PAQC TERUE £RE CAIADIAN STATESMA.N. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2lst., 1926 SHEL Produet Famous for their high quality Enjoy your motor at its best by using Sheil Aviation Gasoline Sheil Coal Oi f or your stove or lamp. t burns with a clear steady flame-free from smoke. A trial will convince you as it has others. Batteries Charged. C. A. Bartlett Phone 110 North Side King SI;. E. Bowmanville SDon't Just Know Think of Edmondstone's Meat Shop when you "don't just know" what you would like for dinner. Step into our store and you will always find a timely suggestion. We keep a big stock of the best cuts in beef,lamb and pork. Spring chiekens are also starting to corne in. Leave your order and we'll do our best to fil it when wanted. You will like our meats, sanitary methods and the courteous and prompt service. GA. Edmondstone Phone 21 Bowxnanville Fruits In Season We are well stocked with ail kinds of season- able fruits including Peaches, Plums, Grapes, Or- anges, Grape Fruit, Bananas, Lemons, Apples, etc. Get them now for table use or preserving. They are best quality and prices are reasonable. New D inner Sets We have just unpacked a very fine assort- ment of new Dinner Sets. They are very attract- ive and are specially priced for one week. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville SCHOOL TRUSTEES VISIT B0WMANVJLLE DAUGHTERS AND MAIDS 0F ENGLAND The Daughters and Maids of Eng- land Lodge Durham No 28 celebrated their second anniversary in the Sons of England Hall on Thursday, Oct- ober 14th. About 50 nienbers and friends sat down to a daintily prepared luncheon arranged by the hard-working committee. Mr. Geo. Pritchard took the chair and the fol- lowing musical program was pre- sented: Piano solo, Miss Leone Ellegett; song, (Humorous), Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Corke; violin solo, Perfect Day, Miss L. Graham; sang, Take, me back to dlear oid Childhood, Mrs. Chacs. Herring; piano solo, Miss Irene Bateman; song, When the sands of the desert grow cold, Mrs. C. F. Rice; selections on autoharp and cornrunity singing by Mrs. J. Tait; song, Corne over and join the party, Mrs. Geo. Pritchard. AlI numbers were encored and thoroughly enjoy- ed. Speeches were made by the chairnian, and by the President, Mr. E. A. King. Birthday cake which was supplied by Mrs. B. Poolton, was cut and a hearty vote of thanks accorded her. The entertaininent closed with the National Anthem. Mr. T. Bennett and Mrs. Corke were the accompanists. There is only one Fly-Tox. Always Ready and Reliable-Prac- tically all pains arising from inflam- mation cen be removed with Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Simply rub it on the sare spot and it is quick- ly absorbed by the skin. Its heal- ing power is conveyed ta the inflam- med tissue .which is quickly soothed. This fine old remedy is also a speci- fie for all manner of cuts, scratches, bruizes and aprains. Keep a bottie handy always. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Thanksgiving Day is November S. Mrs. Thos. Byam, Stouffville, spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. J. T. Bragg. Mr. Thos. Annison spent the weekend with Judge Evan H. Mc- Lean, Picton. Mr. Cecil Herinan, Detroit, Mich., spent the weekend at his father's, Mr. F. B. Hernian. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dring, Rag- lan, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs .Burton Andru.s. Mr. C. E. Rehder of Empire Sales Co. reports big demand for radio receiving sets this Faîl. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Rutherford, Coîborne, have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. Chas. Carruthers. Miss Emmerson has returned £rom a very pleasant visit with friends in Toronto, Oshawa and Peterboro. One thoughtful father last week ordered The* State&man sent to his daughter as a birthday gift-good ideal It's a rather pointed question but, it must be asked occasionally. Have vou paid for the paper you are read- ing? List your auction sales in The Statesman-the family journal that goes into the homes of the best people of Durham. Mr. Bernard "Bun" Mitchell car- ried off another prize Saturday in the cartoon contest conducted by the Toronto Telegram. Ontario Motor Sales, Oshawa, in sending change of copy report very satîsfactory results from their "Used Cars" advt in The Statesman. Look at the real values Gco. Pritchard is offering in wall papers, paints, varnishes and floor wax. Bet- ter get busy. Why pay more? Economy Sale-- Store started off Saturday with a steady rush of cus- tomers at its Big Public Sale. Re-, duced prices continue Miss Mabel Noon, Toronto, spent the weekend with Miss Chrissie Freeman. They also visited the former's parents at Nestleton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hicks, Guelph, and Mr. J. Douglas Staî.ker, Van- couver, B. C., spent the weekend with their cousins, the Misses Galbraith, Ontario-st. Mrs. S. H. Rice who has been spending the past three months witî ber sîster, Mrs. J. H. Werry and other relatives here left Wednesday last for St. John, N. B. jWe were pleased ta receive a call last week froin Mr. W. S. Brown, Jeweler & Optometrist, and Mr. A. A. Lunan, Overland dealer, both en- terprising merchants of Huntîngdon, Que. Mrs. John Minera, Exeter, who was delegate to W. C. T. U. Con- vention in Hamilton, spent the weekend with Mrs. H. S. Freeman and numerous other old friends here. If the news of your community in West Durham is not appearing in The. Statesmau it's your fault, not the editors. We gladly welcome news froin every district in the county. Mrn. F. W. Goddard, Mrs. C. A. Smith, Mrs. Wm. Edger, Mrs. T. A. Garton and Mis J. W. Miller attend- ed the banquet of Royal Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star at Tor- onto Wednesday evening. Cauch, Johnston & Cryderman in- vite any lady wha thinks of buying a Fui Coat ta cail at their more as they will not only seil any kind ofa F'ur Coat at much lesa than the ar. dinar7 price but every coat they sel] carries their guarantee with it. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dustan hâve gone to Fresno, Cal., to spend the winter with their son, Mr. W. M. Dustan. Mrs. W. M. Dustan whc has been spending the sununer witl her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos Smith, Orono, returned 'home witl thein. The opening meeting of the Hrn( and Schaol Club will be held ir Principal Johnston's Room, Publi School, on Tuesday, October 26th i 8 P. nM. In connection »With th Dental Health Week an address wil be given. AIl parents shauld taki advantage of titis opportunity o learni:g the importance af the Car' COMPETITION Held at Oromo, October i3th In the followng list the namnes of campetitors i each class are given in order of points obtained, but as no competitor was allowed more tian one cash prize, the figures (1) or (2) before a naine indicate the cash prize winner. In shef-p for in- stance: Anson Balson, Clarence Allin and Wm. Swain won highest points in order named, but as Balson swine (lst prize), and as Allin won won still higher points (198) in the championship prize for aggre- gate number of pointa in ail classes, and Swain, first prize by reversion in beef cattle, the firat cash prize in sheep therefore goes to the compe- titor in fourth place-Mil:ford Sher- win. It was expected that there would be sufficient funds ta make the cash piizes in each case, $3.00 for first and $2.00 for second. Senior CoMpetition Sheep- Anson Balson.............. .160 Clarence Alun . ................ 135 Wm. Swain. ................. 133 (1) Milford Sherwin........... 125 Howard Cryderman............ 123 Stanley Chapman.............. 123 Lloyd Crago..........2 (2) Percy Philp............... 122 Horses- (1) Ray Staples.............. 166 Clarence Allin................ 152 (2) W. H. McLaughlin......... 127 Swne- (1) Anson Baison............. 198 (2) Howard Crydermnan....... 184 Dairy Cate- (1> Stanley Chapman.......... 169 Clarence Allin............ :.... 166 Ray Staples................... 165 (2) C. W. Seymour..... i...... 156 Beef Catte- Clarence Allun................ 167 (1) Wmn. Swain ............... 159 Ray Staples................... 154 (2) Lloyd Crago .......... !.... 150 Junior Competition Sheep - Jim Brown..... ............ 137 Normnan Hogg ............... 135 *Archie Matchett ............. 125 *(1) Chas. Glenney ..,.......... 124 *(2) George McKnight......... 122 Horss- 1(1) Archie Matchett .......... 159 1(2) Archie Glenney .......... 146 1Swine- Y(1) -Norman Hogg........... 192 (2) Bruce Beer.............. 169 Dairy Cattl- (1) Jini Brown ............t. .166 Narman Hogg ............... 155 Archie Matchett ............. 136 Chas. Glenney ............... 134 (2) Lloyd Clarke ............ 133 Beef Catte- -Jim 'Brown................... 162 e(1) Cairns Lee............... 146 n Normant Hogg ................145 Archie Mateliett ............. 140 Y' (2) Wilbur Baskerville ........ 139 9 Total* of aIl Ci&£-e tClarence Allun................ 784 ýAnson Balson............... 774 Norman Hogg ............... 765 Ray Staples..... ............ 748 LJin Brown..................748 Stanley Chapinan. .......... 719 Archie Matchett.............. 716 ýf Percy Philp ................. 70 W. H. McLaughlin............ 693 Win. Swain................. 679 iLloyd Craga ................ 678 « George McKnight ............ 648 ks Howard Cryderman.......... 643 a Charlie Glenney............... 639 rC. W. Seymour........638 Ili Wm Hamilton................. 628 Edgar Beer................ 623 re Ernery Srith................. 612 ie Wilbur Baskèiville ........... 608 [. Gardon Ashtan .............. 603 o0 Lh B. Attacked by Asthma. The first ýh fearful sensation is Of suffocation, which bour by hour becomes more ie desperate and hoipeless. To such a in case the -relief afforded by Dr. J. D. ic Kellogg's Asthmia Remedy seema no- at thing less than muiraculous. Ite help e is quickly apparent and soon the .11 dreadful atck is mastered. The ke astbmatic who bas found out the de- of pendability of this sterling remedy re 'will neyer be without it. It is sold everywbere. in the New Rapid Element EpEEIRON ATlast--ater years of ex- periment and research a perfect, rapid, iron cooking cie- ment bas b.en developed. An element which brings speed, lasting durability and absolute safety to electric cookring-' McClary's Speediron I This wonderful, new, rapld iron element is as f ar ahead of ail others as electric light la ahead of candle light. McClary's Speediron je the oniy protected, removable, re-' pairable element made. It tri i operates on contact heat. This gives it marvellous speed and eliminates waste by radiation, which is one of the greatest defects of open elements. And the Speediron is durable. It cannot be injured by liquide bolling omer, spilling-or con- tact with pots and pans. The cast iron surface pro- tects the couls year in and year out--and if the couls by any chance burn out you can re- place them easlly, lnexpen- sively and quickly. Now On Ail McClary's Electric Ranges ['its± gat , new elec- ~ cooking even after the i "okn auet .......L.. curreut ta turned off. o ng f Mary' Aslouaeae Blectrlc Ranges--mak- ing It the mout efficient, .attafactory rng n the market. Andyou a"s get the exclusive advantagos of Mc- Clary'& famous porce- lain enameled «fireless cooker" oven - the ou=n whlch keeps on about Ya McClary's Electric Range. After you've seen him dem- onstrate the Snpeediron elemnent, j ou Ilagree thatMcClary's is far ahead of any other for economy, speed, stre7gth and general stsaction. ]Electric Rare Sold in Bowmanville by W. Len. Elliott Price at Factory-SalesTax Extra No Excise Tax on C anadi"ano*Buit Pontiac P ONTIAC SIX-now built i Canada-as selling at prices stili more amazingly low. The Excise Tax bas been removed and the benefit passed along to the pur. chaser. The Iow price of Pontiac Six is set without sacrifice of the high quai- ity which General Motors bulit into the first Pontiac Six. A fine car -of masterful powe, brilliant flexibility, enduring stam,- ina--beautiful to the eye, roomy, comfortable-at a price so low that only General Motors, with its enor.. mous purchasing and mmnufactur- ing facilities, could achieve it.. Pontiac bas brouglit a new standard of quality into thie field of Iow- priced axes Ouiy a ride in thse Pontiac Six can reveil to yoez the quality and peformanoe tbat are co.nbined wth tsePcniac's strkingly low price. PONT CHIF * -0F Csix STHE -SIXES *-e No oth er sat'4irazor I1s 60 quick and ea1syj tocdean,1 *&uto2 Rzoe'wr* j"siffl CORBETT MOTOR SALES COMPANY Dealers in McLaughlinBuick-Oldsmobile--Pontiac King St Bowmanvil. We were pleased to receive a cail cultural School ail day Friday, Oct- on Monday from the fo]Iowing offi- I ober 22nd. cials of the Ontario School Trustees' The following subjects relating adRatepayers' Association w~ho are'to educational progress willbecn on an itinerary of the Eastern On- sidered: tario Counties visiting consolidated ()TeDsrbto fteLgs schools and holding conventions: l(1) The Dito rbtin aof rhe ls Readng lef t to right-W. M. Morris, sclat s.rn oura n ua Toronto, Secretary-Treasurer, and shos Editor of Canadian School Board (2) Consideration of.the proposed Journal; G .R. McWhirter, Clbeck, Township School Board. Duffern County, President of Rural (3) Adapting the course of stud- Section; D. B. Macpherson, Port ies irn High Schools, Collegiate In- Stanley, President of the Provincial stitutes and Continuation Schools to Association; and Samuel Fariner, meet the needs of present day con- Editor of The Port PFrry Star, and ditions. Ontario County Vice-President. While in Bowmanville the officers They will hold conventions at visited the Government Boys' Train- Coîborne, Cataraqui, Wolfe Island, ing School and were most favorably Westboro, Winche-ster, Alexandria impressed with the splendid work be- and a conference at Kemptville Agri- ing carried on at this School. R1 UT FSTC UGN VISIT BOWMANVILLE PF4»