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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jan 1927, p. 2

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PAUET1W(INSATSA, 1MNVLETHRDYJNJAY62h,12 DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE onor graduate in Dentistry Toronto niversity. Graduate of the Royal Coilege of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King St., Bowmanville. Office phone 40. House phone 22. DR. J. C. DEVITT Graduate of Royal Dental. Colege, Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bo- manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90a. House phone 90b. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and member of Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Licensed to practise in Ontario and the Domin- ion. Dentistry in ail ite branches. Office-King St., Bownianviile, op- posite Bank of Montreai. Phone 301. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL D. Barrister, Solicitar, Notary Money ta boan on Farm and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanviile. Phono 351. W. R. STRIKE Succoasor tuo lat. D. B. Simpson, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Monoy to Loan Phono 91 BowmanvilO, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money ta boan. Bonds for sale. Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phonos: Office 102, House 409. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Comipiete MotOr or Horse Equipmont Ail cals promptly Privade Abulnce B.ow»nanville phono 10 and 34 Orono & Newcastle ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embaimer and Funoral Diroctor. Calîs given prompt and personal at- tention. No' extra charge for dis- tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowman- ygle, Ont. 3-tf. MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Gold Medalist of Trinity Univeruity, Toronto. Four years attending Phy. aidian and Surgean at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittaburg, Ka. Office and Résidence, Welington Street, Bow- manvillo. Phono 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. 0., C. M. Graduate bot Trinity Modical College, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and Résidence, Dr. Beith's former residonce on Church Stroet, Bowmanville. Phono 259. 44-t. * VETERINARY DR. F. M. TIGHE VETER[NARY SURGEON. Day or Night cails promptly attondod ta. Office: King St. East, Bowman ville. Phono 243. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Se. Ormo Honor Graduate of University of Tpronto. Al ca set given p.mp and careful attention. office- Dr. M(cEiroy's formnor offico. Phones: Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. * AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Aucticmour Parin and Houso Sales a SPocialtY. Torms môderato. Enniskillen P. O. Phono 197r3. 1-ti. CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKI..Y honor graduato of Toronto College ot Chiropractic wiil ho in the Bo'w- manvilie Ofice Tueeday, Tharsday and Satiurday evoning',fpbono 141J. RAsdential calis madle duM fore- noCES. Frank Converse Smith TEACHER 0F THE VIOLIN In Bowmanville on Wednesdays 6: 30 to 7:30 P. m Studio at Trlnity United Church ,Toronto Address: 220 Yonge Street. inquire ai Statesman Office PAINTING AND DECORATING Betore painting get my prices on labor and ail materials; alao seo my Walpapers. Sorne fine remuants cheap for inunediate sale. J H.~.NETHY Phone Bowmanville SKý Band at il Bowii Saturday'l Rink, ~,jSkating Monda, jnesday and Frida and Saturday af ~JAdultz 1Se ,Childrn, TH EDITOR TALKS THE EDITOR TALKS ROYAL BANK REPORTS ____ RECORD EARNINGS Our Talk in tile final issue of Few mon or women but have their_____ 1926 was oý the Power of the Will. oesting times in if e when their faith Resiaits Indicate Largest Business a Ciosely akinUo the Will is Faith, so and courage are put ta a sevoro or Turnover in Hist.ry of Bank-Net tc we have cho è en for aur first Talk in exacting test, and it is at sucli tria is Profits of $4,516,239-Gain of1 1927 these three important words tihat ït is weil if they believe in ose. ta Haîf a Milionk-Utuâ(I "Believe in Yoursef". Reader do themselves-ii'i thoir ability ta make Strong Liquid Position WeliI Main-C you believe ii yourslf? Dr. Oui-j good when faced by thle responsibili- tained. t son Swett Mi rden in January Suc- tie3 of the situation. Wc have on- C cess-the bo t inepirational publica- countered several such tests inou The Royal Bank of Canada is sub- il tion known ta us for young peopie's comparatively long and active lîfe mitting tai i- shareholders an annual tI reading says: Achievement is largely andi we believe we shaîl be excused statement which shows that the past s a matter of faith in yourself. Nok a if we make personal referenco ta tWO year lias been one of unusual bus- p. milk-and-wtaer faith, but a beief ai standing instances: In an early mness activity throughout Canada. j wbich knows no discouragement, a day of January ,1875, we received a This in turn is refiected in a sub- r confidence which canneo be shaken'.I request fuonu the secretiary of Balti- stantial gain in cuirrent boans ta takep It is not the offensive conceit of the, more Sebool Board for an intcr- caro of the larger requiroments of youn pri tha is recommended view. We nad, taught Bradley'sjidsr n omre here but that helief in one's abltylchoolforeasadhdrigd. O rapstlgetriipt og ta do and ta be what one desires ta' We went to Baltimore ta leain thtthe perhapdes s gter m ort a is do and ta ho. Dr. Marden says *-h>eir popullar teaclier had accepted in net profits which a over $4,500,- Itr further that it is only those people, appointmient as Inspector of achools 000 are the Iargezt in the bistory oi who tboroughly believe'in ttem'elves in Hastings Coun, y and unexpocted- the Bank. and in their mission who bring out !iy ýhe large village scito I was with- wt t ytr foe ànything like the maximum of their out a teacher at the beginning of the The Royal, wthissse ioe ability. year. The result of aur interview 750 branches tihroughout Canada,T Distrusting aur judgnient, not was an engagemern at $800 a year. cover.s every section of the country,a depending upon it, not feeling able Teachers' salaries at that period runj and it is understood that hoi evidence- ta, decide agstling of importancei from $300 ta $500. but a7 the vil- of more favor.able business conditionsj witbout others' help, continually' lage scbool liad a iarge attendance was general in practicaliy every pro- p seeking outsido opinions and influ-1 the truskees were willing ta, pay a vi n ce. 1l once, is fatal toalal originality, ta &Il liberal salary under the circumstan- The profit and ioss account showal in leadership. ces. * hat profits- fcr the year, after mak- I The xeak, the leaning, the de- Tets cm au in g full provision for bad and doubt-E pendent, the vacillating, the undeci - h noersinca u 6½ sway: Wo1 ful debts, amounted ta $4,516,239,1n - hd nverin ur 1/2years' oxper- comparesi with $4,081,628 at the end e ener"Kosprud, Thatgîowsir c n teimence taught a largo school; we had ai the previaus year, a gain of himro s if eTa les". ihi had no special irraining for teaching chose ta hait a million. The profits s who onfl sl rle" -not even attended a high achoal or added ta the balance carried for-t * * * the Normai. We hiads imply gradu- ward tram the proviaus year, miade Raiso your self-confidence and yau atesi fram Enfield public scbool. As the total amount available for dis- will raise your salary jyour incarne. every teacher lvill urnderstand, we tribution $5,765,674. TPhis was Raise your faithl in yourself and jolu were succeed*ng possibly the best appropriatesi: dividends andi bonus wiii rive ta somoething hiiber. teacher in iiho County of Nortlium- $3,416,000, officers' pension îfund "There iv a kind af greatness berland-there was the real test. $100,000, appropriation for bank whib ~esnatdeendupn frt1 But we had faith in aur ability ta promises $400,000, and resorve fori une" say La ocheoucald."It is fill the requiremenits and the fact Dominion Governmentt taxes $440,- une, ay LaRoheouculi.'h that wo taught that schoal 31/-_ years 00 ovn aac ah carried acertain mannor which distinguishOe n eineatmssummr00,ener arai of ba$ance9,674 us. and which seema ta destine uis adI sge tmdsuie o ne owïrlo 14964 for great 'hings; it is theo value wel journaliEtn was sufficiont evidence insnsiiysotupo orseves i ivbythat we hasi made good. If further Strons Position Maintained this quality that we get the do-for- evidence were necessary we point The general statement, ai assets onc afouhr mn ad i isthi whchwith pride ta tile young mon andi and liabilitios, which is for lie fi.s- ecofmolyrimen usnmoe abo themîhch women wbo were aur studente a.si cal year ta November 3th, indicattes thamnbi, rank, us or eon methem latte rwere Rev. Joseph A. Parsons,j that ltbe usual s:rong liquisi position the iLf". nk revnmri t B.A., D.D., Rev. Marshall P. TLalling,l has been well mainained. 0f total Ify.uthnyuara B.A., PI.D., Rev. William M. Haig, assets of $766,376,943, the liquisi, or If yu thnk ou ae asomebody,, Rev. William F. Alian, B.A., B.D.,' im'lmediatelly available as:ots amaunt this will go a long way ttawards mak- (private study), Rev. Erdlley Coyl, ta as much as $367,280,083, and are ing you one, niot onhy in your oWfl Rev. J. R. Mann, Mr. Thomas B.' equivalent ta 54.30% af liabilities estimation, but in the estimation of Lapp Editor, publi-sher 'and proprio-j ta the public. Cash and cash bal- others. You wiih think, talk and aet tor aof Cobourg World, Dr. Elwood ances are al; the hig!h level of $157,- like a winner. Your every mave- H .Lapp, Dr. Charles R. Staples, and 568,134, or 23.30% ai pubîci liabihi- ment will indicate that you are1 these teachers: Georgina Allan, Hat- ties. Some of the principal ac- climibing ta someýihing iglier. You! tic Shea, Emmna Braden, Clara W. counts included in liquisi assets are: wilI bave a groater respect for your- Pezers, Honor 0. James, William Gal-I cash, including gold and Dominion self if you go about among your fol luaghpir and otht'-b. To havle a son-1 notes $99,868,262; cheques ori other lows with the air ai being s bosiir class af 17 ta 20 s,udents .such banks $27.214,300; balances due by of importance. Andi why sbouh o as Ihese and others who made -oodi banks andt banking correspondents, nat? You are a chilsi of the Kingi in o-ther carees-tw. ')f the yaung eL'ewhere than in Canada $26,779,- of kings, and have inherited kingly! ladies married ministers-was aý 991;- Dominion and Provincial Gov- qualities; it is a refiection upon yauri sigbt that bas not often beo Oe rnient secunities $64,733,057; Make'r ta advertiso yourself a no- ;, a 1obîi, scho>h ii ,tis part of thisi Canadian Municipal andi Brittish, body, a faihure, by your appearance,1 Province.j Foreign and Colonial Public securi- your walIk, your talk, your manner.. * * * ties $26,880,492; railway and other, * . ITest Number Two came ta us un bonds $16,380,953; total cal bans eaving Baltimore School in Jul, $1 01,717,445. As a rule, people do not £ail toi 1878, when we gave up school tûacb- Evidence of the steadily larger achieve their ambitions because aol ing Lo become an editor and publish-j arount of business being handled lack of ability, but because they do' or andi invested overy dollar ai the throughout tlie Dominion iv given by flot have that sublime self-confidence, savings of the previaus ton years in total current bans in ho country ai tibat rayai regard for themselves llbo purchaee ai a business that xvas $197.759.230, as8 compared with which is the riglit af evory humant entireJy now ta us. At that time, $190,854,642 a year ago. At the being wbo bears the stamp of divin- toa, we had a wife and four childiren contraction in current boans else.1 îty. When one is sufforing chagrin dependant upon us. Wt weh. l re. saine tim>~eehshe lgt andhumiaior £om seseof n-member meeting the late Dr. James where, vîdl these now stand ait $138,- feriority hoe is incapable of doing his W. McLaughlin Who had been aur 384,822, as against $143.397.982. beýt. famihy physician when at home on 0 pca neeti h otne A ad oceaseda rend' noted i te farm in Nou'th Darlington and tensieney ai savings deposits ta for bis frankness, his opinion of lierl bis gnoeting was "James, you are alf tasiily find higher levels. These intendod husband. ",Siheepiali, fool ta givo up a profession in wbioli have now gained ta $45 1,689,830, up sheepish"', was the sharp reply. "H' you have been sa ,uccessful ta get fronu $440.380.136. Total depasits ooks as tliougb lie wouhd ask thof inta a business ynua know nutihing of $612,860,280 are reoaited. r nrdn f c,.,.oorr.fw, einoe in ex-i about aindithe man vou bought Îi istetice". 1i from wlio iad grown up in the office'1 How many people iere are whose1 couudz't make ends meet". But very manner seems ta be an apology' long before the goosi doctor passedi for taking up room which beIongvj ta bis reward he was con"'rnced bhat! IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL 1 ta othens! The Creator made man we had made a success ai the pub-1 ta stand orectt, ta look the world in isîing business &-nd now aiter 481/2 Mrs. Marshall Porter, Peterboro,1 the face. Thene shouîd ho no years a; chief editor ai The States- formeriy ai Bowmanvilîle. who is slinking, no sneaking, no fear or -ani wo are still enjoying the work now in the nanogenarian claas ai hesitancy, but that simple dignity ai aitho on Frnday next we hope ta Statesman neaders write.s in a clear one's' bearing wbich cames frornuthe celebrate the compietion of 78 years and legible bansi: Dear M. A. consciousnev-s ai one 's connection ai a busy lufe alà througb which we James, please finsi $2.00 te renew my with týe Source ai Hife, of success. bave believed in oursohf. A mtta subscription for the B'awmanvible We shbuld waîk the earth like con- that lias helpesi us is: "WhIhat man Statesman. Excuse mistakes as 1 querrs. Thi iswha wewer set bs dne an an o".have asitwa strokes andi don't feel qeros hsiswa owre setlisdnencao. much goosi now. Remember me ta here for.Mrs .James isusi ahi pray for me. **tTEACHER KINDLY REMEMBERED Wishing ail a Happy New Year. j When a young man applies for a A plesant surprise awaited Rev. A eua saNwYa ae position and everything about bîm .Bunr.Aesechraite round we a awY count ornes- indicates that ho is victory arganîz-i W. A unr h ece fterudw a lascui nalt ed, that ho lias confidence an d faith Adult Bible Class ai Trinity Sunday ter the first week in the year iromi in himself; if ho conveys the i des1l Schoob on Sunday, when tho embers John MeGill, 32 St. Mary St., Tor-' that ho lias brains andi knows how pro sented iibm witb a dainty case onto, in which he encloses renewaî te ue temtha bcis astx o cotuening a Waderman's fountai.n for 'is home tawn paper. Mr. Mc- him.-eîf, the ruler ai bis kingdom, ho' pen and pencil with the iallowing' iIbsbe wyfo omn croes 1~fvrbe ,îswrs ville for many years but keeps in but if ho radiates uncertainty, Rev. W. A. Butiner, Bowmanville toucli with bis native town hbroughi doubt, if bis whole attitude, bis face,! Dear Teache,-We, the members Th, Stattesman. bis appearance, bis speech, indicate if the Adult Bible Ciass ai Trilnity __ lack ai sof-assurance and confidence, Sunday Schoo!. des1re ta express aur M. al iea rf hre it s a foregone conclusion that 'heý appreciation ai your goosi work TM. Paul A, wF.R.GofPrf.identlai will net bcloInked upon with kindl) among us as teacher during thbe pastiT. PCll IA., ai Missin, eindneois conidratanby iswould-be cm-! veai ndin 1 b rcgiin ajIndiana, wben in Bownîauîvihhe ast ployer. yuiur faithfal services wve as:k you toi emc uîcies o n ttes-1 Carry yaurself as thougli you woro e attisîth 1a kna man anti ander date ai Decemier, marching ta victory. Make this au1oeai semad s uue21. 1926, ;he wrni es: "Please ins' impress-ion upon everyone who secs , may the drops oi ink makc yau1 icoe bc o h ttsa you . Let victory speak out ai * hink af the picasant hours spent ta- wýhých wc -have beeu enjoying from youur eyes with sucli determinatian, gether on Sunday afternoons. 1 week ta wveek. Wce feel bhat we witli sucli vigorau% resahution, tbat Maày the caming yean bring te you bave nîtu e a nistake not ta have people will knaw laat there i and yaur. blessings sucb as only aur be tkn orpprae ic suh thing as discauraging you, ho- Heavcnly Father bestows on thosewehtho ".EiorS hknly rau-o you are victory arganized, ho- %who love and seuve Him. iwor e apniecEited antiact asn eau-e you arc in the habit ai wvin- Signeul on bebalf ai the Cass,. inlecîtive for tîhe editors ta) put forth ning. iClara Goode, Isabel Bickeîl, 1 their best efforts. Wc htiven't forgot- j Presithen'. Secretary. ten that ('harlie (pardo-n fa am- Bowmanvihle, Januany 2, 192'7. iîaity buwc n efer it taof.,Dr lit is this unaiterablo conviction aif or Rev), promisesi ta write same ablity ta do ansi ta ho, this firra HS EnYARiDA emnies ion aur "Do you Remenaber faith in, oneself, that bas taken ai HS j YA'SDColunin". mutîuc n or ~yc~'"~ oud1-trcvfr.hroac naraDa M. aethmenc'în backwoods ,from the shunus, from 1wo tru e; o hr r hs, DarM.Jms-me sbop ani fcuaiesand~ffc.e~~adj1 would be putre, ion tibere are iew "mnemories", which you ai s placoi. themn in the local Legisu, hsewo ae if you deem tliemi sufficietier in the House ai Commons, on 1 would ho strong, for there is much est. I learnedhayu eeots jusiges' bendhes, and in other high wta suffer; wc ll aven, as when I ast sa-w you. offices. 1 wouul bo brave, ion thene is much November 7, 1925. You have had The ambition ta iso is a- divine taetiare; a. long run and rendereul most useful urge. The impulse ta go igher, 1 waud bc iriensi tealal the poor ansi service. May yau ho able ta far- ta do the0 bigger thing, is a silent friendiess; gat your well nigli four score yoars, cali ta fulfilI aur part in the sublime I wouîd he giver and forgot the your gray hair andI dullness ai hear- plan ai the universe. It is a cal1- git; ing, in the prospect ai youïr approach- ing ta aur cue ta, go an ife's great 1wouýlu ho humble, for I know My ing immortality. If wc are sparesi stage and art aui, part, ansi if we weakness; a little while longer may it ho to do net heesi the caîl, if timidity andj I would hook up andi love andi reraver strengtli te utton somne bot- Iack aif.ccf-canfidence make us fear îaugh and lit. ter prayers andsi sng somieî swoeter ta obey it, wo simply base aur chance______ hynun before we are gatheresi ta aur ta make good, ta do what the Creat- -fatihers. Ho ýing that the remairning on intendosi us ta do. Advertising neduces the cost ai days, ho they *W or many, may ho a Don't be a coward! Play the seîing because it reducos thbe time pathway sloping gently and reat- part ai a brave seul! Gos i sd not ta make the sale. It reducos the -fully toward the setting sun, eveîry give yau labo onging ta do a certain time taken by tihe retailer ta make step bathed in a golden glow andi Sthing withaut the power ta do it. the sale ta the consumer; it reduces lit up with the promise ai a Stili Hobsi ta the conviction that you can. the timo, taken by the whoealer ta more gongeous sunrise amisi the en- iThat conviction generates thebo pw- make the sale ta the retailer, and chanting beauty ai the delectale that can. It wîll uncover explos. it reduces the turne taken by the mari- mnntains. Vours Smeoly 0within that will rend the ah-lufacuron ta mako the sale te tte O. Rogee.s Ezles whisnh bar your advancment. wholesaler., St. Thiomas, Ont. al tc l rr il tl SI P. Ir p ILI m 9 si tr R c T a A p li ti c E 'n e t IN THE E-DITOR'S MAIL W. J. Trenouth, Principal of Nap- anee Public Scho<d.s, in ronewing bis subscription extonds "Best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year". A young Darlington lady in or- dering The Statosman for 1927 writes: "You might be intorested in hearing that t.his money is a birth- day gift given me with instructions as to how it might be spent. Quite e nice birtM-ay gift 1 think". Mrs. John Miners, Exeter, Ont., in forwarding her renewal to The Sta esman offers Happy Greetings. andl Best Wishes for 1927 and kind; iegards to Editor and Mrs. Ni. A. j J ame s. We Thank You On 'bis, The Dawn 0f A New Year, uve sincerely wisb aur pat- rans and fniends Heaîtb, Happi- ness and Prospenitty and take this oppontunity ai expnea-ing aur keen appreciattian ai your iiberal patronage during 1926. Your Eyes Your cyes are living organîsms ansi arc prone ta undergo chan- ges and therefone irequont ex- amiuation, anc necessany. Our Registeresi Optometrîst, R. M. MNitchell bas personal etbarge ai aur OPTICAL DEPARTMENT and lie lia buiit lis Big Practice hrougb faitbiul and scientific service. Make youn appoint- ment taday in persan, by tele- phono or by letton. R. NI. Mitchell & Co. D=rIUgg&ta Optometrista Boumnrillo Phono 92 -i. DO YOLJ REMEMBER THEM? As mny eye turnss b the calender at this season of the year, 1 arn apt to become reminiscent, as it was on January 5th, 52 years ago, that 1 dirove away froin my early home, oncew-ion 7, lot 17, Darlington, ta my first pastoral charge. As 1 write the whole scene of En- niski1len, on tihe 'bill, as 1 knew it thn, passes 'nefore me. But in the hort space at my dispoýsaI only a partial view can be disclosed. Beginning with say 1860, who re- niembers John Pierce's store, and Mr. Pierce ieading the service of song in he old Wesleyan Methodist Church, with the aid of Ibis large violin, and good G-eorge Bambridgc. the b.iack- mith, Rev. John Smi:b, popular minister of the Preshyterian Church -from 1851 to 1869-followed by Rev. James Thom, the Wesloyan Church ,built under pastorate of Rev Thomas Cosford, in 1855, renovated an.d re-opened in July 1809, by Rev. Alfred McCann? The brick M. E. C.hurch, nearly op- potite, erected in 1873; McLaugh- ln's shop noted for fine carniages- the wood-workers, J. E. Digman; Charles Norris, Harry Jewell and Eli Barrett-the blacksmiths, D. Ker- nick and Henry Pooley, and as paint- er Joseph Deshand? Morgan Wood's log blacksmith shop, witlhh his hol1pers, 'Burgess, Tot- oen and virtue? Samuel Milli? harness shop and us journey-men Messrs. James and W. H. Mtay, Wm. Altmont and Nixon? G. E. Groat, the protographer fronu Brook-lin, and latter the travelling photo car, with its "advt". Secure bite shadow ere the substance fades?" SThe Sylvester Foundry, D. w. Mc- SLeod's "Farmer's General Store" and Post Office, wi.ih its cierks, Jacob Scott and "Sandv" McLeod? Samuel Trew.ýin's store, and helpers, Samuel Bingharn and J. C. Mvitcheil;l folbowed in 1866 by Hutcheson andi Brisâin. A man tram Ireland, with his ohmn grown ta bis cest, and Dr. Wm. Hillier performed an, operation therean, (wha can recaîl his namne?> 'Mle Wnn. and Richard Flintoif wagon shop, Peter iBarclay, the cooper, and 'the "We-Wee's" (Wil- son'z) the shoemakeTs? The earliest achoal teacher I r.- caîl was Mr. Finney, (who was suc- cesul in training the boys and girls ta put on entertainmonts) Alexander C. Osbarne, Wn. Henry and Mr. W B. Stott. A f ew figures who might always be soon an the streot, or in tihe Post Office in those days were Billy Mc- Kibbon, James Weloh, Arithur Knox, Tom Barton, Archie Virtue and Jimmy Floody. The families prominently connect- ed with the churches were: Pre-ibyterian--John McLaughlir. and sons-Robert, William, James Wj and John; Wm. Leask, Tlhomas Scott, Wm. Brawn, Wm. Bighain, Toolo, Ormiston, Green, etc. Wesleyan Methodist-the three John's: John Stainton, John Clenu- o nce and John Malîory. . English-Elford, Maruin, Jewe.i, Trewin, Hewitt, Rogers, etc. Methodist Episcopal-R. Hutche- son, John Fleming, Jackson Elliott John Gilbert, George Argue, etc. Since writting the above, 1 have found an article I wrate about En- nisllen, same years aga, but tho mnatter is quite different, s0 I for- ward this one as a smail contribu- tion toward the sheaf of "Do You Remember When?" Yours, as of the long ago, D. Rogers. ýSt. Thomas, Ont., Dec. 30, 1926. "H.MeCati Alwaysj Get a Loan Ill TFIE a ier who cleans up his 10loanathebank af ter every harvest rarely has difficulty in fliancing his f arn. When you need credit f rom the bank, a statement of your aflairs given to the manager ini confidence will create a better understanding between you and your banker. The Royal Banik of Canada Bownanville Branch - R. F. Aitchison, Manager 12L of Agriculture Fariming is more than an oceupa- tion; it is a highly comrnerciahized business which requires caret ni planning and thoughttul execution. Bountiful production is necessary but much effort is wasted unless the business of dispouing of the year's output is properly managod. In condueting the business of the tarin the Standard Bank can play a pro- minént and usoful part. Consuit the. ~ARS manager and learn how true co-oper- ation betwoen banking and agricult- àOWMANVILLE BRANCH-H. W.* Lapp, Manager Branches al"o at Newcastle, Newtonville, Orono, Oshawa -Buy In Bowmanville- The Daily Task 0f knowing what to serve for meals is most eaily solved by a visit to our modern and sanitary bu.rher shop. We have almost everything in meats to satis- fyi growing boy's appetite to a fussy old dispep- ti( Try us and see. Don't overlook our display of Cooked Meats. G. A. Edmondstone Pone 21 Bowmanville -Buy In Bowmnanville- The OlId Reliable Groc éry Is determined to give ail its old and any new customers the Best Service Best Groceries Best Satisfaction That will be the means of adding you to our growing list of customers. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville É LN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE TIMPSDAY, JANUARY 6tlh., 1927 ýr.Ir TWO Our Farmeres Accoant Book wil Prove aseful in monoging yoea'farnî,Askforacopy. l 7

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