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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1926, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT TEE CA.NADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN VILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1926 MEDICAL IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL J. A BULERM. ., C M. Editor of The Statesman-Dear Hnrgraduate of Trinity Univer- Sir-Might I ask why, in the issue or h e v ~ ~ l i ee r d e r tT i e k I T e C a c sity, Felow of Trinity Medical Col- your paper of August 26th., in your THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd., 1926 T i e k I ' h lege, Licentiate of the State Univer- appreciation of the beautiful pen -_________ sity of New York, Matricu1Site of the manship of Mr. H. C. Bowen, youNE ASL AT EW SLEO HLKE ecat igShoîiloen Post Graduate Medical School and insert the clause l'frein a fariner", I1 HRE .D OET COL OIEF r Y u t e h tS i Hospital of New York and Fellw venture zhe assertion, that you have NECSLE_____G_._OET SHO NTC or Y u to g tT of the Toronto Acaderny of Medi- on file very few, if any, letters the HeaATM. H.Staples Frday night cine. Offce-Mrs. MeNaught0fl's Res- penc>ranship of which compares fax'- Principal, j For.....$25.00, wit Idence, ewcastle Hours- ta 10 oably wit the on in quesion, to C. R. Carveth had business in Tor-1 Newcasle was honored in a visit nx usa.Spebr7hwt ld n e N ata lep . and by app o wha t r cc tone ori prfes sio n t onto Monday. from Lloyd ROberts , Mrs. loberts %Mr. J. M. Roszel, B. A., as Principar,$ 35.00 and $40.00 Suits Fo a. M. Il te p. m. and y aHopent-ndadaughîercu atioe tropreessioago,1and -Miss Phebe M. L. Brock, assist- R gu r [nsOnWh p - Mrss . WA.ERoBeninvisited Crt-Hperan daRegular $30.00 andks a$32an50LoSui nd Firde....$22.50k mt. _________ciates The "Editors' Talks".- friends Monday. i ented son of hi: gifted fablier would studets prepared for Normal School eua$3.0nd325SitFo BowmnvileAugst 8, 126. Mrs M, E.Bertan isied O -freely admit when Dr. Charles,. G. D entrance and for Junion Matricula-1 Her . . tale Fidy igt.BomaVile Agut 8,196. bourg friends o.Mnd .Rberts, journalist. poet, historian, tio. ofe1 Regular $25.00 Suit o...... $65 MIrs. G. Holland, King-ton, is vis-ishort story writei-. novelist, 1>n Merkley Clark, H. R. Pearce, Rglr$2.0SisFr...... $45 iting with Mrs. wm. Jamieson. last weekend herie as guests of his Chairman. Se'y.-Treas. eua$2.0SisFr........ Miss June B. Ugle-,, Chicago, isltr riends, Mr-. and Mrs. Aus- visiting -, er grandmother, Mrs. J. J. 'in amp'bell at their. summer homte- 1-1 ~.Uglow. 1 on the lake shore. Dr. Roberts STARKVILLE BOYS' SUITS ON SALE Mr. D. J. Gibson is at Bellevillel came down fromt Toronto with Mr. _____ Our rallO e ig Fi hswe ugn ar ateC ~5/jJ~IIIII~ an s w ee ugigdir te Cad dpbe n turdayvenin and al- The sound of the threshing Regular $12.50, 2 Bloomer Suits..... 75 and ~wine.had inne vthe his rend amsnar f-whistle and the up-tui-ned sod from Mr. and Mr.s. Kyle and daughteril'n the co ungeniahoamoe. - the plawmaf's plow reminds one of Phyllis, Fergus, are spending a va hi- cs sme hie the camng autumn ..Congratula- 1 ~v~Ej91l ~1'~,uyin~ £cation at Bayside xith Mr. and Mrs On Sundav mrnrfillg Dr. Rober-ts tions te the students of this district,i. G H A T A hJAV AAbO m an.met a number of Mr. and Mrs. Camp- those passing the entrance is credit-iS G .C A T Special S owinchifldrenHawha bell's neighbors hei-e and in the even- able ta themselves and also ta Missý MrRayner and cide h ing partook of tea on the laxvn Of Dickinson wha se ably prepared them 1 orws fBl eehn haveDbeen vibsitn herenM- Mrs. (Dr.) Carveth where several for the test;Mr. Carnian Haw end Ladie' andChjlden'sand Mrs .J isn av eun oersiet ftevlae, friends Miss Alice Hallowell on obtaining Phone 26 L de'a dC id e ed home ta Chicago. oi the Carveths and Campbells hadi their Normal Entrance and Mr.__________ Mirs. Alex. McLeod and daughter the extreme enjoyment of meeting verne Souch... .Mr. Lawrence Sav-_______ orthy, Toronto, who have been the distinguisbed guest, Con verisng ery has been engaged ta teach in Ty- 1ff nte Co ts, Dre ses and II,0loîaying at Mr. and Mrs. Clifford with hlm and breaking bread with rone district. Ladies' Aiid ai Shiloh W in er oat, res es nd Brown's have returned bomne. him. Church had a most successlul enter- Mr. and Mrs. J. E. W. Philp mot- One aiten wondei-s what the great tainment and lawn social recently..- T EG E TS ored ta Cobourg on Monday ta visit men of aur land those so far above . . Rev. E. A. Tonkin, Bowmanville, T EG ETS hier aunt, Mrs. Bullagh Wowhuxs the niost of us in genius and intel- preached two excellent sermolIs on1 celbrtin hr 8thbihdaY. lectual attainmeflts are like when Sunda.TeUbig ure oak Suits caebag ihe ihbi n-BuheUxrigeqcrttk Mr. and Mrs. Erie Seaman and seeu at close range, and when the charge of the musical part and gave M c y 0daughters, Marjorie and Olga and oppor:unity cames ta meet and con- selections- in excellent mannei and C rt i iMrs Norman Williamns, Toronto, verse with a man of such outstand- the Melodyland Concert Con. ai Ux-MLuh spent a day last week at Mi-. W.- H.- ing ability and achievements in the bridge, gave the prograin at he s- f e R u t nPearce's. field of literature as C. G. D. Rob- cial which was an excellent ane. EE UL iMrs. Chas. Goinige, Toronto, spent erts, the wonder gives place ta a These are fine entertainers, anyone E E UL ~,o Kig S. he eeknd it Mi. ad Ms.feeling of awe just previaus ta the wishing dean, high class entrtain- Coan Block KialSt ter Crodwithr . an adowns introduction. But the awe is for ment can't do better than secure WT ELFOR LESS for decoration services in B3nd anly an instait. giving way imme- thelse fne Young people... .Mr. and WemeterY diately ta a feeling af respectful1 Mrs. Tamblyn, Orono, visited at Mr-. Oshawa Bowmanville Whitby M~~~iss Kathleen Bray, Ottawa, has gratitude as teprsnitdce R.Hloels MssEaRuvn anfeels the warm grasp of Robert's bhas returned teolher scbc>al duties in been holidaying with hier friend ad h'and, listens ta his pleasing speech, Muskok.....M-. Ji-n McGabey, cousin, Miss Mary Bowen, daughter notes th e gleam of his friendlv eye xife anà « iamrily, spent Sunday at af Mi-. F. W. Boan, ex-NI. P., andan seesheirstie atac Mrs. Jake Hallowel's .. . .Glad ta see1 *1~~~~~~~n ______________e______________________________ Mrs Bowen. tien ai his personality. Rev. Thos .Wallace back in t he pul. r i. Percy Brown, Rochester, N. O udyatrona r.Cr pot aiter a trip ta the West ofth V1M'1~~~ Y., b~as j ined Mi-s. Brown and vt'i epnet ae nur Province ...Mrs. T. McMuîlen and LVA~~uaOL I.1>dugBi-own's aretMi.adMr.Tes D. Roberts spoke freely and Miss Lulu, Bowmanville, visited ati T h e e u s B e A s i nterestingly of bis poetry, histarical Mr-. W. Savéry's,. . .. Mr-. fobson wha W. Jackson, Beaver-sat. novels and tbose fascinating iket- has been vistiing at Miss Ruthven's, Reeve H. S .Britton, Postmastei- liesaixild life and life in the back- has returned home ...Miss Edna woods ý.ich e all ead wiAN ENGIN IR TO LS ton, motered ta Toronto ta see the -unity. taking Miss Ada Falls with bier. TeMLuhi oo a a- Nyri h wnytoyasa bail game on Saturday- Not a bov-or girl in aur publiceai- "O man, witb you.r wonderf ai dower1 panly Limnited, taday presents the McLaugblnBih ucs a Mrs. Gibsan bas sold bier farni, lot high sce1iols, pot a reader of that O waman, witb génius and grace, 92i7 MLaghlin-Buick, with an there ben fee suhcvi- 2, B. F. Con., Darligot i.W eto I uda School papers, You can teach the whole world with engine ibratineabyn eif n ro iegneigadmn _________te Gofimb.Sa'. i s of h o ne ofandThe Onwai-d", no one who rieads youi- power, This achievenient, we earnestly ufacturinglaerhi.MLuh tegofam ftetnhi ndand admires Canadian paetry; hardly blee ilrn soeo h i-ue r ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mr. Gibank is ta be congratilated a pto i oi udy Sha i fyou ai-e but w rtby the place".belive, iporantkinasl oe arhe lintB esyu todya h-l For the continued and growing demand of on acquiring this good grain farm. apblic f., ___________ muraif iiortat nal atiMcr latexale ite aiya PulcLib'raries, but knows some- isoyMcaglnBikcataashp Miss Phebe M. Z. Brock, assistant tigo oet'pefs kths hri u - S and big iRoers pemsktce, . .. u- ngner. okig nco- ofien ha rqiitncgwt C RE 'SW O EO EB E Ddteacer î Hgh ooreturn- short stories adhsaiclnvl. Hear M .Staples Fia ih.junctian with the fengineering its perforce advlewl CO BT' tHLS MEBEDe tlte village on Saturday hav- Hw much moi-e interest then will Fr.a n tafsoeea oor eere nmn ing sucessfully cempleted durinig the Newcastle readers ltake in the auth- _ stýaffsof GresaneneaMti-eeatrsch n mdth ovitonta py Wecudtl ouwybtw refer that o holidays lber university course in phv- oan. . at deditret*1 rving Ground have divorced the lean frsthan b tringourbred. Then you Mia trs. litE HartHuse, doono they read and enjoy bis writins M RT AGE SALE annoyance ai vibration ta a point Cranta o ildsoei ll now st and be as nthousiaste andisetdaughr, MissE Ida Pand-kr en- thisthey ieflect fi-rn now or that ____neyer bei are attained. Ctigenewcr te wilknwan easethsati ndisitn duhtr is daPrkr etr- hswidelv bel'oved author was in UNDER AND BY VIRTUE TE T bey bave ýgiven McLaughlin- evu gr that orbet's holeome Bead e usd hece- d fi-om Tai-anto with their fui-ni- Newcastle for three days. brea+thed POWVERS 0F SALIZ cantained in two Buick matai- cars a new luxury of dence aite epmenngi tht oret'sWhleoe red e se hnc- ture and other household effecis on the garne air, partook ai the fo~od cfÀ certain mortgages whtch wIli beîro-ý quietness at every speed, except- longstandnrlde We t forth in your home. Monday and bave again taken up the locality ad mingled witb rnany dced pubthe uti nf ali thereffice of lonal amang ail cars, no matter ter Autmoiear butM 4 . their residence at Newcastle -ofl-the - ai the same people which tbey are . G. V. OULD, Solitor. Bowman- what their price. Laugblin-uc ilBul hi' G TP N VO E E ELake. accustorned ta day by day.,And Dr. Ville, an O H RVT LIPO E E T Mi- J. M. Roszel ,the new Princi- Roberts expects ta camte again! and F SEPTEMUTHE 17T 920, T ERVT L M R Don'vethefailtoakfrePony Contercst oes. of paloPtebur Hign chooarrited be iessues th atbelbornv etibe is a 2pr, y oTha. M.fleonJ,,,,,-lOther revolutionary imprave- tbermostic onrInth col away preparations for openting te school cerme proiinent as -dhe e iede7Vaus sien 6, Township of Daringta-n.I-n(ment in the 1927 McLaughlin- ing systes. Wtrcruaini 2eo vronTuesday, September 7th. lie of mnany cangenial literarv minds, TERMS:-i0% of purchase rnoney atl Buick is lthe vacuum-cleaned preventedadtb as edi h antnstbor hsyalai tersflweedrsrofpesth time of sale, 40% within thlrty days crankccase. Crankcase moisture, engine, ntlhepierprau initndsta bardtiti yer, eingth restandweekend rsta petthereaftei- and- the remainder sither in the viciaus f oe ai engine efficiency, temperteisrced Wedin Cke a peiatyMrs. Roszel in Peterboro witb theratosndoraits cash or at the option of the purchasei anwdanoto tecakae Ga W'digCksaSeilytwo daughters wbo intend ta parsue areinomrtg t7%prn thIr oo arclt oreat num. The propei-ty will be sold suhject befiore it bas an opportunity te do Laughlin-uc' e in-ot the Petrboro Cllegiat. Hea aples Friday night. ta a reserve bld. harun. The cranWase is cleaned transmisin bhisqetnaI MU E'..mL'.kqmI~ Plan ta makereotCDurhamaFairForfui-tiser jarticulai-s ni conditions and kept iree ai dilution by the ai itsspe. Friequteu -of sale apply ta M. G. V. GOULD,I Miss Grace Smith, bride-to-be, %vas te hest show asuuli hsdsrc Barrister, Etc., Bowmanville. Ont. MLuhi-ik Vacuurn Venti- bas been bandh e ufe W . P . C .orUVLL the ahappy and surrprised recipieltt -Sept. 21-22. uuli hsdsrc DATED at Bawînvilie titis lt day of ato, .f dvie operated by design. ofa imscellaneous sharwerofpet September. 1926. 1- the air flow; positive and certain in And in ttsieir~l e a and useful bousehold articles at an i____________ action, and witbout a single mov- McLAUghIn-U kit-dcsbl inora i îng part. The ail in the crankcase acdwtes nte otiu Baker and Confectioner ifra gathering held in ber lion-i ne Bw avlePoe3Ooo son Moise, Beaver-st., on Friday Noic o rdior 'edbe changed only four tumes a The pincl euya b evenîng. Many ai bier girl friands L year! Fisher oisi n ioog ep an anube.aio gentlemen wei-e GIV I G IN THE MATTER 0Or the estate ai McLaugitlin-Buick perfiormance is ing wii h nsa present ta enja o he social evanitig. MARTEA ANN WAKEIN, laie af the naw made more certain, moi-e pai-ablepromnc tnad ________________________________________Lunch was served by the hast and B w W Ytown of BowmSliville, in theute fpeln n oeeooia y-nwa bastess and their' kindly asssit.ants. JjN Durhamn, spinster. deceased.Çuîya eantadmrecnicly nwatin. BU I E SNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thai ail _ a e A visit ta the borne ai Mrs. J. E. persans having any daims or demands__ L OLU ~ViI Y u har Ii te roftsHayes, Northt St.. ovai- the weekend Having decided ta give ap busi- who died on or about the 19tit day of CorbettDealersi would bave transported te mmnd nes in Newcastle I ain offering July, 1926, at nownq&nvil aforesaid; ai the most casual observer ta that to the public rny anti-e stock ai are i-equii-ed ta send by post prepaid ar Daesi of the Present Mining Boomi? ia deliver ta the undarsignad, executil caglnBikx~lsoie.Pft Gem oi the Ocean "Tte F.merald C t ap, trUsi,,undei- te 111ofthe ,, saidinBic -ldm YOU will if Yeu act quickly and take advantage ai the present Isle", for Mrs. Hayes was playiuig MFootwea Wakeîîn, thei- namesan sd Kn t omni hostess ta a number ai bier acquaint- Fo t e r At (r a idr Ma n ui atclr nNrtn igS anusual opportunity ta purchase the better grade listad stocks. aoresstita cai a cai s tnatre ttis eritis Al lu a position ta know state tbat the whole nortit countr-y is al sasaonsrs hi-iansiîg sd mach stock a ef hn ot aon. hand ythem the ave aifte greatest mining development ever known. A wave Wiliam asfigsWilliam Byrne, prîcas. ifanI) ýd yTAKEmTC. htatrteI________________________________ ai buying bas came into the mai-ket titat bas created, aud will Titomas McGrath sud James Lyons, Tiifsa potitt o i-lcMdtuseew thpioe d a cile- ta i-ete orunai. roucton ecodsarebeig mas- .liof Raihniolyn, lreland. Tite affered avers" day. tilitte thte assets of the said lecea.-ed strppig Yunganiong the persans entitieci th'i-eto av- ed, and many new properties are enterin.g te producing stage. ,tapngyugIii.-hnîmen, alibi only Wa will hal glad ta place at your disposai aur aneiccelled facili- a short trne in Canada, bave ail se- Those requiring footwesr will ing regard only ta the dlaims af whi~ ties ugetin o itoh n aeNvl sh h then have had notice, and thatý tisfor te execution ai yoar ordars,orofrsgetnsn cured gaa'd postosndaewl save rnoney when tbey buy naw. hsaliPeurxaatutewl o soand, listed rining securites, based onitisevleadms aisidwt hrpopesin Everything muîst be sold by ie. hable for the sald ass-ýts or any tai-t likly o sliat tigte leais ,America. Septembai- 3Otb. ti,reof ta any persan aortvhas, ciairn We wll îsaiorwi-da cpy a ou- wekly"Reiew aithe iteteribleVi-gc~v inrurntosh shal not titan have receiied notice. Bring or send your order to this store where severest of bereavemants. loss from Fire, Theft, a agents preferring to seli my own it will receiveprmtatninadyuil e in Europe by Mi-. Byron Hlyland, Property Damage and goada thus savlng the purchaser the w - The Vanishing AmrJa good valut. iJartwriight, appeared in Thte States- ule Bbliy geft's comîmission. A cail sallcltad. man lisat week. We always read PuFcLaiiy . H. BOUNSALL With Richard Dix andLosWln thosa letters with great interest sud gquI owmnvl'î tbey are te next hesu Viing to uak UhPhoneU324W Box 94 Watch for the Big Attratonejr h H, S, BRITTON, ~~~~ing the trip yoursllf.-Orono News C .C a de Oeo Cor. I<IIflICOMMUNITY TE TR HakeS.&BRITTOrNewcste Coys'hSe uiî a gi-est var-Ne LIl iety, fi-rn $6,95 up at Cous2it, John-Necsl stan &Cryderman a. 'i r

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