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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Sep 1926, p. 4

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PAGE 4 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, SEPT. l6th.. 1926. ________________________________________ - I Specials for Saturday SEPTEMBER 18TH., 1926 Electrie Range, Reg. $173.20, Sale Price $120.00 Electric Range, Reg. $151.40, Sale Price $ 72.00 Cleveland Bicycle, slightly used $45.00 Sale Price $ 35-00 One each Wool Motor Rug ,Reg. Price $11.00 and $11.20,..............Sale Price $8.35 and $É.50 One each Plush iVotor Rugs, Regular Price $24.00Oý and1 $25.00,...... Sale Price $13.75 and $14.00 One Heel Chain Team Harness, back pads and cruppers, hand sewn thruout $85, Sale $57-40 One long tug Team Harness crotch breetchen, hand sewn thruout $100.00, Sale Price $67.50 MASO N & DALE The Popular Hardware --Quality and Right Prics PHONE 148 BOWMANVILLE WALL PAPER BARCAINS 25 Per Cent Off Regular Prices For the next week ail our beautiful Wall Papers now in stock will be cleared at the attractive re- duction of 25% off usual prices. This makes it worth your while to buy this week. CASTLE FLOOR WAX 35c LB. TIN Let me estimate on' your painting and paper- hanging. School supplies of every kind. GEO. PRITCHARD Phone 489 King] Near Silver St. Bowmanville [WELL PLEASED We are well1 our nevw Butcher been in business. tions. l)lease(1 with the reception given Shop in the short time we have It is far beyond our expecta- We are therefore putting forth every effort to measure up to the demands of citizens who fav- or us wýith their patronage by giving them good meat at sensible prices. We do a cash and delivery business. LANCE GARNET Phare & McCoy Cash and Delivery Butclxers Phone 518 Bowmanville WELCOME -Fair Day Visitors We have pleasure in extending a welcome to ahl out-of-town visitors who attend Bowmanville's Big Exhibition, Wednesday, September 22nd. The Fair, we are informed, will be one of the best ever held. Corne yourself and bring the whole family. WE INVITE YOU To make your headquarters on Fair Day at our store. If you shou]d need groceries bring along your list and see how much money we can save vou. We have some mighty good values for Fair Day. Don't go home tili you have visited our store and learned first hand that Nelles Sella Groceries For Lesa Orders of $4.00 and over Delivered W. G. Nelles Co. Pure Food Groceries Phone 62 Bowmanville E' MAPLE GROVE Previous to the marriage of Miss Irma Power about twenty-b.ve of ber friends gathered at ber home on Tuesday evening and gave ber a mis- i cellaneous chcslver. The bride-to- be was cornpletely surprised and ex- pcessed her appreciation in a few well chosen words. An interesting evening was spent as the parcele wece opened and the verses and greetings read. The remainder of the everiing was spent in games, stunts and rnusic. Fruit and candy wece served after which the girls left for borne. Special Stove Display at Dustan's. HAYDON Mrs. Soper visited at Mrs. R. Me- Neil's. .Glad to bave Gordon Greer borne after bis operation in Bowman- ville Hospital . .. .Mrs. Ford bas re- turned home after a pleasan-. visit witb Miss McLaughlin . ... Mr. and Mr,. Elmer Bradlev recently visited at Mr. L. Bradley's, Cartwrigt. .. . League meeting was in charge of Mi.sionary Vice. The program consisted of bible reading by 'My- rtle Cowling, Devotional, Renna Bradley; singing by Ada Beech; t.alk by Mrs. Ashton; reading by Mrs Read; instrumental by Mabel B eech .... .Services next Sunday at 2:30 p. m. in charge of the pastor. Evecy- body wecome... League in charge of Citizensbip convener, Mc. J. Wright next Sunday evening .. Mrs. Grant and sons, Bill and Jim,1 have ceturned to their home inTor onto after holidaying with Mrs. W H. Creeper. .. Miss R. Sbortt, Ty- rone, visited at Mrs. R. Aunger's; Miss Meta Ashton visited with friendus in Toronto... .Our syra- pathy is extended to Mrs. R. Me-' Neil and family in their bereave- ment by the death of ber mother, Mrs. John Cowling, who passed awAy Friday at ber dalighter's. She bad1 been staying with lier son, 2McI. F. Cowling, Çartwright, until cecently . Our school carried off second prize in singing at School Fair at Enni.skiUlen. Great praise is due our teacher, ,Mr. E. E. Staples, wbo bas had a short timne to practice the acholars... .Mr. Euge.ne Beech and Mr. and Mrs. Evecett Beach with their parents..Mr. and Mrs. WM. H. Broad and daughter, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. John Broad, Detroit, visited at Mr .Silas Trewin's. Special Stove Display at Dustan's. TYRONE Visitors: Mr. and Mca. Thomas Curtis, Oakwood, with friends; Mr. and Mca. Jas. Souch, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mca. Albert Hawkey; Mc. and Mrs. Russell Wright and Mc. and Mcs. Clarence Woodiey spent Tuesday at Toronto Exhibi- tion; Mrs. Agnes Connor, Mr. and Mrs. Ernerson Connor and Mc. Orvil Connor, Toronto, with Mc. Herbert and Mr. Robert Burgees on Sunday, Mrs. A. Connor remaining foc a visit witb ber sisters, Mca. L. Burgess and Mrs. E. Woodley; Mc. and Mrs. H. CoI]acott and farnily motored to Toronto Exhibition on Wednesday;ý '.cI. Harold Skinnîer brought hoine several prizes frorn Ottawa and Toc- onto Fairs. Young People's League on Tbucsday in charge of Missionary vice, Miss Lolh Richards. Mr. Floyd Dudley cesigned as President and 'Mi-s Florence Gardiner resignemi as la: Vice. Miss Gardiner is suc- ceeding Mc. Dudley and Miss Hazel Turner is our new lst vice. Miss *Viola Sbortt .-ucceeded Miss Rose Shortt as Seccetary .MNiss Lai-erne Burgess and Miss Viola Shortt gave readings and Mca I_ J. Goodman a splendid topic. A very enjoyable evening is expected this Tbursday when the Y. P. L. will hoîd their a,,- nual cornroast nt the churchi lawn. Everybody welcone... All the lad- ies of the comniunity are inviteul to attend the quilting of tbe W. M. S. on Thursday afternoon in the vest- r..... Our Pastor, Rev. J. R. Trum- pour gave us a good sermon Sunday evening from 1 Cor. 14:12.. Cburch next Sabbath at 10:30 a. m. .Missionary pcogramn at S. S. next Sunday in charge of the "l'Il Tcy Clasa". Special Stove Display at Dîîstan's. SOLINA Visitors: Mr. Donald McLean. iDetroit, witb bis sister, Mrs. Charlesý Scott; Mr. and Mrs. George Walters, Toronto, at Mr. J. Pas-oe's; Dr. El- lis Reynolds, Hillsburg, Mr. Russel Reynolds,. Toronto, visited their father, Mr. A. J. Reynolds, wbo is ir Bonanville Hospital, wbture he un- derwent an operation on Tbursiay. We wish hirn a speedy recovery; Miss Isobel White, Bowmanville, at Mrs. John Reynoldue; Mca. Jack Short and family, Mrs. J. Short, Courtice, at Mr. S. E. Werry's; Mr. and Mcs. George Sterbens, Saiemn, at Mr. Roy Langnxaid's; Mr. and Mrs Herbert Richards, Mr. Harding, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Page, Bowmanville, Mc. and Mrs. Harvey Crossman, Kpd- ron, at Mr. W. N. Pascoe's; Mr. and Mcs. borne Hogarth and Miss Dor- othy, Harmony, with Miss Mary Hlo- garth and Mca. R. Pascoe; Mrs. John Baker and Miss Kathleen spent the weekend at ber fatber's, Mr. W. J. Bragg, M. P. P., Bowmanville; Mr. and Mca. Norman Yello'wlees andi farnily at Mc. Donald Yellonlees', Columbus; Mc. and Mrs AIf. Dewell and family, Lcskaiîd, at Mcs. Dew- ell's; Mc. and Mr&. J. Stewart and lowlees'; Mrs. Ramage and daughter, ,ons, Toronto, at Mc. Norma n Yel- Vancouver, Miss A. A. Taylor. den- coness, Haliburton, Mr. and Mcs. A. Taylor and sons, Toronto, Mrz. W. Annis and daughter, Oshawa, at Mc. J. Wonnacott's .... C. G. 1. T. had ai jolly time at "Ryland Farni", the borne of Miss Eleanor Shepherd on Monday evenig.... We welcomre to our neighborhood Miss Smnith, Lon- don, wbo is teacbing Baker's School this .... .... Miss Nora Werry at- tended the Wecry-Van Camip wed- ding at Blackstock on Weanesday. . *.Mrs. Wilfrid Wonnacott has ce- turned to ber home at Lamnbeth after a pleasant visit with ber parents, Mc. and Mrs. J. Wonnacott. Special Stove Display at Dustar?'s. Dingmian & Edrnondstone announce the Faul Mlilnery Openings for Priday and Saturday, September 17th and 1Sth. HAMPTON Mi--, Vera Carr, Orono, visited ai rfew days at homne. Nelles' sella groceries for leBs. Specia] S'ove Display at Dustan's. MIiiinery Openings on Sept. 17 and 18 at Dingrnan & Edmondetones. SALE M Salem Thankoffering services wHIl be held as follows: On Sunday, Sept. 26, Rev. Capt. Andrew D.1 Robb of Davisville United Church, will preach at 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. Special music by ýhe choir. On Monday, Sept. 27, at 8 p. m., Capt. Robb will give bis humorous and very interesting lecture 'Khaki Lad'. Capt. Robb bas had wide experierce and always pleases. 37-2 Special Stove Display at Dustan's. SEPTEMBER WEDDINGS Preacott-Shortt Tyrone United Church Parsonage on Wednesday. September 8 at 2:30 p. m. was the scene of a very quiet and pretty wedding wben Rose May, eIder daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sbortt becarne 1%e bride of Alfred William Prescott, son of Mr. W. C. Prescott of Enfield, Rev. John R. Trumpour, officiating.j The bride who was attended by ber sister, Miss Viola Shortt, w&sj becorningly attired in a costume of blonde flat crepe with brown coat and bat to match. Tbe groom was attended b.ý bis twin brother Aylmer, The groom's gift to tbe bride xvas a beautiful cab- inet of silver. Imimediately after the ceremony tbe happy couple left by motor for Toronto, Niagara Falls and other points west, amid showers of rice, confetti and good wisbes. On their return they will re.side on the groom's farm near Enield. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. Richard MoINeil and Mr. Fred Cowling desire to thank aIl the neighbors and friends for their kindness and sympathy during the illness and death of their mother, Mrs. John Cowling, and for the beautiful floral offerings. 37* MUSIC TEACHING MRS. RETA R. COLE DUDLEY F.C.C.M., L-C.C.M., A.T.C.M. Teacher of Voice Culture, Piano, Theory and Sight Singing. CIa.. re-opens September 2th. Studio, Liberty St., Bowmanville, Phone 453 16-2 MISS LEPHA N. DONCASTER, A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Hawaiian Gutar Church Street, Bowmanville Clas re-opens September 16th. Pupils prepared for ail grades of exarnnations. Phone 2S19W 26-2w' MARGARET ABERNETHY, - A.T.C.M., Bowmanville Teacher of Piano G'lass re-opens Si-ptember 5th. Pupils î,repared for Toronto Conserva. tory Examinations Phone 183-13 25-3 Frank Converse Smith TEACHER 0F THE VIOLIN In Boivnanv il on Xunsly Studfio at Trinity I niuti 'urciu Toronto A.Iudrss: *220 Yonge Str- t. Iniu irt-a t Sta t snan 41. Boarders Wanted Aco n),liti o11 for Nornil etulent-s andi iu'uunt'.. girls ,,t Y. M.C. A Pt- erlor<,ugli, ont. Rooni r o rord~ iS to ,6.75 1,,r w *h Appi~lyIlouse Sîîfrr- nt-tnt n -: I rrson, Suiit. 37-3w- POPLARRECREATION CLUB Ail Set For Big Season Martyn's Recreation Club bas ju.st put the finîshing touches on their Bowling Alîcys. They are in ist class shape and are faster than ever. Everything points t<sward one of 2,he best seasons in the history of the game. Froni now on Martyn Brus. wjll be on the job to renew old acquaintan- ces and to meet and make them all feel at home. New Leagues will be torrned. Corne in and get some practi2.e as a meeting will lie called in the near future to arrange for the dîfferent leagues for the coming seasoin. If you have neyer bowied before corne in and we wiIl instruct you and make you feel at home. You wiIl find everything dlean and up- t o-date. Best score for men up to October th-i prize; Best score for ladies up to October iOth-1 prize. Saturday nights will be farmers nigbt. Will meet you at the bowvl- ing alley. We reserve alleys for the ladies. PAINTING AND DECORATING Before painting get xny prices on labor and aili materials; aliso see my Wallpapers. Some fine remnants cheap for iunmediate sale. J. H. ABERNETHY Phone 431 Bowmanville -1926-- F WEST DURHAM 0F THE u IR L AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Exhibition Grounds Bowmanville ON September 21-m22 WVest Durham Exhibition is zilways noted for its splendid show of Agricultural Produets, and its Directors have endeavor- ed by honest effort to keep the Fair of 1926 up to standard and 0 add improvements where possible. The best of Live Stock, Fruit, Household Science, always exhibited. YOU WILL FIND THIS YEAR Poultr-y-A show in itself; Flowers-A wonderful display; Fruit -Varilety; Ladies' Dept.-Always something new; Domestic Science-Bigger and better than ever and quality unsurpassed. m-PROGRAM Tuesday, Sept. 2lst, at 7 p. m. Main building and Poulti-y Buildings open to lpublic, the entire grounds well lighted, the Midway aglow with ideawake attractions. One and a haif hours of Moving Pictures before the Grand Stand under the direction of Mr. Ross of the Royal Theatre. Haîf hour of Physical Exercises, Club Swinging, Drills. Pyramids, etc., by Boys of Boys' Training School. Musical programn by Orono Band. Wednesday, September 22nd At 1p. m Grand School Children Parade from up town, headed by Orono Band. Two shields offered for best showing in parade. LIVE STOCK JUDGING The show of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine will from present in- dications be larger than ever,which is saying something, for the display is always large at Bowmanville Fair. SOFTBALL GAME FOR CHAMPION CUP Plaý off of Town and Township League. See this game for real soft baîl. Hampton boys vs. High School PONY MUSICAL CHAIR Sec the boys and girls on ponies play the old time garne of musical Chair. PHYSICAL DRILL AND CLUB SWINGING Again the boys from the Boys' Training School will present an entirely new program of Exercises, Pyramids, Drills, Etc. Orono Military Band In Attendance ADMISSION :-General, 35c, Grand Stand 25, Auto& 35c, Single Carniage 35c, Double Carrnage 25c A. Campbell, President. C. H. Mason, Secretary. God Save The King fr 'w. PAGE 4 THÉ CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THUP.SDAY, SEPT. 16th., 1926.

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