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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jan 1927, p. 1

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f ~ . ~~ '1 AY, JANUKky,; With Which Is Incorporated T-ne Bowmanville News Vol. LXXIII M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. DO WMAN VILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 6th., 1927 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No.1 HOLIDAY VISITORS Lieut. Lily Burns, Grace Hospital, Windsor, spent New Year's at home. Miss Lura Roberts, Cobourg, with Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Stephens, Beec:h Ave. Miss Alice Swift, Toronto, re- cently visited Mn. and Mrs. T. C. Jewell. Miss Cona M. Scott and Miss Ag- nes K. Haddy Toronto, guests at Mr. P. A. Haddy's. Mr. Wm. Hisiolpi and Miss Nettie Onînîston spent New Years with Mn. and Mrs .W. Hepburn, Kedron. Mr. and Mrs. Eber Knapp, Dougas and Jeant, Toronto, with Mrs. Brown and Miss Broad, Carlisle Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Keitis, Mr. Robt. D. Woods and Miis Stella Rae, Toronto, with Mr. and Mns. Geo. W. James. Miss Marion Ferguson, Macdonald Hall, Guelph, visited her uncle and aunt, Mn. and Mrs. W. C. Fergoson, over thse New Year. Mr. and Mms. A. R .Scott and son Lee, Arnprior, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lee, Oshawa, visited Mn. and Mrs J. Hamilton Bateman during thse holidays. Mr. Lorne Creeper, Hamilton, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Creeper. AIU spent New Yeass with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Thompson, Port Hope. Miss Patters.-on, Victonian Order of Nurses, Mr. John Frost and Mv.1 Gordon Pearce of Standard Bank,1 MINISTERS AND CHURCHES St. Joseph's R. C. Churcil. Mora- ing-Mass 8:30. Evening 7 p. m.- Benediction and sermon. Rev. P. P. I3utler. Trinity United Chunch, Rev. J. U. Robins, XPastor. Suiiday services: il a. m. and 7 p. m-Sermons by he Pastor; 2:30 p. m.-Sunday School. St. Paul's Church,- Rev. D; W. Best, minister. Il a. m.-"Far-off Fields". 7 p. m.-"The Great En- courager of Men". 2:3 0 p. m.- Sunday School and Bible Classes. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Churcb, corner Tempermnce and Chureh Sts. Rev. Robt. McDerment, M. A., min- ister. Morning Worship il a. m. Evening worship 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2.30 p. m. St. John's Anglican Church, Bey. R. J. Shires ReWor. First Sunday after Epiphany, January 9th., 1927. 8 a. m.-Holy Gminunion. il a. m. -Morning Prayv- and Litany. 2:,30 p. m.--Sunday Sskool .7 p. m.-Ev- ening Prayer. aWhitby, spe.nt New Years at Mr. Ira F. Peance 's. j Mrs. T. Shaxi and Miss D. Middle- ton, Toronto, . r. Jas. Prouse, Mr. and Mms. F. J. rous. snd son, Pick- ering, Mr. and iMrs. R. W. Balsdon and famiiy, Fà rpoift, spent New Crossey, Carlis:i Ave. (Continul on page 3) CARD 0F THANKS MASONIC OFFICERS INSTALLEDJ Ladies and Genlemen,- Col. R. J. Gill, Worshipful Mater.-I I wish to thank the electors of A. W. Mingeaud Made a Life Bowmanville for their eupport in Meniber. placing me at the head of the poIls on Monday. I will endeavor to up-; Over 150 brethren were present hold thaL confidence as your repre-! at Jerusalem Lodge No. 31, A.F.& sentative while a member of the! A.M., on Wednesday tvening, Decemn-c School Board. ber 29th at celebration of the festi- William Broek: val of St. John the Evangelisrt. 1 Installation of newly elected offi- I desîre to sincerely thank the cers wa. conduceted by R. W. Bro. electors of Darlington for the Fred C. Hoar, P.D.î) G.M., it being splendid support given me at the generally agreed t'hnt he ceresnony polis on Monday, and to assure them' had neyer been performed so un- that I shall in the future,,as in the pressively and efficienitly as by Mr.v past, do my utmost to promote the Hoar on this occasion. He was a best interests of the township. as.isted by Messrs. W. F. Rckard, C.. F. Anni.F - G Erskine, C. A. Cawker and Courtice, January 4th., 1927. L. T. Meaugice re W.M.-R. J. Gi To The Electors of Darlington: I.P.M.-John Baker Ladies and Gentlemen-I take this S.W.-E. H. Brownd opportunity of thanking you for your J.W.-M. Comstosekn generous support in recent township Treasurer-John Lyle elections. I shall endeavor by hon- Secretary-T. Annison est, efficient work to menit your con- Chaplain-Fred C. Hoard fidence. S.D.-W. L. Elliotth Harold G. Macklint. T.D.-R. E. Logana Tyrone, January 4, 1927. D. of C.-G. C. Bonnycastiea Ongani*i-W. J. Bragg, M. P. P.h To The Electors of the Township of Stewards-C. H. Dudley, W. G. RiceI Darlington: I R.'J oss Stuttb Ladies and Gentlemen,-I appre- Tyler-G. A. Edmondstone ciate very much tIhe loyal support you Auditors-R. F. Aitchison, C. B. '-ndered me in eîecting me as coun-1 Kent. ciler on Monday last. Wiahing Finance Commitee-C. A. Caw- t you ail a happy and prospenous New ker, T. A. Dustan. Gus Bounsaîl. a Year. I remain, Yours trulY, 1 C*arit&ble Conuittee-F. F. Mon- s x 1-L P...... ris, Alex Elliot, A. W. Mingearud.g Solina, January 4th., 1927. Hlealth Comnittee-Fred J. Mit- chell, A. L. Nicholls, N. S. B. James. Progransomte-G .Bn lyeastie, W~. J. Isagg5, la. me-~ ,aughlin, W. J. Morrison, and the scretary. Music Comn-nitdtee-C. A. Smith, tM. Mitchell, T. S. Holgate, A. ditcheil and the Organist. Assistanit Stewards-J. S .GihllJ. V. Bowdler, L. A. Parker, J. Hlately, V. T. Nînsmen, C. E. Shortridge, E. Gibbs, A,~H. B&&unsall. Following the installation members nd visitors enjoyed a suimptuous Ld appetizing supper served under e capable supervision of Bro. A. J. Vadhams of thse Balmoral Hotel. The usual list of toasts intenspers- 8 dwith solos and community sing- ig provided a deiihtful program. t ro. Francis Suicon presided at thea ino and nenderod a vciolin so t hich was greati, appreciated. Wo.r. ro. J. D. Ka-~ Toronto aLzoc ang two solob t. were grea.tly njoyed. The orchestra gave several clecitions during the evening. U Worshipful Master R. J. GuIl was l oastmaster of the evening. Aniong f' iose who spoke included John Lyle,e rG. C. Bonnycastle, C. A. Cawker, red C. Hoar, W. Ross Strike, T. H. t'y, F. F. Morris, Frank Williasns, e 7J. Bragg, W. F. Rcikard, J. D. d eachie, Frank G. Erskine. a lhe singing of Auld Lang Syne r, rougisa a happy gathering to a close,. An interesting feature of the- vening was a presentation to Wor. ro. A. W. Mingeaud of a Life Mens- erhip ceitificate and a beautiful ise of pipes as a mark of esteem. rd faithful services nendened dur- F « his many years of mem'bershi-p Jerusalem Lodge. Mr. Mingeaud 1 1 his quiet mo.dest wsy acknowledg- a the gifts in a short speech. il -Buy In anville-Se STOCK RE CING SALE J'i an4 an4 Oflers Many Te îpting Bargains e pia wlý We are determined to makequick work of reducing our sa winter goods. To do this in the ýost effectivie manner prices sel have been literally slashed in ev4ýy direction to make buyingTo very attractive. The high qualitý is stili there, our guarantee is Di back of every sale but you are ýabled to buy at the lowest Fu prices of the whole year. Dori delay another day. Corne W and see. You will be convincedÏt will pay you handsomely to ei buy now. bro eve Bnc ber Ladies' Witter Coats and ing in, MARKED DOWN e ONE-THIR4ý BELOW REGULARPRICES Your choice of any coat in the storýit this tremendous reduction. A Few Ladies' qats ClearingW at $5.OO!Çachli Ladies' SiIk or qoth Dresses NOW REDUCED AS PW AS $4.98 Ail other Ladies' Dresses in Sk, Crepe, Canton or Cloth ne drastically reduced in price for imriiate sale. Men's Fancy Twedc Overcoats Alrnost ail sizes available, wellýiade, this - year's styles, soîne priced as low as ............ý ............................. $14.50 Boys' Brownie Suifs, just a feMýft, and they are marked dowrn to haîf original price. w Boys' Odd Pants, balance of this le is being cleaî'ed at very vi low prices. wi Couch, Jçhnston & rydermani, Bowmanvillie Phone 1o4ý Limiteai Royal Theatre Fi-iday-Saturday, Januar 7-8 "The Blue Eagle" ViÙh George O'Brien, Jane't Gay- ,or, Margaret Livingston, Wil- arn Russell, David Butler and Robert Edeson. From the story The Lord's Referee" by Gerald Beaumont konday-Tuesday, January 10-11 "Silence" With Vera Reynolds, H. B. War- ier, Raymnond Ha'zton and Jack Muihaîll )ne of tise strongest pîsys current seasen. f tise 1 Nednesday-Thuraday, Jan. 12-13 Net Yet Sel'ected COMING JANUARY 17-18 Cecil B. DeMiiie's greatest production "«Tii Volga Boatman" 'itis William Boyd, Elinor Fair, rieton Varconi, Julia Faye and Theodore Kosgoif Vednesday.Thbursday, Jan. 19-20 "Bmn Tin Tin" lu "While London Sleept" Vits Helen. Costehlo and Walter Mennill JANUARY 24-36 James Oliver Curwooda 64-1- Ceountry Bomod" Mr. and Mrs. C. Rehder Celebrate Golden Wedding on New Years. Mr .ajid Mrs. Christian Reisder, Wellington Street, Bownsanville, celebrated their Golden Wedding on New Year's Day. On this hsappy oc- casion they were tise necipients of many messagies of congratulations from. friends eut of town as well as near neighbors and intimate friends. Ail living mensbers of tise family were also privileged to gatiser aroussd the homse fir'eside, to cele- brate two great events of lhf.: that of usIbering in a new year, and of sparing thern to enjoy for s0 many yeas-s the love, ceaspanionship ansd Counsel of fathen and motsier. On Jan'uary 1, 1877, Cérlarian Reis- der and Marie Wurst were united in marriage at Hamnilton, Bey. Dr. Langtry, officiating. A famnily of two sons and two daughtens blessed tise union; ene son, MT. Fred Relider, suflered a serious and fatal accident many yeans ago at the Bowmanville Foundry where b. was associated with his father. Tise other members of the faznily- Mns. (Dr.) B. J. Hazlewood and M. C. E. Rehder of tisis town, and Mrm. with the thirteen granidéhildren and three great grandchildren wene alh assenibled on this joyous occa- sion and joined heartily in the good wishes when Mn. C. E. Behder expresed the pleasure of aU llhat they w'ere privileged to attend this happy event and presented lis par- ents wits a purse of gold on beisaif of the family. During Saturday forenoon thse heads of the different departmenta from the Bowîmanrille Foundry Com- rssny of wisicis Mn. Rehden bas been President until about a year ago, as- semabled and Mn. Geo. L. Hall, Sec. retary-Treasurer, read a kindly word- e-d address and presented Mrs. Reh- der with a gold pin and Mn. Reisde wits gold cuif links as a sligli tok- en of their esteem and good wishes. Duning the afternoon and evening apublic reception was 'held at 'Bxenftwood", tise beautiful home of theïr son-in-iaw and daugister, Dr. and Mrs. B. J. Hazlewood, when over wo hundred fniends and neighbors 'epresenting aill lasses cf citizeus calied te offer congratulations te tise woethy couple. Two grandsons- Brenton Haziewood and Ned Rebder usbered in thse guests te thse spacieus living-room w'lich was brig'it wits fragrant baskets of roses, poinsettas, tc. Mn. and Mrs. Rehder were assist- LN in receiving tise guests by tiei daugisters, son, and dauglsten- n-ýlaw and his brother, Mn. Henry Rehder, Paris. Perisaps none were bappien Ehan Vise bride who cannsed a ioveiy PUBLIC SCHOOL OPENING Cenemonies, under auspices cf the Horne and Scisool Club in connectiex its tse formnai opening of tise new addition te tise Public Sihcl build- ig were heid on Monday ervening. Agoodhy nunsber o)f parents, friends, sachens and pupils assembied and af- snr inspecting tise new wmng, wiie ncludes two css-roome, eloak- .-cman, nurse's consulting roon, )oard rooin, gymnasium in tisebae nent fititingly equipped-tse visiîtera issembied in Principal J. H. John- ;ton 's . noons. Mn. F. F. Morris, Chairman of thei Public Sciseel Board, pnesided. After aIl joning iseartiby in singing "0 Canada" a duet was sung by Miss Bores Mundoff and Master Albert Cuiley; Mn. Francis Sutton rendened a specisihy fine violin solo an.d en- ore; after wiich Mns. Johnr Baker, Solina, delighted ail with a vocal solo snd nesponded te an encor-e, Mrs. W. E. Booths, President of the Home and Scisool Club, inttoduc- ed 'he T eaker of tise evening, Mrs. Lougbee of Toronto. She con- gratuhated thse Board on the splendid new addition and tise "vision" tbey had bad in providing tise necessary accommodation and equipnsent for tise boys and girls of tise town. She mentioned tise tbree foundation stonec, tise home, scisool and chuncis -for buiding good citizensisip, deal- ing witi tise 'two first and empisasiz- ing strongiy ce-operation, ahowing by practicai illustration how tise mokhers .-ouid help tise teaclien, tise teucher ho mothers and tise Home and Scisool Club thse nurse and tise pu- pils. Mns. Lougbeed speke frons ex'perience having bees. sa teacher and a motiser. A hearty vote of appreciatian nieved by Mn. J H. Jobristen and seconded by Miss fi. G. Merris waa giron Mrs. Lougiheed for iser tMreiy and practicai addross. A duet was nicly sung by Miss Hattie Mason and Miss Edna Bick- ard, Newcastle, and a apaendid soie bY Mn. W. Boss Strike wbo kindîy responded te an encore. Miss Mon., ris, Miss L. L. Bragg aud Mm. L. M. Fi.sher were tise acçompaniste. A vote of thanks mor.d by Mn,. W. B. Pollard and seconded by Mis. E. S. Clark was given Vo ail who had se kinddy aasisted on the pregraàu. Tlhe National AntLheus brought te a close a very pleasant evenlng's pro- ceedings wbldx la anotiser mileetois lu tise eduestiona lnstIutIgnse O Bowusavize. A ,e te in b( aý st armful of Aménican Beauty 'roses, the gift of her daugthten-in-aaw, Mrs. Garfield, wiso was unable te be pres- ent. Befresisments wene served in tise tea nooxn, the table being beautifulhy decorated witis a basket of yelbow ros-es, yelflow candlea, etc., and pr.- sided oven by Mrs. Tisas. Ted aud Mrs. Geo. Weekes. Four grand- daigisters served, Mis, S. Mac-ý Nairn, Mns. Percy Hammn, Mies Aiheen and Yvonne Haziewoo-d, as- sisted by Mms. Geo. L. Hall, Misses Mary Mclellan and Agnes Van- ectone. 4 Among thse guests caiiing in thse evening were Rev. J. U. Robins, and usembers of tihe Officiai Boa.rd cf Tninity United Chuncis of w1hich Mn and Mms. Rehden are active meMbers,l the. former being an officiaI of long years' standing and a former Super- intendent of 'tise Sunday School. Mn. Rebden bas been asecated %vith tise feundry industry for tise past fonty yeams, twenty-four of wisicb ise bua been connected with Vise roundry Company in tisis town. Fetê men are betten qualified. than -he in tise business. Citizenis genfnally jein in congTrat- ulationa and beat wishes te thse wor- thy eouille who have the good wilI, confidence and respect of a wlde cir- cie of fnienda. Aimong tise numerons lettens and telegranis neceived pezisaps' none was more appneciated than tise *fol-1 lowing from thse Bowmanviiie Rot-I ary Club:1 January lat., 1927 Dear Mn. and Mrs. Rehder: Thse Rotary Club 'of Bowmaswilie, haive ieanned with a great deal cf pleasune tisat you today celebrate tise fiftieth anniverssiy of yeur weddiug, and 1 have been directed by tise President and Board of Dinectors te extend te you botstise hjarty con- gratulations and best wishe.s cf car membership on tihe occasion. W. are pieased to know, too,-tist for a great number of years.o have been a resident of this tewn, contributing in no ',maIl way te its business welfare, social and churcs life, and we a~re proud to hnsnor you today. We are giad to have in our nmn- bershîp your son, C. E. Rehder, andi youn son-in-law, Dr. B. J. HaXie.wood, and our mnbership is enriceWd by their attendance and work with ue. 0ur hope is that you may bots b. long spared hy a Divine Providence te enjoy tegetiser thse eveuinç cf. life. Very truly your, B. F. Aitchison, Se-cnetany.j OLDEST CITIZEN PASSES SUBSCRIPTION TIME HERE Finst of each calendar year is vAsen 90% of renewals to The Stateainan are due. Many subscribens send in their remiýttances without ibeing reminded of this important obliga.. tion. While others just neemd a lit-. tie jogging te get action on that irâ. pulse. For the convenience of tiss wiso have neglected to send thbir subscription to tise publiehens 'a ne- newal blank is encloesd in thisis isue. Use it today, please, Weore it isla bt. Thankyou! DAYLIGHT SAVING DEFEATED Seven isundred and thirtéen citi- zens vot>ed on Monday on question of whethen Bowmianville .slould adopt daylight saving time nexI swin- mer.. The vote resulted in 39i vpt. ing against fast time and 321 b. favor of it.-making a majority el 71 against changing the time.' TIE RESULTS IN ELECTION' FOR SCHOOL TRUSTES' William lBroch'H"ada ise Poais As 'was expected a sm&l qvoteý Iuas recorded at thie municipal eIeced us on Monday for sehool truoteea. T"b vetenan candidate of these 'ltatte. William Brock, headed thse Pols wIti 393 votes, W. Clifford Ca'veriy wasr second choice with 341 andCai. Rice and Geo. L. Hall, both aïmu-' bers of hast year's board tied for ' third plae wlth 322 vo"secs W. P. Coztett reciêived 225 ad, . C. ýColmer 213 votes. 'Mse fiuai settlement of hreakig !the tie vote wias left with Johsnjye Town Clerk and Retur*ngOf(Mèè, lis order that it could not be daald tia lhe had shown any par** te lu1 Ms ehoice the nanea of the tw% càn 4l. dateës were put into a hat ts underutanding that thse fiat alm drawn sould be declared tise,,"s- cesuutrustee. Mn. lUe, was p1ie. edand will therefore be a meuei of board. H. bas ýhe unique W' cr ~ f serving 20 yeans on the board. o ~Cvnyhi Meuars. ]Brock adCvry-ti both lied previous expenieneo a. sehool trustees se tixat tlsey iII'I famiJiae- with the work tudrequia,ý mente of this imnportan braixois et municipal goverument. 4 SHOITt COURtik Ji ý A,* 2 Parmera' sons and dugtg within a reasonabie distance shoà14. avail theielves of tise pIeg. offexed lu tise shoftc6urse i arj culture stavted titis week at ~ Illen. Thse'clises opened o.'4 day 'with an attendance of 15 iog anj 2 is tin now.o It F & tsebeys a very intènens ia paialprograus han bee.uarrat. ed with a view Vo givlng infozmMUql and. makissg farmlug mon, prellaisI. Lectures for boys are held lu tee zu, Sciool. The girls' course wisichis l heà tise basement of tiser ciurceiscoufrs cf home econemies, ecoking, Sie nursiug, sewing, etc. !>very weusm in tise district siscuîd seïr lMrB. hAi.. eu's address on "«Incosue Maklnt FarraWonsen" »- 6e giren axw' lth: . Dy ail meaus, boys aud girls, eu- iter for this course witbout fuztiher delay. ICOUr*ÇILLOIý, GEORGE AmNis r e.HFAQ» DARLINGTON POL8.îc *tl9Vlght and Deputy Reeve SUlas WSl. 'I g, were ebected by acclam«ss1i..k DI)qyingon Township electioni ielil Di.MdWday te select tisree eoucllI,ý, Ex- M a istr te W M. o~ eyonly aroused çastal in ter 6êst a E - a i;tr t Hi . . 6ti e D es be ssçç t "bii tie s sè vote p w I *, ln Ha 9th earHow«ver, ratepayera who troksu-, M. cient intenest in public affajizs o WilliamnM. iorsey, f.-e PliéYote ebQwed in nQ ungerWia nannerý Magistrat. of tii town and a pion- tiseir ahoiéi. Cee. F. 'Annle, fl>. eer resident did at his home liere enezer, iseaded th is bet'with '494 Ssturday, >anuary lst, in bis 9&ih votes, A. L Pascoe, Solina, W"49I year. close second witb 404 sudIf, Gi 'flhe late Mr. Horsey wa.s berriln Meckiin, Tyronie, 379. Geo. Omilua Colyton, D"on, England, in8I32,1 ten and Wm. Reynolds,, dg«teL and came to Canada when 14 years1 candidates, made veny 0orddil of âge. With bis parents, he nesid- sisowiings considning 1V was tîIMr iret ed for some years ac Kingstdin wiere time te enter a niunicipal ositeat. he eûmplet.ed his education and lat- Ail mombets cf tise 1921 coUncil er mannied Margaret Wikon of Gan- bave had preivicus *xp orience in onaque. In 1858 tise faimily moved towniiiip co 1 i W}It4tie xception te Bowmnvilhe and after severai of Mr. Mac e ap6l<Ygls ised years fa the bardwatre business, ne-1 be offered e o i s turned toe Kinsgston. In 1874 he ne- tise repu egity, eed tunned liere and carried on business 'ebihity a wiii h ou for some yeans, later becoming as- make hi te auy couneil . sociated with tise Dominion Organ Monday' as folews: and Piano Company. c:e In April, 1902, on tise deatis-1 of.Cu 3 George C. Haines, ie was appointed -E Police Magistrat. for tise town of ~S Bowmianvilie and aften occupying the Pý O 0 post for 23 years retired in 1925, 1 49 5 49 6 heing sueceeded by Barrister W. F. 2 56 21 38 96 Ward, B. A. H. %vas Mayor of 8 33 9 3.3 01 BoYwxranvilie in 1886 and 1887 aud 4 97 46 90,. 24 .,erved as Beeve and Couneillor and9 87 7 Public Seisool Trust-e et difffferdst 69 8 tises. H. was at one tins. lrgeat '50 O93 4 .s owner cf prôperty in Boiwmanville Mms. Horsey predec'esed imn i 43 379 248 404 17 - 1921 and cf four sons, only one, W' lions Wilson Honeey, Oshawa, oue daugister Mangavet, wise iasb pastor of Trnity Uinited bis constant and faitisfüh cern survive.« Thse faneraI ulticiswaa pri -Il nsW.rB. Ex-MsîJohn IN P beld at hl& iste resldeuee, .10141CChJOa~~ auce St., ons Tueuday af -.L Ie lterinent to'?k-'p vice belus condueted by '" ,î.CMOM.., L;ei 0 q( t' I ~ il,, * . 'f Y': j r I i il ýl a a Ed tteman

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