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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jan 1927, p. 4

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PAGE 4 TEE C AN STATESMÂN, DOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, JANUARY 611i., 1927 -Buy In Bowmanville- BY. ALL MEANS BUY YOUR FOOTWEAR THIS YEAR IN BOWMANVILLE When needing footwear we cordially invite you to visit our store and inspect our large stock. If we cannot satisfy you as to style, fit or price why don't send your money out of town. Just try the other local boot and shoe men. Maybe they have what you warit The local merchant is your friend. You should be his friend, too. Ives' Shoe Store Footwear and Travelling Goods Bowmanville Ont. -Buy In Bowmanville- q 'j ; 1' Phone 106 Bowmanville Can You Read Thisl Upside Down eli!AlituJa a 5 OJelutPXWH .lldod 9gliauoqd 31IVU Sp NOS VLN -Iaaqiou pur &Bd o1 SLflUUI 8AIOj -mpatI ý~j no,£ WIIm Çu, 33UL LNfIII I flLfl3I 0i -safleAalI DU111U ns jesi -qsrm jo uatudiqs si s s siiSaSau.d aSOIfl JE 2UOI Ç.IaAx 1SUI U11M .aqU sa I S u ols alil lu auot{d .0 [ a01 la -ils-em Dill;pa W? un palsa.la4Ur aie otm Illeal!Au! aM *UAý01 U! SýJaLSt-m jo nq -unu plo ~s s-Eq pui- ails no lu SI JO aqUUsuJd& ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hambleton and son, Rochester, N. Y., and Miss Anmy Hambleton, King.ton, were recent Iguests of Mr. Frank Robbins. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. W. A. vanCamp and family, Burketon, Mr. Harry vancamp, Timmins, Miss Edna Heawslip, Janebvilie, Mr. John1 Rutledge, Toronto, Miss Susie van-1 Camp, Miss Marjorie Marlow, Mr. and Mr.s. A. L. Baiiey and son Ross, Blackstock, a: Mr. F. W. Werry's. MAPLE GROVE Rey. and Mrs. H. W. Foley and Mr Frank, MLses Mary and Laura Foley, Praservile, spent a few days last' week with the former's sister, Mrs. J. D. Stevens.. Miss Helen Worden, Tyrone, spent the weekend with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Worden. .. .Miss Marjorie Stevens, Uxbridge, at home over the week- end. .Mr. and Mrs. Loclchart and Ail Women 's and Children's Winter Coats Clearing ai Hall -Prce In Somne Instances Less Than Haif Seven only, Coats made of excellent mater- ils, ail fur trimmed, some have coliars and cufs, iined throughout and fully interlined, Regularly priced up to $25.00, EXTRA SPECIAL FRIDAY MORNING $500 Seven only, Coats in Misses' and Ladies' sizes, some are made of tweed, others are the plainer fabrics, originally priced to $42.50, EXTRA SPECIAL FRIDAY MORNING $14.95 The balance of our Better Coats tailored by Northway and other reilable coat houses, ail fur trimmed with the best fur it is possible to buy, every garment is fully lined and interlined, and guaranteed of course. FRIDAY MORNING EVERY COAT HALF PRICE SPECIAL SALE 0F WOMEN'S SILK DRESSES A special purchase has enabled us to offer these dresses, tailored of the finest materials and well made throughout at about 351;' discount. These dress values are outstanding and we can fit any figure from the smaller girl to the stouteîr woman. PRICED FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY FROM $995 TO $19.W0 Se W, MASON & SON Dry Goods and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear men for 2 months, if satisfactory for entire time. The job is an easy one calling on farmers. Apply stating age a.nd the number of hours per day you can devote to the work. Applicant must have cax or horse. Jury.& Loveil WE EXAMINE EYES AT NIGHT We gladly niake appointinents by phone or maià for those wiio cannot cail during regular bus- iness hours. When we test eyes it is done properly. '~ury & Loveli J. R. Stutt, J. H. H. Jury, Reglstered Optometrist Doctor of By Exarnination Optomnetry Graduate of Toronto, Chicago, New lork and Detroit Optical Coileges. HAMPTON WOOD SALE Vi8itors: Mr. and Mrs. R, Met-i Friday, Jaauary 7-W. Chobotar, caif and children, Buse Line, wïth 1 % miles east of Courtice, on King- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Tren- --ton Highway, will seil 5 acres of outh; Mrs. W. Ranton, Miss M. timber in 14 acre lots; aiso quantity Ranton and Mrs. Ranton. Sr., have of chattels. See bills. Sale at 1 returned to their hom'e in Trenton; p. mi. sharp. Wm. Maw, Auctioneer. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Pascoe and Miss- es Marjorie and Edjth Fascoe, Mrs.1 Tuesday, January Ilth-Mrs. Wil- T. Paz-coe and Miss Margaret Pascoel iiam Jeffery will seli on Lot 18, Con. visited at Mr. Herbert Tink's, So-1 3, Darlington, between 5 and 6 lina; Mrs. C. Langmaid and Missi acres of wood in 4 acre lots, more Elsie Langmaid at Mr. R. Lang- I or less. For particulars see buis. maid's, Zion; Mr. and Mrs. C.' Sale at 1 o'clock. W. J. Sulley, Wood and family, Orono, at Mr)1 Auctioneer Charlie Johns'; Miss Winnie Cryder -_______________ man and friend, Toronto, at Mr. A. B. Cryderman's; Mr. Storey, a re-ý t urned miscsionary froni Sout'h A.m- AG of r erica, gave a splendid illustrated d Job fo lecture in the Sunday School Room, __ on Friday night .... League meetingj itrM nh this Friday vng will be n W n erM n h charge of Miss N. Horn, Devotional U9gi il- vice-President. - Boys' Brnwnie Suits now clearing. j -We -want 2 good - ive -young son Bruce, Niagara, visited hier sis- -'Y. Pic e --c, ohstn- ter, Mrs. Ivison Munday .... Miss Cryderman's Pinch, Town, .5pent Sunday with Miss Vera Power. ... Miss Gladys Allin, Oshawa, spent the holiday with Miss Viola Stevens. .. .Quarterly OfficiaI BURKETON Board of this ci-cuit invited Bev. C. C. Washington to remain for a fifth Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rahm have ar- year, glad to report hie has accept- rived home after spending a xnonth e..... Our Pastor preached a splen- in Weston with their son Clarence did New Years sermon on Sunday and wife .... A very pleasant tmeý last to, a fairly large congregatiori. was spen't on December 25th at thel League meeting last Wednesdayj home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rahrn night was a decided success. We when their eldest daughter, Florence, were highly favored by having with celebrated the fifteenth anniversary us some exceptionally good outside of hier wdeding. Alter aIl the sisters talent. Rev. R. J. Shires, Bowman- and brothers and wives and children ville, very ably to«ok the topic and had arrived Mr. Clarence Rahm caîl- we wvill be glad to hear hini again. ed them to order and read the fol- Mr. Wyke of Toronto, and formerly lowing addres-s: of Trinidad, gave a very in':eresting T-o Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Pedlar:-I talk on Trinidad. Rev. J. F. Horwood This is one of the ?iappiest seasons of Bovmanville, and Miss Margaret of the year when we ahI love tio Ab.ernethy of Maple Grove, rendered gather together 'to exchange greet- three splendid piano duets whichl ings and presents and to, talk over were nu.ch enjoyed by ail, as was things that have happened since la.sti also the vocal duet of Bey. and Mrs. we met under such ple.asant circurn- C. C. Wahsington. In order to help stances. We are very grateful in- out the League treasury a 10e fee deed to our Maker for having spar- was charged, the proceeda of which ed our lives and given us ail healthi I amounited to $6.50. Pop corn and and strengt~i to join as a gi-est fani- cand-y were served. ily to celebrate the Birth of One who _________came tc, earth in a Very humble way( TYRONEmany years ago. ______ -Our thoughts go back to a very Visitors: Mr. Russell Worden, happy event whic'h took place '15 Maple Groive, Mis. W. H. Perkins, 1 years ago today wlien our li:tàe girl Morefield, visited their brother, Mr. Florence was united in the bonds of W .T. Worden, Miss Hélen Worden holy matrimony to our brother Sid- re:urrmng with theni; Mr. Horace ney James Pediar. While we feilt Hall, Booklin, is home for the holi- we lost our sister to our immediate days; Mrs. Rie-hard Hatlterly spent circle we have gained a brother a week with Mr. and Mrs. Harry whom we ail love. Since this Hooey, Bowmanville; Mr. Hatherly, happy event they have been, blessed Harry and Clarence spending New wvith two litXle girls and two boys Mrs. Howard Findley, Miss velma a blessing to their parents and to the Findley and Mr. Milton Findley, Un-1 neighborhool in which they ]ive. We ionville, spent Sunday at Mr. Thomas, desire et this time to show in a smaîl Richards'.- Mr. Arthur Richa-rdsi way our love and affection to oui sis- re'turned with them for a holiday. .1 ter and brother and family sndr .Women's Misýsionary Society willl would ask that they accept ihis small meet at the home of Mrs. E. Wood- remenibrance as a token of our lo;ve ley on Thursday at 2:30 pM.: . .. and esteern and we shaîl join heait-1 Congratulations to M-r. Aihu W ily in w1-hing them health, happi-! Annis on winning for hîs bid Mssnessand success during the comingl Margaret McFee:ers, Toronto. WeJ yearR. Signed-Meîher and Father, are pleased to welcomie Mrs. Annis Sisters and Brothers and Kin. 1 to this community.... .Mrs. A. W. Men's Fancy Tweed Overcoats' Prescott, Enfield, and Mis, W. Smîith, froni $14.50 Up, at Couch. Johnston~ Ennimkillen, visited Miss Voila Short, & Cryderman's. this week ..Young People's League on Thur-sday was in charge of the ]'itsident. The topic was well giv- en hy Mr.ý. L. J. Goodman and 'Miss SOLINA Leverne9 Burgess and Mrs. <Rev.)' J.1 R. Trumpour gave readings, a 5th, visitors: MINr. and Mrs. J. A. Lane, Vice will bie put in this week. Miss Regina, Sask., MNr. and Mrs. EdwinI Viýola Short: wiii give the topic on Woods. and baby Murray. Bo-%man-ý "W-hat Does our Church teach abouti ville, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Elliot and ù he Spirit of God? ..Rev. J. R. -Miss Reeve.-, Hampton, at Mr. Sulas Trumipour preached a good Nev Williams'; Mr. and Mis. L. C. Pascoe Year., sermon on Sunday evening. . .1 of Enfield, wi 4h Miss Mary Hogarth~ Service at 10:30 next Sabbath... 1and Mis. R. l'a'- 0e; 'Mrs. Thos. P- (unit andsec the lan:,ern shides oni coe and Miss Margaret, Mr. and Mis. Trinida<l andi Briti-zh Guina on Tues-J L. T. Pascoe, Misses Marjorie and dpy eve ning. January llth. .... Board i Edith, Hampton, at Mr. H. E. Tink's;ý of the hurch will nicet o>n Jnnuary ýMi. andl Mri. George Stephiens, Sàl-I I 7th. em, MIrs. Chas. Langmnaid and Missi jElsie, Hampton, a-t Mr. Roy Lang- HAYDON ~maid's; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Broo,,k, HAYDON Mr. and 'Mis. Sami BrooL- and son Visitors: Mrs. Kincaid and daugh- Glen, Oshawa, at Mr. S. E. W erry,'s;l ters Audrey and Margaret and son Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilbur and sonI Gordon from Alberta, are enjoying Gordon, Taunton, at Mr. W. T. Bak-1 a visit xvith her parents. Mi. andl MrsCr's... . Mr. and Mrs. John Bakerj Robt. Read; Mr. and Mrs. A. Beech and family spent New Yeaîs al Mr st their son's, for Newv Years, Mr. W. J. Bragg's, Bowmanville. . ... Mr. Everet. Beech, Port Hope; Mrs. and Mis. S. E. Werry vi.,ited Grand-1 Theron Mountjoy en.tertained a few mia Shortt an Tuesday and celebrated friends; Mrs. Beech also entertain- hier birthday. . . .Mr. and Mis. H. G. ed on New Years eve ... . ., eP&.soe entertained a family party or. 'Young Ladie.,' Class report a good~ Wed nes.day cvening. ongratula- tume at iNs. Wm. Trewin'.s on Wed- 'tions to Mr. A. L. Pascoe on being' nesday. Mr. John Wright enter- eiected counicillor. .. . Mrs. R. .J. 'Mc-' tained his lass o4f young men on Kessock is vi.iting Mr. MlýcKessock Thursday. A pîsasant time was Iwho is progressing favorably in Toi- spent. . .. Mrs. E. Bradley had ai onto General Hospital. . . Miss Adai chiidren's party when the young folk1 P'ascoe ha. reîturned to hier duties in zpet apla.snt veing.....Con-i Coronado Hospital, Toronto ........ .penta plasait eveing 1M ey. J. R. Bick will give an address gratulations to Mi. and Mrs. A. M- ilsrt( 4 atr dsa eg Neil on the arrivaI of a boy... ilu maeting Mondayeen ing. . . e- League next Sunday eveninginumetn oayvnng. S- charge of Mîssionary Vice. .Mr. andl eral of our young people are taking Mi.Ws ifeMs n isthe short courses at. Enni.-killen... Effne Rutledge, Salemi, Mr. and MIrs. D on't foîget the Laymen's Banque, 1W. ('hallis and daughter, Phyllis, in the hall this (Thursday) eveningj Bowmanville, Sundayed at Mr. T. January 6th at 7 p. ni...League Mountjoy's... . Mr. and Mis. Milton meigMna vnn a n Siemon and sons epe nt New Years charge oif lst Vice-President, Mrs. witih her mohber, Mrs. Johns, Hanîp-I Elgin Taylor. Bible Le.son, Mi-s ton .... .Mr. and MrN. Theron Mount- Fanny Sm.iles; il cvotional, Mr. Chas joy spent New Years at Mr. J. E. Shortridge; Top:c--"W-hat does our Elliott's, Bowinanvilîe . . . . Wv Mr. Chuîch teacii about the Spirit of Storey gave a very interlesting lect- GoCmi vas well taken by Bev. J. R. lure wi h lantern slides on South Bick; rcading, Mrs. A. Millson; Amierira Inland Missin. G,,ud at- v iDhin solo. Mr. Hilron Tink acconi- tendance. Mis. Storey attended panied by Miss Evelyn Tink. .The this church when a girl. .... Mr. and C.G.I.T. group met at the home of MNrs. Adanis, Oshawa, Mr. and Mis. -,heir leader M.%rs. John Bai<er, on~ Frank Crossman, Taunton, visited Tuezday afternoon. After a shortj at Mr. James Crossman 's...Mr. business meeting ,election of officersi Cecil Crossman and Mizs Thompson,. took place: President-Fanny Taunton, vi.si:ed at Mr. E. Moun.tjov 's Snales; Vi. c-President-Margaret ....Mr. and Mrs. John Wright wvith Scott; Secretary-Trea.-urer-vIyi their daug'hteî, Mis, W. Ride. Oeh Milîson, l'îinist--Evelyn Tink. A awa. .,. .Mrs. David Graham attend-I short progîam was given consisting ed the funeral of her brother-mn-Iof piano solo, Ruth McKe.ssork; law i0 Otýha-wa, also Mr. George' readi ng, Margaret Srott, lat Cowling. NMr.-. R. McNiel and MiNrg 4. 1 1hor asset bth girls Les. Grahani. . . Jas. ennedy Renùember the Instiue et- an<d son Jini and Mrs. Montg(merîy1 îng at the homne of Mis. John Baker Toront- -nentNew -ers'at i Ct'Rhlhuîýsdayaftiernoon~january là January Clearing Sale SUITS & OVERCOATS EVERY OVERCOAT MUST BE SOLD PRICES CUT IN MANUFACTURERSP BUY FOR NOW BUY FOR NEXT WINTER THESE PRICES ARE GOOD FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS 7 - Men's and Young - ~ "'Men's Overcoats, I Fancy Tweeds and [~o4u h. jWorsted, Copply, Hart and Society .1 Brand Makes, listed ithese groups as follows: Any Overcoats in the store, values up to and including $25.00 CLEARING AT THIS SALE FOR ONLY $15.95 Any Overcoat in the store, Value up to $30.00 CLEARING FOR ONLY $19.95 Any Overcoat in the store, Value to $35.00, ON SALE AND CLEARING FOR ONLY $24.45 EACH Men's And Young Men's Fancy Tweed and Worsted Suits Any Suit,AII Size8, Grouped as Follows: Suits up to $20.00, FOR ONLY $13.95 Suits up to $25.00, FOR ONLY $16.95 Suits up to $35.00, FOR ONLY $24.45 BOYS' FANCY TWEED AND WORSTED SUITS A fine worth up to $10.00, ON SALE $5.95 EACH BOYS' OVERCOATS Heavy Quality Blanket Cloth Overcoats, including Navy Blues, sizes 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, values up to $13.50 to $18.00, CLEARING ON SALE AT ONLY $9.98 CHILDREN'S HEAVY REEFER OVERCOATS Some lined with p)ol0, others with red fiannel, values $8.50 to $10, JANUARY CLEARING PRICE $5.95 EACH T. B. GILCHRIST Opp>osite Bank of Montroal Phone 61 Bowmanyalle t4;i -Buy In Bowmanville- 4, t-j IX 1~ v.' SOME CASES BELOW COST I -Buy In Bouranville- Are You Undecided ? WHAT TO DO WITH THE GIFT MONEY YOU RECEIVED FOR CHRISTMAS Why not buy a piece of furniture to adorn or add comfort to the hôme life? Our tremendous stock of furniture offers many practical suggest- ions. You are cordially invited to inspect our furni- ture. But this places you under no obligation to, buy, unless you see what you want. Our long experience in the furniture business places us in a position to be of particular service to young married couples "starting up housekeep- ing" F. F. Morris Co. The Home Furnishers Phone 10 Bowmanville Stores-Orono and Newcastle li 1q THE Ci rAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, JANUAIRY 65tê., 1927 PAGE 4

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