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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1926, p. 3

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£HE CMADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7th.~ 1926 PAGE THREE Corbett's Bakery Buys 1'.Tons Jam W/e just placeci an orcler this week for one and one-haif tons of Pure dams, which xiii be us- ed in our bake shop cluring the next few months. This week xve are* featuring Pies and Tarts. Try them. DELICIQUS TARTS Home-macle Style Raspberry, Pineapple or Taffy Tarts .... 25e dozen Puffy Pastry Tarts in Strawberry, Pineappie and Raspberry, 25e dozen HOME MADE PIES Very delicious and satisfying Raisin, Apple, Pumpkin or Mincemeat 25e eachi Lemon, Cream or Chocolate Pies, to order 30e ea Meat Pies ............................10e and 15e each Wedding Cakes a Specialty W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville Phone 3 Orono Don't Just Know Think of Edmondstone's Meat Shop when you "don't just know" what you would like for dinner. Step into our store and you will always find a ,timely suggestion. We keep a big stock of the best cuts in 'beef,lamb and pork. Spring chickens are also starting to corne in. Leave your order and we'1l do our best to fil it when wanted. You will like our meats, sanitary methods and the courteous and prompt service. G, A. Edmondstone Phone 21 Bowmanville Fruits In Season W/e are well stocked with ail kinds of season- able fruits inciuding Peaches, Piums, Grapes, Or- anges, Grape Fruit, Bananas,, Lemons, Appies, etc. Get them now for table use or preserving. They are best quality and prices are reasonable. New Dinner Sets W/e have just unpacked a very fine assort- ment of new Dinner Sets. They are very attract- ive and are specially priced for one week. ARCHIIE TAIT Phone 65 BowmanvilIe Cartrigh Agiculura SocetyLOCAL AND OTHERWISE Cart righ Ag iculura SocetyTake her to the Royal Theatre to- H d plndd ai nright.1 She'll enjoy the pcue n Try Shell Aivation Gasoline in your motor and you'Il neyer use any Show Had Fine Entry of Live Stock Wright, W. R. Robbins; Shearling other. Bartlett Garage selI it. and Exhibits in Other Depart- Ram-Carl Wright, J. H. Farder; Orono Fair Wednesday about ments Were Up to Usual High Ram Lamb-W. R. Rabbins,, Carl 'winds up the faîl shows in this dis- Standard. Wright; Aged Ewe-W. R. Rabbins trict. Now gel ready ta do your 1 and 2; Shearling Ewe-Jobn Smith Christma.s shopping early. The big event of the year in Cart- & Sons~ W. R. Rabbins; Ewe Lamb- wright Township in which aid and Carl 'Wright, W. R. Robbin-s. Mr. Corey 'Cahoon came down young are keen participants and Best Pen Leicstrs-W. R. Rob.-Ifrn Toronto Saturday and with his equally enthusiastic is its annual bins & Son, Silver Cup, Ban Com-jaunt, 'Mrs. W. Claude Ives and exhibition-Blackstock Fair whichi merce, Port Perry. jdaughter Ruth, motored ta Welling- was held Wednesday, September 29,' Shropshire-H. Skinner, al tan.i I was the flamboyant harbinger that pie somnmer sun and soil and toil hadi Oxford Down-.J. W. Balson & If some merchants have been poue tohrbutflhretSons, ahl prizes. i sng from their shops during the prodcedanoherboutifl hrvet Iafternoons put it clown that they are for mankind. Market Lab-H. Skinner 1-2.. . hoegtigte1rds bsbî The weatherman, who haLsbeen aiSWIho e e overthe rd aebl big factor this year in the success SWN eIe vrteado or failure of faîl fairs, was in fairly~ Judges, Swain and M.ýagee good mood on Wednesday and as a Berkslires-Boar, over 3 and un-1-e.CmblW .Wry r result there was a large attendance der 7 months-Wm. Hooey 1 and 2; jWElfod;Capelmon WG et-W.G. at this popular show. Sow, over 3 and under 7 monts- Werry, W. A. VanCamp. M.%rs. Perey The exhibîts in the main buildins Wm. Hooey 1 and 2. vanCamp; Starks-W. G. WerrY, presented a mass of color and beauty' Yorkshir&-Boar-Trewin Bras., Mrs. J. Elford, L E Mountjoy; Kings an walls and long tables where the Earl Dorrell; Sow-Roy Ferguson; -W. G. Werry, R. Hamilton, G. S. variaus articles were attractively Boar,, over 3 and under 7 months- Cochrane; Wealthies-R. C. Brown displayed and losely examined, C. A_ Larmer, R. Williams; Soiw, ov- Mrs. F. Crozier, Mrs. Wni. Farder; compared, criticized and admired by er 3 and under 7 moths-W. A. St. Lawrence-W. G. Werry, Oliver interested spectators. The depart- VanCamp, N. Mountjoy. Smith, W. A. VanCamp; Alexanders ment of ladies' work was well filled Tamworths-Sow-L. E. Mount- -~John Armstrong, W. A. vanCamp, an(l included numerous articles by ijoy, Cari Wright Mrs. Percy vanCamp; Culvert-W.ý new exhibitors. There was, of Bacon Hogs-N. Mountjoy, W. A G. Werry, Wes. Campbell; Faîl Peari- course, nlany hardy annuals ondi- VanCamp. -Mrs. Wm. Farder; Wnter Pears- play which have become a der s-1 Mrs. W. E. Beacock; Roy Ferguson, ent fixture on such occasions. 1 POULTRY HI. Nesbitt; Grapes-Miss F. Parr; Dairy Produce, Domestic Science Judge, Dr. E. W. Sisson, Bowmran- Collection Fruits-W. G. Werry, Mrs and Xomen's Institute exhibits were ville. J. Elford. Mrs. Newton Taylor. a wonderful array of inviting andi Plymouth Rocks-H. Nesbitt, R. LADIES' DEPARTMENT appetizing viands which would satis-C.BonWht ydtesM. whe the ms atie of a chroenicdsF. Crozier; White Leghorns-Chas. Judge, Mrs. W. J. Hunter, Bramp- whtth pett o hrne i-McGill, Mrs. J. Elford; Brown Leg- ton. peptic. horn-Mrs. F. Crozier; Rhode Is ys ont ni-r. F vegetables, fruits and grain were land Reds-Mrs. F. Crozier; Turk- Batin onntn, tMrs. A.LF.Drot a particularlv fine display and in eys-Mrs. F. Crozier; Geese-R. C. Baby, r.A.L cDrot sanie classqs were a record for quai-, Brown MNrs. J. Elford; Ducks-G. Bb's bonnet. crochet-Mms F. ity as well as quantity. Special men- S Cchrane, J. H. Farder; Chickens: Stinson, Miss F. Parr; Baby's Dress tion should be given potataes and B're ocsChsoMGll Ns Mrs. Percy VanCamp, Mrs. J. H. apples. Bitt; BlacksMncasass.MGil . McGi[l-l Forder; Bedroom Slippers-Mrs. F. Cartwright farmers have always R. R. Byers; White Wyandottes- Stnon, Mrs. I. Whitfield; Bedrooni taken a commendable pride in rais- Isaac Whitfieîd, Mrs.F. r. îr Towel ,embroidered-Mrs. Wes. ing horses and this year's showing Brown Leghorns-Mrs. F. Crozier;1 Camnpbell, Mrs. 1. Whitfield; Do, uphel<l the high standard set in t. e Rhode Island Reds-I. W Crzier; i crochet trimnied-Mrs. F. Stinson, show ring. Cattle, sheep and swi e Wifed Mrs. Percy VanCamp; Bath Towel, although nat as nunierotis as soai DAIRY PRODUCE hemmed-Mrs. McDermott, Mrs W. years were an exceptionally good Judge, Mr. Weir, Port Perry Camipbell; Burnt Wood Work-Mrs. showing. J. R. Bell, Mrss. Chas. Smith- But- That Blackstock Fair is one of thel 10 lbs. butter in crack-Mirs. J. ton Hles-Miss Reta L. -Bbdman, best towniship agricultural showsi Elford, Mrs. W. E. Beacock, Mrs. G Mrs. Chas. Smith; Coronation -Braid in this part of the country is duel1 S. Cochrane; 10 lbs. butter in pflflts Work-Miss Rodman, Miss.F. Pari; flot only ta the good district it has -Mrm Jas. Parr, Mrs. Jas. Nesbitt, Crochet Yoke-Mrs. Percy VanCamp for a canstituency, but ta the fact Mrs. Chas. Smitth; 5 Ibis. butter inI Mrs. J .R. Bell; Crochet work in cot- that there is an enthusiastic lot ofi prints-Mrs. Jas. Parr, Mrs. R. J. toin-Mrs. J. R. Bell, Mrs. Carl oficers camprising some of Cart- Crozier. Mrs. J. Elford. Wright; Collection fancy work-Mrs îvright's leading citizens, who are W. A. VanCamp, Miss F. Parr; back of the show and keenly interest- D.OMESTIC SCIENCE Camisole-Mrs. McDermott, Mrs. ed in its success. Officers of the White Bread-Mrs. N. Lethangue, Bell; Darning on Linen-Mrs. Bell, Society are: Miss F. Parr, Mrs. Jas. Nesbitt; Mrs. Chas. Smith; Darning on socks Honorary Directors--J. H. Devitt, Brown Bread-Mrs. Newton Taylor, -Mis. F. Crozier, Mils. Bell; Eni- ex-M. P. P., Robt. Philp, W. J. Mrs. J. Elford, Mrm F. Crozier. Bons broîdery on cotton-Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Bragg, M. P. P., F. W. Bowen, m.I -Mrs. Jas. Parr, Miss F. Parr. Mrs. Percy VanCamp; Embroidered centre P., John Wright, Mr. and Mrs. W. C W. B. Ferguson; Biscuits-Mrs. W. piece, white-Mrs. Percy VanCamp, Ferguson, L. P. Werry. E. Beacock, Mrs. Norman Taylor, Miss Rodman; Do, colored-Mrs. C. President-N. H. Marlow, Boîketon Mrs. F. Crozier; Cookies-Mrs. J. Smith, Mrs. Bell; Centre piece, knit- lst Vice Pres.-C. Devitt, Burketon Elford, Mi-,,. Roy Ferguson, Mrs Nor- ted-Mrs. Jas>. Byers; Centre piece, 2nd Vice Pres.-C. Wright, Black- man Taylor; Ginger Snaps-Mrs. crochet-Mrs. W. A. VanCamp, Mrs stock. Roy Ferguson, Mrs. Narman Taylor, Chas. Smith; Eyelet Embroidery- Directors-Jos. H. Farder, Isaac Mrs. R. J. Crozier; Apple Pie-Mrs. Miss Rodman; Fancy Apron-Mrs. F W1itfield, W. A. vanCamnp, R. R. Wes. Campbell, Mrs. Earl Dorrell, Stinson, Mrs. McDermott; Fancy Byers, Jas. Marlow. W. B. Ferguson,~ Mrs. W. A. vanCamp; Pumpkin Pie Pin Cus-hion-Mrs. Chas. Smith, Mns Fred Taylor,R. J. Parr, Wes. Canmn- -Mrs. W. B. Ferguson, Mrs. Earl Wes. Canmpbell; Fancy Wrist Bag- bell, R. J. MeLaughlin, J. J. Jobb, Dorrell, Mrs. W. A. VanCamp;Can- Mrs. Chas. Smith. Mrs. Bell; Fancy Roy Ferguson, Earl Dorrell, R. Ham- ned Fruit-Mrs. Newton Taylor, Mrs Wool Sweater-Mrs.. F. Stinson; ilton. J. Elford-Jellies-Mrs. F. Stinson, Fancy Handkerchiefs-Mrs. F. Stin- Lady Di recto rs-Mesd ames S. Jeif- Mrs. Newton Taylor; Pickles-Mrs. tson, Mrs. Jas. Byers; Five O'clocl ery, Jas. Byers, R. J. Crozier, John Newton Taylor, Mrs. J. Elford, Mrs Tea Cloth-Miss F. Parr, Mrs. Chas. J. Jobb, I. Whitfield, Roy Ferguson, R. O'Neill; Honey in Comb-Mrs. Smith; Hemstitching-Miss F. Fair, P. vanCamp, Miss Aggie Swain, Miss Jas. Nes-bitt, Mrs. F. Stinson; Maple Mrs. Bell; Irish Crochet Work-Mrs Florence Parr. Syrup-Mrs. Newton Taylor, 'Mrs . F. Stinson, Mrs. G. M. Brown; Kit- Auditors-S. Jeffery and 0. L. Chas. McýIGill. Mrs. F. Crozier. chen Apron-Mrs. Bell, Mrs. R. C. Thompson, Blackstock.I Brown; House Dress-Mrs. MeDer- Secretary-Jas. Byers, Blackstock WOMEN4'S INSTITUTE mott. Mrs. J. Elford; Knitted Socks, Treasurc--Ednvard Montgomery, Beef Loaf-Miss Mary Crozier,lwool-Mrs. Wm. Farder, Mrs. F. Blackstock. Mrs. Newton Taylor; Tomato Salad Crozier; Knitted Mittsý, men's-Mrs. Complete list of prize winners: -Mrs. W .A. VanCamp; Tea Bis- Wmn. Farder, Mrs. F. Stinson; Knit- Mrs. W. E. Beacock, Mrs. R. R. Bv-î ted Mits, women's-Mrs. F. Stinson, HORSES ers; Cookies-Mrs. W. E. Beacock, MIvrs. McDermtt; Pillow Cases. eni Judge-W. F. Batty, Brooklin. Mrs. Chas. Smith; Light .'ake-Mrs. broidered-Mrs. I. Whitfield, Mrs. Heavy Draught-Three year aid W. A. VanCamp, M.%rs. R. R. Byers; W .A. vanCamp; Do, lace trimmed- colt-G .S. Cochrane, Earl Dorrell Dark Cake-Miss Mary Crozier, Mrs Mrs. Percy VanCamp, Mrs. Chasý Two year aId colt-Earl DorreillW.E Beck; ppe i-r. Smith; Pillow Day Slips-Miss Rod- Team-A. L. Byers. Albert Wright, Miss Mary Crozier; man, Mrs. R. R. Byers; Patch Worl LgtDraught-Brood Mare- Table Bouquet, eut flowers-Mrs. Quilt-Miss F. Fair, Mrs. Perey Trewin Bras.,Wmn. Farder, Harold Chas. Smith. Mrs. W. E. Beacock. I VanCamp; Patchwork Qult, Cotton Beaock Thee ea ol cot-RyiIMPLEMENTS -Mrs. Chas. Smith, Mrs. Wes. Beacuok; Thre year aId colt-y Fanning Mill-R. Dickey. H.pbll Fancy Wash Quilt-Mrs, Wm. Farder, Earl Dorrell, C. Hill; H eckMsR..Byr;Qit One year old colt-Wm. Farder; GRAIN AND SEEDS crochet-Mrs. Bell. Mrs. Perey Van. Foa-Hrol BacokTreinBro., Judge, A. Wilson, Burke.ton Camp; Quilt, knitted-Mrs. Cari FoalHarld Bacok, rewi Brs.,Wright, Mrs. Robt. Dickey; Comfort. Wni. Farder; Team-R. R. Byers. Faîl Wheat, red-Carl Wright; er, ettnn-Mrs. N. Lethangue, MisE - waan .. U . i.-roodFal Wheat. white-Carl Wrigrht, R p& ý. Mare-Murray Byers, C. Hill, G.1 Hamilton, J1. Marlaûw; Spring Wheat, C. Cochrane, Two year aidI hard--John Armstrong, Narman Tay- colt-W. A. VanCamp, G. S.Ion; Spring Wheat, soft-L. E. Cochrane; One year old colt-I Mountjay, John Armstrong, Chas. Hiil, L. Griffin, Murray Byers; Teami McGiIl; Peas, small-G. S. Cochrane; M. Skelding. Oats. white-G. S. Cochrane, L. E. Judge, F. Boyce. Odessa jMountjoy, Nanman Taylor; Barley, 6-rowed-C. McGill; White Beans- Roadsters-Brood Mare-G. S.~ Chas. McGill, Nornian Taylor, R. J. Cochrane; One year aid-W. A Van-i Crozier. Camp; Foal-G. S. Cochrane; Team1 -C. Evans; Single horse over 15½/ VEGETABLES AND ROOTS hands-G. S. Cochrane, E. Sander- Judge, A. Wilson son; Single horse, 13i4ý hands and. oaosihteeryI ht under-C. Evans, L. C. Wilson, Rd. fiel, R. . Bwnte John VennWig; Harris.Potatoes white, lae-John Yenning,11 Carriago--Brood Mare-EarI Dor 0. Wright, Thos. Wood; Potataes, relI; Team-Mrs. A. E. Fitchette; red-Chas. McGill, Newton Taylor, Single horse-Mrs. A. E. Fitchette 1, R. C. Brown; Turnips-R. Hamitn, and 3, C. Evans 2; Gentleman's John venning, Newton Taylor; Car- turnout-C. Evans, G. S. Cochrane, rats, white-Cecil Hill, Roy Fergu- Ed. Harris; Lady driver-Mrs. A. son, John Venning; Cariots, table-- E. Fitchette 1, Mrs. E. Sanderson 3; Roi, Fergoson, W.-A. VanCamp, Jas. Ladyý in saddle-Mae Graham; Best Marlow; Cabbage, winter-0. colt hy Silver King--Harold Beacock; Wright. John venning, R. C. Brown; Shetland Pony-Oliver Smith; Best Squash-Roy Ferguson, Chas. Mc- horse on rein-G. S. Cochrane, Si!- Gill, G. S. Cochrane; Pumpkins-Ner- ver Cup by Standard Bank; Farmers' man Taylor, H. Nesbitt, Chas. Me- trot, open-H. McNeill, N. F. GuI; Beet's, table-Jas. Marlow, Strutt, Lloyd Williams, time 2.30; Chas. McGill, Isaac Whitfield; Beets, Farmers' Race, Township-A. Boyd, long-I. Whitfield, R. C. Brown, C. M. Griffin, W. B. Fergoson, time 3 McGill ;Onions, white-Chas. McGill, min. Roy Ferguson, Miss, F. Fair; Onions, CATTLE yellow--John Venning, Chas. Mc- Judge, M. Hall, Brooklin GilI, Rov Fergu'son; Onions, red- Shortorns-Bull, two years-J. Richard Williamis, Chas. McGill, John H. Farder, C. Wright, Jabez Wright; Venning; Mangolds, red-R. Hamil- Cow-Albertr Wight 1 and 3, Jabezi ton, John Venning, R. C. Brown; Wright 2; Heifer, 2 years old--Jab- Mangolds, yellow--J. J. Jabb, I. ez Wright, Newton Taylor; Heifer, Whitfield, Oliver Smith; Tosnatoes 1 year old--Jabez Wright, Alberti-Mrs. R. R. Byers, Oliver Smith, Wright; Heifer, Caf-Albent Mrs. J. Elford; Watennelons-R. Wright, Jabez Wright, J. H. Farder; C. Brown; Citrons--O. Wright, Ce- Herd-Jabez Wright. cil Hill, Chas. MeGiII; Corn-H. Nes HoIaoinCow-arl Dorrll~bitt, Chas. McGill; Sweet. Corn-W. Hsei 2 ear-Earl Dorell; i:G. Werny, Roy Fergusan, Chas. Mc- year-,2 yasrl Dorel Calf-alGill; Collection vegetablesý-Newton er, 1ya=alDrel afEr Taylor, Mrs. J. Elford. DorielI. Grado-Cow-Murray Byers 1 FRUIT and 3, Jabez Wright 2; Heifer, 2 yrs Judge, A. Wilson -Jabez Wright, Newton Taylor; Nothern Spy-Roy Ferguson, W. Stee-Jabez Wright 1 and 2 a G .Werry, L.C ountjoy. Russets- Stee--Jaez Wight1 an 2. John Armstrong, W. G. WerrY, J. J SHEEP Jobb; Snows-.-John Armstrong, Earl Judges, Jas. Swain and J. R. Mae Dorrell, W. G. Werry; Baldwins-W. aeG. Wenry, Wes. Campbell, Mis. J. Cotwod-F. B GlaspelI, ahl prizes Eilord; Mann-W. -G. Werry, Rd. L.oetow.-Aged Ram-Carl Williams, R. J. Crozier; Ben Davis ri st R. R. Byers, Mrs. Bell; Set Table Mats-Mrs. Chas. Smith, Mrs. R O'Neill; Sideboard Scarf, white- Mrs. Percy VanCamp, Mrs. Chas. Smnith; Do, colored-Mrs. F. Stinson, Mrs. W. A. VanCamp; Silk Eni- broidery-Miss F. Fair, Mrs. Bell; Sofa Cushion in Silk-Mrs. Chas. Smith, Mrs. Carl Wright; Soft Cush- ion in Linen-Mrs. R. J. Crozier,' Mrs. W. A. VanCamp; Do, fancy- Mrs. Perey VanCamp, Mrs. Chas. Smith; Sofa Pîllow-Mrs. Bell; Sofa Cushion, wa-shable-Mrs. Bell;; Suiti Ladies 'Underclothing-Mrs. Percy vanCamp, Mms W. A. VanCamp; Tatting-Mrs .F. Stinson, Mrs. Chas Smith; Tea Cosy-Mrs. Chas. Smnith, Mrs. J. Bell; Veranda Jacket-Miss F. Pair; Ladies' Scarf-Mrs. Chas. Smith, Mis. Jas. Byers; Tray Cloth- Mrs. Percy VanCani p, Miss F. Parr; Whisk Holder-Miss F. Fair, Miss F Parr; Photo Holder-Miss F. Fair; Plain Sewing-Mms McDermott, Mrs J. Elford; Plain Patching-Miss Rod- man, Mrs. McDermott; Point Lace- Mrs. McDermott; Home Dyeing- Miss F. Pari, Mrs. W. A. VanCamp; Ladies' Blouse-Mis. McDermott, Mrs. W. A. VanCamp; Worked Rug -Mrs. F. Crozier, Mrs. C. Smith; Rag Floor Runner-Mrs. Jas. Parr. FINE ART Painting in ON-Mis. McDer- mott; Painting Water Colors--Misa F. Parr, Mrs. McDermott; Painting on China-Miss F. Parr; Mis. Mc-ý Dermott; Pencil Drawing-Mrs. W. B. Ferguson, Mrs. Bell; Crayon Drawing-Miss F. Pari ;Carving on wood-Mrs. R. C. Brown. Mrs. I. \Vhitfield. PLANTS AND FLOWERS Table Bouquet Asters-Mms R. O'Neill, Mrs. Chas. Smith; Table Bouquet Dahlias-Mrs. Chas. Smith, Mis. R. C. Brown; Table Bouquet GIadiolas-Mrs,. Chas. Smith, MDr. W. A. vanCamp; Table Bouquet fSweet Peas-Mrs. R. R. Byers, Mr&. 1. Whîtfield; Collection Cut Flowera -Mrs. R. O'Neill, Mrs. Jçhn Ven- ning; Collection House Plants-Mis. Chas. Smith; Penmanship--G. W. sBrown. Smash In Prices 0F Brantford Roofing Must have room f or Fall and Winter goods. MUST BE CLEARED Only while Brantford Roofing in stock lastl will it be soid at these very low piices. So buy early. MASON & DALE Popular Hardware Store Phone 145 Bowmanville r SHEL Produet Famous for their high quality Enjoy your motor at its best by using Sheil Aviation Gasoline Sheil Coal Oil for your stove or lamp. It burns with a clear steady flame-free from smoke. A trial will convince you as it has others. Batteries Charged. Ce A. Bartlett Phone 110 North Side King St. E. Bowmanville thatzL We ean help you decide upon the kind of roofing you want and seil it to you at the right price, says our Luniber Jack. The roofing prob- lemi is one that bas bothered many builders. The re-roofing vexation is one that has eaused many home owners ta become very thoughtful. Our experience is at your disposaI. Here you'Il get real attention and the best niatenials. Mc CLFLLAN&CO.' LI MITEID LUMBER 6e FUEL BUILDERS MATERIALS OFFICE PHONE 15 Feed Them Well GIVE THE HARVESTERS AND* THRESHERS PLENTY 0F -CAW- KER'S TENDER AND NOURISH- ING MEAT. THEY WILL GIVE THEIR BEST EFFORTS IN RE- TURN. You may always buy your meat with safety at this store. Orders FilIed Promptly and Delivered. C, M. CAWKER & SON Victoria Building Butchers Phone 64 Bowmanville WALL PAPER BARGAINS 25 Per Cent Off Regular Prices For the next week ail our beautiful W/ail Papers now in stock will be cleared at the attractive re- duction of 25% off usual prices. This makes it worth your while to buy this week. CASTLE FLOOR WAX 35c LB. TIN Let me estimate on your painting and paper- hanging. Sehool supplies of every kind. GEO. PRITCHARD Phone 489 King Near Silver St. Bowmajiville 1 £HE CANADIAN STATESMA.N. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7th.. 1926 PAGE THREE

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