MlE CANADIAN STATESMAIN, BOWMANVILLt. THUR.SDAY, JANUARY 6tLs, 1927 .r1' 60! i ~ Yf~~~ ~Iu ~ [ rep. dise harrow.............. , 2160 Scbool Trusteea, adlv. teachers' Pant Graduate Medical Schoî and bridai bell, and fram the foui cor- Wm. lBrown, work on ond.. 42:37 salaries ...................... 501100 Hopital of New York and Fellow ners of wich, cornverging upward Vo Ont. B3ridge Cao., 18 road drags ::* 340.20 School Debentures-debepturesP Dr. C. W. Siernan. atteuldatico and Interest coupons S. S. Nos. of the Toronto Academy of Medi- a point la the eeiling, stretched nib- Busie Jolînston.......... ,0 3, 6, and 19 .............. 2726.1 Cino. Offce-Mrs. McNaugbton'a Re&- bons of yellow crepe paper. A Vree Tôronto ifompitLai fo*r *Céonsuümp * Ba00 an nsetred.............. 17000M0 Idenco, Newcastle. Hours-8 to 10 tien bridal cake, reprsnig 'h t1vs, cars Wm. Smale......... 46.50 10,914.8s a. ms. 1 te 8 p. m..and by appoint- combined eulinary and conifectioneny 1Bewmaflville Hlospital, came Suas zouîatoa ...................... . 98 (To be contlnîued) .at. akill of Mn. and Mia. Pdlin'm nea.*y NEWCASTLE CHURCHES Uni'Led Cibuich, Rov. E. B. Cooke Paster. Su.ndav Januarv 9th-11 r inanciai Milton Siemon, shovellng no 2 0 III'A . MMKMKK 0tto Virtue, shovling snow .. 2.70 ST TE E IThos. Bike ttt aoi 20.00 THURSDAY, JANUARY 6th., 1927 Jh lvrh ttt ao195 27.00 -_______________________ A. E.. Ruile statute labor 1925 28.001 T. H-1 Richards, Road Supt ... 72.00 NEWCASTLE MR.AN R.IC RDB L N T. 11. Richards, work roads, April 355.88 ______ Township of Darlington WR . Allin coliying 1925 Aqsess- 100 MsTo otge ~ ~ iiMRID5 ER ReL '. ToiapoandAssssor.......50.0 Mr . W.H. Gibson spent New Relatives and Friendà, Celebrate Reeite a.d xenitre ik JUNE Jluh. Yeaîrs with friends at Meaf ord.a fo 126SG.Ch rtepavg ira t rrn Mis Dorothy Gibson is home f romi It was. their golden wedding day, f.or 1926A. C'3 Chant. shovg wlnter3roadnd Mr. W. L. Smith, gravellinge. . 12.80OAC. Guelph, for the tholidays. TusaDcme 0 n i Milton Il. Wiglit. 55tatier 1925 16.00 i.(e.)E .Cok a e and Mrs. R. B. Ailin, Miii St., had TheronNlointjoy, shovei'ng snow 16.00 Md a si.) E .Co* a en1 ensedn tqityadpes T. Il. Richards, salary, office ex- udron e1r ln slsnce beaniy at th qeteofyr.and iins RE EPTi;enses........ 4................. 104.68 Chriszmas. eelannems ûthy a Mi.h A.h A.eo wiii. ATbey' R C IT *C.W. Woodley, bridge cedar .. 280.001 M.Dnl ie ndbdtatee n T.IL Richards. road work, May 515.84 bohr r .A.Chil he JANUARY Toronto Hospital for Consump- 1 ville ,spent New Yeaîs witb bis thon af:ei tea a motor drive was Balace foîn ~ar 925 . 203.09 ortivs care Ajabrose Alun. April 43.50, fiiend, Donald Gibson. sgetd~ihM.Ciiiadsr Balace roi year 925...... $ 03209 oro t ospital for Consump-1lgetdwt r owJ n o Dominion Governwrnt. Iii)l rent 1.00 tives, care Wm. Sinase, April 45.00 Mi. and Mrs. 'Phos. Coucb spentl Iiwin. They aîîived at the Allun Tp. Clarke, houndlary in.'- work 103-82 N. l ee'.actan, calcium-chier- New Year's with bier biother-in-iawl home about 7 p. m. and imagine then Mrs. R. Hatlerl3y. troo .......... .501'i I..on rmai, Hampten ...........5.251 tr r n r.EloLn upieo r n r.Alnt Wesley Adams, tre. s............ 8'.00 workn,ns Comp)ensation Board, and si-tr r n i.BloLn upieo n n i.AlnV L. T. Pascoe, taxes 1925........ 1276.1-6 tasurance Bridge Workers ... 2.42, don. find Vbfe bouse filled witb gues:,s, overp F G. l.ersake, work in park . 3.60! FEBRUARY W. R. Alun, fence Forest plot . 0 1 Mr. and Mi.. Allan Martin and fifty in number wbo bad gatbered Tp. of Clarke, bondrj ie S. A. Northcott, sheep inspecter 5.00. childien, Toronto, bave been spend- duing their absence Vo welcome t work. 1925................... 103.78JUL ing tihe holiday season at is father's, tibemn home and -conclude the celebra-a Walter Oke, trees............... 15.00JULYMr. Robt. Martin. tion of their golden jubilee in a i L. 'T. Pascoe, taxes 19251... 922.42 J. J. Brown, work on roade .. 2.50 Mis. Alwyn Fisher and daughter manner befi:ting the character and9 .S. G. Baite, axe and handie .... 3.40 i MARCH j Iowmanville Foundry Co.. rep. Marion, Belleville, were bere for a iife of the wortby couple. As they ~grader blade..........5.78 few days at New Year's visiting bier passed' fîom tile car to their fronta Tp. o! Eaist Whithy, boundary W . G. Ormniston, shoývelI ng snoW 6.00 an i.Go .Rc- door, there rang clear on the wintry lino wark, 1925............... 1538 F. L. Smth, work on road ... 7.00 parents, Mr. adMs e.P R, Wm. Hooey, arrears taxes 3% N. Scottsoeln snow .... 700 aid and other relatives. air the strains of Lohengin's "Here lot 11, con. 9, 1924 ............ 2.48L -erton' shieîigae n ok 1.50conres the Bride" playled by Mi. L. T. Pascoe, taxes 1925........ 1687.69 Ont.Brid eCo, gavls a ewrsk81.50 In tihe ilinesa of Rev. E. R. James, Har.old Allun on the baritone boin. f T. H. Richards, bridge work . ... 102.36 Ibev. Scott Howard conducted &er- In the windows of the poich and Y APRIL Ont. Bridge Co, Boss Rd. grader 140.00,vices and pieacbed in St. George' s everywheie hroughout the Ïhoise 0 Wm tpete ....... .0T.H. Richards, salar3e and exCbcho Sndy M. Loe Wm. stonle, tree. ...............3.0 ene, .lune ...................145.84 thoir atonisbedeyes ferupon th Wll shon tee...........1.00 THI. Richards, gravel. dynamite, Thomas îead the seripture lessons. decr ati hee timns wbich reftet L. T.Pssco. taes 195........717.07 T June........................... 224.00 Mi ent ere ad M.e h hrce f te eet MYT. H. Richards. rond ssork. June 2.857.56 Mr ent ere ad M.e h hrce f te eet MAY Ptedilar People Ltd., cuivert tubes 1336.46 1 Wiibert Graham accompanied the Their nieces, Mrs. Hanna, Missest Jas Sottndg, res..... 6noToronto Hospital for Consump- i Bowmanville hockey team 10t Picton Aliba and LiLlian Colwili, Miso Ger-A Jas. scutrde txes 1925 ... "1439 tves. care Wni. Smala. May . 1.50 L. . Psce, axs 125..... 1439Toronto J-tspital for Consump- lon New Years Day Vo see the Bow- trude Argaîl and Miss Ethel Aluin JUNE .. tives, care Ambrose Allun, May 46.50, manvilie boys trim the Pictonites 7 -had gained admission during the day g 'Harold Skinner, sheep Inspection 4.20 Vo 4.adwibdtbnd inprd yte R. Avery cal. clorideHampR.nAllin, office ent, phoneo.. 24.24 adwt et adjnpre ytee R.Avry cl.chorde Hmpon ~ R. Alli,,, salary 2nd quarter . 150.001 The talk by Bey. E. B. Cooke in môot kindly feelings toward Unclel E Merlin Hepburn, old lumber.. 1.00 W. R. Allin, Reg. fees, land for eUntdCucbo Sndy "n-Rhad ndA tLiiead sadi Bank of Montreal, interest ... 22.50 Pr..................0Uin nite h brb an cbidhod of oRicedardecatn d nd bzze a d the- i Counties' Treas.. calcium chlor-Pr............... 26 Ide, Hampton ................- 116.50 McClellan & Co., cement......... 2.60 igo h it n hlho fond eoaeadbatfe h Bank of Montreal. interest .... 740 Sid Kersey, building fence Forest Jesus, illustrated by lantein slides home as Vo make it appear a fairy î Trea. Tp ofClarke, Deb. No. 2 N.. F. McNachtat. calcium chior- 1 I -h ag cnrgto.s Tras. Topons .S.N.2 ..34 .81 ide. Enniskillen .................42.931 Thy the isîge congregation.y t L.T and coîon4s.1 .. .. 194.89 R.Avery, cal. chloride, Hampton 116.501 Mn. and Mis. Wes. Glenney, hyknw te L.T.Paco, ~xs 92.......11.9Dr. H. Ferguson, Debent unes S. S. . were coofoitabiy seated, the guests D JUYNo. 16..............S50 ypool, wbo are giving up faiming in were cailed VO attention by Rev. E. tl 1ULV iain k o f Montreal *revenuei st, Ps .561 the Spring, were bore las, week look- B.Coke, wbo called upon Miss Ger- jc Mis. Bileen Smpson Debentures ing over the village wit: i te view 1'C . S. No. 16 .................. 5.1)0 AUGUST of a home and aîaking trude Argail of Oshawa, Vo read the Theo. Slemon. calcium chlorne e.Aln rgigra ... .0terftr eidenei u ds. following address, signed by the comn-,h Enniskillen ......................4.93 G1lidagn od20 hi uueradnc narmdt ite i rnlnAuM.A Bank ofMontrea. note ...... ilb rt Smith, gravelling ..... 2.00, ite r rnlnAln r .t Ba*o atel.nt.....600.001 J. W. Watchorn, shovg snow 2.801 On January 3rd., Dr. Farncomnb A. Colwiii and Mis. Norman Allun. Rob Roy. sheep damages, refund 17.80ý Fraser, shovelllng snow 4.00 received word from bis niece, ýMrs. As Miss Argaîl began Vo îead, Miss Cdeuntis Tres....calcium .ch.o8- . 5A. E. Jennings, supplies..........495 Wm. Roe, Jasper, Aberta, oldest Marion Riach gracefuly presentted idEnlkiln..........8.8 Oliver J McCullough, culvert work 5.00 duhe f'h aeCnnFr-le rnmte ihalrebu AUGUST j ~S. Snowden. graveîîîng .......... .00odube ftelaeCnnFT~brgadmte balrehu J. J. Virtue, bridge work supplies 10.461 comb, M.A., that ber husband, WinI. quet of fiagrant pink roses. Counties' Treas., arears taxes I S. A. Northcott, rep, road T. L i h0h:iala d collected 1925..................00 121 F. Whitby............17.50 oha.deinte ostla E-b Bank of Montreal, note ........ 45o00.00 ý W W orp. bridge work supplies 18.88 monton fîom injuries ieceived froni To Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Aln- l L. T Pasco%. taxes 1925 .... 4.712J. 1) Stevens, rond wonk......... 2200 a fail. Dean I.oved Ons:-We, your near t 1T. P. Stenhouse, walking plow . 22.0 0 SEPTEMBER Ont. Bridge C., reIn!orcing bars Mr. Fred Wood wbo ddd consider- relatives and a few intimate fîiends,p 1 ollard culvert.................. 77.00i able carpenter work bore !ast soummer have corne ta your home ibis after- Bank of Montreal. note ........ 9300. 0e'T. M. Seo, cimclrd 58 for Dr. Caiveth and witb 'is if oo ithout an invitation, but we Counties' Treas., grant, salaries, T. IH. Richards, gravel and mater-s-,vie onweh experience, etc............... 619.861lil on roads................... 10o869' boarded witb the Misses Breen, has know we are welcome as we always L. T. Pascoe. taxes 1925.......... 58 2i T.,,11 Richards, salary, postage 123:89 purchased fîom Mr. Heîb. Dicks-on, are in your most bospitable home. Pel ' eople t..d. culvent tubes 229.331 -,le lake iront lots adjacent the vil- IV affords us a great deal of pleasure OCTOB£R M 'lellan & Ca.,* lumber and ce- 1i .o ment for bridges............... 464.25, lage property and intends erecting ai to meet witb you on this occas*on Bank of Montreal. note.... . 2400.00 T. Fi. Richards. work on bridges 834.891 otg al ~i h pig and paiticipate in the celebration of Auditor-General. rent of Hall T. H. Richards, work on roads 1184.9,' ctayouryýinteSpig Fiftietb Wedding Annivorsary,9 election ...................... .6s5o)4) . G. Kerslake, work in Park .... 19.85 In consequence of a roariange- adw xedt o u whole- L.T aee ae 95.29.25 Workmen's compensation Board, adw xedt o u L. T Pacoetars 195 ...... 5 2nd payment................... 20.001i ment af the paishes, St. John's R. bearted congratulations. r DECEMBER F C' Paterson, Schaol Faims grant 3.00 C. Ghurclh, Newcastle, is now being ,Globe lndemnity Co., road Insur. 183.05sevdfo CbugintdofP- Comparatively few neach tRiis Bruce Pankin, ent road ta date 00o Bow. Hospial, came Mrs. JOB. sre rmCburinta fPt milestone in life's jouîney and we L. T. Pascoe, taxes 19S.....3149IMcQuarie ..................... 189.00 erboro. Mass is said every Sundayfelta wehodtan Gdfr L. T. Pascoe, 2% arrears o f i-jmarning bore by Rev. Fathen Butler taxes 1925..............................1n56SEPTEMBER Iwbo succeeds Rev. Father Finn who bis goodness in spaning you thus farV John Baker, rent road 1926 .... 2.00 I ut vr o us. Your home bas always beeny Russell Ormiston. ent road 1925, T. H-. Richards, road construction 13.76, came out a delihîful lace Vovisit nd you 1926............................. 600 T. H. Richards, salary and exp. 84.84 two weeks. wods ogfulplce ome alwan or e Sam Bush, treeý ........... ...: 2.00j T. H-. Richards. bridge cement .. 236.001 wors f wlcme lw______er. L. T .Pascoe, taxes 1926...63902.52iT. H. Richards, raad maintenance 301.90 Youî life bas always been an indust-a ____T. H. Richards. cement bridges 1 rnous, busy one and youî labors havep $104,183.70 .and culvPrts ..................1187.59j S.A.Nathotsheep inspector 2.601 AKTN FAPE borne fruit and we are gladi Vo see t )r C. W. Sleînon, services Mrs. you settled so comfortabiy wherei' Bako MQurare................84.01 About sixty fruit giowers of Dan- your daugbter and childien. and many EXPENDITURESBakoMotalrvnetmp 584 lington and Clarke filling the Council friend-s can see you often. Just asb OCTOBER Chamber of the Coiumunîty Hall 'to a slîght token of oui esteem and love t JANUARV '.%ra. Win. .letery, gravel 1925 . 1.751 capacity, listened with the keenest for you we ask you Vo accept thisy A. B. Ferguson. ceaient hags Isaac Pointan, cuttiag weeds .. 300o in:orest o an address on Tuesday af- Daveapoit, aso this puise of gold,h returned ....................... S .00 T. H. Richards, lumben, materlal, eno ntepcigadmre-adorbs ihs rà,igta Clarke Tp., boundary work ...238.85 rep. sldewalk and cutting weeds 0. jin noh bkngadmîe-ad u etwse, rsigtla Mrs. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~' -maJfey rae 00Ta.Gibet ttt8lbr12 .0 ing of apple.s by Mi. A.ndy Fulton of they may nemind you of the veiy EatWib p., boundary work 116.60ý Arthu~r Burgess, statute laboi 1925 1.00 the Dominion Fruit Branch Ottawa. many happy family associations wen C.WEast lngs. y Taknis R. L. Worden, statute labor 1925 12.00 Mr. Fulton spoke of the require- ail enjoy. Niddery ta Cobourg ..... oo6.0' T. H-. Richards, salary. office exp 82.18 monts of the British Market where Hoa. for Sick Children, grant . 1000 - T. H. Richards, road construction aNover a of sadness t W. H. Dustan, ballot boxes .._ 1775 and mnaterial ................... 217.6o we mot formidable competitios fromNi thugb R. Melaughlin, shoveliing snow.. :501 T. UT. Richardls, road maintenance 328.86 Amorican apples, also the eossibility Entons oui hearts to-night; Fred MountJay. gravel............ 2.40 T. fi. Richards, cement bridges af eofpandin R. McLaughlin, gravelling .... 27 and matenial .................. 1666.44 ofepnig oui nmarkets in India, This is the hou fgansa, Lealie Brooks, gravelllng.......... 300 Mme. Edith V. Scobeil, collectors South Afi", South Amorica and This is the bour of ligihV. R. MeLaughlin. teamlag .....1. 3001 boni 1126 .... _***... _«...........5.0 Cuba. Here in your borne we've tariied Roy Metcalf. teajsing .i......fruit.6ofWa R.ewlchaice stand- quJuserfor aur oloveewVo show, R. Worden, stat. labor 1925.. 13.00 o futesad Js oru lvtshwf Frank Wardan, stat. 'labor 1925 16.00 NOVEMBER Iaid varielties are needed. There are Knowing thaV you were mariied R. Mcbaughlin, stat. labor 1925 16.00 loehrta nyvitesms Ff er g. Cocil Worîien. stat. labor 1925 3800 Mark Blackbîurn, fenciag lais 22 aioeeroonnyvitismst Ff yasao S. A. Northcott, sheep inspecti »' 240!afd 23. B . F. Con ....... aof hem bard Vo soul grown in theso P. J. Groat, auditor ..............12 501es k". 1uilding sldewalk. R-54 keOn' Counties. Teques-W We cme Vo wish you happnes c W. G. Runle. atîdîor 12050 isklllen........................ 4-90- tians of varieties, packages and mai- W aeV ihyujy Division RegiAtrar, reg. fées, î9'-5 2875! T. if. Richards, road construction 56.30y o lisr Toronto Hospital, cane W. Smaie 600j T.-1H. Richards, salary, otIlce work 19()(.66 keting weîe discussed f rom many Poace in yu aso esr Toronto Stami, W#rk. dog lags.. 22.55- T. H. Richards, wonk on bridges 113.73 angles, those contributing Vo the gen-î Wbicb naught ci n oe destroy. t 1 T.î H. Richards, oud materlal o ral information and oxchange Of1Thsgf btaoknr FEBRUARY anîid W. F. Bonus..............î1.51Thsgitl btadae TH. Richards, raad maintenance 416.01,iesbigA A awI, W To try Vo prove to you Jas. Dant, shovelling snow ..... 0' -. G, Rersiake, work in Park 8.25' Bragg, M.P.P., Fred W. Dowen, M.1 That fîiendsbip is unbroken 1 Chest. A. Hoskin, stat. lahor 1925 5 00oSA. Northcott, sheep inspectar .20P RM.ClW.H artes Adovi knadtu. Ch'as. Sowton. Salvatian Army îO.00 Sie(tOor. cf lurors, selection 1927 I.00 ' PFr. M. Cqal, H.W. H.Caudley, AdWov.i kndanFVne Tioronto IHospital: car, W. Smale 46.501Fr>nkor uair, H. W. Dudeoy, W. F. Edlth V Scobell, Treas. Bnd. 5.001 DECEMBER Rickaid, F. C. Paterson, Dis.rPt Re-Fo we no tht he eanl iov &MO do. hmlig ....1-0 ' F . %te(ry, grav.-l 1925 .... 50 presentative, D, J, Gibson, Fred C. Fatiher MARCH T. IL tiCharîls, lnltg,,- work ... 2501 loair. Mr. W. H. Gibson occupied Wba hears and anzwers prayer Rtoy I.agîiai, rep. culvent ... 575 hcai. Will comfart, guard and keep you Ho0warditCowliig, so, igsnaw 2.00 1. . 4 Ca-, ork on raads .. .753 te8charIlaHis Almigbty cane. A. E. Billett, shoveling snaw .. 2.801 .1H. Richards, material .... 4 5.21 1es K. Wltîterburn. siiovelliîîg sw 3.20 T. il. 1Rihrd,ls.onstruction wtirk 62.881 Will fil youî beaits witb gladacs .H Beech, shavelliag saow ... Ï4.00 T. H.tRicha~rds, salu ai olce', ýx 6.29AR 0F HAK Witb a joy that is aIl your own, AX. Nichoîls, gravel ............... 13' 1.10.i01 oii 'o nili hedmheefe F. C. Orchard. shavelling snow.. 4.40 , 9.Town Line,, Clark............ 15,5 '>0attheGr Jas. Dant, work wintemraad . ... 500 T'l. H. RchardsCi, itt. niaiCt,,ianvi 569 "li Mis. W. H. Jack-son and daughteî rmetatte rat White C. A. Blanchard, womk an ods 6.10! Iiitrolci Skiner, lieep inspoctiin 5.101 wate wish Vo thank their av Thione. C. W. Aidlwortli, gravi ...... 6.60' lis. ('tîrti.q, Sehool Att. 0fllicer.. 37.60, Newalemay Wm. Ilooéy, shoveIling mnow 7é20' 1Citit-s Tr'îs, 54)% Cirt- Mrs. ifriends and neigbbors for their kindi As Mliss Argali îead, Mi-ý. Wm. C. .PMsor, shoveling snw. 11.50 (cOshisTraw a rsital..150 expressions of sympatby and kind- lianna and Miss Ethel Allia reînov- Adam Sharp, sliovellng saow, etc 1.0 nieW. im IClitais olea xeddV îe uîgt eir d the caveîing fioaî the eltganti A. 1-. T. Annîs, shovelimng sncw .670Mrs. R. Bentham, refend 'lcg tax 2001 recoat bereavement by the los.osi aandi oinently useful pîece If(fur- .S. A. Ncrthcott. .,hevi lCiJîclit o o iCtiVIl liil grant ... '"0 ' loved [husband and father. niture nevealiîîg it in fuli ,ta0 th e sur- lr. C. W. Slemon, M. D., attendm trCCr l Ancil ia _______îîsd an.d vi..iAy affe.ted cople, rENFIEL I MAY C. W. oodeyshovelling snow -Sunday Sehool. 7 p. m.-Even- ing Service. St. George's Church, Rev. E. R. Janie..- Rector. Sunday, January 9 -8 a. m.-Holy Communion, il a. m.-.Norning Frayer. 2:30 p. m.- Su[nday School. 7 p. m.-Evensong. nieces, compieted as te, its artistic outer icing by Mr. H. S. Britton's popular baker, Mr. Meadows, graced t.he centre of the table. Delightful to the eye, its sunimit crowned with a delicate vase of water containing in a setting of green, one rose of golden hue, it wa. even more pleas- ing to the palate, as ail afterward averred. The dishes at this table .vere of white and gold, part of the complete set given to tihe bride by lier mother as a wedding present lfty years ago. Alter ail these years the set is stili ai.most complete, only Vhree pieces being broken iii ail that time. Mis. Allin is also proud to possess a c>mpiete gss dessert service presented to bier at the saine time by the pastor's wife, Mrs. Peter A~ddison. Another unique feature of this golden wedding event was the pres- ence as guests of Mr. and Mma. Geo. Eilbeck and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jtn- nings of this village who just recent- .y celebrated their golden weddings, also Mr. W. C. B'lackburn who witi Mxrs. Blackburn observed their sixty- second wedding day on Monday of this week, also Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas who are closely approacihing their golden jubilee. Talk about longevity in matrimony! No wonder one resident doctor asserts hee bas had to retire into privatie life owing to the healýthfulness of Newcastle folk, and another at publie function not long ago declared that Newcastle folk are abominably healtihy! Mr. Richard B. Ailin, eldest son of the late Win. Allin and Miss Eliza- beth Colwill, elder dýaughter of the laVe Chas. Co.hvill, were married on the SOth of Deceniber, 1876, by Rev. Peter Addi.son who tied the knoV well and truly. This was at the Colwill homestead, now owned by Mr. Robt. Luck, Con. 2, Lot'26, Clarke, and wvhere Mr. and Mis. AlUln resided and farmed fur about thirty-five years. Phe young couple first began 111e to- gether across the road where the Allun back bain stands, their resi-j dence a log bouse. Next year they rnoved Vo the farmn on the Darling- ton-Clarke town Uine, con. 2, lot 1, Darling-ton. Remaining here for just one year, they next moved Vo Whitby where they farmed for ten yeaîs, finally coming back Vo pur- chase the faim and home where they were married, and whiere they lived and worked in eveT iniereasing pros- perity until they sold the farm, rie- tired, and moved into the village thiree years ago this fali. Mr. and Mis. Allun are both melm- bers of the United Church, formerly the Metihodist, and during their long years of residence in the neighbor- hood haive been niost regular in at- tendance at divine wonu1ip and con- sistent supporters of the church's needs. It is their joy that within a block of their own home is that of their son-in-law and daugihter, Mr. and Mns. Ernest Rinch, and tiieir two granddaughtens, Miss, Irene and Marion. Airnone tihe felicitous messages they received during the0 week were from, Dr. Ernest Allun, Mrs. Williamn Rickard, Mr. Arth.ur Allin, Mr. and Mms. Leroy Reynolds and childien, Welow and Bobby, Los Angeles, Cal.; Mis. Laura Colwill and daugh- ter, Mrs. Keyser, Windsor, and let- ters f rom Mr. John Buckley, Ty- rone, and Mrs. Wm. Goaman, and daughter, Bideford, Devon, Eng. Wanted To Share In Dillick's Stupendous Slaughter Sale Staîts Friday, Jan. lth at 9:30 sharp Corne Everybody And Share in the Bargains that are Bargains! BARGAINS SUCH AS YOU SEE BUT ONCE IN A LIFE TIME!! Men's, Wornen's and Children's Clothing, Dry Goods and Footwear LOOK FOR OUR BILLS A. DILLICI King & Division Ste K Bowmanville Mr. Annis, Detroit, and Miss L. Annis, Toronto, have been visiting at Mr. F. Gibert's ... . Mis. Alex. Smih bas been quite iii but is convalescing . Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mis. Edwin Ormiston Wednesday and bad an enjoyable and profitable af- ternoon....At the annual school meeting, Mi. Edwin Ormiston was elected trusteo for two years of Mr. Simpson's term wbo bas îesigned .... Mr. L. C. Pa.ecoe was re-eleeted.A family ga Ihering was held at tbe home of Mr. Frank Gilbert on New Years. . .. Mr. Walter Ferguson had a wood bee iast Thursday afternoon and a very large party ass:embied for the evening's entertainment.... Mr. J. S iný-on bas been under the doct- ors care but is improving. . . . Sever- ai from here are attending thie shoýrt course in Agriculture at Enniskiilen ...Officers of the Willing Workers' Class for 1927 are: Presidnt- Evelyn Sttnson; Vice President- Frank Smith; Secretary-Helen Stark; Assistant Secretary-BesZ-àe Pascoe; Treasurer-Stanley John- son; Missionary Treasurer-Vera Stînson. 10 only, Ladies' Fur Trimmed Coats originally up ta $25.00, now $10.00 at Coucb, Johnston & Cry- dermnan 's. r1000, Men and Women IWhen You Need GROCERES-BREAD-BUNS-CAKES- PASTRY-CHOCOLATES-ICE CREAM -SOFT DRINKS-ETC. Bring or send your order to this store where it will receive prompt attention and you will get good valu. I akrH. S. BRITTON, Bkr& Grocer Newcastle Chartran 's Store Has the Lowest Prices in Town Ail Winter Goods Must Go Regardless of Price Men's Overcoats at nearly Haif Price. Boys' 2-Bloomer Suits, sizes 26 to 30, Regular $110.00 to $12.00 for .......$6.95 Men's $2.00 Wool Underwear for ....$1.35 Men's $2.50 Stanfield's Red Label for $1.95 Men's $1.00 Fleece Lined Underwear 78e Boys' 75e Fleece Lined Underwear 58e Men's $4.00 Combination Ijnderwear for ........................................ $2.95 Men's $3.00 Combination Underwear $2.25 Men's $2.50 Combination Underwear $1.95 Men's $2.50 Caps, ail colors and sizes $1.38 Men's $5.00 Hats, ail colors and sizes $3.68 M1en 's 75e Silk and Wool Sox for...... 50e Men's 50e ail Wool Cashmere Sox for 39e WATCH MY WINDOWS FOR OTHER PRICES S. G. CHARTRAN PHON4E 24 BOWMM<V'IU.E 1 1 FAUL EIGHT Use This Clubbing List The Canadian kStat..sau wlllb. clubbed witb any of the. followlng publications for 1927 at the foi]ow- ing prices: Globe...................... $6.501,1 Mail & Empire ............ $6,50 Toronto Daily Star . . ... . ...6.5Q. Farmer's Advocate .......... $3.007 New Outiook.............. $4.0 Christian Herald. . ......... $4.50 Ladies' Home Journal ....... $3.00 Saturday Evening Post ...$4.00 Famiy Herald & Weekly Star. $3.0 Weekiy Witness............. $4.00 Canadian Home Journal...$3.00 Faim & Dairy............. $2.50 Fariners' Sun .............. $3.50 McLean's Magazine ......... $4.00 Couch, Jobnston & Crydermnan in- vite any lady who tbinks of buying a Fui Coat ta cail at their store as tbey will not only sell any kind of a Fui Coat at mucb less than the or- dinaîy price but eveîy coat tbey sel caries their guarantee with it.