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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1926, p. 4

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PAGE 4 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY. flCTflR~R 7+h i ooa New Wall Papers Fall importations of 30 inch Maximur Papers Beautiful designs Most suitable for panelling, the prevailing style which is being used in modern home decoration. We wilI be pleased to show yVou. W. T. Allen "Big 20 Bookstore" Bowinanville USED CARS PRICES ARE LOWER Ford Touring Adaptable motor, one-mnan top, good tires. Price $50.0'0 Chevrolet Touring repainted, in good condition Price $75.00 1922 Chevrolet Special /In sp1ehdid condition thri2out, exceptional good set tires Pirice $275.00 Gray Dort Touring In splendid condition Price $90.00 Chevrolet Superior Touring Refinished in duco. new tires Price $415.00 1922 Ford Sedan Refinished, good motor, tire' O.K. Price $250.00re McLaugblin 45 Touring In exceptionally good condition throughout, sacrifice for Price $200.00 Termns or your old car considered as part payment. Every battery guaranteed for 90 days. Ontario Motor Sales, Limited 99 Simcoe St. South Oshawa HAMPTON HAYDON DARLINGTON W. M. S. Auxiliary held the Sep-j Mr. and Mus. Weirace, Mr. and Report for S. S. 3, Darlingtor tember meeting at the home of Mrs. 1 Mrs. Ridge and daughter Margaret, (Base Line), duing September E. L. Williamson, Mus. S. Bate, lstlIOshawa, Su.ndayed at Mr J. Wright's; Su. IV-*Walter Blackburn 82. *Ivý Vice-President in the chair. After Mr. and Mus. McDonald, Salemt Mr. Foley 81, *Leah Bell 80. Jr. IV- singing and "The Lord's Prayer" in 1 and Mus. B. McDonald London: Mu. Ethel Hopps 61, tLewis Rundle 54 unison, business was transacted. 0. McDona]d at Mr. Thompson's; tFreda Attuee 47, tDQrothv. Rundl4 Mrs. H. Peters, Rec. Sec'y., resigned Miss Phoebe Beach with her brother 31. Sr. Ill-Robert Finnigan 61 and Mrs. E. L. Williaunson was elect- at Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Stan Jr. III-Flerence Foley 62, Bessiq ed to succeéd lher. Roll Caîl was Woolings and famil y, Toronto, at Mr Blackburn 60, tEileen Morphy 34 responded to bY a verse bearing on H. Ashton's; Qur League held their tJack Finnigan 29. Jr. lI-*Winnii "Faith." Mis. (Rev.) Bick took corn Toast last Thursday in the Gibson 87, Wilbur Blackburn 66 charge of the program. A chorus church shed. AIl repor t a good time Hazel Hopps 65. fAnnie Igush 54 was sung by Mus. Bick's group; Mus.. . League Wednesday of this week. tAloysius Kush 48. Sr. I-tEunic( Baie read the lesson; Mrs. Howard No League Sunday evening on ac-1 Lane 57. Sr. Pr.-*Boboie Gibsor Cole gave a talk on "Faith and Ad- count of Enniskillen special ser- 79, *Grace TrulI 76, tMauuice Mori venture," which was f ollowed by vices ..Sunday &chool Executive phy 50. Jr. Pr.-*Vera Gibson sentence prayers. Mus. W. W. Horn business meeting Friday evening.... 1. offa Hopps, Samrny VanCamp gave a short reading on "Work"; Sunday Sehool Rally was held last Bernice Roberts, Helen Rundle, Haz. Mrs. Wallace, a reading, "In Search Sunday to gather and renew our el Roberts. *-Honors; t-Fail. of a Heavenly Father"; Mrs. Bick forces for work in the coniinglure (below 60 per cent on total.) and Mrs. Wilbur sang a solo. Mee-- winter months.. . Mr. and Mrs. W. uyMBrgtah. îng clnsed with the Mizpah Benedic- Smith and family and Miss Wilson Rb .Bag ece tion. Next meeting at the home ofi visited at Mr. Silus Trewin's .... Mrs. F. G. Kerslake. progrant in League Sunday evening w as in ENFIELD charge of Mrs. W. J. Clemens' group.1 charge of lst Vice, Mrs.. Crossman. Mr. Win.Horn and Miss M.~ Bible reading by Harold Greer; de- Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Simipson, Horn recently visited Mr. and Mrs. votional Mus. Read; story by Renia Renfuew. have been visiting at Mr. William Jolliffe, Lindsay. Bradley; duet by Misses Mabel C. Simpesn's; Mus. Grace Simpson During the past few days Couch, Beech and A. Trewin; Topic, Mrs. J accompanied hlm home... .Mr. anc Johnston & Cryderman have opened Wright, "Larger Fellowship"; stouy, Mrs. W. White and Mr. and Mrs. out another lovely lot of new Coats Mus. Cowling. Preparations are be- Arthur Page, Toronto, vîsited at MT. and new dresses. No better goods ing niade for Thanksgiving Sunday & Page's .... .Mr. and Mus. J. C. and no better value anywhere. and Monday.Mr. and Mus. James McGill and Mr. and Mrs. S. Storie, ICrosinian visited at Mr. Frank Oshawa. visited at Mr. J. Hepburn's COURTICE Crsmns Taunton. .Mr. and Mrs .... .Mr. and Mus. L. Stinson. Col- Meýwi Hepburn, Columibus, Sun- umnbus, weue at Mr. I. Stinson's. ... On Wednesday afternoon and dayed with Mr. and Mus. Theron Messrs. O. Ieatlie and F. MeCully, evening, September 29th the nna Mountjoy. .. . Mrs. John Wright vis- Buock, visited at L. C. Pascoe's. ... chicken pie supper and concert u-. ited hier daughter, M/rs. Ridge, at Mu. and Mis. W. Hepburn and Miss der auspices of the Ladies' Berean Oshawa .... Miss Elliott, Chatton- L .Hepbuun. Kedron, were guests of Class was held at Ebenezer Church. ooga Tenn., with hier sister, Mrs. E. Mu. A. Oriniston ..Mrs. Wilson, About 5 p. m. the tables being lad- Ormiston. California, is at Mr. N. Smith's.. en with cakes, puinpkin pie, etc.,. . Messrs. Ted Glover and T. Sulli- and the first course of chicken pie vaj saa iieda r .Fr and hot potatoes and salads etc., ENNISKILLEN van ,sha.. visiteM at Mr. H. For-g the gue.ts began to partaktp of the teacheus' convention in Bowmanville supper and cuowd s of people weue The question of forming classes ... . No doubt quite a lot el potatoes served fromn then until 8 p. nin Agriculture, Domeatie Science, will bie gatheued when the childuen when a first-class concert was given Sewing, etc., is beinge considered are home. in church. Miss Gertrude Hood by -the Trustees or Enniskillen Pub-_______ Port Perry, Elocutionist, was well lic School for short courses under received and hier numbers bright an' Dept. of Agriculture. A public MAPLE GROVE lively and kept the audience inimeeting will bie called later to fori ___ laughter much of the tinte. The plans. Watch for particulaus. Mr. and Mis. Nelles, daughteu solos by Miss Alma Courtice, Chi- Mi. and Mus. Fred Robbins and Estell, Mr. N. Smith and son Roy, cago, Mr. Cyril Weyuich, Oshawa, farnily, Mr. and Mus. Win. Hamble- Willowdale, motored down on Sun- were enjoyed by ail as was also the Iton and son and Mrs. Wm. Strutt, day and visited the latteu's brother- guitar music by Miss Elsie Crago and Rochester, N. Y.. Mu. Win. Robbins, in-law, Mr. Chas. Axford, also niece Mr. Hubert Osborne, Bowmanville,1 Bowmanville, Mu. Nelson Robbins and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. C. H.i and piano solos by Master George land Mu. and Mis. James Moorey I Snowden. Mrs. Smith who spenti Weruy, Solina, who is qulte al HaTton, recen<tly visited at Mr. the past week with hier brother and j excep tin and well. is seLtoise Frank Robbis'... . On Sunday, Oct. other relatives îeturned home withl eCurticeof Ebeneer, ais use 0, Harveat Thankoffeuing services t..... Mr. and Mus George Cou- Coutic o Ebnezrals gve one wiil bie conducted in the United ser, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mu. selection in elocution which pleased Church at 2:30 and 7 p. ni. by Rev. and Mus. D. E. Rutley... .Mr. and teandiuc ue. has een given.0the .W. Best, Bownianville. The, Mrs. Thos. Bonnetta, Whitby, Mu. andmuc prisebasbee gien heofliciaIs are asking fou $300. Rev. E. and Mus. George Garrett and son ladies of Ebentzzer on the excel- M. Cook will exehange puljits with Garnet. Oshawa, recently visited Mu. lent supper seuved .... Mr. John Dr. Best. Miss Helen Argue, Dotw- and Mus. John Snowden. ... Mu. and so welhs o and s ieceof Knsa manville, will sîng at the afternoon, Mus. Lloyd Snowden won 2nd puize Cisty, ad i Ms. W. R. ourticea service and Mus. John Baker, Solina n class of five* on their baby Dor- Cit, clld ( Ms, . . Cuis cw at the evening service ... .. . Two othy, under a year old, at Port Hope last week. Mu. Scott who i o motor accidents ocre heue Fair.... .Mr. Llovd Snowden was a 91 years old and is very active and during the past week. One successful exhîbitor at Port Hope bight, owned W. R. Courtice's home we Mu. Claude Smith was and Millbrook Fairs. .. . Samuel niany yeaus ago before the late knocked down and run aveu. A cau Snowden has sold his frame house Jas. Courtice resided there and hie was standing outside the store and and piece of land to Mus. Meredith, visits the old home once a year whien cranked it suddenly went for- Toronto.... Mu. D. E. Rutley has MstfresAI akeour dastuned ... ward ,being in geau. Claude suffeued sold his house and outbuilding and CicsAago afteusedingsoeueeks a broken rnb and was considerably some land to Mu. Chas. Byani, Tor- Chicgo lte spndig sme eek bruised. The other ha.ppened on onto; Mu. C. H. Snowden has pur- with relatives hee ... . Glad to bie Sunday efternoon about 5 o'clock chased 20 acres... Mu. Lloyd Snow-,, able to note iniprovement in Mu. when a large Oakland car with si den has sold hîs place to Mu!. Jaux-îe Clarence Penfound who is in Bow- otu seven paesengers comi ng fromi of Osaca. .The name of M.%Iz manville Hospital and hope he ntay the nouth failed to make the cornerl Lloyd Snowden instead of Mus. S. soon recover entiuely fuoni his sick- n plunged thuough the fence and Sn*wden should have appeaued in ne Hoît Mr. .R and M sW. R. n the embankment where the the Bowmanville Fair Prize List as Anni Hot, r. nd Ms. . R iuoad goes west. The car was con-1 winneu of the prizes for apple and Curtice and Clare motored out to «Iieal aaedadsm fteraii is Lindsay Sundav where they sdralsdmge ndsmto to ism is -heday Mu an Mu. Cu~tce'passengere badly hurt. T he party1 -h a. M.and Mastr lar vitig tiRe.lwas on the way home to Oshawa. SOLINA 1This is the second bad accident at ____ Thos. Buoxvn's and Mus. Rundle and this corner this sumin1r.. . .Miss Mus. Plato, St. Caýharine5, is vis- Mis Hntou. SricesMr.ond wcr. o Eva Soueji, Bowmanville, is visiting iting Miss Noua Werry at Mu. A. L. Aell atendSedviPstor Sunday eue sister, Mus. J. Pyîe. Misses Pascoe's. wel atenedPasor Wa.:hington1 Luella Stevens and Winnîe Oke was in the pulpit in the morning and weue weekend visitors at their homes Solina Women's Instizute will in the evening it being Rally of the here. Mu. and Mus. D. Burgniaster meet at zhe home of M rs. Isaac Epwoth eagnd M. W J.Mor visited at Cobourg on Hardy on Thuusday afternoon, Oct- sconB., iveed anspledid ad Thursday et Mu. Buugmaster's nep- ober l4th. AIl ladies welcome. Schol, eliere a pledid ad-hews home. .... Mu..end Mus. Frank dress. to the young people. Solos Contes uetuuned home to Rochester Eldad Church will hold its Hauves-, were sung by Miss Francesý Hancock after visiting at Mu. Buugntasteu's. Home services on Sunday, Octobeu1 and Rev. C. C. Washington .... .Ep- Mr urmsrssseM. ld17h a2:0pm.nd p. . wouth League's first meeting on Fui- Bumat'ssteMsGot-7h.at23 p.m ani p. . s'j-mith. uturning with theni. Rev. E. M. Cook. Newcastle, xill day evening when a good tinte is preach at bath services. The choir expec ted. will be asý-isted by Mu. Russel Other Courtice news on page 7 . TYRONE Thompson, Toronto. On Monday a flit class concert will be given. * MILLINERY Wedding befls are ringing...Mur Particulaus next week. John Hetheul.y has uetuuned to Am Visitors:- Miss Vera Fletcher, Hats made to order, trimmed ou agari after %pending e week with hisi Kalamazoo, Mlich., with Miss Mary1 remodelled at moderate puice. Mus. parents-, 'Mu. and Mus. Richard Hath-1 Hogarth and _Mus. R. Pascoe; Mu. W. J. Reynolds. Solina, phone 167- erly. Mu. Frank Hatheul y acconi-i andi Mrs GorreWat s lr I 13.402 Wear Ives' School Shoes Good Sturdy School Shoes fori Boys at $3600 and $4.50 pair i GROWING GIRLS' SHOES Oxford and strap styles, in low heels and medium round toes at ...................................... $450 Pair Several lines at clearing prices, regular $6.75 and $7.50 values at .....................................500 Pair MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES Black Boots and Brown Boots, in good strong caîf leaLher at ..........................................4.00 Pair Pàtent Leather Slippers at ........3.00, $3.50, $3.75 Pair BARGAINS IN MENS FOOTWEAR 24 pairs Men's Oxfords, in Black or Brown Side Caîf Leather with îubber heels................... SPECIAL $3.95 Pair 15 pairs Men'a Oxford. in Black or Brown Jeather, sizes in this. lot are broken................... SPECIAL $4.50 Pair 24 paire Men's plain toe brown boots, good stx'ong aide caîf leather, with roomy toes .............. SPECIAL $4.50 Pair ASK FOR PONY VOTE COUPONS IVES' SHOE STORE Footwear and Travelling Goods Bowmanville Jonei ns Oohr u and , raîrs. 1 d Mu_. J. Houtop and .%Iiss RuthndHilîs and babe, Margart I Port Perry, et Mu. H. E. I Ruh ad Ms. ouaio ilî viit-Tink's; Mus. Chas. Nelson and Miss 'ed Kirby fuiends on Sunday. ... Mur. Muriel, Toronto, Miss Eleanor Wood, and Mus. Enoch Stevens, Mu. and Bowmanville, at Councillor S. Wil-. Mus. Bertrant Stevens, Hampton, andlins;M.R.J csskad Mu. and Mus. Arthur B. Stephens and M is Mret andJ.Mus H.E. Tnkd famlyTornto wih M. ed Ms.Ivisited their ntotheu Mus. Thomas Robert Burgess on Sunday .... Mu. Pascoe, Hampton, on Monday, and' Thomias Scott felI fuoni the hearn celebuated heu 86th birthday;' Mu. floor and buoke thuee ibs ... . Missi and Mus .R. Someuville, -Miss MeIr- Hazel Turner spent the weekendl geret and baby Helen Joyce, Cherry- with heu parents et Whitevale and wood, et Mus. J. Reynolds'; Mu. ttnd attended Markham fair.... Ms. Mus. Clare Thomas, Miss Menjorie, John McLaughlin. Bo'wninville, vis- and baby Kenneth. Orillie, at Mu.H' ited et Mu. A. W. Annis'. ... Mu. and Augue's; Mu. and Mus. Bert HuntJ Mus.JohnH. utto, Ms. Bronand Mu. Ernest at Mu. J. A. Werry's, 1 Moore and Mu. Wm. Moore attend- Enniskillen; Miss Noua Weruy has re-' ed the base baIl series in Toronto tuuned after a pleasant visit withi on Sturday... .Glad to know Mus. Osh,aaend Kedron fuiends; Mus. Thmesod on is ited wtth .Miss W. H. Westlake is vistng heu sîster j Thedor- Dwn isieýdwit Miset Port Elgin; Mu. and Mus. D. Margaret Moore .. . .Mr. and Mr'. Nicholson, son and daughter and Chas. Weruy and Auduey and Miss Miss Jessie Cation. Brampton; Mu. May Aumour, Oshawa, visited with and Murs. Art Belinten and femily, Mu. and Mus. John Mutton .... Mus. Clarke, visited et Mu. Norman Yel- Mark Wni. Lawton. Los Angeles, lowlees'; Miss Ruth Armstrong. Map.. Calif., and Mu. Will Smith, Enfield, le Guove, spent a few days with Mus. called on Mu. and Mus. H. M. Colle- B. G. Stevens .... .Pleased to report cott on Sunday... .Mr. and Mr'. thet Mu. J. Pascoe is improving af- Thoma.- Richards and Mu. and Mus. ter his recent illnes.... Councillor Albet Hwke vistedMr.and Ms and Mus. S. Williams, Mu. and Mus. Howard Findley, Unionville,an at- j. Pascoe. Mu. and Mus. A. J. Balson tended MarkhaniFFeu. Miss Lola attended Lindsay Fair ..Pleased Richards is visiting heu sister Mus. W~ see Mu. A. J. Reynolds home front H. Findley. .. . Miss Viola Shortt Bowmanville Hospital muc~h improv- spent the weekend with Bobcaygeon ed in health. friends and attended the Feur.. Young Peaple's League on Thuusday Report of Saline School fou Sep- was in charge of lst Vice, Miss Hez- teînber: Class V-Arnot Van Nest el Turner. Mus. (Rev.) Trunipour 83, Helen Baker 83, Ruth MeKes- gave a splendid topic on "What is sock 78 Muriel Baker 75, Margaret the Churc.h"? Miss Evelyn Buent' Sctt 73, Tom Westleke 72, George sang a solo and Mu. Fred Goodman Kersýlake 70, Evelyn Tink 69, Ileen gave e piano solo... .Sunday School Balson 65, Eleanor Shepherd 65, Rally was well attended on Sunday Fuank Westleke 53. Madeline TrulI mouning recitations were well gîven 51. Su. IV-Maurice Baker 82, by Doris Dudley, Edna Canieron, Bruce Tink 64, George Weuuy 64, Lamne Annis, Gardon Brent, Lloyd Me%- Westleke 61. Su. 11-Vera, Hoar and Mae Cememon. Splendid Keuslake Jean Hogarth. Jr. III- adduesses were given by Rev. Mu. Stuart Hogarth, Ernest Hunt, Peu- Trumpaur and Superintendent Mu. cy Westlake, Russel Balson. Su. A. W. Annis. ... Chuuch service nexti J1-Har,el McEwen, Audrey Ayte, Sunday evening et 7 p. ni. when Jint Parker, Roscoe Bakeu, Ruby Rev. J. R. Bick, Hampton, will Parker. Su. 1--Jessie Hogarth, preach. Tom Baker. Su. Pr.-Wesley For the best material, the besti Werry. Downeu Parkeu, Alan Wilbuî. niade, the best ftting and best value I Jr. Pr.--Jean Scott, 'Bruce Hogarth, in Men's Suits calet Couch, John-j Louise Baker. ston & Cuydernian's. 1 R. J. McK.uaoc%4 teacher. CH ICKEN PIE SUPPER )njChieken Pie Supper will be held r:at Zion on Tuesday, October 12th. 'ai Supper served from 5:30 p. m. Good - mixed program. Tickets 60c. 4, Children 30c. 40-1w e ;1. de HOSPITAL ANNUAL MEETING 14, e Annual meeting of Bowmanville 6,Hospital wiIl be held in Council 4, Room, Friday, Octo'ber 15,th at 8 ce p. m. Public cordially invited. Ail )n accounts owing or against hospital ýshould be settled before above date. n, N. S. B. Jamnes, C. H. Mazon, P, President. Secretary. CARD 0F THANKS H!aving sold MY gocery and bakeuy business to Mu. Richard Cuoit, Port Hope, I take this opportunity of thankring ai] those who favored me with theiu patronage during MY eleven yeeîs' residence in Hampton. I would also be8peak for Mrf. Croft a cantinuance of youu patronage. as he corntes highly iecomniended end is well able to render first class service and values at aIl tumes. S. G. Bat«. Hampton, October 4, 1926. 40-1' Couch, Johnston & Crydeumen in- vite any lady who thinks of buying a Fui Coat to caîl at their store as they will not only selI any kind of a Fur Coat at much less than the or- dinauv price but every coat they selI cauuies theiu guarentee with it. Tenders Wanted Oshawa Fruit Growers' Limnited will offer for sale the following Fruit Stouage buildings: Audley, size 40 x 66 ft; So- lina 41 x 64 ft. aides and roof of metai: i3rooklin, 30 x 64 ft, metal roof. Tenders to be in not later than Oct. 3Oth, 1926. Highest ou eny tender not necessarily accepted. Rt. W. Griermon, John Johnston, Presdent. Sec y.Treaýs., EARN $6.00 PER DAY When quaiified as auto rnechanics, Ibattery weiding and electricai work, aiso brickiaying. Big dernand for trained heip. Part trne pay whtle Iearning. Act at once. Inquire about our SYstem 0of teaching Ladies' Hair Diressing. Oeil or write Hemphill's Lirnited 163 King West, Toronto. 4e-1 INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES First-Class Conipanies and Service N. E. NEADS THE SERVICE AGENCY King Street, Bowmanviîle, Ont. I ~PRICE SALEI 19C m 59C -99C These exceptiona1ll low prices are good for one day only-Saturday, October 9th 19 CENT Dover Egg Beates Stove Pipe Varnish Aluminuni Salt and Peppes Ash Sifters 59 CENT ARTICLES Eve-Ready Razos, 6 blades White Granite Tuys Aluminunt Sauce Pans Blue Granite Tee Pots Thermos Bottles Blue Granite Coffee Pots White Granite Sauce Pans 99 CENT ARTICLES Pyrex Pie Plates. Granite Wateî Pails Galvanized Wash Tubs Flour, Sugar, Coffe & Tea Sets 5 Electrie Bulbe il2 Doz. Knives, % doz. Forks Some fines are limited so shop early Saturday morning and avoid disappointment. Dustan 's Cash Hardware ARTICLES Granite Pitcheus Granite Tea Steepers Granite Sauce Pans $35,OOO Stock to Be Cleared by January 1lst. Owing to operation of 3 stores makes our buying power large' and allows us to more than compete with any opposition. In oî'der to' arrange a thoî'ough business system to operate 3 stores makes it necessary for us to clear our entire stock. What better time to seil than now w'hen customers need the goods. We ask no favors. A look is invited. LADIES' DRESSES Regular Price $ 9.00 ... ...... Sale Price $ 4.95 Regular Price $12.00 .......... Sale Price $ 6.95... Regular Price $20.00 ......... .Sale Price $10.00 Regular Price $25.00 ...........Sale Price $15.0 Regular Price $28.50 ...........Sale Price $19.50 Regular Price $35-00 ...........Sale Price $18.50 CHILDREN'S COATS $8.95 TO $12-95 SPORT COATS $10.00, $15.00, $18.50 50 MISSES' FUR TRIMMED COATS $12.95 75 LADIES' COATS, CUT VELOURS, SUEDINE, ETC., $19.so COATS KELEULAR $40-00 We invite you to open a charge account. Get Your SwelI Garment Early WATCH FOR OUR SPECIAL MEN'S CLOTHING SALE NEXT 'WEEK E. R. CURTIN Cowan Block, King St., Bowmanville $25.00 The same price for OSHAWA.. WeSeli For Leua WHITBY .4 4 4 1'* PAGE 4 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7th. 1920; ýl New Customers Coming Daily to the New Butcher Shop. All we ask is a trial order to convince you that we sell the choicest meats that are to be had -and at the most reasonable prices good meat was ever bought in Bowrmanville. Our reputa- tion is at stake and we are out to make glood. We Do a Cash and Delivery Business LANCE GARNET Phare & McCoy Cashi andi Deliv.ry Butchers Phone 518 BowamayiIoe PHONE74 BOWMANVILLE

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