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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Sep 1926, p. 1

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~rnrna Vol. L&&AJJ n.AU. h .LjAriIJ a o 'iU.J ¶~ A Royal Theatre W.dnenday-Thurad5y, Sept 15-16 Tam Mix In Fridlay-Satmzrday, 9ept. 17-18 "The Johnstoli Flood" Witb George O'Brien, Florence Gilbert and Janet Gaynen. Monday-TuesdSy, Sept. 20-21 Rustling For Cupid" By Peter B. Kyne George O'Brien & Anita Stewart Woduesday-Thuraday, Sept 22.23 Harold Lloyd In "The Frealiman" Friday-SatuTdBy, Sept. 24-25 Buck Jones In "The Deset'a Pnace" Moaday-TueeiI&y, 27-28 "«Miike With Sally.O'Neill Greater Than Mickey Wednesday.Thursdfty, Sept 29-30 "East Lynne" - COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN LTD. When Visiting Our Fair I Next Wednesday I We Invite The Lac 0f Bowmanville And Durham County To Visit Our New Show- Rooms AND INSPECT OUR NEW FALL AND WINTER COATS NEW SILK AND WOOL DRESSES NEW SILK UNDERWEAR NEW DRESS MATERIALS NEW HOSIERY NEW SWEATERS YOU WILL FINI) The mnaterials the very latest- the shades and styles al that you could wish for-and the prices surprisingly moderate. Separate Trousers For Men And Boys Men's Suits and Overcoats, a large assortmnent and extra good values. BOYS' SCHOOL SUITSFROM $695 UP C ouch, J ihnstoii & Cryderman, B owmaSflIle Phone 106 Limftec PROPERTY FOR SALE Modern Brick Veneered Bung- alow, 2 tonies, erected about five years ago; Contains on lower story: Liv- ing-r'oom, dining-room and kit- chen and hall, with hardwood flooring; on upper storey: three good sized bedrooms with square ceilings and amplt closet accom- modation, and commadious bath- room with usual three pieces; verandah across front of bouse; Heating: Pipeless furnace, bot water boiler in kitchen; Electric lighting; Cernent cellar, divided; Hall acre of- land with 13 good Spy apple trees; Cernent walks to front and ide entrances. Oýwner left town and property offered at considerable reduction from original cost. Edith Y. Scobel Bowxuanville Representin< the Sun Lits As- surance Co., and the MaPle Leaf Farinera' Mutual ie Ina. Co., amongst othera. Iing an account in the Penny Banik. Deposits may be rnade wîth the teachers every Monday marning. Thriit >xeeds ta b. encouraged as steadily and persîstently as gaod Imanners or as any other desirable habit. CELEBRÀTE SILVER WEDDING About f orty relatives and iniends Dean Friends--On bebalf ai the company present-. as well as others ai youn man.v friends who are pre- vented by dmnumsances f mmjoin- ing witb us in person, we desine ta extend to yau aur congratulations and good wislies on this the anniver- sanv ai your wedd-*iig day. Twenty-five years ago-a quarter ai a century-C0n15 a long time, but in looking back it is as only yes- terday, that we reniember wben you st-exted on the eve'itful journey ai married lufe. Yet, during that- time, no daubt yau have had exper- iences common toa al umnnity for with non. ai us is it pennit-t-ed ta enjoy ail sunshine. Sometimnes the clouds will gather and we must real- ize the wisd>m ai accepting the bit- ter with the 3weet and those ai us who know you best can testiiy that byr yaun unfailing good natures and kînd dispositio)ns vau have bath made the maut ai the biglit 'ide af ifhe and smaoth out the dark anmd difficult laces for eacb a'er in a spirit of lave and forbearance that- las ne- sulted in bappiness and undying bonds ai atteetion- May a kind Providence preserve your lives ion mariy years ta came and may the fuzure bie filled -Nitli joy and bappiness is the sincere wisb ai ahi y-our friands. As a slight token ai aur respect and goâdwill, w. ask you ta accept of this little git, trusting that as you see these articles jnyour daihy home lufe you wilI renienîber thus. occaEion and have a kindly theught for those wbo have so unceramoniausly taken possession ai yaur home t-is even- ing. Mn. and Mrs. Oebamne in short speeches acknawledged the gits anîd expresaed their appreciation for t-is unepected honor and urpiae, Datnty refrealiments were ait-er- wardu served b;j the ladies and an enjoyabie evening waa aent in so- cialI Intencouree. Guegta were present :tramr Hamil-1 ton, Newmsrket, Queenivllle, Toron- to sd Bowmanville.1 by surprise at their home, 1074Co- lège St., Toronto, Thursday evering, Sept. 9th. to join with thern in cele- brating the 'twenty-fifth aniversary of their marriage. Mr. J. J. Mas- on of Bowmanville, called the com- pany to order and read the foll.,wing address, after which Mrs. Wm. H. Osborne, Bowxnanville, mother of the groom, on behlaf of- the friends as,- sembled presentad the couple being lionored with a beautiful Silver Tea Service and Tray. ACK TO STANDARD TIME K rYI CHARMI PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWS B. nuar It ealoslyPupils are anxiously Iooking for-1 ery woman can be beauti- ward ta achool parade at Bawman- !ery waman can have that ville Fair. laý med appeanance that is s0 Enrolîment at school opening was re re ta be desired than mere just one short ai 600 piipils, whicb ai Let us belp yau bringi included aven 50 new pupils. a best. We will be glad ta Miss Olga Tod, the newly appoint- Dý u as ta what treatmients youi ed scho-ol nurse, comnmenced lier dut- ol $ ies with opening af achool and is ai- >bbing, shampooing, ýcl ready praving popular witb teachers th s, marcel waving, manicur- and pupils. hc facials at pnices that are MmNiVteat.enai ,te" ireacli of every woman.anr. ne mSembaratedteahinghe cialist who cleverly inter- fol e ebro h ec ingP Lr personality. Phone 131 staff cSming bene from Salem Seboolfi ntment. yyith a very saccessful record. He el sHair Dressing Parlors is in charge of senior class at South t Bowmanville. Ward School. -- While the addition of t-vo roams b ta scbo-ol is being conxpleted tempor- bi JCTION SALE ary quarters have been secured in n Ly, Septemben îSth.-The "The Gare". Tliirty-five pupils are Sand liousebold effects of in attendance with Miss Mildned James Bennett Estate wil ICale, teacher. 1% is samewhat af )y public auction at 1 p. mi. a coincidence that this bouse was te nesidence, Chuncli St., in- awned by Miss Sarahi Mooncrait who La er piano, bedio-om suites, wias highly esteemed and suc.essful E ,p organ, etc. Tenms teacher for many years.c See advt. on another page. Executive cf the. West Durham 1 W. J. Challis, Auctioneen. Teachers' Institute were guests ai b Jay, September 23rd--Cred- the. Bowiman ville Public School u nsale ai f orty head of fresh teaching staff at a banquet held at rs anid springers, the proper-I Bosvman. Hanse, Wednesday, Sept. ver Denrny, lot 24, con. 4.1 8, wben a very enjayable time was 'p. Thiis is a choice lot ai1 spent. Following the banquet an- b Se. bills. Sale at 1:30 rangements were made and pnogm Vm. Maw. Auctioneel'. 37-1 outlined for Teachers' Convention ta t FOctober lat-Jai. B. Fow- be hehd in Bowma.nvlile, October 7- - il, con. 4, Darlingtoon, havy 8. It is expected aven 100 teacheru - bis iarm will seIl al of bis will attend the. convention. i id implements. Se. list Few ai aur citizens are aware ek. Wni. J. Challis, Auet-' that Mn. H. L. Quinn, wbile Mayor o f Bowmanville in 1921, very gen-j erously donated te the centre scbool( a set ai teeten-tatters ion thbe girlse and a giant stnide f or the 'boys. These populan ýplay-ground equip- ment are almoat in constant use dur- ing recreatian heurs and are gneatiy appreciated by the pupils. Recently the Board had metai plat*s on whicb were inscribed the donor's name and attaclied ta these artiocles mentioned. Il there is another generous hearted citizen in town wh«o wants ta bring joy ansd happiness ta the. pupils at the Sautb Ward School a slide or other equipment would be moat ac- ceptable. New negulations bas heen adopt- ed by the Penny Bank management wbereby scbaols will be rated accord- ing ta number ai pupils making de- posits instead oi amount of deposit from eacb scbaal. f First deposit for t-bis term was made Manday d ites amounting ta nearly $100 Deposit for months ai May and June wene $193.23 and $121.10, respectiveiy. Parents will do well ta start theiri M . 1 nn li.4.io1haitsb oe SUNDAY NIGHT Wben you put the cat aut and ock the doors Sunday nîglit bei are etining don't f orget ta, set aill docks i id watches back one bour to stand- K td t-he-for at midnigbt, Sept. 19 pq 3ayligbt Saving Time ceases for an- B ther year. D Witli many and we judge by far l' i.e majority af citizens in taNin t-he g iope is expressed that neyer again W '111l fast tume be forced upon the n eople ai t-bis cammunity witbout v rst giving tbem an apportunity ta b Drnss their views an t-be subject. Tii. Stat-esman suggests that at me next municipal election at New Years that a Daylight Saving by-law be submitted ta the people ta get the opinion ai the electars an t-bis îucli debated subject. c a TAG DAY ON FAIR DAY e Members ai Bowmanville Fineî Brigade have permission froni Town Council ta liold a Tag Day on Fair Day, Wednesday, September 22nd. M'oney raised in this way will be sed t-oward buying new uniiorms for finemen. It is hoped t-bat citizens wilh give ,ibe.rally ta this iund as t-le local brigade is a valunteer organization- wbo give fneeby ai their services te protect t-el ives and praperty witbm the town. It is often a ser- vice ai sacrifice in time and maney in whicli the firemen are subjectea ta danger. a Let citizens, therefore, show their appreciation ion this service by wel- coming taggers and make thbe lumit aif their contributions anywhere from 25e up. DOMINION STORE CELEBRATES As will be seen in anothen colunn the 415 Dominion Stores in Ontario and Quebec are celebrating this week t-be 7tb anniversary ai apening their popular chain oi gnocery st-ores. Mn. Gibert Jones, t-le accommodating local manager, is cooperating witli the other stores bv celebrating the occasion with a gigantic anniversary sale in which higb qualitg and iow pyrices are being ieatured thruout the star. The Dominion Store at Bowman- ville lias showed a steady increase in business since apening its doors ber. five years aga. As prc-,>f of this grawing t-rade the coanpany bas leased for a terni ai yegns arger .quartens wbich. are alsa more cen- Strally lacated at the corner store in the. Gowan Block, opposite Post Offi- ce. Extensive alterations are be- ling rushed ta completion in these .premises in order that t-he store may 1be accupied early in October. Ladies, you are invited ta the Pait MilIlnery Openings at DlngmS.n & Bd- .mondatone's on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 17 and 18th. WORTH SELLING 'S WORTH TELLING ADVERTISEI Advertise what you are doing. Advertise what you expect to do. AdVertise your old goods and move 1 ý thern. -I' Advertise your new goods and sell them before they get old, Advertise to hold old trade. Advertise to get new trade. Advertise when business is good to make it better. Advertise when business is poor to keep it frorn getting worse. Advertising is not a "cure-ail." Advertising is a preventive. Advertising does not push, it pulls. Advertising to pay* must be consistent and persistent.. Corne in and get particulars vertising service. iriui2tan 'UA0f1I Phone 53 T vvTT A A TIE'ýQ, grQSONS.Piilishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1926 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No. 37 TAKE WA 1 lG UaIwfuf T«±âm Pigeeap Bownmanvmfe Hemslng Club wlii te advse the. public t-bat they wîft tak. action againat any porson.aiiooting m ne M ngingto it membera. ovirtec thmeeventbeyfiel it ne- ceSsa-y t4 take t"ie "ton. Minlimm fine la $20.00 and coste fen ehooi domestie blrda. 8 7-1ilw i - ,,.ý -Il.", - ý I uu:+Ii l-, 1-t-5h T-.lrrnrated Tne Bowmanville News 'ING GOVERNMENT SUSTÀINED Bowen Re.Iected in Durham The peuple have spoken. The ederal elections art over. The ing Grovernment is returned to ti îwer witli a working majority. Fred owen, Conservative candidate in urham County is reelected by over 000 'majority. Tory supportersp rt a kick out of the local victory 'hile Grits had the thrill of win-f ing in the wider amena and being b rturned to power. Now back to business as usuaL. si FIRE TRUCK ARRIVED a The mucli talked of fire truck pur- s chased saine tine ago bvy the town p arrived here for duty Monday morn-( ing after being gazed upon by the million and a half people who attend- v ed the Canadian National Exhibition 1 where it was on display by the Bick- le ,Goldfredson Companies. It is certainly a grand looking fire fighting apparatus. But looks do not count mucli in putting out a lire. The truck was therefone put-to the test as ta its variaiLs performances and in eacb case it measured up to requinements with plenty tu spare. ,Citizenrs were greatly interested and elated in the demonstrations given along the main etreets Mori- day afternoon and evening. The truck lias speed ta burn and can thnow a couple streams of water over Bo-wmanville's highest skyscrapîýr1 with the greatest of eaise. Fire Chief Edger and bis brigade will be "At Home" at the fire hall each evening this week from 8 ta 10 p. m. ta enable citizens to inspect the truck. The firemen are to be coxnmended on the interest and pride tliey are taking in their work and the improvemen ttliey have made in cleaning and redecorating the fine hall. 50 YEARS IN BUSINESS It required a second thougit; on the part of many people ta realize that the familv cf Samuel Mason, Sr., bad been in the. ory gods bus- iness in Bowmanville for 50 year- haîf a century. Buriing tliat tixne the busines as been under the direction of four generations. Such an epic in a firm's histury should not b. passedl by without comment. S. W. Mason & Son are therefore celebrating the event. by .invîting the citizens of Bownianville .anid vicinity ta jain with them in holding a store-wide 50tb Anniver- sany Jubilee Sale. This sale is by way of g celebration and apprecia- tian of the patronage and *confidence rthe buying public bas bestowed ini this finm. Rather than encrouch on the bis- tory ai this 50th Jubilee Sale we wiil 1let the finm tell its own interesting svow v by directing y-our attention ta page 3. Miss Winnie Oke bas been holiday- ng et lier home in Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Aitchison and Eiss Aileen Parker are visiting rela- ,ves at Clifford. Miss Gerda Svanefelt, Toronto, ient the weekend witb Miss Gladys Palmer, Ontaria-st. Reserve Tbursday, Octobèr 7th For the Companions of the Forest bazaar. Particulans next week. Miss M. M. Armour who spent the 3mmer at Bowmnville-on-the-Lake returned ta Toronto on Monday. Mrs. W J3. Rosevear, West Tor- onto, spent Monday with ber uncle nd aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brock. Mr. Wmn. Catar af The Reformer staff, Oshawa, bas been holidaying with bis parents, Mr. and Mns. F. Catog, Salem. Bazaar at St. John's Parish Hall will be held on Friday, November 12. Don't f orget the date. Watch for particulars later. Wben visiting aur Fair don't fail to see the lovely stock ai new Fali and Winter goods. Couch, John- ston'1 & Cryderman. Mrs. B. M. Warnica and Mise E. E. Haycraft apentetii. weekend with, the forn.«'à daugbter. Mrs. J. F. George M Smitbfield. Mrs. V. A. Galbraith w;h bas spent the sunirer at her cottage at Port Biowmanville bas returned te bier home in Toronto. Mrs. M. J. Redman, nephew Al- bert James, Detroit, Micii.,Mm. John James and grand-daughter Miss Alice James, Columbus, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. A. James, Lamne Villa, recently. Her sehool chuins and friends will be glad ta know that Misa Florence Bennett, grand-daugbter af Mn. and, Mrs. Casey TruIl,'Tii. Grange, Dar- lington, who fell from ber bicycle while onier way ta Bowmanville High School receiving a ý badly wrencbed ankle, is recovering nie- ly. Mr. Jas. Jolliffe, Mr. and Mme. Chas. Joiliffe and daugliter Una, Mr. and Mrs. John Jolliffe, Mr. and Mn,. Chas. Gloven and daugbtem Dorothy, Mn. and MmRsBoy Wight and famnily,. Miss Lillie Jolliffe, Mn. Albert Jo!- lif e and frieiid, Toronto, spent Sun- day witb Mn. A. W. Ailin, Carlisle Ave. Mn. and Mrs. Wesley'Oke, Mm. and Mrs. Walter Oke, Mrs. W=. 0ke, Mr. Albert Oke, Enniskillen, Miss Elsie 0ke, Toronto, Mm. and Mrn. J. Gyreer, 'Bunketon, Mr.- Richard Avery, 'Hampton, Mr. and ýMrs. Jas. Oke, Orona,'attendéd the fimneral ai the late Byron 0ke at Lakepont on Sun day. Congratulations ta Mr. Robt. Walton Newcastle, on winsiing the. SiverM meal which le- second place in the baritone co«npetition at Can- adiami National Exhtboitioin anid was 1awarded the. Scholarship for the out- ,standing male voice in ail classes- ,tenor, basa and baritone-open com- Spetitian ta ail Canada. He is a p1u- pl of Mn. T. W. Stnley, Port Hope, .formerly organist and choir director of Trinity United Cbumch Choir, Bo'wmanville. MINI STERS eAND CHURCIIES Trinity Churici, Rev. J. U. Rob- in, Pastor, wiil preach at il a. m. and 8 p. m. on Sunday. Sunday Scmool at 2:30 p. m. St. Paul'. Cburch. Bey. D. W. Beut, D. D., Minister. il a. M.- "Willing Minda". 8 P.,=.--"The Second Adam". Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Rally Day s3ervice. St. Andrew's Presbyterlan Church, corner Temperance and Church Sta. Bev. Robt. McDerment, M. A., min- i3ter. Morning Worshlp il a. m. Evening Worslýip 8 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Bey. J. U. Robins, Paster ai Trin- ity Cburch preached in King St. United -Church, Oshawa, on Sunday mamnîng for Bey. C. W. DeMille who suffered bereavement by the, death of bis little son last week. Trnity United Chumci congrega- tian were greatly pleaied by the. splendid sermon preeented by Mn. H W. Pointen, a- prabetioner for the niinistny, on Sunday mamning in the absence ai the pastor. Rem. Mm. Robins wga in bie own pupit in the evening and preacbed a very helpiol sermon. St. John's (Anglican) Cburch. Rectar, Bey. R. J. Shines, M.A., B.D. l6th Sunday aiter Triaity, Septem- ber l9th-Harvest Festival Services.1 il a. m.-Holy Communion and Ser- mon. 2.30 p. m.--Sunday School. 7 p. m.-Evening Prayer and Ser- mon. Special muuic at bath ser- vices. Mr. Cymil Rice will slng. Short Organ Recital aifter evening service. , 1 s of our ad- man zht lit

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