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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Sep 1926, p. 2

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PAGE TWOTHE CANADIAN STATF.SMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, SEPT. l6th., 1926. NOTICE I arn propared to suppIy your needs for almost ail kinds of fuel. No. 1 CHESTNUT COAL HARD AND SOFT WOOD CARTING DON£ Blake Wilkins King St. W. Bowmanville Phono 340 Good Prices FOR POULTRY Don't seli your poultry until you have first con- sulted me. I arn prepared to buy any quantity of poultry at good prices, and if you have fat hens will give ex- tra good price. Phone 81, Whitby, and reverse charges,ý or drop a card and I will cail. ' 1. STEIN Whitby ont. Protect Them 1 It is the duty of every husband and father to protect the future wel- fare of those he loves. Provide for their future. Insure their future. t is the unexpected that ai- ways happens. Tomorrow may be f00 late. For an insignificant sum you can protect your home against destruction, your posses- sions against loss-ycur life against death. See us today. Life Insurance Company W. J. BRADD District Agent Phone 245w Elgin St. Bowmanville A "Rebuit- Service" permits outgrown Huributs to be enlarged a full size. Your deal- er wil be glad to show you how, for a small charge, you can have a rebuit shoe alrnost as good as new. Do flot [forget that Huributs can now be secured Up to Size 7 for Growing Girls and Size 5'/z for Boys. 4 We nof only sell, but recoin- mnend thein. Fred. Knox, BOWMAN VILLE ONT.1 After taking 1000 ZUTOO IABL!IS Says they are Ilarmless lira. (Dr) Shurtîcif, of Coaflcook, ayg ..I mut have taken 1000 Zutoo Tableti. Âfter trying every remedy within reach, 1 di-carded the= aIl four yeaai&go for ZUTOO, which I have fakemi oves- aime. 1 fimd thectabeta har=osnd -À os a'enedy for ail kinda f i0a1 o. ,93 cents per box-lat &U dualm. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Denfistry Toront o University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King St., Bowmanviile. Office phone 40. House phono 22. DR. J. C. DEVITT Graduate of Royal Dental Coliege, Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- manville. Office hours 9 a. mn. to 6 p. m. doiiy except Sunday. Phone 90as. House phono 90b. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and member of Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Licensed to practise in Ontario and the Domin- ion. Dentistry in ail its branches. Offmce-King St,, Bowmanv1lie, op- posite Bank of Montreal. P'hone 301. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to loan on Farm and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanviiie. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Succestor to lat. D. B. Simpacn, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan Phono 91 Bowma.nville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to boan. Bonds for sale. Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phonos: Office 102, House 409. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Coenplete Molor or H orse Equipment <~) Ail cails promptly attended to. \U~~' Private Ambulance \~V/ Bowznanville phone 'T' 10 and 34 Orono & Newcastle ALA4 M. WILLIAME Embalmer and Funeral Director. Calîs given prompt and personal at-i tention. No extra charge for dis-1 tance. Phonos 58 or 159, Bowman-i ville, Ont. 3-tf.i MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Goid Medaisf of Trinity Universit y, Toronto. Four years aftending Phy- sician and Surgeon af Mt. Carmel Hospital, Piftaburg, Ka. Office and1 Residence, Welngton Street, Bow-' manville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., ýC. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical Colbege, Toronto, formerly of Enniskilien. Office and Residence, Dr. Boit l'a former residence on Churcli Street, Bowmanville. Phono 259. 44-t. VETERINARY DR. F. «". TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Niglit colis prompfby affonded to. Office: King Sf. East, Bowmanville. Phono 243. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Se. Oroo flonor Graduate of University of Toronto. Ail cases given prompt and careful attention. Office- Dr. McElroy's former office. Phones: Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farm and House Sales a Specialty. Terms moderato. Enniskillon P. O. Phone 197r3. 1-tf.1 WILLIAM MAW Licensed Auctioneer Having met with considerable suc- cess in conducting sales for the pamt 19 years, I now offer my services to the people of Bowmanville and vic- int. For terms and dates see F. 0. blason, Bowmanvilie, or phono 1111, Whitby, Ont. 12-t. School Supplies We have a complete stock of High and Public Sehool Text Books Scribblers, Exeî'cise and Loose Leaf Note Books. Buy your wants early. W. T. Allen "Big 20 Bookstore" Bowmanville '.%r. Baîreft's article begins as foi- bows: While tolking f0 a lad of 1eighfeen, net long ago, I asked himi 9wliaf lie intended to make of hîmi- self. He frankiy admitted that lie did not know. He said that lie ini- tended f0 go flirougli college, and by thaf time he lioped lie wouldebe able to make up lis mmnd what lis 11f e caling would be. Now, surely if is o disadvanfage for a boy fe reoch the age of eight- een and net know wliat lis work i0 ife e. e f0 h. Great advanfages are certainly connected with an eoriy do- cîsion on Vhis importanýt question. The mai oritv of boys need direct- ion hy older heads wlion they coirnei f0 the age when such decisions arel fe ho mode. As a rule, parents arei poor advisers when if comes Vo de- ciding what avocation their chiidrenl shail enter, A Y.M.C.A. worker who lias beeni making a survey in one of our big chfies, makes the statement ft ffy per cent of higli achool boys wouldl become lowyers. doctors or dentists, if fleir parents liad thoir woy. Thisi shows fhe ambition of parents f0e have their boys enfer upon prof os-I siaonal work. This la unfortunafe, for our stores musf have salesmen, and our factories certaimly calI for skiiled . mechanica. Happily, we have splendid mon who are înterested in our boys, and are willîng Vo glve them wiso direction in regard Vto floir life work. Hoe e an exampIe of fhe ques- tionnaire whicl la being submifted te higl adhool students-"What, is your favcrite sport? Are you ambi- tious te be captaîn? Are you a feam mon? Are you wiiing to foIlow instructions or do you reIy upon your own judgrment? Ia 1V easy for you to make now friends?j: Are you happier witli ofler people 1 lorion wll --e--if nytinohrn" ~d-uz lut ieyLv +i,,n,, =,i 4. a .ana orwen ltone? ridiculous than teir antagonisinto ugly. Yorivn AntSa. Rstsosurveys show that boys thle u eofmoouvhire lodev- ing____ d o n t ta k e t o te a c h i tg n o r w a n t t o c a d e s a go f a p p a sto d a y. ' Bs w o e NU R C M I G O T O R O sN T ho newspoper men. There are also aoapastdy oniya vry ewwho spie f hoor-Greatest 0f Ail Screen Successes tîsts. Electrical engineering is the WHAT VALUE ARE STATISTIC?____ most foscinofing field for the major- DieCfomSYr, veei ity of young aspirants after busi- Fo ietotmDehaerprs iretow in eth orknfhe road- ness success. In other days boys' Fto the ffe totterwehave beeortsi0 w in "B enHr" ontes o Boae wanted to be engaged upon trains, i eteefc htthr aebe o a, BnHr enst h order that thev miglit fravel, but mo many persans born or died in a giv- Princess theotre, Toronto, on Mon- if ls soid that they can get Qll they en period and comparison is made day nighf, Septemiber 13, beginning want ouf of trovel by_ oro yngwith other similar periods of time a limited engagement. An organi-1 dad's car.y orwn for the purpose of showin.g whether1 zation of 35 people is coming wifh The future looks hopeful as for there lias been iniprovement or the much-discussed soreen spectacle, as geffing our boys in th eir right otherwise. t is fairly evident, including a large symphony orches- place is concerned. If is a terrible howover, that the publication only of tra, and if wili be staged iii exact handicap for- any mon Vo find affer a mass of stotistics is of no practical roplica of ifs New York presenta. years of preparation that hie is in his value. Figures as sucli are of no fions. There wiil lie two perform- wrong place. This should noever lie definite service unleas somo practi- ances daiiy affor the opening, hogin- allowed te occur. cal use is mode of tliem. For in- ning af 2:30 and 8:15 and ail seats Every normai lad lias lis talents1 stance, f0 state that thore have been wililibe reserved. which wiil fit him for efficiency in se~ many occidents -on saws or on As a :stage play, "Ben-Hur" foured some work in lifo, and happy la lie printtng presses or on drop liammersý the principal North American cities, if le finds thaf place. There is no may provide an interesting topic of for more thon tfwenfy years ' boaving sense in fring to makre a practical conversation or may, if properly sho:fered boxoffice records in ifs mechaznicalrtyeoaboapofay used, point ouf the necessary correct-I wake. Ifs weil-remembered chariot more thon f0 fhrust a hien into a pond ive measures. A close analysis ofi race scene wherein Ben-Hur humbl- and expect lier f0eswiM like a duck. any given subjecf such as accidents' les hie enomy, the proud Roman If you are a boy and noV quito will reveal information of ýextremel soldier, Messala, wos staged by Met- sure of what your life work sliould value. To say that 6,217 pers .onsl ro-Geldwyn-Mayer in a greaf circus be, I wou]d advise you to consuit aJ were injured in industry in fouls inl Maxinu-s that held 100,000 people. Y. M. C. A. hoy's secretary. lany givon period does not convoy al Alfogother, the service of 150,000 greaf doal of information but to, people were employed during the state that 242 were injured througli three yeare consumed in making the IN TH EDIOR'SMAIL failure of defective scoffoiding, fIat1 picture in Ifaly and California. The INTH EITR' MIL 613 were injured through folie on production cost exceoded four mil- Mr. . J.Huggnsstairs, provides definife information. lcn dollars-more thon double the Mr . .HggnCourtice, who If any considerable nuniher of per-rcos- of any film production up f0 this lias been visifing in fhe United sons are injured bocause of improperl time. States writing from Yakima, Wa2h- scaffolding, if la necessary te tae The aIl-star casf of "Ben-Hur" in- ington, soya: 11I have been enjoyîngý steps to improve such scaffoldilng. cludes Ramon Novarro in the role cf your paper for tliree montha at If severai hundred persons are injur- the charioteer hemo; May %IcAvoy os Grand Forks, North Dakota. Am ed. each year flirougli lack of bond- Eýther .his sweetheart; Francis X. sorry I won't be home Vo mark my rails on stairs, such liandrails should, Busîmnan as 'Messala; Betty Bronson ballot for Mr. Stapies, thie first one bie provided. as the Madonna and Carmel Myers I have missed since Dr. McLaughlin Efforts are being mode frcmn time as Iras. the Egs-ptian temptrs. and W. P. Prower were in fhe race. t iet euemr ttjtcl nadtfnt h hiln hro This is a grea- fruit heit. I have inorfmetif0 anecre moe stidstcal ltace dît no f e sthrilleys che picked peadhes and prunes off the Iinora ion akncaoadilantins frý- raceh, tce omaesaentrgalevsf samne tree. Some peaches measuredvtoday diesmakigornîplaf n d'or, se igî.te Rnan uperndriîg Jer il inches arotsnd and Wolf River ap- orisde S, oenmentheaverage! Sunaiei re thtLal supe and ain pIes 15 1/2inches around and 6 inches exeothe se. Sometîes the avderage'st nda ice eilcrag e tacu;- ar. throgh. Hereit s lke i wa nthow much use is bcbng made of titi. $1. 50 at the- nigzht performances and home asf year-big crop, por preifrainan,,,imynt rmScb.100a h-nane a:.d slow to moe. Thex' irrit '( nomto n a rmynt fei;)ct 10 ttenaies the- land. -, Ncw týe3; are hayinz register a protest o.gain..f the pilîngt Seafs foi al] peifrtnt r alfalfa for the- third time. Ami go- up of figures without any pracficall on sale St the- hux ffi -e phtone, El- ing Vo Oakland, California, Vo visit use ht-itg made of tht-m. Figu res ý gin 1700. Mail ordeis will be mv sîsters and wiîî write 001 I. relafing to aceidents are being use& 1 arefully filled. g. inb a parc ical way in Ont arlo. Speaking ot the Industrial Acý:dent1 Mle' on (ý-esd o EVER NOTICE THIS? Prevention Conference in Washing-; neMthefer' 1 Worm of dezrrdoilonr ton fotnigt ao . B.Moreya ny purgative to- coîîtpleto their Did vou t-ver pause in a post office Gent-rai Manager of tht- ,ndutrial1 hruhes eaettyaeto' long enough f0 take o squin: at the Accident rrovention Asseiafions, og ntenev'- n oeo fluor s;.ortly affer a numnber of peop- (Ontario), told how tht- Associaticçr ou t-h ind themsel e Ond palof le have received their miail? operating uîtder fhe authorît y of th-nian thv ilhefud po elibebhalcilrn tl n h If you have you were probabIy Workmien's Compensation Acf are w ablerob~'ale chmin gvthbend tht-1h struk bv tht- nunther of circulors investigting occidents reported byand hoîvels untenable f0 the para-1 and formn letters ani land bibis thaf industry to the Compensation Boardi sites. And nof only tMs, but tht- littered if up. In fac~t ycu doubt- and, based on these invesftgafînns,jpîd-' ibe crtnfo x-t less were struck wifh the fact fIat hoxv the organizafion sntaking rùu ý- od eneiil inleceaint fI exi- many of tht-m hadlht-en fhrown in conmetdations for tnt- intproveient g stive orgons. fIe basket a3 soon as theý- were re-'of conditions. Such use of stati.s- nxoved front the envelope, the rt-ci- tcs o f reai value to industry i0 pit-nt never ent-fakitr.g tht- trouble this country. to give the-m a secondl glance. O T A E S L But did ou alMORTGAGEi SALE- 1 ou a,,U tnotet.t Lyou 1deidnt sel(anynne fhro-iigtghfe ut-ws- papeis anîd especialiy tht- honete fwn ncwspapcis in the %vwas:e basket ni' on the floor? Did vou notice flot itt-sspapers are always carried away imsfcad of tossed away? Weil, rigîf th-rt- is a mighfy gond argu- nient in favor of advertising in the- local newspaper. The circubar lot- tex-a cosfiy form tof advertising- goes into fhe wasfe basket. The honte-rown paper goes loto the home. Rentemnber flic and spend your ad- vorfising money accordingly-Brus- sels Post, Corne cripple the feet and make walking o torture, yet sure relief in fIe shape of Hollowoy's Corn Re- miover is within readli of ail. Fly-Tox the place where you throwl your garbage and refuse. FIG-LAX TABLETS are used with wonderful suco.s ini the treatment of constipation, gastric and intestinal indigestion, torpidity of the liver and h.ad. ache, due ta such conditions. 25 and 50 Cents At Druggias UNDER ANDI 13Y VIRTUE 0F THE Po-WVr-tS 0F SALE conîained ln two certain mortXages whlch will he mpro- duced nt the lime of sale. there will be sold t-y public auction nt the- Office of NI. G. V. GOIJLf, Solicitor, i3owman- ville. on FAIDAY, TH-E 17TH DAY 0F SEPTEMBER, 1928, at 21 p.m, by Tht-o. M. SIt-mon. Alie- tioner, lihe south hlaitof lot 201, 4onces- sion 6, Township of Darlington. TERMS:-10% et purchase nney at the time of sale. 40% within thirty days thereafter and- the remainder elîher ln cash or at lte option. of the puroltosor may remaîn on mnortgage ot 7% per an- num. Th,, property wlIl be sold subjeet te a reserve bld. For further particulare and conditions of sale apply to M. G. V. OOULD, Barrister, Etc., Bowmoanvtlle, Ont. Septemb6r, 192. - THE EDITOR TALKS Our Talk last week was to parentý on choosing a cailing for their sons. If is rather a remarkabie coincidence that in the iasf issue to hand of the best paper for young Conadians known to us-"On-tard"-pubished at The United Churcli Publishing House, Toronto, af $1.10 a yesr, is- sued weekly and well illustrafed, there appears an article on a similai subject-A Life Calling-by H. W. Barrett, M. A., that is quite differeni but is s0 very interesfing and covers points untouched in our article thal we are publishing if for tlie benefit of our young men and womnen readers, feeling very certain that ifs perusal wiil start manv of theni thinking seriously of their future career. Mr. Barrett's suggestion te consuit a Y. 'M. C. A boys' secretary choose is good for city boys. But country boys have no access to sucli persons, hence must seek other ad- vis ors. intern'ai and External Pains DTHMSEC CTCare PrompotIy r.ieved b m~a la A TETMIATATSAU OfUS UUMEAOUS CURATIVE QIIALIYIL I. SeeOur Special Sommer Oflering In FURNITURE A CHESTERFIELD SUITE In good tapestry, wet1 made and uphoister- ed, mai-shaH ceushions and trimmed with blue mohair. A Sale Value at $1 40.00 A DINING ROOM SUITE Including Table, Buffet, China Cabinet and set of Leather Seat Diners for ..........$100.00 These values are very special to stimulate summer buying . We SelI Everything In Furniture F. F. Morris Co. Furnitwre and Home Furnishings Phone 10 Bowmanville r-lmzý SENTIMENT HAS CHANGED AUNT SUSAN'S WEEKLY LETTER ýHow Auto& Were Regarded 22 Yearsil Over sensitiveness in one nerson Ago. l is often the cause of mucli trouble e in homes, but more trouble to the e The following report and editor-, person who has ths sort of nature. 9lai appeared in June 1904, editionsi It is a wretched handicap to a free d of the Newcastle Independent:* and easy mind because it seerns ai- 9 "Farmers in the vicinity of New-, ways to be ready to. whip up the castie, Ont., are quite wrathy overl imagination and cause the one soý the automobiles. The fax-mers ofý troubled to ever be on the alert for Newtonville have had a meeting and1 siights and fur anything that might petitioned the Ontario Legisiature i tend to annoyance.1 t at pohbit use of automobiles on the'pJThe peeuiarity of very sensitive I t The Newcastle Independent adds: things that hurt and make thern mis- t"Is if not time something was doneý erable far oftener than those thingsi 1 to put a stop to the automobile bus- that give joy. -9 iness? They are becoming such Tht1 n eso h o e * a urs toVhecoutrytha wecon1 lieve others are against you and in- not stand it; we can compare them ug hs obdfny osc n to nothing but a lawiess gang of duigeL this nxu oi fanc oasuch an *hoodium5 and stop they must, for 'et ethtyucpsince. yca tt 3there is a vein of the old Blazer 1iea vr hne Bbood beginning to houl in Durham,, If you are so afflicted the ieastl as we find theýse people have no re- look, word. or even silence will gard for us or our horses, and when make you at once assume somethiing1 the latter are frightened, they is intended to hurt you; should oth-1 laugh like a quartef of idiots. But ors talk together seemingly to i.g-ý with your shot guns and barbed wire nore you . for a littie tîme you the laugli may turn. Corne on boys, straightway jump to the conclusion -and use thern as demons and not as that you are not wanted, and followî human beings. We defy any earth- that up by wNorking your self into' IY Power te give them permission' miser3r. to run over our roads, and we must Very f oolish indeed. Then you doi rmake an example of a few of them more harm than good by demandingý before a caîl to arma is given". oxpianations and by insisting on un- The Canadian Motorist points out derstanding other's feelings towards, that the antagonism of formers foi you.1 motor vehicles* two decades ago i3. The best fhing 1 can suggest is thati paralleled foday by their opposition you reason within yoursell and fry f0 Iights-"n-all-vehicIes legisiation. and make excuses for the bhlaviori The automobile has seen, is and wiliI of those who you think are purposeiy' be inerçasingly more of a boon fo 1 annoying you; do this every time1 faimers than to urbanites. Yet witi-j you get that tou.chy hurt feeling,l i n the memory of practicaIlly ail and thon resoiufely shut your eyes1 Imotorists, farmers were more of al to their manners. .I united block in opposing the use Of -Ti svr iFcl.adee moas or pro'po th nentshoveprac- when reason will admit your mistake! aopponentsorpopensf a- the hart wiil remain; but after aý itically anything ince. hl o ilfnta yureon; Many readers wil recali that the swhiiepoabvli find lt tleu are early good roads meetings hel.d b ta- ssc ept ing.evr ititig the Motor Leagues made progress in, spite of agrarian Opposition. How' The value of sensitivenessià great complefe was the relatively recent whon it is trained te quickly notice transition is best indicated, probabIy, beaufy in sights and sounds which by tlie facts that a farmers' govern- abound ail around us., ment undertook the most amnbitious Tity to turn your mmnd outward1 provincial road building programme away from yourself, and s0 make' ths country lias seen and that yearsj your aimost abuiormal sensitiveness ago the farmers passed al other a gift for your own good înstoad clauses in the ownership of motor of one to do you harm.1' vehicies. A person who is sensitive to what No other doasa would benefit as is loveIy and splendid-no mnatter mucli from lights..on-the-vehicles as how smaIi-even the song of birds,l the farmers. They bear the heav- the changing colors of the clouds, lest toIl as a resuit of collisions on the beauty of an insect, and ail thel the roads and hiKhways due to light- wonders of Nature-is neyer reolly bass vehicies. If is surtprisingji onely, but bas sonething that others thereforo, th4t they are not the chef with blunfed sensitiveness con rover champions of the iiglits-on-all-vehic- intensely enjoy. les cause, instead Of remnaining as Therefore a sensitive person meed practically its only opponents. ncst be a nuisance to himseif and oth- iln another decade their obstruc- ers but even a heip in seeing what tion of lights-on-ail-.vehi'cles legis-' is good in others and in the world, 4 PAGE TWO

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