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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Sep 1926, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STA'rESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, SEPTEM~ER 9, 192G MORTGAGE SALE DENTAL ______DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE VTNDER AND BY VIRTUE 0F THE Honor graduate in Dentistry Toraiý POWERS 0F SALE con taincd In tWo University. Graduate of the Roy certain mortgages whlch will be pro- Cleeo e a ugoso duced at the trne of sale. there will be Cleeo etlSren fO sold by public auction at the Office of tario. Office King St., Bowmanvill M. G. V. GOL1LD, Solicitor, Powmian- Office phone 40. House phone2 ville, on FRIDAY, ,THE 17TH DAY OF DR. J. C. DEVITT at2p nSEPTEMBER, 1928,'r a2p.mby Theo, M. Slernon' Auc- Grduate of Royal Dental Calleg tioneer. the south hiaîf of lot 20, *'onces- Toronto. Office, King St. East, BoN ston 6, Township of Darlington. manville. Office hours 9 a. m. tc TERMS:-10% of purchase money at p. m. daily except Sunday. Phoy the time of sale. 40% withjn thirty da3-s9a Hosp thereafter and- the rernainder elther& n90. Hos hone 90b. cash or at the option of the purchaser may remain on rnort.zage- at 7-, per an- DR. R. E. DINNIWELL num. The property will be sold subjectl to a reserve bld. Honar graduate of Toronto Un For further particulars and conditions versity and mnember of Royal Colleý of sale apply to M. G. V. GOULO, of Dental Surgeons. Licensed1 Barrister, Etc., Bowmanville, Ont. practise in Ontario and the Domi: DATED at Bowrnanville this let day ofi ion. Dentistry in ail ite branche September, 1926. 353 Office-King St., Bowmanville, o] pasite Bank of Montreal. Phone 30' BU DIRECT TO LEGAL BUS I M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. EAlHIIl IUN Travel the motor way ,cheapest anti fastest transportation, no neeti ta worry about crowtiing for tickets or street cars. August 3Oth TO September i1i th (Daylight Saving Time) But Leavea Bowm.anville 7.20 Courtice 7.35 Oshawa 8.00 Retura Fate a. m.$1.90 a. M.$17 Arriving on Exhibition Groundis 9.30 a. m. Bus leaves ea.ch night at 10.30 For information phone 412, Bow- manville, or 1840, Oshawa. T. A Garton. Proprietor.1 84-3w -GEO. PRITCHARD- THE HANDY LITTLE SHOP PARTICULARLY AROUND HOUSECLEANING TIME Lots of peoPle don't know mast all we sell in this little shop of ours. So we're going ta tel yau and invite you to call: WALL PAPER Best makes an the market. BEST PAINTS Glidden's Painte, Varnishes, Lacq. FLOOR WAX Johnson's, also Castle Wax ALABASTINE It can't be beat for walls and ceilings. FLOOR POLISHER Electric Floor Polisher to rent by hmu or day. SCHOOL SUPPLIES Seribblers, Drawing Booa4 Writing Boo'ioe, Examltn'ation Tableta, Penicils, Erasers. PMINTER AND DECORATOR Tbat's my job. G. Pritchard Bowmaaville Girls approaChing youngwomanhood and boys coming into the 'teens are just as proud of their footwear as their eiders. The beau- ty and comfort of Huributs appeal to them.L And the long wear of Huributs should appeal to you as a parent. Have an authorized Huribut dealer fit your children. rHU L We not only seli, but recocti- mend themr. Fred. Knox, DOWMAN VILLE BarrisLer, boUicLLUIY, iNuiry Money ta boan on Farm anti Taw Praperty. Royal Bank BuildirI Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Succesor to lat. D. B. Siapom, K.' Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal jMoney ta Loan Phono 9 j Bowmanvilie, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barnister, Solicitor, Notary Money ta boan. Bonda for sali Offices Bleakiey Block, King St Bowmanvilie, Ontario. Phones Office 102, House 409. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. j C mplete Motor HorseEquipment N1 Private Ambulance \~V/ Bowmanville phone \VI 10 and 34 jBranch Stores- Orano & Newcastle ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Directoi Calis given prompt and personal at tention. No extra charge for dis tance. Phonea 58 or 159, Bowman ville, Ont. 3-ti MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Gold Medalist of Trinity University Toronto. Four years attending Phy. sician and Surgeon at Mt. Carme: Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office anc Resîdence, Wellington Street, Bow. manville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen Office and Residence, Dr. Beitb'e former residence on Church Street, Bowmanville. Phone 259. 44-t. VETERINARY DR.* F. ". TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day ar Night caîls promptly attended to, Office: King St. Est, Bowmanville. Phone 243. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Se. Oro"o Hon or Graduate of University of Toronto. AIl cases given prompt and careful attention.- Office- Dr. McElroy's former office. Phones: Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farm and flouse Sales a Specialty. Terms moderate. Enniskillen P. O. Phune 197r3. 1-tf. WILLIAM MAW Licented Auctioneer Having met with considerable suc- cess in conducting sales for the past 19 years, I now offer my services ta the people of Bowmanville and vic- inity. For terms and dates see F. O. Masan, Bowmanville, or phone 288, Whitby, Ont. 12-t. School Supplies We have a complete stock of High and Publie School Text Books Seribblers, Exercise andi Loose Leaf Note Books. Buy your wants early. W. T. Allen "Big 20 Bookstore" Bowmanville THE EDITOR TALKS POLITICAL JOTTINGS INDEPENDENT MEMBERS HOLD During summner vacation it bas This country needs more "Canada jBLNE0 O E nta been a period of serious thought First" and less "Party Firs" menm-I A former Conservative member in yal and much discussion in the homes bers of Parliament.j Northern Ontario running as an In- )n- wbere boys or girls or bath sexes1 dependent issued this statemient: [le. have arrived at the end of their pub- "A Pilgriniage of Promises" is tbej' "The general consensus af opinion is 22. lic s-hool course and decision bas to way the Montreal Wi'rness terse- tha:, after the present election no be reached what ta do about furtber descrîbes Mr. Meighen's speaking one paî'ty will have a workinf ma- education. Nat ail parents, we fear, tour. jority, and that the next govern- ge, really realize the tremendous import- mient will be a union or fusion Gov- )W- ance of a wise and practical choice The Winnipeg Tribune says, truly: ernment, conlposed of either one 3 6 Vo be made at such a period in a "True patriotisni is a sacred thing of the two leading parties witb Pro- )ne child's educational career. Few It runs deeper than self-interest, par- gressives, Labor and Independent periods in the life of a boy or girl ty feeling or superficial flag-wvaving". su ppor t. In the last three Govern- present more dificult ýor more per- ments, two of them witb Mr. King os n-plexing problems than iraduation Too many political speakers de- Premier and one with Mr. Meighen ýn-from the public scbool. Ail parents vote their time lo making tirades as Premier, the Independents bl gel wish ta do as well as their circum- against the opposing party. Tbey the balance of power. Tbey ctr oli- ta stances permit for their children, but don't realize this country needs ser- ed tbe situation and the life of these ýif- nlot ail parenits can decide intelli- vice not abuse. rePaimntwa wholy d- es. enty wat curs isthe estforpendent upon the support of Inde-1 P- their children, and children between In his speech at the Conservative peîîdents". 01. 12 and 15 years of age cannot rend- picnic Fred Bowen innocently made er rmucb dependable assistance in the remark, "I'm glad I've got a belping witb a judiciaus s.olution of leader". Knowing Fred ever-.body CANADA A NATION the problem. agreed. Further comment unneces- WITHIN THE BRITISH EMPIRE * * ~ sary. In the days when public schools Sir Wilfrid Laurier speaking at were taught b., men the teacher was Many a man' who was glad t:) buv Bowmanville, Ont., in October 1899, wna good person te, consult about a motolr car for less than bie expectcd. on the position of Canada in the Em- riboy's or girl's education on com- and who rejoiced at the saving in bisi pire said:-"I dlaiým this for the~ gpleting tbe public school course. income tax, will go out. and votel Liberal Government that we bavaen-1 Who better could be asked for ad- Tory just lt same.-Fergus Nrows-1 deavored te carry on the policy of' vice than the man wbo had bad the Record. this country se as te makie Canada .C. training af the boy or girl for per- a nation-A Nation Within The haps tbree, four or five years? Next W. F. MacLean, after serving British Emipire-A Nation grent in to sucb teacher a menîber of the South York in parliament for 34 the eyes of the world. For my part, family connection a man of vision, years, was defeated for re-nomina- I want ta see ber lands oceupied, bier 91 experience and education migrht be lion at the Conservative convention! mines developeýd, ber forests cleared,l asked te advise. We knew a man by eight votes. He committed the lher fisheries exploited, bier cities wha had a son ready to enter upon &eemingly unpardonable offence ofI growing, her population increasing, an education for a career who con- thinking for himself during the last but above ail, 1 want ta see aur sulted .his minister on what calling be session. people united". lewould recommend for bis son. The Tbese are the ideals and bopes ofi efather acted on the cleric's advice At the nomination meeting in Or- the present Leader of tbe Liberal1 3s and sent bis son ta a university in a ono Fred Bowen is reported as say- party, Rigbt Hnourable W.Li distant cîty and after spending some ing tbat hie voted agaihat the bud-, Mackenzie King. thousands of dollars on bis education get on acacunt of tbe drastic reduc- -for a particular profession disicovered tiens in the tariff affecting automo- that he bad made an unwise ceioice. biles. In other words Fred wants MR. KING DURING THE WAR So there you are, parents, with this every persan in Durham ta "Vote for great proiblem as yaur cbildren enter me and pay more for your autos". During the election campaign ad-1 this important period in their educa- verse comment is occasianally iear or tional career. * The King governmen't devoted its from a biased elector or an ignornt efforts ta open new markets, ta e scandai manger about MacKenzie y Naturally for parents wbho can duce expenditures and ta r:educe King's obligations during the ivar. afford ta send their boy or girl away taxation and succeeded.Treaties and Lest some readers are net familiar 6 te, a bigh school on completion of a trade agreements bave opened mark- witb tbe facts we publish them here-1 public scbool course the bîgh .3chool ets for Canadian farmers, manu- with: seema ta be the correct institution, facturera and other producers te seil Mr. King's father, John King, K. We believe that every boy and girl goods on better termis ta 358,000,000 C., wbo bad been a lecturer at Os- e should receive a good practical edu- people. Trade balances today prove goode Hall, became lotally blind in cation. We do net place a boy's the great value of those markets. 1913. and was a hehpless charge - daims ahead of bis sister's for we Our favorable trade balance is ov'r upon bis son until bis dea.th on Aug- have since our teac.hing days been a $400,000,000 ,and climbing every ust 30, 1916. His sîster, after a strong advocate of female educationl. day. We seli more than we bu-; and lengtb.,V ilîness, died during the war ~Blest are the children whose mother teCnda olri aka a.i 95 His brother, Dr. Mac- t- is a weli educated woman. We have dougali King, was stricken witb in- s- in mind more particularly children Itl iz refresbing ta read in an edi- fluenza complicated by double pneu- î- in rural homes. City and town tonial from a paper of suLch partisan, mania shortly before the war. This f. cbîldren have superitor advantages politics as the Montreal Star the fol- was followed by acute tuberculosis, for obtaining higber education at lowing: "Dissolution wvas neceasary. land at the age of 35, having become -less expense and under direct par- Let us be glad that we bave it, andj an invalid, bie was obliged ta give up entai influence and supervision. The lay aur plans ta send the fineati1 the practice of bis profession. A country Youtb who goes ta highf braîns the country bas ta pull usi wîfe and twin sons were dependent school, coîlege or university must out of the mire, and legisiate for the I upon bim, and during the whole per- leave home and the daily care and country, not for a party and not fan] iod of the war tbis trouble waa added , counsel of bis or bier parents. He their owninterests". That is a phil-1 Vo the family cares of Mr. Macken- ileaves home and entera upon a new osopby witb a real principle. Unfor-1 zie King. In December. 1916, af- I world with new associations, ideais tunately, littie of that s'pirit wa.s ter the death of bis father, Mr. ,d and conditions. wbere hie will be manifested in the members of the King took bis mother to the Roxbor- rlikely ta do thinga that will make or parliamentr just disaolvedi, irre-spect-1 ougb apartments, Ottawa, ta live mar bis career. ive of the party ta wbicb tbey be- witbh hmn, anti she remained there * * * long.-Acton Free Press. until ber death a year later. He careti As we bave saiti most parents wisb for a blinti fatber. an invalid sister, a. te give their'cbildren a gooti practi-1 The HeratId of Hanna, Alberta, an invaliti brother (with dependents) . cal English eduication, andi fortunate, b.as t his ta ay of the present situa- and an ageti mother. This is the s indeeti, is the boy or girl wbo can go tion: "At this time Canada needa record of tbe man who is chargeti t, ta college, for-as President Lowell men. Witb a general election at witb deserting bis duty. Lof Harvard said at the recent meet- hand, bundretis of candidates bear-I ing of the Associateti Hanivard Clubs ing the variaus party §tripes are -" The time bas passeti wben a man effervescing in their anxiety te be THE QUESTION 0F WAR can ise witbout an education. The electeti, and the publie is being bar- demnant of the public for trained men rasseti day anti night bv a conglomi- The position of the Liberal Party r. is too great. There will be an in-1 erati-on of hidebounti partizans wbose on the question of war is tiefinite. rcrea.sjng demanti for academic edu-1 interest in "the party" for exceeds1 Canada cannet be and would tlot be cation as the country developa and, their sincere desire ta render publiece m ta participation in a for- the work of men becomes more and service. The man who deservesl eîgn war without the consent of par- more specialized". n public support today is that indiviti-1 liament, wbich, L an emergency, Youg pope siold earin-nidjual who can tiefy the party whipl woul be instantly summnoned ta con- oung erple siaucltei eapblieiwhen he is askedtietosupport any ider so grave an issue. owever toat a colegis capable poliey which is not designed in the Mr. Meighen, in bis Toronto ta turnngoubt ta fn thet roducater interests of Canada as a wbole; the speech, declareti he woulti be ready, ilith iscnaibett rkanth.rw" atr man who prefers ta be termed al aye ready, ta plunge the country in- iaal ithwhc i . r ."ou Cannet faithful public servant rather than a ta a foreign war evidently without mak a ilkpurse out a sow~s car", succesaful politican". Another reas-1 regard ta the circunîstances. Btb as the saying goes. ontwby on w* M. H. Staples, Independent seenîs ta bave cbanged bis mind Eduatinas ver wseexpr-Candidate, shoulti be electeti. about that. Coetrelaesek Educatio.. as eîng win HamîltonS'butiilk sngtoad ienceti professor, bigh or public ingi aitn u okn oad school teacher knows meana ta "tiraw Despite Conservative protesta tbat' Quebec, be matie bis startlîng speech out", "net ta, pour in!" So that any there is no canstitutional principle at dteclaring that in tbe event of war, 1 if he were premier, be would let the student wbo thinks ail he bas ta do stake, the bald recital Of events leai-, is sit there and have the teacher in- îng up bo and following dissolution' people decide in general election ject an asgortiment of useful know- of parliament shows clearly that a 1 whether Canada abould enter zhe war letige into bis cranium bas another very vital anti insistent issue has, or not. Then, having said thia in guesa coming. been raised and will net be, evaded.1 Ontario, lbe went inta a Quebec by- The young man whose mnd is a ven admîtng the contention ttiat, electîon and repeatet ili. There the sponge will succeet-the one wboqe the Governor-General acteti in thel matter stands. mind is a sieve will fail. The one criais on the ativice of bis CdaiI antbelf ltit h who thinks of bis work firat anti part- adisors only, we are left wit[î theý leader of the Conservative party ap- iea last will succeeti; the ane wbo re- disquieting proof that aur boast of! pealing ta the country ta be entrust- gards tbe college simply as a u:,ele,, responsible gavernment is an enmpty cd with the prime miniaterabip can- appendage of bis frat will fail. No boast, that at any time a clever1 net leave the people ta guesa vich man can attain the all-around success double jshuffle at Ottawa migbz dis-1 of bis spe eches, diametricaily appas. that can the college man; no faîlure'nis an electeti parliament and leave ced a, tbey are, containa bis policy. is mare abject than the caîlege man1 the reins of governmient in tbe bandaiý The People want te know. They who goes doavn.. of dictators owning no nmandate frami have every right te bc told, aînd they (, *ji- responsibility- ta the Canadian ivwili net be content witb e."asian an a May we at this point venture taoji 'e pie. We are left tu suspect that' queýtion that migbt prove ta he anc repeat the advise of a man who basl instead of evolving a -systein of zelf-i of immense and tragic importance. gon thoug te mii nt knws hegovernnielit, we bave been led up a! toepai t htea stuadn mav met linial~ niaesiia ub - Dmno lineugseet ,,.,~, .~.. - mongIhepersoasentltled i hereto, hav- tiontha webelive oa ew arens j ~ "" ng regard 0111Y ta the daims of wlilch seriously conider-we mean a bu ____________ sh(, shahl then have had notice, and that incas coliege. If we bad a tiozen the sala 1xecutrix 1ami trustee will not sons growing up, we shoultl wish b terleo the' ean 0f who.aor cy prt every onc of tbem ta go ta a good W'. J. DftADJiJ 'ho shahl not then have recelved noti ce,. business College for one terni at DTDAgs 0 96 least, irrespective ofwhit occupation Distict Agent MRAT EDUITH V 9. SOE he intendedti t foliow. We apeak Phone 245w Elgin St Executrix and Truatee under wlil ofi rom experience, too. Bowinanville said deceased. 36-21 rning i1théSmishine" eated Home ETET themn romp and have their pillow fights .j-happy, comf ortable kiddies - in the genial atniosphere of the home heated with correctly humidified warm air, generated in a Sunshine Furnace! No fuel problemn worries the owner of a Sunshine Furnace. With its patented exclu- sive Air Blast Ring it burns either bard or soft coal equally well and with its Cast Iran Construction coke can always be used because no matter how hot the fire there will be no danger of cracking or burning out the furnace. Installed by an accredited McClary's dealer, the Sunshine Furnace is guaranteed ta keep every roomn in the house comfortable and healthful. Write your neareit McClary's Branch for free booklet: "Winter Comfort in Canadian Homes," that will give you ..-...........much intereat- -------------- in g information about heating, - ------ ------ --------- proper installa- *----------------------tion of furnace. sonecessary In solving the prob- lem of comfort n IWnter. The patmnted Air Biit Rins i ta Mdlay.sunshin. Fame. mixesipo.- h«etd air with the vase. and volatau ,(soot) la ,oft cal auing instant combustion with an intennely hot dam.»lt.ebhat cfwb" igla mm."dy 1.11 in the rooms above Sunmshlnme Furnà'ce London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Saint John, Hamiton Cagar, SakatonEdmnto, LierpolEngand Sold in Bowmanville by W. LEN. ELLIOTT See Our Special Sommer Oflering In FURNITURE A CHESTERFIELD SUITE In good tapestry, well made and upholster- ed, marshall cushions and trimmed with blue mohair. A Sale Value at $140.00 A DINING ROOM SUITE Including Table, Buffet, China Cabinet and set of Leather Seat Diners for ..........$oo.oo These values are very special to stimulate summer buying . We Seli Everything In Furniture F. F. Morris Co. Furniture and Home Furnishings Phone 10 Bowmanville nhuss VS BSrLSS ONDITiO N BROUGH'r OR DY THE uRnavuMO. PWONUS AUO RESTORE THE CHILO TO'NORMAL HEALTH. NO NARCOICS..-.PLKASANT AS SUGAR. Phone 489 ONT. 11 PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, SEPTEMiER 9, 1926

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