr - . 1 h. -th~e gi-owing prospenity o! theïr na- tv cuta th e c.inuofnity. Tsey-, . . AR O LEM. IM. tive countyhy eing o gniety e oi-MR . AERTCOLE AT therefore, announce in another cal-1 Siver Medallet o! Ontario Ladies, Col-. umtn that tbov will join the ranksi lege, Teacher of Panio andi Theory.' of Bownianvil'le'a Mercbant Princes! Scugog Street, i3owmianville. by oenifg swellequppedBu~cherCla Beginners a specîaîty. by penng wel euiped ufcer lase»in Bowmanville on Monday ~*Shop in the Cowan Bloc f1he Tuenday, Wednesday and Salai-day.1o e- oasS is will ho readyVo MIl aladr o to ndy Dn town and country customi starting FaU terni omnes 206-J. let Off to School September ithI Just now Ives' School Shoeos should be what you ai-e tal.king o! and baying. A splendid assoitment awaits your choosing and it costs you nothing to look thera over. Good Sturdy School Shoes for Boys at'$3.OO and $4.50 pair GROWING GIRLS' SHOES Oxford and sti-ap stylos, in Iow heels and miedium -round toes at ......................................-".50 Pair Soveral lines aV clearing prices, regular $6,75 and $7.50 values at .....................................*$5.00 Pair MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES Black Boots and Brown Boots, in good strong cal! leaLher at ..........................................*$4.00 Pair Patent Leather Slippen. at ........*$3.00, *3.50, U.75 Pair BARGAINS IN MEN'S FOOTWEAR 24 pairs Men', Oxfords, in Black or Bro'wn Bide Cal!i Leather - with rahber beels........... ........ SPECIÂL $3.96 Pair 15 pairs Mon's Oxf ords in Blaek or Brown leather, simesin thia lot are broken................... SPECIAL $4.50 Pair 24 pairs Men's plain toe brown boots, good strong aide cli leather, vitui roony Voes .............. SPECIAL $4.50 Pair ASK FOR PONY VOTE COUPONS IVES' SHOE STORE Footwear and Travelling Goode Bowmanville BOYS AND GIRLS Buy Your School Supplies FROM FRANK BROWN (First door east Jacobs' Bakery) I have everything needed in supplies for Public and High Sehool pupils. Buy here and be satisfied. J and Winter Coats sses Arriving Daily le Stock,, N £Exdusive but not Expensive s- Dresses -Hosiery - Gloves- Underwear -Etc. '.f Directly Opposite Montreal Bank

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