TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPT. 16tb., 1926.PAEVE Special LUCKY 13c Saturday, Sept. Will be the greatest bargain day of theyear in Hardie below is a genuine bargain and we, have arranged der that there will be a bargain for everybody. 13e For Any Article Bt Sterno Brasso Mendets Mop Sticks Fire Shovels Can Openers Cake Turners Potato Mashers Flashlight Bulbe Miler Pad Locks Pointing Trowels Graters Fry Pans -Granite LadIes Granite Dippers Granite Sauce Pans Granite Wash Basins Granite Pudding Dishes 8 r iasnssght batteriesDust Pans 2 pkgs Steel Wool Bread Boards 5 dozen Clothes Pins Scrub Brushes 5 Mouse Traps for 13C Horse Brushes Carpet Beaters Stainless Paring Knives Large Dish Mops Clothes LUnes, 50 feet 3 Roîls Toilet Paper HAPPY THOUGHT STOVE DISPLAY We have a stove for every require ment and a brand new Heater Model that has not been previously shown here. SHOP EARLY SATURDAY Dustan' s Cash Hardware PHIONE 74 Dows.NV!LLE Varnish Stain 2 Water Filters Claw Hammers Agents Wanted Pull or part time. Take arde Neckwear. We manufacture,È colict. Good tarninge for warkei seasan starting. Samples .free. Service, London, Ont. Eeliver, re. Bigt Public!, Property. FPor Sale FARM FOR SALE-10O acres, th hall lot -1, con. 5, DarlInglan. Plowing possession at once. Fu11 possession April '1, 1926. For terme apply ta Mlrs. C. J.I Kersînke, R. R. 1, Hamptoil, 37-tf FARM FOR SALE-SrnalI tarm about 35 acres, goafi house and barn and silo, running stnearn througli pasture, Lot 15, Con. 5. Barllngton. Apply J. Cowling. Bowmanville R. R. 6, phono 237-4. 35-3' HOUSES FOR SALE-Thre brick bouses, 86mrnemecd, eleatric ligit, waferworke, follet and bath, amail gar- diens. housses ln good shape. new roaf, on Brown St., between King and Queen. Terme ta suit purciasens. Apply on prernises, J. Bavison, cwner, Bowrnan- ville. 37-20 FARM TO RENT-100 acres, nortb half ai lot 1, con. 4 Township of Clark., situatefi on eaat t.oundary cf Clarke, known as the late Henry Gordon farm. This la a goofi fanm, will grow any klnd of grain, good wheat land, convenient to church, echool and railway station. Plowing possession this faîl. For par- ticulars apply to Mns. I. J. Hallowell, Starkvilie. 53-tf. FOR SAL.E OR RENT-Lot 32-33, Con. 8, Darlingtan, 140 acres .120 tillable, bal- ance woade and pasture. sprlng creek, dlay and loam in higi state of cultiva- tion, brick lieuse, bank barn, silo, drive sheds, bien bouse drilled welIl t boume. Windmill a.nd tank at barn, mhool on lot station 6 miles, rural niail. cliurch 106 .cde, grocanica delivered. telephone pa.t i gafe, welI fnced 12 acre. altafla, 5 acresI alaike. (nazt yearý,, 1i acres sweet alover, 10 4,orea mixefi bay, 10 acres plow.d. Good noighbor..fine icoallty, plowlngi possession after barvent off. For prie or- terra apply Chao. L. Simpson, Burketon, 1 ont. a-i Showingi i a- .1 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mr. Harry Miles recently visited in Cobourg. Miss Laura Clark, Winnipeg, Man., is viaiting ber sister, Mis. C. H. Masan. Standard time will be reverted to in Bowmanville next Sunday night at midnigbt. Rev. S. C. Moore, Coîborne, is spendîng a few days in Toronto and Owen Sound. Mrs. MeLean and Miss McDanald, Ottawa, were recent guests of Mrs. Chas. Manning. Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Needbam have returned from twa weeks' visit in New Yark State. Cnniing to Simce St. United Cburah, Oshawa, Monday, October 18th., Royal Welch Ladies Chair, 37-3 Mnl. Henry Allin bas returned borne from judging at Fairs around Kingstan and Brockville tbe past week. Mrs. Muriel Dunn, Liberty-ýst., is spending a few weeks wÀth ber brother, Mr. Will H. Calver, Roches- ter, N. Y. Mr. Sami Clarke ,M. P. P., Ca- bourg, who bas been spending the past two mantbs in the West, bas returned home. Mr. Roy Oulson and bride, St. Thomnas, spent a few days last week visiting their uncle, and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Allun, Scugog-st. Coucb Jobnston & Crydernian in- vite their custanierîs and friends to niake their store their beadquarters when visiting aur Fair next Wednes- day. Ladies, you are invited ta Miss Harnden's Millinery Parlors today (Thursday), and the following days to see the new Auturnn and Wînter Rats. Rev. L. S. Wight, B. A., B. D., Belleville, gave un a cail on Thurs- day. He and Mrs. Wight and friends bad beemn attending the Can- adian National Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Werry and Mrs. S. H. Rice in company with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Philp, Seagrave, mot- ored ta Arthur. Ont., and visited Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Pbilp over the weekend. Dr. W. Garratt and Mns. Garratt, Yonkers, N. Y., who have been spending the summer at Wellington recently visited bis, sister, Mns. S. S. EdsalI. Ris father, Mr. H. Garratt returned bere witbh hum. Rev. Dr. Chown, formerly Gener- al Superintendent of The Methodisit Cburch, preacbed an Sunday in Wbîtby Tabernacle United Cburcb, it being the centenary jubilee of thîs cburch. Rev. Dr. Laird, an out- standing preacher of The Preabyter- ian Cburch, will preach next Sunday. Orne bundred years ago Wbitby Cir- cuit of tbe Methodist Churcb was or- ganized, witb the Rev. James Wilson as pagtor. Ris parish ranged fromr Port Hope to Markham and frais Port Wbitby to Beaverton. In September, 1876, fifty years ago, the present cburcb edifice known as the -Tabernacle, was dedicated, under tbe miînistry of Rev. Jobn S. Clarke. LOCAL AND 'OTHERWISE j BIRTHS Bownanvlle airSept 2122. CURRELLE-On Sept. 3rd, 1926, ati Bownanill Far Spt.21-2. Canton, ta Mr. and MW~e F. R. Cur- Mrs. J. H. Mor-ris je visiting ber relley, a son. C niece, Mus. W. B. Young, Toronto. i VIRTUE-In Bowiranviiie Hospital],P I on Satui day, Sept. ilti, 1926, ta Mn. Mr. E. Petbick, Toronto, Spenti and Mrs. Win. Virtue, aL daugliter. CE Wednesday with bis son, Mr. F. C.1 COX-in Bowmanville Hospital, Mon- R Pethick.1 day, Sept. 13, 1926. ta Mn. and Mrs. Ken- - nti E. Cox, a daugiter. <Helen Aileen). Miss Eileen Large and Miss Evelyni WESTMAN-At Urbana, 111,. on Sun- ge Hawley recently visited relatives in day. Sept. 12. 1926, tca Dr. and Mrs. AF Whitby. E. R. Westman, <nec Jean Minore) aP Trinity Sunday Scbool Anniver-1 Lda -InOshawa, Mon,.iiy, Septein- B sary and Rally Day on Sunday, Oc- ber 13, 1926, ta Mn. and Nirs. Nornian Bc tober 3rd. ILegge, 50 Coiborne Street xevst, the gift t Reserve Friday, Nov. 5tb for St. aofa baby girl. (Phyllis Corinida.) - Paul's Fair and Supper. Particu- el lars later. MR AGSqi Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kennedy areG visiting tbeir daughte'-, Mrs. F. B. PRESCOTT-SHoRTTr-At the Par- - Sinclair, Buffalo, N. Y . sonage ,Tyrone, on W ednesday, Sep- temnler 8. 1926, by Rev. J. R. 'rccm- CI Mr. Ralpb Brison and bride <flee pour, MnI. Alfredi William I nrseott, En-ipý Mabel Symons.) of Leamington, re- fie](], and Miss Rase May Siortt, Ty- R cently visited relatives bere. oDDR-BUSALAtHe SI- Mrs. M. G. Eckhert and family, (tence of the brides parents. Churcli St., Trenton, are viiting at ber father's, on vWednesday, September 15, 1926, by Mr.F. . Hrma, CarlsleAve ,Re . J. U. Robins, Sterb, rt LeBaron ti Mr. F B. erma, GarisleAve. Godidard, New York City, and Hl'n t See the celebrated Kenwoood Mildre(1, onl9y daugliter otfN. and %Irs. P Blankets and Scotch Wo.ol Blankets Gtus Bouneall, Bowmanvilie.- at Couch, Johnston & Cryderrnan's. WERRV-HILiLIER-In Tnnity Unit- ed Churci, Cobourg, on Saturday. Sep- Mrs. F. Edwards, Vancouver, B. tember 4, 1926. by Rev. .Aitred Brown, f ing manville, and 'Miss Lillian Alice Hillier, igh&r brother., Dr. B. J. Hazle- I daughuer of! Mrs. Hillier and the iate wood. Arthur Henry Hillier. Cobourg. Mr.Frnk onere Sit, Tac-1 MO RTON - POWER - At --maple Mr.FraV koinvTrsntomihreuringî Ldge," Darlington, by Rev. C. C. Wash-, er o ilnTooti euigin goan, B. A.. Courtice, on Wednesday bis class in Bowmanville next Wed- Septernber Sth, 1926, Irma Illene, daugh: ]2 nesday. ter af Mn. and Mrs. Trumnan Power, Maple Grave, and Mr. Stuart S. Monton, Mn. Douglas Emery, Edmionton,, son of Mn. Johin Mortan, Cobourg. F Alta., gave Dr. B. J. and Mrs. Haz-1 WERRV-VAN CAMP-At the resi- tj lewoad a caîl enroute frcrn a trip ta' denoe of the brides parents. bys Rev. J. tý E. Griffith, B. A.,. an Wednesday, Sep-a Europe. tember ti, 1926, Francis W. Werry,E Mrs. Robt. Quinn and son Lewin, son of Mn. and Mrs. Jas. A. Werry, En- J wbo avebee tdit-niekillen, and Annie Lillian, (augiter of St. John, N. B., wohv ee 0 -Mn. and Mrs. W. A. Van Camp, Cant- ing ber sister, Mrs. W. T. Quinn, wright.i left for borne an Wednesday. B.owmanville Women's Institute will ineet at tbe bomne of Mrs. J. H.1 DEATHS MarisBecb Ae. onFijay,~P GALE-At the Weston Sanitarium, tember 24tb. AIl menibers attend. Alan G;ordon Gale, in hie 29th ,Ear. se- Miss Harnden annourices her Mil of Toronto, tarmeriy af Biwnmanviîlie, linery Display of AutuninRat w and grancisan of Mrs. and the late S. F. be ready far inspection on Tburs- Hill. ' Funenal Thursday, September 16ti at day, September 16th and the follow- 2 p. m. fram Tinity United Church, ingdas.Bowmanviile. Interment in Bowman- ing dys. ille <'emetery. Mr. Jack Tatbans wbo bas speilt a KEELER-Suddenly in Oshawa, on couple of nsonths' balidays with Dr. Monday, Sept. 13, 1926, John Keelen, ag- and Mrs. B. J. Razlewaod and f arn-i ed 77 years. ily, bas returned ta bis bomene t Ed- COOMBE-In Oshawa Hospital, Sept. Ala.lOti, Simon Edwand Coombe. Interred monton, l. in Myrtle Cerneteny. Mn. Rugb (Scotty) Cameron cf WOODS-In Lindsay, Sept. 9th, Maryli Ann Woods, widow of Win. G. Woade.l tbe Standard Bank Staff, Brigbton, Interred In Part Hope. bas returned east after spending two REYNOLDS-At Denver, Colarada, weeks with bis parents, Mr. and on Thureday, Sept. 9th, Francis Rey-r Mrs HghCameron. noles, tnrmenly af Port Hope.1 Mrs RgbTIPPETT-At Part Hope, Septembert Their many friends in Bowman- 9th, 1926. Mary Jane Hawthorne, beiav- ville and vicinity congratulate Rev. ed wlte of Henry G. Tippett, In lier 75th Wibyean. H. B. Kenny and Rev. L. S. igt OKE-In the Hospital at'Souris, Man., tBelleville, on being chasen President on September 9, 1926, Jyron F. Oke, iand Vice President respectively af Lakepart, tormerly af Darlington, In hie t Belleville Ministerial Association for 55th year sthe consîng year. LAURIE-At Part Hope Hospital on Tuesday. Sept. 7th. 1926, Jennie McGraw, Mr. refrd oucbas meberbelaved wile of John S. Laurie, in her Mr. refrd ouchas meber4lst yean. of the Optonetrical Association as- BROOKING-At Wesleyville. an Wed- 1 sisted at tbe National Safety League nesday, Sept. 8th, 1926, George Broak-i booth at Canadian National Exhibi- ing. in hie 64th year. Interment at. tion on Friday. Over 400 persans Welcome. 1bad tbeir eyes tested as to vision HEASLIP-At Ilote) Dieu, Kingston,« 1 September 7th, 1926, Emma Isabl, ible- and strange ta ;ay a Bowmanville ioed wite of Frank Heaslip. 431 Albert aman had the honor of baving tbe St., Oshawa, aged 29 yeare. most perfect vision af tboee coming BALL-At Reveletake Manar, Lake undér observation tbat day. Shore Road, Part Hope, on Sunday, e eev September l2th. 1926, Allient Nelson RgreFrlday and Saturday, Sept. Bal Esquire, in hie 95th year. e17 andi 18 for the Millinery Openinge at Dingman & Edmondstone's. COWLING-In BaIrlington, on Friday, Sept. lti, 1926. Emma Jane Hockin, belovefi wlte aofie late John Cowling. in lier 8lst year. Interred at Hamptan. FALLIS-On Sundav, ,;ýpt. 12, 1926, at heKlate residence, 115 Constance Street, Toronto, Annie M. Jackson, beioved wite of Dr. S. W. Fallis, Blook Ste-ward of the KENT-Sudenly at Part Hope Hos- pitl, on Thursday, Sept. 9, 1926, James Allient Kent, belovcd iusband of the S A L E late Lillian Arnott, in hie 53th ycar. Interment at Beîvdley Cemetery. 18th IN MEMORIAM In loving rnemory of Rama Phare, ne- loved wife of Walter F. Park, Tyrone, who passed away on Sept. 17, 1925. vare. Every article listed WVhy le It, Lord. that we shottJd etay, And work the long, long weary day, 1 the list of items in or- While those we love so tnel Are alld aoveta d.1 w iwth he Why those whose mark seeme lbtt beguni Are called away as thougli 'twere donc, j Whule atiers, inefttei(cati, stay, , Thougli longing ta bc e alled away. elo w 13cThou knawest ail, and Thou alone Clw 13 ant tellwhy these strange t jsGe Auto Pliers Dost guide us al tram heaen abov,. We know Thcu doest what la beet, i And when we, too, will be at re Cury C mbsWc then wiil knaw, and nat tiI then, <Why ail aur plane caulfi nat have oeen. Screw river&When In that ream aIo henvenly ligit, ..1crw DrversWe there siall ae htil was igit, And wonder why we questlaned Sa 3 Fue PugsAt iviat seemefi trange to us beiow. 3 Fue PugsEver remembered by her sorrnwing Hlue- Iband, Mother and Brothers, Lamne and I Lance. Women's AND Clildren's Suits Coats Dresses FOR SALE-Late 1925 mode) Chevro- Jet Superior touring car, duco finish, fuiiy equippefi andi ln first cans running order. Apply U. S. Dumas. Ontario St., 3owmanvilie, or P. O. box 387. 36-tf RADIO FOR SALE-Deforest-Crosley, 3-tube reflex, ioud speaker, set head phones, storage battery, ail complete, n goad working order; oeil iess than tait original price. Gea. W. James, 3owmanville. 36-t HONEV FOR SALE-Pure Claver Honey in 5 and 10 lb. pails. Larger con- tainers at special1 price. Amber haney in the near future. Yaur container fIlled .ae de.sired. R. J. Smith, King St. E., 3owmanville, first door west Pasteurized ililk Plant. FOR SALE-Dominlion Pianos of ali kindes old on paymenta upreaci over two yeana. Steinway, Heintzmn-andm Ger- hard Heintzmnan uied Pianos taken au part payment on Dominion Pianos Wll i. cisarofi Lt bargain pria.. and onl 0817 term. F J. MitcheU, Distributor. Bow- scanviUle. 6-t Lost or Found CLUB BAG FOUNO-On Government highway. For particulars apply ta The Statesman Office, Bowrnnviiie. 37-3 FOUND-Ladies' Choker on the higli- way between Newcastle and Bowman- ville. Apply ta 482, Bawmanville. 17-t MON Ev LOST-In Bowrnanville. on Sunday. Sept. 5, sum of rnoneýy. Finder kindly return ta Statesman Office. Re- ward. lTtt LOST-A pair of glasses, tortoise .tceU rime, attaahed on a long goid chain. Finder will be rewarded on returning them ta Newcastle Post Office. 38-tf Wanted CUT TH.IS OUT FOR LUCK-Bend birth date and 10e for wonderful horo- scope of your entire Ilie Prof. ,Raphael, 94 Grand Central Station. New York. 31-90 FARM, WANTED-Wanted ta lease a tarin, 50 or 75 acres, please state the lo- cation. Address Mr. F. W. No .10 Croaker Ave., Toronto. 35-3w* To Let FLATS TO RENT-Two flats ta rent ln east part of Horsey Block, Bowmanvllle. Appiy W. W. Horsey, 238 Mary St., Osh- awa. 36-1w' TO RENT-Cowan Block almoat ready tor occupancy. Stores and Apartmentu steam heated, hardwood floors, fuily modern, electria stoves ln each apart- ment. For tull particulars apply ta J. J. Mason & Son, phone 50, Bowcnanville 24-tf FARM TO RENT-Conveniently locat- ed on main road, alose ta centre af Osh- awa. Excellent soi, goofi buildings. running water. Immediate possession ta plougli andfi uillpossession thie tallIfi desir(ýd. For particutars apply ta awn- er. G. D. Conant, Barnieter, etc., Osh- awa, Ont. 37-tt. Desirable Country Property For Sale By Auction LOTS 23-24, CON. 2, CLARKE The owners will offer for sale on the prernises by public auctian on Wednes- day thc 29th day ot September, 1926, at hall past anc o'clock ln thetternoon the farm camprising south halfof Lot 24 and the south west quarter of Lot 23 ln the Second Conoession af the Tawn- ship af Clarke' in the County of -Durham, Ontario, containing 1A~l acres more or lese an whiah la said ta be erected an excellent brick dwelling and plenty of barn room and good outbuildings ani orciards and'well watered by a splendid running strearn, situate on the Toronto ta Kingston Provincial Highway anc mile east af the Village ot Newcastle and the Railroad and six milcs tram Bowmanvllle and 48 miles eisst ofT or- anta; near Publia and Higli Schoal. This propenty has great natural beaitty and la a splendid chance for a t,.rmer or 1cr anyane who wauld Ilke an attractive country home The property will be suld subjeat toaa reserved bld and conditions af sale. For turther particulars appýy ta flseph Coul- son, Newcastle and ta W. CG. Thurstan & Ca..,Solicitors for the owners, ;13 Tor- onto Street, Toronto. 37-2 Smart Ideas Mark Fait Coats In selecting a coat for Fall or Winter one is amazed by the variety of the style features. There are straight, flared, bloused and caped models, ail equally smart and authentie. They corne iii both plain and patterned fabries and sometimes combine the two. THE SHAWL OR TUXEDO COLLAR IS EXTENSIVELY USED For it is a most becoming style, and may be of either short or long haired fur, straight or lapelled tailored collars of -fur are also very chic. FUR TRIMMED COATS PRICED FROM $19-00 ~Ie ittie Sh opp e 13OWMANVîLL»~E-QT E~sv u o'Epos Seciallst in 7Vome,,sppWJ Women-s Coats -Suts-D resses- Hosi ery -Gl oves - Underwe ar -Etc. t v.. '4' Articles For Sale FOR SALE-pure bred Jersey cow and alf. Apply C. W. Souch. Hampton, hone 382-21. 36-tf RAM FOR SALE-One Shear!ing Lei- cester Ram, registered. J. L. Parsonse, R.R. 2, Bowmanville. phone 17#3r6. 37-1 STOVE FOR SALE--Quebec Heater, good as new. Cheap. Apply Ms. 'D. P.Henry, Silver St., Bowmanvile. Phone 303. 37-IW FOR SALE-Z Pair Registered Silver Black Fooxes. Price $1500.00. Must lie soid at once. Apply R. A., Drawer B, Bowmanville. 37-1 APPLE BASKETS FOR SALE-1Bush- el hampers and boxes, also 11 and 6 quarts. For prices write Chas. A. White, Green River Basket Works, Green Rvier, Ont. 34-3' FOR SALE-Two rubber tire Derna- rats, eingle set democrat harnese, plow points. two Ford engines. Apply ta Richard Greenis, aver Jury & Lavell'a tare, Bowmanviiie. 37-3 FOR SALE-Double furrow MlaseY Harris riding plaugh. set of dises with ruck, aiea three warking hanses. Appiy o Alan Campbell, R. R. 2, Bawmianviiie phones 475-5 or 279w. 36-ï Jxzst now Ives' Scboal Shoes should b. wbat yau are talldns af and buylng. A splendid assortment awaits your eboosing and it costs Tyou nothing ta look them over. Good Sturdy School Shoes for Boys at $3.00 and 't,.50 pair GROWING GIRLS' SHOES Offord and strap styles, hn lo~w heels and medium round toes at......................................*$4.50 Pair Several lines at clearing prices, regniar $6.75 and $7.50 value. at .....................................*$5.00 Pair MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES Black Boots and Brown Boots, in goad atrong ealU leather at ..........................................*4.00 pair Patent Leather Slippera at ........ $3.00, $3.50, $3.75 Pair BARGAINS IN MEN'S FOOTWEAR 24 pains Men's Oxfords, in Black or Broiwn Bide Calf Leather witb rubber heels........... ........ SPECIAL $398 Pair 15 pains Men's Oxfords in Black or Brown leather, amhini tbis lot are broken................... SPECIÂL $450 Pair 24 pairs Men's plain toe brown boots, go.od strong aide caf leather, with roomy toes .............. SPECIAL $4.50 Pair ASK FOR PONY VOTE COUPONS IVES' SHOE STORE Footwear and Travelling Goods Bowmanville E. R. Curtin Cowan Block, King S Bo-.manville 2 QT ALUMINUM SAUCE PAN Reg. 40c for 13c Only 1 to each person Stove Pipe Enamel Leather Haîf Soles Dover Egg Beaters Aluminum Basting Spoon1 Box, Assorted Cotter Pins Poultry Leg Bands, 2 dozen for 13c Alurninum SaIt and Pepper, 13c Pair Fait Suits and Overcoats ALL READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION Overcoats and Suits .............$15-00 to $35.*00 Faîl Overcoats ..................$15.00 to $35.00 Boys' 2-Bloomer Suits ...........$ 7.50 to $12.50 Men's Felt Hats ................$ 2.50 to $ 6.50 Men's Caps ...........................$1.00 to $ 2.50 Corne to the store that selîs for less Sole Agency for 2Oth Century Brand Clothing S. G. CHARTRAN 1 door west of Bell Telephone Phone 26 Bowmanville Wear Ives' School Shoes f t- l Mmmmmmý il ý . ýwj PAGE rivm