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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Sep 1926, p. 1

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With WI-ich Is Incorporated Tne Bowmanville News 17^1 7 -V TT Lff A T A ~1V LO (1Ik e r lTOF A Tt -Ir - VOI.L. &AU M W. A. JAIUfai & bUb, rublisners. BiIJWMANVILLIE, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30Î 1926 s'OC JUDGING CONTEST FEDERAL ELECTION RETURNS4 Durham Gounty Annual S-ock Official Vote Cat n Durhamn in 1925 Judging Campetition in charge of and 1926 Elections the Clarke Junior Farmers will be _____ held at Orono on Wedne-sday, Oct.1 Mr. C. Jonas Thornton, ex-M. P.,ý l3tlL From the young men making 0 the best showing at this competition i rono, Returning Officer for Dur- will be picked the judging teams to ham Gounty, announced the official compote with teams from otherI returns last week in the recent fed- counties at the Guelph and Royal;eral elections which gives Fred W. Winter Fairs. The igh man in jBo'wen, Gonservative Candidate, a the Orono competition will get ai1 free trip to Chicago Fat Stock Showl majority of 1484 over Melville H. as in former years. Young> men now1 Staples, Independent Candidate. is your opportunizy! Begin now toi1 brush up a little brighter on your We publish herewtth the figures stock judging and be sure to be at in detail of the 1925 and 1926 elect- Orono on Wednesday, October 13. ions which prove very interesting by companison. It is quite remarkable HOME PLOWING COMPETITION 1 he similarily of the vote in the ma- jority of municipalities in . the two Young men 30 years of age or. elections. For instance. it shows under have you entered the home these small differences in the majori. plowing competition? t is not tuies in 1925 as compared with 1926 too late to enter. Send your entry vote: Bowmanville 1, Newcastle 2, ta Mr. F. C. Paterson, Port Hope, Clarke 3, Cavan 16, Manvers 5. before Saturday, October 2nd. Plow- ing is zo be done at home or on the From these figures it would appear farm.on which you are employed. Na that the electors are fairly well set spectators, no excitement ;you just in their party affiliatio>ns regardless send in your entnies and plow the of the planks and policies of the best you know how. just where you political parties or the merits, abili- are. There are two cla3ses:-Class ties or characters of the candidates. I: in sod with single plows; lass One might also draw the conclusion Il: in stubble with t'wo furrow% plow.1 that elabox-ate and expensive election In lass 1, 3 acres of sodi musticampaigns in h&lding public meet- be plowed and in lass 11 4 acres of ings, bouse to bouse and county-wide stubble. Ail work must be com- canvasses, and publicity in its var- pleted for judging on morning of ous forms are effort. tine and October 8th. Judges' decisions will money wasted. be based on: General appearance 20; h nraei r oe' a straightness, evenness 25; packing ThicrsenM.Bon'ma and skimming 15; crown 20; finish joritv by 538 votes over last year's 15; ins and outs 5-100. returns came chiefly fnom Port Hope Prizes in each class: lst, $10.00;, and Hope Township. A satisfactory 2nd, $7.50; 3rd, $5.00; 4th, $2.50.j explanation as to this change lu these two munielpal;ties, while the others resnained about the same, bas - ________________ not been divulged. Altboyugh it bas Jbeen said that the above mnentioned Iplaces did not take too kindly ta Mr Lt11 s - h"o;weer*hard 'te 'believe thaât Ithese places are as wet as the vote Iwould indicate if this is the real Jreason for the flow-over in the vote. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN LTD. Autumn Things Were Neyer Lovelier and Neyer Here in Such Variety. We Invite the Ladies of Bowmanville and Durham County to Visit Our New Show Rooms AND INSPECT OUR NEW FALL AND WINTER COATS NEW SILK AND WOOL DRESSES NEW SILK UNDERWEAR NEW DRESS MATERIALS NEW HOSIERY NEW SWEATERS YOU WILL FIND The materials the very latest- the shades and styles al that you could wish for-and the prices surprisingly moderate. Separate Trousers For Men And Boys' Men's Suits and Overcoats, a large assortment and extra good values. MEN'S SUITS FROM $12.50 UP BOYS' SCHOOL SUITSFROM $6.95 UP Couch, Jihnston & Cryderman, Bowmanville Phono 104 Limiten 1926 1925 M Bowrnanville North Ward 1 230 124 221 126 North Ward il ?9 236 303 244 West Wamd 'l 119 79 117 89 West Ward 11 192 100 208 97 South Ward 1 213 108 211 104 South Ward 11 160 52 176 65 1209 699 1236 7251 Majority 510 511 1 Darlii Providence Tvrone Maplo Grave Hampten Enniskillen Countice Enfield Majority igton Township' 65 217 75 197 113 98 115 96 75 134 95 124 119 151 114 163 130 117 139 129 90 169 85 166 58 197 61 202 650 1080 684 1077 Newcastle.1 East Wsrd 102 98 82 741 West Ward 80 71 104 101 182 169 186 175 Majorty 13 .11 Clarke T« Newtonville Brown 's Lockhart's Kendal OrnoaN Leskard Oak Starkville Orono S. Majo nLt y Cartwright Blackstock Devitt's CEesare.a Nesbitt's 4ý Majority 3c Port li North Ward South Ward East Ward West Ward i East Ward West Ward 11 Majority 22 Hope Tow Dale Welcome Zion Campbelleroft Gardon Hill 1 Elizabethville SMajority South Wamd North Ward a ~q1 Majonity Carmel Dixons Gardiner's Ida Mt. Pleasa Majority Township' 96 119 114 110 51 49 56 58 44 75 38 88 94 67 96 76 118 136 138 147 48 53 56 68 34 30 44 34 66 71 81 83 140 172 161 178 711 772 784 842 61, 58 Township 152 58 187 60 91 36 111 39 141 35 142 37 104 64 105 77 492 187 545 213 305 332 Hope 278 179 255 246 138 225 244 185 87 64 75 107 243 171 287 272 167 147 148 221 220 141 151 289 33 907 1163 1323 26 160 wnship 68 60 68 105 87 171 97 264 25 107 31 146 92 46 122 65 122 e9 146 90 478 523 552 769 - 45 - 217 Millbrook 136 68 136 83 127 55 133 84 263 123 269 167 140 102 Cavan Township 117 16 148 41 127 55 123 90 s5 119 76 145 103 102 91 126 114 mut 79 76 121 101 544 314 663 449 230 214 ~2M a ~arIn clvna u (y IT U. -iQG West Durham Exhibition Complete List of Prize Winners PROPERTY FOR SALE Modern Brick Veneered Bung- alow, 2 stories, erected about five years ago; Contains on lower story: Liv- ing-room, dning-room and kit-. chen and hall, with hardwood flooring; on upper storey: three good sized bedrooms with square ceilings énd ample~ closet accom- modation, and commodious bath- oom with usual three pieces; verandah across front of bouse; Heating: Pipeless furnace, hot water boiler in kitchen; Ele.ctric lighting; Cernent cellar, divided; Hlalf acre of land with 13 good Spy apple trees; Cernent walks to front and side entrances. Ownr left town and poperty offered at considemable reduction from original cost. Fdth V. Scobeli Bowinanville Representing the Sun Lufe As- surance C.a., d the Maple Le.al Farmers' Mutual Fire Ins. Co., arnongst others. 'awsol-Do, Sire-C. Coi. I -- Lotus Ballyduff P<>ntypoc Manvers Betbauy Fleebwoo Jauetvill sStation ýod [le Msaity Toal ., ority is Township 61 27 79 22 77 10 96 25 149 40 182 64 n 103 29 102 37 204 48 210 64 103 36 106 43 149 57 156 72 846 247 931 327 599 604 1484 940 Royal Theatre Wednesday-Thursday, Sept 29-30 "Eait Lynne" Friday-Saturday, Oct. 1-2 "Kentucky Pride" J. Farrell MacDonald, Gertrude Astor, Henry B. Walthall and a cast of the world's greatest horses. Monday.Tuesday, Oct.4- Norma Shearer in "The Devil'a Circus" And Buster Brown Comedy Weclnesday-Thuraday, Oct. 6-7 Marion Davies in "Beverly of Graustarlc" By George Barr McCutcheon With Antonio Moreno Friday-Saturday, Oct. 8-9 "Footiocie Widows" With Louise Fazenda and Jac- queline Logan. Corine Wednesday-ThurAday, Oct. 13-14 Tom Mix in "The Best Bad Man" and the new chapter play "Strings of Steel" With William Deymond and Eileen Sedgwick r- West Durham Agricultural Sociel bI eld its annual exhibition Tuesdu Iand Wednesday, September 21-22. Although weather conditions wes *unfavorable on Wednesday, atteni aance wvas surprisingly large and e: hibits in main building andj live star classes were well represented. Boy manville Fain wbich, bas been in e: istence for nearly baîf a centui again dernonst-ted tbata pur%-- y agricultural fair will still appeal an eattract the crowds witbaut festin Lhorse races and clap, tmap chea 0 vaudeville performances in front c grand stand. L_ Exhibit of apples was largest an 6best quality ever shown at -Ehis fa: and is a fair indication of splendi apple cnop in Durhamn County. Di: play of domnestic science in ope r class and Womnen's Institute depar tment was another outstanding fea unre in main building. Floral exhib: and vegetables showed effects of n~ cent wet season. Poultry entrit were below average but good qua ity. Robt. Birreli, Greenrwoad, gover ment judge of Shorthamns said ît we ethe finest lot of beef cattle lie ha seen at any Fail Fair this year. H took occasion te, comment an Thor ham Minstrel the 2000 lb. 2 year cl Shortbomn bull owned bv-, John BakE of Hamupton, whicb was* deciared th abest animal on thc grounds. Thi esuperion young sire was bmed by* yJ. Elliott, Guelph, being sfred b ithat world famous $35,000 bul e Millhill's Cornet bis deam being a simported Orange Blossom Gow. Tw aof bis calves won first prizes as -Af d pring of saie sire. J. F. Oshoru r& Sans were also canspicuous pniz iwinners in Sbortborns winning hier tprize, in which were three steers an boeier they are fitting for Raye 1Winter Show, Toronto. Chris Go -and Boys' Training Scbaol won me jority of prizes in Holstein cIassei D'urham farmers are still raisin beavy horses, as was shown in vai ious classes. Plenty of comapeti tion was apparent in light honse thero being sèven entnies in carrlag and 6 in roadstor classes. Sheep and swine containgld nums erous prize winners from Canadiai National Exhibition. Music was furnished by Durbar Regiment Band -of Orono,. Featur attraction before grand stand wa fis-st appearance in a public per formance of boys fram governmen Boys' Training School Faim. The, gave a wonderful clever exhibitios of free hand drills, mazo marching club swinging. buman pyraraid build ing and other physical exercises un dem the able direction of J. t. Guîî ningham, Physical Inistructor. PRIZE WINNERS HORSES Clydesdale-Brood mare and Foal -Roy. lot Farm, Austin Turner W. J. S Rickard; Iyear Flly or Geldtng-A Welsh 1 and 2. W. J. S. Rlckard; Foal- Austin Turner 1 and 3, Raylat Fanm 2 Percheron, Beigran or French-Maro and Foal-J. L. Buckley; 2 year FUI3l or Gelding-F. B. Glaspeil. J. L. Buck. ley; 1 year do-C. A. Chapman; Foal- Buckley'. Chapman. Gerieral Purpase-Mare and Foal-Nýel Mutton; 2 year Filly or Gelding--O. J. Luxton; 1 year do-Laverne Patterson Foal-Neil Mutton. -larneassMarSe"-pan over 1500 lbe.- Harry James. H. Glenny. L. C. Snow. den; Span 1350 ta 1500 1ba.-Flaward AI. lin. R. R. Byers, M. H. Wight; Spai 1200 ta 1350 Ibo.-M. Skelding; Dra3 Horse-Harry James 1 and 3, H. Gien. ny 2nd; single Horse 1200 to 1350 lbs- M. Skelding 1 and 2. Carniage Hornes-mare and Faal-C. Burley. Roylot Farm. C. s. waod; Do, 2 year Filly or Gelding-O. .J. Luxton, John Luxton. C. S. Wood: Do. 1 year -RoylOt Farm, Roy Barrabaîll C. S. Wood; Do, Fa-noylot parm, C. Bon. ley, C. S. Wood; Span-A. E. Fitchett, Gertrude Lewis; Single-A. E. Fltchett t and 3, Gertrude Lewis 2. Roadater Norses--Mare and Foal-O. Co-an. C. S. Wood; Do. 2 year Frlly or Geldlng-O. Cowan, C. Burley, C. A. Chapynan; Do, 1 year--O. Cowan: Foal -0. Cowan, C. S. Wood; Single-. cowan. Lloyd Wllliamb. Bd. Hlarnis; Cambînation Clas3s-43a. Lewis 1 and 2, A. E. Flzlliett 3; Sadâle Horse--G. Lewis i and 2; Lady Driver-G. Lewis, A. 13. Fitchett. Lulu McMlullrn: Best Turnout- A. E. Fi1tchett, G. Lewis, o. Cowan; 3 year old in Harneos--J. W. Boyd. B. L. Quinney; ingle Pony-W. F. Rickard. T. IV. Cawke Single Pony, driver un- der 14-E. Shepard, Charles Cawker. CATTLE Shorthornm-Buii-w. S. Bragg, John Baker, J. F. Osborne & Sons: Bull Calf, senior-John Baker, W. S. Bragg, J. L. Pansons & Son; Do, Junior-S,. C. Allun. J. Baker, H. E. Tink; Cow-Oebonne 1. 2 and 3; Heifer, 2 Yeares-C. H. muni- ford, Bragg 2 and 3; Do, under 2 yeas- Osborne 1 and 2, Bragg 3; Helfer Calf, senlor-Allin. Bragg. Ysborne; Do, jun- lor-Tnk, Osborne, Bragg ;Herd--.Oe- borne, Bragg: Two Offsprlngs-B3aker, Osborne, Tink. Grade$-Cow--Osborne; Beef Cattle, Steer 2 years-Osborne & sons ; Steen 1 Year--Oeborne & sans; Steer Caif-Os- borne 1 and 2, Bragg; Beef Bull-Bak- en. Osborne. Allun; Beef. Female--Os- borne, Allin. Halstelns--Bull, 2 Yearas-Chri QCpi; Bull Caîf. juzilor-S Snowden & Sons; Dow--Chnls Cox 1 and 3, H. Pawson 2; E{eifer, 2 years-C. Cax 1 and 2; Do, under 2 years-R. m. Cale, c. Cox; Do, Caou, senior-C. Cox, Boys' Training School 2 and 3; HoUfer Calf. Junior- R. M. Cale, Chris. Cor. Boys' Training School; Herd-C. Coi; Two Ot!springs- C. Cox. R. M. Cale. J-ereey@-Cow-Caie; Heifer, 1 year- FAIR NOTES Midway was a popular place. Jury & Lovell's booth was well patronized. C. G. 1. T. girls had a busy time in their bootb. Ladies' needle work, fancy and useful. was a fine exhibit. Orono Band was generous in fur- nishing abundance of music. Vegetables were neyer better or greater in number of exhibits. Women's Institute exhibiti was a new featume. Do it again. Rice & Go, had a neat display of Stoves and Do>minion Linoleum. W. Gdaajle Ives' displaty of Shoes, Boots and Foot accessories attracted at ýention. Display of cakes, pies, bread, pick- les and canned fruits was better than lever. Display of fruit was large but not as highly colored as issual owing to lack of sunshine. Boy Scouts rendered appreciative service in police duty, flrst aid and bureau of informiation. Any mistakes in list of prize winners sbould be reportçd at once to C. H. Mason, Secretary. Motor displays were neyer better. Gorbett Motor Sales Go. and Ontario Motor Sales Co. each bad big tents. Messrs. S. J. Jackman & Sons had a wonderfullv fine display of flowers and floral designs. Its bard ta beat them. W. Len Elliott was a new exhibit. or in Merchants' Row. He had a superb display of the popular Mc- Clary Electric Ranges and Stoves. Boys' '1raining School perform-1 ances before grand stand was greatly1 enjoyed. Thear marching parade was recommended for special prise. Parade of school children wseR attractive. Miss Greta Wicýkv>et's room won first place for tawn schooli and Hampton first for countryi Everybody likes to see the children.i Chsxnpionship softball gaine to de-t cide winners of We!sz Durham and owners of handsorne Silver Trophy was won by Bowna;ivilrýe Hight School from Hampton by 14-6. Goodyear Tire & Rabber Co. bad fine display of rubber goods,' in the maw and finished state, several new Goodyear pmoduc.ts being on exhi-1 bition. Movie stunt was an added feature. Empire Sales Co. boath, in which8 the best makes of radio sets were on display and broadcastei înteresting programs, attracted large crowds. Messrs. C. E. Rehder and Geo. Hallt were in charge. I A CORRECTION In the report of Teachers' salaries on page 2 salary of Miss Muriel J. Newton, Euniskilleu. should be, $1000 instead of $900. Mr. J. HL Cryderrnan, Mm. C. A. Johuston sud Mm. 1"med Crydôrsuan spent the weckend with Mr-. A. B. Couch In Hamilten sud inspected the Zimmner-Kuit Llsuted factory. ot p Mr SHEEP Shropshre-Ram-Hanold Skinner 1 and 2, J. Baker; Shearllngr Ram-H. Skinner 1 and 2; Ram Lamb-H. Skin. ner 1 and 2. J. Baker; Bwe-H. Skinner yi and 2. J. Baker; Sheanllng Ewe-H. Skinner 1 and 2; Ewe Lamb-H. Skinner 1 and 2. Southdown-.Ayre, &11lprises. Shearling Ram-N1,. Alîn 1 and 2. W. R Robblns 3; Ram Lamb-N. Allîn, W. R. Robblns 2 and 3; Lve-2i. Allun, W. R. Robblns 2 and 3: Shearling Ewe-W. R. Robbins 1 and 2; N. Allun 3; Ewe Lamb -N. Allîn 1 and 3. W. R. Robbine 2. Cotewold-Rarn-X D. Langmaia, P. B. lsapell; Shearling Ram-P. B. Glas.- poilI1 and 2: Ram Lamb-P. B. Glas- pelI 1 and 2, A. D. Langmaid 3: Ewe- GlaspelI 1 and 2. Langmaid 3; Shanling Ewe-.Glaspell 1 and 2. Langmald 3. Ewe Lamb--Glaspell 1 and 2, Langrnaid 3. Oxford Oown-.J. W Balson, ail prises. ChevIots-A. A.yre, aIl prises. Speclel-pair short vool market lambs-A. Ayre, Harold Skinner, J. W, Balsan; Do, long wool-M. W.' BIack- humn, F. B. Glaspý.ll, A. D. Langmoid; Best Ewe or Weathen Lamb, long wool r-M. W. Blackburn 1 and 2, P. B. Glas- poil 3; Do, short wool-Audrey Ayre. Gardon Brent. J. W. Balson. SWI NE Borkshlres-Boar-...SSnowden; 50w- S. Snawden; Saw unden 12 and aven 6 months-S. Snawden; Do, 6 months-S. Snowden. 1 Large Whlte-Boar-W. R. BaIl; 30w- W. R. Bal 1 and 2, S. Snowden 3; Saw, under 12 and over 9 months-S. Snow- don 1 and 3, W. R. BaIl; Boar, under 6 months-W. R. BaIl, D. J. Gîbson & Sons S. Snowden & Sons; Saw under 6 mnonths -S. Snowde. C. A. Chapmnan, J. E. AI- Tamworth-Baar-... Snowdon; Do, Sow-S. Snowdon; Sow unden 1 year-S. Snowden, D. J. GIbson; Boar under 6 mnontis-D. J. Giban; Sow under ô months-.-D. J. Gîbsan 1, 2 and 3. Spe ial-Best Pen 3 Bacon Hogs-S. Snowd en W. R. Bail. POU LTRV Ahlatlcs-Braham Cock, Hon, Cockerel -Roylot FaLrn; Pullet-Rllcolman Farmn. Langshan--Cock, Hen, Cockee-Roy. lot Farm. Amertcans-Barred Rock, Cock, Hen- Roylot Farm 1 and 2; Cookerel-C. A. Chapnian ,Roylot Farm 2and 3; Pullet- C. A. Chapman; A. 0. V. Rock-Cock- C. A. Chapmnan; Pullet--C. A. Chapmnan;1 S. C. Rhode Island Red--Cnck-D. Tor- diff! Jas. Noýte3 2 aud 3; Hen-.Ja.. Nokes 1 and3, D. Tordît! 2: Cockerl- D. Tordit! 1 and 2: Pullet-D. Tordit! 1 and 2, Jas. Nakes 3; R. C. Rhode Island Red-Cock-Jas. Nokes, S. Snowden; Hen -las. Nokes 1 anI 2: Cockrël-S. Snow6den; IPultet--S. Snowjen, RoylotE Parm; Wyandotte, White-Cock-Roylot Parm, G. C. Bonnycastle; Hen--O. C. Bonnycastle, W. H. Canruthers; Cooker- el-C. A. Chapman, W. H. Carruthers; Pulet-W. H. Carruthera, G. C. Bonny- c.istle; Wyandotte Part rige-H en-Roy. lot F'arm, C.' A.- Chapman; Cockere- Rylot Farm, C. A. Chapman; Pullet-C. A. Chapman; Wyandotte Silver Lsced- Bn-P. W. Tamblyn; Pullet-Roylot IlIlr m. En? Ilsh-White Rook--Cock-W. R. Robbne, C. A. Chapman; Hon-W. R.C Rabbin,, C. A. Chapsuan; Cockerel-W. R. Robbins, C. A. Chapsuan; Pullet-W. R. Rabbins, C. A. Chapiman; Orpington, White-Hon-Roylot F'arm: Cockerel and Puilet-C. A.. Chapsusu; Orplngtan, Bull .--Cook-Victor Jeffery. Hen-Vicor Jeffery, C. A. Chapsuan; Cookerel-.C. A. Cliapsuan; PuIlet-Royiot 7%mn, C. A. Chapsuan. (Contluued on page 4) a mamammna-_ il., $2.00 a Year In Advance 5e a Cnnv Nn qq SCHOOL TEACHERS COMING To Bowmanville, October 7-8 Over 125 public school teachers in West Durham will meet in annual convention in tbe Lecture Room of St. Paul's United Churcb, Bowman- ville, on Tbursday and Friday, Oct- aber 7-8. A very interesting, instructive and practical program bas been ar- ranged which will make it highly profitable for teachers, trustees aud 1citizens genemally ta attend. Ad- dresses will be given by M. Thorn- ton Mustard, B. A., Normal School, Tomanto, Mr. W. J. Marrison, B. A., Principal Bowmanville High School, Dr. G. E. Reaman, Stiperintendent Boys' Training School, as well as Lpapers by members of the coun-ty teachers' association. Tbursday afternaon teachee, will visit Boys' Training School and after inspection of school buildings lunch will be semved. Town officials, citizens and mer- chants should do everything possible in extending a bearty welcome ta the teachers and make their vislt in town an enjoyable and memorable occasion. MINISTERS AN4D CHURCHES The Salvation Army, Sunday, Oct. Brd. Rally Day. 3 p> m.-pmogrm by yaung people. You are invited. Young Wornen's Auxiiary of TrnityUnited Church will hold their Qua-rterly Tes in tbe school-room on Tuedsy Otober l2th at 6 p. mi. Not="sneof date. 39-2w St. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W. B-est, MinistEir. il a .m.-The New Age and the New Saintliness. 7 p. rn--Light and Shadow. 2:30 >. m-.-Sunday Scheel and Bible Classes. St. Andrew's Pmesbyterisn Church, corner Tempemance snd Churh Ste. Rev. Robt. McDerment, M. A., Min- ister. Morning Worship il a. m. Sunday School Rally. Evening Wor- ship 7 p. m. No Sunday School in afternoon on account of Rlly at marning service. Trinity Young People's Society meeting on Mondsy evening was Cit- izenship night Rev. J. U. Robins ini the chair. Seripture lesan wss read by Miss G. Oke; piano solo by Misa Peters; reading by Miss Ida Payne; topic b>- Rev. J. U .Ro-bins; solo by Miss Hîlda Curtis. Trinity Church Rev. J. Ti. Rob- ins, Pastor. Sunday School Anni- versamy services at Il a. m. and 7 P. M. on Sunday. Sunday Scbol at 2:30 P. m. Rev. J. E. Griffith, B. A., Blackstock, will preach and address the Rally Da3' service lu the afternoon. SPecial music by choir and Ghildren's Choir. Trinity United Ghurch congrega- tien was pleased ta have the prlvi- lege of hearing Mrs. John Baker, Salins, sing at the morning service on Sundsy. The solo "Jesus Lover Of MY Soul" wss splendidly rendered sud greatly enjoyed by aIl present. Mise Leone Quinn sang nicely at the evening service. Rev. J. U. Robins, the Pastor, gave very hepful ser- mons at bath services, bi&s rniug theme based on Mark 4, 26-29 em- phasized tbe thought of growth as aided by service. He said ail en- joyed blessings that were neyer earn- ed or dcserved. SEPTEMBER COUNCIL MEETINGS At regular September meeti'ng af Town Councîl ail meaubers wr preseut cxcepting Coun. Wadbarns. Letter from Hou. G. S. Henry, Miînister of Highiways, regarding darnage in Reesor'edaim was re- ferred back te Cacumittee. E. Singer asked remissiQn of tran- sient traders' license fee but accord- iug ta intempretatian of by-law colun- cil claimed bis request could not be granted. Trusts & Guarsntee Ca., Toronto, presented statemnt of final wind-ap of Ross Can Co. Limited. Town's !lainl was balled clown ta $1000. Goodyear Tire & Rubbcr Ca. was given authority ta put msilway siding on street in front of its factery pro- viding it taok sîl rcsponsibility thero- wiith. Finance Oommittec mecarnrended payrnent of accounts for' rnonth imounting ta $2179-05. Waterwarks Committee reported muc ~eeded work ta be doue at kineg Springs ta cast over $1000. Authority grantcd te proceed with work. By-law was passed ta borrow $25,- 000 ta psy for 2-raorn addition at Public Sehool. ,Clerk was instructed ta write Os- car Hudson & Ca. for verificatian of additianal cdaim of $314.51 against London & Lancashire Guar- antee Co. in cannection with s forrn- Br treasurer's shartage. taita inn râ-talo, em î A! à It an 1 1

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